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Was Jesus Born On September 11th, 3 B.c.?

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Conspiracy Center # 12

$ Sep 11, 2007 #1 &

I did a study on the 33.5 years of the life of Jesus and found out through scripture that
Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets on September 11th 3 B.C. and he was
conceived on Hanukkah December 13th 4 B.C. This can be validated through scripture
by calculating the time of bi!h of his cousin, John the Baptist who was exactly 6 months
older (See Luke 1).

John the Baptist's Father Zechariah was a Priest in the Temple a"er the division of
"Abijah." In 2nd Chronicles 24 we #nd what time of year the division of Abijah would
serve in the temple. Therefore when the angel Gabriel announced to Zechariah that his
wife Elisabeth would conceive a son, we know what time of year that was and from that
we know when John the Baptist was conceived. So we count 271 days forward (normal
gestation period) and we #nd that John the Baptist was born on Passover in 3 B.C. We
count 180 days (6 months) forward and we #nd that Jesus was born on a Holy Day of
Israel called "Yom Teruah" (Day of Blowing Trumpets) (See Leviticus 23). This day is also
the "Head of the Year" in Hebrew it is "Rosh" (Head) Ha'Shanah (The Year).

The Catholic Church made up "Christ Mass" to assimilate Jesus to the pagan sun god
that was always "reincarnated" each December 25th on the winter solstice in astrology!
"Tammuz" was this pagan sun-god also known as "Baal." God showed this to Ezekiel in
Ezekiel 8 that they were worshiping this pagan sun god in Israel and he said it is an

So why is this so impo!ant? Because Jesus' real date of bi!h validates prophecy! The
Bible tells us in Revelation 18:10, that "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
prophecy." Now by understanding all this, I came up with an exact time-line of "Daniel's
70th Week" from the "going fo!h of the command to rebuild Jerusalem" (Daniel 9:24)
which was the decree given by King Cyrus in 457 B.C. There are 70 weeks X 7
years=490 years for the length of this prophecy. The word "weeks" here in Daniel 9:24-
27 is the Hebrew word "Shevuah" which means a "seven year period" hence "Seventy
Weeks" means 70 times 7, which is the exact same formula that Jesus gave his disciples
when they asked him "how many times we should forgive our brother?" In other
words 70 X 7 = FORGIVENESS!

When the 490 year prophecy is completed, there will be a completeness to God's
atonement for sin towards all of mankind. Some will receive it and some will reject it, but
it will be #nished in the ea!h!

Okay, so lets add 486.5 years to 457 B.C. and we come to the exact date that Jesus died
on the cross which was Wednesday, April 3rd, in 30 A.D. This day was the Passover on
the Jewish Calendar. There is no such thing as "Good Friday." Good Friday discredits
Jesus and makes it appear that he lied when he said he would be "three days and
three nights in the hea! of the ea!h." Good Friday puts him in the hea! of the
ea!h only 1 day, not 3.

The day a"er his cruci#xion, was an annual Sabbath called the "Feast of Unleavened
Bread" and then 2 days later was the weekly Sabbath.

From these dates we #nd that Jesus ful#lled the #rst 3.5 years of Daniel's 70th week
leaving only 3.5 years to complete of this 490 year prophecy. The last half of Daniel's
70th Week (3.5 years), picks up with the antichrist se$ing up the "Abomination of
Desolation" in the 3rd Jewish Temple, and this is when the "Tribulation" period actually
begins. (Ma$hew 24:15-21) Concurrently, the "two witnesses" in Revelation 11 will also
have a ministry that lasts for 1, 260 days (3.5 years).

The antichrist speaks blasphemies for 42 months (3.5 years) and "Jacobs time of
Trouble" is for "a time, times and a half" according to Daniel 12 & Revelation 13. The
word "time" in Hebrew and Greek means "one year" and so "time" = 1 year "times" = 2
years "half times" = 6 months, hence 3.5 years. There is no place in scripture that says
that the Tribulation is 7 years!

Some people misinterpret Daniel 9:27 where it says "and he shall con"rm the
covenant with 'many' for one week...." They think that the "he" here is the antichrist
that "con"rms" "the covenant." But in the previous verses in Daniel 9:25-26, the
subject is "Messiah the Prince" and then the other subject is "the people of the
prince." So when Daniel 9:27 says "he", we can only take that to mean the "he" in the
previous verse which is "Messiah the Prince" because "the people" are a "they" not a

Fu!her more, it was Jesus who said at the last supper the night before his cruci#xion,
"this is the blood of my covenant shed for 'MANY' " and he did this within the last
week of Daniel's prophecy. Because "in the midst of the week" literally according to
Daniel 9:25-26 Wednesday (middle of the week) and prophetically in the "middle" of
the last 7 years of this prophecy, Jesus was "cut o#" according to Daniel 9:25-26. So
who else could the "he" be talking about in Daniel 9:27? It is Jesus Christ who
"con"rms" "the covenant" with "many" for the entire duration of his 3.5 year ministry
and continues right up until his second coming when the last 3.5 years of Tribulation are
concluded in the #nal "week" of this 490 year prophecy!

The above was wri$en by Lioness 4 Yeshua.

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$ Sep 11, 2007 #2 &

Book: The Star that Astonished the World

By: Dr. Ernest L. Ma!in (1932-2002)

Many biblical scholars, theologians, historians, and astronomers say that the Star of
Bethlehem, signifying the bi!h of Jesus Christ, can be calculated to within a few hours
of September 11th, 3 B.C., based on celestial cha!s and alignments for that time.
Historian Dr. Ernest L. Ma!in's #rst a!icle on the subject appeared in 1976, and in 1981
he published his research in "The Bi!h of Christ Recalculated". In 1991, the book was re-
released as "The Star that Astonished the World." Dr. Ma!in revealed in his book, that
the signs in the sky on the night of Jesus' bi!h occurred on only one day in 3 B.C., and
they occurred exactly on September 11th, 3 B.C. between 6:15 pm and 7:49 pm EST.

Astronomical Cha! on September 11th, 3 B.C.-

Revelation 12:1-12:2

12:1- And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

12:2- And she being with child cried, travailing in bi!h, and pained to be delivered.

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Powerhouse # 1,039

$ Sep 11, 2007 #3 &

Maybe #rst you should show that Jesus actually existed.

Teach a child one religion, and you indoctrinate him. Teach a child many religions, and you inoculate him.

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joe911 # 537

$ Sep 11, 2007 #4 &

Ive heard this before, i sta!ed a thread on it,

h$p:// ... =13935&hl=

Download and distribute these movies!

.A"ermath_Unanswered.Questions.of.9-11.avi]A"ermath: Unanswred Questions Of 9/11

Confronting The Evidence
9-11 great deception
9/11 Greatest Lie Ever Sold
9/11 Mysteries
Loose change #nal cut
9/11 Revisited
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemean Grove
Other Alex Jones Movies

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alexvegas # 1,564

$ Sep 11, 2007 #5 &

% Powerhouse @ Sep 11 2007, 06:45 PM wrote:

Maybe #rst you should show that Jesus actually existed.

Put the lid back on that can of worms at once!

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RevolutionJim # 245

$ Sep 11, 2007 #6 &

Conspiry, it was all good untill you put that dispensational gap and third temple in the 70
weeks. The 70 weeks were #nished when Jesus cried out from the cross "It is #nished"
(John 19:30)
Historicist timeline:

1. What is Historicism?

The Historicism is the historical interpretation of many of the prophecies in the book of Revelation,
pa!icularly regarding Antichrist. The Anti-Christ, Man of Sin, or Mystery of Iniquity is the system of
Papacy. The Reformers had the historical interpretation of the Antichrist. Historicism has no "gap"
between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel 9. The Prince being cut o% in the midst of the week is
Christ, the Messiah, who died in the midst of the 70th week of favor to natural Israel at the #rst
advent. Historicism treats Revelation as a Book of signs and symbols.

Click to expand...
2. What is Futurism?

The endtime plan to create this state of Israel and build some temple for this false AC
had to include Jews or at least a group calling themselves Jews.

The whole christian-zionism doctrine was introduced into the protestants through the
Sco#eld Reference Bible:

Cyrus Ingerson Sco#eld (1843-1921), greatly in&uenced by the writings of J. N. Darby, incorporated
Futurism in the notes of his Sco#eld Reference Bible. First published by Oxford University Press in
1909, one million copies were printed by 1930. The Sco#eld Bible was instrumental in #rmly
establishing the Jesuit inspired Futurist interpretation in the Protestant Bible schools of the United
States in the 20th century.

The Jesuit Inspired Futurist Lie Spreads

To America's Protestant Seminaries

Click to expand...
These seminaries and ministries have wholly abandoned the historical Protestant and biblical teaching

Zionism, not Jewish but Jesuit

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$ Sep 11, 2007 #7 &

Some of this looks relevant:


The HOUSE OF BREAD is the constellation of VIRGO.

On September 11th the SUN is in VIRGO.

Jesus was born of the starsign VIRGO.

The Cathedrals of No!hern France are positioned in the shape of the stars of the
Constellation of VIRGO, they were all built within a period of 26 years of each other. A
massive unde!aking for the day. Here is the list below:

Spica (Azimech)
Alpha Virginis
Cha!res Notre Dame

Porrima (Arich)
Gamma Virginis

~ Epsilon Virginis
Amiens Notre Dame **

~ Zeta Virginis
Evreux Notre Dame

~ Delta Virginis
Beauvais (Saint Pierre)

Beta Virginis
Reims Notre Dame

109 Virginis
Bayeux Notre Dame

Mu Virginis

~ Eta Virginis
Meaux (Saint Etienne***)

Nu Virginis

Iota Virginis

W-Omicron Virginis
Saint-Quentin (Notre Dame

~ Kappa Virginis
Alencon Notre Dame

WSW-Tau Virginis
Lisieux (Saint Peter)

Theta Virginis

110 Virginis
Carentan Notre Dame

Lambda Virginis

Pi Virginis
Laon Notre Dame

Chi Virginis

74 Virginis
Dreux (Saint Pierre)

~ 61 Virginis

~ Psi Virginis
Etampes Notre Dame

Sigma Virginis

~ Phi Virginis
Falaise (Holy Trinity)

~ Rho Virginis
? Amiens Notre Dame

W-78 Virginis
Rouen Notre Dame

(has a planet!)
E-70 Virginis
Abbeville Notre Dame ***

NE-Theta Virginis
Paris Notre Dame

N-Gamma Corvus
Sens (Saint Etienne)

Alpha Bootis
(Middle of English Channel)

Beta Leo

Gienah Ghurab
Gamma Corvus
Auxerre (Saint Etienne)

Alpha Librae
2.75 / 5.15
Laval Notre Dame

Pi Hydra
Tours (Saint Gatien)
The Alpha star of the constellation of Virgo is SPICA and corresponds to the Cathedral
of Cha!res, a small village when the cathedral was built. There was no logical reason for
it to be built there. The words Spike and Spica are from the same base.

The Beta star is Notre Dame l'Epine (Our Lady of the Thorn) at Chalons de Marne, close
to but not in Reims.

The Merovingians e%ectively built France around the constellation of Virgo. The reason
pa!ly involves this:

Dawn over Jerusalem - September 11th 3BC

Notice the cup like constellation on the right seemingly anointing the constellation of
Virgo, the alpha star of this constellation is called Al Kas (The Cup). The two stars
underneath this one directly on the horizon are the two pointer stars of Corvus the
Raven. They point to SPICA but they also point to the star Sirius also to Orion's belt,
Aldeboran (The Angel of the Lord - one of the Royal stars; The Arch-Angel Michael, the
one the Rabbi Shepherds saw shining his glory all around) and also the star Alcyone in
the Pleiades which are in a straight line at this time of year.

The Sun in the constellation of Virgo (House of Bread) rising on the Eastern horizon with
the star Regulus (The Li$le King) in conjunction with Jupiter (
The King over All - King of Kings even) with both Mercury and Venus also in Virgo and
rising just before dawn.

No wonder the Magi came East to Beth Lehem (House of Bread) seek he that is born
King of the Jews. When Virgo (House of Bread) rises Pisces (House of Fishes) is se$ing.
Pisces and Virgo are now the place where the Sun rises at the spring and autumn
equinoxes (literally:Equal night).

December 25th is from the Roman winter solstice and was designated the bi!hday of
Jesus through the Emperor Constantine a"er the ba$le of Milvian Bridge.

Jesus was born on September 11th 3BC and several groups in history noteably the
Merovingian Kings and the Knights Templar knew this.

The higher eschalons of the Sco$ish rite freemasons also KNOW this as we can see
here as they usher in the age of the Anti-Christ. It's no use waiting for him to be chased
away, he's due to reign for a 1000 years.

We are going to have to accept that Jesus was just a man who preached Love and
Understanding and these worshippers of Lucifer are making prophecy come true. As
Clinton said in his inaugural speech "They force the spring" (A phrase straight out of

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$ Sep 11, 2007 #8 &

That is some very interesting and relevant information, but Jesus Saviour of all mankind
was not just a man. The bible is wri$en in such a manner to be consistant from cover to
cover and there are MANY prophecies ful#lled in the coming of Jesus.

World government is not promoting the bible, as they would be if as you say they
fabricated it, no, they ban the bible because the bible tells of Jesus and times of old
that are con#rmed with every dig of the ea!h. Jesus spoke of Noah and the worldwide
&ood, yet, the globalist bastards propagate evolution, polar opposites of what is in the
Most Holy Bible.

You can and should do your own research on ful#lled prophecies, many atheist turn
believers everyday with this very research.
A simple search returned:
Ful"lled Prophecy: Evidence for the Reliability of the Bible
by Hugh Ross, Ph.D.

Jesus' death and resurrection happened at the exact time need to ful#ll a mathematical
timeline of the 70 weeks of Daniel

You are aware that the A.D./B.C. calendar shi" was made for this man that "was just
preaching love"?

secular humanism

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Roxdog # 5,378

$ Sep 11, 2007 #9 &

% Powerhouse @ Sep 11 2007, 06:45 PM wrote:

Maybe #rst you should show that Jesus actually existed.

Show us that Galileo existed. :)

Call Revere Radio: 1-(877)- REVERE-0 (Click To Listen Live!!!)

"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and
producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire
societies, so that people will in fact have their libe!ies taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they
will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by
pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the "nal revolution."
-Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961

"Stay on your toes. We don't know how many other Bre$ Darrows there are out there..."

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Micahyah # 252

$ Sep 11, 2007 #10 &

I've seen dates cited anywhere from 9/9 to 9/14.

is it possible that the powers that be thought 9/11 was a signi#cant date because of
supposed hidden knowledge that it was the true bi!hdate of Christ? Sure.

And would it make them more likely to usher in their new age (piggybacking on the idea
that 9/11, 2000 years ago ushered in the age of pisces, etc.) on the same date? Sure.

Does it really ma$er in the grand scheme of things? I don't really see how it does.

News editor at The Watchman Repo! www.watchmanrepo!.com, delivering 9/11 truth to evangelicals

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Arbor # 679

$ Sep 12, 2007 #11 &

How unbelievably stupid this topic is. Can't this be moved to "Other"????

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8bitagent # 2,505

$ Sep 12, 2007 #12 &

% Micahyah @ Sep 11 2007, 11:43 PM wrote:

I've seen dates cited anywhere from 9/9 to 9/14.

is it possible that the powers that be thought 9/11 was a signi#cant date because of supposed hidden
knowledge that it was the true bi!hdate of Christ? Sure.

And would it make them more likely to usher in their new age (piggybacking on the idea that 9/11,
2000 years ago ushered in the age of pisces, etc.) on the same date? Sure.

Does it really ma$er in the grand scheme of things? I don't really see how it does.

It ma$ers greatly.

When a detective looks for pa$erns and motives in a serial killer spree, its VERY

9/11/2001 was an inverse of Christ's true bi!h and a massive Satanic ritual using the "11"
occult number to usher us into this dark age toward world war 3.

The limited hangout is "the US did it for war/oil", but even this is a disservice.

Fighting the new world order, one wa'e at a time

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Micahyah # 252

$ Sep 12, 2007 #13 &

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