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1997 Election

Conservative Weaknesses:
 Divisions within the Cabinet and the Conservative Party between Euro-sceptics and pro-
 Government’s enforced withdrawal from the ERM undermined the Conservative's
reputation for responsible financial management
 Publix’s distaste for the squabbles over the dubious ratification of the Maastricht Treaty
in 1992
 Major’s uninspiring leadership - he could never rely on total loyalty of his colleagues and
 Conservatives had already lost all by-elections since 1990
 Throughout the 1990-7 period, the government had a very small majority, meant the
Conservatives had to do deals with minority parties
 The cumulative effect of a long series of sexual and financial scandals involving
government ministers and Conservatives MPs proved politically destructive
Furthermore, it could be said that the 1992 election victory was a mixed blessing with the
Conservatives being better off if they had been defeated in 1992, giving themselves a chance to

Labour’s Strength:
 John Smith’s changes to the Labour party – 1993 replaced the trade union block voting
at Labour Party conferences with a one member-one vote system, also pledged his party
to the creation of a Scottish Parliament
 By the time of his death in May 1994, Labour’s lead in the opinion polls had risen to 23%
 As the new leader, Tony Blair built on Smith’s achievement by using ‘spin doctors’ to put
across Labour’s message to the electorate
 Under Blair, the Labour Party presented a more youthful and attractive alternative to
Conservatism. He skillfully projected himself and his party as representing ‘cool

Other Reasons:
 The electoral system favored the Labour party, with Labour gaining 13.5 million votes
and 418 seats compared to the Conservatives gaining 9.6 million votes but only 165
o For each seat the Labour Party won, it had polled 32,340 votes
o For each seat the Conservative Party won, it had polled 58,187 votes
o For each seat the Liberal Democrats won, they had polled 113,977 votes
 The Liberal Democrats had a fairly good election gaining 46 seats from 5.2 million votes
with 17.2% of the vote, which would have taken some votes off the Conservatives.

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