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Alejandra Meza Morales


● Joyful - I love to be happy, whatever we're going through its our choice to allow it to ruin
our day or bring us down. I love to laugh and make others laugh. Finding joy in the
simplest things.
● Energetic- Working out and nature walks are two of my favorite things I love to be active
outdoors, especially in a place
● Considerate - I define myself as considerate because I always think of someone elses
feelings or what they are going through. It helps me be more understanding.
● Easygoing - I absolutely love making new friends and being nice to strangers. Being
able to take initiative and talk to someone new has made me more brave.
● Dependable - I have always been the type of person that no matter how busy If
someone needs me I’ll be there. This is for anyone in my life, regardless. It makes me
happy to be able to help someone.
● Creative - I enjoy painting and scrapbooking anything with crafts. I'm all over it. Art is the
most beautiful way to express yourself from within.
● Flexible - Sometimes things don't workout as we plan them and I'm okay with that,
there's always a solution or way around it.
● Emotional - As I got older I realized I'm very emotional, I cry with certain books or
movies. I think this career has made me more open to every emotion.
● Pacific - Im a very calm person who avoids drama and tends to avoid confrontation. I'm
usually the one that calms down those around me.


I was born in Mexico but raised in Las Vegas. My parents were both born in Mexico, when they
got married they moved to California where my oldest sister was born. When they decided to go
back to Mexico for vacation they ended up staying for 8 years where my middle sister and I
were born. They bought a house and simply enjoyed raising us there but once I turned 5 and
had picked up some Spanish we moved to Las Vegas and here we still are. Growing up my
parents always suggested we speak Spanish at home and English at school. The school I went
to was bilingual so it really helped me become fluent in both. Even though I was raised here my
parents passed down their cultural values to me. Keeping your culture alive in another country
becomes difficult because as you grow you identify with both but I think that makes us unique.
Celebrations, Holidays and family dinners were always a mixture of both cultures. For example
at Thanksgiving dinner there was turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans etc. But there were
also tamales and Mexican desserts. I think every person who has moved to the U.S from
another country carries their culture with them and most likely can identify with the new culture
they come into and the one they've been born with. Sometimes when I travel to Mexico I feel as
if I'm not Mexican enough and when I'm here I feel as if I'm not from the American culturel. I do
enjoy both though, especially the ethnic food from Mexico. When I travel back I can not stop
eating and everyone is so nice and welcoming. The color, the sounds, the flavors. Such a
beautiful place! Mexicans are very traditional with their celebrations and their food. Birthday
parties always come with pinatas, Mexican candy and a large family gathering. Our food is
distinguished by its spiciness, colors and mouth watering flavors. You can always count on
tacos, tamales, pozole, enchiladas and other flavorful foods at our dinner tables. Mexicans also
enjoy various activities like horseback riding, carnavals, and live music. Horseback riding always

reminds me of my hometown.

Some challenges that I have faced are as I had mentioned before not feeling like I belong in a
specific place. Having two homes, both sides of my family scattered in the US and Mexico may
get complicated at times. But I think it is wonderful how our culture and roots always bring us
together no matter where we are. I remember it was very challenging when I first moved here
because it was a whole new world with a new language I did not understand. It becomes
stressful when you are trying to be accommodated in a new school where you have no idea
what they're saying. After I learned English everything went much smoother I finally felt like my
roots were finding a place. For fun I like to spend time with my family and friends. Family
gatherings bring me so much joy, I feel having a family to share dinner with is something that
should be appreciated. I enjoy painting even if I'm not very good at it. I have decorated my room
with all my own paintings. I enjoy rainy and snowy days but I also love a gorgeous summer
sunset. I'm part of a Youth Group at church where I can help young teenagers find their purpose
and use my own experiences as advice for them. I try to enjoy every day as it comes because
time is something we can never get back. It really makes me think how once a day is over we
can never return to it or relive it again. Life is literally what you make of it.


Certain values that my culture carries as I'm sure others do as well are the respect for elders.
Preserving the Spanish language, family above all else although I personally believe family isnt
always blood related. I am very close to both my sisters and brothers in law, they are both
married. We always help each other regardless of what the problem is. I know they will always
be there. My parents are my most precious joy, any goal I have or accomplishment is for them,
to make them proud and spoil them as much as they have spoiled me. As for religious beliefs, I
attend a Christian church but I was born in a Catholic one. I think making the decision to
transition definitely transformed my life and purpose. I finally feel like I met myself and it has
shaped me into a better person and I have met amazing people and made new friends.
My short term goals are to go on more road trips, manage my time better so that I can do
things I enjoy like painting and working out. Some long term goals are to obtain my teaching
license and also pursue my degree in Art Therapy. Later build a non-profit organization
dedicated to children, teens and young adults where they can receive therapy of any kind
according to their needs. I would like to help those who suffer from depression, suicidal
thoughts, or any type of trauma. Not everyone has access to a psychologist or therapy. I would
simply love to be someone I needed when I was younger. I would love to write a book, and
travel more soon. It's important for me to surround my space with people who value me as a
person and encourage me to become a better version of myself. Having mental and emotional
peace is something I have now made a priority in my life. I think life is like going up a hill if you
keep looking back you'll keep falling. But if you keep going and reach the top you'll see how
beautiful your journey has been.

Coworkers that become
great and dear friends <3.

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