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Activity in Media and Information Literacy

“Photographs serves as our memory storage”

“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.”

-Eudora Welty

I. Instructions:
1. Choose 8 different shots of the technical code.
2. Capture a moment this time of pandemic or choose a
picture on your storage/media accounts.
3. Identify the 8 pictures that you chose or you captured.
4. Label and explain each picture and tell something about
the memories or moments that you have.
5. Font style: Times New Roman Size:12
6. Follow the Format (80 POINTS)
7. Sent to this link:

Medium Long Shot


Happiness is very important in every person because if you find your

happiness, all the things that you would do is smooth. Happiness is can find in everything that
you see or that you have, like in the picture, they have a lot of bubbles and they are very happy
with that. Maybe many people will not be happy with the bubbles but some people are happy
in every little thing like that.

Medium Close Shot


This photo is taken when I was in grade 11 in St. Paul’s week. Those people
who have a crush are usually target costumer in that both. When I am that both, I respect the
person beside me in that picture because I’ll take that moment as memories, because no one
knows that that same scenario will be happen again.
“Eye to Eye”


Extreme Close Up Shot


This shot was taken by me because my friend said, “can you take a close up
picture of my eye” and that what I do. It’s a little bit vague because my hands is a little bit
shaking when the time that I take that picture and I find that picture cute because of her eyes.


Tilt Shot

My friend asked me to barrow my phone and then I saw him taking a picture,
that time, we are in front of the grade school building in our campus, me and my other friends are
lying down in the grass because we found out that it is refreshing because in that area, there is a
tree to cover the sun from us.
“Dark Side”

Establishing Shot

When I capture that photo, I’m with my friend house. I capture that
because i think those clouds are beautiful for me, I don’t know if that is beautiful for the other, and
also I love the view of greeneries in that picture.
“Chilling Out”

Insert Shot

This photo was taken last year, month of January, me and my family are in
the mall to refresh and I capture that blizzard ice cream for just a random pic only and it is Insert
Shot because there’s a detail where some people will recognize on what is in that picture.

Full Shot

My friend told me to take a picture of him in that path way and that picture
is captured inside of St. Paul University and in that night, they have an event called, Illuminate

Reaction Shot

I take this photo in gazebo, in front of my friend classroom, I laugh

when I see her reaction when I take a picture of her, she told me to take a picture with his and
her friends when she makes this facial expression.

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