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Error recognition is a popular section of your English A Paper 1 Exam that simply requires

you to recognize specific errors in given sentences.

This question comes with the following instructions:
Instructions: Select the option A, B, C, or D that BEST describes EACH of the sentences
and mark your choice on your answer sheet.

(A) The sentence is acceptable as it stands.

(B) The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors.
(C) The sentence is incorrect grammatically or faulty in diction.
(D) The sentence is too wordy, that is, repetitive or contains redundancies.

1. The sentence is acceptable as it stands.

This means that the given sentence does not contain any errors. The sentence therefore does not
have any indication of (B), (C) or (D) listed in the table above.

2. The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors.

❏ A cliché is an expression/saying that is over-used to the point of losing its freshness,
originality and effectiveness. It is referred to as ‘tired’ language or common-place
❏ It is also referred to as a group of words whose meaning does not relate to the literal
meaning of the words.
Some examples of cliché are:
(i) ‘Easier said than done’
(ii)‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’
(iii) ‘Hold your horses’
(iii) He wanted to beg for his old job, but that ship had sailed, and he had to simply play the hand
that was dealt to him

Prepared by: Ms.Martin

Misused Metaphor
A metaphor makes a comparison between two unrelated things by stating that one thing is
another thing, even though this isn’t literally true.
Eg. Her hair was a flowing golden river streaming down her shoulders.

In this example, the girl’s hair is being compared to a flowing golden river. The writer is
basically stating that her hair IS a flowing golden river.

A misused metaphor however, is one where it does not relate logically. These metaphors are not
closely related or connected so it destroys the sense of the sentence. It often occurs when two or
more metaphors or clichés are illogically jumbled together.
For example:
His speech left a sour taste in his clients’ eyes.

3. The sentence is too wordy, that is, repetitive or contains redundancies.

Redundancy is the use of different words for repeating the same thing, when no extra emphasis is
needed. Some examples of sentences containing repetitions are:
(i) Suddenly, without any warning, the hurricane struck the island causing great devastation and
(ii) I think, personally, you are in error and mistaken about my intentions.
(iii) I assure you, that he was entirely alone, with no-one present, when we met him.

Prepared by: Ms.Martin

Instructions: Select the option A, B, or C that BEST describes EACH of the sentences.

(A)The sentence is acceptable as it stands.

(B)The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors.
(C)The sentence is too wordy, that is, repetitive or contains redundancies.

1. From the examination results, it was quite clear that Joanna’s work was not up to mark and so
she missed the boat.

2. In the businessworld, it is felt that the wholesaler plays an important role in that he prevents
prices from fluctuating up and down.

3.The round platter was circular in shape and in colour it resembled a harvest moon.

4. Disgusted with the situation, he decided to jump in the saddle and put down his foot.

5. To attract more business, the store offered free gifts at no expense to the customer.

6.Sitting alone in his room by himself, he repeated her name over and over.

7. The modern approach to fitness is to adopt a holistic approach;physical, mental and emotional.

8. The regulations concerning the importation of foreign goods were iron-bounded with red tape.

9. Infrequently and only on few occasions do people declare that they are not the products of
their environment.

10. Because of the many fruit trees which distinguished the yard, the little boys enjoyed playing
in the yard of the uninhabited house where no one had lived for many years.

Prepared by: Ms.Martin

11. Seldom do people declare that they are not products of their environment.

12. In my opinion, I think that your suggestion to upgrade housing facilities in rural areas is

13. It is his view, and one which he strongly holds, that constitutionally elected governments
should not be toppled by force of arms.

14. The politician hammered the nail of his argument into the leafy minds of his audience who
had come to hear him speak on the difficult subject of monetary policy.

15. To clarify the situation, I will write a new set of guidelines.

16. He advanced a step or two to meet his attacker who suddenly became alarmed and retreated
back four or five steps.

17. Traffic bottlenecks must be ironed out if we are to prevent giant traffic congestion.

18. There are many who have not considered the need to abstain from alcohol, but abandoning
drink for sobriety is truly the only option for one who wishes to engage in healthy lifestyle

19. The moon shone brightly in the clear night sky, its cool light a blessing after the searing heat
of day.

20. When the clerk raised his voice in protest, his boss asked him to hold his tongue since empty
vessels made the most noise and are often thrown in the den to be eaten by lions.

Prepared by: Ms.Martin

Question Answer Question Answer
Number Number

1 B 11 A

2 C 12 C

3 C 13 A

4 B 14 B

5 C 15 A

6 C 16 C

7 A 17 B

8 B 18 A

9 C 19 A

10 C 20 B

Prepared by: Ms.Martin

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