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The Elephant and the Ants

An elephant went for a walk one day. It saw thousands of ants crossing the path in a long line. “What are
you doing?” said the elephant to the ants. “Our King is getting married,” said the ants. “We are taking him
to the house of his Queen.” “Get out of my way,” said the elephant. “You are small and unimportant

The King of the Ants heard these words. He said to the elephant:

“I am the King of the Ants.”

“The King? I can't even see you! Kings are big and strong, like I am.”

“Very well,” I answered the King of the Ants. “Meet us here seven days from now and we shall see who is

“I shall be here,” said the elephant and went on his way.

The ants began to dig. They worked night and day and made a very big hole in the ground. After seven days
the elephant came along the path to fight the ants. Of course he fell into the hole and couldn't get out. The
ants climbed all over the elephant’s body and bit him hard. The elephant's body was soon full of bites.

“Stop! Stop!” cried the elephant. “You win! I am sorry. You work hard and you work together. Now I know
that you are stronger than me.”

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