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Dader General Hospital –QAH

Knowledge assessment for mentee’s on FP CBCM&SS.

Name of health center_________________________
Name of mentee______________________________

Instruction A: Mark “T” or “F” in the blank to indicate true or false

1. …….COCs can be used by women who are breastfeeding after six weeks postpartum.
2. ………If the client wants to continue using the implant, a new set of rods/rod can be
inserted at the time the current set is removed and placed through the incision used for
3. ………The most common side effect with the use of implants (Jadelle, Implanon Classic
and Implanon NXT®) is a change in the menstrual bleeding pattern (e.g irregular
bleeding and prolonged flow-more than 8 days).
4. ……….Counseling about side effects scares clients away and decreases method
5. ……….Implants protect against STIs and HIV by thickening cervical mucus.
Instruction B:Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. If a client forgets to take 1 pill, she should:
A. Take the forgotten pills soon as she remember sand take the next pill at the regular
B. Discard the forgotten pill
C. take 2 pills as soon as she remembers
D. start a new pack of pills

2. Following insertion of an IUCD, you should recommend that the client, even if she has
no problems, have it checked after:
A. Three days
B. One week
C. Three to six weeks
D. Three to six months

3. The IUCD may not be the best method for woman who has:
A. Gallbladder disease
B. Acute/sub-acute pelvic infection
C. No child
D. Hypertension

4. IUCDs can be inserted:

A. Any time during the menstrual cycle provided that the client is not pregnant.
B. Immediately after delivery
C. Immediately after non-complicated abortion.
D. All of the above
5. For a client who is late for her DMPA injection, the grace period is:
A. 1 week
B. 2 weeks
C. 3 weeks
D. 4 weeks
6. Which one of the following is incorrect about counseling?
A. REDI framework for counseling helps in assessing and addressing the needs of
the client.
B. Clients have the right and responsibility to make decisions and carry them out.
C. The steps of REDI counseling framework have to be followed strictly in
sequential order.
D. An important role for family planning (FP) counselor is to assist clients in
anticipating and strategizing about how to overcome the barriers that might
prevent them from implementing their decisions.
7. Which of the following is not required for a client to be able to make an informed choice?
A. Service provider’s recommendation
B. Availability of appropriate information
C. Voluntary decision-making process
D. Availability of adequate service options
8. The IUCD is
A. 90-95% effective
B. Greater that 99% effective
C. 100% effective
D. None of the above
9. Which of the following is an acceptable time to insert an IUCD postpartum?
A. Whenthebabyis1dayold
B. When the baby is 1 week old
C. When the baby is 3 weeks old

10. For breastfeeding women, combined estrogen and progestin pills can be initiated
A. Starting at 3 weeks after birth.
B. Immediately following birth
C. 6 months after birth.

11. Counseling about the use and benefits of a PPIUCD can be provided:
A. Only during routine antenatal care visits, if the husband has agreed to it
B. During active labor, so that the IUCD can be placed immediately after delivery of
the placenta
C. During the latent phase labor, if the woman is comfortable
12. Which of the following is the best technique for inserting an IUCD on the first day after
A. Using instruments, such as a Kelly placental forceps
B. Using instrument of Kocker
C. Using an interval inserter tube
13. If a woman has had a normal vaginal delivery and an immediate/post placental IUCD
insertion is planned:
A. The IUCD should be inserted 30 minutes after active management of the third
stage of labor is performed
B. Active Management of the third stage of labor should be performed as usual,
immediately before the IUCD Is inserted
C. Active management of the third stage labor should be avoided, if possible, if the
woman is having a PPIUCD
14. When one talks about dual protection :
A. It talks about condom
B. It talks about prevention of pregnancy and prevention of infection
C. It talks about both in A and in B
15. If a woman chooses Jadlle while being counseled during immediate postpartum, when
should be given the service?
A. Right away before discharge from the facilities
B. After two weeks of delivery
C. After 6 weeks of delivery

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