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What course of study will you pursue at your chosen institution and why
have you chosen this field?
- The course of study I have chosen to pursue at South Dakota State University is
Sports Journalism. Growing up, I have always loved sports. I was practically
raised in a gym. Whether I was watching a sibling participate, or playing, I have
constantly been surrounded by the competitive nature of sports. With becoming
so involved in athletics, it is no surprise that my love for it has continued to grow.
Even when I am completely done competing, I still want to continue being
involved in certain activities. My goal is to give back to others who love sports
just as much as I do.

2. Briefly describe the school and community activities in which you have
been involved.
- Some school activities that I have been a part of throughout my four years of high
school include volleyball and basketball where I received high honors
academically and athletically in consecutive years. I participated in Hope Squad
which taught me about suicide awareness and prevention. National Honor
Society allowed me to give back to my community and also learn and explore
more about my hometown’s roots. I gave my best in Chamber Singers, which is a
handpicked choir. I also have been able to proclaim my faith and build different
relationships through the Fellowship of Christain Athletes. All these activities
have provided me with opportunities to get out of my comfort zone and grow as
an individual.

3. Give an example of someone whom you admire, and explain why you
admire that person.

- A person in my life I admire and look up to is my mom, Shannon Scheierman.

She resembles everything a mother should be. She acquires a loving, gentle,
and patient spirit. Along with that, she embodies what the love of Christ is like
through the way she loves her children. Her compassion towards others is
unwavering and the sacrifices she makes to support and cheer on her family are
significant. Her determination in everything she does drives me to work just as
hard. The way she cares for others outside of her family shows not only how
selfless she is, but also displays her heart for others. Without her direction, I
would be lost in this world. I am forever grateful she has been placed in my life.

4. Describe your life as you visualize it ten years from now.

- In ten years, I will have graduated from South Dakota State University with a
Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. I will use that degree to work with a sports
company, whether that’s ESPN or Big 10, traveling around the U.S announcing
or broadcasting games. Volleyball and Basketball will be the main sports that I
report on. With my strengths being a learner and communicator, I see myself
moving up the chain from starting behind the scenes to the big screen quite
quickly due to my knowledge and experience in sports. Also, my deep
understanding of the concepts of volleyball and basketball will propel me forward
as an announcer.

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