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1. How did Elizabeth try to get her religious change through the House of Lords?

She imprisoned two Catholic bishops in the Tower of London to threaten the other

2. What was significant about the religious title taken by Elizabeth?

She named herself as Supreme Governor of the Church of England. This allowed
Catholics to accept that the Pope was the head of the Church.

3. What did the Supremacy bill do (give three things?)

Elizabeth became leader of the Church, repealed Mary’s heresy laws and made all
clergy swear an oath of loyalty.

4. What were the key features of the uniformity Bill?

Re-introduced the 1552 book of Common prayer, made a 12 pence fine for anyone
who didn’t attend church.

5. How and why did Elizabeth modify the prayer book?

It was very vague so Catholics could interpret aspects such a transubstiation and
Protestants could choose not to believe in it

6. What was Elizabeth’s approach to vestments and clerical marriage?

She approved of traditional vestments and disapproved of clerical marriage, but she
did not ban it.

7. What were the key features of the Oath of Supremacy? What level of resistance
was there to this?
Clergy had to accept the queen’s supremacy. All of Mary’s bishops refused to take
the oath except one however only 300 priests in total refused to take the oath.

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