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An Ann u a l Bi o gra p hi c al D i cti o n ary . Co nt ai ni ng a bo u t

b i o g r a p h i es .

WHO WA S WHO . 1 897-191 6

T h e b i o g r a ph i e s o f t h o s e i n Wh o s Who ’
wh o h ave
d i e d d u ri n g t he a bo v e 2 0 y ears .

A G u i d e t o t he ri gh t u se o f Bri t ish Tit le s a nd Ho no u rs .

A D i r ec t o ry fo r W ri t e rs Art ist s a n d Ph o t o g rap h ers , , ,

g i v i n g i n c o m p act f o r m a dd r esses t o w hi ch M SS m a y b e .

s e nt a nd t h e k i n d o f co p y p re fe rre d .

A Y ear b o o k o f t h e Le a rned Wo rl d (Th e E nglish

- -
s p ea ki n g
N a t i on s ) E d i t e d b y C A E ALA N D
. . . .

o i l i
C n ta in n g p art ic u ars o f the U n vers t e s a nd C o e g e s o f:the Brit sh E mp ii ll i i re
a nd U n t e d St a t e s , a so o f t he l L
ea r ne d a nd SC l e nt l fi C Soc l e t l eS .


A G u i d e t o t h e B est W o rk o f t h e Best Pa in t e rs . Select ed

a n d e d i t e d b y R A N D A LL D A V I E S .

T hi s book co nt a ns i i i
de sc r p t ve a cc o u nts with fu ll a nd a ccu ra t e p art ic u la rs of
arly o f t he m os t i mp or ta nt p i c t u res i n p ub i c

l g lle a ri e s i n

t hi s cou nt r y a nd
t he C o nti ne nt .


E di t e d b y E . A BR OW N E
. an d M R O THSC HI LD
. .


E d it e d b y E T E LLI S . .
With c o n tri bu t io ns by
t h e l e a d i n g g a rd e ni n g e xp e rt s a n d spe ci ali st s o f o u r t i me .


E d i t e d by JO H N D C O M R I E , M A M D . . . Si x t h
E dit i on , co m p l eti n g c o pi e s .


E d i t e d b y T H E E D I N B U R G H SC H OO L OF C OO K E R Y .

BO O KS THAT CO UNT N ew E di tz on m preparati on .

Pu bli s he d by
A. C BLACK , Ltd
. .. 4, 5 and 6 Soho Sq uare, LO NDO N W l , . .

T H E R O M AN 69





ST .

A . £5 (2 BLA C K , LT D
. .

4, 5 AN D 6 SO HO SQ U AR E , LO N DO N , W. x

C e n sor D eputatus;


E DM . CAN . SU R M ON T . V ic . Ge n .

1 9 F eb . 1 9 20



ME N TI O N of t he Cat holi c Chu rch very fre qu ent ly occu rs

S aint s of t he
b oth in general re adin g and as ha ving gi ven their n a m es to chur che s ,

t owns vi ll ages a nd t opo graphi ca l feat u res

, The o bj e ct of t hi s c om .

p ila t i o n i s to ena bl e t he pers onage refe rr e d t o r ea di ly t o be identi fi e d .

N othin g m ore i s at t e m pt e d i n t hi s v ol u m e a cert ain nu m ber o f t he

Of .

Saint s de t ai l ed Li ve s have b e en pu bl i she d in E ngli sh O f m an y m ore .

fu ll a ccoun t s i n othe r l angu age s part i cu l arly in French and I t ali an are
, ,

e a si ly a cce ssi bl e .A gain the re are se ve ra l g ood and re li a ble Seri es of


Li ve s of t he m ore pro m inent Saint s The b est kn own of t he se t o E ngli sh


A gh h u ry
sp e a ki n l i l b l L i f h S i i

gp p
eo e s an B u t er s ves o t e a n ts a n e t een t c en t ,

work whi ch has b e en m any t i m e s reprint e d I n n o l an gu age however

, ,

doe s t here e xi st any e xhau st i ve work of the kind nor in t he n at ure of

t hin g s c an t here be The ne are st approach t here t o we have i s t he Lat in
Ac t a San ct oru m of t he B oll an di st s a b ody of Jesu i t F at hers g at he re d

t oge ther in B e lgiu m for t he spe cia l purp ose of car eful ly sift in g and r epro
du cing a ll docu m ent s b earing hi st ori cally on t he l ife and cu ltu s aft e r
de ath of ea ch indi vi du a l S aint O f t he ir work b egun i n t he se vent eenth

cent u ry by a ce rt a in F a t he r B oll an d n e arly se vent y hu ge f oli o v ol u mes


have appeare d . I t i s st i ll far from c om pl ete an d on acco u nt of t he ,

r esu l t s of m o de rn hi st ori cal re sear ch in m an y l a ce s ne eds deve l o m en t

p p
a nd e xt en si ve r e vi si on More over of no sm all nu m b er of canoni se d

S aint s n o re cord a t a ll n ow re m ain s . We have t o be cont ent wi t h proof

t ha t in bygone ti me s t he y were popu l arly honoured as S aints ,
and by t he

Chu rch form ally re cogni se d as s u ch N or i s it e ven p ossi ble t o esti m at e


t he nu m be r of God s servant s whom t he Chu rch has at one pl a ce or

a n ot her ven era t e d as S a int s I n t he fi rst Age s of Chri sti ani t y c anoni sat i on

was e ffect ed in e a ch cou ntry by t he j oint a ct of one or m ore B i shops

an d t he ir l O f t hi t t h y l ft l ffi i n t t t i m on y by
p p
eo e . s ac e e a s a ru e su c e e s

de di cat ing a chu rch in honour of t he ne w Saint whose n am e i t t hen ceforth ,

b ore a nd by insti tut ing an annu a l fest i va l in hi s hon our From a b ou t

, .

t he e l e vent h ce nt ur y t he pr oce du re b e g an t o be syst e mi se d an d centrali se d ,

wi th t he re su l t t hat canoni sin g i s n ow re se rved e xclu si ve ly t o t he H oly


Se e . T he l egisl ati on of Pope III i n the t we lfth c entu ry and of

Al e xander
Urb an VIII i n t he se vent e enth has fi rml y est ablished t hi s prin ciple

The pre sent process of Canoni sat i on i s e xce e dingly c om ple x It .

c on si st s in t he fi rst pl ac e of a t hor ou gh in v e st i ga t i on int o a ll t he t i u l

p ar c ar s

t hat c an be ascert ain e d of t he l i fe and de ath of t he a ll eg e d Saint all fact s


c onn e ct e d wi th whose c are er b ot h p u bli c an d pri vat e t og e t her wi t h a ll

, ,

hi s u tt eran ce s an d writ in gs are t est ed in every way , He m u st be shown .

t o ha ve b een God fearing pi ou s j u st i n hi s dealing s pat i ent se lf denying

, , , ,

chari t abl e an d so on f ar a b ove t he ave r ag e of ordin ar y g ood m en

, , In .

t hi s a s in all su b se qu ent st ag e s of t he procedure e very witne ss i s e xam ine d

, ,

u nder o at h an d i n t he pre sen ce of a t ra ine d Chu r ch l awyer who i s o bl ige d

t o u rge all t he o bj e ct i ons he can thin k of an d who i s at liberty n ot o nl y ,

t o cr oss e xam m e t he wi tnesses pu t forward bu t t o c all any nu m b er of


o the rs he pl eases i n order t o re b u t t he ir t e st i m ony S u pposing the .

j u dgment of t he C ourt of First Inst an ce t o be favou ra ble the case goe s ,

f or re t ri al t o a hi gher t r1 bu nal I n t he se proce e di ngs not only are wi tne sses


c all e d t o t e st i fy t o indivi du a l f a ct s bu t part i cular stress i s pu t u pon


t he po pu l ar ve rdi ct concerning t he all ege d S aint t hat i s u pon the repu t e , ,

i n whi ch he was he ld by t hose who m ay have had de aling s wi th hi m or

had o pport u nit i e s of form i n g an opi nion a b ou t hi m De posi t i ons of a ll .

kinds m u st be gathered t ogether with as l itt le de lay as possi ble and duly ,

sworn t o b u t i n order t o gu ard against m ere enthu si asm pl ayi ng a ny

rt i n t he m at t er a t one s t ag e of t he pr oce e dings a su rce ase o f a t l east
p a ,

t en ye ars i s e nj oin e d .

The ab ove o ffi ci a l en qu iry i nt o the c ondu ct i n l ife and vir tu e s of the

de ce ased Chri st i an f or whom t he su pre m e hon ou r of can on i sat i on is
c ai m e d
l i s d e em e d y i n the case of a Martyr that i s
u nne ce ssar y o nl , ,

o f o n e of t he F a i t hf u l who has de l i b erat e ly l ai d down hi s l ife r a ther t ha n ,

den y Christ I n hi s case i t ha s t o be fu lly prove d that he was pu t t o


de a th on acc ou nt of hi s r e ligi on and not b e cau se he was gui lt y of so m e


l i t i c a l or ot her cri m e t ru e or onl y a ll e ge d

p o , .

Can oni sat i on i s t he offi ci al re cogni t i on by the Church of t he fact t ha t

o ne of h e r chi l dren ha s won hi s pl a ce i n H ea v en an d sin ce Al m ight y

God al one c an m a ke known t hi s fact t o m ankin d e very canonisa t i on

esse nt i ally de pen ds on pr oof t hat m iracl e s have b e en wr ou ght i n wi tn ess

t he re t o .I t m u st be shown t hat be cau s e of the all ege d S aint t he l aws of

N at ure have b y Al might y God in som e parti cu lar insta nce s be en o verru le d .

Thi s from t he circu m st ance s of t he happening m ay well b e ar t est i m on y

, ,

t o t he fa ct o t he rwi se u nascert ain a ble t ha t a se r vant of God de ce a se d

, ,

i s a lre ady am on g t hose who in t he gl ory of H eave n are ye t m indfu l of

t he ir fe llow creat u re s on e arth and are i nt erce ding with Go d o n t he ir

beha lf Am ong t he miracle s re qu ired for a c anoni sat i on are su ch won ders

a s t he g i vi n g s i ght t o t he bl in d he aring t o t he deaf i ns t an t an e ou s h e a l in g

, ,

of t he si c k ,
rai si n g of t he de ad t o life ,
t he very wonders wrou ght by
Christ Hi s disciple s in proof of t he t ru th of t he re ve lat ion they an

nou nced t o m ankin d Clear pr oof of a t least f ou r miracle s i s re quire d


a s a condit i on of can on i sa t i on . I t m u st be sho wn in ea ch case t hat the

fa ct a lleged as t a ken pl ace , tha t i t cann ot be e x
m ira cu l ou s has rea lly
l ai ne d a wa y or a tt ri b u t e d t o a ny n at u ra l c au se , an d t hat t he miracl e
dir e ct ly f oll owe d u p on an a ppea l m ade t o Al might y Go d t hrou gh Hi s
ser vant depart e d thi s life . All p ossi bl e obj e ct i ons are fre e ly u rge d and
ha ve t o be ful ly an swe re d . I n c a se s of a lleged miracu l o u s he aling of t he
si c k com
p e t e nt m edi cal e xpe rt s a re ca ll ed in and all t heori e s a dvan ce d

by the m p at i e n t ly discu sse d . It c ann ot be wondere d at t ha t a gre at


nu m er of a
b ll eged m ir a cle s , p erha
p s t he m aj or part , are j
r e e ct e d , the
l i mit s of t he powers of N a t ur e be in g s o l i t t l e kn own t o u s an d so gre at
all o wan ce ha vi ng t o be m ade f or t he pl a y of i m a ginat i on, an d for what
t here m ay be of tru t h i n pr o cesse s of pu re l y n a t u ra l F a i t h heal ing -

Usu a lly , t he procedu re in Cau ses of canoni sati on t akes m any years
t o c ompl e t e ; f or t here are n u m erous he ar in g s and rehe arin g s t o be
a ll owed f or . A fi rs t
ge i s that of B eat i fi cat ion whi ch i s re ache d
st a ,

o n proof o f e xtraor dinary ho lin ess of l ife an d of two m ira cl es I n m ode rn .

r oce dur e t hi s i s r ar e ly re a ched wi t hin fif t y y ears of t he deat h of t he

S a int At Be at ifi cat i on p erm i ssi on i s gi ven for l oca l ven erati on F or

. .

Canonisat i on proper pr oof of t wo m ore m ira cl es wrou ght since Beat ifi c a


t i on i s dem ande d The Servant of God i s t hen enr oll e d in the Can on of

Saint s hi s or he r nam e b ei ng i nse rt e d in the R oman Mart yrol ogy or


o ffici a l c at a l ogu e of Saint s

p p
ro o se d t o t he ve n e rat i on o f t he U ni ve r sa l
Chu rch .

The R o m an Mart yrol ogy cont ains ab ou t fi ve t hou sand entrie s

bu t i n t he c a se o f t he Martyr s of t he fi rst cent u ri es o f Chri st i ani t y t he y ,

oft e n a ppear in grou ps , t he nam e of on ly t he le aders of e a ch b and of

heroes b eing re gi st ere d . I t i s i m p ossi bl e t o reck on u p t he nu m b er of

holy m en and wom en re put e d a n d l o cally hon oure d as Saint s i n vari o u s

p l a c es d u rin g t he m an y a whi ch pre ce ded t he for m ul at in g t he m inu t e

ge s
r u l e s f or t he Proce ss o f C an oni sat i on whi ch have o b t aine d f or the l a st

fe w cent uri e s . I n m an y i n st an ce s t he l ms
c ai of t hos e c om m onl y and

fro m e ar ly t i m es st yl ed Saint s have i n m odern t i m e s been offi ci a lly en

qu ire d int o wi th the re sul t that their ca lms has be en sancti one d i n others ,

as f or e xa m pl e t hat of t he f am ou s Chri st i an writ er Cl e m ent of Al e xandri a

, , , ,

who fl ouri she d and di e d a b ou t A D 21 6 t he clai m has be en disall owe d . .

, .

This does n ot mean t hat t he Church c onde m ns or repu di at e s th e in di

du al but o nl t hat She has no pr oof t hat he was
i y a Saint in the stri ct

s ens e o f t he word .

But there a re m a ny hu ndre ds of S ain t s whose c ai m s

l t o that t it le
re st o n the t radi ti ona l ve ne rat i on a c corde d the m fro m an ci ent t i me s , a nd

witnesse d t o i n m any ca se s by the De di cat i on of chu r che s i n the ir hon ou r ,

bu t of the le g i t i m a c y of whose can oni sat i on , from dearth of do cu m ent s
or f or o t he r r e ason , no pro of is n ow e xt ant . T hese re m ain wi th t hat
re c o ni t i on onl y whi ch was given t he m by t he an ci ent B i shops an d

p p
e o l es ,
t heir cont e mpor aries bu t wit h a strict pr ohi bit i on of any e xt ensi on

of t he ir cu ltu s .

Al thou gh t he s cop e of t hi s b oo k of referen ce onl y ad mit s of the ca t a

logu ing of S aint s of so m e pr o minence

been m a de t o , an e ndea v ou r has
i n clu de i n addi t i on t o t he S aint s of t he R om an Mart yrol ogy all others
, ,

genera lly known at l east by n am e e spe ci ally those who have given place
, ,

nam es t o t owns or vi llag es i n the B rit i sh I sle s .

Lit urgi cally S aint s are cl assi fi e d a s Ap ostl e s Mart yrs B i shops or
, , ,

Conf essors (S aint s who were neither B i shops n or Mart yrs ) ; si m i larly
fe m a le S aint s are Mart yrs Virgins Wi dows Peni t ent s e t c , T hese , , , .

de si gn ati ons have b e en a dde d (as f ar a s ne edfu l ) i n e ver y i nst ance .

I n regard t o the m ore an ci ent S aint s c onsi dera ble di ffi cu lt y i s oft en ,

o cca si on e d by t he v aryi ng sp e ll in g of t he S aint s n a m e Cert ain nam es


i ndee d are a t fir st si ght all bu t u nr e cogni sable St Ol au s or Ol a ve . .

c orr u pt e d i nt o Tool e y a nd St Ve da st wri t t en F o st er are e xa m pl e s

, .
, .

Ag ain t he e arly convert s t o Chri st i ani t y oft en change d the ir n a m e s


on r e ce i vi ng B apt i sm S au l of Tarsu s ou r St Pau l at once occu rs t o

, .

the mi nd The new n am es assu m e d wer e ordinari ly Gree k or Lat in


nou ns si gni fi cant of s om e virt u e or q u ali t y H ence t he cou nt le ss SS .

, .

E u se biu s Vi ct or Ju st u s Pro b u s e t c
, ,
Lat er t oo when Chr i st i anit y
, , .

sprea d a m ong t he t hen B ar b ari an s of N orthern and We s t ern E u ro pe ,

for Teu t oni c and C elt i c appe ll at i ons Lat in f orm s were fre qu ent ly su b
st i tu t ed Thu s the Angl o Sa xon Winfri e d i s t he f am ou s St B onifa ce

Apostl e of Germ any .

F r om confu si on of n am es have ari sen di ffi cu lt ie s and u ncert aintie s i n

di st in gu i shing the e ar ly S aint s when m ore or l e ss cont e m p orari es the , ,

one fro m the ot her a n d fre qu en t m i st a ke s m a de by Me di aeva l bi ogr aphers

, .

We fin d at t im es a sin gle happening attri bu t e d by one writ er t o one

S ain t an d by an other writ er t o an other S aint of the same or si m i lar n am e
a n d on t he ot he r hand a perso n age wi t h t wo n am es i s at t i m e s pre s ent e d

t o u s a s t wo di st inct indi vi du al s Bu t in the ac count s we have of Saint s .

who ha ve l i ve d wi thin t he last t hou sand ye ars these e rrors scar ce ly o ccur ,

and the o ffi ci a l or a ppr ove d Li ve s of S a int s of t he Mi ddl e Ag e s an d of

m odern t i m es m ay be t a ken as su b st ant ia lly a ccu rat e

. .

As the pre sent com pi l at i on a i m s at no m ore than the stre tching of

the hi st ori cal fra m ework of a S aint s li fe the sift ing o f the de t ail s e la b orate d


by the chroni clers of t he old l egends does n ot occur Si mi larly i t ha s .


n ot b een dee m ed n ecessary speci a lly t o par ti cu lari se t he m ira cle s whi ch

in every case have b orne witness t o the hol y m an or wom an s right t o

l a ce i n a c at al o g u e of Sa int s I n the m ain (a s st at ed a b o ve ) these
a p .

miracles are Of the kind performed b y our B lesse d Lord an d hi s Apost le s .

Their occurrence from ti me t o t i m e was foret old by Hi m The y shall

cast ou t de vi l s The y shall spe a k with ne w t ongu e s
. The y shall t ake

u p serpent s and i f t hey sha ll drink an y dea dly t hin g i t sha ll n ot hur t ,

the m . The y sha ll lay the ir hands on t he si ck and t he y shall re cover

( M ar k x v i .1 7 1,8 ) O r a g a i n t h e, s u p ern a t u r a l p o w er a b i d e s i n t h e ir

ea rthly re m ain s : They c as t t he b ody i nt o the sepu lchr e of Eli se u s .

And when i t had t o u che d the b one s of Elise u s t he m an ca m e t o life and


st ood u pon hi s f ee t (4 K i n g s xiii . W o n d er s l i k e t o t h i s l as t t a k e

p l ace i n t he t w ent i e t h cen t ur y e ven a s t he y di d i n p ast a g e s

an d the y

j ustify the venerati on whi ch the Catholi c Chu rch t ea che s her chi ldren
t o be du e t o t he re li cs of God s Saint s


I n t he Li ve s of t he Saint s ful fil m ent s of Christ s prophe cy are fre


q uent ly recorded eithe r a s effe ct ed by the S aint hi m self in life or as

occurring aft e r hi s de at h in r e sp on se t o a c a ll u p on hi m f or he lp .

La st ly in g oing over one by one the n a m es of Saint s speci ally an d


u bl i ly v enerat ed a s su ch by t he Chu r ch o f Go d on e ar t h i t m u st n e ver

p c ,

be f org ot t en t hat t he y form bu t a sm all proport i on of t he great m u lti

tu de whi ch n o m an can nu m b e r of all n at i on s an d t ri be s an d people s and
t ongu e s st anding b ef ore t he t hrone and i n si ght of t he La m b cl othe d
, ,

with whi t e rob es and pal m s i n the ir hands A

( p oc v
. i l . W e r e ly o n

t he i nt e rcessi on of all the B le sse d i n H e a ven for , t he prayers o f a ll

are o ffere d u on t he g o l den Al t ar whi ch i s b efore the t hro ne o f Go d

( poc .

Bp . B i shop . MM . Mart yrs .

Bl . Saint beati fi e d ,
bu t V Virgi n .

n ot e t c an oni se d
y .
VV Vir gins .

M . Mart yr .

N O TE . To na mes o f Sa i n ts n ot i nclu d ed up to the p r esen t d a te i n the B O A! A N
M A R T YR O L O G Y, the Offici al Chur ch R eg i ster , a n a ster i sk i s p r efi xed .

ABDAS (St M . . (May 1 6 )

O therwi se St AU DA S whi ch see .
, .

ABDE CA LAS (St M (April 2 1 )

. .

AAR O N (St ) Abbot . (J une 21 ) (4th cent ) A Persian of advanced age who ,

together with another priest St Ananias

. .

(6 th cent ) A Briton who cro ss i ng into

. , .

Armorica (Bretag ne ) fo unded a mon as tery in and about a hun dr ed C hr istians was a fellow ,

an is land called after him unt il in the twelfth “

suff erer with St Simeo n Archbishop of . ,

Seleu cia and Ct esip hon under the tyrant K ing


centur y it took the name of St Malo St .

, . ,

Aaron s most famo us disciple Sap or II They were put to death as C hristians


on GO O d F riday A D 3 45 The Greek his torian


AAR O N (St ) M . . (July 1 ) . . .

See SS J ULI U S and AA R O N . Soz omen reckon s at sixte en thous and the
number of the F aithful in Persia who laid

AAR O N (St ) H i gh Priest of the Old Law (J ul y 1 )

. .

(1 5th cent The great grandson of

. down their lives for C hrist during the forty
Levi son of J acob and the fir st of the J ewish yyears of the reign of Sap or .

ABDI AS (OBAD IA H) (St ) Prophet

, ,

High Priests to which offi ce he was appointe d

, (N ov 1 9 ) . . .

by God HM self He was the brother of . (9 th cent B 0 Ab dis (Servant of the Lord )
. . .

Moses the Hebrew Lawgiver with whom he

, , is the fourth of the twelve minor p rophets and ,

shared the leadership of t he people of Israel . is generally suppp osed to have been a contem
Like Moses he never entered the land of p orary of Osee (Hosea ) J oel and Amos B ut , .

some identify him with Achab s steward (3


Promise ; but died on Mount Hor on the ’

x v ii i

borders of Edom He was succeeded by his . K ings, making him much more

son Eliezer 1 47 1 ) In art he is represented ancient His prophetic writings are short and

with a rod in flower a censer and a J ewish , are contained i n a single chapter of twenty nve -

mi tre The Book of Exodus contains all that

. verses He foretells the destruction of Edom
we know concerning him

on account of the ppride of the Idumaeans and

of the wrongs t h ey had done to the J ews

(Jan 1 9 ) . . .

See SS MARI S AU DI F A X &c , , . ABDI E SUS (HE BE DJE SUS) (St M (Apr il 22) . .

ABE (St ) V (Aug 25)


(4th cent ) St y led a deacon in the Roman

. .

O therwi se St E B BA whi ch see

. .

Martyrology he was one of the vast multitude

of Persians (named and unnamed ) who by the
. .
ABBAN of K ILL ABBAN (St ) Abbo t (Mch 1 6 ) -
. .

(sth cent ) An Irish Sain t contemporary savage edict of their K ing Sapor were calle d to

of St Patrick and nephew of St I b ar He


. . . the crown of martyrdom This persecution .

v as t h e F oun der of K il l Abban Abbey (Lein raged from A D 3 41 to A D 3 8 0 that is at

s:er )
. . . .
, ,

interval s dur ing the last forty years of Sapor s ’

ABBAN of MAGH AR MUI DHE (St ) ( Oct 27 ) re i gn



. ABDO N an d SE NN E N (SS MM (J ul y 3 0) .

(6t h cent ) A n ephew of St K evin and

, (3 rd cent ) Two Persian nobles who com
F ounder of many monasteries mostly in the , ing to Ho me or rather bro ught thither as,

South of Ireland Butler and others con . captives by D ecius when returning from his ,

fuse the two Saints Abban Of neither have fi rst successful campa i gn against the Persians
we reliable Lives

under the Emperor Gordian devoted them ,

ABBO (St ) M

. .
(N ov 1 3 ) selves to the service of the imprisoned Christians
( l oth cent ) A F rench Benedictine monk

. and to the reverent interring of the bodies of

of literar y attainments rare in the age in which the Martyrs The y were the mselves thrown
he lived who was invited by St Oswald of

to the wild be as ts i n the Amphitheatre

p in the
Worcester to preside over t he community he
, .

ers cut ion decree d by D ecius wh en he became

had founded at Ramsey Abbey After th e . % ;sror (A D They were long grate
death of St Oswald St Abbo returned to

fully remembered by the C hristians of Rome


. .

F rance and became Abbo t of F leury on the andy are still annually commemorated in the
Loire He afterwards conducted skilful ly and
. Liturgy of the C hurch The deta ils given
successful ly various negotiations between the

concerni ng them in the otherwise doubtful

Holy See and the K ing of F rance He lost his Acts of St Laur ence the M artyr their con
life whi le endeavouring to stop a riot (A D
. . ,

tem rary seem fairly trustworthy '

and by his people was at once honoured

ABE (Th om as ) (St M (J u1y 3 0)
as a Martyr
. .

. See Bl THO MA S A B EL
. .

ABE B CI US (St ) Bp . ( Oct 22) . Arabs are descended When seventy years of .

age he went forth from Babylonia his native


(2nd cent ) B ishop of Hierapolis i n Phryg i a , ,

(Asia M inor ) in which See he is reported to land at God s bidding to dwell henceforth in

, ,

have succeeded the famous Papias He was . C anaan the land flowing with milk and honey
zealous against Paganism and appears to have , promised to his seed There he led a pastoral .

suffered imprisonment on that account under and nomad life Moreover God made a .

the phil osophic Emperor M arcus Aureh us . covenant with him changing his name from ,

Bu t a miracle wrought by him in favour of her Abram to Abraham (F ather of nations ) promis ,

daughter secured him the protection of the ing at the same time that his descendants
Empress F austina and he returned to di e in .

should be more numerous than the stars of

Heaven and that in his seed all peoples should

peace at Hierapolis (about A D after

be blessed Of him Our Lord said Abraham
. .

following on his journeys one of the routes .

traced out by the Apostle St Paul everywhere , rejoiced that he might see my day ; He saw it
and was glad (J ohn viii All thr ough

preaching baptising and healing the Si ck . .

their eventful history it was the glory of the


His epitaph composed by himself di scovered ,

J ewis h people to clai m descent from him and


in 1 8 8 2 and now in the Vatican Mus eum is ,

one of the most interesting Chr istian monu from his son and grandson Isaac and J acob , .

ments of the second century . To them in words spoken to Moses ( Exod iii
, . .

ABIBO (ABI BAS) (St ) C onf (Aug 3 ) . . God was the God of Abraham Isaac and ,

J acob The Patriarch died in Palestine at the


( l st cent ) The second son of Gamahel

(Acts v 24 ; x xii

at whose feet St Paul age of one hun dr ed and seventy nve years

These and similar O ld Testament

. . .

had sat F ollowing his father s example he


, (B C .

embraced the Christian F aith and lived an dates are given according to the traditional
unsullied l ife to his eightieth year H IS . C hronology but are still disputed .

body was buried near that of St Stephen the , ABB O SI MUS (Si ) M (April 22) . .

(4th cent ) A Persian priest stoned to death


F irst M artyr at Cap erg am ela a town distant , , . ,

about twenty miles from J erusalem The . with many of his flock under K ing Sapor II , ,

C hurch commemorates annu al ly the anni A D 3 41

(March 2)
. . .

versar y (Aug 3 ) of the F inding (A D 41 5 ) of . ABSALON (St ) M . .


. .

the bodies of the four Saints Stephen Gamaliel , , , , .

(J uly 1 5)

Nicodemus and Abibo there interred . ABUDE M I US (St ) M . .

(4th cent ) A native of the Islan d of Tenedos


ABIBUS (St ) M .
(N ov 1 5) . . .

(4t h cent ) A M artyr at Edessa in Syria . in the E g ean Sea who after enduring frightful ,

under the Emperor Licinius (A D torture was there put to death as a Christian

He . .

was burned to death at the stake . in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian
ABI LI US (St ) Bp .
(F eb 22) . . and his colleagues in the fi rst years of the
(F irst cent ) The third Bishop in suc , four th century .

(March 1 )

cession to SS Mark and Ani anus of Alex .


andria in Egypt to which See he was advanced , See SS LEO D O NATU S &c .
, .

(Sept 1 6 )

A D 8 4 and over wh i ch he presided for thir teen

. .
, ABUN DAN TI US (St ) M . . .

years The particul ars of h is life and E p isco


pate have been lost


ABUND I US (St ) M (F eb 27 . . .



(Dec 1 3 ) . . . See SS D , ABUN DI US &c
. .

(4t h cent ) A daughter of St Hil ary of April


. ABUNDI U S (St ) Bp ( 2) . .

P oitiers born before his father s conversion



(5th cent A celebrated ishop of omo in
) B C
F ollowing her father s advice she consecrated
. .

North Italy ch ged by Pope
, ar Leo the Great
St .

with the important m sion to the Emperor


herself to God as a nun ; but died (A D 3 6 1 ) is

when only in her eighteenth year Theodos us the Younger which resu ted in the
. .

i l
ABRAHAM (A BR AAM I US) (St ) Bp M (F eb 5) convocation of great ouncil of halcedon

. . . the C C
( 4th cent ) Bishop of Abela in Assyria .
(A D 451 ) and in the final condemnation of the
heresiarch who denied the two fold

a place famous for the victory there of Alex

. .

E ut y ch es, -

ander the Great over the Persians St Nature of hrist God whence his followe s

C Man ( r -

Abraham was put to death (A D 3 48 ) by the have their name of M onophysites assertors
. .

persecuting K ing Sapor II

. .

of One Nature only ) St Abundius died . .



(F eb 1 4) . . A D 46 9 He is often represented in art in the
(5th cent ) A famous Solitary of Mount act of raising a d ead man to life one of the
. . . .


Lebanon who as Bishop of Carrh es (Charan )

, , miracles he wrought and which led to his
showed himself a zealous pastor of souls and enrolment in the catalogue of Saints


later did much work us eful to the Church at

, ABUN DI US (St ) C onf (April 1 4) . .

the C ourt of the Emperor Theodosius the (6 t h cent ) A Sacristan of the C hurch of
Younger He died at Constantinople A D 422 St Peter in Rome St Gregory the Great

. . .

makes mention of his humble but D ivinely


ABR AH AM (St ) C onf (March 1 6 )

. . .

. .

(4th cent ) A hermit of Edessa and nativ

. favoured life He is said to have passed away .

of Chidana in Mesopotami a famous for his about the year 56 4 .

austerity of li fe for his fruitful preaching and (J uly 1 1 )


ABUN DI US (St ) M . .

(9 th cent ) A Pari sh priest of a mountain


for the miraculous conversion of his niece

village near Cordova i n Spain d uring the

venerated with him as St Mary His life was

, _

Moorish domi nation He entertained no thought

. .

written by St Ephrem and he is honoured in .

of martyrdom but found himself in the year


all the Litur gies He di ed about A D 3 6 0

8 54 suddenly drawn into the conflict and
ABRAH AM (St ) C onf (June
. . .

. , ,

laying his head on the block made a glorious


(5th cent ) A Syrian Saint who on a journey

. ,

to Egypt to visit the Solitaries of the desert was sacrifice of his li e for the Christian F aith .

seized by a band of robbers and remained fi ve ABUN DI US (St ) M (Aug 26 ) . . .

years in bonds He succeeded in the end in . See SS IRENAEU S and ABUN D I U S .

escaping and making his way to t he coast ABUND I US ABUNDANTI US M AR CIAN and

There he boarded a shi p bound for Gaul where (Sept 1 6 )

. .

J O HN (SS ) MM . . .

(3 rd or 4th cent ) Abundi us a Roman


he settled near Clermont in Auvergne Numer .


Pr iest and Abundantius his deacon had


ous disciples gathered round him for whom he , ,

built a monastery He died famous for converted to Chr is tianity Marcian a citizen

of distinction by miracul ously raising to l ife


miracles A D 47 2

his son J ohn The Emperor Diocletian in

, . . .

ABRAHAM (St ) Patriarch (Oct 9 )

. ,

formed oi what had happened ordered all four

. .

(l gth and 2oth cent The F ather of all


to be beheaded together without the walls of


believers a nd the progenitor according to the ,

the Imperial C ity The precise date between

, ,

flesh of the Hebrew nation He is also the

, . . ,

father of Ismael from whom the Ismaelites or , the years 274 and 3 08 is un certain .


ABUN DI US (St ) M (Dec 1 0) . churches have been built in their honour and ,

they are regarded as Patron Saints of more

. .


than one village But trustworthy particulars


ABUND I US (St ) M (D ec 1 4) . .

of their career are lacking

. .


. . .

ACACI US (St ) M (N ov 27 ) . CI NDYN US (St ) M (April 20) . .


. .

See SS H I R E N AR CH U S, ACAC I U S, &c . .

, , .


. . , , ,

(3 rd cent ) Surnamed Ag athangelus (Good DE PHO R US, and AN E MPO DI STUS (SS
Angel ) A B ishop in Phrygia (Asia Minor )
. .

MM .
(N ov 2)
who in the D ecian persecution (A D 250) became cent ) Persian Chr i sti ans who su ffered
. .

. . (4th .

famous for having by his prudence and con for the F aith under K ing Sapor II about
so impressed the tyrant as to obtain F rom M SS in the Vatican and
st ancy AD . 3 45
. . .

his dis charge from custody It is not known . Imperial (Vienna) Libraries the B ollandis ts ,

how long he survived He is held in great . have published a Greek narrative of the Passion
veneration in the East . of St Acindynus and his companions from

which it would appear that all or nearly al l of


ACATHI US (St ) M (May 8 ).

(4th cent ) A Christian centurion in the them were priests or clerics .

Roman army tortured and beheaded at ,

ACI SCLUS an d VICTO R I A (SS ) M M (N ov 1 ) . .

C ons tantinople under D i ocletian (A D (4th cent ) A brother and s is ter who arrested

. . .

C onstantine the Great built a noble church as C hr istians underwent many cruel tortur es

in his honour He is the St Agazio venerated . . before being beheaded under Diocletian at ,

at Sq uillace in C alabria C ordova ( A D Thei r cultus is widespread

. . .

ACATHI US (ACACI US) (St ) Bp (April 9 ) . . in Spain .

(5th cent ) A B ishop oi A mida in Meso ACUTI US (St ) M .

(Sept 1 9 ) .

potamia distinguished for his comp assionate



_ .


charity to the Persian prisoners taken in their

, , .

ACYLLI N US (St ) M (J uly 1 7 ) . .

successful invasion of Persia by the Romans of See SC ILLITAN MART Y R S

C onstanti nople in the reign of K ing B ahram


(or Varannes) V who is said chiefly on that , A ll these p refi xes to names of T eu ton ic ori g i n
account to have ceased for a time from perse are more less or i n terchang eable Thus, St
cu t ing the Chr istians St Acathi us d i ed some
. .

. . E theldreda, St E di l trudi s, St A ud rey , a re one .

time after A D 421 Some of his letters are


. . . a n d the same p ersonag e Tha t whi ch ap p ear s .

still extant . the more u sual manner of sp elli ng a Sai n t s name ’

ACATI US (ACATHI US) M (April 28 ) . i n E ngli sh has, as a rule, been f ollowed i n these
. &c .
p ag es i n each case I n La ti ni si ng P rop er
*A ACC (Si ) Bp . (Oct 20) . N ames , m edi aeval wri ters u su ally s ubsti tu te D

cent A disciple osa of York and


(8 th ) bf B .
f or T H, ar si mp lyp mi t the H So, the letter T ,
of St W ilfri successor of the latter Saint

d , and es p eci a lly i n termi na ti ons , has a ten dency to be

at Hexham Acca held in the hig hest

St was . rep laced by 0 A gai n , the termi nati ons B E R T


veneration by Venerable ede He see ms to


B . a nd B R I GH T are mere va ri a n ts Thu s, we

have d ied (A D perhaps in exile or

. .
, talk of St C u thbert bu t we wri te K i rkcudbri ght
. .

shortly after his return to Hexham A solemn .

f or the town tha t takes i ts ap p ella tio n from hi m
Translation of his relics took place three

I n fi n e, F R E D , F R I D E , F R I D , F R I D A ,
centuries later St Acca was certainly one of . . F R E D E , & c , are undi s ti ngui shable .

the most learned Anglo Saxon prelates of his ALAR


- *
century Abbo

. t .
(J an 2)
cent An Abbot of orbie rance

A CCUR TI US (St ) M (Jan 1 6 ) . . .

(9 th ) C .
(F ),
. &c related to the Emperor harlemagne and one , , . C
ACE PSI MAS (St ) B p M (April 22) of his ch ef ministers and advisers
. . one . i At
A venerable old man Bishop of time he lost the favour of that monarch s son

(4th ,

Honit a in Assyri a who was imprisoned tortured and successor Louis the Pious and was ban
, , .

and put to death by K ing Sapor II of Persia On hi s return he gave himself entirely

ish ed , .

between A D 3 41 and A D 3 8 0 . . to the discharge of his monastic duties dying . . .

A CESTES (St ) M . (Jul y 2) at Corbie A D 8 27 at the age of seventy three


(l st cent ) One of the three soldiers that

. .
, ,

D uring hi s tenure of offi ce he founded the great


tradition tells us were converted by St Paul Abbey of New C orbie in Saxo ny .


while acting as guards at his execution They ADALBALD (St ) Conf


(F eb 2) . .

sealed their F aith with their own blood a few


(7 t h cent ) A pio us nobleman of the Court


days later (J ul y 2 A D

of K in g C lovis II of F rance He was the

, . .

ACHAR D (St ) Abbot (Sept 1 5) husband of St Rictrude and l ike their parents

. . . .
, ,

their four children are publicly venerated as

O therwi s e St A I C HAR D U S whi ch see .
, .

A CHE and A CHEUL (SS ) MM (Ma y 1 ) Saints St Ad al b al d was mur dered whil e on . . .

O therwi s e SS A GIU S and ACE O LU S whi ch


a jour ney (A D . under circumstances which , . .

see . have led to his being honoured in many places

A CHILLAS (St ) Bp (N ov 7 ) . as a M artyr . .

(4th cent ) The Patriarch of Alexandria who ADA LB ERT (St ) Bp M


(April 23 ) .

succeeded St Peter the Martyr D eceived by

. .

(l oth cent ) One of the Patron Saints of .

the hypocris y of the afterwards notorious


B ohemia and Poland A Bohemian by birth

heretic Arius he ordained him priest Two

consecrated in his infancy to O ur Blessed


, .

years later (A D 3 1 3 ) St Achil las passed away Lady he was educated by Adalbert Arch
. . .

reverenced by all for his many virtues and


bishop of Magdeburg and on his return to


had for his successor St Alexander who was

Boh emia was ordained priest by D iethm ar .

followed by the great St Athanas ius


Archbishop of Prague whom he succeede d . .


(May 1 5)
. shortly afterwards Driven from Prague he
(4th cent ) A B ishop of Larissa in Thessaly

retired for a time to the Abbey of St Boniface


who died A D 3 3 1 and is venerated in the E as t in Rome ; and after vain efforts to re enter

. -

as a Saint

his own Diocese directed his zeal to the conver

(April 23 )
ACHI LLE US (St ) M sion of Hungary Poland and Rus sia His
. .



missionary success was great and his labours


. .
, ,

only ce as ed on his receiving the crown of

ACHI LLE US (St ) M (May 1 2) . .


. mar tyrdom at D antzig (A D , , .


. .

ADA LSIN DI S (St ) V (Dec 24)

. .

(8 t h cent ) One of the da ughters of SS


MM .
(May 1 )
(3 rd cent ) Martyrs ne ar Amiens (F rance )

Ad albald and R i ctrudis who sanctified herself


early in the reign of Diocletian Several


in the monastery of Hamay of which her own .

sister Eusebia was Abbess A D 7 1 5 is ADE LE LMUS (Si ) Abbot
, St .
, (J an 3 0) . . .

given as the year of h er death

. .

( 1 1 th cent ) A F rench monk who having


ADAMN AN (St ) C onf

. .

gi ven great proofs of skill and piety in t he govern

, ,

(J an 3 1 ) . .

( 7th cent ) A monk of Cold i ngham Abbey i n


. ment of his Abbey was c al led to Spain by K ing

the Saxon K ing dom of Northumbria He Alphonsus V and there re e stablished good .

exp iat ed by a long life of aus t erit ies and prayer order and monas ti c discipline in the mon asteries
the sins of his youth and deserved well of the committed to his charge The date of his ,
C hurch by co operating with St Ebba i n

death early in the twelfth century is uncertain .

reforming the discipline of the convent which ADELHEID (Si ) V


(F eb 5) .

she had founded and over which she presided


( 1 1 th cent ) An Abbess of Villi ch (Gueldres )


to the day of her death St A d amnan himself


a sai ntly nun who passed a way A D 1 01 5


pass ed away about the year 6 7 9

, .

ADELHEID (St ) Empress

. .

(Dec 1 6 ) .

ADAMN A N (A DA M ) (St ) Abbot (Sept 6 )

. .

O therwi se St A D ELAI D E whi ch see


. . .

(8 th cent ) An Irish Abbot of Iona i n Scot




(F eb 2)
land a wise and good man well versed in
. .

(8 th cent ) A F rankish Princess daughter


the Holy Script ures best known by the


of the famous C harl es Martel and foundress ‘


Life of St Columba he has left and by a d escrip

. of the great Abbey of K itzingen under the ‘

t ion of the Ho ly Pla ces of Palestine which be Rule of St Benedict (A D


compiled He was remarkable for his success ADE LPHI US (St ) Bp

. .

(Aug 29 )

. .

in procuring in Scotland and Ireland the

. .

( 5th cent ) The successor of St Rufus in

adoption of the Roma n practice as to the dat e

the See of Metz which Diocese he governed for


of E as ter He died A D 7 04 Whether or


. seventeen years converting many pagans to .

not he is one and the same with St E u n an

. .

Chri tianity B ut nothing certain concerning . s .

t h e Patron Saint of the D iocese of R aphoe in him is known and it is only conj ecturally that
Ireland remains an open question His name
, he is dated in the f fth century
i His cu l tus at .

has been popula rly abbre viated into Adam M etz from early ages is however indisputable

and is still frequently given in Scotland at


and the Solemn Translation of his relics to


B aptism N euweil er in Alsace in the ninth century was


ADAU CUS (ADAUCTUS) (St ) M (F eb 7 ) the occasion of great popular rejoicings . . .

(4th c ent ) By birth an Italian and an


. DE O DATUS , .

Imperial favourite at the Court of the pitil ess Sai nts of this n ame are better known as
D iocl eti an who sacrificed hi m on discovering
, D E USD E D I T or D I E UD O N N E (God Given ) -

his religion He was executed in Phr ygia


. DE R I TUS (ABDE R I TUS ADE R Y) (St ) Bp , .

and had a number of compan i ons 2nd cent ) A Greek by birth and the first

( AD N ( .

in his M artyrdom some of who m were of successor of St Apollinaris (the missionary sent
, .

senatorial or other high rank Among them thither by the Apostle St Peter) in the Sec of . .

there were also man y women and children Ravenna where he died early in the second .

Historians attri bute the special barbarity of century No reliable account of his life no w .

the tortures he endured rather to the savageness exists His body originally buried outside .

of Galerius Diocletian s colleague than to the , the walls of Ravenna was in the M iddle Ages ’
, ,

evil disposition of the old E mperor himself enshrined in one oi the chief churc hes of the .

ADA UCTUS (St ) M (J uly 3 0) city. . .

e . DILIA (St ) V (Dec 1 3 ) . . .

( Oct 4)

ADA UCTUS and CA LLISTHE N E (SS ) O therwi se St O TH I LI A or O DILIA wh ich . . .


(4th cent ) Ephesians one of whom St see , . .

the tyrant A DJUTOR (AJUTR E ) April


A d au ct us suffered u M aximi nus ( 3 0) *

D aza
nder ,

about the ye ar 3 1 2 The M artyr s

, (1 2th cent ) A Norman knig ht who took


daughter Callisth ene escaped and lived a

, art in the Crusades a nd on his return from , ,

he Holy Land led the life of a hermit at


saintly life devoted to workspof charity till her

, , ,

death at Ephesus Ve n on the river Seine where he died (A D

Jl g pp
, .

ADELA (St Widow (Sept 8 )

. .

. .

( 1 1 th cent ) The wife of C o unt B aldwi n IV ADJUTOR (Si ) Conf (Sept 1 )


. . .

of F landers who after her hus band s death



, ,

took the ve il at the hands of Pope Alexander II ADJUTO R (Si ) M

, ,

(Dec 1 8 ) . .



(A D 1 06 7 ) and retired to the B enedictine Abbey

. . .
, , .

l dessines near Ipres where she died A D ADJUTUS (St ) M (J an 1 6 )

15 7i
(1 . . .


. .
, ,
, ,

ADELA and IRMINA (SS ) VV (Dec 24) ADJUTUS (St ) C ent (D ec 1 9 ) . . .

(D ate uncertain ) D escribed as Abbot of

. . .

(7th and 8 th cent ) Two sisters daughters .

Orleans and often assigned to as early as the


of Dagobert K ing of the F ranks for who m h e

fifth century He is inscribed as AD J U TU S
, ,

fou nded a monas tery at Treves where thei r .

in the Roman Martyr ology but F rench authors


devotedness to the service of the poor led to their

being after their deaths honour ed as Saints mostly style him AVI TUS or AV Y The
learned M abillon holds in accordance wit h
. .

ADE LAID E (AD ELHEID ) (St ) Empress (D ec 1 6 ) ,

B aroni us that there were really two Abbots

. . .

( 1 0th cent ) A Burgundian pr i ncess wi fe of ,

of this name in the Orl eanais the one of Perche

Lothaire K ing of Italy and after his d eath ,

the other of Mi cy both honoured as Saints

, , ,

and much persecution patiently endured


Neither of course must be confused with the


married to Otho Emperor of Germany She

much better known St Avitus Bishop of

was an able woman and especially dur ing her ,

Vienne who flour ished at about the same


second widowhood and guardianship of her ,

gran dson Otho III rendered great services period It is to be noted that St Gregory of .

Tours a thousand years before M abil lon had

, ,

to C hur ch and State acting as the Pear emaker ,

distinguished one from the other the two


of Europe i n that lawless age It i said of


holy Abbots Nevertheless the modern com


St Adelaide that she never forgot a kindness

pilers of the Analecta Boll andiana a dopting

nor ever remembered an inj ury In the end



the seventeenth century criticisms of R uinar t


she retired to a monas tery in Alsace where she

insist that the earlier M SS know of only one
, ,

died A D 9 9 9 .

Abbot Adj utus or Avitus recognised as a Saint


ADELBERT (St ) C onf (June 25)

. .

in the fif th sixth or seventh century Thi s

. . ,

(8th cent ) A N orthumbrian byy birth and .

would be the St Avit us Abbot of J une 1 7 )


said to have been of roy al blood He became


, ,

Various developments of his legend have

. .

a disciple of St Egbert and afterwar ds joined

(they co ntend ) led to the mistake K rus ch

St Willebrord in the latter 8 Ap ostolat e of


ventures the sug gestion that two festivals were


Holland He was made Archdeacon of the


locally kept in his honour one (Dec 1 9 ) com


recently founded See of Utrecht and died at , .

E g mund about A D 7 40 memorati ng his death the other (J une 1 7 )

. . . ,

enlarges especially on his fearless denunciation led at length to his being condemned to death
of the Iconoclasts He was brought before the by K ing Swerker I surname d the Bloody

Emperor Leo the Armenian subjected to many E schil us laid do wn his life for Christ on

St Z , . .

indi gnities and died in exile (A D , Good F riday A D 1 1 3 1 . .

C yzicus standing on the island of the same

. . .

1E TI IE LI I E AR D (Bl ) B p (M ay 21 )
* - -

name off the Southern shore of the Sea of (9 t h cent ) The four tee nth Archbishop of

M armor a was one of the most important of


, C anterbury who died A D 8 05 and after his ,

the Greek cities in Asia Minor a great C hr istian

. .

death appears to have been locally venerated


centre and boasted of a succession of fi fty ni ne as a Saint -

, .

1E THE LGI F U (St ) V (D ec 9 ) .

MILIA N (St ) Bp (Sept 1 1 )

. .


. O therwi se St .

(6 th cent ) In the ancient records of the

. .

which see .

C hurch of Vercelli (Piedmont )


St ZEmii ian E THE R I US (St ) Bp M (March 4) , . . .

is said to have lived as a hermit for forty years

. .


before his elevation to the Bishopric of that E THE R I US (St ) Bp (J une 1 4)

, ,

city He thrice visited Rome and attended


(7 th cent ) A holy Bishop of Vienne (F rance )
the three Synods held by Pope St Symmachus

commemorated in all the Martyrologies as


. .

He died a centen arian in the year 520 Trans famous for his virtues learning and miracles He
lations of his rel i cs took place in the year 1 1 8 1 and
, ,

flourished in the first half of t he seventh century


again towards the end of the seventeenth century Nothing further is now known a bout hi m

1E MILIAN (St ) C onf (Oct 1 1 ) IE I I I E R I US (St ) M (J une 1 8 )


* ’ ‘ -
. . . .

(D ate uncertain ) The Roman Martyrology (4th cent ) One of the countless C hristians
. .

assigns this St JE milian to Rennes in Brittany who suff ered tortur e and death under the
but no trace of a Saint of this name can be Emperor D iocletian His martyrdom took

found in the Breton records The Bollan di sts


place probably at N icomedia (Asia Minor ) .

conclude that E milian in this case is a corrup


A D 3 04 . . .

tion of the name M elanius A Saint Melanius E THE R I US (Si ) Bp (J uly 27 ) . , . .

according to Albert Legrand and other local (6th cent ) The eighteenth B ishop of .

authori ties was Bishop of Rennes for sixty t wo , Auxerre (F rance ) which Diocese he governed -

years and died on the F east of the Epiphany ‘

till his holy death in the tenth yea r of his ,

A D 56 7
. . In the year 8 7 8 the body of this
. Episcopate
' (AD . .

Saint was rescued from the outrages of the *

1E I I US (St ) M (March 6 )

. .

Norman invasion and with the body of St (9 th cent ) A General in the Christian army
, , . .

Clair carried to B ourges This Translation

, and chief among the heroic band of forty two -

(ninth century ) may have been commemorated soldiers who taken prisoners by the Caliph

on Oct 1 1 with E milianus in error substi Montassem (A D 8 36 ) at Amorium in Syria . .


resisted all threats and allurements to become


t u t cd for M ei ani us in the offi ci al documents .

IE MI LI AN (St ) M (Dec 6 ) . Mohammedans and after nine years of prison .

, ,

(5th cent ) An African physician a M artyr and repeated tortures were put to d eath by

, ,
of the Vandal persecution under the Arian

his orders .

K ing Hunneri c (A D The name of AF AN (St ) Conf (N ov 1 6 ) *

(6 th cent ) A Welsh Saint of the Cunedd a

. . . . .

St ZE mili an appears in a cur ious old F rench

. .

litany of Saints of the M edical Profession family by some supposed to have been 5 a .


[E MILIANA (St ) V (Jan 5) Bishop

. He has given its title to the Church of
. . .

(6 t h cent ) A Roman lady and the paternal Llanafan (Brecknock ) , .

aunt of St Gregory the Great who tells us AF RIQUE (AFR I CUS) Bp (April 28 )

(7 th cent ) A Bish of Comminges in the

. , ,

in his Life of St F elix that her dead sister

South of F rance celes prated for his ze al for

Tarsilla appeared to St jE miliana and foretold


Orthodoxy His memory is still held in great


to her that she would die and spend the Epi


veneration though his shri ne and relics were


phany with her in Paradise An old E nglish ,

destroyed by the Calvinists in the sixteenth


M artyrology thus rela tes the above incident .

Her sister s ghost appeared to her in a nightly ’

century .

vis ion saying to her : Without thee I cele

, F F R O SA (St ) M ( J an 4) , . . .

brat ed the Holiday of the Lord s Birth but O therwi se St DAF R O SA or DAPH R O SA


with thee I sh all keep the holiday of the


whi ch see
Lord s manifestation t hat is the Twelfth AF RA (St ) M

(May 24)


(2nd cent ) A convert to Chri tia nity made


holiday of the Lord the day of His Baptism

s ,

by the Martyrs SS F austinus and J ovit a and

. .

IE MI LI A N A (St ) V M (J une 3 0) .

baptised by the t op St Ap olionius She


(D ate unknown ) She is stated to have been

. .

was the wife of a nobleman of the city of


a C hr istian mai den who lived in Rome and


died a M artyr But all particul ars are lacking Brescia in Lombardy where in the end she ,

suff ered martyrdom about A D 1 3 3 It was in


A priest E utychi us mentioned as having


. . .

her chur ch at Brescia that St Angela Merioi


assisted at the first Roman Synod of PO p e


St Symmachus (A D is described as being founded the Ursuline Order and was herself
. .

of the Church of St JE mii iana


(May 22) AF RA (Si ) M (Aug 5)

. . .

IE M l LI US (St ) M . .

(4th cent ) Said to have been a courtesan

. . .


in the city of Augsburg in Bavaria but con
. .
. , ,


verted by a saintly Bishop whom she sheltered

, ,

MM (May 28 )
in his flight from his persecutors When the

(Date uncertain ) C hurches are dedicated in


honour of these Saints in the Island of Sardinia persecution reached Augsburg Afra was seized

b i i t otherwise nothing is now known concerning and taken before the judge who fail ing to move , ,

tll em her constancy condemned her to be burned

alive (A D The same fate attended her
. ,

[E M I LI US (St ) M (Oct 6 )
mother St Hil aria and her maids Digna
. . . . .

See SS M AR C ELLU S CA STU S &c , ,

Eunomia and E ntropia These pious women

, , .
, ,

1E N GUS (ANGU S) (St ) Bp

(M arch 1 1 ) .

whilst occupied in the interment of St Afra

. .

(9 th cent An Irish Saint Abbot of Cluain .


were imprisoned in the b urial vault by soldiers


E d neach and consecrated a Bishop ; famous ,

as a compiler of a valuable Irish M artyrology who filled it with burning logs and branches ,

and so roasted them to death An Ab bey


He died at D esert [E ngus A D 8 24 - .

hurch was built over the vault and edicated

. . .


( J une 1 2) C d
to St Afra
. . .

( 1 2th cent ) An Englis hman who followed . .


St A nsch ar as a missionary to Sweden where .

be was raised to the Episcopal dignity The early C hurch of North Afri ca was one of

H is
zeal for the propagation of the C hristian relig ion the most fl o urishing and one of the most


prolific of Sai nts in Christendom African by the Arian Vandal K ing of Africa Hunneri c ,

The bodi es of some were crushed by heavy

. .

Sai nts of whom St Augustine and St C ypr i an

we ig hts and of others were scorched by red hot
. .

are the best known will be found in their order


metal plates The lives of the rest were taken


Simil ar ly gro ups of Martyrs taking their names .

after slow tortures


from the chief sufferers in each Of those who .

are simply registered without mention of name AF RICAN U S (St ) M (April 1 0)


. .

in the old Martyrologies certain groups claim See SS TE R E N TI US A F RI CAN U S &c .

, , .

special notice AGABI US (St ) Bp (Aug 4) . . .

(3 rd cent ) An early Bishop of Verona


It may be remarked that African Martyrs .

can chronological ly be d istrib uted in three ( North Italy ) emi nent (accor di ng to Cardi nal ,

series : 1 Suff erers in the persecutions under Baroni us ) for his love of God for his gentle ,

manners and for his liberality towards the


the Roman Emperors 2 Those of the perse

poor The date of his death is uncertain
. .

outie n by the Arian Vandals 3 Victims of

. .

AGABU S (St ) Conf

. .

the Mohammedan hatred of Christianity (F eb 1 3 ) . . .

(l st cent ) Said to have been one of the


The North African Church was a branch of .

the Latin Church Egyptian Martyrs were seventy two disciples sent out to preach by

under the Patriarchate of Alexandria and Our Lord (Luke x ) and thus an eye witness .

therefore are treated apart of His mir acles He is mentioned as a d isciple


and prophet in the Acts of the Apostles (xi


AFRICA (MARTYR S IN ) (Jan 6 ) .

The Greek Church commemorates the m artyr


(3 rd cent ) A number of Chr istian men and

dom of St Agabus at Antioch on March 8

women bur ned at the stake in Africa about

, . .

A D 21 0 i m der the Emperor Sept imi us Severus

, F rom a tradition among the C armelites he is ,

us ually represented in art robed in the habit

. .

AF RICA (MARTYRS IN ) (F eb 1 1 ) .

of that Order and holding the model of a


(4th cent ) M artyrs kno wn as the Guardi ans

church in his hand

of the Hol y Scriptures They elected rather ”


(April 9 )

to die than to deliver up the Sacred Books to AGA M UND (St ) M *

. .

be burned as ordered in the great persecution (9 th cent ) One of the Croyland Abbey .

under Diocletian Those commemorated on monks who had attained his hundredth year ,

when in the irruption of the heathen Danes


F eb 1 1 suffered in the Province of Numidia


(A D . . St Augustine makes special (about A D

. he with his Abbot St Theo . .
, .

mention of them dore and many of his brethren was barbarously


AF RICA (M ARTYRS IN ) (April 5) put to de ath As in the case of many others. .

(5th cent ) A congregation of C atholic . of the ancient Saints the circumstances of his ,
Christians massacred on Easter Sunday (A D death were thought sufii cient to j ustif y the .

by order of the Arian Gens eric K ing of giving to him the title of M artyr

the Vandals while assisting at M ass The AGAPE (St ) M


, (J an 25) . . . .

lector who was in the act of intoni ng the

, See SS D O NATU S SA B IN US &c .
, ,

Allelui a from the lectern at the moment when AGAPE and CHI O NI A (SS ) VV M M (April 3 )

. . .

the soldi ers rushed into the church had his (4th cent ) Two sisters who with a third .

thr oat pierced by an arrow

, ,

s ister by name Irene and some other C hristians .

, , ,

AF RI CA (MARTYR S IN ) (April 9 ) were charged with concealing the Sacre d B ooks


(D ate unknown ) A body of Christians done of t he Christians which had been ordered to be

to death at Masyla probably near F ez in given up to be destroyed and who were on that
, ,
M orocco in one of the early persecutions
, account burned at the stake at Thessalonica ,
They were held in great veneration in the under the Emperor Diocletian (A D

. .

African Church A panegyric preached by AGAPE (St ) V M .

(Aug 1 ) . . .

St Augustine in th eir honour is extant They O therwi se St C HARIT Y whi ch see


. .

are also commemorated in one of the Hymns AGAPE (St ) V M


(Dec 28 ) . . .

of the Christian poet Prudentius


See SS IN D E S D O M N A &c
, .
, , .

AF RICA (M ARTYR S I N ) (M arch 1 6 )


( 0013 1 6 ) A GAPI TUS (St ) Bp . . .

(Date uncertain ) Two hundred and twenty (3 rd cent ) A Bishop of Ravenna (Italy )

. .

Chr istians commemorated from ancient times said to have been chosen to that See as had
as having suffered death for C hrist on a six been his ten predecessors in consequence of

t eenth day of October But neither the year the alighting of a whi te dove on his shoul ders

nor the precise p lace nor any details of their at the moment of the election Some authors
, .

martyrdom have come down to us , confus e this St Ag ap i tus with another B ishop .



of Ravenna of the same name but who does.


(Date unknown ) A group of between one not seem to have been publicly venerated after

hundred and two hundred Christians massacred h is death (4th cent ) as a Saint .

in one of the earlier persecutions The M art yro AGAPI TUS (Si ) Bp

(March 24)

. . .

logies however give no particular s as to date

, , (3 rd cent ) A Bishop of Synnad a in Phrygia .

place or natur e of their passion It sho uld


, (Asia Minor ) who flourished in the first half of ,

always be remembered that one of the objects the third ce ntury and who seems to have

of the great persecution for which the Emperor undergone much suffering in one of the p ersecu

Diocletian is responsible at the close of the tions of the period .

third century of the C hristian Aera was the AGAPI TUS (St ) (Aug 6 ) .

destruction of t he Sacred Books and records See SS X Y STU S F E LI CI SSI MUS & c

of the Christians In this the Pagans were AGAPI TUS (St ) M

(Aug 1 8 )

. . .

only too successful and the loss to Ecclesiastical


(8 rd cent ) The Patron Saint of Palestrina

, .

History has been irreparable The Annals (Praeneste ) near Rome He was a youth of . .

of the early Martyrs in particular have become


noble birth who at the age of fifteen was

, ,

very incomplete In regard to the Churches arrested as a Christian and after being put to

of Africa and of the East the laying waste


the torture was sentenced to death The

by the Arabs of the countries involved the
, .

brave boy was thrown to the wild bea ts in the s

destruction of libraries and Archives and has Amphitheatre ; but as not rarely happened
had a sim ilar disastrous result In Western
, ,

in the case of C hristian M artyrs the fierce

Europe thanks to the scholarly copyists main creatures refused to do him any harm The

t ai ned in the monas teries much has s urvived sight of the m iracle astounded the Spectators

not only of clas sical literature but also of

, ,

and was followed by the conversion to Chr istian


records of early C hristianity dating at least


ity of not a few among them of whom one was

from the fourth century

St Anastasius a tribune in the ar my The

. . .

judge cut matters short by order ing Ag a pit us


(Dec 1 6 ) .

( 5t h cent ) A n umber of holy women (prob


. to be forthwith beheaded This passed during

ably nuns ) who laid down their lives (A D

, the so called ninth persecution that under t he -

in witness to the Catholic F aith then prosc ibed


Empero r Aurelian (A D Th e C athedral


, r . .

of Palestrina now stands on the site of the a bear was let loose upon him ; but after and
mart yrdom of St Ag ap it us In the year 9 7 4 having been terribly mauled by the animal
. .

his relics were enshrined in a natural cave or he was found to be still alive Weighted with

gr otto in i ts crypt ; but fi ve centuries later


heavy stones his body was then cast into the sea
t ranslate d in great p art to C orneto near Civita

(A D St Ag ap ius is also commemorated ,

Vecchia A liturgical commemoration of St

. . .

. with SS Timothy Thecla and others on Aug 1 9 .

A gap i t us is made in the Universal C hurch

, .

AGATHA (St ) V M (F eb 5 ) . . .

annually on Aug 1 8 the anniversary of his


(3 rd cent ) Palermo and C atania both claim


. the honour of being the birthplace of this

AGAPITU S (St ) M (Sept 20) . famous Sicilian Saint whose name enshrined
. .



i n the Litany of the Saints and in the C anon


, ,

AGAPIA (AGA PE S) V M (F eb 1 5) of the Mass appears in the old M artyrology

. . .

(3 rd cent ) A C hri tian maiden instructed


. of Carthage and in all others Greek and Latin s

by St Valentine Bishop of Terni by whom she


In the numerous fresc oes and sculptures which


was chosen to pres i de over a body of religious


have come down to us from antiquity she is ,

nen Sh e suffered martyrdom about A D represented holding a pair of pincers or with

. . .

other ins truments of the tortures to which she

A GAPITO S (St ) Pope (Sept 20) .was su bjected The traditional details of her
. .

(6 th cent ) B y birth a Roman b e when


. bitter Passion are given in the Lections for her .

, ,

onl y Archdeacon of the Roman C hurch accord F east in t he R oman Breviary After suffering ,

i ng to a custom prevale nt in that age was


exquisite tortures she died of her wound in , ,


elected (A D 53 5) to succeed PO p e J ohn II


. . prison at Catania during the persecution under .

In the following year he repaired to Constanti


D ecius (A D The miracles by which her

no ple partly to avert the war on Italy threat

intercession h as preserved C atania in successive


ened by the Emperor J us tinian and partly eruption of Mount Etna are well authenticated s .

to put order into the troubled Eastern C hurches


Her Acts in Latin alleged to be based on others .

He fai led in hi s political mission but succeeded


from the pen of an eye witness of her martyr ,


in rescuing the Chur ch of C onstantinople from dom are substantially reliable


the E utychian heretics With g reat courage


AGATHA (St ) Matron


(F eb 5 ) . .

he denounced and cancelled the election as

. .

(1 1 th cent ) The wife of a Count of Carinthia ,

Patriarch of the metropolis of the East of


devoted to her domestic duties and a model of ,

Ant hi mus a time server who refused to sub

, patience under the most grievous tri als She .

scribe the Canons oi the C ouncil of Chalcedon was ever occupied in good works and especially ,

then the test of Ortho doxy He then as in the care of the poor and distressed She .
, .

Supreme Po nti ff appointed to the vacant See died A D 1 024 and many miracles since worked ,

Mennas an Ecclesiasti c of undoubted virtue

, ,

at her tomb bear witness to her sanctity

. .

and of great learning Whilst occupied in


AGATII AN GE LUS (St ) M (J an 23 ) .

. . .

dealing with compl aints of heterodoxy made (4t h cent ) A deacon O f Ancyra in Galatia ,

against various Eastern Bishops St Ag apitus


who su ff ered martyrdom with his Bishop , .


d ied at C o ns tantinople that same year His St Clement about the year 3 09 Their relics . .

were brought to Par is by the Crusaders in the


body was taken t o Rome and interred with


those of his predecessors in the B a ilica of thirteenth century The ex istence and ca ll u s s .

St Peter The Greeks commemorate him as a of these Martyrs is undoubted though the
learned Baronius and after him modern
. .

Saint on April 1 7 the anniversary of hi s dea th , .

, , ,

Several of his letters are still extant historians in general reject the legends concern ,

ing them current in the Middle Ages as romances


AGAPITUS (St ) (N ov 20) . . ,


. based on sp ur ious documents which had been , .

(March 24) put forth as genui ne Acts The Greeks have a


AGAPI US (St ) M . .

special commemoration of St Ag athangelus




on N ov 5 and they give him two other deacons


AGAPI US (St ) M (A ril 28 )


Ph eu gon and Chariton and several C hristian

. .

, .

children as his companions in martyrdom



, ,

a n d OTHER S (SS ) MM (April 29) AGATHO (Si ) Po


. (J an 1 0) . .

(3 rd cent ) The Span ish Saints Ag ap ius (7 th cent ) he Patron Saint of Palermo in

Sicily his birthplace He embraced there the

. .
and Secundinu s (said to have been Bishops ) .

monasti c life in the Benedictine monastery of


were banished to Africa in the persecution under


Valerian There at Cirrh a (near Constantine ) St Hermes but was elected to the Papal
thr one on June 27 A D 6 7 8 The Sixth
, , ,
they were put to death ( A D 259 ) together with

. . .

Ecumenical C ouncil was held at Constantinople

. .

Tertulia zE mili an and other Christians among

during his Ponti fi cate (A D i He restored
, ,

whom was a mother with her twin chi l dren .

(Aug 1 9 ) St Wilfrid to the See of York and otherwise


bene fi ted the Church in England whither he
. . .



: ,

sent skilled masters to reintroduce the Roman

, ,

St A gap i us i s also commemorated sep arately

C hurch chant The tradition is that he was

on N ov 20 whi ch see -

alr eady a centenarian on his elevation to the

. .

AGAPI US (St ) M (Aug 21 )

Papacy He was endued in an extraordinary
. . .


degree with the grace of working miracles and
. .
A GAPI US (St ) Bp (Sept 1 0) ,

hence surnamed Thaumaturgus (t he wonder


(5t h cent ) D uring twenty years Bishop of

. .

worker ) He died and was buried in St Peter s


Novara in Piedmont where he died A D 43 8 , , . . . . .


He is described as having in all things walked A D 682

in the footsteps of his holy predecessor St AGATHO (St ) M
. . .

(F eb 1 4) , . . . .

Gau d enti us 8 6 6 SS C YR I O BASSI AN US &c , .

(N ov 2) AGATHO an d TRIPII I NA (SS ) MM (July 5)

. . ,

A GAPI US (St ) M —
. .

(4th cent probably ) Of the Sicilian Martyr

. . .


St Ag atho little is kn own ; but his name has

, , .

AGAPI US (St M (N ov 20)

become prominent on account of the controversy
. . .

(4th cent ) A M artyr of Caesarea in Pales

tine D uring the first years of the persecution among the learned concerning the St Trip hi na

under Diocletian he thrice suffered imprison bracketed with him in the Registers Some

authors go so far as to assert that this fellow


ment for the F aith At last again arrested

by order of the Emperor Gal eri us and chained sufferer with St Agatho was not a woman but

a C hris tian man by name Triph onius or Try


to a murderer he was brought to the public

phon Others hold the view that the Saint

amphitheatre to be cast to the wild beasts


Trip hina of J uly 5 is identical with the St

. .

His com anion obtained the Emperor s pardon ’


and to gapins also libert y was o ffered but on Tri p homena to whom the Cathedral of Minori
condition of his renouncing C hrist He refused near Salerno is dedicated This latter Sa int



is admitted by all to have been a Sicil ian ; and AGGAE US (AGGEU S, HAGGAI ) Prophet (J uly 4) .

her martyrdom is as signed to the first years of (6 th cent The tenth among the Minor ]

Pr0p hets of the Old Testament Very little is


t he fourth century under D ioclet i an Bu t f


recorded or preserve d bv tradition concerning


antiquaries cannot yet be said to have solved

satisfactorily t he problem of SS Agatho and him His prophecy is brief and contains his

commission to deliver the D ivine message to


Tri phi na
K ing D arius Hy st aSp es of Persia to forward

AGATHO (Si ) . (Dec 7 ) .


(3 rd cent ) A soldier posted at Alexan dr ia the rebuilding of the Temple of J erus alem .

He seems himself to have seen the former


as guard over the bodi es of certain C hri sti an

Martyrs which he prevented a mob of Pagans
Temple in which supposition he must have been

from outraging F or this humane act he was a very aged man when he delivered his ro
p hecy ; but a contrary bel i ef among the

set upon and dragged before the magistrates ewe

as a sus pected Christian Whether he had been has it that he was born during the exile and ,

he lived to see t he second temple (B C


reviousl y such or not is un certain but in the

B gi g)
. .

ourt of Justice he fearlessly confessed Chri st ,

and on his own confessi on was sentenced to AGGAE US (St ) M (Jan 4) . . .

death and beheaded He was one of the See SS HER M E S, AGGAE U S, &c
AGIA (Si ) Widow
. .

victims of the persecution under the Emperor (Sept 1 )


. . .

D ecius (A D . . (6th cent ) The mother of St Lupus of Sens . .

AGATHO CLI A (St V M (Sept 1 1 ) . (F rance ) a holy woman after her death vener
, ,

ated as a Saint
. .

(3 rd ce nt ) he Christian servant maid of


. .

a Pagan lady in Spain and by her cruelly treated A GI LAE US (A GLE US) (St ) M (Oct 1 5) . . .

(4t h cent ) An African who suffered at


on account of her religion In the end she was .

Carthage i n the l ast great persecution about


denounced to the authorities during one of the ,

persecuting decades of the third century o ne —

A D 3 00
. . His relics were afterwar ds translated

of the most troubled in the annals of the C hurch to Rome ; and hence he became well know in
the Western C hur ch

The poor slave gi rl was savagely scourged ; One of the Homilies of .

and to prevent her repeating again and again , St A ug usti ne was preached on his F estival “

as was her wont the comforting name of J esus ,

A GI LULPH (Si ) B p M (J uly 9 ) . . .

(8 th cent ) A monk and later Abbot of


her tongue was torn out She was at last . .

, ,

beheaded ; but neither the precise time nor the Stavelot who became Bishop of C ologne and

place are now known

, ,

incurring in the zealous discharge of his ministry

t he enmity of the famous potentate C harles

AGA THO DO R US (St ) Bp M (March 4) .


. .

. &c , . M artel was put to death by his connivance


(April 1 3 )
AGATHO DO R US (St ) M : . (A D . .


, , . AGI LUS (AISLE AIL) Abbot (Aug 3 0) , . .

AGATHO N I CUS Z O TI CUS an d OTHER S (SS ) , . (7th cent ) A young nobleman of the .

MM .
(Aug 22) . F rankish C ourt who became a dis ciple of the
(3 rd cent ) Accordi ng to the Menology of . Irish Saint Columb anus at Luxeuil in Eastern
Basil St , Ag ath oni cus was a C hristian of
. F rance There he lived a holy life under

patrician family put to death for the F aith in St Eustasius for many years
. Later he went .

the neighbourhood of Constantinople during , as a missionary into Bavaria and fin al ly became ,

the persecution under Diocletian and M aximian Abbot of Rebais near Paris where he died , ,
Herculeus to wards the close of the thir d A D 6 50 at the ag e o f si xty six / -

century With him su ff ered Z oticus by

, . .
, .

, AGLI BE R T (St ) M (June 24) . .

profession a philosopher and several of the , See SS A G O AR D AGLI BE R T &c .

, ,
up ils or as they were called dis ciples of the AGN E LLUS (Si ) C onf

, , , (Dec 1 4) . .

atter Th e Emperor J ustinian more than a


, (7 th cent ) Agnelins otherwise Anellus .

hundred years later buil t a magnificent church born at Naples of wealthy parents at the age of

, ,

in their honour They are mentioned in the . fi fteen became a her mit
, Later in his life .

Latin M artyrologies and in the Imperial , some African monks who had been driven into ,

Library at Vienna there is preserved a valuable exile by the Arians and had settled at Naples
M S record of their Pass i on

revail ed upon hi m to become their Abbot

fie died A D 59 6 As to the Rule followed in
. . .

AGATHO PE DE S and THE O DULUS (SS ) . . . .

(April 4) his monastery some think it to have been that ,

(4thcent ) A deacon wit h his lector arrested

, of St B as il others that of St Benedict He is , .

at Thessaloni ca as Chr istians and drowned in


represented clothed with the religious habit


the sea by order of the President F aus tinus


, and bearing a cross or standard as in such guise ,

during the persecution of the savage M aximian he has often appeared at Naples and repulsed
Herculeus colleague of D iocletian ,This hap . the enemies who were assailing the town His
pened in one of the first years of the fourth

relics were enshrined in an ancient church

century . of Our Blessed Lady which later was named
AGATHO PO DE S (St ) C onf (April 25) . after him Moroni relates that during his .



. . l ifetime when the Saracens (A D 6 7 4) besieged

, . .

AGATHO PUS (Si ) M (Dec 23 ) . . . the city of Naples St A gnellus raised the stan , .


. dard of the Cross and at the head of the , ,


(J an 1 8 )
. . Neapolitan troops put the besiegers to flight ,

(D ate unknown ) One of a band of t hirty six

. .

AGNES (AGNA ) V M (J an 21 ) . .

missionaries , who , in the first or second century ,


(4t h cent ) A Virgin Martyr everywhere -

sought to propagate C hristianity in Egypt


venerated and one of those daily commemorated

whi ch country they for that purpose divide d in the Canon of the M ass At the tender age .

into four regions To St Ag athi us with eight . . of thirteen she obtained the double crown of ,

others fell the e as tern districts The conver martyrdom and cha tity F ail ing to burn her s

sions they made were numerous and continual

. .

at the stake the Prefect of Rome under Maxi ,

Eventually arrested they were condemned to


, mian Hercul eus ordered her to be beheaded

death and were burned at the stake as impious (A D though this precise dat e is much
men disturbers of public order
. .

, . contested She was buried on the Via Nomen


(Dec 1 ) , . . tana where a church was built by Constantia

(6 th cent ) The successor of St Desiderat us

daughter of the Emperor C onstantine St


(Desir e) in the See of Verdun (F rance )


A gnes is represented in vario us ways but mostly

. .

charity and ki ndliness ende ared him to princes

with a lamb at her feet and a sword in her hand

and people al ike and his prayers and co unsel M any details of the fifth century Acts of St

were sought by a He worked many miracles Agnes are 0 en to criticism though subst anti

both in his life and after his holy death which

, ,

ally the c cumstances of her martyrdom

came to pass in the year 59 1

. are authentic .
AGNE S O F BOHE MIA (Si ) V (M arch 6 ) . . of his maple and died A D 7 00 in the sixty
(1 3 th cent ) A princess daughter of the

fourth year of his age

. .

K ing of Bohemia and s ister of the K ing of

. .

AGRICOLA (Si ) M (N ov 4) .

Hungary who to a marriage with the Emperor




F rederick II preferred the life of a Poor C l ar e



(Dec 3 ) .

By her gentle piety she gained the hearts of

. . .

(D ate unknown ) A M artyr in Hungary

all with whom she had to deal Pope Gregory

. whose gesta have not come down t o us

I X who greatly valued her placed her at the but whose name appears in all the ancient

, ,

head of all the convents of her Order She . Regi sters 0

passed away A D 1 28 2 at the age of seventy


AGRICO LA (St ) M (Dec 1 6)

seven years
. .
, , . .



. .


, ,

. . AGRIPPINA (St ) V M (J une 23 ) .

(1 4th cent ) B orn at Monte Pulciano in

. .

(3 rd cent ) According to the Greeks she was

Tuscany at an early age Agnes embraced the
. .

, a Roman maiden of tender years who cour age

religious life in the D ominican convent of ous ly and joyful ly endure d cruel torture and
Proceno of which she became the Prioress
, death for the F aith in the reign of the Emperor
passing later to that founded by herself at her

Valerian (A D Her relics were r emoved . .

birthpl ace where famous for sanctity of life

, , from Rome to Sicil y by SS Bassa and Paul a
and for the supernatural gr aces bestowed upon
. .

AGR I PPI N US (St ) Bp (N ov 9 ) . .

her she died in her forty ninth year (A D


. . (2nd cent ) A holy man who in the second .

She was canoni sed four hundred y ears later


. century of the C hristian Aera made the See of

AGNE S O F POITIER S (Si ) V (May 1 3 ) . . Naples illustrious by his zeal for the C atholic
(6 t h cent ) C hosen by St Radegund to be . . F ai th and by his working of mi racles His .

Abbess of the two hundred nuns of her monas relics originally interred in the old Cathedral

t ery of Holy Cross at Poitiers the two Saints C hur ch called Stephania were subsequently ”
, ,

journeyed together t o Aries where from the enshrined under the High Altar of the actual
hands of St C aesarius they received the R ule . C athedral of Naples with the bodies of SS , .

of their community St Agnes died shortly . . E ut y chet es and Acuti us fellow sufferers with ,

after her holy mistress (A D . . St J anu ari us

. .

A GNES (Si ) V M . (Aug 28 ) . . . AGR I TI US (AGR I CE AGUY ) (St ) Bp (Jan 1 3 ) , . . .

(D ate un certain ) Reputed of British birth .

, (4t h cent ) A Syrian chosen at the ins tance .

of the E mpress Helena from the ranks of the


and venerated at Cologne as a Martyr Sh e

clergy of Antioch to become Bishop of Treves

was possibly one of the sufferers with St Ursula .

AGNES O F ASSISI (Bl ) V ( Nov 1 6 ) in Germany He was consecrated to that See


. . . .

(1 3 th cent ) The sister of St Clare and one by Pope St Sylvester The Empress Helena .

further committed to his care the Seamless

. . .

of the first to embrace the religious life under

the Rule of St F rancis as a Poor C lare or . Tunic of Our Blessed Lord thenceforth known
Minoress St F rancis placed her as Abbess as the Holy C at of Treves and the object of a

famous p ilgri age The Imperial Palace at

. .

over the convent of these nuns which he had .

founded at F lorence She returned to Assisi in Treves was converted into a C athedral and the ,

Emperor Cons tantine was lavish of favours to


1 253 to assist at the death bed of her holy -

sister and three months later rejoined her in

the missionary B ishop sent thi ther from the
On earth they shared the same East St Agritius laboured zealously and
ea en

success fully during twenty years at the conver

. .

AGO AR DUS AGLI BE R TUS and OTHER S (SS ) sion of Gaul and of Western Germany After .

his death (A D 3 3 5) his remains were interred

MM (J une 24)
in the Basilica of St J ohn now called St
. . .

(3 rd cent ) A group of Martyrs described .

, .

M aximin s after his famous successor in the


as having been so numerous as to defy counting ’


Bis hopric

They appear to have been massacred in a popular .

outbreak against the Christians at Creteil , ,

AGUY (St ) .

near Paris The tradition is that SS Agoardus

. . A n abbrevi ated p op ular f orm o f the names
and Aglibert their leaders had come from the A GE R I 0US and A GR I T I US .

onf (April 7 )
, ,

Rhine country and that SS E wai dus Altinus *

AI BE R T (Si ) C . .

cent A enedictine monk in the

, ,

and Savi ni an had converted them to Christian (1 2th ) B

north of rance who passed to the life of a

ity The details concerning these Mart yrs F ,

hermit long life of eighty years was


now available are very untrustworthy ; and H is ,

almost from infancy one of continuous prayer


the dates given stil l more so But A D 27 3 ,

and penance It is related of him that he

. . .

seems likely as the year of their triumph

never missed saying two M asses daily one for
. .

AGO FR I DUS (A GO FR O I ) (Si ) Abbot (Aug 24) ,

the D ead and one for the Living He died

. . .

(8th cent ) The brother and successor of . .

St Leofri dus as Abbot of Lacroix a B ene A D 1 1 40

AIDAN (St ) Bp (Oct 20)
. . .

dietine monastery of the Diocese of Evreux in *

. .

(8 th cent ) An Ir ish Bishop in M ayo He


Normandy He became Abbot A D 7 3 8 . .

died A D 7 6 8
. . .

The date of his death is not given



. . . .


Abbot (Sept 1 )

Bp (March 1 7 .

(7 th cent ) The son of an officer at the C ourt

. .

(6th cent ) A holy Bishop of Chalon sur -

of Ciot aire II born at Poitiers and destined by

. .

Saone zealous for the spiritual good of his flock

hi s father for a m ilitary career But his own
, ,

and for the orderly performance of D ivine .

service He took part in several F rench Church wish whi ch was also that of his mother that ,

h e sho ul d consecrate himself to God


C ouncils St Gregory of Tours e nl arges upon


was ,

eventually fulfilled and he took the monastic

. .

the austerity of his private l ife He died A D ,

h abit in the Abbey of St J ouin i n Poitou

. . .

5 8 0 at the age of eighty three - . .

AGRICOLA (AGR I CO LUS) (Si ) (Sept 2) He became in succession Abbot of the mona
, .

sterics of Q ui nz ay and J umi eges Throughout

. .

(7 th cent ) The son of St M agnus a F rankish .

h is life a model of prayer aus terity and of


noble who late in life took Holy Orders and

. .

, ,

observance of Religious Rule he at his own


eventually was promoted to the See of Avignon


, ,

re q uest expired (A D 6 8 7 ) on a couch of sack


St A gri colus his son entered the monastery , . .

cloth and ashes

, ,

of Lérins as a Religious and there acquired a .

great re utation for piety and learning Sum AI D (St ) Abbot (Apr i l 1 1 )

moned p (D ate uncertain ) An Abbot of Achad

. . .

y hi s father to Avignon he speedily

F inglas in C ounty C arlow ossibl y one and the

made himself beloved and esteemed by clergy ,

and laity alike and was in due course called same with St Aed or Maed ogh of Clonmore .

AIDAN (AEDAN ) (Si ) Bp (Aug 3 1 )


to occupy that Metropolitan See He governed . .

(7 t h cent ) In response to a req uest from


his D iocese for forty years to the great profit



St Oswald K ing of Northumbria St Aidan in p arts of Germany about Ma inz Here he was .

again attacked by the Arians and eventually

, ,

a monk of the famous Abbey of Hy or Iona

. ,

, ,

was chosen by the Abbot Seghen for the special put to death by them towar ds A D 400 A , . . .

mi ssion of reki ndling the F aith in the K i ngdom celebrated Abbey at M ainz dedicated in his ,

of Northu mbria He was forthwith consecrated honour has preserved his memory
, .

Bis hop and on his arriv al in the North of ALBAN (St ) M (J une 22) . .

(4t h cent ) The first Martyr of Britain

England took for his See the Island of Lindis . .

farne (Holy Island ) where he founded a famous He suffered in the persecution under D iocletian

(probably A D though the Edicts of perse


Abbey His Diocese reached from the F orth .

cut i on were only rarely e nf orced in the provinces

. .

to the Humber The acco unt of the miracles .

he worked and other particulars of ins saintly governed by Constantius Chi orus St Alban .

. .

life are to be found in the writings of Venerable was converted to the F aith by a priest to whom
Bede He founded many churches and schools he had given shelter and whose life he had thus
for which he provided masters from among his saved Several wonderful occurrences signal

ised his martyrdom as related by Bede and


fellow monks He died at Bamboroug h in the . ,

eighteenth ye ar of a fruitful Episcopate (A D others It took p lace at Verulam a town ,

which received the name of St Albans after

. . .

A grace ful tradition is to the effect that

the young shepherd boy C uthbert at the the erection there of the famous Abbey of that ,

moment of the passing away of St Aidan saw name the work of K ing O ffa of Mercia in the
eighth century With St Alban suffered one
, ,

in a vision the soul of the Saint carried up by '

. .

angels into Heaven and thereupon himself set .

of the executioners who at sight of the Saint s
, , ,

about preparing by a life in the cloister for courage and constancy had declared himself ,

carrying on the work for God to which the also to be ready to embrace Christ ianity The .

Saint had been devoted Nor di d the fame of priest who was saved by St Alban who dis . .

St C uthbert fall short of that of St Aidan

. guised him in his own cloak (styled a Caracalla) . . ,

St Aidan is represente d in art sometimes with and who is commonly known as St Amphibalus
is said to have fled into Wales there to have
. .

a torch in hi s hand sometimes with a stag near


, ,

him suggeste d by a legend that once b e by his

, effected many conversions and ul timately to ,

prayer rendered invisible a deer pursued by have sealed his F aith with his blood In art .

hunts men . St Alban is us ually represented with a cross .

AIGNAN (AGNAN ) (St ) Bp (N ov 1 ) in one hand and a sword in the other with a
. . . ,

O therwi se St AN I AN U S whi ch see river or spring in the fore ground

, . .


( ) Abbot (J an 26 ) . . . . .

(7t h cent ) Monks of eury an Abbey on (1 2th cent ) Abbot of Citeaux and one of

, .

the Loire St Aigul phus was sent by his . the founders of the Cistercian Order of M onks

Abbot St Mommolus to rescue the relics of

, . under the Rul e of St Benedict the character , .

St Bene di ct from the ruins of Monte C assino

. ist i c featur e of which order was insis tence on
where they were enshrined He afterwards

the observance to the letter of that ancient .

undert ook a much needed reform of di scipline Western Rule St Alban placed his reform . .

in the Abbey of Lerins off the coas t of Provence under the Special patronage of O ur Blessed
but was resisted by a local chieftain or baron

Lady and in her honour gave his monks the ,

who in the end caused hi m to be murdered with whi te robe they still wear He di ed A D 1 1 09

, , .

several of his fellow monks (A D

. . .

ALBERT (St ) Bp (J an 8 ) . . . .


(Sept 1 2) (7 th cent ) The Patron Sa int of C ashel in
. .

(5th cent ) An Irish Saint concernin g whose

. .

. Ireland Unfortun atel y a reliable account of ,

lif e and Apostolic labours there are few reliable the life of St Albert does not exist We know

particul ars extant He must have been con of him that with St Erard he took part in the
. .

temporary with St Patrick i n the fi fth century evangelis ing of B avaria and that he di ed and

and have worked chieflyy in the South of Ireland

was interred at Ratisbon He flourished at .

where he is venerate d as Patron Saint of M unster


the close of the seventh century .

and as fi rst Bishop of the See of Emly later A LBERT (Si ) Conf (Aug 7 )
united to Cashel
. .

(1 4t h cent ) A Sicilian F riar of the Order


AIME (AM E ) (St B (Sept 1 2)


of Mount Carmel to which his mother hitherto

O therwi s e St A MATU S whi ch see
. . . , ,

chil d less had vowed hi m before his birth

, .

AIRY (Si ) B (Sept 1 )


When of suffi cient age he willingly ratified his


. . .

O therwi se St A GE R I CU S whi ch see mother s vow and entered among the Carmelites

AISLE (AILE U ) (St Abbot (Aug 3 0)


of Mount Trapani He lived a life of extreme

. . . .

O therwi se St A GI LU S whi ch see austerity and by his zeal in preachi ng called

, .

(April 22)

many sinners back to the paths of virtue He

AI THE LAS (St M . .

(4th cent ) One of the band of Persian Mar also converted numerous J ews to the true F aith

tyrs of which the leader was St Ab di esus


He died in a solitude that is in a lonely hermi .

AIZAN and SAZAN (SS ) MM C onf (Oct 1 )

tage of his Order in the ye ar 1 3 06 and was .

(4t h cent ) Two brothers kings or chieftains

. . .
, ,

. buried in the C armelite C hurch at Messina of

in Ab yssinia dis tinguished for their attachment

wh ich city he is recognised as one of the Patron


to the C atholic F aith and for their zeal in Sai nts He was canonis ed about the middle
propagating C hristianity in Africa They were

of the fi fteenth century .

honoured with the friendshi p o f they g reat ‘ ALBERT (Bl ) Bp M


(Sept 1 4) . .

St Athanasius One or other of them appears


( i 3th cent ) An Italian Bis hop of the Order


. .

to have survived t ill nearly the ye ar 400 and


of C anons R egular who after governing the

their cultus was at once after their deaths
, .

Sees of Bobbio and Vercelli and labouring

established among the Ethiopians
, ,
strenuously to reconcile the German Emperor
AJO U (AJON ) Abbot M (Sept 3 )

with the Holy See became under Innocent III

, . . , , ,
O therwi se St AI GULPHUS whi ch see Patriarch of J erus alem The Holy City having
AJUTR E (St Conf (April 3 0)
. .

u nhappily again fallen under the sway of the


O therwise St A D J UTOR which see I nfi dels Bl Albert established his See at Acre

ALAND S and ALO R O S (SS Bps ( Oct 26 )

. .

and for eight years until his death (A D 1 21 4)


(5th cent ) Two Bishops of Qui mper in


di stingui shed hi mself for piety and p astoral

. .

Brittany who flourished in the fi fth century

, zeal At the request of St Brocard he com
but concerning whom no reliable articul ars
. .

posed a wise and accepted Rule for the C armelite


have come down to us except the act of the Order He was assassinated by an evil liver ,

popular and Liturgical veneration given to them


whom he h ad as was his duty sternly rebuked

from early ag es
, ,

and h as sin ce been venerate d as a Martyr




(J 21 ) (R i ) Bp (N ov 1 5)

(4t h cent ) A Greek priest of Naxos who

. .

(1 3 t h cent ) The famous D ominican philo
sent into ex ile by the Ar ians preached the Gospel

sopher and theologian who had St Thomas , .

Aquinas for his pupil and whose own works * AL
CHM UND (St M (March 1 9 )
place him in the fir st ranks of Mediaeval School

cent ) A prince of the Royal House of

(8 th
men A German by birth after r efusing many

, N ort humbri a who after many years of exile
Ecclesiastical dignities content to serve in his

, among the Picts in Scotland met his death in

own O rder he was constrained by the P0p e to Shropshire (A D 8 00) in circumstances which
accept the B ishopric of Ratisbon ; but after
, .

led to his end being regarded as a martyr dom

three years of able and successful p astoral

M any miracles were wrought at his tomb and


work was allowed to retire to his convent at his relics were enshrined i n a magnificent church

C ologne where he died A D 1 28 0 being then . . erected in his honour at D erby

in his eighty eighth year His works are
, , .

ALCUIN (ALBINUS) (BL) Abbot (May 1 9 ) -

published i n twenty six folio volumes


(9 th cent ) A native of York who has the
( Nov 21 )

LBE R T (St Bp M . reputation of having been the most learned

( 1 2th cent ) The son of Godfrey III and

man of hi s time Well versed in Greek and


brother of Henry Duke of Lorrainey and Bra Latin literature , he gave great i mpetus to the

bant C hoosing the clerical profession he was , founding of schools both in England and l ater
appointed to the C athedral C hapter of Liege
, ,

, in F rance A favour ite of the Emperor Charle

of which D iocese he became Archdeacon His magne (whose almoner he became ) Alcuin used

virtues were such as to recommend him as the


all his influence with that monarch to advance


successor of his Bishop R adulp hus though his , , the kindred causes of Christianity and civilisa
promotion was opposed both by B aldwin , tion He reformed the discipline of various

C ount of Haina ul t and by Henry VI Emperor monasteries and died Abbot of St M artin s at ’

of Germany St Albert appealed to Rome We have from h is pen


Tours (A D

. .

whith er he travelled in disguise Pope C elestin e

. .

C ommentaries on Holy Scriptur e to the cor

not only declared his election to the Sec of Liege rect ing of the Latin text of which Alcui n gave
perfectly legitimate but further raised him to , much time and labour ; likewise volumes of
the digni ty of Cardinal Consecrated at Rheims letters and other works

. .

by t he Ar chbishop and awaiting there an op p or *

ALDATE (E LDATE ) (St ) (F eb 4) . .

t unit y of returnin g to hi s B ishopric he was , 5th cent ) A Briton who lived in the western
lured outside the city walls by some creatures counties of England and who in some legends

of the Emperor who pretended to be like him

, , is styled Bishop of Gloucester Aldate s patriot .

self victims of persecution and murdered by

, , ism ln stirring up his fellow countrymen to
them (A D Of his relics part are at
. . resist the heathen invaders of the land coupled ,

Liege and partp at Louvain . with his pious and exemplary life gained for ,

ALBERT (St ) B .
(Dec 1 3 ) . h im local repute as a Saint M any chur ches .

O therwi se St AU BERT or AUTH BE R T .

, bear his name as their Titul ar Saint ; but reli
whi ch see . able details of his life are lacking His death .

ALBERTA (St V M (March 1 1 ) . . may safely be assigned to the middle of the
(3 rd cent ) O ne of the earlier victims of the
. fifth century There is some re ason to believe.

persecution under Diocletian (A D Sh e that there were two Saints of this name in the
suffered at Agen in the South of F rance . England of the fi fth and s ixth centuries but it
ALBE US (St ) Bp .
(Sept 3 ) . is impossible to disentangle their legends .

LDE GUN DA (O R GO N N E ) (Si ) V


O therwi se St AI LBHE whi ch see . (J an 3 0) . .

(7th cent ) The Patron Saint of M aubeuge


(D ec 1 6 ) . .

on the Sambre in the North of F rance and the

. .

(3 rd cent ) A young Chr istian maiden who , ,

foundress of its famous Abbey She was of


su ffered at C aesarea in Palestine in the p ersecu .

the Royal House of the M erovingians and


tion under D ecius (A D But the Roman

trained to holiness by St Amandus B ishop of
. .

Martyrology seems to imply that she was carried .


to Italy and there put to death Her relics Maestricht from whom she received the veil of

have certainly from time immemorial been religion She died of cancer about A D 6 8 0

. . .

enshrine d in the Cath edral of Gaeta in the and was succeeded as Abbess by her niece ,
Neapolitan territory The Greeks allow this , St A d eltrud e
. . .

but explain it by urging a miraculous translation .

of her body after martyrdom Bp s (Sept 7 ) .

ALBINUS (St ) Bp (8 th cent ) Two Bishops of Hexham in

. .

(F eb 5 ) .

N orthu mbri a the one and the other locally

. .

See SS GE N UI N U S and AL BINU S .

venerated as a Saint St Al chmund di ed after


ALBINU S (AU BIN ) (St ) Bp (March 2) . . . .

(6 t h cent ) A native of the Diocese of Vannes thirteen years of Episcopate (A D and his . .

successor St Gil bert nine years later


in Brittany who after spending a quarter of a .


, ,

century in the cloister was elected Bishop of


, ,

Angers (A D He took a prominent part Bp (J an 7 )

(9 th cent ) Bishop of Le Mans in the West
. .

in the Third C ouncil of Orleans (A D

. .

. .

of F rance a learned and most pious prelate


A church and Abbey were erected to his memory

devoted to the poor and to the rel igious interests
, ,

at Angers St Aubin de Moeslain (Haute


M arne ) is a popul ar place of pilgrimage of his Diocese He wa also in high repute for

abil ity in the management of a ffairs ; and by

. .

A LBINU S (AU BIN A LPIN ) (St ) Bp (Sept 1 5) . ,

his holiness of life impressed all at the C ourt of

, .

(4t h cent ) The successor of St J us tus in .


the See of Lyons between A D 3 8 0 and A D 3 9 0 K ing Louis i s Debonnaire The works he wrote

are unfortunately lost He died A D 8 56

. . .

but the length of his Episcopate is uncertain


. . . .



He is said to have bui lt the C hurch of St ‘

(F eb 25) . . .

Stephen and to have ch osen it for his C athedral (7 th cent ) A ni ece o f SS Aldeg und is and
. .

Waldetrude who embraced the religious life

. .

He was buried at Lyons but it is uncertain in

in the monastery founded by the former at
, ,

what chur ch
Maubeuge in F rance In due course she suc

ALBI NU S (St ) Bp (Oct 26 ) .

(7 t h cent ) An Anglo Sax on Saint by name cee d ed her aunt as Abbess Sh e seems to h ave
. .

Witta who took the name Albinus a Latinised


lived to extreme old age as her death is placed


in t he last quarter of the seventh century

, ,

form when setting out as a fellow worker with


St Bonif ace i n the convers i on of Germany LDHE LM (A DHE LM) (St ) B p (M ay 25 ) . .

One of the new M issionary Bis hoprics in that (8 t h cent ) The son of K enter a r el ative of
. .

Ina K ing of Wessex and a pupil at C anterbury


country was allotted to him ,

ALBURGA (St Widow of the Abbot St Adrian He f urther pursued


(Dec 25) .

his studies under St M aidul f an Ir ish scholar

. .

(9 t h cent ) Sister to K ing Egbert of Wessex

. .


and the F ounder of Malmesbury (Maidulfsbur y )


and married to a noble of his C ourt after whose


death she retired to the monastery which she St Al dhelm hi ms el f became Ab bot later on in

his life of this same Abbey of Malmesbury and


had foun d ed at Wilton near Salisbury where ,

while hol ding this charge at the request of a

, , ,

she passed away sometime in the ninth century . ,

ALE AND ER (St ) M (July 1 0) . . to the F aith of Christ a multitude of both J ews

One of the SEVEN HOLY B ROTHER S, and Pagans Ar rested and brought before the .

MM , whi ch see
. Imperial authorities no torture could induce
A LEXAN DER (St ) M (July 21 )

. . hi m to consent to take part in heathen rites

See SS VI C TOR , ALE AN D ER , &c X

. . One of hi s guards was so moved by the sight of

ALEXAND ER (St ) M (Aug 1 ) . . . the constancy of the M artyr that he too pro
See SS LE O N TI US, ATTIU S, &c. . clai med himself a Chr istian and was in conse
ALEXAN DER (St ) Bp M (Aug 1 1 )

. . . .
q u ence beheaded This is the St Heraclius .

(3 rd cent ) This Saint Alexander has


. honoured with St Alexander Other converts .

acqui red the surname Carbonamus (the charco al


followed St Alexander and his disciples were


bur ner ) an occupation which he voluntaril y


, in the end all p ut t o death Unfortunately ,

took up in preference to the career whi ch his


nei ther the date nor the place of their martyr


wealth and noble birth had opened out before dom have come down to us .

him On the death of their B ishop the clergy

, ALEXANDER (St ) M (N ov 9 ) . .

and laity of Comana a sufi rag an See of Neo


, ( 4th cent ) A Confessor who su ff ered at .


C aesarea in Asia M inor applied to St Gregory , . Saloni c a under the E mperor M aximi an H ercu

Thaumaturgus for the choice of a successor . leus Di ocletian s savage colleague (A D


. .

His rejecting certain candidates proposed


No particulars are discoverable


because of their worldly position led to one of (N O V 24) . .

the clergy jestingly proposing Al exander the


(4th cent ) One of the su ff erers in the

C harcoal burner who on being examined was

, , persecuti on under Julian the Apostate He .

found in reality t o have all the qualities requi s i te di ed for the F aith at Corinth A D 3 6 1 . . .

in a Bishop St Alexander was burned to de ath. . ALE XANDER BRIANT (Bl ) M (Dec 1 ) . . .

at the stake as a Christian A D 250 , , . .

(l 6 th cent ) A holy priest with a sweet ,

ALEXANDER (St ) M (Aug 26 ) grace i n preaching who shortly before his

. .

martyr dom joined the Society of J esus While

. . .

(3rd cent ) A Tribune in the Theban Legion . .

(See SS M auritius etc ) who being arres ted

, .
, in prison for the F aith he was severely racked
and condemned to death made his escape , and otherwis e put to many tortures He .

from the pris on at M ilan but was retaken out , suff ered at Tyburn with Blessed Edmund ,
side the walls oi Bergamo and there beheaded , C amri i on and Blessed Ralph Sherwin D ec 1 , .

it is said in the presence of Maximin Hercul eus

, A D l ss1
. .

hi ms elf (A D The Acts of the Martyr

. . ALEXAN DER (St ) M (Dec 1 2) . . .

are preserved at Bergamo where his relics are , See SS EPI MA C HU S and ALE XAN D ER .

enshrined in the Cathedral ALE XAND AR CLAU DIA EUPHRASIA


. MAT , ,



. .
, ,


, ,

(4th cent ) The first Bishop to preside over .


(March 20)
the See of Constantinople after its change of (SS ) MM .

(4th cent ) Christian women natives of


name from Byzantium During the stormy ,

period of the struggl e of the Church against the Amissus in Paphlagonia (Asia M inor ) burned
. .

Arian heresy he ably supported by his name , ,

to death on account of their religion in that
sake of Alexandria was a resolute champion , town under the Emperors D iocletian and
of the Catholic F aith He assisted at the Maximini an (about A D . .


C ouncil of N ice ; and though threatened with , (May 1 8 ) . . .

banishment persisted in his refusal to allow , See SS THEO D OTU S THE CU SA &c , , .



Arius to communicate with the Chur ch of Con .

st ant inop l e The awful death of Arius is Of the innumerable Christians who laid
down their lives for Christ in Egypt in the

regarded as a response to the Saint s prayer ’


for deliverance from his machinations St . early persecutions under the heathen Roman
Emperors in the troubles with the Eutychian

Alexander is commemorated by the Greeks on

heretics and in the massacres consequent on

August 3 0 He died at a ripe old age A D 3 40


the over running of the country by the Moham

. .

(Sept 9 ) .

medan Arabs a large proportion suffered at

. .


Alexandria the metropolis Many of these
. .
, , ,

ALE XANDER (St ) Bp M (Sept 21 ) .

are mentioned in this volume in

. . . .

(2nd cent ) A holy Bishop whose See was Ma rt

connection with the Bishops or others who

n the neighbourhood of Rome Having by
were their leaders this being the method

his prayers recalled dead men to lif e his fame

followed by the M artyrologies and other
, ,

Spread about and he was arrested and put to the

ancient catalogues of Saints A few other

torture In the end he was beheaded on the

. .

C lau d ian Way some twenty miles from Rome important groups of Alexandrian Martyrs
are the following They were mostly victims
, ,
in what precise year is unknown Pope St .

D amasus in the fourth century translated his of mob violence in massacres of C hristians
. .

tolerated by the authorities rather than Chr is


relics and enshr ined them in one of the Roman ,

churches . tians tried in regular form and condemned

ALEXAN D ER (St ) M (Sept 28 ) to death by magistrates
. . .




(4th cent ) An Arian officer by name


A LEXAND ER SAULI (St ) Bp (Oct 1 1 )


Syri anus at the head of a tr 00p of soldiers

. . .

(1 6 th cent ) One of God s instruments in



entered the great church of Alexandria insulted


the restoration of Church discipline in Italy ,

i n the sixteenth century Of noble birth in the Patriarc h St Athanasius who was offering ,

the Holy Sacrifice and without formalities of

. .

Lombardy he joined the recently founded ,

any kind ordered those present to be put to
O rder of B arnabites of which he became
death St Athanasius was among the few

General His chief sphere of work was in

. .

who escaped (A D

C orsica where for twenty years he was Bishop

. .

of Aleria Made in 1 59 1 against his will (F eb 28 ) . .

(3 rd cent ) The Chur ch recognises as

Bi shop of Pavia he died there (April 23 ) in
. ,

M artyrs to charity a number of clerics and of


the following year He was beati fi ed in 1 7 41

and c anonised by Pope Pius X A D 1 9 04 laymen who sacrificed their lives (A D 26 1 )
. .

in ministering to the plague stricken in a


ALEXAN D ER (St ) M (Oct 1 7 )

. .

terrible pestilence at that time raging in



. .

. &c ,




A LEXANDRIA (MARTYR S O F ) (March 1 7 )

, .

MM .
(Oct 22) .

(D ate unknown ) St Alexander a Bishop cent A multitude of h i tians


( 4t h ) C r s
massacred by t he Pagan devotees of Serap i s
. . .

but whose See is not mentioned is described in

, ,

the Menology of Basil as having preached the on their refusal to join in the idolatrous worship

Gospel with such success as tog have converted off ered in his temple This was the work of a .


riotous mob (A D 3 9 0) during the reign of the life and for his able government of his Church in
the critical times of the D anish invasion of K ent

Christian Emperor Theodosius who thereupon


destroyed the temple and had a hristian ALF WO LD (St ) B (M arch 26 )

C .

church buil t upon its site (1 1 th cent ) Winchester monk specially .


devout to SS Swithun and C uthbert and


ALEXANDRIA (MARTYRS O F ) (March 21 ) . . ,

(4th cent ) C atholics of both sexes (number remarkable for the austerity of his holy and
unrecorded ) massacred in various churches of singularly active life He was made B ishop

Alexandria (A D 3 42) by the Arians who had of Sherborne which See he governed with zeal ,

and prudence till his death (A D

. .

deposed and expelled the Patriarch St Ath ana . .


eius their great O pponent SCHAR E MBE K E

SCHAE R BE CK ) V (J une 1 1 )



(May 1 3 ) .

(4th cent ) A great number of C atholics (1 3 th cent ) A nun in a C istercian monastery .

in the neighbourhood of Brus sels She passed


ut to death or e xiled from Alexandria (A D

g7 2) when for the fif th time St Athanasius
. . .

away about A D 1 3 00
ALGE R I C (St ) B
. .
, , .

h ad been driven from his flock under the Bp (Dec 1 ) , . . .

Arian Emperor Valens O therwi se St A GE R I CUS AGU Y AIR Y .

, , ,

LE XANDR I A (MARTYR S O F ) (Aug 1 0)


whi ch see . .

(3 rd cent ) A multitude of Christians victims ALICE (St ) V (F eb 5 ) , . . .

O therwi se St A D ELHEI D or A D ELAI D E


at Alexan dr ia of the persecutions under the . ,

Emperors D ecius and Valerian St D enis of which see .

(Aug 1 5)
. .

Alexandria gives a graphi c account of their ALI PI US (ALYPI US) Bp . .

suff erings They are in the Roman Martyrology (5th cent ) A fellow citizen and disciple p of .

St Augustine of Hippo to whom h e was


commemorated together though they were ,


put to death in various years between A D 26 0 reatl y attached and whom he followed from . .

and A D 26 7 arth ag e to Rome and M ilan where they were ,

both baptised by St Ambrose on Easter Eve

. . .

ALEXIS (ALEXIUS) of K IEF F (Si ) Bp (F eb 1 2) . . . .

Upon their return to Africa they


1 4th cent ) A Russian nobleman who A D 38 7 . . .


spent some time in solitude as Religious


embraced the relig ious life under the R ul e of .

St B asil and who later became Archbis hop of

. . Afterwards St Alip i us visited the Holy Land . .

K i ew F amous for the worki ng of mir acles

. Elected Bishop of Tag aste he laboured strenu ,

and for wisdom and learning he is said to o usly in the defence of the Chur ch against the ,

have been appealed to for advice even by the D onatist and Pelagian heresies He is said , .

Sul tan of the T ur ks in Asia M inor He died to have been present at the deathbed of St . .

A D 1 36 4
. . . Augustine (A D and to have hims elf . .

LE XI US F AL CONIERI (St ) C onf (F eb 1 7 ) pas sed away shortly afterwards . . . .

One of the HOL Y SEVE N F OU N DER S O F ALK E LD (St V*

(March 27 )

. .

THE SERVITE OR D ER whi ch see (l ot h cent ) Two Yorkshir e churches are , . .

LEXIS (ALE XI U (St ) C onf (J uly 1 7 ) dedicated to this Saint (sometimes called . .

(5th cent ) he only son of a Roman At hilda)

. Nothi ng whatever is known of her .

Senator whom desire to avoid the fascinations

, except that an ancient painting represents her
of the world impelled to fly from hi s home and b eing strangled by D anish pirates Such an
, .

promis ed bride on his wedding day and to set event may with some probabil ity be assigned ,

sai l for Asia Minor On his arrival there he to the tenth century B ut her name does not
. .

made hi s way to Edessa where for many years


occur in any of they older Calendars or in any ,

he li ved i n the greatest poverty and busied Liturgical record .

h i mself i n prayer and good works Dreading ALK MUN D (St M


(March 1 9 ) . . .

the veneration in which he began to be held O therwi se St ALCHMUN D whi ch see .

, .

on account of his holy life he j ourneyed to the ALLAN (ALLEN ) (St C onf (J an 1 2) ,
. . .

co as t and embarked in a vessel bound for O therwi se St ELIAN whi ch see .

, .

Tarsus But after many mishaps at sea he ALLO YN E (St ) Conf

, (Oct 1 ) , . .

was at length cast ashore on the coast of Italy


O therwi se St B AVO whi ch see , .

, .

hi s nati ve country and so returned to Rome ALLYR E (Si ) B p (JUIY 7 )

, . .

Acting on a Divine impuls e he there sought O therwi se St I LLI DI U S whi ch see , .

shelter in his father s house in a shed adj oining ALMACHI US (TE LE MA CHU S) (St ) M (Jan 1 )


whi ch he was suff ered to live and die dis guised

. .

(5th cent ) A hermit who came to Ro me , .

as a poor mendicant without his identity being from the E ast and publicly protested against

discovered After his decease a written . the inhuman gladiatorial combats in the Roman ,

pap er was found in his possession giving Amphitheatre He was seized and cut to pieces , .

parti cul ars of his l ife and of the motives which by order of the Prefect Ali p i us (A D
had induced him to act as he had done P0p e
. .

The Emperor Honorius however availed him .

Innocent I and the Emperor Honorius are

, ,

self of thi s happening to put an end to the

said to have been present at his obsequi es practice of sacri fi cing human beings in the
and at hi s burial in the Church of St Boniface

public sports .

erected close to his father s mansion (A D


’ -

The many mir acles wrought at his intercession

. . .

(6 th cent ) A daughter or granddaughter


led to h i s being honoured as a Saint


of the famous K ing Bry ch an of B recknock . .

ALF E R I US (ADALF E R I US) (BL) The trad ition is that she su ffered martyrdom
Abbot .
(April 1 2) in a hill near Brecknock at the hands of the
( 1 1 th cent ) The founder of the celebrated

heathen sometime in the sixth century


monas tery of La Cava in the South of Italy * ALN O TI I (St M

, .

(N ov 25) -

Among h is d isciples was the future Pope

. . .

(7 t h cent ) A poor serving man in St Wer


Blessed Vi ctor III Bl e sed Alferi us died at

, . .

burgh s mon as tery at Chester who embraced s

a great age A D 1 050


the l ife of an anchoret in Northampto nshire

. . .

ALF RED (ALTF RIED) (Bl ) Bp (Sept 1 5) and was put to death by evil do ers towards the . . .

(9 t h cent ) A B ishop of Hildesheim in end of the seventh century His sanctity was

Germany who died about A D 8 6 9 and is


, borne witness to by many miracles . .


honoured as a Saint But of his holy life no ALO DIA (St ) V M ( Oct 22)

reli able articulars are extant

. . . . .

See SS N UN I LO and ALO D O A

. . .
ALONZO (St Bp (Jan 23 )
(St ) V .
, . .

(May 20) O therwi se St I LDE PH O N SU S whi ch see


O therwi se St ALTHR Y DA whi ch see

, .

ALO R US (St B p .
(Oct 26 )
, . .



(N ov 1 6 ) . .

(l oth cent ) An Abbot of Abingdon after

. . .


(J une 21 )
wards Archbi shop of Canterbury (A D 9 9 5
, .

(1 6 t h cent ) A son of F erdinand Gonzaga . .

distingui shed for the holiness of his

AD. .
Prince of the Holy Roman Empire born ,

March uch was his piety that the Society of Jesus as a lay brother and for
S -

C ardi nal B ellarmine believed Aloysius to hav e thi rty ears served as porter in a J es uit C ollege

p assed his whole life without ever grievous ly i n the y eland of Majorca He was enriched by
o ff ending Almighty God After serving as a

God with many wonderful sup ernatural gifts .

page at the C ourt of Sp ain he in his eighteenth but was chiefly remarkable for his exceeding

year entered the Society of J esus took the vows patience and humi lity He di ed A D 1 6 1 7 ,

of religion and received minor Orders He


at the age of eighty six and many miracles ha ve

. .


died of the plague having contracted the


been wrought in favour of those who have,

infection while visiting and ministering to the invoked him

sick (A D 1 59 1 ) at the age of twenty three ALPINI AN (St ) Conf

. .
(J une 3 0) -

St Aloysius is usu ally represented i n art

. .


clad i a sur plice and with a lilyy and crucifi

ALRICK (St ) Conf (J une 3 0)

n x , .

in his hands or near him He is Patron Saint


(1 1 t h cent ) A holy hermi t in the north of .

of the y oung Many churches are dedicated


England associate d with St Go dric who


to him in all parts of the world

, .

as sisted him at his dep arture from this world


ALPHAEU S (St ) C onf


(May 26 ) St Alrick lived in the last half of the eleve nth

. . .

( l st cent ) C ommemorated by the Greeks . century .

as the father of the A ostle St J ames the Less ‘ ALTHR YDA (ALF RIDA ETIIE LDR YTI IA ) ,
- -

and menti oned as suc in the Gospels (Matt x


(St ) V (May 20) . . .

There are no tr ustworthy traditio ns con


(9 th cent ) A daughter of K ing Offa of M ercia

cerningg him

and the betrothed wife of the M artyr king -

ALPHAE US and Z A GGII AE US (SS MM (N ov 1 7 )


St E thelb ehr t after whose de ath she reti red

. . .

(4th cent ) Martyrs in Palestine during the


. to Croyland (A D 7 9 2) and thenceforth lived as

persecution under D iocletian (about A D
. .

a recluse She passed away A D 8 3 4 . . . .

They were pro minent among the multitude of * ALTHE US (St ) Conf

(Dec 26 ) . .

C hristians in the Holy Land who with St


O therwi se St TATHAI whi ch see , . .

Procopius laid down their lives for Christ ALTMANN (St ) Bp


(Aug 8 ) . . .

In the accounts we have o f them stress is


(1 i th cent ) A native of Paderborn in

Westphalia first known as leader of seven
particul arly put upon thei r heroic endur ance

of the mostp app alling tortures previ ous to thous and Chr istians in a pil grimage to the ,

their execution Holy Land where a thir d of their number were


LPHAGE (ALPHE GE ) Bp M (April 1 9 ) mas sacred by the infi dels On his return he . . .

O therwi se St E LP H E GE whi ch see was a pointed Bishop of Passau and distin

, .


, gui she himself by his resol ute s upport of Pope

MM (May 1 0) St Gregory VII in t hat Pontiff s e ff orts to

. .

(3 rd cent Sicilian Saints said to have been

. reform clerical discipline in Germany He ,

brothers Their Acts are unreliable owing to


. suffered in consequence exil e and persecution ‘

many interpolations but they appear to have


nor was freed from th e latter save by his holy

suff ered under D eci us (A D They are in death (A D His s hri ne is in the Abbey . . .

reat veneration in Sicily and also among the of Gottweig which he had founded
grecii s , .

jr . ALTO (Si ) Abbot (Sept 5) . .

(Sept 28 )

ALPHI US (St ) M . (8 th cent ) By birth a Scot he crossed over

. . .



. into Germany and favoured by K in Pepin

, .


founded the celebrated B avari an A bey of .

A D o minican missionary in

(i 7 th cent ) Alt Munster where he died about A D 7 6 0


J apan where he converted many thousands t o

. .

, having been the means of the conversion to

C hristianity He was beheaded (A D 1 6 1 7 ) C hristianity of a mul titude of Pagans
. . . .

and two years later his body was discovere *

A LVAREZ of COR DOVA (BL) (F eb 9 )
to be still i ncorrup t

(1 5th cent ) A Saint of the Order of St

. . .

ALPHON SU S LIGUORI (St ) Bp D octor Domi nic who Spent his life in preachi ng and . .

of the Church (Aug 2) converting sinners throughout Spain and who .

( 1 8 th cent ) Born at Na les of an ancient


laboured hard to extinguish the great Schi sm

of the West occas ioned by the conflicting

and noble famil y he began is public life as a , ,

barrister but soon renounced hi s p rosp ects of

, clai ms of two rival Popes Blesse d Alvare z .

a brilliant career to devote himselfpexclus ively died A D 1 420 . . .

to the service of God He joined a Society AMADEUS of SAVOY (BL) Conf (March 3 1 )
. .

of priests formed for the purpose of giving (1 5th cent ) A D uke of Savoy who governed .

missio ns and instructi on to the people of the hi s states in such manner as not only to make
K ingdom of Naples and became a true Apostle hi mself beloved by his subjects b ut also by
, ,

of C hr ist whop cr owned his preaching and his holy example to promote religion among
labours with wonderful success and with the them He died at Vercelli in Piedmont AD . .

gift of working miracles At Be nevento he 1 47 2 when in the thirty eighth year of his age

founded the C ongregation of the M ost Holy He is the Patron Saint of the Royal House of

Redeemer to perpetuate this special work of Piedmont of the members of which he is an

mission giving After refus ing many Bishop . .

rics he was prevailed upon

, p to accept that of AMADO UR (St ) Cont (Aug 20) . .

S Agata dei Goti b Pop e Clement XIII


O therwi se St AMATO R whi ch see

As a bishop he sh owed yi mself a model of every AMAD O UR (St ) Bp
. .
, , .

(May 1 ) . .

pastoral virtue but owing to failing health O therwi se St AMAT O R whi ch see
, , .
, .

finally obtained permission to resign his See AMAE THLU (MAE THLU) (St ) Conf (Dec 22) .

The remainder of hi s life he employed in the (6t h cent ) A Welsh Saint who has left his
. .

composition of theological and ascetical works name to Llanfaethlu a church founded by him , ,

which dis play both deep learning a nd a won in Anglesey .

d erful spirit of fervent piety He was also a AMANDUS (F eb 6 ) .

poet and a mus ician He di ed in his ninetieth (7 t h cent ) Born near Nantes in the West

. .

year (A D 1 7 8 7 ) in the odour of sanctity and

. of F rance he embraced the monas tic life in ,

was canonised by Pope Gregory XVI i n the


the Abbey of St Marti n at To urs and at the .

year 1 8 3 9 In 1 8 7 1 Pius I X proclaimed him request of K ing Clothaire II undertook mis


si onary work i n F landers Brabant and Holland


a D octor of the C hurch Artists usually ,

represent him in the attitude of prayer with a F or this pur pose he was consecrated a M ission
. .

mons trance in his hand or writing with pen ary Bishop and in the year 6 49 was called to
and paper before a crucifix

govern the See of Maestricht He founded a


ALPH O N SU S RO DRIGUEZ (St Conf (Oct 3 0) great number of churches and monasteries ;

. . .

(1 7 th cent ) A well to do Spani sh merchant besides eff ecting innumerable conversions to

who on losing his wife and two children joined

Chr istianity In his declining years he reti red .

, ,


to the Abbey of E lnon Where he passed away ,

MATOR (AMADO UR ) (Si ) Conf . .
(Aug 20) .

in his ninetieth year He i s the (l st cent ) Supposed to have been the first .

Patron Saint of F landers and is represente d C hr i stian to live the hermit s life in Gaul ’

in art c arrying a church in his hand . His cell was at Quercy near C ahors and is , ,

AMANDUS (St ) Bp (J une 1 8 ) . still a much frequented place of pilgrimage .

His body in the year 1 1 26 was found to be


(5th cent ) The successor of St D elphi nus

, ,

incorrupt and flexible as when first laid in the


as Bishop of Bordeaux about A D 404 whi c h ,

. .

See he resigned for a time but returned to i t ,


at the death of St Severinus who had suc .

AM ATO R (St ) Bp . .
(N ov 26 ) .

ceeded him He was contemporary Wi th St . . (3 t a cent ) A citizen of . Aut i m (F rance ) ,

Pauli nus of Nola who attributes to St Amandus ,
. and afterwards Bishop of that city He .

his own conversion to C hristianity and Baptis m . organised the Church of the Aedui (the Gallic
They died abo ut the same time (A D . . tr i bes between the Saone and the Loire ) and ,

AMANDUS (St ) M (F eb 1 0) . . . appears to have been B ishop among them in

, , . AD. 27 0. His body was interred at Autun .

AMANTI US (Si ) C onf (March 1 9 ) . . near the shrine of the M artyr St Sy mp hori an . ,

See SS LA N D O ALD U S and AMAN TI U S . . who had suffered there in the preceding century .

AMANTI US (St ) Bp (April 8 ) . . MATU S (Si ) Bp (Aug 3 1 ) . . .

(5th cent ) The successor of St Provmus . .

(1 2 t h cent ) The life of this Saint h as been .

in the Sec of Co mo St Leo the Great presented . . wr i tten by several authors but they disagree ,

hi m with precious relics of SS Peter and Paul , cons i derably even as to the century in which
he lived The most likely account of him is

to whom he dedicated his C athedral at Como , .

wherein he himself was buried (A D He . . that he was of noble birth a native of the ,

is still held in great veneration by his flock , South of Italy that he distributed all h is
who in the sixteenth ce ntury enshrined his

, ,
worldly goods to the poor became a priest .
, ,

relics in a church ded icated in his honour . and afterwards a monk in the Abbey of Monte
AMAN TI US ALEXAN DER an d OT HER S , Vergine There he worked miracles and .

(SS ) MM . (J une 6 ) . eventually (it woul d appear under the Pont ifi

(Date unknown ) Said to have been four . cate of Pope Adrian IV ) was chosen B ishop of ,

brothers born at C annes on the M editerranean Nus co The year of his death is given as

coast and together converted to Christ i amty But there are reputable authors

. AD . 1 1 93 . .

Amanti us became B ishop of Noyon (F rance ) who date his Episcopate a century earlier
(Sept 1 2
, .

whither his brothers followed him They appear . MATU S (AMAT AME AI ME ) B p ) , , . .

to have perished together probably in one of , (7 th cent ) The son of noble and pio us .

the local persecutions of the second century . F rank ish parents he resolved to devote his ,

AMANTI US (St ) M (J une 1 0) life to the service of God in the p riestly mi nistry '
. . .

, , . His ability and virtues so impressed the clergy
AM AN TI US (St ) Conf . . of Sens that against his wi ll he was appointed , ,

(6t h cent ) A priest personall y known to their Bishop But he had enemies who made .

false accusations agains t hi m to K ing Thierry


St Gregory the Great who compared h im t o

the Apostles in regard to his power of work i ng III The latter banished him to the monas tery

“ o

miracles The date of his death is un known but .

, of St F ursey at Peronne and aft erwards to

he seems to have been called to his reward about Breuil in F landers where he died A D 6 9 0 , . . .

A D 6 00 at Tip hernum (C i ttct di C astello) near The church of St Amé at D ouai possesses a

. -
. .

Perugia where he is honoured as a Patron Saint

, . por ion of his relics It appears certain that
t .

AMAN TI US (St ) Bp (N ov 4) . . . St Amatus die d in exile in F landers as above


(5t h cent ) A nati ve and Bishop of R h ode z . mentioned but there is considerable difficulty
(South of F rance ) and second Apostle of the , in reconciling the accounts given of h is life .

district which had fallen away from Christian Thus Alban B utler and others hold that he

ity By his preaching and the miracles he

. was Bishop not of Sens in F rance but of Sion ,

wrought he won his people back to Christ . in the Valais and that the monastery of his ,

He died about A D 440 . ex ile was Lux euil and not Peronne
. . .

(N ov 7 ) . . . MATUS (AIM E AM E ) (St ) Abbot (Sept 1 3 ) , . . .

(3 rd cent ) Said to have suffered martyrdom .

(7 th cent ) K nown as St Amatus of Grenoble . .

at Vieux near Albi in the south of F ran ce , ,

from the place of his birth In his youth he .

in the third century Little or nothing is known . entered the monastery of St M aurice in Valais .

about him save what we can glean from St , . and at the age of thi rty retired into a hermitage ,

Gregory of Tours who says that he had read where his reputation for a life of penance and

the account of his martyrdom He appears .

, prayer p rivfi eged w ith the grace of miracle

however to have been widely venerated in working dr ew the attention of St E ust athi us

! .
, , ,

Abbot of Luxeuil who persuaded him to join


ancient times St Eugene of C arthage . .

, ,

banis hed from Africa came to die at the tomb , his community D uring his ensuing Apostolic .

of St Amaranthus The relics of both Saints

. .
labour s in Lorraine he converted a rich and ,

are e nshrined in the C athedral of Albi powerful baron by name R ommari c who
became the founder of the famous Abbey of
AM ATO R PETER and LOUIS (SS ) MM (April 3 0) , . .

(9 th cent ) A Span ish priest with his deacon . B ombers or Remiremont and was afterwards
and layman p ut to death by the Moors at

, himself venerated as a Saint St Amatus . .

C ordova where he had zealous ly laboured , , ruled this Abbey for many years and established ,

encouraging his fellow C hristians to remain -

there the di fii cult pious practice of the Laus
faithful to Chr ist no matter how much perse , perennis or Perpetual Praise which consisted
outed because of Him

. in the maintaining in the Church an uninter

AMATO R (AM ATR E , A MADO UR ) (St ) . rup t ed service of Psalmody and Prayer day ,

Bp .
(May 1 ) and night St Amatus died in the year 6 27 . . ,

cent ) A di sciple of St Valerian Bishop

(5t h . .
, and at his own request was buried jus t outside
of Auxerre and the husband of a holy woman , the church door Later h is remains were .

venerated locally as St M artha B y mutual suitably enshrined under one of the altars of

. .

agreement St M artha entered a convent and , . t h e same church

St A mator received Holy Orders and later AMBICUS VICTO R an d JULIU S (SS ) MM (Dec 3 )

. . .
, ,

succeeded E ladius as Bishop of Aux erre (A D (4th cent ) Christians who su fi ered death at

. . .

In h is turn he was succeeded by the Nicomedia the Imperi al residence of D io

famous St Germanns whom he had ordained

, . clet i an on accou nt of their religion probably
, ,

St Amator was buried (A D 41 8 ) in the church

. . . i n the first years of the fourth century .

whi ch he had buil t in honour of the M artyr


AMBRO SE (St ) Conf (March 20) . .

St Symp horian and which later bore his own

, (1 3th cent ) A Saint of Siena one of the

. illustrious family of the Sansedoni who at an ,

early age entered the Order of St Dominic Lyons afterwards promoted to the headship . .

By Order of Pope Gregory X; he preached the of the great Abbey of Ag aune or St Moritz , ,

C rusad e in his age a thank less task He met in Switzerland He was singularly zeal ous

. .

with bet ter success in reconciling the C hurch in regard to the due and complete celebration

and people of Siena with the Holy See He of the Church services and especially for the .

continuous Psal mody day and night proper


died at the age of sixty six A D 1 28 6 In art -

, . . .

to certain exceptionally austere Religious


he is represented as holding in his hand a model

of his native city Houses He died about A D 5 1 6 and was . . .

buried in hi s Abbey C hurch


AMBR O SE (St ) B p Doctor of the

C hurc h (D ec 7 ) AME (AIME ) (St ) B (Sept 1 2)
. . .

. . .

(4th cent ) One of the four great F athers O therwi se St A ATOR whi ch sec

and D octors of the Western C hurch Ari es ME LBE R GA (AMELIA ) (St ) V (July 1 0)
. .

. , . .

Lyons and Treves dispute the honour of being (8 th cent ) A nun of Bilsea near Liege .
, ,

his birthpl ace On the death of his father under the Abbess St Landrad a She die d in ,

her monastery (A D after a long life of


his mother with her family consisting of her

. .

three children St her daughter praye r and penance but was buried at Tamise
. .

arcel li na , ,

who devoted herself the upbringing of her in the Ardennes where she had built a church

on her family estates Her relics were trans


brothers and the two boys Ambrose and , .

The former early distingui shed by late d to an Abbey in the neighbourhood of


Sat yrrus
Ghent towards the end of the eleventh century

his ta lents soon attracted the attention of the



governing powers and had s carcely reached AM ADEUS (St ) Conf (April 1 8 )

One of the HOLY SEVE N F O U N D ER S


man s estate when he was made Prefect of

Liguria that is Governor of Northern Italy O F THE SERVITE OR D E R whi ch sec . .

The death soon after of the Archbishop of AMMI A (St ) Matron (Aug 3 1 )
, , ,

. .



Milan whose Diocese was torn in pieces by &c ,


rival factions necessitated the intervention AMMIANU S (St ) M (Sept 4)

, ,

. .



of the Prefect to ensure an orderly election of


. .
, ,

a successor It is said that in the midst of MMO N and O THERS (SS ) MM (Sept 3 ) . . .

the tumult the voice of a child was heard (4th ce nt ) Ammon a deacon was put to

death un der the Emperor L i cinius (A D 3 1 3 )


crying out Ambrose for Bis hop and the cry ,

. .

Heraclea in Thrace together with forty


at once taken up by the multitude was later at ,

women whom he had converted to


endorsed by the Emperor V alentinian III


ou ng
fihristi anity The execution ers did St Ammon

Ambrose however was as yet only a catechu .

to death by placing a red hot helmet on his

men preparing for Baptism Nevertheless all

objections made by him were overruled He head These Martyrs are especially honoured

. .

was quickly baptise d confirmed ordained in the Greek Church but have had from ancient ,
times a commemoration also in the West

priest and consecrated Bishop (Dec 7 A D


. .


. .

D ivesting himself of all hi s wealth


an d OTHE R S (SS ) MM (Sept 8 )

, ,

in favour of the Chur ch and of the poor he , . . .

applied himself assiduously to his pastoral (Date u ncertain ) Egyptian C hristians put ,

to death at Alexandria ; but it is not clear


duties and to the study of the Holy Scriptures .

Arianism was rampant in his D iocese and in whether they were previously tried and con ,

his efforts to eradicate it he experienced many d emned in virtue of the Imperial ed i cts ag ainst
a fierce and bitter struggle He was the C hristians or suffered at the hands of the pagan
. ‘

mob The names of the twenty two C hris tians


champion of religious liberty in an ag e of .


usurpation of authority in spirituals by the who sh ared the martyrdom of t he three above
secular powers His courage in re proving and ex nar ned are given by the B ol l andists but we ,

have neither date nor p articulars Possibly


cluding from the church services even the .

Emperor Theodosius the Great gui lty of the cruel they are t he M artyrs mentioned by Eusebius
(Bk vi ch quoting St D ionysius of
massacre of Thessalonica is one of the most . . . .

remarkable exa mples of Christian heroism
recorded in history His writings are volu AMM ON (St ) Abbot (Oct 4)

. . .

(4t h ce nt ) One of the most famous of the


minous and in matters of religious doctrine .

still constantly appeale d to They bear eloquent Egyptian F athers of the Desert His cell was

on Mount N itria where C assian reckons there


testimony to his virtues and learning He is .


a prominent figure in all histories of the four th were at the time fifty monasteries inhabited
century He died April 4 A D 3 9 7 and was by five thousand monks or h ermits The .

working of many miracles is attributed to him

, . .

buried by the side of the Martyrs SS Gervase


He died A D 3 48 at the age of sixty two


and Protase whose relics he had ens hrined -


at Milan In St Peter s in Rome his statue AMMON ZENO PTO LO MAE US IN GEN
. .
, ,

, ,


. .
, ,

s repres ented as holding up together with (D e c 20)

i . . .

(D ate uncertain ) St D ionysius of Alexan


those of SS Augustine (whom he had converted .

dria relates how a group of soldiers named as


and baptised) Athanasius and C hrysostom


above were present when a Christian on his

, , ,

the Chair of the Prince of t he Apostles

trial at Alex andria appeared to be on the point

AM BR O SE (St ) M 1
(Aug 1 6 )
of denyin g his F aith They publicly showed
. .

(4th cent ) A centur ion in the Roman army


contempt of his cowardice and on being arrested


who on declar ing his F aith in C hrist was


professed themselves Chr istians They were


arrested and put to various savage tortures


put to death on that account The date is


Thrown into a fiery furnace as had happened

unknown and they may possibly be identical

to the three holy youths at B abylon he rs

with the group of Martyrs in Egypt commemor
, ,

mained unscathed Whereupon he was made

an end of by being drowned in a deep Well at ated on Sept 8 or rather have been includ ed


F erentino in C entral Italy (A D He is i n their numb er .


. .

represented in art as a soldier on horseback , ,

a n d an oth er AM MO N AR I A (SS ) MM (D ec 1 2)

AM BR O SE (St ) Bp (Oct 1 6 ) . . .

(3 rd cent ) A band of holy women of Alexan

. . .

(8 th cent ) The successor of St C apuan in

dria who suffered as Christians about the same
. .

the See of C ahors (South of F rance) a prelate


time as SS Alexander and Epimachus during

, ,

of great learning piety and zeal However ,

the Decian persecution (A D M ercuria


lS Episcop ate was t roubled from beginning


l . .

t o end He was forced several times to take is described as an aged woman D ionysia as
the mother of many children and the two

ref g e from his enemies in flight and terminated


Ammonari as as yo ung girls They were all
, ,

h is c areer as a hermit in a solitude near B ourges .

beheaded ; but no me ntion is made of the


towards the close of t he e ig nt h century '

previous torture so cus tomary as to be almost


AM BR O SE (Si ) (N ov 2)
. .

(6 th c en t) The Abb ot of a monastery ne ar general in such esses n



AMM O NI US (St ) M (Jan 1 8 ) former Pastor the Arian heretic Euseb i us ,


St Amphion attended vario us C ouncils of the

. . .

8 6 6 SS M O SE U S and AMM O N I U S .

period and was one of the F athers of the General




(SS ) MM (F eb 9 ) . C ouncil of N i caea The year of his d eath is not .

well ascertained
. .

(Date uncertain ) A group of forty Chr i sti ans .



registered in all the ancient Martyrologies , but ,

whether put to death in Rome itself as stated (SS ) MM . (Oct 3 1 ) .

(1 st cent ) T hese Saints are the discipl es of


in the Roman M artyrology or in one of .

St Paul mentioned by h im in his Epi stle to the


provinces it is now impossible to determine .

Romans (xvi 8 9 Some anc i ent authors


AMMO N I US (St ) M (F eb . . 1 2) .
, ,

place them among the seventy two disciples


Sec SS M O D E STU S and AMMO N I U S .


chosen as preachers of the Gospel by Our Lord


AMMO N I US (St ) M (F eb 1 4)
(Luke x Tradition has it that they
. . .

Sec SS D IO N Y SIU S and AMM O N I U S . .

subsequently attached themselves to the


AMMO NI US (St ) M (March . 26 )

Apostle St Andrew and ultim ately were put



AMM O NI US (St ) M (N ov . . 26 ) to death at the instigation of the J ews They .

ar e als o reported to have been B ishops in


F AU STU S, BI B I US, &c .

AMO S (St ) Prophet . (March 31 ) Greece and the B alkan countries The Greek .

C hurch claimed to possess th eir relics at Con


cent B C ) One of the Minor Prophets

(8 t h . . .

a shepherd of K oa near Bethlehem His . st ant i nop le .

(Sept 25)

prophecy is one long d enunciation of evildoers . N ACHAR I US (AUN AI R E ) (St ) B p . . .

It was he who wrote : I am not a prophet (6 th cent ) Of a rich and noble fam ily at
, .

nor the son of a prophet ; but I am a herdsman Orleans who spent his y outh at the C our t of

plucking wild figs (Amos vii The . Gunthram K ing of Burgundy , Renouncing .

Eas tern tradit ion concerning him is that he the world he placed hi m elf und er the guidance

was scourged and afterwards had his temples ,

of St Sy agrius Bishop of Autun ; and on the

pi erced with an iron spike The Greeks hono ur . death of St E therius was chosen as his suc .

him on June 1 4 . cessor in the See of Auxerre (A D He . .

AMPE LI US (St ) M (F eb 1 1 )
. . . attended the Councils of Paris (A D 57 3 ) and of . .


, , . M acon (A D In a special Synod (A D
. . . .

AMPE LI US and CAIU S (SS ) MM (N ov 20) . . . 5 8 5) he added several d isciplin ary statutes to
(4th cent ) They are presumed to have been t h ose lread y framed by the Councils He died
A D 6g
. .

Sicilians and to have been two of the numerous . .o

Martyrs at Messina in the persecution under , N ACLE TUS (St ) Pope M (July 1 3 ) . .

the Emperor Diocletian about A D 3 02


, . . .
(2nd cent ) According to the Liber Ponti

, . fi cal is St Anacletu s was ordained priest by

, .

(4th cent ) A n ative of Lycia (Asia M inor ) St Peter

. His identity with St Cletus has

who whil e still a youth when arres t ed and


been the subject of great discussion but where as


, ,

accused of being a Chris tian had the hardihood


, the latter was a Roman St Anacletus was an

to re c ach his judge with being an idolater

. Athenian according to the C at alog us F elicianus


The artyr was partially burned at the stake , The Roman Church has al ways distingui shed
and then still living thrown into the sea at
, , the two Popes keeping the F e as t of St C letus .

C aes area in Palestine (A D


on April 26 and that of St Anacletus on July 1 3 .

AMPHIBALU S (St ) M (J une 24)

. . .

. . St Anacletus is styled a M artyr in the ancient


(4th cent ) The cleric or priest of Verulam

, M artyrologies and is said to have suffered
who was a fellow sufferer with St Alban (A D
. . . during the persecution of Trajan (A D .

3 04 about ) in th e persecu tion under D iocletian ANANIAS (St ) M


. (J an 25) .

which notwiths tan ding the tolerant clemency

, .

, (1 st cent ) The disciple at D amascus who

of the Caes ar C onstantius Chl orus made some

, baptised St Paul (Acts a nd who tradition

victims in Britain His real name is unknown

. tells us afterwards became a zealous propagator

that of Amphibalu commonly given t o him
, , of the Christian F aith for which in the end he
may be derived from the circumstance that

was arrested scourged put to the torture ,

St Alban disguised him for a time i n his own
, ,
. and at last stoned to death
cloak or caracalla (amphibalus ) His relics ANANIAS and OTHERS (SS ) MM


(F eb 25) . .

wi th those of nine Christians who were put to


(3 rd cent ) M artyrs in Phoenicia un d er

death in the neighbourhood at about the same

D iocleti an (A D St Ananias is said to

time were enshrined in St Alban s Abbey
. .

have been a priest and the seven who suffered


, .

(A D. . with him C hristian soldiers

(March 27 ) (April 21 )

AMPHI LO CHI US (St ) M . . N AN I AS (St ) M

. .

. &c , , . Sec SS SI M EO N ABDE C HALA S &c

, .

AMPHI LO CHI US (St ) Bp (N ov 22) . . . .
(D e c 1 )
(4t h ce nt ) An Asiatic who gave up a promi s
. .

(D ate uncertain ) The Roman M artyrology
ing career as a lawyer to become a solit ary and locates h is passion at Arbela in Persia ; others

was afterwards elected B is hop of Iconium


. at Arbela (Erbel ) in Assyria while the Gree ks

He was of great service to St Basil assisting m aintain that he was martyred in Greece

and supporti ng that Saint in the government


The Greek Menology relates that whilst expiring

of the Church of C ap p adp cia St Gregory of under the blows of the executioners he said
N az ranzen h is intimate friend describes him a s
. .

, to those around him I see a lad d er reaching

a ponti ff Wi thout reproach He attended the

up to Heaven and men clothed with rays of

great Counci l of Constantinople (A D

light inviting me to the K ing dom of Joy ”

where he met St J erome As a theologian he

. . .

. . N A NI AS (St ) (Dec 1 6 )
vmdrcated the D ivi nity of the H01 Ghost agains t
. .

(7 t h cent B 0) Otherwis e SI D RA C H
the followers of Macedonius an it was to him
. . .

(SHA D RA C H ) One of the three children

that St Bas il dedicated his work on the Thi rd
, .

cast into the fiery furnace by order of K ing
Person of the Blessed Trinity St Amp hi lo . Nabuchodonosor (D an 1
chi ns presided over a Council at Sida in Pam

NA STASIA (St ) M (April 1 5 )

. .

phyl i a ; and his te achings are quoted with

. .


approval by later Synods The d ate of h is
. .

ANASTASIA (St ) V M (Oct 28 )

death was probably one of the closing years of
. . . . .

(3 rd cent ) According to the Roman M art y r

the fourth century for St J erome speaks of ology this Saint is called the E lder to

h i m as st ill living A D 3 9 2
, .
distinguish her from the R oman M artyr of the
(J une 1 1 )
. .

AMPHl O N (St ) Bp .
same name but of a later generation Sh e
(4th cent ) So metime Bishop of Epiphania

was brought before Probus during t he p ersecu
i n Ci lici a he was chosen by the cler gy of the tion of Valerian and after underg o ing the most

important See of N icomedi a to replace their


fr i ghtful tortures and outrages was beheaded ,

A m sm sm THE B OO K or SAINT S

(A D a bystander gave her water Cyril ,

was put into execution by J ustini an s nephew ’
. .

to drink and received as his reward a M artyr s

, and successor J ustin I I St Anas tasius was ’

crown St Anastasia is said to have been a

, . .

. . onl y recalled after twenty three years of -

nun of the community presided over by St bani shment He died A D 59 8 This Saint .

Sophia by whom she was bur ied She appears

. . .

I S wron ly styled the inaite by


S B aronius
g . .

to have been a Greek though there are not Anast asl u s the Sinaite was never a Bishop

wanting hagiographers who identify her with N ASTASI US (St ) Pope (April 27 )

the Roman Martyr above mentioned who is


(5th cent ) A Roman by birth who became

far better known

Pope m the year 3 9 8 He is noted for t he z eal


AN ASTASIA (St M Wi th wh1 ch he repressed the s preading errors of


(Dec 24) . . .

(4i h cent ) This famous Roman matron is O ri g ems m St J erome describes him as a .

commemorated daily in the C anon of the M ass

. . .

man of holy life and rich in his very poverty .


P articulars about her are given in the alleged He passed away A D 402 .

Acts of St Chr ysogonus the Martyr stated to N ASTA SI US an d OTHER S (SS ) MM

. .

(May 1 1 ) , . .

have been her spiritual d irector She was of (3 rd cent ) A tribune in the army of the . .

noble birth and on the death of her husb and , Emperor D ecius whose duty it became to carry
devoted all her time and wealth to the seeking o ut the sentences pro nounced on the C hristians

out and succour ing the poor more especially on account of their religion Moved by the ,

the persecuted Christians She followed St


co urage ti nder torture of St Venanti us St . .


C hr ysog onu s into Illyria when that holy priest


Anastas i us was converted to Christianity and .

was carried thither as a prisoner ; but was together wit h his wife chil dren and some
herself seized and imprisoned to be in the end

members of his household was instructed and

bapti sed by St Porph yrius Shortly after the
, ,

put to the torture and burned alive She . .

su ff ered under Diocletian (A D The death of the latter Anastasius and his family

. .

scene of her martyrdom was the Island of were arrested and beheaded (A D Their . .

Pal marola off the Gul f of Gaeta where about rel i cs are in the church of St Venantius at , .

the same time two hundred and seventy other C amerino (C entral Italy ) .

C hristians of both sexes obtained their crown N ASTASI US (St ) Bp (May 20) . .

in various ways Her body wa taken ba ck to (7 th cent ) A Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy s

who by his successful pre aching is said to have


Rome and a famous chur ch was there de d icated


, , ,

in her honour In it the Popes have been accus .greatly contributed to the conversion of the
ta med to celebrate a M ass yearly on C hristmas Lombard nation from Arianism The year

6 1 0 is given as that of his death A solemn ‘

. .

ANASTASIU S (St ) M (J an 9 ) transl ation of his relics was celebrated by

. . .

(4t h cent ) A companion in martyr dom of . St C harles Borromeo A D 1 6 04 . . . .

St J ul ian of Antioch and said to have been

. N A STASI US (St ) B p (May 3 0) . .

(7 th cent ) A Bi shop of Pavia in Lombardy


previously by him miracul ously raised from the ,

commonly called St An as tasius II to dis tin


dead An old English Martyrology n arrates


guis h him from one of his predecessors of the

. .

the legend as follows : This J ul ian awoke

from death a heathen who was afterwards same name who flo urished in the fourth century .

St An astasius was a convert from Arianism


baptised This man told such a mournful tale ,

but distinguished himself by his zeal as a B ishop

. .

about the way to Hell as never came to man

b efore nor after since The year 3 1 1 under for the purity of the F aith of his flock and by ,

toral virtues and ability He died


M axi min D aza is given as a probable date of 1118

AD g ga

the martyr dom of St Anastasius

. . . .

AN ASTASIU S an d OTHER S (SS ) (J an 1 1 ) .

(J une 1 4)
. .

(6 th cent ) St Anastasius was a monk of MM .

(9 th cent ) Anastasius a priest of C ordova

. .

Mount Soracte near Viterbo (Centr al Italy ) . ,

in Spain was put to death as a Christian


who had formerly been a notary of the Roman


together with St F elix a monk of M eal s by


C hurch St Gregory relates that on the day

. .
, ,
one of the persecuting Mohammedan C aliphs

of his death (A D 570) he h eard a heavenly

With them is associated the name

voice calling : Ana tasius come Several (A D s

of St D igna a Chri tian maiden who was a

. . .

of hi s fellow monks whose names were also

- s ,

witness of their martyrdom and herself demanded


called out also died on the Same dayy

from the judge to share their fate The bodies
, .

AN ASTA SIU S THE SINAITE (St ) (April 21 ) .

of all three were bur ned and the ashes thrown


(7 th ce nt ) An Anchorite in Palestine ,

into the river Guadalquivir


author of several ascetical works of considerable .

value He took p art on the Catholic side in

. N ASTASI US (St ) M (June 29 ) . .

the controversies of his t ime and at Alexandria Sec SS M AR C ELLU S and ANA STA SIU S .

(Aug 1 3 )

engaged successfully in public dis putations N ASTASI US (St ) M . .

(7 th cent ) Two Saints of this name are


with the Eutychian heretics He i s styled

mentioned as fellow disciples and companions
. .

The Sinaite from his having inhabited a -

hermitage on Mount Sinai where he d ied about of St Acacius In honour of one of them the
Greeks celebrate another festival on J an 21
. .
A D 6 78 . .

One Anastasius was a monk the other a Roman

. . .

ANA STA SIU S (St ) M (Jan 22) ,

priest ap ocmsi ari u s or legate of t h e Pope of

. .
, ,

(7 th cent ) A Persian monk who suffered

the time The M onothelite heresy favoured


agonies from the most savage and prolonged ,

by the B yzantine Court was giving great trouble


torture and was finally beheaded because of ,

to the C hurch at the time and both the Saints


his rel i gion by Cnosroas K ing of Persia (A D ,

were im prisoned and eventually banished

. .

His head was brought to Rome and .

deposited in a chur ch de dicated to hi m and St Worn out by suff erings the one and the other ,

died in exile about the year 6 6 2


V i ncent the Spanish M artyr Hence the great .

(Aug 1 7 )
, .
, ,

veneration in whi ch he is held in the West N ASTASI US (St ) Bp . .

(6 th cent ) Said to have been a Syrian who


In the Acts of the Seventh (E cumenical Council


coming to Italy led the life of a hermit in a


(A D the Acts of St Anastasius are men ‘

solitary place near Perugia Promoted to the

. . . ,

t i oned They are believed to be the composition .

B ishopric he is described as a most humble


of a fellow monk of his who followed him into

and virtuous prelate well versed in Ecclesias

Persia With St Anastasius seventy other

tical doctrine a lover of the poor ze al ous in
. ,

C hr is tians are said to have been put to death


ivine W orship and a r d wat ch ful over

. ,

ANA STA SIU S (St ) B p Apr l '

( i 21 ) D sh ep h e
his flock exposed to the snares of Arian heretics
. .

(6 th cent ) A Patriarch of Antioch and a

who were numerous in the neighbourhood
. ,

resolute opponent of the Emperor J ustinian .

D uring the invasion of Totil a he was wonder


whom he rebuked on account of his various ,

errors and misdeeds J ustinian threatened the fully preserved and survived to encourage and ,

ai d his people in the work of rebuilding the i r


Saint with exil e and deposition This menace .

StVincent at Brioude (F rance ) some of the
two chil dren the y agreed to separate and
relics of these martyrs were venerated and

thenceforth led lives of penance and prayer


became the object of an annual pil grimage in one of the sol itudes of Upper Egypt Their
AN DREW O F TU SCANY (St Conf (Aug 22)

pi lgrimages to J erusalem may ac co unt for the



(9 t h cent ) O f Scottish or Irish birth he

. .

special veneration in which they were held in \

accompanied St D onatus to Italy and on the


Pal estine The precise dates of their deaths


l atter being appoint ed B ishop of F iesole was

, , .

are unknown
ordained deacon He died about A D 8 8 0 and AN DRONICU S TAR ACHUS and PRO BU S
, .

is honoure d as a Saint
. .
, ,

(SS ) MM .
(O ct 1 1 )
. . .

(Aug 29 )
(4th cent ) The triumph of these M artyrs

See SS H Y PA TI U S and AN D RE W
. .

. has a prominent place in the Greek and Roman


, Martyrologies, Their Acts are universally

(Sept 23 )

(SS MM . . accepted as genui ne and contain the particulars

( l ot h cent ) Accordi ng to the Greek M eno

o f t he triple examination whi ch t h ey underwent


logy these Saints were deported from Syracuse

, in the towns of Tarsus M0p suesti a and Anazar
in Sicily to Africa by the Mohammedans i n

bus in C ilici a together with an authentic report


their time masters of Sicily They were there

, ,

of their passion written down by Christian eye .

subjected to s avage tortures and in the end witnesses The latter recovered their bodies
were put to death about A D 9 00

and buried them They were beheade d after


AN DRE W O F CRETE (Si ) M (Oct 1 7 )

. . . .

u nfi i nchi ng l y undergoing excruciating tort ures

. .

(8 t h cent ) A native of Crete where he was


(A D under Galeriu s the colleague of the
living the life of a Solitary when the Byzantine
, . . ,

Emperor Diocletian
Emperor Constantine Ce prony mus published AN E CTUS (St M

(March 1 0)
his edict against the venerating of Holy Images
. .


F ir ed with zeal for the C atholic doctrine St
. .

(J une 27


Andrew went to Cons tantinople and f arlessly
. .
, .

(4t h cent ) A M artyr of C aesarea in Palestine e

denounced the Imperial heresy going so far

where he w as beheaded after being scourged ,

as to force his wa y to the foot of the Emperor s

and mutilated (A D ’

throne and boldly to reproach Constantine for AN E MPO DI STUS (St ) M

. .

(N O V 2) .

his impiety The enr aged monarch ordered

. .


him to be seiz ed and put to the torture from ANE SI US (St M
. .
, , .

(March 3 1 )
t h e e ffects of which he died A D 7 6 1
, . .



. .
, . , , .

(N ov 1 0) ANEURIN and GWI NO C (SS Conf .

( Oct 26 ) .


( 1 7 th cent ) B orn at C astelnuovo in the

. .

(6 t h cent ) Welsh monks and Saints father


K ingdom of Naples he received in B aptism


and son of whom the latter has left some


the name of Lancelot but change d it to Andrew


C eltic poems of a certain literary value

on joining the Order of the Theatines His '
, .

ANGELA O F F OLIGNO (BL) Widow (J an 4)

zeal and eloquence gain ed f or him the special
. . .

(1 4t h cent ) A penitent of the Third Order

friendshi p and esteem of St Charles B orromeo of St F rancis born at F oligno near Assisi

and of other prominent Ecclesiastics of his

, ,

wh o after her hus band s death followed by that

. ,

tim e C ommissioned to reform abuses in


of her childre n sought God s mercy and pardon ’

C hurch discipline and to establish houses of


for her past sins spending many years in prayers

‘ ,

h is O rder throughout Italy he laboured all his and fastings Her wonderful Book of Revela

life with great success and advantag e to the tions and Visions has been often printed ; and

C hurch His preachi ng was helped by God there has been issued a modern translati on of
with the working of many miracles and he had

it into English Blessed Angela died A D 1 3 09

the gift of prophecy i n a remarkable degree
. .
, . ,

at the age of fi fty one and was beatifi ed in the -

Worn out at last with fatigue and old age he


year 1 6 9 3
died at the Altar when beginning Mass ( N c v 1 0 'ANGE A DE I ME R I CI (St ) V
, .

(May 3 1 ) .
, . .

A D being then in his eightieth year 5 (1 h cent ) The foundress of the Ursuline
He wrote several ascetical works and h as left
. .

Order of n uns which originally was composed

. .

some volumes of sermons His relics are of women vowed to d evote themselves to the

enshrined in the C hurch of St Paul at Naples care of the distressed of their sex under the .

AN D RE W (St ) M

(N o v 28 )
. patronage of St Ursula It has since developed
. .

(8 t h cen t ) A holy Solitary one of those who

. .

into a C ongregation of Sisters spread over the , ,

with St Stephen the Younge r were put to


. world and singularly popul ar i n North America ,

death by C onstantine Ce p rony mus for main as school mistresses St Angela was born near

. .

taining the C atholic doctrine of the lawfulness Brescia in Lombardy and passed to a better ,

of honouring holy statues and pictures (AD life four ye ars after the defini te establishment .

AN DREW (St A p ostle (N ov 3 0)

. of her Order (A D She was canonised . .

The day of her death was J an 27

. .

( 1 st cent ) A native of Bethsaida in Galilee A D 1 8 07 , .

elder brother of St Peter by profession a fisher but the Holy See has ordered her F east to be
. . . .

kept on May 3 1 Her emblem is a ladder


man He was a disciple of St J ohn t h e Baptist .

, .

and was the first of the Apostles to be called raised on hi gh up which maidens are as cending


by Christ There is no certainty as to the ANGELU S (St ) M (M ay 5 ) .

sphere of his missionary l abours after the ( 1 3 th cent ) A native of J erusalem and the

Ascension It is however generally agreed son of converted J ews With his brother he


entered the Monas tery of Mount C armel and

, ,

that he laboured chiefl y in Greece and in the


B alkan countries The Russians who have later retired to a her mit s cell i n the desert ,


taken him for one of their Patron Saints assert John his brother became Patriarch of J eru

, ,

that in his travels he penetrated at least as far salem whi le Angelus received a Divine call to

labour for the conversion of the J ews in Sicily


as Poland Tradition has it that h e was .

crucifie d (on a cross of the shape of the letter X ) There he led many of these to embrace Chris

He met his d eath at t he hands of


at Patras in Achaia (Greece ) (A D 6 0) during t i anit y

assassins hired by a certain C ount Bereng arius
. . .

the reign of Nero His relics were enshrined ,

whom he had rebuked for the wickedness of


at Constantinople whence St Gregory the .

Great (A D 59 0) obtained an arm for his mon as his life (A D In art he is represented

with three crowns at his feet signifying chastity


t ery of St Andrew in Rome Thither later

. .

, , , ,

they Ap ostic s head was also carried and is elo uence and m artyrdom


(Oct 1 3 )

venerated in St Peter s The e mblem of St AN G LUS (St ) M ’

. . . .

(1 3t h cent ) One of seven F ranciscan F riars


Andr ew usual in art is his cross (saltire )


who inspired by the example of the fi ve brethren


A N D R O NI CU S a n d A T HANA SIA (SS ) ( Oct 9 )


of their Order pput to death for the F aith in


(9 th cent ) Husband and wi fe citizens of


M orocco on J an 1 6 1 220 obtained the per


Antioch in Syria where the former was a


, ,

missi on and blessing of St F rancis to follow


Silversmith or banker On the d eath of their . .


in the ir foot teps They arrived at C euta s . ated by independent M SS now in the Imperial .

on the African coa t Sept 29 1 221 Afte r s

, .
, . Library at Vienna .

preaching in the suburbs for thr ee days they ANNA (St ) Widow . (Sept 1 ) . .

(F irst cent ) A prophetess the daughter of


entered the town and were there assailed ,

by the populace and brought before the cadi ‘

Phanuel of the tribe of Aser After seven years .

of married l i fe she consecr ated her widowhoo d


or magis trate He seeing their coarse and .


strange habit and their tonsure judged them , to t he service of God in the Tem ls of J erusalem ,

to be m admen and put them in irons for eight where she rema ined night an day in prayer
days Eventual ly they were beheaded Oct 1 3 . and fasting At the age of eighty four she -

beheld the Presentation of the Child J esus in

. , ,

1 221 .

ANGI LBE R T (St ) Abbot (F eb 1 8 ). . . the Temple (Luke ii 3 6 In the Greek .

(9t h cent ) A F rankish nobleman married

, C hurch she i s honoured on F eb 3 . .

to a daughter of C harlemagne and a di stin , ANNE (St ) Mother of Our Blessed Lady (J uly 26 )
. .

guis hed and successful defender of his country ( l st cent ) SS J oachim and Anne both of . . ,

against the marauding Norsemen Both he the tribe of J uda and of the Royal Hous e of
D avid are venerated by the C hurch as the

and his wife elected to end their days in religion .


St Ang ilbert died Abbot of the monastery of arents of the Bles sed Virgin Mary It is

St Riquier A D 8 1 3 . . eli eved t hat Mary was the i r o nly child an d ,

the Mary m ntioned in the Gospels as the sister

. .

AN GUS O F K ELD (St ) (March 1 1 ) . e

O therwi se St N GUS whi ch see .

, . of the Mother of God was in reality only her
AN I AN US O F AL XAN DR I A (St ) Bp (April 25) . cousin such manner of speaking being not
(l st cent ) The disciple and successor of

. unusual in the East Hol y Scrip t m e m akes .

St M ark the Evangelist at Alexandria

. He is . no mention of SS J oachi m and Anne ; b u t .

said to have been originally a poor shoemaker ,

they have been honoured by the Church as
and to have been cured of a dise ased hand and Saints from early times Churches were

converted to Chr istiani ty by St Mark St . d edicated under their patronage and the ,

Anianus di ed about A D 8 6 F athers es pecially those of the Oriental

. .

. . . .

ANI A NUS (St ) M .

(N ov 1 0) . . C hurches dilate on their p rivi leg es The relics .

See SS D E M ETRIU S AN I AN US &c of St Anne are said to have been brought


, , .

from Palestine to C onstantinople in t he eighth


AN I ANUS (AGNAN AIGN AN ) (St ) Bp ( N c v 1 7 ) , . . .

( 5th cent ) Born at Vienne (D aup hiné ) of

. centur y St Anne is us ually represented as

pious and noble parents who were Hungarian


e achmg her little daughter to read the Scrip

refugees from the Arian persecution raging in zures
their own country he retired in his boyhood ANNO (HANNO ) (St ) Bp

, (Dec 4) . .

to a secluded cave where he spent his time in


( l 1 th cent ) A Ger man nobleman who t e .

prayer study and penitential exercises until

, , nounced a promising military c areer to become
the fame of St E vurtius Bishop of Orleans .

a priest His distinction in sacred and profane

reached him Under the direction of thi s holy studies attracted the atte ntion of the Emperor


prelate he was prepared for the priesthood

, Henry III who summoned hi m to his co urt
and after ordination was appointed Abbot of and found in him a wise adviser Raised to
, ,

the monastery of St Laurence in the environs . the dignity of Archbishop of C ologne he proved ,

of the city Later he was promoted to be

. hi mself a zeal ous Pastor of soul s On the .

Bishop coadjutor of Orleans When Attila . death of Henry III his widow the Empress , ,

the Hun appeared before its walls Anianus Agnes induced St Anne to act as Regent
by his courage in facing the barbarian saved

during the minority of her son t he Emperor

, , ,

the town and its inhabitants He died two years Henry IV T his misguided young man


later A D 453 K ing Robert of F rance some however resent ing the remonstrances of St

. .
, .

fi ve hundred years afterwards built a noble Anne occasioned by the tyrannic al form of

church at Orleans in honour of St Anianus in government he affected removed the holy



whi ch the relics of the Saint were enshrined prelate from his Episcopal city though con

but in the sixteenth century they were profaned strained by pop u lar cl amour speedi ly to restore

and destroyed by the Calvinis t insurgents . him Nevertheless he persecuted the Saint ,

He is represented in art as praying on the top to the day of the latter s death (Dec 4 A D

. .

of the walls of Orleans against wh ich are Such was St Ann e s charity to the poor


crowding a multitude of Huns


that on his deathbe d he was found to be ,

ANICETU S (St ) Pope (April 1 7 )


desti tute of the wherewithal to purchase food


. .

(2nd cent ) A Syrian who succeeded St

. and medicine He was interred in the Abbey
Pius I on the C hair of St Peter (A D
, .

C h urch of Siegberg .

a year after the death of the Emperor An toninus (Sept 3 )

. . .

AN SANO (St ) Bp . .

Pi us He defended the F aith with much zeal O therwi se St AU X AN U S whi ch see



and ability against Valentinus M arcian and

. .

AN SAN US (St ) M (D ec 1 )
. .

other Gnostic heretics of that age He welcomed


( 4t h cent ) A member of the Roman Patri

St Polycarp of Smyrna to Rome w hither that ci an family of t h e Ani ci i who when only twelve

, ,
Saint had repaire d in order to settle with the

years old secretly asked and received B aptism .

Pe p e the vexed question of the date of Easter H is father on discovering that h is boy had

After a comparatively short Ponti fi cate he is become a Chr istian was so enraged that he did

said to have been put to death by order of t he not hesitate himself to delate him to the
Emperor Marcus Aurelius whose p hil os0p hi cal persecuting Emperor Diocletian Ansan us .
leamngs did not hinder him from oppressing

howe ver contrived to escape from Rome

, ,

the C hristians then fast growing in numbers and took refuge at Bagnorea and afterwards
and influence

at Siena where he was i nstrumental in drawing


many Pagans to Christianity He was at last


(Aug 1 2)

(SS ) MM
. . . arrested and condemned to die at the stake .

(4t h cent ) Martyred at N icomedia on the

. But by a miracle he emerged unharmed from
shores of the Sea of Marmora the favourite
, ,

the flames and was in fine beheaded (A D . .

residence of the Emperor Diocletian (A D


ANSBE R T (St ) Bp (F eb 9 )
. .

SS Anice tus and Photi nus were brothers or


(7 th cent ) The C hancellor of the Mero

. .

(as o thers say ) uncle and nephew They with y inglan K ing C i ot aire III His wife having

. ,

several other Christians were put to the tort ure


, with h is co ns ent retired to a convent he himself ,

and afterwards burned at the stake A church took the mon as tic habit in the Abbey of F onten
i n whi ch relics were enshrin ed was after elle and on the death of St O uen was chosen
wards bui lt on the isl and of Dap hnes between

Archbis hop of Rouen In his old age he

. ,

Lesbos and Samos in the Aegean Sea The resigned hi s See and went to die in a monastery

Greek Menology g ives a detailed account of in Hai naui t (A D He was buried at


their martyrdom and the acco unt is corro bor

. .

, F onte nell e .
(St ) B p (F eb 3 ) . F rederick B arbarossa The Pep e consecrated
cent ) A native of Amiens (France )
. .

l um P ish op of Belley , and sent him to England


(9 t h :

who at an ear ly age entered the Benedictine


as 11 13 legat e at the time of t he dispute between

Abbey of Corbie un der the Abbot St Adelard , K ing Henry II and St Thomas A Becke t


Sent out as a mis sionary he prea ched the


There he rendered important services to the

. .

Gospel with signal success in Denmark Sweden C hurch and to the country St Anth el mus ‘

and North Germany establishing everywhere


died during the famine wh ich devastated a

churches and schools He became the first

large part of F rance in the year 1 1 78 . .

Archbishop of Hamburg and Pe p e Gregory IV ANTHE R O S (St ) Pope M (Jan 3 )

, . .

appointed him his legate in the North of Europe (3 rd cent ) A Greek who occu pied t he C hair

C hristianity was on th e point of dy ing out i n


of St Peter for one year that of the C onsul s


Severus and Q ui ntilian (A D He was put


Scandinavia when St Ansch ar devoted himself


to the work of re k indl ing the F aith among the


to death by the tyrant M aximus for refusing to


Norsemen He himself led a life of great

. deliver u p a volume in whi ch he had registered
austerity but was indefatig able in his charity
, the Acts of the Martyrs and was buried
“ "

to the poor He died at Bremen A D 8 6 5


. in the catacombs of St C allist us (A D .

AN SELM O F LU CCA (St ) B p (M arch 1 8 )

. . .


. (A11 8 28 ) . .

(1 1 t h cent ) A native of Mantua appointed




, ,

Bi shop of Lucca by his uncle Pe p e Alex ander II ANTHIA (St ) M (April 1 8 )


. .

He resisted zealous ly the encroachments of



Henr y IV the Germ an Emperor of t he time ANTHI MUS (St ) Bp M (A pril 27 )


, . .

F orc e d to retire from his Bishopric he took (4th cent ) M artyred at N i comedi a the
. .

, ,

refuge with the monks of Cluny in F rance Imperial residence under Diocletian (A D

. .

St Leo IX who was c arrying on the work of His death was followed by a wholesale slaughter


hi s predecessor Pope St Gregory VII recalled of the clergy of the district and of their flocks

St Anselm into Italy appointing hi m his legate


. AN THI M US (St ) M , (May 1 1 ) .

and entrusting to him t he administration of (4t h cent ) A priest at Rome who is said
. .

sever al Dioceses He died (A D 1 08 6 ) at to have converted th e Pagan husband of the


C hristian matron Lucina well known for her

. .

M antua of which ci ty he is a Patron Saint


, ,

AN SELM O F CANTER BURY (St ) (April 21 ) charity to her imprisoned fellow Christians


B p Doctor of the Church St Anth i mus thrown into the Tiber but

, .

(1 1 t h cent ) Born of no bl e pare nts at Aosta mir aculously rescued by an angel was after


i n Piedmont (A D he gave early proof wards retaken and beheaded (A D

. . . .

of exceptional talents Owing to a disagree ANTHI M US (St ) M (Sept 27 )

. . .

ment with his father he left Italy in his youth


See SS C O SMA S and DAM IAN .

for F rance and on the latter s death became a ANTHO LI AN (ANATO LI AN US) (St ) M (F eb 6 )

. . .

monk of Bec in Normandy where later he suc (3 rd cent ) St Gr egory of Tours numbers

ceed ed Prior Lan franc and Abbot H erlu i n in St Antholi an among the M artyrs of Auvergne
. .

their respective charges In the year 1 09 3 he at the time of the raid into Gaul of the German

accepted the Archbi shopric of Canterbury chi eftain Chrocas which occurred w hile the
but four ye ars later on account of his resistance Emperors Valerian and Gallienus were also
, ,

to the tyranny of William Rufus was driven persecuting the C hristians some time before ,

into exile He returned t o F r ance and thence Among his fellow sufferers we have

. A D 26 7 -

p assed into Italy where he assis ted at several the names of SS C assius Maximus Limininus
. . .

, , ,

C ouncils and did much good work for the and Victorinus But particul ars are wanting

C hurch O n the death of K ing William Rufus ANTHOLIN (St ) Abbot


. (J an 1 7 ) . . .

he came back to C anterbury at the invitation


O therwi se St ANTON Y whi ch see ,

of the new king Henry I But the claim of ANTHO N I US (St ) M


, (May 1 1 ) . . .

that monarch to invest Bishops with their Sees O therwi se St AN THI MUS whi ch see
, .

was met by Ans elm with unflinchi ng opposition ANTHONY (St )


Hence a second exile termin ated by a triu m I or thi s and ki ndred names see St ANTON Y

gc ,
, .

p hant retur n (A D St Anselm died in . .

t h e year 1 1 09 His life was written by the NTHUSA (St ) V (July 27 )

. .

. .

(8 t h cent ) Various versions are given of


monk E admer His works are numerous and .

the lif e of this Saint All agree that she was


he is especially to be noted as the forerunner


in Theology and M etaphysics of the Scholastics a Greek maiden of C onstantinople distinguished ,

of the succeeding centuries In abilit y and by her zeal for th e Catholic practice of the '

veneration of holy pictures and that she


learning he was far in advance of the uncultured ,

age in whi ch hi s lot was ca t thereby incurred the indignation of the Icono s

AN SGAR (St ) Bp cl as t Emperors of the period It also seems


(F eb 3 ) .

certain that she was at le as t once arrested

. .

O therwi se St A N SCHAR whi ch see .

A N SO VIN US (A N SE WI N ) (St ) Bp and put to the tortur e B ut while some say


(March 1 3 )

. .

(9 th cent ) Born at C amerino in Umbri a that she died in exile others have it that she

was recalled and taken into favour by the


(C entr al Italy ) first a c anon and later B ishop ,

of his native city he acquired a great and Empress wife of Constantine Cep ronymus

, ,

and that she died peacefully at Constantinople


widespread reputation for holiness of life and for

personal zeal He died A D 8 1 6 and was forth in extreme old age There is further a tradi tion
that the Empress named one of her daughters
. . . .

with honoured as a Saint by his sorrowing flock


AN STR UDE (St ) V (Oct 1 7 ) after this holy woman and that this second

. ,

Ant husa also became a Saint and was venerated


(7 t h cent ) A holy Abbess of Laon in F rance


and a strenuous upholder of conventual dis in the E ast as such N o reliable dates are

ci p l ine who died A D 6 8 8

, available . . . .

S (St ) Abbot (July 20) ANTHUSA (St ) M
. .
(Aug 22) . . .

( 9 t h cent ) A B enedictine monk Abbot S ee SS A T H A N ASI I S AN THU SA &c , , .

(Aug 27 )
. .

successively of sever al important monasteries ANTHUSA (St ) M


(D ate uncertain ) Called St Anthusa the

. .

in F rance He is locally honoured in that .

Younger to distinguish her from St Anthus a

. .

country as a Saint He died A D 8 3 3 , .

of Seleucia (Aug She was probably a


(J une 26 )
. . .

AN THE LM US (St ) Bp .

Persian and suffered in that country She is

. .

(1 2th cent ) A native of Savoy who after


. .

being Provost of 3 C athedral Chapter entered said to have been sewn up in a sack and dr owned

the C arthusian Order and became Prior of the


in a well
Grande C hartreuse D uring the Schism of ANTI DI US (St ) Bp M (J une 25)

(5t h cent ) Otherwise known as St AN TE L

. . .

1 1 59 he defended the rights of Pope Al exander


. ,

II against the Anti Pope Octav an and thereby St T UDE St AN TI BLE A disciple and the

i .

successor of St F roninus in the See of Besancon


incurred the enmity of the German Emperor





ANTONI A (St V M . (April 29 ) . .


. .

ANTONIA (St ) V M (M ay 4)
. . .

(3 rd cent ) A Christian maiden of By z an

tium (Co nstantinople ) , who after torture was

burned at the stake in one of the closing years

of the third century during t he persecution of ,

the Emperors D iocletian and Galerius .

ANTONIN A (St V M (March 1 )

. . .

(3 rd cent ) A pio us woman who i n the

, ,

persecution at the close of the third century ,

was shut up in a cask and thrown into a marsh

near the town of Cea (Beira Port ugal ) Cea
is said by s ome to be a copyist s mistake for

Nicaea in Bithynia .

ANTONINA (St ) V M (May 3 )

. . .

(4t h cent ) A Christian maiden who was


delivered from a house of infamy by a soldier ,

St . Alexander They suffered martyrdom .

together (A D 3 1 2) at Constantinople
. . .

ANTONINA (St M (J une 1 1 )

. .

(3 rd cent ) A Martyr of Ni caea in Bithynia


during the persecution of Diocletian By order .

of the governor Priscil lian she was scourged , , ,

placed on the rack torn with iron hooks and ,

finally beheaded (A D She is perhaps . .

one and the same with the St Antonina of .

M arch 1 .

ANTONINU S (St ) Abbot (F eb 1 3 )

. . .

(9 th cent ) An Abbot of t he monastery of


St Agri p pi n us at Sorrento ( Naples ) where a


church was built in his honour He is a Patron .

Saint of Sorrento and his F e ast is kept the re ,

(1 11 the anniversary of his burial F eb 1 3 A D , .

, . .

8 30
ANTONINU S (St ) M (April 20)
. .


, , .

ANTONINU S (St M (April 24)

. .


, , .

ANTONI NU S (St ) Bp (M ay 1 0)
. .

(1 5th cent ) A F lorentine born A D 1 3 8 9 .

, . .

who embracing the Religious life in the D omini


can Order and successively governed many


convents until he was raised to the Arch


bishopric of F lorence (A D He died . .

three yyears later and was bur ied i n the church ,

of his Order in F lorence His learni ng and .

intellectual grasp conspicuous in his many ,

erudite works on Divinity and Canon Law ,

togeth er with his Apostolic virtues gained for ,

him the respect and esteem of his cont emp or

aries He enjoyed the confidence of the Popes

of his time Pope Eugene IV when dying .

, ,

sent for him to administer to him the last Rites ,

and Pius II was present in F lorence at the

Saint s funeral


ANTO NINU S (St ) M (July 6 ) .


, , .

Some authors make this group of Saints

identical with that described as SS Lucy .

and Twenty two Others (J une -

ANTO NINU S (St M (J ul y 29 )

. .

See SS LU C ILLA F LORA . &c , , .

ANTONINUS (St ) M (Aug 22). .

(2nd cent ) One of the public executioners


in R ome under the Emperor C ommodus

While awaiting the result of the trial of SS

Eusebius and other Chr istia ns (A D he .

saw a vision of Angels and proclaiming himself


a Christian was himself beheaded winn ing,

fi rst of all that company the M artyr s crown


ANTONINU S (St ) M (Sept 2)


(z ud cent ) This holy Martyr is sometimes


confused with St Antoninus of Apamea m Syria .


so much so t hat even the Bollandists o ffer no

solution to the doubt His cul tus at Apamea .

(iPamiers Lan g uedoc ) in,F rance and at Palent i a ,

n Spain is undoubted Local tradition in

, .

F rance places his martyrdom at F redelas

afterwards called Pamiers which is also said ,

to have been his birthplace in the second half

of the fi rst centur y He is sup posed to have .

been of Royal blood to have lived for a ti me in ,

solitude to have visited Ro me and to have

, ,

been there orda ined priest After preaching .


in Italy a nd working many miracles he is The three Saints were on that acco unt put to ,

alleged to have retur ned to F rance and laboured the torture and afterwards hanged at Wilna ,

in t he district of Noble Val (now cal led S about A D 1 3 42 They are venerated as

Antonin) and al so in Toul ouse After u nder

. . . .

Patron Saints of the city of Vilna .

going torture he was beheaded The date is ANTO NY CA ULE A S (St ) Bp


(F eb 1 1 ) .
, .

too uncertain for reasonable conj ectur e (9 th cent ) A native of Phr ygia who entered
. .

. .

A NT O NINU S (St ) M (Sept 3 ) a monastery of which he became Abbot and

. . .

See SS ARI ST AEU S and ANTO NIN U S who was elected (A D 8 9 3 ) Patriarch of C on

. .

A NT O NINU S (Si ) M (Sept 3 0)

. .

st anti no p l e
. He presided over a Council which
. . .

(3 rd cent ) A soldier of the Theban Legion

. condemned and reformed the Acts of P hotius
and a comrade of St M aurice He was martyred originator of the Greek Schism The Patriarch

. .

on the b anks of the Trebbia near Piacenza late


Antony died in h is s ixty seventh year A D 8 9 6 ,


in the third century A church was founded ANTONY (St M

. .
, .

See SS g
(F eb 1 4)
. .

in his honour in the year 3 24 restored in 9 03 A SSU S ANTON Y &c


, , ,

and rebuilt in 1 1 04 H is blood which is ANTONY O F PADUA (St ) (June 1 3 )


, .

preserved in a phial and expose d to public (1 3t h cent ) A native of Lis bon , who .

veneration on his F east day is said to have the received the name of F erdinand at Baptism

same miracul ous properties as that of St (A D He joined the Order of C anons . . .

J an uari us at Naples Regulars at an early age but soon exchanged it


ANTO NINUS (St ) Bp ( Oct 3 1 ) for that of the F ranc iscans (A D

. . He .

(7 t h cent ) D uring hi s one year of Episcopate received the religious habit in t he c onvent of
. .

(A D 6 6 0) St Antoninus F ontana Archbishop . St Antony at C oi mbra and assumed the name , .

of M ilan gave such convincing proofs of being of Antony in honour of the great Hermit Saint
. .

of Egypt His desire for mart yrdom took him


rich in all pastoral virtues that even during his .

lifetime his flock proclaimed him a Saint He to Africa but illness and storm brought him to .

was interred in the C hurch of St Simp lici an Italy where under th e gui dance of St F rancis .
, ,

where the Milanese B ishops were as a rule he began his wonderful career as a preacher

buried In the year 1 58 1 St C harles Borromeo and Worker of miracles He died at Padua , . .

after careful investigation removed his relics A D 1 23 1 and was canonised by Pope Gregory

. .
, , ,

enshrining them under a magnificent altar which I X in the following year In art he is rep re .

h h a? caused to be constru cted in the same sented in various ways but mos tly bearing the
0fi C hild J esus in his arms

urct .


, NTO NY M ARY ZA CCARI A (St ) . (J uly 5) , .

NATHA (SS ) MM ( N ov 1 2) (1 6 th cent ) B orn at C remona (Lombardy )

. . .

he was remarkable from his early youth for his


(3 rd cent ) M artyrs und er Galerius the ,

ability and yet more for his piety and ze al for


colleag ue of Diocletian at C aesarea in Pales tine ,

(A D St E nn at h a a C hristian virgin the spiritual and temporal good of his neighbo ur , ,

articularly of the poor He laboured all his

. .

after b eing severely scourged was bur ned alive


. .

if e long for the restoring of C hurch D iscipl ine


Her male fellow suff erers who boldly reproached -


and with that intent founded the Religious


F irmili an the pagan judge for his cruelty to

Order styled Barn abites under the patronage
, ,

a woman were beheaded ,

of St Paul the Apostle F avoured witif many


A NT O NY (St ) M (J an 9 ) . . .

supernatural gifts and graces he passed away

. .


A D 1 53 9 and was canonis ed by Pope Leo X III
, , , ,

A NTONY (St ) Abbot (J an 1 7 )


. .

at the end of the nineteenth century

. .

(4th cent ) The Patriarch of the mona .

stie life as was his contemporary St Paul ANTONY I XI DA and OTHERS (BL) MM (Sept 7

. . .
, ,

the first hermit of the eremitical Born at (1 7 t h cent ) J apanese Martyrs of the Society

of J esus who laid down their lives for C hrist


C oma near Heraclea in Upper Egypt (A D


after en during many cruel t orture s A D 1 6 3 2

. .

he after the decease of his parents well to do

- -

B1 A ntony who had laboured for many years

. .
, ,

Egyptians retired into the solitudes of the



neig hbouring desert where by dint of prayer at the conversion of his fellow countrymen

was famo us for his learning and eloquence

, ,

and penance he overcame the most terrible

temptations Numerous disciples soon flocked ‘ ANTONY BALDI N UCCI (BL) C onf (Sept 7

(1 7 t h cent ) A J esuit missionary in C entra)

. . .

to him and (A D 3 05) he founded his first mona .

Italy famous for his eloquence and for his

. .

st ery in the Thebais The awful persecution


success in t h e converting of sinners He was


of Chris tianity at the close of the third century ,

b eati fi ed by Pe p e Leo XIII

by driving countless men and women as fugitives .

into the wil ds surrounding the valley o f the ANTONY (St ) M (Sept 23 )
See SS AN D RE W J OH N &c
. . .

Nile no doubt quickened the impulse felt by .

, , .

many in al l ages to separate themselves per ANTONY (St ) M


(N ov 7 ) . . .

manent l y from t he world St Antony s wi se See SS M E LASI PPUS AN TO N Y &c

, , .

government of his monks coupled with hi s ANTONY (St ) M

. .

(Dec 1 5) . . .



supernatur al gifts spread his fame both in the .

, , .

East and in the West and enable d him to ANTO NY (St )


(D ec 28 ) . .

contribute effi caciously to the victory of the (6t h cent ) By birth a Hungarian who, .

after serving God for many years as a hermit


C atholics over the Arians at the C ouncil of

Nicaea in A D 3 25 St Antony died A D 3 56 of the Alps p as sed the last two years of a holy ,

life in the monastery of the Isle of Leri ns off

. . .
, .

at the age of one hundred and fi ve F rom the


the southern coas t of F rance where his relics


submissiveness of animals to him he is reg arded

were enshrined Renowned for the working

as the Patron Saint of herdsmen His life


of mi racles he passed away about the year 526


writt en by St Athanasius is a religious classic . , .

St E nnodi us B ishop of Pavia wrot e a Life of




(J an 1 7 )
. . , ,

St Antony to be found in Sur i us

, \

, .

(6 th cent ) Three holy monks di sciples of ANYSI A (St ) M (D ec 3 0) . . .

(4th cent ) A Chr istian woman who by


St Gregory the Great in his mon astery of


order of D ul cit ius Governor of Thessalonica

, ,

St Andrew (now San Gr egori o) in Rome at the


, ,

was arrested on her entering that city to attend


close of the sixth century The great Pe p e


the assembly of the F aithf ul and put to death


writes at length of their wonderful sanctity ,

and of the miracles by which Almighty God (3 oth Dec A D in the reig n of the perse' . . .

bore witness to it cu t ing Emperor M axi mi an G al eri us D iocletian s


g HN an d EU STA CHI US (April 1 4)


gS ffi g

AN T N i .

ANYSI US (St ) Bp (Dec 3 0) . . .

( 1 4t h cent ) Offi cials at the C ourt of the (5t h cent ) The successor (A D 3 8 3 ) of the . .

holy Bishop Ascolus in the See of Thessalonica


Grand D uke of Lithuania who with his subjects


was still heathen converted to Christi anity in Mace donia He was a friend of St Am brose
, . . .


who wrote to the clergy and people of Thes for the Christians to Marcus Aurelius the ,

salonica congratulating the m on their choice philosophic Emperor He died about A D 1 8 0 . . .

He is also called Claudius A pollinaris

, ,

and also to St Anysius exhorting him to follow

in the footsteps of the Saint his predecessor APO LLINARIS (St ) M (J une 21 )

. .


, .

Pe p e St D am asus showed his confidence in . .

St Anysi us by appointing hi m his Vicar Apos APOLLINARIS (St ) B p M (J uly 23 )


. . .

tolic in Illyria Anysi us also was one among l st cent ) Said to hav e come from Antioch

with St Peter and to have been appointed


the forty Bishops who bravely sto od by St .


by him as the first Bishop of Ravenna His


J ohn Chrysostom against Theophilus of Alexan .

dria He died at an advan ce d age about the l ife was one of continuous suffering at the ’

hands of persecutors but it was preserved


year 403

through a wh ole series of savage and d eadly


AOUT (St ) Conf . (Oct 7 )

torture He was thrice banished from R avenn a
. .

O therwi se St AU GU STU S whi ch see .

, .

and d uring his ex i le preached the Gospel in


APELLES and LU CIU S (SS ) Bp s MM (April 22) .

Asi a Minor on the banks of the D anube and

. .

(l st cent ) Disciples of O ur Lord probably , ,

in T hr ace on the sout h side of the s ame river


of the seventy two chosen by Him as mission -


aries Traditionally St Apelles is h eld to have He died from the e ffects of torture and fatigue
in the reign of Vespas ian (A D St Peter
. .

been Bishop of Smyrna and St Lucius Bishop , . . .

D ami an says th at Apollinaris sacrificed hi mself


of Laodicea B oth are mentioned by St Paul .

in his Epistle to the Romans (xvi 1 0 as a living victim for the t rue F aith by the

contin ual martyrdom which he endured for the


APE LLI US LU CIU S an d CLE MENT (Sept 1 0)


space of twenty nine consecutive years He

, .

(SS ) MM . .

( l st cent ) There can be little doubt that

. was b uried at C l asse near Ravenna , .

SS Ap ellius and Lucius are identical with the

. PO LLI N AR I S (St ) M ( Au g 23 ) . . .

SS Apelles and Lucius commemorated on

. (3 rd cent ) A gaoler at Rheims (F rance ) .

April 22 The St C lement who is added wil l

. who on witnessing the constancy of St Timothy
, .

have been another of the seventy two disciples and the heavenly visions with which he was -

mentioned in the Gospel as having been sent comforted threw himself at his feet and begged ,

as missionaries by C hrist Himself By vario us to be made a C hr i tian They were both s


beheaded by the Governor Lamp ad us who is


writers this St Clement is said to have been .


Bishop of Sardis said t o ha ve been in punishment struck by


APHR AATE S (St ) Cont (April 7 ) lightning obsessed by a devil and in the end
. .
, ,

(4th cent ) An a nchoret of Persian birth

. su ffocated by the Evil One Many churches .

who settled at E dessa in Mesopotamia Later were erected in honour of St Apollinaris and . .

on he removed to Antioch where he strength many miracles wrought at the tomb at Rheims

ened the F aith of the C atholics by his sermons of the Martyr and his fellow sufferer Some -

and miracles during the Arian persecution , assert that St A pollinaris is a Saint of the .

under the Emper or Valens fi rst cen t ury but it is now com monly admitted

. ,

APHR O DI SI US (St ) M (March 1 3 ) that he is to b e dated two hundred years late r

. .


. APOLLIN ARIS SIDONIU S (St ) Bp (Aug 23 ) . . . .


EUSEBIUS (SS ) MM (April 28 ) PO LLI NAR I S (AI PLO MAY ) (St ) Bp

. (Oct 5)
. . . .

(l st cent ) According to the Martyrology .

(6 th cent ) One of the family of Sain ts of .

of the Saints of F rance St Ap hrod isius shel which both hi s father St I si cus and hi s brother , . .

t ered the Holy F amil y d uring their fl ight i nt o St Avit u5 became successively B ishops of .

Egypt and a fter the Ascension j oi ned the Vienne (F rance ) The See of Valence had

, .

disciples attaching himself to St Peter Later

, been vacant for many years when St Apollinaris . . .

he travelled with St Paul and fi nally became was appoi nted to it by the Bishops of the

the Apostle of Languedoc (F rance ) where he Province (A D His zeal i n the extirpation , . .

was put to death for the F aith with the three of many abuses which had arisen during the
of his followers named above There is how vacancy was indefatigable in Spit e of many ,

ever an opinion that this holy Bishop though


serious mal adies from which he miraculous ly


, ,
undoubtedly one of the Apostles of Gaul lived recovere d He was exiled by K ing Sigismund
one or two centuries later

for taking par t in the sentence of excommuni ca . .

APHR O DI SI US and OTHER S (SS ) MM (April 3 0) tion issue d against Stephen the Royal Treasurer . .
, ,

(Date unknown ) An Egyptian priest put by the Council of Lyons but was restored to his

to death for the F aith at Alexandria with about


See on mirac ul ously curing Sigismun d of a

thi rty of his flock mortal mal ady He died about A D 520
. . . . .

APHTHO N I US (St ) M ( N ov 2) His body was interred in t h e Cathedr al of

. . .


. Va ence which owing to the frequent miracles , , ,

A PIAN (APPHI AN ) (St ) M (April 2)

wrought through his intercession assumed the
. .

O therwi se St AMP HI AN US whi ch see title of St Apollinaris His relics were cast
. . .

(April 1 6 )
A PO DE M I US (St ) M into the Rhone by the Huguenots in the sixteenth
. .

O ne of the M ART Y R S O F SARAGO SSA century , .

whi ch see .

APO LL O (St ) Abbot (Jan 25) . .

A PO LLINE (Si ) V M (i t h cent ) One of the Egyptian F athers of


F eb 9 )
. . . . .

O therwi se St APOLLO NIA which see the D esert He governed a community of , . .



(J an: 5) five hundred monks near Heliopolis and di ed

. .

(5th cent ) A daughter of the Consul Art he about A D 3 9 3 being then over eighty ears old

n i us who governed the Empire during the APOLLO I SAACI US an d CR O TATE S Apr il 21 )
. . .
. ,

minority of Theodosius the Younger After



spending several years as a solitary the Saint

. .

( 4t h cent ) These Sain t s are said to have

took the name of Dorot heus and pl aced herself

been attendants in the Palace of the Empres s


under the guidance of St M acarius of Alexan Alexandr a wife of Diocletian In the persecu
dria Of this holy virgin a legend asserts that
. .

. t i on Crot at es (Codratus ) was beheade d and the

she obtained the use of a hermitage from the

others left to d ie of hunger in pris on (A D

Solitarie s by d isgui sing herself in man s attire
. .


(3 rd cent ) A venerable t hris ti an woman of

(F eb 9 )
She d i ed about A D 450
. .

. .

. .

(J an 8 ) Alexandria who was burne d to death af ter

. .

(2na cent ) A Bishop of Hierapolis i n Phry

. suffering many tortures Her teeth were
g i a and one of the great lights of the Early

, broken with pincers and for this reason she is

C hu rch He refuted the do ctrin es of Christian
invoked against toothache and is represented
Sto i ci sm promulgated by Tatian and exposed holdi ng a tooth i n pincers C ondemned to d ie
the hypocr isy of the heretic M ontanus In
, .

at the stake she is said to have leapt o f her

the year 1 7 7 he delivered his famous Apology

own accord into the flames (A D . .

APOLLONIU S (St M clergy and peo ple of Toul After a long
S (F eb
. .


8 66 SS PR O C U LU S, . B S, &e . Episcopate during which he endeared hims elf


P S (St M (M 8) . . to his flock as well by his gentl eness in ruling

an d A S . a s by the vivid exam ple h e gave in his own

P S an d LE O NTI US (LE O N TI N US) life of what he incul cated in preaching he

arch p assed away (A D 507 ) at an a dvanced age

(SS ) Bp s , MM
. (M 1 9) .

cent There is a great difference of

. . .

and was b ur ied in the Basilica which he was


(4th ) .

opinion about ees places of martyr om then bus y in constructing His Life written

th e S a nd d
of these two i hop The most likely solution soon a fter his decease recounts many m iracles
Bs s .

th t Apolloni s succeeded in the


is a u Leonti us wrought at his tomb B y many t h e tradition

of raga in Portugal No particulars of

See B . that he had been a lawy r before he was a e

priest is rejected and attributed to his having ,

been confused with another holy man of the

same name who flourished half a century
thrown into the sea with fi ve other Christians before him
d uring the per secution under Diocletian and

A PULEIU S an d MAR CELLU S (SS ) MM (Oct 7 ) .

his colleagues All parti culars are lost (l st cent ) According to the Ro m an M artyr
. .

. .

APOLLONIU S (St ) M (April 1 8 )


. . ology St Apuleius and his fellow m artyr


(2nd cent ) A Roman Senator who accused


, (by some said to have been his own brother )
of being a Christian by one of his slaves was

, M arcellus were at one time followers of Simon


condemned to be beheaded (A D He is . . M agus but were converted at sight of the


calle d Apollonius the Apologist on acco unt of , miracles wrought by the Apostle St Peter . . .

his elo q uent speech before the Sen ate in defence , They gained the crown of martyrdom under
of the F aith St J erome and Eusebiu refer . .
s a j udge by name Aurelian and were buried
to this speech as one ful l of eloquence and of without the walls of Ro me There is a tradi

sacred and profane learning . tion that it was they who interred the body of
APOLLONIU S (St ) M (J une 5) . . St Peter on the Vatican Hill after his cruci
which they carried out after the


, , fi xion ,

(April 2) manner of t he J ews in order that in his


APPHI AN (St ) M . .

O therwi se St AM PHI AN U S whi ch see .

, . tomb as in his death the Apostle might be like ,

APOLLONIU S (St ) Bp (J uly 7 ) . . to hi D ivine M aster SS Apuleius and

s . .

(2nd cent ) A Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy

, Marcellus are commemorated in all the ancient
mentioned in the Acts of SS F austinus and . M artyrologies and in many Liturgies .

J e vita as having ordained t he former priest

, , , AQUILA (St ) M . (J an 23 ) . .

and the latter deacon He is said to have , See SS SE VE R I AN U S and AQUILA .

AQUILA (St ) (M arch 23 )

. .

flour ished from about the year 1 1 2 to 1 40 . .

Bu t in the Analecta Bollandi ana both th e , See SS D O M ITIU S PELAGIA &c

, , .

period of th e Episcopate of St Apollonius and . AQUILA (St ) M . (May 20) .

the Acts of SS F austinus and J e vita are called (4th cent ) An Egyptian C hristian torn to ,

pieces with iron combs (A D in the p ersecu


in question However this may be St Apol


. . .

tion under the Emperor Maxi minus Daza by


louins was buried in the church of St Andr ew ,

order of Arianne Governor of Thebes who


at Brescia and his relics are preserved there , ,

subsequently himself became a C hristian and


in the C athedral of the Assumption

suff ered martyrdom in the same persecution

APOLLONIU S (St ) M (J uly 1 0) . .

AQUILA an d PRISCILLA (SS ) (J uly 8 )


(4th cent ) The Menology of B asil t ells us .

( 1 st cent ) A hus band and wif e natives


that he was a native of Sardis in Lydia (Asia .


Minor ) and that by his r eal and pre aching he of Pontus a province of Asia Minor bordering
on the Black Sea They were tentmakers in
, ,

converted many Pagans to C hr istianity He .

was summoned before the Prefect Perinius at Rome during the reign of the Emperor Claudius

Iconium scour ged and crucified early in the

, and with other J ews were thence banished .

fourt h century On their return journey to A ia they halted


APOLLONIU S an d EUGENE (SS ) MM (J uly 23 ) . at C orinth and ther e met St Paul coming .

from Athens (Acts xviii and received him


(D ate unknown ) Roman M artyrs of Whom -


littl e is known except that in the metrical into their house He was again their guest at

Ephesus leaving which city at about the same


C alendar of D ij on St Apollonius is mentioned

time as the Apostle they returned to Rome in

as having suffered at the stake He was not


the fourt h year of the reign of Nero In his


burned but shot at and pierced with arrows .

Epistle to the Romans St Paul sends his


St Eugene is described as havi ng cour ageo usly


greetin g to Aquila and Priscilla (Rom xvi


after being sentenced t o death as a Christian

. .

of his own accord o ff ered his neck to the axe 3 4 5 ; see also 1 C or xvi They are

. .

of the executioner commonly believed to have returned again to

, ,

APPHI AS (St ) M (N ov 22)

. . Asia Minor but there is also a tradition that ,

See SS PHILE M O N and A PPHI AS they suffered martyrdom in Rome as Christians


. .

A PPI AN US an d O THER S (SS M M AQUILA (St ) M (Aug 1 )


(Dec 3 0) . . . . .



, , ,

AQUILINA (St ) V M (J une 1 3 )


) (St V (Jul y 1 5)

( . . .

(3 rd cent ) A Christian girl not more than

. .

(5th cent ) Sister of St A merine Bishop of ,

twelve years old who was tortured and beheaded

. . .

Te n] i n which D iocese sh e lived a saintly life


, ,

and is honoured with a liturgical cultus at B yblos in Phoenicia (A D 29 3 ) in a first phase


of the persecution under Diocletian before that

. .

APR O N I AN (St ) M (F eb 2) . . ,

(4th cent ) A Roman official who was con Emperor had openly declared his mind to

verted to C hristianity when conducting the uproot the C hristian religion .

Martyr St Sisinus before the Prefect Laud i ci us

. AQUILINA (Si ) V M (J uly 24) . .

(3 rd cent ) This Saint with her sister St

and was hi mself thereupon al so put to death , , .

for the F aith about A D 3 03 Niceta is commemorated in connection with


the Martyr St Chr istopher in whose Acts they

. .



are menti oned Converted by him to Chris

, , ,

(St ) Bp
(Sept 1 5)
t i anit y they are said to have shared the glory
. .

(6 th cent ) A F rench Saint born in the


of hi s martyrdom in one of the persecutions of

, ,

Diocese of Troyes He began life as a l awyer .

and in the practice of his profession acq uired the third century



great fame on acco unt both of his forensic ,


ability and of his scrupulous integrity After



some years be abandoned the legal profession


(SS ) MM (J an 4) .

(5th cent ) A band of Martyrs put to death


in order to enter into t he Ecclesiastical state


in Africa by the Arian H unneric K ing of the


and in time was chosen as their Bishop by the


while on a pil grimage to Rome was carried off (Egypt ) with Theot y chus and three others ,

by death in the south of Italy The date is


was converted to Christianity on witnessing at


rob abl y some t ime in the seventh century ; Al exandrl a the martyrdom of St Apolloni us
ut even the m o t scientific research carried ou t and St Phi l emon The judg e ordered them to


carefully i n recent tim es has failed to elucidate

. .

be drowne d in the sea There is a legend that ,

the story of these Saints St Ardwyne 1s vener


the i r bodi es were bro u ght ashore by dolphins . .

ated as Patron Saint of the town of C epra no

(Oct 3 0)

AR I LDA (St ) V M . . . .

(D ate uncertain ) A C hris tian maiden in


AR EGLO E (St Bp (March 1 7 ) .

Gloucestershire mur dered i n defence of her

. .

O therwi se St A GRI COLA whi ch see ,

chastity The church at Oldbury is dedic ated

. .

AR E SI US R O GATUS an d OTHER S (J une 1 0) .

1 n her name

(SS MM . . .

(Date unknown ) A b and of seventeen ARISTAEU S and ANTONINU S (SS ) MM (Sept 3 )

African Martyrs particulars concerning whom
. . .

(Date unknown ) Though the Roman Mar


have been lost Som e M artyrologies class them


tyrology following those of Bede Ado and


with the Rom an M artyrs Basilides and others

Usuard describes St Aristaeus as Bishop of , , ,

C apua in Italy mo d ern investigation inclines


commemorated on t he same day .


ARETHAS and OTHERS (SS ) MM ( Oct 1 ) to identify him with St Arist aeon an E gyptian . . .

(D ate unknown ) St Arethas with fi ve


M artyr honoured by the Greeks on Sept 3


. .
, ,

hundred and four others according to the

. .

Similarly the St Antoninus a chil d m art yr , , .


Ro man Marty rology suffered at Rome They associated with hi m may be no other than the


were first mentioned by Usuard and he was


St Antoni nus of either Pamiers in F rance or , .

copied by Baronius but they are not found of Ap amaea in Syria commemorated in the
in more ancie nt documents Some are of

Roman Martyrology on Sept 2 though the .

O pin i on that t h e Sa in ts of t h e same name


latt er is u ually said to h ave been a priest


( Oct 23 ) martyred at Magran or N egran in


At C apua there is no record of either Saint


. .

Arabi a F elix (A d en ) are meant R I STA R CHUS (Si ) Bp M (Aug 4) .

ARETHAS an d OTHER S (SS ) MM ( Oct 23)
. . .

(1 st cent ) A native of Thessalonica and a


. . . .

(6th cent ) St Arethas was the Governor . comp anion of St Paul in his travels (Acts xx 1 ;
. . .

of the town of N egran in Arabia F elix (Aden ) xxvii He was seized wit h the Apostle at


and with him are commemorated innumer able Ephesus and shared his im prisonment He , .

C hristians of both sexes who were the victims is also descri bed as his fellow worker (Phil em -

of the persecution of a J ewish K ing of the Tradition makes of hi mthe fi rst Bishop
Homerites by name D unaan or Nowas (A D , of Thessalonica Pseudo Dorotheus has it that . . .

A priest or Bishop by name Simeon he was beheaded in Rome at the same time as ,

wrote a history of this persecution a year after St Paul

, ,

. .

the martyrdom of St Arethas He describes ARISTIDES (St ) (Aug 3 1 )

. . . .

the Siege of N egran by Dhu N was and the (2nd cent ) Both E us ebiu s and St J erome -
. .

bur ning of the Chr istians and their churches speak of St Aristides as an early Christian . .

Some of the women (he says ) w ere bei ng wr iter and an eloquent phi losopher who like ,

beheaded when a little boy professed hi s wish his contemporary Quadratus ; presented to the

to d ie with his mother R uoma and was slain Emperor Hadrian an Apology for the Chr i tian ,

with her F aith (A D He is cited by Usuard


. . .

AR E TI US (AR E CI US AR E GI US) and DAO I AN (in his M artyrology for Oct 3 ) for his account .

of the P as sion of St D ionysius the Areopagite


(SS MM . (J une 4) . .

(Date unknown ) Beyond mention in the This work which was treasured by the Athenians ,

as a noble monument of antiquity is now


M artyrologies of the m artyrdom of a St Areti us .

at Rome with a St D acian and their burial apparently lost , .

i n the C atacombs on the Appian Way nothing


AR ISTIO N (St ) (F eb 22) , . .

else is known A St Pictus is venerated with (1 st cent ) One of the seventy two disciples .

them in places of O ur Lord He is mentioned in the Acts of

. .

St Barnabas as a companion of th e d eacon


AR GAR I AR GA ( Si ) V (Sept 9 ) . . .

Timon in the latter s Apostolic labours in the


(7th cent ) An Ir ish Saint otherwise known


Island of C yprus Accordi ng to the Greek


as St Osanna who led a holy lif e in Brittany

, , .

and whose relics were ens hrined at St Deni s Menology St Aristion was martyred at Alexan . .

near Paris d ria ; a ccor ding to others at Salami in C y prus s .

ARISTOBULU S (Si ) M (March 1 5)



(1 st cent ) Said by some to have b een one


(SS MM . (J an 2) . .

of the seventy two disciples (Luke x ) and the


(4t h cent ) Three br others who su ff ered -

brother of St Barnab as He i s referre d to

. .

martyrdom at Tomis in Pontus (on the Black . .

Sea) under the Emperor Licini us who obliged

, by St Paul (R om xvi Others make him . .
, .

all his soldiers to o ffer sacrifice to the gods one and the same as Zebed ee F ather of St

. .

B ecause of their refusal the three brothers J ames and St J ohn the Evangelist Again . .

were put to death (A D Arg aeus and there is a legend t hat he was consecrated a

B is h op by St Peter or St Paul and sent to


Narcissus were beheaded and Marcellinus was


. .

cast into the sea Great Britain where he was m artyred But , .

this last stor y at le ast has no foundation


AR GI M I R US (St ) M (June 28 ) .


. .

(9 th cent ) A mo nk of Cordova in Spain ,


, , ,

who was m artyred during the persecution under , , , ,

the Arab domination A D 8 56 or a ccording F ELIX MAR CIA and SYM PHO R O SA (SS ) .

(J uly 2)

to St E ul ogius Archbishop of Toledo A D 8 58

. .
, , ,

(3 rd cent ) A band of Christian M artyrs
. . . . .

ARIADNA (St M (Sept 1 7 )


put to death in the Ca mpa gna (Southern Italy )

. . .

(2nd cent ) A C hristian woman slave of a

prince or noble in Phr ygia (Asia M inor ) She at the beginning of the reign of the persecuting

Emperor D iocletian (A O Nothing more


was flogged for refusing to join in the heathen . .

is known about them


rites celebrate d on the anniversary of h er '


master s bir thday but fled from his house to R I STO N I CUS (St ) M (April 1 9 )




t he neighbouring hill country Sh e evaded

- J
, ,


her pursuers until a rock m iraculously O pening


(St ) Conf (Aug 1 6 )


o ffered her a place of refuge closing again aft er


(6 th cent ) A Briton relate d to St Paul

. .

she had entere d and thus procuring for her


de Leon A Cornish church is dedicated to

. ,

both a tomb and the crown of martyrdom

St Armel His sphere of work was chiefly

(A D ,

however in Brittany where Plou E rmel

. . . .



perpetuates his holy memory A D 56 2 is given


(SS ) MM . (M arch 8 )
. . . .

(3rd cent ) Ari anus Governor of Thebes . as the date of his death ,


" ARMEL (St ) Conf . (Aug 1 6 ) . that another St . Arnulp h lived and died in
Engl and

O therwi se St AR MAGI LLU S, whi ch see . .

AR M E N TAR I US (St ) Bp (J an 3 0) . . . R PI N US (St B p . (N ov 9 ) .

(sth )He succeeded cent St D amian O therwi se St A GR I PPI N U S, whi ch . see .

onf (Aug 1 6 )
. .

(A D 7 1 1 ) in the of Pavia It l
S ec ( a D uring AR SACI US (UR SACI US) (St C . . .

his E Pope o st nti e ecla ed the cent A Persian by birt and a soldier
. .

iscO p at e, C n a n t ( 4t h ) h .

See 0 Pavia to have alway been imme iately

s d by profession who on his conversion to the ,

subject the Holy

to and not to the etro
See , M F aith retired to a high t ower overlooking the
p olitan Secof ilan as advanced by
M St B ene city of Nicomedia where he lived the life of a
solitary and became famous on account of his
, ,

d ct
i Ar chbisho of il n
M a St Arm ent ari us
gifts of miracles and propp he o He is said
. .

died is Acts wer lost or destroyed


A D 732 .

but his body was preserve in the principal to have forewarned the i nha itants of the
. . .

chur ch of Pavia destruction of their cit y by t he earthquake of

Some survivors found Arsa ci us dead

(AR N ULPHUS) (Si ) M (July 1 8 ) . . A D 3 58
. . .

(6 t h cent ) A missionary to the F ranks in his tower in the attitude of prayy er .

contemporary of St Remigius He suff ere d AR SE N I US (St ) Conf (July 1 9 )


. .

(5t h cent ) Sprun g from a rich and noble

. .

mart om between Paris and Chartres about


AD Roman family hi abilities and love of work ,


soon placed hi m in the forefront of the learned

. .


SATUR US (SS ) MM (M arch 29 ) men of his age The Emperor Theodosius .

chose him as t ut or of his two sons t he future

. .

(5th cent ) African victims of the Arian ,

per ecution under Genseric K ing of the Vandals Em erors Arcadius and Honorius D eclinin g

s . .

the ononrs which were off ered to him he bade


We have particulars concern ing them from the

pen of Victor Vitensis a trustworthy write r of farewell to the world and retired to the desert
the following century They were high born of N fi rm in Lower Egypt There on account

of his continuous prayer and severe fas tin g


nobles at t he Royal Co urt Armog ast es was

put to t he torture but aft“erwards made to

he be came an obj ct of wonder even to his fellow



hermits Later he changed his resi dence to a


langu ish to death in slavery lest the Romans .

should venerate him as a Martyr The other . cell i n the neighbourhood of M emphis where he ,

two were behea ded about A D 46 4 died in his nint t y fif th year (A D

R SE N I US (ST ) i w
. . . . .

(See N ote on St MA SCU LAS ) . M (D ec 1 4) . .

ARM ON (Si ) Bp (Jul y 3 1 ) (3 rd cent ) A Martyr of t he D ecian per ec eu


tion (A D St Dion ysius of Alexandria

. . .

O therwi se St GE R MAN US of AU XERRE , . . .

i n a letter to F abius of Antioch describes the


whi ch see
Passion of this Holy Martyr and of SS Heron

ARNO LD (Si ) Conf (Jul y 8 )
. .

and ot hers who suff ered with hi m He is there


(9 th cent ) A Greek by birth attached to .

named Ater changed by later biogr aph ers into


the Court of the Emperor C harlemagne He .

Arseni u s and Arsinus He was an Egyptian


is d escribed as a model of C hristian virtue , . ,

and has been venerate d above all for hi s and with the Christians his co mpani ons was , ,

devote dness to t he poor He died shortly burn ed to d eath at Alexandria A Chr istian .

b oy fi fteen years old was arreste i at t he same


after the year 8 00 and has left his name to the


, ,

t i me but only scourged being then let go on


village Arnol d Villiers


, ,

acco unt of his youth


ARN O UL (AR NULPHUS) (St ) Bp (Jul y 1 8 ) .

. .

(7 t h cent ) A F ranki sh nobleman born near


(J an 25) . . .

(D ate unknown ) A C hristi an bo y of a town


Nancy in Lorraine and educated in piety and ,

learn ing by Gondul phus a councillor of K ing near Naples who in one of the first centuries

was on account of his religion with the con

, ,

Theodebert II He d istingu ished hi mself as .

a soldier and married D oda a lady of quality , , nivan ce of those in authority murdered by his ,
by whom he had two sons Clodul p h (Cloud ) schoolfellows .

R TE M I US CAN DI DA and PAULIN A (June 6 )


and Ans egisi us When the See of Metz became .


vacant in the year 6 1 3 clergy and people , fSS MM .

united in d emand ing Arnoul (whose wi fe h a d (4t h cent ) Art emi us gaoler oi one of the

just tak en the veil in a convent at Treves ) as Roman pr i sons with his wife Candida and

thei r Bishop He governed his Dioce se with . daughter Paulin a was convert ed to C hr istianity ,

zeal and success for a bou t nine years and ,

by St Peter the Exorcist and baptised by

dur i ng part of th at time acted also as Duke


St M arcellinus
. B y order of Serenu s the .

of Austr as ia for K ing Ciot aire II In his old . judg e Art emius was beheaded and hi s Wi fe

a g e h e resigned all his dign ities and retired to


and daughter buried under a pile of stones

a cave in the Vosges mountains where he died (A D . .

at te nded by St Romario (A D He seems


. . . ARTEMIO S (Si ) M (Oct 20) . . .

to have been of the Blood Roy al of the Mero (4th cent ) One of the soldier martyr s of ,

v1 ng1 ans and it is a sserted that through hi s son


, the time of the Emperor J ulian the Apostate ,

Ans eg islus be transmitted it to the succeeding '
by whose order he was beheaded at Antioch
F rench dynas ty that of the C arolingians , . (A D . . after having been subjected to
R N ULPHUS (St ) Bp (Aug 1 5) . . . var i ous forms of torture He was a veteran
(1 1 t h cent ) A nobleman of Brabant who . o ffi c er and had been pl aced in high command
had d i tinguished himself as a soldier before
by Constantine the Great He was Specifically
enteri ng the Ecclesias tical l i fe After some

charged before Julian with havin g broken down


years passed in a mon as tery at So issons he was


the statue of an idol something like which the

appo inted Bishop of that See He found

veteran may likely enough have been guilty


however so many d isorders in Church dis cipline


, of in his irritation at the cruel persecution to

o bta imng among his flock that his effort s to whi ch his fellow Christians were subjected -

cope Wi th them literally wore him out and


ARTEMON (St ) M (O ct 8 )
. .

in the end he was comp elled to retire to the

, .

(4th cent ) A priest of Laodicea burned

Abbey of Aldenberg There he died and was to death un der Diocletian (A D There

bur i ed A D 1 08 7
, . .

. . is a good de al of d isp u tc as to which of the

(Aug 22)

AR NULPH (Si ) . several towns be aring t he name of Lao dice a

(9 t h cent ) Possibly a Huntingdonshire Saint

. St Artemon belongs The probabilities are

of Br i tish or i gin who may have lived in this

i n favour of L aodicea in Phrygia


country i n the ninth centur y But his tory is


Si lent concerning him and it is not improbable
. .

(Date uncertain ) Thi s Saint seems untrace

that he i s no other than St Arnul p h B ishop

a ble He ap pears to be one and the same with

of Metz the veneration of a portion of whose
. .

, the St Arvan or Ar e an who has left his name

rel i cs at Arnulphsb ury or Eynesbury in Hunt

at St Aroa ns and C wmcarvan in Monmouth

. ,

i ng dons hire may have given rise to the legend

, shire Stanton s Menology following Challoner


, ,


identifies St Arvan with Marnanus a com . of St Alexander a martyred soldier of the ,

panion of SS Banka (or Breaca) and Sennen

Theban Legion ; also of her own d eath and
(6th ce nt )

bu r i al in the church of St Alex ander (A D



(April 22) ASTERIU S (St ) M

. .

(March 3 )


(7 th cent ) Two brothers sons of Arwal a

. .

. See SS MARINU S and A STERIU S , ,

a pri nce in the Isle of Wight whose p roper ASTERIUS (St ) M

. .

(May 20) ,

names are lost They were put to death by

. .

(3 rd cent ) Probably a Syrian

. He was
the soldiers of K ing Ceadwalla then a Pagan
. .

converted to Chr istianity together with a fellow

, ,
on the morrow of their baptism (A D executioner on beholding the invincible fortitude .

ASAPH (ASA) (St ) Bp


(M ay 1 ) of the holy Martyr St Thalalaeus a Christian


(6 th cent ) The first Welsh Bishop of Llan


p hyswi an whom they were employed to put



now St Asaph s in F lin t hire He

elwy to death They themselves with several other ’

, .
, .

entered the monastery buil t by St K entig ern


C hristian convert s suff ered martyrdom at


of Gl as gow at the confluence of the E lwy and


, Edessa in Mesopotamia under the Emperor

the Clwydd (A D and was appointed his N u meri an (A D
. .

successor as Abbot and Bishop when St K enti ASTERIUS (St ) Bp (J une 1 0)

. .

. .

gern returned to Scotland (A D


St (4th cent ) F ormerly an Arian who after hi s . . .

Asaph governed a mon as tery of nearly one


conversion became Bis hop of Petra in Ar abi a ,

tho usand monks some of whom preach ed and


and gained the hatred of the heretics by pub


o ffi ciated in the chur ch while the rest laboured l is hi ng th e story of their intrigues at the C onnel l
for the sustenance of the co mmunity and for of Sardi ca (A D Banished to Africa by
the c ivilisation of the neigh bourhood The
. .

the Emperor Constantius but recalled by Jul i an


exact date of St Asaph s death is not known


the Apostate he assis ted at the C ouncil of


(Apr il 27 )
ASI CUS (St ) Bp . Alexandria (A D . and was chosen to be
(5t h cent ) One of the e arliest disciples of
. .

. the bear er of the let ter from the Council to th e

St Patrick in Ireland
. The Apostle placed C hurch of Antioch He seems to have died a
h i m at the head of the mon astery and D iocese

ye ar or two later

of Elphi n of which he is venerated as the ASTE R l US and OTHERS (SS ) MM


, (Aug 23 )
Patron Saint He live d to a gre at age d ying
. . .

(3 rd cent ) Three brothers who were de ,

after the year 500 having passed th e evening


nounced by their step mother as Christians


of hi s life as a hermit He is famous for his to the Pro consul Lysias at E gea a seaport .

extraordinary skill as a metal worker and in Cilicia (Asia Minor ) Two pious women

some remarkable specimens of his handiwork


D omnina and Theonilla were at the same time


yet remai n

. cited before the trib unal After subjecting .

ASCLAS (St ) M .
(J an 23 ) the brothers Claudi us Asterius and N eo n
. .

(4th cent ) He suff ered in the persecution


to the most excruciating tortures Lysias


under Diocletian After being put to severe


ordered them to be crucified o utside t he walls


torture he was thrown into the Nile at Antinoe of the city and their remains to be left to the ,
i n Egypt His judge thereupon is said to have
. birds of prey of the neighbourhoo d Theonilla
become a Christian and a M artyr

and D omnina after undergoing many i ndig .

ASCLEPI ADE S (St ) B p M (O ct 1 8 ) p ities were drown d (A D
e . . . . .

(3 rd cent ) According to Eusebius of C aes a


. STE R I US (St ) M (Oct 21 ) . .

rea St Asclepiades was the successor of (3rd cent ) Registered in several a ncie nt

, . .

St Ser apion i n the See of Antioch (A D

. Martyrolo g ies on Oct 1 9 but in the more recent . . .

He i s also mentioned by St J erome and appears


ones on Oct 21 he is de cribed as a Roman .

, .
t o have occupied the See of Antioch until his priest ordained by Pope St Callistus and who .
, ,

death in A D 21 7 No details are given of the

. for having secretly buried the body of th at
. .

manner of his death and m any are of opinion M artyr Pope was c as t into the Tiber at Ostia ,

that he gained the title of Martyr by reason by order of the Emperor Alexander (A D .

of the sufferings he underwent dur ing the Bu t the C hristi ans recovered his body and

persecution of Sever us and Macrinus interred it in the tomb of other Martyrs at .

L DO TUS (ASCLE PI AD O R US) (Sept 1 5) Osti a In the year 1 1 59 their relics were more
. .

suitably enshrined in the C hurch of St Aurea .



. &c then just constructed in the partially rebuilt , , .

ASELLA (St ) V (Dec 6 ) ei t

ASfiER I US of AM ASE A (St ) B p
. . .

(5th cent ) Her life virtues and austerity (Oct 3 0) . . .

(5th cent ) A F ather of the Church some of


are d escribed in the Epistles of St J erome .

, .

where we are told that at the age of twelve whose eloquent sermons are stil l extant He .

years she began to dedicate herself entirely to was Bishop of Amasea in Pontus (Asia Minor ) . ,

the service of God The holy D octor calls her came unhurt thr ough the persecution under
i an the Apostate ; and was still alive in A D

a flower of the Lord ”
Palladins speaks of
. . .

having vi ited her in Rome (A D s where .

(July 7 )

she was in charge of a community of nuns ASTI US (St ) B p M . . .



ASPR E N (St ) B p (Aug 3 ) .

, , .

(April 8 )
. .

(l st cent ) Although mention is not mad e


SYNCR ITUS (St ) Bp . .


(F irs t cen t ) B ishop of Hyrocani a on the


of this Saint in the ancient M enologies tradition .

C aspian Sea said to have been one of the


from time immemorial and the records of the

seventy two disciples chosen by C hrist and

Neapolitan Church abundantly prove his cultus -

from the A postolic Age It is related that mentioned by St Paul in his Epistle to the
With him t he C hurch

Roma ns (xvi 1 1

St Peter pa sing through Naples on his way s


commemorates St Herodion Bishop of Tars us

. .

from Antioch to Rome cured St Asp ren of a .


in Cilicia and St Phlegon Bishop of Marathon


serious malady instructed and baptised him , , .


and on a return visit confided to him the care ( Greece )


of the Chur ch in Naples His conversion ATHAN

Place name near Pont yprydd No record

miracles and other works were depicted on the -

. .

walls of the chapel where he was interred ATHA NASIA (St ) Widow (Aug 1 4) . . .

(9 th cent ) Her parents belonged to an


ASTERIA (HE STE R I A) (St ) V M (Aug 1 0)

ancient Greek family and she was born in the
. . . . .

(4th cent ) A holy Martyr held in g reat ,

Island of n ina Her first husband died on


veneration from time immemorial at B ergamo


in Lombardy An ancient epita ph describes the battlefield in a war against the Saracens ;
her as having been beheaded as a C hristian under but her second husband set her free by himself

D iocletian wh en she had already reached her entering a monastery She at first turned her .

own home into a convent bu t soon desirous of


six tieth year The old M SS of B ergamo tell , , ,

greater retirement buil t the Abbey of Timia

. .

of her Christian parentage and education and , ,

where under the guidance of a saintly priest


of her association with St Grata in the burial .

, ,


she soon gathered a considerable communi ty ATHEN O DO R US (St ) Bp M (O ct 1 8 ) . . . .

Her virtues and wis dom were such that the (3 rd cent ) The brother of St Gregory . .

Empress Theodora summoned her to C onstan Thaumaturgus and a native of Neo Caesarea ,

tinople There she remained seven years

. in Cappadocia They were both pupil s of , .

but returned to die at Timia (A D Origen and togethery combated the teaching . .
ATHANASIA (St ) (Oct 9 ) . of Paul of Samosat a in the first Council of .

(5th cent ) The wife of St Andronicus. Antioch St Athenodorus is sai d to have been .
, . .

who like him on the death of their chi ldren

, , put to death during the persecution of Aurelian ,

embraced the life of a solitary in the desert about the year 26 9 No mention is made of .

of Secte in Egypt In some Greek accounts the See of which he was Bishop but it is com

she is s aid to have concealed her sex which was monl y supposed to have been Neo C aesarea ,

revealed after death by a paper which she left itself where he may have succeeded hi s brother ,

for her husband who without recognising her ATHE N O DO R US (St M

, , (N ov 1 1 ) , . . .

was present at her deathbed (about A D (4th cent ) One of the Chr i stian vict ims . .


(J an 3 ) immolated during the presidency of E leusius

. . .


. in Mesopotami a under the Emperor p D iocletian .
, .

ATHANASIUS (St ) Bp Doctor of (May 2) He s urvived many57 tortures and was bound at

the Church
, ,

las t to the stake But the fi re refus ed to burn

(4th cent ) The famous champion of the

. whereupon the executioner was summoned to

Catholic F aith in the Blessed Tr i nity agains t behead him However the man fell dead at , ,
Ari us who denied the Divinity of Christ and

, the feet of the M artyr yr and no substitute being , ,

was upheld by powerf ul partisans Born at foun d Athenodorus was suff ered to die in peace . .

Alexandria in Egypt St At han asius was


He passed away while engaged in an ecstasy of ,


ordained deacon by St Alexa nder Patriarch prayer only a few hours later (A D .
, .

of that city and succeede d him as Bishop ATHE NO GE NE S (St ) M


, (June 1 8 ) .

(A D having in the previo us year taken (2nd cent ) An aged priest who while being
“ in the great Council of Nicaea D uring
. . .

burned at the stake somewhere in Pontus (Asia

fig long Epi scopate his life was frequently in

Minor ) is said to have repeated the beautiful

danger and he had at several periods to keep


, Evenin g Hymn which hephad formerly com

, ,
fl ymg from place to pla ce Eventu ally he osed and which still forms a striking feature
p .
returned in triumph to his Church and died in the Greek Vesper service The date of his , .

at Alexandria A D 3 73 His piety learning , martyrdom is given as A D 1 9 6 St Bas il

. . .
, . . .

and unparalleled energy made of him the most quotes him as an authority on theological
co ns pi cuous fi gure of the age in whi ch he lived ; questions But there is much obscur ity about
and he has left many and valuable writings

him The learned Cardin al Baronius goes so .

Trul y as St Gregory N az i an”z en styles him


, . far as to think he may be identical with the ,

was he a pillar of the Church well known Christian writer Athenagoras .

ATHAN ASIUS (St ) M (Jl flY 5) St Athenog enes has also been credited wi th the
. .

(5th cent ) A deacon of J erus alem He


. composition of the hymn Glori a i n excelsi s .

, .

denounced the heretic Theodosius who had ATHE N O GE NE S and OTHERS (SS ) MM (July 1 6 ) , . .

sup lanted the C atholic St J uvenal in the See

(4th cent ) A Bishop wi th ten of his flock .

of erusalem F or his act of zeal the good


p ut to death by the President Hirernarchus at
deacon was seized by the soldiery scourged Seb as te in Armenia (A D during the great
and beheaded (A D
. .

persecution under Diocletian and his colleag11 es

. . .

ATHANASIU S (St ) Bp (J uly 1 5) * AT

R EU S (St ) Conf
. .
(Dec 26 ) .

(9t h cent ) A Bishop of Naples kno wn as

. .

. O therwi se St TATHAI whi ch see , ,

Athanas i us the F irst to di sting uish hi m from ATHI LDA (St V M

, (March 27 ) .

hi s unworthy successor of the same name


O therwi se St ALK E LD which see .

His brother Sergius I Duke of Naples placed


, ATTALA (St ) V , (D ec 20) *


his son under the care of St Athanasius but the

, .

(8 th cent ) A ni ece of St Odilia F or

young man at the ins tigation of his wif e and
. . .
, .

twenty years she was Abbess of a monas tery

co urti ers cast hi s uncle into pr ison The clergy at Strasburg and venerated by all for her

and people of Naples soon force d Sergius to

piety prudence and charityy She died at the
releas e thei r bi shop but the young D uke age of fi fty four about A D 741
. ,

threatened himwith worse than imprisonment ATTALAS (St ) Abbot

, , . . .

(March 1 0)
unless he abdi cated The Emperor Louis II
. .

(7th cent ) The second Abbot of the famous


then intervened and sent the D uke of Amalfi Abbey of B obbi o in Lombardy discipla and

to conduct Athanas ius to a place of safety successor of St Columbanus whom he had
The Sai nt di ed at Veroli and was buried at

followed into exil e from Lux euil and near


Mo nte Cassi no (A D His body was soon

, ,

whose tomb he was buried (A D 6 27 )

afterwards translated to the C athedral of Naples ATTALU S (St ) M
. . . .

(J une 2)
. . .

, See SS PHO TI N US VE TI U S &c .

, , .

(SS ) MM .
(Aug 22) ATTALU S (St M (Dec 3 1 )
(3rd cent ) St Athan as ius was a Bishop of
. . . .


Tarsus in Asia Mi nor and famous for the ATHO (St Bp
. . .
, ,

(May 22)

holi ness of his l i fe He fell a vi ctim to the

. .

(1 2t h cent ) B adajoz in Spain and F lorence


cruelty of the persecuting Emperor V alerian


in Italy put forth rival claimspto have been the

(about A D St Ant husa a wealthy lady
. .
birthplace of thi s Saint F rom having been
of one of the various Asiatic cities named
, .

Seleuci a had previously come to Tarsus to seek

Abbot of Vallombrosa he was chosen Bishop ,
, of Pis toia also in Tuscany and occupied that
bapti sm at the han ds of St Athan as ius Having
, ,

See for twenty years He di ed A D 1 1 53

thus be come a Christian and having on that
. . . . . .

account been dri ven out of Seleucia she em He has left a work on the miracles and relics of ,

St J ames of Compostell a
braced the li fe of a solitary in the desert ATR IUS (ATTUS) (St M
. .

(Aug 1 )

perseveri ng therei n until her death twenty

, . .

( 4th cent ) One of nine Christian husband

three years later Two servants who had men among whom
Leont ius and Alexander are
, .

attended her to Tarsus found a home with


St Athanasius and i n the end shared his crown

a lso mentioned by name They were beheaded .


martyrdom , at Perge in Pamp hylia (As ia Minor ) i n t he great

persecutio n under Di ocl eti an The fact that .

p .
(Jan 8 ) these were

poor pe as ants qui te un cultured and

( l oth cent ) The uncle of St D unstan He
yet heroes in their fi ght for Christ appears to
was the first Bishop of Wells in Somerset and
. .

afterwar ds Archbi shop of Canterbur y which ATTICUS (St ) Mhave greatly impressed t heir contemporaries , .

(N ov 6 )
See he governed fro m A D 9 1 4 to hi s death in
, . .

( D ate unkno wn ) Altho ugh the Roman .

A D 923
. . .
Martyrolo g y re gisters St Atticus without giving .

him the title of Martyr various other reliable , reputation for sanctity and learning that K ing
lis s describe him as a Martyr in Phr ygia F ur
t . D agobert encouraged by the wishes of the
ther information respecting him is wanting

. clergy ad vis ed thereto by St Acharius Bishop


(Oct 5)

ATTI LAN US (St ) B p . . . of Noyon chose the young monk to rul e over
1 1 th cent ) Born at Tarragona or Tar as cona

. the extensive D iocese of Terouanne (now

in Aragon (Spain ) in early youth he entered , St Omer ) which was sorely i n need of a zealous

the Benedictine Order and became the disciple


pas tor By his exemplary life and untirin g


of the holy Abbot St F roil an who later chose .

, energy the new Bishop suppressed idolatry
Attil anus as his Prior and substitute The

. and transformed his Diocese into one of the

two Sees of Leon and Zamora becomi ng vacant , most flourishing in F rance He founded the
St F roilan was appoi nted to the former and

. famous Abbey of Sithi u later known as St .

St At til anus to the latter and t hey were


B ertin In his old age he became blind but

consecrated t ogether on Whi t Sunday A D 9 9 0
, .

, . . . never relaxed his endeavours to do good and to

St Att il anus governed his flock in a period of
. win soul s to God He died A D 6 7 0 and was .

gre at trouble and distress He died A D 9 09

. .

. . . , buried in the church which has since become

and was ca nonised A D 1 09 8 . . . the Cathedral of St Omer

ATTR A CTA (St ) .
, ,

(5th cent ) An Iris h Saint p rob ably a


, ( St ) Bp . . (Aug 24) .

contemporary of St Patrick Having embraced . .

(7t h cent ) A F ren ch Saint son of Aut harius

the religiousylife sh e founded a monastery in


, and Af g a who after their death were also at

, ,

the present County of Sligo (K illaraght ) , and lea t locally venerated as Saints and to whom
, ,

another in the C ounty of Roscommon She . St Columb anus i s said to have foretold that

was renowned far and ywide for her charity to their son Ouen and his two brot hers Ardon and
t he poor and for the hospital ity she extended

Radon would become famous in Church and

to wayfarers and to the homeless Precise . State St Ouen was entrusted with high
. .

dates cannot be fi xed with any certainty . offi ces at the Courts of Ciotaire and D agobert .

AU BERT (ALBERT AUDE BE R TUS AUTH , , There he met and formed a close friendship
BERT ) (St ) B (Dec 1 3 )
. . with St E ligius (Eloi ) Both of these noble
(7 t h cent ) One of t he greatest and most
. .

. men resolving on entering the Ecclesiastical

illustrious Bishops and Saints of his age in the state they were cons ecrated on the same day

North of F rance Appointed in the year 6 33

. by Adeodatus Bishop of M acon Bishops , ,

Bishop of the Unitedp Sees of Cambr ai and Eloi of Noyon and Ouen of R ouen where the ,

Arras his position and character enabled him

, latter succeeded St Romanus (A D The . . .

to enlist the servi ces of pprinces and conspicuous activity and s uccess of St Ouen i n promoting .

personages in spreading the F aith through the t he caus e of Christianity and civilisation in
vas t districts committed to his pastoral care . the future province of Normandy was such
He bui lt many chur ches and monasteries and that in lif e as in d eath he was acclaimed as a
others were founded by the converts to Chris Saint He p as sed away after more than forty

t ianit y he was dail y maki ng K ing D agobert . years of a most fruitful Episcopate at Clichy , ,

chose him for his adviser in temporal no less , near Paris (A D and was buried in the . .

than in spp iritual matters Aft er a glorious . Abbey of St Pierre near Rouen to whi ch his
E p iscopat e of thirty six years he passed away
, ,
, name was given There have been several .

about A D 6 6 9 and was buried in the church

. .
, translations of hi s relics the last in the year ,

of St Peter near C ambrai to which later an

, 1 8 6 0 He has left us the Life of his friend
. ,

Abbey was attached . St E li gius an historical tre as ur e considering



AUBI E R GE (St ) (J ul y 7 )
. t he dark century in which it was written .

O therwi se St ETHEL B URGA whi ch see UDR E Y (AWB REY ) (St ) V (June 23 )

. .
, .

AU BYN (AU BIN ) (St ) Bp (March 1 ) . . O therwi se St E THE LDR E DA or E DI LTR U .

O therwi se St AL B INU S whi ch see .

, . DI S, whi ch see .

AUC l S UR IO and THE SSALONICA (N ov 7 ) AUGULUS ( AUGU TU S) (St ) Bp M (F eb 7 )

Sé) fi
. . . . .

cent His name appears in the artyr


(4th ) M .

(D ate unknown ) Martyrs at Amphipolis ology of St J erome as a i hop Other

Bs .

anciently an important city of Western Mace

ancient authorities describe him as a Martyr
donia They are commemorated i n b oth the who laid down his li fe for Christ in London .

Eastern and Wes tern C alendars ; but neither This woul d be in the persecution under Dio

reliable particulars nor date of their martyr dom cleti an in which St Alban s u ffered about A D . . .

can be found . 3 03 .St Angulus is called A1u1 ggustus by


AUDACTUS (ADAUCTUS) (St M (Oct 24) . . Venerable Bede and Aug urius by some other ,


, , . authors He has been identified by F rench

A UCE JAS and LU CEIA (SS MM (J une 25) . writers with St O uil or A ule of Nor mandy . .


. . AUGUR I US (st ) M (J an 21 ) . . .

AUDAS (ABB AS) (St ) Bp M (May 1 6 ) See SS F R UCTU O SUS, AU GUR I U S, &c .

(5th cent ) A Persian Bishop who is said

. . .

AUGU STA (St ) V M (March 27 ) . .

(Da te u ncertain ) The daughter of one of

. .

to have set fire to a temple of the god of fire . .

Ordered to rebuild it atphis own expense he , the Barbarian chiefs who overran Italy at the
refused to do so His co nduct was made the . time of the fall of the Rom an Empire It is .

pretext for a relentless persecution of Christian

p said that he being a h eathen was so angered , ,

it y St Audas with seven priests ni ne deacons

, , at findi ng that his child had become a Christian
and seven virgins was amo ng the fi rst victims that he slew her with his own hand St

. .

Augus ta is still venerated in some of the Alpine


(A D . B ut there are considerable doubt s

vil lages in the north of Italy

as to the date and particul ars of these martyr .

doms The destruction in Persia of Christian UGUSTALI S (AUTAL) (St ) B p (Sept 7 ) . .

(Date uncert ain ) According to all re ords

. .

property i n any way connected with religion was . ,

so indiscriminate that all records if t here were , thi s Saint was a Bishop but opi nions vary as ,

any are lost to his See The most probable opinion is that

he was Bisho of Arles thir d or fo urth century )


AUDAK (St ) M (July 9 ) .

The Roman artyrology simply state s that he

. .


was a Bishop in Gaul Saint M arthe and Game


AUDIF AX (St M . (J an 1 9 ) . . .

See SS MARIU S AU DI F AX & c lace his name between those of R avenni us and
, , .

(455 46 2) in their lists of the Bishops


AUDO MAR US (OM ER ) (St ) P (Sept 9 ) . . .

(7 t h cent ) Born at Goldenthal near the o es


Lake of C onstan ce in the sixth century on the , , (May 7 ) . .

death of his mother he and his father be came , See SS F LAVIAN AU GU STINE & c ,

monks in the Abbey of Lux eu il under S


, . AUGU STINE of CANTE RBURY (St ) Bp (May 26 ) . .

Eustace Here St Audomarus gained such a

. . (7 th cent ) St Au gusti ne shares wi th St . .


Gre ory the Gr eat the title of Apostle of the to rtures by order of Alpins Romulus a Prefect
E néis h
, ,

St Gregory himself before his '

under the Emperor Claudius (A D She . .

appears to have been associated with SS


advancement to the Papal See set out to

. .

Q uiri acus Maximus and Archelaus (Aug


convert the English but was recalled to Rome , .

and to have been one of those devout wome n


F ive years after his election to the Pontifical

Chair he sent forth a ban d of forty monks who used to visit the Christians in prison ,

from the monastery of St Andrew in Rome

attend to their need and give them decent s

bur ial

under their Prior Augustine to begin a mission .

AUREA (Si ) V ( Oct 4)


in England They landed at or near E bbsfi eet . . .

(7 th cent ) A Syrian lady who became


in the Isle of Thanet where they were received .


Abbess of the convent of St Martial at Paris


and l istened to by K ing St Ethelbert who .


foun ded A D 6 33 by St E lig ius in honour of


received Baptism and established the holy . . .


missionaries at Can terb ury (A D St . St Mart ial of L i moges

. St Ouen in his Lif e . .

of St E ligi us speaks of her in terms of great

. .

Augustine was consecrate d the fi rst Archbishop .


of C anterbury it is said by Virgilius the

praise M any miracles during her life and after


her death bore el oquent testimony to her

, , ,

MetrO polit an of Arles St Gregory on hearin g

s anctity She died in the year 6 6 6 with one
- . .

of the success of the mi sion sent the p a lli um s .


hundr ed and sixty of her community victims


( an o rnament disti nctive of Archb ishops ) to ,

Augustine together with a reinforcement of of the plague then raging i n F rance and th ey , ,

labourers among whom were Mellitus Paul in us

were buried in the Church of St Paul outside .

the city walls


and Justus These were appointed to the Sees


of London York and Roches ter St Aug ustine (Sept 25)


UR E LI A and N E O M I SI A (SS ) V V . .

(D ate uncertain ) B oth are believed to have

. . .

d ied within a short t ime of St Gregory (A D

. . . .

He was buri ed in the Abbey church wi th


been of Asiatic origin T hey vi ited the Holy . s

out the walls oi Canterbury which he had Places in Syria and Palestine and the Tomb s ,

of the Apostles i n Rome At Capua they were


found ed .

AUGU STINE of HIPPO (Si ) Bp (Aug 28 ) mal treated by the Saracens but escaped under


cover of a thunderstorm They took shelter


D octor of t he Church .

at Macerata near Anagni where they died


(5t h cent ) He was b orn at Tag ast a a town , , , .

of Numidia (near Algiers in Africa) A D 3 54 AURELIA (Si ) V ( Oct 1 5)


. . . .
, .

( 1 1 th cent ) Said to have been a princess of


In hi s y outh he went headl ong into vice and , .

all but became a Manichaean He t aught . F rance of the famil y of Hugues C apet and to
, ,

Rhetoric at Tagasta Carth age Ro me and , have fled in disguis e to Str as burg in order to ,

esca e a marriage arranged against her will


Milan In the latter city he met St Ambrose .

and attended his sermons which with the aid by er parents F ollowing the advice of St

Wolfgang Bishop of Ratisbon who penetrated

, , .

of St Simplician a pries t broug ht about his , ,

her dis guis e she embraced the life of a Solitary

, ,

conversion He was baptised by St Am



brose in the presence of h is holy mother and took up her abode Iinn a h ermitage where

St M onica (A D On hi s return to Africa she remained for about fi ft y two years The -

fame of her sanctity borne witness to by

. . .

he lived in s olitude for three years and was


, ,

then consecrated Bis hop of Hippo In this . several miracles was already widespread at ,

hi gh station he di played g reat zeal and learning s the time of her holy death in the year 1 027 ‘

in repelling the atta cks of the Pagans Mani , Her relics were worthily ens hrined and her ,

chaeans Arians Donatists and Pelagians His . hermitage converted into a ch apel which became
a place of popul ar pilgrimage

writings fill many folio volumes his best known


work being the Ci ty of God and his C onf essi ons . AURELIA (Si ) M (Dec 2) . .



He died A D 43 0 in his seventy sixth year -

, .

(Jun e 1 6 )
. , .

and was buried at Hippo in the church of


UR E LI AN (Si ) Bp . .

St Stephen In the y ear 49 8 owing to the , (6 th ce nt ) A Saint of the South of F rance.

particulars of whose ear ly life are not extant


i rruption of the Vandals hi s relics were trans

. .


ferred to Sardinia by the exil ed African Bishops On his election to the See of Arles (A D 546 )
and interred at Cagliari When Sardini a fell

he received the Pallium from Pope Vig il i us

. .


whose vicar in Gaul he became He founded


into the hands of the Saracens his relics were , .

carried to Pavia (A D 7 7 2) and placed in the . . two monas teries one for monks and one for ,

tri le crypt of the B as ilica of St Pete r . . nuns and wrote a special Rule for their g uid

AUG STU S (Si ) M (May 7 )

. . ance He assiste d at the Council of Orle ans

See SS F LAVIU S AU GU STINE &c , . (A D . . and died two years afterwards at

. ,

AUGU STU S (Si ) Conf (Sept. . . .

See SS PR I SCU S and AU GU STU S . AURELIUS (Si ) Bp (Jul y 20) . .

AU GUSTU S (Si ) Conf (Oct 7 ) (5th cent ) An Archbishop of C arthage


. . . .

(6th c nt ) A saintly Abbot of Bourges

e fellow worker with St Augustine of Hippo

and the fi rst to detect and con demn the heresy


F rance friend of St Germanns of Paris He . .

chiefly notable for having discovere d the body of P elagius He died A D 423

. . .



(still incorru pt ) of St Ursinus Apostle of the .

, (Jul y 27 ) .

neighbourhoo d He was remarkable for his See SS GEORGE F ELIX


&c .

. .

austere piety witnessed to by m any miracles ,

(Oct 20) . .

He died towar ds the close of the sixth century See SS GEORGE and AU RELIU S

. .


. (F eb 1 2) . . .
( These Sai n ts are p roba bly identi cal wi th the
O therwi se St EU LALIA of BAR C ELON A . , group i n whi ch the same names occur com ,

whi ch see . memora ted on J uly

(Si ) Bp . (F eb 4) . . AURELIU S and PUBLIUS (SS ) (N O V 1 2) .

O therwi se St AL DATE whi ch see


, . Bp s , MM . .

AUNAIR E (Si ) Bp (Sept 25)

. . .
(z ud cent ) Two Bishops who each wrote .

O therwi se St AN ACHAR I US whi ch see .

, .

a conf utation of the errors of the Montanis ts

AURA (St ) V M . (J uly 1 9 )
. . or Cata Phr ygians Tradi tion has it that both

(9 th cent )
A Spanish nun of Cordova , suff ered martyrdom but whether in Asia or in ,

daughter of i nfidel parents who themselves , Northern Africa seems uncertain ,

d enoun ced her to the Mohammedan ofii ci als as AUREU S JU STINA and OTHERS

, (J un e 1 6 )
a convert to C hristianity She was in con . (SS ) M . .

se uence beheaded (A D .
(Date uncertain ) D uring an invasion of
(Aug 24)

(St ) V M . . . Huns or oth er savages St Aureus Bishop of

(3 rd cent ) Out of many varied hi stories of
, ,

. M entz was driven from his See and was fol


the passion of this Saint it may be gathered that lowed into exi le by hi s sister St J ustina On
she was thrown into the sea at Ostia at the hi s ret urn to M entz his ze al for the res toration
, . .

mo uth of the T iber after undergoing many , of Christian di scipline so angered certai n evil
Ansr rorvs THE B OO K O F SAINT S
doers that while the B ishop was celebrating the possible error it sho ul d be noted that for ,

Mas s they m ur dered him and his sis ter They many centuries messengers and letters from the ‘


certainly lived before the seventh century Popes of Rome were commonly designated as
Apostolate of St Boniface in Germany but no .
, coming from St Peter himself Whence .

reliable date can be assigned them


easily enough in later ages they got to be ante


AU SPICIO S (Si ) Bp (J uly 8 )

. . dated to Apostolic ti mes
(z ud cent ) He i s said to have been the

E (St ) V (Oct 1 7 ) . .

fourth Bishop of Treves and successor to


O ther wi se St AN STR U D E , whi ch see .

St Mat ernus (about A D Some authori


. . AUTHBE R TUS (AUDE BE R T) (St ) Bp (Dec 1 3 )

ties however as sert his identity with St
. . . .
O therwi se St AUB E R I , whi ch see
r m
, .

Ausp i eius the fif th century Bishop of Toul



. u . (Si ) Bp .
(S 7) .

Again some refer to him as a Martyr others

, .

O therwi se si AU GU STALI S, whi ch see

, , .

simply as a Confessor ept


. Aurono us (St ) Bp , M (S 1 2) . . .

AU STELL (St ) C onf (J une 28 ) cent A leged by the Greeks to have


. . (4th ) l .

(6 th cent ) A di sci ple in C ornwall of St . been an Italian ishop

B , who , to escape the fu y
Mewan or Mevan He lived as a hermit in the

of the persecution un der Diocletian fled into

latter half of the s ixth centur y probably in

Bithynia in Asia Minor where he made many


, ,
the dis trict where a place name preserves his -
converts to Christianity and afterwar ds suffered
memory There is no account extant of St . death for the F aith This must have been .

Aust ell ; and some moderns have conjectured


about A D 3 00 The Life of St Autonomus

. . .

that Austell (Hawystill) is a woman Saint


, we possess was not written till the sixth

one of the daughters of the famous Brychan century .

of Wales who has perhaps left her name to Au t

s AUXAN US (St ) Bp (Sept 3 ) . .

(6 th cent ) K nown in Mil an as San t An emi a


or Awst in Gloucestershire . .

( ) V and said to have occupied the See of that city

* AUSTR E BE R TA Si (F eb 1 0) . . .

(8th cent ) A Saint of the North of F rance

. for two or three years He died A D 56 8 and .

who fled from her home to escape being forced


h as always been in great veneration locally as


into a marriage agains t her wi ll She received . a Saint and model bishop .

the veil from St Omer She died Abbess of . . AUXE N TI US (Si ) Abbot (F eb 1 4) . .

Pavilly A D 7 01 Some of her relics are said (5th cent ) Born in Syria but of Persian

. . .

to have been brought to C anterbury by the


ancestry he served as a soldier in the body


Norman invaders (A O . guar d of the Emperor Theodosius the Youn ger

( ) Widow

(Sept 1 ) Later in l ife he retired to the Desert of Oxea in


" AUSTR E GI LDA St . . .

O therwi se St AGIA whi ch see .

, . B ithynia where he gathered disciples around

AUSTR O GI SI LUS (A OU STRILLE OUTRILLE ) , him He appeared to have done all that was

(St ) Bp (May 20) in his power in defence of the C atholic F aith

(7th cent ) An attendant at the C ourt of at the time of the Council of Chalcedon ; but
. .

K ing at C halon sur Saone His


Gontram - -
. speedily returned to his cell and soon after
passed away
virtues induced E therius Bishop of Lyons , , .

to ordain him priest and to appoint him Abbot AUXE NTI US (Si ) M (Dec 1 3 ) . . .

of the mon as tery of St Nizier On the death . . See SS E U STR ATHI US, AUX E N TI U S, &c

of St Apoll inaris (A D 6 1 2) he was elected to


. . AUXE NTI US (St ) Bp (Dec 1 8 ) . . .

the See of Bourges wh ere he di ed (A D (4th cent ) At one time a soldier in the army

. . .

bewailed by his flock and was speedil y by the of the Emperor Licinius , he had to suff er, like
B ishops of Gaul decl ar ed worthy of publ i c other Christians , for refus ing to take par t in
veneration as a Saint . heathen sacrifices But he sur vived the perse .

AUTHA I R E (OYE ) (St ) (April 24) . outie n and , embracing the Ecclesi as tical state ,
(7t h cent ) A nobleman of the C ourt of in due course became Bishop of Mop sueste in
Ki ng Dagobert of F rance and the father of

, C ilicia (A D The date of his death is not


gi ven

St Ouen of Rouen St Auth ai re distingui shed . . .

hi mself by his lavi sh charity to the poor


. AUXI BI US (St ) Bp (F eb 1 9 ) . .

Hence th e village where he died (Ussy near (l st cent ) Said to have been the first

La F erte sous Jouarre ) chose hi m after his

- -
Bi shop of Soli in the Island of C yprus , and to
death for its Patron Saint . have been consecrated to that See by the
AUSTR E M O N I US (St ) Bp (N ov 1 ) . . . Apostle St Paul . .

(D ate uncertain ) According to traditional AUXI LI US, I SE R N I NUS and SE CUNDI NUS

belief in F rance Austremontius was one of the (SS ) Bp s

. .
(Dec 6 )
missionaries sent into Gaul by the Apostle (5th cent ) F ellow workers with St Patrick

in the evangelisation of Ireland in the fif th


Peter hi mself His field of labour lay


St .

principally in the province now known as centur y The decree si ed by Patrick


Auvergne After thir ty six years of successful Auxil i us Secundi nus and enig nus reminding
, ,

missionary work the Saint is said to have retired the Irish clergy that appeal s from the judgment

into solitude to prepare hi mself for death of Armagh may be made to Rome is still

It is further asserted that i n the end certain extant .

evi ldoers or perhaps an ea p erat ed mob of AUXI LI US (St ) M (N ov 27 )

. .

heathens sought him out and did him to d eath See SS B A SILEU S AUX I LI US &c
. .
, ,



The modern view is that St Austremontius


(F eb 4) . .

(6th cent ) A F rench nobleman Bishop


was one of seven m issionaries sent from Rome .

first of Chateaudun and then of Chartres

, ,

into Gaul but by one of the Pe pes of the third , ,

century that is two hun dred years later than remarkable for his zeal and devotedness to his

work as a p as tor of souls Many mir acles


the older legend set forth That Austremont i us

. .

preached in Auvergne and may properly be are recounted worked through hi s prayers
He subscribed the Acts of the Coun cil of O rleans

regarded as the fi rst B ishop of C lermont is

quite in conf ormity with the resul t of scientific (A D 5 1 1 ) which he probably survived some
. .

enq ui ry years A translation of his relics was cele


(J une 3 0) brated in the year 1 8 53



(D ate un certai n ) One of two Roman . AVE N TI NUS (St ) (F eb 4) .

(6th cent ) Born in one of the C entral


priests the other bei ng St Al p inianus who .

, .

accompanied St Martial into Gaul where they Provi nces of F rance he acted as Al moner to

, ,

St Lupus Bishop of Troyes until moved by


spent their lives with that Saint in preaching .


a desire of living a life of greater perfection

, ,

C hristianity in the ce i mtry round Limoges .


But in this as in s i mil ar instances of the preach he withdrew from the world into a solitude ,

ing of R oman missionaries i n ancient F rance , a nd af ter some time was ordained priest To
the retired spot where he lived and died (A D

it is now usual to accept the facts but to post . .

date the mission for two centuries To explain . 5 38 ) he has left his name St Aventi n , .

(Eastern F rance and Western Germany ) He and that she was done to death at Heliopolis
led a life of prayer and penance in a monastery

i n Egypt as late as A D 3 06
near Rheims and after his death was venerated
. . .

AR B ASGE M1NUS and OTHER S (Jan 1 4)
as a Saint
, .

(SS ) MM
(M arch 6 )
. .

E D (St ) Bp . .
(4th cent ) Barb asceminus B ishop of
(7 th cent ) A Scottish Bishop alleged to
Seleucia was one of the most di stingui shed of
have been the successor of St K ent i gern or

. the Persian Martyrs of the four th century under

M ungo at Gl asgow and to have ended his life
, , the persecuting K ing Sapor II The con
as a hermit on the coast of the F rith of F orth

temporary writer St Maruthas h as left us a

The date usually given as that of his de ath
. .
, ,

vivid account of his suff erings and of those

would of course have to be corrected if he could who with him gave their lives for Christ
be proved to be (as some s urmi e ) one and the

s BAR BATI AN (St ) C onf (Dec 3 1 ;

same person with St Balther hermit also
. . .

(5th cent ) A priest of Antioch who came to
commemorated on March 6
, , .

Ro me and there attracte d the attention of


(Jan 8 ) Placidia Augusta mother of the Emperor

. . .

(7 t h cent ) Archdeacon of Laon in the time

. Valentinian III She induced him to attend
of D agobert I K ing of F rance He was a son

, . h er to her residence at Ravenna where she

of St Salaberg a and brother of St Anst rude built him a church and monastery B y his

. .

Abbess of Laon He was murdered about

, .

. wise and moderate counsels he rendered great

A D 6 8 0 in circumstances which have led to
. .
, services to the State The precise year of his
his being honour ed as a martyr

. death is uncertain
(Sept 3 )

é oL
, . .
(F eb 1 9 ) . . .

(7th cent ) A citize n of Benevento in the

(7 th cent ) Said to have been the brother of

. South of Italy He rendered great services

St Gerald (March 1 3 ) and one of the four sons

. to his native town especially when besieged

of an Anglo Saxon king He and hi s brothers

, by the Emperor C o nstans of B yzantium C hose n

after accompanying St Colman of Lindisfarne
. .

. Bis hop p he ass isted at the C ouncil held by Pope

to Iona retired into Connaught in Ireland

, , St Ag atho in Rome and also at the sixth

at Techsaxon the Hous e of the Saxons in
. ,

General Council against the Monothelites He
the Diocese of Tuam
, , .

. died F eb 1 9 A D 6 8 2
BALTHA SAR (St ) K ing B p
. . . .

(Jan 1 1 ) .
, . . BAR BE (St V M (Dec 4) .

(1 st cent ) The third of the Three M agi or

. .

O therwi se St BAR BARA whi ch see


. .
K i ngs fro m the East who brought their gifts

BAR BEA (St M (J an 29 )

to the Infant Saviour The tradition is that
. . .

(2nd cent ) A Syrian woman converted to
he afterwards became a Christian Bishop and

the F aith by St Barsimeus Bishop of Edessa

died whi le celebr ating M ass

She was scourged and then speared to death at

BALTHE R (St ) C onf (March 6 )

. . Edessa some time during the reig n of the
(8 t h cent ) An Anchoret at Tinningh am on

. Emp eror Trajan that is before A D 1 1 7 , . . .

the Scottish border where he lived on a solitary

, (St ) . (J une 1 0)
rock (Bass Rock ne ar North B erwick ) almost (1 1 t h cent A monk of F ulda consecrated
f g
, , ,

surrounded by the sea He died famous for .

, Bishop p I ayence (A D He was .

sanctit y and miracles A D 7 56 Under K ing , . . . di sting ui shed not only for austerity of life and
C anute his body with that of St Bilfri d was
, , .
, for pastoral zeal but for self sacrifi cing char ity ,

translate d to Dur ham Some identify St . . to the p oor He had from God many super .

B alther with St B aldred of Scotland natural g ifts and i n particul ar that of prop p hecy .

BAL DU S (St ) (Oct 29 )

. .
. . He died on the day he had publicly foretold ,
O therwi se St B O N D whi ch see .
, . J une 1 1 A D 1 051
, . . .


(Aug 9 ) (Sept 28 )

(St ) Bp . .
(SS MM. .

(6 t h cent ) A F rench Saint who appointed

. .

, , (D ate uncertain ) These Martyrs twenty ,

eight i n all suffered together in Asia Minor i n


Bishop of Soi sons (A D was banished the s


country by K ing Clothaire I and worked for


, one of the early persecutions But all details .

seven years without making himself known , have been lost

(J uly 21 )

as gardener in an English Abbey At length .


Cloth air e discovered his place of refuge and , (4th cent ) A deacon mar tyred at Arbela in
Adiabene under the Persian tyrant Sapor II

recalled him to his See (A D He died . .

, ,
AD 56 6 and was bur ied in the Abbey of about A D 8 54 His Acts written in the Ara
maic language are still extant
. .
, . . ,

St Crispin which h e had fo unded

. .
, .

( Nov 1 9 )
AN K A (St ) V .
(Oct 27 ) . . BAR LAAM (St M . . .

O ther wi se St B R E ACA whi ch 8 6 6 (4th cent ) A pious peasant who bravely ,

endured imprisonment and torture for the

BAR A CHI SI US (St ) M (March 29 ) .

F aith at Antioch during the pe rsecution under



D iocletian and Galeri us (A D Among the
. .

BAR ADATAS (St ) Hermi t (F eb 22) . . .

works of St Basil there is a panegyric preached

. .

(5th cent ) A Syrian Solitary of whose .

aus tere l ife Theodoret his contemporary has on the festival day of St Barlaam

. .

left us a glowing accoun t He is otherwise BAR LAAM and JOSAPHAT (SS ) C onf (N ov 27 ) . .

cel ebrated as having been adviser to the Emperor (4t h cent ) St Barlaam a monk or solitary

. ,

in Northern Indi a converted to the Christian


Leo I of C ons tantinople in regard to his pro ,

F aith Josap h at son of the king of the country


ceedi ngs at the C ouncil of Chalcedon He died ,

who like Bar laam is held in great veneration


some years later about A D 46 0


. ,

i n the East Barlaam worked many

. .
, ,
BAR AT (MADELEINE ) v (25 May) St . .

miracles and the hermit 8 cell in which he



as sed the last thirty five years of his life


(Dec 4)
gecame a place of pilgrimage Both Saints
. . . .

(3 rd cent ) A popular Sai nt both in the .

are honoured as Martyrs and are said to have

Eastern and in the Western C hurch She is

suffered in the year 3 8 3 But even the century


looked upon as the Patron Saint of certain .

dangerous crafts and professions such as those in which they flourished is uncertai n A .

panegyric of St Barlaam is attributed to St


of fi rework makers artillerymen &c There .

J ohn D amascene and a fool ish mistake has

, , .

is no reliable account extant of her life and ,

martyrdom Some authors contend that she placed some of the legendary doings of Buddha
suff ered at Nicomedia in Asia Minor under the to the credit of the Saint

Emperor Maximian I about A D 23 5 ; while BARNABAS ( St Ap ostle (J une 1 1 )

. .

(1 st cent ) One of the seventy two disciples

, . .

others have it that she was a victim like so -

of our Lord (Luke x though not of the Twelve


many thous ands of other Christians of the savage . . .

cruelty of Galerius colleague of Diocletian , , Born in C yprus and styled an Apos t le by St .


Luke and by the Chur ch following the early himself to Aposto lic work as a missionary to
F athers he is mentioned repeatedly in the Norway where he was ordained priest In .

his old age he betook himself to a herm it s cell

, ,

Acts of the Apostles He laboured with St . .

Paul at Antioch Seleucia Paphos &c and is ,

in the I sland of F am e off the coast of N orthum
berland where he died A D 1 1 9 3
, , ,

believed to have been stoned to death in his . . .

BARTHOLOM EW (Si ) Apostle


native island by the J ews exas perated at the (Aug 24) . . .

(l st cent ) One of the Twelve by many


success of his preaching of the Gospel St . . ,

thought to be t he Nathanael the Israelite


C harles B orromeo proposed hi m as the Apostle ,

of Milan whither a tradition avers that he without guile of St John s Gospel Tr adi tion . .

tells us that he p reached the Gospel aft er the

came in the course of his missionary career
As cension in North West India and af terwards

It is alleged that sever al centuries after his ,

death on his tomb being opened his body , i n As ia Minor and that in the end he suffered ,
mart dom in Greater Armeni a Some say

was discovered holding in its han ds a copy or .

that e was cru cified others that he was flayed


the origin al Gospel of St Matthew written in .

, ,

alive His rel ics have for the last thous and

BAR NO GH (St ) C onf (Sept 27 )

. . . years been enshrined in h is Church in Rome ,

O therwise St BARRU C or BAR R O G whi ch situated on the Island in the Tiber .

BAR TH OLOME W (St ) Abbot

. ,

sec (N ov 1 1 ) . . .

( 1 1 th cent ) B orn in C alabria but of Greek


BAR O NTI US and DE SIDERIU S (SS ) (May 25) . .

Hermi te . descent he followed St Nilus to the foundation

, .

(sth cent ) St Barontius was a married

. . of the monastery of Grotta F errata near R ome ,

F rench nobleman of B erri who together with , ,

which is still peopled with Greek monks who
his son leaving the Co urt of K ing Thierr y II
, , retain all the distinctive fe atures of the Oriental
retired into the Abbey f St Cyran near Nevers o . . rite St Bartholomew became Abbot of the
. .

He afterwards migrated into Italy and took up monas tery where he died AD 1 054 He has

the life of a hermit in the hil l count near left a Lif e of St Nilus of whi ch he was t he .

Pis toi a in T uscany He was joined y St . .

D esiderius and others He died in A D 7 00 . . .

, BAR ULAS (St M .(N ov 1 8 ) . .

or a year or two later . (4th cent ) A child of seven years of age


( ) Bp . (Sept 25)
. . who conf essed the F aith which he had learned
(6th cent ) St Barr (Finbar Barrocus ) was
. .
, from St Romanus the Abbot, and who with

a native o f Connaught He founded a monastic . him was put to the torture and beheaded
school at Lough Eire thus orig inating the city , at Antioch A D 3 03 . . .

of Cork of which he became the first Bishop *

BAR YPSE BAS (St M (Sept 1 0) . .

He died at Cloyne after sixteen years of Epis

. .

(1 st cent ) A i i ous hermit in the East who

accor ding to the éreek legend acqui red a vessel
. ,

copate but the exact date is not certain

, .
BAR RF O IN (BAR R INDUS) (St ) (May 21 ) . containi ng a part of the Sacred Blood which
(6 th cent ) Said to have flo urished towar ds
. had flowed from the pierced side of O ur Lord
the close of the sixth century and to have had on the Cross and conveyed it to Europe He is

char ge of the church founded by St Columb ave red to have s u ffered martyrdom in Dal

ki lle at Drum Cullen (K i ng s County ) and ’

, ia
af terwar ds to have lived in D onegal at a place BASIL and PR O COPIU S (SS ) Conf (Feb 27 ) . . .

called K ilbarron near B allyshann on A tradi . (8 th cent ) F amo us for their resistance at

tion avers that he reached America in one of Co nstant inople to the Decree of Leo the Isaurian
his missions by sea and informed St Brendan , .
, ordering thepdestruction of holy pictur es They .

the Navigator of his discovery Some Iris h , . entered into their rest about the middle of the
C al endars style him a B ishop eighth centuryy

BARB O O (BAR R WG) (Si ) Hermit

. .


(7 th cent ) A disciple of the great Welsh

, ,
Sai n t C adoe who had left his name (often
, and A R CADIU S (SS Bps MM (March 4) . , .

spelled B arruc or Barnoch) to B arry Island , (4th cent ) Thes e nine holy as ters of souls
o ff the coas t of Glamorgan where he lived a

flour ished at the end of the thi r and beginni ng

holy life as an anchoret i n the seventh century . of the fourth centuries Seven of them wer e
BARSABI AS and OTHER S (SS ) MM (Oct 20)

. . . sent as missionary Bishops to the C rimea and

(4th cent ) A Persian Abbot and his eleven
. south of Russi a ; but Nestor and Arcadius
monks put to death as Christians by the had their Sees in the I sland of Cyp rus All .

persec uting K i ng Sapor II near the rui ns of , , alike are honoured as Martyrs by the Greeks on
Persepolis (A D March 7 and by 37 t he Latins on M arch 4 though
it is doub tful if either Nestor or Arcadius
. .
, ,
BARSABAS (St ) M (Dec 1 1 )
. . .

( 4th cent ) A Persian Abbot who with eri hed at the han ds of the ene mies of t he
ai ts

sever al of his monks s uff ered death for the , r

F aith under K ing Sapor II (A D . . BASIL (st ) Bp . (March 6 )
BAR SAN UPHI US (St ) H ermit (April 1 1 )

. .
(4th cent ) Consecrated Bi shop of Bologna
(6 th cen t ) A monk of a mon as tery near

. by Pope St Sylvester He ruled his D iocese

Gaza in Palestine who after some years left
. .

, , for twenty years and ppassed away famous for

it for a cell in the desert (A D He wrote
, ,
. . hi s sanctity of life A D 3 3 5
against the Ori genists He is in great venera
. .
, .

. BASIL (St M (March 22)

tion among the Greeks who keep his festival
. .

, (4th cent ) A priest of Ancyr a in Galatia

on F eb 6 His relics were trans lated to a village

. .
(As ia M inor ) a victim of the persecution of
ne ar Sipontum (now call ed Manfredonia) in the

Chr i sti ans set on foot by Juli an the Apostate


South of Italy .
(A D He was put to the torture at

(Jan 3 0) , . . C onstantinople (where under the Arian Emperor

(4th cent ) A Bishop of Edessa in Syria

. C onstantius he had distinguis hed himself by

banished to E g t b the Arian Emperor

his zeal in preaching against heretics ) and was

V alens He died u exi e A D 3 7 9
. . . . afte rwards thr own to the wild be as ts i n the arena
BAR SI MAE US (St ) Bp M (Jan 3 0) . .
, . at Caesarea in Palestine
(2nd cent ) The th ird Bishop of Edessa in
. .

. BASIL and E MME LI A (SS (May 3 0)

Syria put to death as a C hristian by the Presi
, (4th cent ) This St Basil son of St Macrina
Lysias under the Emperor Trajan A D
. . .
the Elder and St E mmelia hi s wife were the
If?' , , . .

parents of St Basi l the Great of St Gregory


(J une 24)
. .

Nyssen of St Peter of Sebaste and of St

BAR l l I O LO MEIVV (St ) 0011 1
‘ -

(1 2t h ce nt ) A native of Whitby ( Yorkshi re )

. . .
, ,
M acrina the Younger Exiled as a Christian
whose name in the world was Wil liam or Tostig
, .

with hi s wife in the time of the persecuting

Entering a monastery be elected to be hen ce

, Emperor Galeri as Maximianus he returned

forth kno wn as Bartholomew and devo ted , aft er the peace of the C hurch to his native

city of Caesarea in Cappadocia and , dria in the time of the Emperor Septimus
a great age He died some time before A D 3 70 . . . . Severus (A D . .

St Gregory N az i anz en the friend of his childr en

, , BASI LI DE S (St ) M (Dec 23 ) . . .

es him the instructor of all men in Chr istian (3 rd cent ) A Christian layman of C ydonia
t ue ’ . in Crete In the persecution un der the Emperor

BASIL THE GREAT (St ) Bp (June 1 4) . Decius (AD 250) he was beheaded with St
D octor of the Church

. Theodulus and eight others Their relics are

(4th cent ) St Basil surnamed the Great in Rome and they are known as the Ten

. .
, , ,

one of the most celebrated of the Greek F athers , M artyrs of Crete ”

came of a family of Saints the best known of


BA SILI CU S (BASILISCU S) (St ) M (March 3 )

whom are his brother St Gregory Nyssen and
. .

(4th cent ) A Chr istian sol di er crucifi ed at


, .
hi s sister St M acri na B orn at C aesarea in

, . . Comana in Pontus (Asia Minor ) with two of his

C appadocia (As ia M inor ) he early distinguished

comrades E utrop ius and Clement dur ing the

himself as a student at C onstantinople and at
, ,
persecution under M aximi an Galerius (A D . .

Athe ns in whi ch last city he contracted a close

, BA SILICU S (St ) M (M ay 22) . .

fri endship with St Gregory N az i anz en destined .

, (4t h cent ) A Bishop of Comana in Pontus .

like hi m to become a BishO p and Doctor of the (Asia Minor ) who was beheaded and his body ,
C hurch St Bas i l was consecrated B ishop of
. . thrown into a river near N icomedi a (A D .

C aesarea on J une 1 4 A D 3 7 0 and died J an 1 under t he E mperor Maximi n Daza The Greeks

, .
, .
He is famous for h is defence before

A D 3 79
. . . honour him on July 3 0 This was the holy
the Emperor C onstantius of the C atholic F aith

, Martyr who appearing to St J ohn Chrysostom , ,

and i n particul ar of the word Consubstantial


, intimated to him that on the morrow that

inserted in the Nicene Creed He has left . Saint s work for God on earth would end

many wr itings among them his Hexaemeron


, BA SILISSA (St ) V (Jan 9 ) . . .

or Treatise on Genesis several hun dr ed letters , (4t h cent ) The wife of St Julian the M artyr
and a series of Homi li es St Gregory N az ianz en
. .

. . with whom she is commemorated They were

allots to him the first place among commentators

Syrians of Antioch and had agreed on taking ,

on the Bible and the great scholar Eras mus , a vow of perpetual chastity to be observed , ,

declares St Basil to have been the fi nest orator . even though married Thi s vow they faith .

of all time St Bas il led the lif e of a monk . .

, ful ly kept St Basilissa died a natural death
. .

and wrote a Rul e for his brethren stil l followed but has been honoured as a M artyr both on
in the East In art St Basil is represented as . . account of her own sufferings for the F aith and
standing near a fi re with a dove perched on his becaus e of her being commemorated in one
arm His Encomium by his brother St
, . festival with St Julian whom she encouraged .

to offer the sacrifice of his life during the


Gregory N yssen and his Life by Amp hilochi us

are among religious cl as sics Cardinal Newman 8


persecution under D iocletian in the fi rst years ,

Life of St B asil should also be read . . of the fourt h ce tury .

BASIL (St M (N ov 28 ). . BASILISSA (St (March 22) .


, , . (3rd or 4th cent ) A young girl a C hristian .
, ,
BASILEU S (St M (March 2) . . b ur ned ali ve with St Callini ca at Antioch .
, ,
. under Diocletian (A D or as others say . .
, ,

BASILEU S (St Bp M (April 26 ) with greater probability in Galatia under


. .
, .
, ,

(4th cent ) A Bis hop of Amasea in Pontus . D ecius (A D . .

(Asia Minor ) cast into the sea by order of the , BA SILI SSA and ANASTA SIA (SS ) MM (April 1 5) . .

Emperor Licinius (A D One of his dis . .

(l st cent ) Noble Roman ladi es who were .

ci p l es by name E lpidi phorus instructed by

, , among t he first converts in the metropolis of
an Angel
s recovered his body and gave it , the Empir e to Christianity They are said to .

Chri tian burial

. have given honourable burial to the bo di es of
BASILEU S (St ) M (May 23 ) . . the Apostles SS Peter and Paul and on that .


. account to have themselves perished in the
massacre of Chr istians instigated and carried



(SS MM (N ov 27 )
. out by the Emperor Nero (A D . .

(M arch 4)

(D ate uncertain ) The holy Bishop B asileus .

BASIN O S (St ) Bp . .

(7 th cent ) An Abbot of Treves afterwards

the name of whose See has not reached our times .

Bishop of that city very much against his own

suffered martyrdom at Antioch in Svria to ,

gether with two other Christians Auxilius and wi ll He was a friend and helper of the Eng lish

mis sionaries to Germany His de ath took place


Sat urninus ; but dates and particul ars are .

altogether wanting We have only the entries . before A D 6 8 0 . . .

in the M artyrologies and ancient lists of Martyrs BASILISSA (St ) V M (Sept 3 ) . . . .

to guide u s. (4th cent ) A child of nine years of age who


BASILIA N (St ) M (Dec 1 8 ). . was martyred at Nicomedia the Imperial ,

residence during the persecution under Di o



clet i an about A D 3 03 As she was being led

. .


to execution one of the ofl icials by name

, , ,

(J une 1 0)

( SS , ,

Alexander is said to have thrown himself at her


(3rd cent ) Twenty three Chr istians mar -

feet declaring his belief in Christ and to have
tyred outside the wallsyof Rome on the Aurelian ,

Way under the Emperor

, ,

, I) Aurelian (A D 27 0 . been forthwith baptised by the little Martyr .


AD There is much uncertai nty about .

(May 1 7 ) .


. .

these Sain ts Some authorities (among them . .

, , .

the Bollandists ) think this Basilides to be iden BASILLA (St V M (May 20)
. . .

tical with t he better known Bas il i des of J une 1 2 (3rd cent ) A Roman maiden of noble li ne .

who also was martyred on the Aurelian Way age one of the victims of the persecution under

Valerian and Gallienus (A D Th e Acts



(SS ) MM
. .

of her martyrdom are not however such as to

. ,

. (J une 1 2)
, ,

(4th cent ) C elebrated Roman Martyrs . merit credi t in regard to details Her relics .

discovered in the seventeenth century have


put to death un der D iocletian (A D They ,

been translated to Brittany Possibly this


are described as soldiers (perhaps ofli cers) of



noble birth in the Imperial army They were St Bas illa is identical with the St Babilla also .

buried in the Aurelian Way near the place of


commemorate d on May 20 of whom the Roman


, ,

their martyrdom Martyrology makes no mention .

BA SILLA (Si ) (Aug 29 )


BASI LI DE S (St M (J une 3 0) . . . .

(3 rd cent ) A sol dier of the Guard of the (D ate unkn own ) A holy woman who . ,

a ccordi ng to the Roman Martyrology di ed at


Prefect of Egypt He defended St Potami a . ,

Smyrna Other Martyrologies substitute for


from insul t and in so doing won the gif t of , .

F aith and t he crown of martyrdom at Alexan Smyrna Sirmium i n Pannonia (now Mi trowi cz
, ,


in the Balkans ) Unfortunately dates and .

, shores became a slave in the famil y of the
particul ars are wanting . Mayor of the Palace the hi ghest offi cial of t h e ,

BASO LUS (Si ) (N ov 26 ) . . F rankis h M erovi ngian C ourt Espoused by .

(7 th cent ) A famous hermit born at .

, K ing Clovis II she became the mother of hi s ,
Limoges (F rance ) who entered a mon as tery , successors Clothaire III Chil deri c II and , ,

near Rheims but later retired to a hut on the


, Thierry III and on the death of her hus band ,

top of a neig hbouring hill where he d ied and , was made Regent of his kin gdom She re .

was buried A D 6 20 after by prayer and fas ting founded St Clotilde s Abbey of Chelles whi ther ’
. .
, , ,

overcoming many as saults of the evil one


. she retired when no longer required to govern

Later hi s monastery was rebuilt over his tomb , for her sons and where she d ied A D 6 8 0 . . .

and his relics enshrined in it A D 8 7 9


, . . . Generous and kind to all she was a veritable ,

BASSA (St ) M . (March 6 ) . mother to the poor On her deathbed a vision

(3 rd ce nt ) A Christian woman martyred at

, of Angels summoned her to mount by a shini ng
Corinth or as others say at Nicomedi a
, With . ladder to Paradise Artists repres ent her in a

her suff ered her hus band C laudianus and other


, , nun s habit but wearing a Royal crown

two Victor and Victorinus It is added that


, . BAUDE LI US (St ) M (May 20)

Bassa had been three years in prison before
. .

(2nd or 3rd cent ) A married layman born ,

being put to the torture and executed There is


. at Orleans who laboured in the propagation of

great uncertainty as to the date of the ir martyr

C hristianity in Gaul and in the end was put to

dom ; and some O pinions are to the e ff ect that death on that account by the persecuti ng


thi s was a group of Syrian Saints who suffered Roman authorities at Nimes in the south of
in their own country Perhaps this St Ba sa . .
F rance As in many similar cases of Saints
is no other than the M art yr of that name

engaged in the conversi on of F rance there is

commemorated on Aug 21

. . no agreement among the l earned (as to the date

, (Aug 1 0) . of his Apostolate Some hold that he was .

(SS ) VV M . . . beheaded in the year 1 8 7 ; others place hi m

(Date unknown ) Thr ee Chr istian maidens . more than a century later and date his martyr
registered in the accepted l ists as having given

dom in 29 5 He has always been in great

their lives for Christ at C artha ge

. popul ar veneration Some four hundr ed


, , churches in F rance and Spain have been dedi

(SS ) MM .
(Aug 21 ) . . cat ed in his honour
(4th cent ) B assa was a devout C hristian

. BAVO (St ) C onf . ( Oct 1 )

woman wife of a Pagan priest who with h er
. .

, , , (7 th cent ) A nobleman of the district of

thre e sons suffered death for her Christian

, Liege who led an irregular life but on the

F aith at Edessa in Syria under one of Di o

death of his wife became a devout penitent


clet i an s colleagues about A D 3 04 She suf


, . . . Retiring to a cell in a forest he gave hi mself
fered the l as t of the fo ur having herself en up to prayer and died there (A D He is

courag ed her childr en bravely t o di e for C hrist

. .

the Patron Saint of Ghent and of Haerlem

and been a witness of their triumph
, .

BATHUS an d OTHER S (SS ) MM (March 26 )
. .

(Jan 1 9 )
. .
(4th cent ) A family consisting of father
(5th cent ) A Sicili an by birth Bishop of
. .

, moth er two sons and two daughters put to
Lodi in Lombardy and mentioned with high
, ,

, death as Christians somewhere in the Balkans

praise by his friend St Ambrose of Mi lan with about A D 3 7 0

, .
whom he had attended the Coun cil of Aquil eia
. . .

BAU DRY (Si ) C o nf (Oct 27

St Bas sian d ied A D 41 3 and was
. . .

(A D . . . . .
, O therwi se St BA LDE R I C whi ch see
buried in the Church which he had dedi cated
. .
AYA and M AURA (SS ) VV (Nov 2)
in honour of the holy Apostles at Lodi of which
. . .

(l oth cent ) Two holy Recluses in Scotland

city he is the Patron Saint
, .

. St B aya being the instructress of St M aur a

. .

(F eb 1 4)
. . and the latter becoming the guide of a fervent

&c .
, , community which attached itself to h er There
. .

(Dec 9 )
. . is some doubt whether or not St B aya may
. .

, , . not be identical wit h St B egha or St Bee a .

Sain t much better known

S rO NI US and PR O TO LI CUS (F eb 1 4) . .

S *
BE AN DAN (BR E AN DAN ) (St ) Abbot (J an 1 1 )
ate uncertai n All the ancient Martyr
. .

(D .
) (5th cent ) A native of Ireland who crossed
ologies make mention on F eb 1 4 of these

. into Britain There he su ff er ed persecution at

Saints and describe them as having been cast

, the hands of the Pelagian heretics whose errors

into the sea at Alexandria in Egypt on accoun t

, had become in hi s time widespread in the

of their F aith Some M SS add the names of . . i sland C onstrai ned to leave the country he
ni ne fell ow suff erers with them but all parti

took refuge in G aul and entered a monastery


cul ars have long s i n ce been lost

, ,

. of which he later became the Abbot F urther ‘


(M ay 1 1 )
. .
part iculars concerning him are lacking
(4th cent ) A Roman Chris tian who su ffered

BEAN (St ) Bp (D ec 1 6 )
martyr dom on the Via Salaria outside the walls of
. .

(1 1 th cent ) A Scottish Saint B ishop of


R ome under Diocletian (A D With him SS
, Murtlach in Banff from which See he was
Max imus and F abius won their heavenl y crown
. . .

later transferred to Aberdeen He is said to

B esides the M art yrologies t he Acts of St Ant hi
. .

have been appointed to Aberdeen by Pope

mus the Martyr make mention of thi s St Bassus
, .

B enedict VIII about A D 1 01 2

. . . . .

, , Another St B ean also commemorated on .

(SS ) MM .
(N ov 20) . Dec 1 6 was an Irish Bishop in Leinster The
(Date uncertain ) A band of forty three
. .

F eas t of St B ean of Murtlach is more r0p erl y



Chr isti ans put to death for their religion at


kept on Oct as in the old Aberdeen revi ary

Heraclea in Thrace No particul ars can now

and the present Scottish Calendar

be found


BASSU S (Si ) Bp M
(March 8 ) .

( Dec 3 )
. .
, . See SS C YRIL R O GATUS &c
(3 rd cent ) A Bishop of N i ce in the mi ddle
. . .
( ) (Jan 1 8 )
of the thi rd century Tortured by the President
. .

(1 3 th cent ) An Italian princess who on the
Perennius under the Emperors D ecius and

eve of her wedding day on receiving the news


Valerian he at length was put to death about

, of the death in battle of her afli anced husband
A D 257 by havi ng his bod y tr ans fi xed b y two resolved on giving herself entirely to God and
. .

huge nails or spikes founded a monas tery near F errara which she

BATHILD E (St ) Widow


(J an 26 ) . . governed for many years and where she pas sed

(7 t h cent ) An accre di ted tradition te lls us
away A D 1 27 0 An aunt of this Saint als o
that she was an Anglo Saxon princess or lady
. .
, .

by name Beatrice lik e her attained to the


of high degree who carried off from her native , honours of the Altar


B EATRICE (St M (J uly
y 29 ) . Amal ari us other ninth century writers
(4t h cent ) Her brothers SS Si mp li ci us and
, . long after St Bede ha d acquired the honours
F austinus were victims of the persecutio n under

, due to a Saint St Bede s remai ns were ’

D iocletian (A D 3 04) and their bodies were

. .

. . ens hrined in Durham Cathedral

thrown into the Tiber Beatrice havi ng re

BE E (St ) Y (Oct 8 1 )
covered their remains and honourably buried
. . .

O therwi se St B EGH or B EGA whi ch sec

them went to live with St Lu cina a noble BEGGA (St ) Widow
, .

, .
, .
(Dec 1 7 )
C hris tian lady Later Beatrice was herself
. .

, (7 t h cent ) A d aughter of Pepin of Landen
arrested as a C hristian and strangled in pris on
. mayor of the palace in the Merovingian C ourt
BEATU S (St Bp (March 8 )

. . sister of St Gertrude of Nivelle and grandmother


O therwi se St BE O ADH whi ch sec .

, . of Charles M arte l On the death of her husband
BE ATU S (St ) Conf

. (May 9 ) . she made a pilgrimage to Rome and returning

(3 rd cent ) A native of Italy he evangeli ed

s to her own country gave herself up to good
several parts of F rance especially the neigh , works She is said to have foun ded seven
b ourhood of Laon where he chose a cave for

, churches besides a convent near Namur in

his hermitage and passed in prayer and medi

whi ch she died A O 6 9 8


t atio n all the time which he did not spend in BEGH (BEGA ism
. . .

s ) (St ) V (Sept 6 ) . .

missionary work He died at an advanced

(7th cent ) A holy maiden born in Ireland
age towards the end of the third century

. who crossed over to Cumberland Where the

Another account adopted by Baronius and
romontory St Bee s Head still perpetuates


other authorities relates that he p assed the

, ,
er memory as does the name of the village
closing year of his l ife i n Western F rance and
, ,

, K ilbees in Scotland She received th e relig ious

was there interred Again some writers post

. , veil from St Aidan and founded a monastery

date St Beatus to the fi fth century But it

at Copeland near Whitehaven Distinguished


. .

seems clear that the St Beatus of Vendome is


. in l ife for charit y to the poor for centuries ,

other than the holy man who evangelis ed Laon , after her death she was in the greatest venera
though the Roman Martyrology treats the two tion in the north west of England and her -

Saints as one and the same person


. fame spread as far as Norway There were

BE CAN (BEGAN ) (St ) Abbot (April 5)

. . several Saints of the same period with hi stories
(6th cent ) A di stinguished Iris h Saint . not u nlike that of St Bee She may possibly . .

connected with St C olumbkille He foun ded be the virgin Hieu mentioned by Venera ble
a monastery at K il Beggan (West Meath )
. .
, Bede Bar ing Gould di stinguishes three St

later a Cistercian Abbey of importance He . Bees ; t he fi rst the Irish Saint me ntioned ,
also gave i ts name to the chur ch and parish above ; the second a nun in Yorkshire ; and
of Emlagh (Meath) He is reckoned as one . the third the Abbess of K ilbees .

of the Twelve Apostles of Ir eland BELIN A (St ) V M

. (F eb 1 9 ) . . .

BE GAN (St ) C onf . (May 26 ) .

(1 2th cent ) A peasant girl of the neighbour .

(6 th cent ) An Irish hermit in the time of

. hood of Troyes (F rance ) who di ed in defence ,

St C ol umbkill e
. He lived i n the neighbourhood . of her chastity threatened by the feudal lord ,
of C ork and acqq uired great fame on account of of the territory (A D . .

the austeri of his life E LLI NUS (St Bp M (N ov 26 )

BE CHE (JO lt ly (1 2th cent g A Bishop of Padua who suffered
. . .
. .

‘) (Bl ) M (Dec 1 )
death in the faithful discharge of his pastoral
. . . .

See Bl J OH N B E C HE.



duties in the year 1 1 51 and was canon ised three ,

(9 th cent ) A noble of high rank at the . centuries later by Pope Eugene IV .

C ourt of K ing C harles the Bald of F rance who


, E NE DI CTA (St ) V M (Jan 4) . . . .

lef t the world to serve God in a monastery (4th cent ) A nun or reli g ious woman

. ,

near Ro vigo in the North of Italy Over and . beheaded in the time of Julian the Apostate
over again he refus ed Ecclesiastical preferment , (A D
. . F ellow sufferers with her in Rome -

and passed away in great fame of sanctity , were Pris ons a priest and Pris cillian a cleric , , , .

A D 883
. . His relics ens hrined at Genoa were
, , E NE DI CTA (St ) V (May 6 ) . .

about the middl e of the nineteenth century (0th cent ) A holy nun of marvell ously .

translated to t he B enedictine Abbey of Subiaco . ascetic life an inmate of the convent founded in

BE DE (VENERABLE ) (St D octor (May 27 ) . Rome by St Galla of whom St Gregor y the .

, .

of the Church . Great narrates that her death was foretold by

(8 th cent ) The Venerable Bede styled by
, St Peter seen in a vision
, .

Leland the chiefest and brightest ornament BENEDI CTA (St ) V M (June 29 ) . . .

of the English nation born A D 6 7 3 wa a .

(3 rd c ent ) Martyred at Sens in F rance .

under the Emperor Aurelian (A D Her

N orthumbn an He was educated at Jarrow , . .

where he embraced the monas tic life under brother St Sanctian and another Martyr a
, .
, ,

St B enet Bis cop p and was ordained riest by St Augustine were beheaded at th e same time
Well versecPin the
. .

They ar e said to have all been natives of Spain


St J ohn of B everley
. ,

whence they had pas sed into F rance Surins


Latin and Greek languages and for his time a . ,

with other refuses to accept this account of

fair poet he has left prose works on the most s

St Benedi cta nor does the Roman Martyrology

varied subjects ranging from clever expositions .

num ber her among the Martyrs According to


of the sci ence of his day to noble commentaries .

on Holy Script ure His Chur ch History of t he modems the St Bene di cta (or St Beata ) , . .

venerated at Sens was in all likelih ood a holy


the English has earned him the title of F ather

of E nglish History It is a plain unadorned "
nun of the locality though it is possible that ,

there may have been there an earlier Saint of


chr onicle but that the authorpwas thoroughly .

honest and most painstaking is evident to any the same name


reader St Bede was famous not only for his E NE DICTA (St ) V M (Oct 8 ) . . . .

cent The daughter of a Roman

. .

rare learning b ut s till more so for the holiness (3 r d )

senator who inspired with a desire for martyr

of his life The account of his death (A D ’

dom by what she had heard of the triumph of

. . . ,

which took place on Ascension E ve written by

St Quentin settled at Origny sur Oise in the

one of his pupils is touchi ng in its loving .

- -

Diocese of Soissons where she was instrumental


simplicity Bede 3 last words were Gloria ’


in propagating Christianity M athoclus her


Patri et F ilio et Sp iritui Sanoto .


father enraged at her miracul ous recovery


Tri themi us supp posed that the pre fi x Vener

from the many tortures he had had infli cted

universallypgiven to St B ede came from

upon her is said himself to have seiz ed the

the circumstance that his Homil i es were read in

executioner s axe and to have behead ed her

churches dur ing his lif etime as the most res ’

with his own hands (A D


pe ct ful appellation of one who had no claim . .

yet to the titl e of Saint ; but it is now BE NEDICT 8 18 00? (St Abbot (J an 1'2) . . .

generally accepted t hat it was first used by (7 th cent ) A No humbrian of noble bu th



who after a pilgrimage to Rome embraced the , under Totila when devastating Italy tried to , ,

monastic l ife i n the Isle of Leri ns (an isl and off burn alive but were miraculous ly prevented

the Mediterranean coast of F rance) Wh en


. from effect ing their p urpose (A D This . .

again in Rome Pope St Vitalian ordered him , . St Bene di ct was a contemporary of the great

to conduct back to England St Th eo dore lust .

, St Benedict of Nursia and was personally

mad e Archbishop of C anterbury On their . known to him .

arrival he himself was ap pointed Abbot of St . BENEDICT (St ) (April 3 ).

Augustine s mon as tery at C anterbury Other ( i 6th cent ) Surnamed the Black or the
’ ”
. . ,

visits to Rome followe d and in the end North , Negro He was born (A D 1 526 ) of negro par
. . .

umbria became the scene of St Benedict s .

ents at a village near Messina in Sicily His .

labours for the good of souls There he founded . father and mother were slaves ; but he was
the monaste ries of Wearmouth and of Jarrow made a freeman An Order of Hermite which

. .

He died Jan 1 2 A D 6 9 0 He is above all , he had joined being suppressed by Pope Pius
celebrated for his learning and for his zeal in
. .
, .

IV he entered a convent of F ranciscan F riars

reforming English Church discipline in con at Palermo and though on] a lay brother , ,

formi t with that obtaining in Rome and i n was on account of hi eminen hol iness of life s

elected Gu ardi an or Superior and Master of


genera in the West .

ENEDICT of ANI ANA (St ) Abbot (F eb 1 1 ) . . . Novices He died April 4 1 58 9 and many
, ,

(9 th cent ) Born in Languedoc i n the eighth . ears afterwards when his coffi n was O pened , ,

century he has been styled the second

, is remains were foun d incorrupt He was .

Benedict and the ”second father of mona b eatifi ed A D 1 7 43 and canonised A D 1 8 07

st icism in the West
. .
. .

He laboured all his . BEN E DICT JO SE PH LABRE (Si ) (April 1 6 ) .

lifelong for the good of the Church especially (1 8 th cent ) The son of poor parents of
in F rance Leaving the Court of Charlemagne
, .

Amettes in Ar to is (F rance ) he first p ur posed


, ,
he entered the monastery of St Seine in a forest to enter into some Reli gi o us Order but after
war ds real ised that his cal l from God was to

of Burgun dy ; but on be ing chosen Abbot /

there fl ed to his native province and bui l t

, a lif e of utter solitude He made several .

hi msel f a cell in the gorge of the stream Aniane il gri mag es v isitin g the sanctuaries of F rance
, ,

(Corbieres where afterwards arose the famous , taly Switzerland and Germany He every
, .

Abbey of St Sauveur ) Later he p as sed to where b egged his food constantly re f using ’

the neighbourhood of Aix la Chapelle where

. .

money and spent his time in almost continuous


- -

on the banks of the river Inde the Emperor


ayer before the Blessed Sacrament He died

Louis le Debonnaire built for him the great grR ome d uring Holy Week A D 1 7 8 3 He

Was canonised by Pope Pius I X in 1 8 6 0

. . .

Abbey known as Cornelius Munster He at -


tended the Councils of Arles (A D 8 1 3 ) and of . . though the popular veneration of the poor
Ai x la Chapelle (A D
- -
over the latter of . . men di cant was universal in Rome long before
which he presided He died and was buried at . he h ad even passed from this world His funeral .

Inde (A D His writings compris e a Code

. . cort ege resembled a triumphal procession and ,

of Monastic R ules some Homilies and a Peni , up to our own time his shrine is one of the most
tenti al In art he is often represented in the
. fre uente d in Rome
act of clothing St Wi lli am of Aqui taine with
, .

the monas tic habit

(St ) .
(April 28 )
BE NE DICT (St ) Bp (March 1 1 ) . .
(1 2th cent ) A holy man of Avignon locally .

(8 th cent ) An Archbishop of Mi lan of the venerated as having been aided by an Angel



family of the Crespi famous all over Italy for , to construct a bridge at a dang ero us ford over
his sanctity pasto ral zeal and charity He , . the river Rhone He died A D 1 1 8 4 . . . .

delivered the funeral discourse of Ceadwalla BEN E DICT II (St ) Pope (May 7 )
of Wessex the Angl o Saxon king baptised
. .

(7th cent ) A Roman by birth who in early
inthe year 6 8 7 by Pope Sergius in Rome He

. life devoted himself to the study of the Holy

di ed A D 7 25 in the forty fourth year of his

. .
Scriptures and of the Ecclesiastical chant
, .

. On the death of St Leo II (A D 6 8 3 ) he was .

BEN EDICT (St ) Abbot (March 21 )

. .

. . elected Pope but his enthronement was delayed

(6th cent ) The Patriarch of the Western

. for a year while awaiting the co n fi rmation of the

monks born at Norma in Central Italy (A D
, Emperor of Constantinople up to that time ,

of the noble family of the Ani cii In us ual ly sought It was mainly on acco unt of
. .

. .

early youth he retired into a cave in the moun the cas e of this Pep e that the then Emperor
tai ns of Subiaco ne ar Rome where clothed , , C o nstantine Pogonat us consented that the m e
with the religious habit fed and instructed by , forth such Imperial approval need no longer
St R o manus a Solitary of the vicinity he led
be soug ht Pope Benedict died A D 6 8 5 and
a herm it s life After three years of solitude
. . .
, ,

. was buried in St Peter s .

he b ui lt at Subi aco twelve monas teries for t he


BENE DICT XI (St ) Pope (July 7 )


0 ,

. .

numerous disciples that had gathered round 1 4th cent ) Born at Trev iso A D 1 240 , .

him In the year 529 he left Subiaco for Monte

. .
he in hi s youth joined the Dominican Order of ,
Cassino on the road to Naples and there whi ch he eventually became the Master General
foundedthe great Abbey of that name an event
Cre ated C ardinal and Bi hop of Ostia he was s

whi ch marked in some sense a landmark in the employed by Pope Bon iface VIII as his Nuncio

history of religious life in Europe St Gregory and peacemaker in Engl and F rance Hungary ,
the Great who wrote the Life of St Benedict
. .
, ,

, Poland Austria Denmark Servia and other

mentions also a 'mon as tery of nuns presi ded
, , ,

countries Everywhere he conciliated res pect


over by the Saint s sister St Schol astica The


, . and acqui red fame and veneration from p rmces

R ule written by St Benedict in the course of

. and people alike on acc ount of his s imple piety

a hundred years or so was accepted by all the
, ,

and spirit of self sacri fi ce He was moreover

Western monks It sho ws the way to religious
, . , ,

. a man of fi rst rate abilities and well versed in -

perfection by the practice of humility obe di


the learnin g of his age He was elected PO p e

ence prayer silen ce and retirement from the
, .

, , Oct 21 1 303 but died at Peru gia in the J uly


con cerns of the world St Benedict died


. . of the following year In the few months of .

(A D .
standing before the Altar i mmedi
his Ponti fi cate he had done much to reform
ately af ter havmg re ceived Holy Communi on

Church dis cipline and to repress abus es Hence

In art he is represen ted holdi ng a book on
. .

rob ably the belief current at the time that he

which is a serpent in allusion to one of the , gad died by poison ,

miracles he wrought or with a raven at his BENEDICT (Si ) ( Oct 23 )


, . .

(4t h cent ) D escribed as B ishop of Samaria

an s wer (Si )

(March 23 ) . or Sebaste in Palestine His fi ock was dis

(6 t h cent ) A monk of C ampania mentioned

ersed by J ulian the Apostate St Hilary of

goitiers received him and gave him land

by St Gregory the Great whom the Goths

. .
, , ,

whereon he built a hermitage whi ch later , hermit in a cei l in the hilly country near Siena

became the Abbey of St Benedict of Q ui ncay where he died A D 1 426

. .

H is relics hidden in the fourteenth

. .

(A D . .
, BENJA MIN (St ) M (M arch 3 1 ) .

century during the wars between F rance and (5th cent ) A deacon of the C hurch i n Persia
England were never afterwards di scovered

who having been imprisoned for the F aith on


B ut the B ollandists throw doubts on the


refu ing as a condition of his release the ceasing


legendary account of this St B enedict certainl y . of his preaching of Christianity was tortured to
serious ly interpolated The Church com

death (A D 424) under K ing Varanes (Bahran ) V


memorat es him as a Saint but not as a Bis hop

. .




. .

l t rms of the name B E NE D I C TU S or BE N E

D I ég
, , ,

CHRISTINU S (SS ) MM (N ov 1 2) . . r
(1 1 t h cent ) Holy men of the Order of the

. BENNO (St ) Bp .
(J un e 1 6 ) .

C amaldolese Her mits who followed St Br un o , .

(i l t h cent ) Also called Benedict An Abbot .

(otherwise St B oni face ) into Rus sia to preach of Hildesheim in Germany who appointed

the Gospel They with some others were put

, ,

. B ishop of M eissen was much persecuted by the

to death by the Pagans at Gnesen in Poland

Emperor Henry IV on account of his attach

(A D . and were canonised many centuries
. ment to Rome He almost alone of the
later by Pope J ulius II


. German Bishops attended St Gregory the ,

Seventh s C o un cil which condemned He nry s


S (BB ) (D ec 1 )




See Bl . usurpation of C hurch Rights Returned to his

, .

, . See he di ed after a long and fr uitful Episcopate


BENEZET (St Cont (Apri l 1 4)

. . A D 1 1 06
. .

O therwi se St B E NE D I CT O F THE B RI D GE .
BENNO (St ) Bp (Aug 3 )
. .

( l ot h cent ) A prince of the Royal House of


whi ch see. .

BE N I GN US (St ) M (F eb 1 3 ) . . Burgun dy who em braced the Ecclesiastical


(4th cent ) A priest of Todi in Umbria (Italy )


. state and became C anon of Strasburg Thi s

wh o was tortured and put to death in the

dignity however he soon renounced and

persecution under Diocletian, about A D 3 03
, ,

reti red into solitude in Switzerland where


. .

(April 3 ) over the rui ned cell of St Meinrad the Martyr

, ,

BE NI GN US (St M . . .

D ate u ncertain ) M art yred in the city of he bui l t a monastery for himself and his di ciples

' ( .

I omis or Tom ois on the Black Sea, near the


and thus founded the famous Abbey of E ins ie
mouths of the Danube His name is joined .

dein The Emperor Henry the F owler called

hi m to the See of M et z where however his
. .

with that of a Saint E vagrius, and in some ,

M SS with several others


zeal met with such hosti lity that he was as


. .

BE N I GN US (St Bp (June 28 ) . s ault ed blinded and driven out of the city

(6t h cent ) A French Saint , Bishop probably
, , .

. Returning to Eins iedeln he survived for eleven

of Chartres , who is mentioned in a D ecretal of

years and on his death (A D 9 40) was buried

, . .

Pope Pelagius II as desirous of resigning his i n the Ladye C hapel of the Abbey Church -

He appears to have retir ed afterwar ds (March 22)


See . BE NVE N UTUS (St ) Bp . .

to Utrecht St Gregory of Tours his con . .

, (1 3t h cent ) A F r anciscan F riar of holy life .

t emp ory refers to an apparition of the Saint

, . who was created Bishop of Osimo in Central
i relics were rediscovered at U trecht A D Italy by Pope Urban IV and governed that
qg ,
Diocese for thi rteen years in the di ffi cult times
. .

BE NI GN US (St ) M . .
(N ov 1 ) . of the Guelph and Ghibelline warfare K nowing .

(2nd cent ) A Greek of Smyrna said to have .

, beforehand his death to be at hand he di s ,

been sent into Gaul by St Polycarp and to . tributed all his goods to the poor and lay down
to di e before the High Altar of his Cathedral

have become the Apostle of Burgundy He


planted the F aith at Autun and at Langres , (A D

. . M any miracles having been
making D ij on the centre of his activity He . wrought at his tomb he was canonised by Pope ,

was tort ured and put to death in the p ersecu Martin IV .

tion under the Emperor M arcus Aurelius (A D * BE O A D H

(BEATU S) (St ) Bp (March 8 ) . .

(6 th cent ) Aeodh (Ai dus ) an Irish Saint

. .

Over his tomb at D ijon has been erected .

, ,

the noble Abbey Chur ch (now Cathe dral ) of acquired the prefix B0 on account of the
St Benigne greatness of his virtues and was appointed ,

Bishop of Ard carne ( Roscommon ) Little is

. .

BE N I GN US (BEN EN ) (Si ) B p ( Nov 9 ) . .

known of his Acts but the tradition of his

. .

(5th cent ) A favourite disciple p of St ,

piety and miracles remains He went to his
. .

Patrick and his successor in the See of Armagh .

reward between A D 51 8 and A D 523 The


H e is sometimes styled B enen son of Sessenen


St Patri ck s Psalmsmg er
. . . . .

Bell of St Beoadh a beautiful work of art

, ,

The Martyrology ’
, ,
was long in veneration as a relic
. .

of Donegal gives an account of his virtues .

BE O CCA E THO R and OTHER S (April 1 0)


dwelling particul arly on his piety and gentleness .


Many too were the miracles by which Almighty (SS ) MM .

God bore witness to his sanctity He appears (9 th cent ) Monks of C hertsey Abbey


b ur ned in their monastery by the heathen


to have resigned his p as toral charge some time

before hi s holy death which took place about D anes out of hatred for the Christian F aith
, ,

quite as much as because they were Anglo


A D 46 9 His reputed sojourn at Glastonbury

Saxons (A D and for that reason venerated

is probably fictitious
. .

. .

in England as M artyrs

BE NI GN US (Si ) Bp (N ov 20) . .


. .

(5t h cent ) A B ishop of Milan who displayed *


(Si ) Abbot

great fortitude and devotedness to his flock .

(F eb 1 5) . .

during the inroads of the barbarian assailants (6t h cent ) The Patron Saint of K ilbarry .

of the ancient Roman civilisat ion He died (Co D ublin )

. His future sanctity having been .

predicted by St Patrick St Bers ch from his


A D 47 7 .
, .

(J une 1 5) birth was placed under the care of his uncle'

. . .

BE NI LDE S (St ) M . ,

He afterwards became St K evin s


(9 th cent ) A holy woman of C ordova St F reoch

. . .

di ciple and made a monastic foundation at


who was so moved by the fortitude displayed s ,

by St Ath anasius a Spanish priest during C luain coirp the in Connaught

He is said to .

have survived into the sixth century but the


his martyrdom at the han ds of the Moorish


invaders of the country that she braved death d ate of his death is uncertain .



at the stake on the following day (A D , ,

. . ,

Her ashes were thrown into the river Guadal (J an 1 6 ) . . .

(1 3 t h cent ) F ranciscan F riars sent by


q uI VIr .

St F rancis hims elf i nto Spain to evangelise the


BE NI N CO SA (Bl ) C onf (J une 20) .

Moors F rom Aragon they went to C oimbra

. .

(1 5t h cent ) A Saint of the Servite Order .

in Portugal and then p assed into Morocco


who lived a l ife of penance and prayer as a , , ,


but f r intellectual ability and skill i n business Leithe (the man of two parts or coun
tFri esd
, er -
that e was chosen as Abbot General of his
Order and later created C ardinal by Pope
BERTHOLD (Si ) (J une 1 6 ).

Urban II who again and again employed hi m

, (6 th cent ) In the Breviary St Berthold or , .

as his Legate He was indefatigable i nyputting


. Bertaud is said to have come from Ireland

down s i mony at that period rife in Italy Con , . Wi th a St Amandus and to have settled at ,
s ecrated Bis hop of Par ma (A D 1 1 06 ) by Pope

. . C haumont in the D iocese of Rhe i ms where he ,

P as chal II he died (A D 1 1 3 2) after an Epis

, . . was ordained pr i est by St Remigius He . .

copate singularly distinguis hed by his s uc cess di ed'at the age of seventy three A D 540 -
, . . .

in promoting Chr istian piet He is said to .

* BE R
I HO LD (Si )

(Oct 21 ) . .

have steadfas tly continue the austerities (1 1 th cent ) An Anglo Saxon whose p arents .

ised in his Order to t he very day of his had fled from England at the Norman Con

geac tl
q uest (A D 1 06 6 ) and settled in Ital y first at
M11an and afterwards at Parma where the
. .

BER NAR DINE of SIENA (St ) (May 20) .


( 1 5th cent ) Born at M assa of the noble . Saint was born He be came a lay brother in .

family of the Albi z eschi of Siena (A D . . the mon as tery of St Alexander where he lived .

after yspending himself in the servi ce of the a humble and saintly life and where his relics ,
sick in the public hospi tals he entered the are preserved He died abo ut the year 1 1 01 .

BE R THWALD (BR I THWALD) (St ) Bp (Jan 9 )

, .

F ranciscan Order which he illustrated by hi s , . . .

religious fervour F amous for his devotion to .

(8 th cent ) A Benedictine monk who it is . ,

our Blessed Ladyy the F eas t of whose N ativity , said resigned the dignity of Abbot of Gl aston
was the date of his own birth of his religious , bury in or der to seclude himself in the insig ni
profession of hi s fi rst Mas s and of his fi rst
, neant mon as tery of Recul ver in the Isle of
sermon he successively refused the B ishoprics
, Thanet He was not however able to avoid , ,

of Siena of F errara and of Urbino But acceptance of the Archbis hopri c of Canterbury

, ,

elected Vicar General of his Order he was the -

, (A D 6 9 2) in succession to St Theodore
. He . .

assiste d at the Synod of N idd in which St


author of a great reform amon g its members .

, .

He died at Aquila in the south of Italy (A D Wilfrid was justified and restored to his See .

He cons ecrated St Aldhelm to the West Saxon

. .

1 444) and was canonised five years after his .

death by Pep e Nicholas V He has left many . Bishopri c of Sherborne After a long and .

valuable ascetic writings and instituted or stren Episcopate St Brlthwald died

AD g

ropagated the cultus of the Holy Name of J esus

pn art he is usually represented in the F ran
. .

BE R TI LI A (St ) V

(Jan 3 )
. . .

ciscan habit hol di ng to his breast the monogram

, (7 th cent ) A Belgian Saint who lived as a

I H S (the t hree first letters of the Greek form of recluse in a cell adjoining a church she had
that Most Holy name ) with a mitre at hi s feet , . bui lt at Marolles where she di ed A D 6 8 7 ,
. . .

He is also picture d with the Infant J es us in his BERTIN (Si ) Abbot . (Sept 5) .

arms (8 th cent ) A monk at Luxeuil in E as tern


BERNAR DINO RE ALINI (Bl ) (Jul y 3 ) F rance under his kinsman the Abbot St Omer

. , . ,

who preached the Gospel in various parts of


(1 8th cent ) An Italian Saint of the Society

of J esus one of those who in the seventeenth
, F rance B esides oth er monasteries he founded ,

the Abbey of Sithin (now St Omer ) and


and eighte enth centuries devote d themselves . ,

to the reformation of the lives of the Chr istian became its first Abbot In the end owing to . ,

people by preachi ng and manifold self hi s advanced age he resigned this position and , ,

sacrifice . betook hims elf to a hermit s cell where he died ’

BERNO (St ) Abbot . (Jan 1 3 ) . . a centenarian (A D Baronius and others . .

(l oth cent ) Born in Burgundy about the . alter this date to A D 6 9 8 . . .

middle of the ninth centur y he took the ,

BERTIN (St ) Abbot . (Sept 24) . .

reli gious habit in the Abbey of St Martin of . O therwi se St BE R CTHUN which see . ,

Autun and fift y years later founded those of

, BE R TO AR A (Si ) V (Dec 1 2) . . .

Gigny and Baume But he is chi efly known as (7 th cent ) A F rench Saint enriched with
many s upernatural gifts who fo unded at
. .

the first Abbot of Cluny near Ma con a famo us ,


Bourges a mon as tery under the austere Rule

B enedictine monastery y cradle of the great ,
Religious Co ngregation of the same name In . of St Columbanus dying there about A D 6 8 9 ,
. . .

hi s old age St Berno resigned his crozi er to ( ) C onf (Sept 9 )

. . .

hi s disciple St Odo (A D dying in the

. O therwi se St BE TTE LI N whi ch see . , .


. .

followingpyeary (B M BE C H R A M N US ) ,


( ) i B p (J uly 3 )
( 7th cent ) Appointed because of hi s merits
. .

MM ( Oct 1 9 )

, ,

Archdeacon by St Germanus of Paris and

. . .

(D ate uncertain A group of fifty nine Chris -


afterwards romoted to the B ishopric of Le

. .

tians put to death at Antioch i n one of the early .

persecutions Though all the ancient Martyro. Mans In roublous times he laboured much
logies register them on Oct 1 9 no particul ars and successfully in the interests of both Church .

a nd State His death is placed A D 6 23


concerni ng them are now extant . . .


. .

BE R TE LLI N (Si ) (Sept 9 ) (O ct 1 6 )

* . . .

cent A saintly prelate who gove ned


(D ate uncertain ) An English Saint a hermit ( 1 2 t h ) r

in the neighbourhood of Stafford whose legend the Diocese of Comminges (F rance ) for fi fty
. .

i s too uns atisfactory to allow of any rel iable years He died about A D 1 1 20 . . .

particulars about hi m being drawn from it


BE R TUIN (Si ) Bp (N ov 1 1 )

(7 th cent ) Said by some to have been an


BERTHA (Si ) Widow


(July 4)
Irishman by others of a noble Engl ish family
. .

(sth cent ) A holy woman of English .

He was brought up in an English monas tery


extraction who built a monastery i n the ,

north of F rance over which she presided as and the tradition is that he was co nsecrated
Abbess and where she died about AD 7 25 Bishop while still in England probab ly a s a ,

M issionar y Prelate as he proceeded to Belgi um

, .

Bertha the Chris tian Queen of K ing E thelb ert ,

and settled on the banks of the Sambre where


of K ent has never been honoured as a Saint ,

he built a chur ch and abbey which he dedicated

, .

E N C (BER GHAN ) (Si ) Bp (April 6 )
to Our Blessed Lady at a place called Maloig ne
. .

(9 th cent ) A Saint of this name occurs in ,

near Namur A D 6 9 8 is given as the date of


all the Scottish K alendars He is described as . . . .

Bi shop of K i rkwall in the Or kneys and is said his d eath

BE R TULPH (Si ) Abbot
to have passed his yo uth i n the celebrated * (F eb 5) .

cent An Abbot the accoun s of whose


monastery of St Columba at Iona He seems ( st h ) t ,

life are unfortunately untrustworthy He is

. .

to have died in Ireland about A D 8 40 and


venerated in the north of F rance and in

. .

his tomb was shown at Ini shmore on the Bay


of Gal way Hence perhaps his surname of

. B elgium .


BER WAR D (B ERN WARD BE RNARD ) are that can be as serted with ce rt ainty
al l .

Her fame h as been widespread from early ages


(St ) Bp (O ct 26 ) .

She is Patron Sain t of churches in Spain and in


cent A celebrated Bi shop of H i ldes

. .

(1 1 t h )
heim axony F amous for his learning and Germany Her church in Rome was dedicate d

in S .

by Pope St Simplicius about one hundr ed


v irtues it was to him that the Emperor Otho II .


on h is deathbed ntrusted the guardianship years after her pas sion ; and she is liturgically

of his son and succe or Otho III St Berward commemorated yearly in the Universal C hurch
on the anni versary of her martyrdom In art
. .

died in the year 1 021 (or and was canon .


ised by Pope C elestine III in 1 1 9 4 St Ber . . she is often represented holding in her hand a
ward caused to be cast the fi ne metal gates g reen branch covered with twigs and foliage .

of Hildesheim Cathedral where is also preserved C (PE BLI G) (St ) (Jul y 3 )
(5th cent probably ) A Welsh Saint con

a splendid copy of the Gospels wr itten and , . .

il luminate d by the Saint s own hand h ooted with C arnarvon but particul ars con

. ,

BESAS (Si ) M (F eb 27 ) . cerning whom are lacking .

BIBLIS (St ) V M (J une 2)

. .

(3rd cent ) A soldier who suff ered at Alex . . .

(2nd cent ) One of the Martyrs of Lyons


andria in Egypt under the Emperor D ecius for . ,

having shown the indignation he f elt at the under the Emperor M arcus Aur elius (A D . .

sight of the horrible torments inflicte d on the These were the Bishop St Photinus the virgin .

Martyrs SS J ul ian and Enno St Blandina and forty four other C hris tians

s s ssm rdu (Si ) C onf


St Biblis was put to the torture to force her to


(Jun e 1 7 ) .

admit the crime of cannibal ism very commonly

. .

(4th cent ) One of the F athers of the

Egyptian Desert His virtues and miracles at that period imputed to Christians At the

outset terrified at the horrors of the torture


were such that Greek writers compare hi m to ,

Moses Elias and others of the prophets He . chamber she showed signs of weakness but
, ,

strengthened by prayer and the example of

, ,

must have died before A D 400 The Greeks

her fellow sufferers she in the end bravely laid
. . .

keep his F east on June 6 -


down like them her life for Christ


(BE THLIN BETHE LM ) (Sept 9 ) ,
, , .

(St ) C onf (St ) M (N ov 24)
. . .

(7 th cent ) A native of Great Britain who


(8th cent ) Supposed to be the sam e as the


followed St Gildas to Brittany We have no


St B ert ram whose memory is preserved at Ilam


. .

in Staffor ds hire where there exist a chapel particulars of his life or of the martyrdom which

closed it

a spring and a well each called after him He . .

(March 6 )

was a di sciple of St Guthl ac and lived in a *


(8th cent ) A hermit a ski lled goldsmith


h ermitag e near C royland It is presumed that . .

, ,

his relics were conveyed to Staff ord before the who bound in gold the Lindis farne copy of the
destr uction of Croyland by the D anes and that , Gospels written and illuminated by Bis hop

this accounts for the veneration in C atholic E adfri d In l ife and in death he was in great

times of St Bettelin in that neighbourhood . pop ular veneration on account of th e austere

We have no means of fix ing the precise date of sanctity of his life His death took place

the death of this Saint . between A D 7 40 and A D 7 56 ; but the day. . . .

BEUNO (Si ) Abbot . (April 21 ) . is uncertain March 6 is the anniversary of the .

(7 th cent ) Of a prin cely fam ily in ancient Trans lation of his relics together with those ,

Wales educated in the monas tery of B angor of St Balther to D ur ham


. .

and in his afterlife founder and ruler of several ( t ) Widow

(N ov 27 )
. .

mon asteries in North Wales ; Clynn og in


(8 th cent ) A h oly woman who after the .


C arnarvonshire was his ch ief residence He . death of her hus band founded a monas tery at ,
died and was buried there some time in the
, M ainz in Germany where she died a holy ,

first half of the seventh centur y Butler notes . death the crown of a pious and char itable life

some curious customs vestiges of the ancient


, BIR I LLUS (St ) Bp (March 21 )

. .

cu ltus of St Beun o exi sting in hi s time in

, ( l st cent ) Said to have be en consecrate d

fir st Bis hop of C atania in Sicily by St Peter .

the Apostle with whom he h ad travelled from ,

Antioch about A D 42 By his preaching and

, . . .

miracles it is added St Birillus converted a

, , .

vas t number of pagans to Christianity and ,

died in extreme old age .

(N ov 5) . BIR I N US (St ) B p .
(Dec 3 ) .

(7 th cent ) A missionary sent by Pope


Order in the monas tery of J ouarre in the Honorius to convert the West Saxons to
Di ocese of Meaux She was chosen to be the . C hristianity and consecrated Bishop by ,

first Abbess of C hel les where she died having , , Asterius Bishop of Genoa One of his first
, .

resi ded over her community for more than


converts was K ing C ynegil s of Wessex at

porty six years (A D
Queen Bathilde whose b aptism another monarch St Oswald

the foundress took the veil at Chelles as di d

. .
, .

, , of Northumbria offi ciated as godfather St

St H ereswit ha or Hereswid e Queen of Eas t

Birinus died at D orchester in Oxfords hire

. .


Angl i a and sister of St Hilda of Whitby where he had fi xed his Episcopal See A D 6 50
. .

E I AN O R and SYLVANU S (SS ) MM (Jul y 1 0)

, . .

whence Bishop Hedda translated his body to


. .

(4t h cent ) Christians martyred in Pisidia

. the Chur ch of St Peter at Winchester (A D .

(Asia Minor ) un der an I mwri al magistrate by

. .


, (N o v 4) ,
name Severi an They were tortured and lap

beheaded They probably suff ered at the


(l oth cent ) The successor of St F ri thestan .

beginni ng of the fourth century but the extant in the See of Wi nchester and a disci ple of

Greek Acts are not trustworthy . St Grimbald He was famous for his devotion
. .

. . . . . to the Holy Soul s in Purgatory and it was his

(4th cent ) St Bibiana was the daughter
. . daily custom to wash the feet of the poor He
an d sister of M artyrs Her father St F lavian was suddenl y called away from hi s labour s

. .

her mother St D aphrosa and her sister , .

, , on to the hi gher life of Heaven N ov 4
St Demetria all lai d down their lives for
, .
, AD
C hrist St Bibiana herself was sco urged to
. .

. . BI THE US and GE N O CUS (SS ) C onf (April 1 8 ) .

death at R ome in the rsecution under Jul ian


(6th cent ) Two British monks who aecom

the Apostate (AD 3 6 3 A very long account

p ani ed St F inni an of C lonard to Ireland and

is gi ven of her sufferi ngs in a composition much

there passed away in peace and in great repute of


accredi ted in the Middle Ages ; but whi ch sanctity Nothing more is known about them
resis ts badl y scientific criti cism Her name

LA AN (St ) B (Aug 1 0

with the place and fact of her martyrdom O therwi se S B LAN E which see

, , .

BLADUS (St ) Bp (Jul y 3 ) been put to death for being a Christian as
. .

ate ncertain ) The tradition con cerning e ar ly as A D 42 A St D emetrius and twenty}


(D u
others are named as having suffered with him?
. . .

him is to the e fect that he was one of the early

. .

hops of the Isle of M an and that by his
Bis , But there is now a tendency y among scholars to

p as toral zeal he merited to be by his flock dissociate al together St Blasius from St Mary
honoured as a Saint
. .

. Salome and her Ap ost olate and to date his life

BLASE (BLAISE ) (Si ) Bp M several hundred years later

(F eb 3 ) . . .

(4th cent ) A B ishop of Sebaste in Armenia

. .

BLATH (F LORA ) (St V (J an 29 ) .

famous for the miracles he wrought among

. .

, (6th cent ) In the Irish Martyrologies

which was his having with a word s aved from

several Saints are registered under the name

imminent death a boy choking from having Blath (Latinised F lora ) The one bes t remem
half swallowed a fishb one so placed that its

bered was a humble lay sister in St Brig id s -

extraction was impossible St Blaise a man


. .
, monastery at K ildare where she was in hig h
of saintly life was accus ed and tried as a

, repute of sanctity The year 523 is assigned

Chr istian and as chief of his fellow believers

in the M artyrology of Donegal as that of her
i n the persecution continued in the East aft er death .

the Emperor Constantine had given peace to * BL

E DR WS (St )
the Church elsewhere by his colleague Licinius ,
(D ate unk own There
n ) is a church in
The Saint was put to the tortur e and beheaded

C ar di g anshi re titled after a

St Bledrws But
at Sebaste AD 3 1 6 His F e ast is kept with has
. .

. it not been found possible to identify

much solemnity i n Greece and in Asia Minor . the aint
The Crusaders ypropagated devotion to hi m in BLE I DDAN (BLE WDI AN ) (St ) Bp

(J 29 ) uly
Eur ope In so me places bread is blessed on

. O therwi se St LUPU of TRO YE

S S, whwh see
his F east Day of which a morsel is swallowed BLE N WYDD (St
. .

, .

while invoking him In others oil is blessed .

, , (D ate unknown ) The dedication of a chapel
and with it a priest makes the Sign of the cross
to him i n the Isle of Anglesea is all that p erpet u
on the thr oats of the F aithful He is the . ates his memory
recognised Patron Saint of wool combers -
* BL
ITARI US (BLIER ) (St ) (June 1 1 ) .

whether becaus e he was tortured by having his (7 th cent ) A native of Scotland wh o pas sed

flesh torn with the ir on combs used in the over into F rance with St Pursey and settled
trade or for some other reason is uncertain

, ,
. at Seg anne in Champagne He is stil l i n great .

* BL
AI THM AI C (BLATHMAC, BLAI THMALE ) local veneration and is described as having ,

(St M . . (Jan 1 9 ) . been a man whose whole life was spent in

(9 th cent )
The son of one of the Iris h kings
. penance and prayer His relics were burned by .

who became a monk and at last the Abbot of , the C alvinists in the sixteenth centur y
hi s monastery Thirsting for the glory of .
BOETHIU S (St ) (Dec 7 )
. .

martyrdom he left hi s native country and , O therwi se St BUI THE which see .
, .

crossed over to Great Britain then in prey to ,

BOBO (St . (May 22)
the heathen Danes He was murdered by these . (l oth cent ) A soldier of Provence (F rance )

barbarians on the altar steps in St Columba s .

who distingui shed hims elf in the defence of
monas tery at Iona (A D The Benedictine his country against the Moorish raiders the
Wal afri dus Strabo has written in verse the Life
. .

terror of the south of F rance and who later ,

of St Blathmac . gave hims elf up to a life of prayer and penance .



(Jul y 5) He died at Pavia in Lombardy (A D 9 8 5) whi le
. . .

. . on a pilgrimage to Rome

(May 1 0)
. .
BO DAGI SI L (St ) (Dec 1 8 )
. .

(6 th cent ) A noble F rank who after a lif e

, , . .
BLANDINA (St ) v M (J une 2) . . . spent in the service of his K ing and country ,

(z ud ce nt ) One of the most famous of the foun ded a monas tery on the banks of the
Mart yrs of Lyons who with St Photin a s suffered , . M euse where he di ed (A D
, Venanti us . .

death for C hrist (A D in the time of the . . F ortun atus St Gregory of To u , rs and other .

Emperor Mar cus Aurelius St Blan dina a . .

, contemporary writers are loud in the praises
youn g girl never ceased from encouragi ng her , of his sanctity
fellow sufferers even while herself in the hands
of the tortur ers She was scourged mauled .
, (7 th cent ) The Patron Saint of Abern in

by wil d beasts made to sit on a red hot iron ,

C arnarvon He is believed to have flourished

chair gored by a bull and fi nally beheaded

, , . in the seventh century but we have no parti ,

The blood of these holy men and women was cul ars of his life except the tradi tion that the ,

the seed of Chr istianity in Gaul . great inundation which formed B eaumaris Bay
BLANE (BL AIN BLAAN ) (Si ) B p (Aug 1 0) , . . . impelled hi m with his father and s ome other

(7 th cent ) A celebrated Scottish Saint who . relatives to embrace the Religious life
, .

is said to have been Bishop of K ingarth i n B ute * B E TI AN

O (St ) (May 22)
at the end of the sixth or beginning of the (7 th cent ) A dis ci Iple of St F ursey and an
. .

seventh century He was buried at D unblane .

, Irishman by birth He bui lt his monas tery .

where the Cathedral and several other churches at Pierrepont near Laon in F rance and was , , ,

were dedi cate d in his h onour But the dates eventually murdered there by mis creants whom
he had sternly rebuked for their vices His

commonl y given are altogether uncertain . .

His reputed connection with St Comgall and shrine is still a place of pilgrimage and he is
specially invoked in behalf of sick children

St K enneth would put that of hi s birth after

. .

A D 550 where as B utler D empster and others

. .
( ) Abbot . (F eb 23 ) . .

(7 th cent ) A Prior of M elrose Abbey and

, ,

insist that he flourished in the fifth century .

successor there of Abbot Eata Bede describes


The B ollan di s ts on the other hand describe , , .

him as having flourished in the tenth or eleventh him as a man of great virtue and as endued with
century surmising a confusion of names between the gif t of prophecy Among his disciples were .

St C uthbert and St Egbert g The Holy Name


St K enneth an d K ing K enneth hi s namesake . . .

of J esus pronounced so as to touch the hearts

. .

Hence the modern hypothesis that there were ,

of al l who heard him was ever on his lips He


two St Blanes of whom one lived in the fif th ,


p asse 1 way during the great pestilence of the


and the other in the eleventh centur y Hymns

ear é6 2

and prose compositions bearing the name of

St Blane are stil l extant BOLGAN (O LCAN ) (St B p (F eb 20) . . .

(5th cent Bap t ised by St Patrick and sent




(N ov 29 ) . . . .

by hi m to study in F rance he was subsequently


(1 st cent ) Associated by tradition with

byy the same Saint consecrated Bishopp of Derkan

St M ar y Salome in planting the first seeds of

in the North of Irel an d His school of learni ng

the C hristian F aith at Veroli and F rosinone , .

between Rome and Naples He is said to have . there was one of the most distinguished in the

island He died after A D 48 0 Another St BO N IIi Acl‘ (March 1 4)
. . . . J (St ) B .

is venerated in the parish of K il l Chul e (7 th cent ) A leader

of a band of mis s i onaries

Bolcan -

in the Diocese of Elphin He is known as . sent from Rome to evangel ise the Picts and
St O lcan of K ilmoyle . Sco ts He is venerated as Bishop of Ross

BOLONIA (St ) V M (Oct 1 6 ) and is said to have founded one hundred


. . . .

(4th cent ) A Christi an maiden of fi fteen and fi ft y churches He passed away about

, .

who was tortured and put to death about


6 30
A D . . .

A D 3 6 2 in the persecution under J ul ian the BO NIF A O E (St ) B (May 1 4)

Apostate and who has left her name to cent ishop of F erenti or F erentino
. .

(6 th ) B .

110 village of St Boulogne in the Haute in Tuscany (not the better known to wn of the

£1 arne

1 same name in Latium) in the time of the

Emperor Justin His holiness and miracles

BO N A (B O VA ) and D O D A ( SS ) V V MM (Apri l 24) . . . .

(7 th cent ) St B ona or Bova (F r B euve) . . ar e commemorated by St Gregory the Great . .


was a daughter of K ing Sig ebert of Austr as ia (May 1 4)

(E as tern F rance ) She took the veil in a . (4th cent ) Beheaded as a Christian at Tarsus .

convent near Rheims foun ded by the holy , in Cil icia whither he had gone from Rome to ,

Queen Clotil de and with her brother St , , , . recover the bodi es of certain Martyrs His .

B audry (Bal deri c) built the Abbey of St Peter ,

. own relics repose in the chur ch dedicated to
withi n the walls of Rheims of which she became , hi m in Ro me on the Aventine together with ,

the fi rst Abbess During her government of . those of St Ag1ae a woman associated with .

twenty three ye ars her patience and humi lity

him both before and after their conversion to
won all hearts and even during her lifetime she ,
C hris tianity The year 3 07 is given as that of .

was regarded as a Saint She died A D 6 7 3 . . .

, their death .

and was succeeded by her niece St D oda BONIF ACE I V (St ) Pope (M ay 25)

, .
, p . .

li kewise venerated as one of the Blessed .

(7 th cent ) Born in the South of Italy he .

BO NAJUN CTA (St ) C onf (Aug 3 1 ) . . . embraced the monastic l i fe in the monaster y
O ne of the HOL Y SEVE N F OU N D ER S O F of St Sebas tian in Rome Elected Pope
. . ,

THE SERVITE OR D ER whi ch see , . A D 6 08 he dedicated to Our B le ssed Lady and

. .

BONAVE NTURE (St ) Bp D octor (July 1 4) . .

to all the Saints the Pantheon b uil t by M arcus ,

of the Church . Agrippa as the temple of all the heathen gods

(1 3th cent ) K nown as the Seraphi c . of Rome and enr iched it with t he relics of ,

Doctor Born A D . 1 23 1 at Bagnorea in . , Martyrs from the C atacombs He held a .

Tuscany he entered at the age of twenty Council (A D at which St Mellitus Bishop

the Order of St F rancis He studi ed and
, , . . .

. . of London was present He died A D 6 1 5 , . .


afterwards taught at Paris in company of St ,

. and was buried in Old St Peter s under the .

Thomas Aqui nas After being General of his . altar of St Thomas the Apostle or as some .
, ,

Order he was created by Pope Gregory X

, say in the atri um or courtyard before the

C ardi n al Bisho p of Albano He died during the . Bas il ica .

Gener al Coun ci l of Lyons (A D and was . . BONIF A CE (Si ) Bp M (J une 5) . . .

canoni sed two hundr ed years later becomi ng a , .

(8 th ce nt ) An Anglo Sax on born at Crediton .

Doctor of the Church a century later B esides in D evonshire who received in B aptism the
name of Win fried Educated in monasteries
noble Commentaries on Holy Scripture and on
at Exeter and Winchester he lived for many

the work of the Master of Senten ces (the theo ,

logi cal and phil osophical text book in use in

years as a B enedictine monk but feeling , ,

hi s age ) we have from the pen of St B ona

. himself called to a mi ssionary career set forth ,

ventur e many as cetical and mysti cal treatises , (A D 7 1 6 ) to preach the Gospel to the heathen
. .

and a touchi ng ly beautif ul Lif e of St F rancis . pe0ple of F riesland Later Pope St Gregory .
, .

of Ass i si the F ounder of his Order Clement


, . II consecrated hi m Bis hop and giving him the , ,

IV had chosen hi m for the Archbishopric of name of Boniface sent him to evan gelis e ,

York ; and onl y the humility of the Saint German of whi ch country he is venerated as ,
hindered the Englis h people from being able the Apostle Havi ng chosen M ainz as his .

to number the Seraphic Doctor among ”

MetrO Ip) olit an See he gave himself indefatigably ,

thei r national glories

. to hi s work whi ch was wonderful ly blessed by ,

OND (BALDUS) (St ) Hermit (Oct 29 . . . Almi ghty God Twenty two years later he .

(7 th cent ) A penite nt and Saint venerated . resignedyhis Archbishopric in order to return

at Sens in F rance . to his unfi nished t as k in F riesland There .

BO NF I LI US (Si ) Conf (J an 1 )
. . . together with fi fty two companions he s uff ered -
O ne of the HOL Y SEV E N F OU N DER S OF martyrdom at theyhands of the pagans A D 7 55 , . . .

THE SERVITE OR D ER whi ch see His body re poses in the Abbey of F ulda and ’

s omm cs of LAU SANNE (St ) Bp (F eb /9 )


innumerable mi racles have been wrought at

. .

(1 3 th cent ) A C istercian monk of the . hi s tomb One of his achievements in Germany


Abbey of Cambre near Brussels He was , . was the felling of an enormous oak tree the ,

disti ngui shed for his le arning and lectured at , centre of the idolatrous worship of the natives

Paris and at Cologne Ap inted Bishop of . whi ch led to a convers i on en masse of all the .

Lausanne he laboured in efat ably at the ,

spectators Hence in art he is often repre .

, ,
reform of Church di scipline I n old age he . sente d with axe in hand at the foot of an
retired to di e (A D 1 26 5) in hi s mon as tery at oak tree
C ambre
. . .

. BONIF A CE (St ) Bp (J une 1 9 ) . .

BONIF A CE (St ) M (Oct 5)

. . .
(1 1 th cent ) The Apostle of Livonia and of .

A g
lle ed to ha ve been the na me of one of the the West of Russia better known as St Bruno , . .

C hm twns who suffered with SS PALMATI U S He succeeded St Adalbert of Prague in the

. .

S, whi ch see . heads hi p of the School of Magdeburg and was ,

BO NI F AGE (BL) Bp arch
(M 1 3) . for some time chaplai n to hi s relative the ,

(i 3 thcent A memb r of the u Hou e

) e D cal s . Emperor Otho III Leavingg the Imperial .

of avoy who became a arthusian monk and

S , C C o ur t he entered the C amaldolese Order of
Prior of one of the hou es of
s Order whence
his , , monks and retired to Ital y Thenceforward .

so reat the fame of sanctity he


g was hi s was , he lived in solitude till by order of Pope p J ohn

at the request of ing Hen y III of ngla d E XVIII he took up the work of evangelis ing

K r n,
by the Pope ra sed to the of anterbu y the Northern countries With great gain of

i See C r
in succ ssion Edm nd He d ed wh e

e to St u i il . . souls he preached in Poland and succee ded

on a visit to native co ntry and
his u , b ied
was ur in penetrating i nto R ussia ro r where
in the at

D ucal y aul t Hautecombe (A D . . however he fell a vi ctim to t e y of the

Three centur es later body was fou d be

heathen He was seized and with eighteen

i his n to .

still incorrupt His authorised by

cul tus was . um s his fellow workers beheaded A D -
. .

Pop Gre or ine eent entur

, ,
e g y X VI in the n t h c y .
BONIF A CE (St M (Aug 3 0) . . M aurus and nine others was martyred at Rome
(3 rd cent ) An African Christian martyred

. under the Emperor Valerian (A D They .

with hi s wife St Thecla and their twelve


. are menti oned in the Acts of St Stephen Pope .

, ,

chil dren at Hadrumetum in the persecution though the name Bonus does not occur therein .

under D ecius (A D There are , however , . . He is probably the same with Basil one of the ,
some of the learned in these matters who M artyrs they note .

post date their martyrdom for half a century

, BORIS (St ) M . . (J uly 24)
a nd maintain that they were victims of the See SS RO MA NU S and DAVI D
. .

great persecution under D iocletian and his BOR IS and GLEB (SS ) MM (Sept 25) . . .

colleague Maximini an Herculeus Again there .

, (1 1 th ce nt These Sai nts otherwise called ,

are authors who hold that they escaped both


Romanus and D avid sons of St Vladimir are , . ,

persecutions and survi ved to diep natural , included in Polish C alendars as having Su ff ered
deaths I t is controverted whether the twelve
. m artyrdom A D 1 01 5 at the hands of as sassins
, .

chil dren of SS Boniface and Thecla are n ot the i n cited thereto by their elder br other usurper


Twelve Holy Brothers commemorate d in the of their possessions ;

Liturgy on Sept 1 . .
* BO A
S (St ) Bp . (March 9 )

O NI F A CE I (Si ) Pope (Oct 25) (sth cent ) A monk of St H il da s Abbey at

Whi t by and the predece ssor of St J ohn of

. . . . .

(5th cent ) A Roman pri est of saintly life .

, ,

elected Pope (A D in succession to St Beverley in the Archbishopr i c of York to


which he was called in the troubled times of

. . .

Z oz imus notwithstanding , his reluctance .

Though pre eminentl y a man of peace he

“ -
, the exile of St Wilfrid by St Theodore of .
, .

vindicated bravely and successfully the righ ts C anterbury St B osa was a man says the
. . ,

of the Holy See against the Anti Pope E ulalius -

, V ensrable Bede of conspicuous virt ue and
and against the pretensions of thep Patriarchs humi lity He died A D 7 05 .

BOSWELL (St ) Abbot

. . .

of C onstantinople He ordered\ t he singing of . . ( F eb 23 ) . .

the Glori a i n excelsi s on M aundy Thursday and -

, oth e St B O I SI L whi ch see .
, .

reg ulated several points of Church disciplin e .

BO TU LP (Si ) Abbot (June 1 7 )
. .

He p as sed away towar ds the close of thepyear y (7 th cent ) He and his brother St Adul ph
. , . ,

423 ; and was buried in an Oratory of St . were Anglo Saxons but entered a monas tery
F elicit as which with many other sacred buil dings
, in Belgium St Adul ph became Bishop of
. .

he had restored and embellished . Utrecht and St Botul p h returned to England

, .

BONIF A CE and OTHERS (SS MM (Dec 6 ) . . . and foun ded a B enedictine Abb ey at I canh oe
(5t h cent ) An Afr i can art yr put to d eath
. in Lin colnshire (A D which was destroyed . .

with severa l others by the Arian Hunneric , by the D anes in the ni nth century St Botulph . .

K ing of t he Van da ls Among them were . died about the y ear 7 00 a nd his relics were ,

Dionysia and her son Majori ons D ativa her , ,

removed to Thorney by St E thelwald Boston . .

sister and E mi lian her cousin a physician

, , . in Lincolnshire is an abbreviated form of
BONIF ACE (St M (Dec 29 ) Botul p h s Town and several churches were

. . .

(D ate unknown ) M artyred in Rome with . . dedicated to hi m among them four at the gates ,

SS C alixtus and F elix

. . . of t he City of London .

BONIF ACE and OTHERS (SS ) MM (Aug 1 7 ) . . . BOTVID (Si ) M . ( July 28 )


(5th cent ) St Bonif ace was a deacon . .

( 1 1 th cent ) A Swedish C hr istian who. ,

martyred at Carthage in the time of Hunneri c , endeavoured to convert to the F aith a capti ve
Arian K ing of the Vandal s (A D 47 7 to A D . . . . from F inl and Having as he thought suc .

His fellow sufi erers were SS Liberatus an -

, ceeded he sought to restore the neophyte to
Abbot Servus and Austi cus sub deacons
, , , freedom and to his own country but whi le on ,

R og atus and Sep t imus monks and Maximus the voyage was cruelly murdered by the thank
a boy all members of the communi ty of monks
, , ,

less object of his compassion (A D . .

(Oct 20)

established at C apsa near Tunis After having . and O RO R A (CR O R A) (SS ) . .

under gone cruel tortures they were scourged (Date un certain ) These two Saints are


to death . honoured in the Isle of Man In the church .

BO NITUS (Si ) Bp (Jan 1 5) of St Bradan K irk Bradd an near Do uglas -

Mark the Bishop of Sodor held a Syn od

. . . .
, ,

(sth cent ) Born in Auvergne A D 6 23 he . . .

, , ,

became C hancell or to K ing Sigebert III , (A D

. In a map of the sixteenth century ,

reference is made to the churche of St Patrick


afterwar ds Governor of Provence and nine s .

years later B ishop of C lermont in Auvergne and St Crora

O GK (St ) Abbot
. . .

After a z ealous Episcopate he retired into a " BR ANN

(Jan 7 ) . . .

monastery and i n the end died at Lyons ( 6 t h cent ) A Sa i nt who. appear s to have
mi grated in the sixth century f rom South

(A D whi le retur ni ng from a pilgri mag e

Wales into Devon and to have founded a
. .

to Rome He is known in F rance as St Bont ,

monas tery at ' Braunton near Barnstaple in
. .

or Bonet His relics are in the Cathedr al at

. , ,

C le rmont . that county The traditions concerning hi m .

BO N O N l US (St ) Abbot (Aug 3 0) . . are however very v arying and unreliable ‘

, ,

though possibly the place named Braunton


( 1 1 t h cent ) A B enedictine Abbot of Vercell i i n


Piedmont who preached the Gospel p in the East erp iat tes hi s memory But see St Bryc han
& pril gs
. .
, ,

and who di ed at Bologna i n I t aly (A D . .

BO N O SA (Si ) V M (Jul y 1 5) *
BR AN WALLANUS (St ) Bp (Jan 1 9 ) . . .

(D ate unkno wn ) We have also a St Bran

. . .

(3 rd cent ) M artyred at Porto Ro mano .

BranWallanus and he may


at the mouth of the Tiber under Severus wal lator St

ossibly be identical with St Brannock We
. .

(A D with her brother E utrop ius and her ,

. .

ear of them only in connection with Trans la

. .

sister Zoz ima Modern discoveries made at .

Porto Romano go to negative the old opinion tions of Relics in Saxon times All al ike are .

ost dating the martyrdom of St Bonosa to the West Country Saints



ime of the Emperor Aurelian * O R (Si ) Bp (J an 1 9 ) . . .

(Date unknown ) Beyond the fact that his


BO NO SUS and M AXIM I ANUS (SS MM (Aug 21 )

name was included wi th others in t he Dedication
. . .

(4th cent ) Bonosus an o ffi cer of the Her

of a church in Dorsetshi re where likewise relics

cul e an Legion serving under C ount J ulian


of his were venerated we have no information
, ,

uncle of the Apostatp e was tortured and put to ,

concerni ng him He may perhaps be one and


death with his comrade Maximinian or Maxi . , ,

milian for refusing to chang e the Chr istian

the same with St Brannock or St Branwall anus . . ,

banner the Labarum of Constantine for the or with both

(March 27 )
, ,
id olatrous standard of heathen times (A D BR AULI US (St ) Bp . .

(7 th cent ) Braulins or Braulio B i shop of

. .


Sara a in Spain and one of the Patrons of

. .
, ,

(SS ) . , ,

(3t a cent ) Bonus a priest with F est us .

, , , t he g dom of Arago n assisted at three ,


Councils of Toledo He was a disciple of *B

RIA CH (Si ) Abbot . (Dec 1 7 ) . .

(6 t h cent ) A Saint of Irish birth who became


St Isidore o Sevil le and part of their corre .

stil l extant Together they a monk in Wales under St Tudwald whom be

. ,

spondence . .

l aboured at regul arisin g Ecclesiastical discipline accompanied to Brittanyy He bui lt a mona ’

in Spain and after the death of St Isidore .

, st ery at Gui ngamp near the castle of D eroch , ,

St Braulio completed some unfinished works Prince of Leon He died at Bour bi ac in the

he had left St Braulio is one of the most year 57 0 or as others say in 6 27 and was

, , , ,
celebrated Saints of the Spanis h Chur ch He buried in the local church
. .

. .

died A D 6 46 after over twenty years of *

BRIANT (ALEXAN DER ) (Bl M (Dec 1 ) . . .



Epi copate
s . .

BR E ACA (BR E AGC E ) (St ) V (J une 4)


* . .
* BR I A
VE L (St (J une 1 7 )

(6 th cent ) She is said t o have gone from (Date unknown ) Her name is perpetuated .

Ireland to Cornwall about the year 46 0 with as that of the Patron Saint of the pparish of

s everal companions and to have landed on the ,

St Briavels i n the F orest of D ean in Glou cester

Eas tern bank of the river Hayle Several . shire ; but no record of her life is extant .

of the holy maidens were slain by K ing Theo BR I CTI US (St Bp . (J uly 9 ) .

doric or Tewder St Breag ue lived the life . .

(4t h cent ) Bishop of Martol a near Spoleto
of a solitary and died in the early part of the

, in Umbria (Central Italy ) D uring the p ersecu .

sixth century in high repute of sanctity . tion under Dio cletian he was impris oned for '

BR E ACA (BRAN CA BAN K A ) (Si ) V (Oct 27 ) , . . . preachi ng C hristianity but miraculously escaped
(5th cent ) One of a band of Iris h Saints

and zealously persevered i n his ministry pass i ng “

who settled in Cornwall in the latter part of


to his reward after the Peace of the C hurch '

the fifth century She is said to have been . under C onstantine (A D It must how
born in East Meath Vario us days are as signed
. .
. ever he conf essed that the traditional details
for her festival ; nor is it possible definitely

given concerning him ar e of ver y uncertain

to distinguish her from the Saint Breaca or

authentici ty
Breagu e venerated on J une 4 . BRICE (St Bp .
(N ov 1 3 )
BR E GWI N (Si ) Bp Aug
. .

( 26 ). . O therwi se St B RIXIU S whi ch see
(8 th cent ) The twelfth Archbi shop of
. . .

BR I DGE T (BR IDE BR I DI G) (Si ) V (F eb 1 )

C anterbury (A D His life was written
. . . .

. .
(6 t h cent ) The M ary of Ireland was
by E admer who gives little more than th e

, born of C hristian parents at F ouchard (F ough

date O f his Pontifi cat e and an account of hi s , ard ) in the present county of Louth then
many mir acles He was buried in the Chapel

. reckoned as part of Uls ter about the middl e

of St J ohn the Baptist at the Eas t end of the

o f the fifth century

Her parents are said to
Cathedral (A D Letters of his to St
. , .

. . .
have been baptised by St Patrick himself
Lull us of M ainz are still extant
. and they brought up their children in the holy
BR E LATE (St ) Abb ot (May 1 6 ). . fear of God F rom her i nf anc Bride gave s i gns

O therwise St B RE N DAN whi ch see of the sanctity to which God s grace was leadi ng

. ,

He seems to have visited J ers ey on hi s return her In due time the Bishop St Mel or as
. .

from Brittany to Ireland A place name there .

others say St M ach alleus his disciple gave .
co mmemorates him There were probably two

. her the veil of holy Religion and Shepfounded ,

Sts Bre ndan and St Brel ade may have been

, . the mon as tery of K ildar e the first Religious
House of women in Ireland Wonderful

of later date than his homonym . .

BR EN ACH (St ) Hermit (April 7 ) were the miracles she wrought and e q ually ,

marvellous her influence for good over the

. .

(6 t h cent ) The name is variously spelled ,

n as cent C hurch of her country Sh e p as sed
. .

E renach Brynach Bernach He was a . .

away about the year 523 and her remai ns


Pembrokesh ire hermit who inhabited a lonely


cell near Milford in the sixth century But we . were enshrined with those of St Patrick as .

have no authentic record of his l ife . being the relics of the Second Patron Saint
BREND AN (Si ) Abbot (May 1 6 ) of Ireland In art St Bride is repres en ted

, .

holding a cross with a flame over her head

. .

(6 th cent ) A cele brated Irish monk a dis

sometimes with a cow near her she being


ci p le of St F i nnian at C lonard and of St Gild as ,

Abbey in Wales There St reputed the Protectress of those engag ed i n


o f Llancarvan
dai ry work
. .

rendan had St Malo among his own disciples .




(J ul y 1 3 )

e died at the age of ninety four (A D 57 8 ) -

( .

(5th cent ) Venerated as two daughters of

. .

at E nachduin in Connaught He founded .

a Scott ish ch ieftain martyred in Picardy


several schoo ls and monasteries amon them ,

the fif th century whil e on a p ilgrimage to


the famous Abbeys of Ardfert and C onfert

Rome The details have not been satisfactoril y

and wr ote a monastic R ule r e markable for its .

austerity St Brendan s celebrated voyage ’

ascertained St Louis of F rance had a grea t
. .

to the West resulting in his discovery of devotion to SS Bridget and Maura

. .

We have also two other pairs of ho ly s isters


America the Land of Promise is by many

Maura and Britta mentioned by St Gregory of
, , , ,

not without some evidence upheld as an , .

To urs ; and B aya and M aur a whose names


historical fact It certainl y cannot lightly be ,

appear in' the ancient Scottish K alendars


rejected as a mere myth though it had no .

immedi ate resul ts How far all these are distinct personages is


BR EN DAN oi BIRR (St ) Abbot (N ov 29 )
BRIDGET ( Si ) Widow
. . . .

(6 th cent ) Sometimes call ed St Brendan . . (July 23 )

. .

the Elder to distinguish him from his namesake , (1 4t h cent ) St Bridget (Birgitta ) born of . .

the still more celebrated St Brendan of Clon . a noble Swedish family (A D 1 3 04) and married . .

fert his contemporary and fellow disciple with to a man of princely rank after he r hus band s


death founded the monas tery of Wa dst ena

, ,

him of St F inni an of Clonfert H is Ab bey of


on the shore of Lake Wetten thus i nstituting


B i rr was somewhere near Parsonsto wn in K ing s


C ounty He was the great friend and adviser

. the Order of the Most Holy Saviour commonly ,

of St C ol umba who in a vision saw the holy

, known as Bridgetines F or its regul ation she .

so ul of St Brendan carried by angels to Heaven

. dr ew up wise statutes whi ch were confir med by
at the moment of his pass ing away (A D . . Pope U rb an V St Bridget was favoured by . .

BRE TANN I O N (Si ) Bp (J an 25) . . . Almighty God with marvellous visions and
(4th cent ) Bishop of Tomis in Scythia on . revelations of which the record left by her to

the Black Sea near t h e mouths of the D anube ,

us is most useful to contemplative souls She .

Valens the Arian Emperor exiled him on


, , died in R ome on h er retur n from J erusale m

account of his strenuo us defence of the Chris (July 23 and was canonis ed twent
years later Her F e as t is ke t by the Churcy

tian Dogma of the Blesse d Tr ini ty but was , .

compell ed by po ul ar discontent to recall him . on Oct 8 anniversary of t e Translation of

The Saint di ed 8 out A D 3 8 0 . . . . her r el ics to Sweden I n art she is represented .


clothed in the Religious Habit of her Order Nov 1 3 )

with a pilgrim s staff holding a heart marked

O .

with a cross with O ur Saviour near h er —

(5th ) A native of To rs and disciple
u .

BRIEU C (St ) Bp . (May 1 ) . of the reat

g St M artin in the mon tery of
, as .

O therwi se S B R I O C U S whi ch see .

, . Marmout i ers He himself was ra sed
i to . the
BRIGA (BRIGID) (St ) V (Jan 21 ) . . . Archbishopric on the death of his master
(6 th cent ) She is known as St Brigid of Owing to calumny he su fered exile but was

. . f ;
K ilbride in the D iocese of Lismore and fl our , restored to his See by the authority of the Pope
i sh ed in the fifth and sixth centur ies It is

who was convinced of his innocence He died


alleged that her famous namesake of K ildare


seven years after his return A D 447 His

visited her more than once at K ilbride In
. .

body was translated to Clermont in


the C alendar of C ashel she is styled St Brigid . by St Gregory of Tours (A D

. . .

of K illbrige .
RO CARD (St ) (Sept 2) .

BRIGI D (St ) V (1 3 t h cent ) The successor of St B erthold


. (F eb 1 )
. . .

(9 th cent ) Not of course to be confus ed in the government of the Hermits of Mount


with the great St Bride of K il dare whose .

, C armel At his request St Albert Patriarch

F estival is kept on the same day This later


. of J erusalem drew up for them the R ule under

St Brigid was a s is t er of St Andrew the .
, which they d evelo ed in the West into the
Archdeacon of St Donatus of F iesole in Tus Order of Mount armel St Brocard died

. . .

cany Sh e was present at hi s deathbed carried , early in the thirteenth century .

thither it is said by angels After his death BRON (Si ) B p (J une 8 )


. . .
, ,

she retired to a cave in the Apennines where , (6th cent ) A disciple of St Patrick con . .

she closed her life some time in the ninth se cr at ed B ishop of C as sel Irra near the town of -

century Soon after a church was built over Slig o where he founded a church
, He appears .

to have died about A D 51 1


her cave which contained her grave

, . . . .

BR I N STAN (St ) B p ( Nov 4)

. . .
BR O N A CI I (BR O M AN A ) (Si ) V
(April 2) . .

O therwi se St BI R N STAN or BI R STAN , . (D ate unknown ) Called the Virgin of Glen .

whi ch see . Sei chis and registered in the M artyrologies of

BR I O CUS (BR I O C, B RIEU C) (St ) Bp (May 1 ) Tallaght and D onegal But we have neither

dates nor other particulars concerning her

. .

(6th or
7 th cent A native of ardiganshire
) C .

Glen Seich is is the old name of K ilbrony or

, .

who was educated in rance by

F Germanns
St -

K ilbronach in C ounty D own which takes its

. .

He returned to ritain where he co verted to

B n , ,
present appellation from her

C hri ti nity
s a his own parents with other pagans . .

Cro ssing again to rance he settled in rittany

S (St ) V (Sept 3 ) . . .

and fo nded the reat monaster which b ars

u g y e (1 3 t h cent ) A relative of the Polish Saint .

his name and has given it to the important Hyacinth She led a holy life at Cracow
town surrounding it It was there he died in where her memory is still in gre at veneration

. .

his ninetieth year In the parish of St Breock . .

BROTHEN and GWEND OLEN (SS ) (Oct 1 8 )
in C ornwall the annual fair is still held on

(6 th cent ) Of these Welsh Saints we know


M ay 1 his F e as t D ay There were many


. little beyond their names and the fact of their

translations of his relics The epoch in which

. existence coupled with that of the cultus


he lived (6 th or 7th cent ) depends On whether . locally given to them after their deaths St
his instructor was St Germanus of Paris or
. .

Brothen is Patron Saint of Llanbrot hen in


(which is much more likely ) St German ns of . M erioneths hire According to the Welsh .

Auxerre whom he probably followed to F rance genealogies he had a brother St Gwynnin

when that Saint returned from Britain after
, , , . .

The two chur ches of Llangwynnin and Dwygy

his preaching against the heresy of Pelagius . f yl chi both in C arn ar vonshi re may have been
, ,

BR I THWALD (St ) Bp (J an 9 ) . . . called thus after him Dolwyddelen and .

(8 t h cent ) One of the early Archbishops Llanwyddelan in Montgomeryshire suggest a

St Gwendolen Thi s and similar names are

of C anterbur y , the successor of St Theodore . . . .

He was , says B utler , a living rule of perfection diminutives of Gwen (white ) and are equivalent ,

to his C hurch St Brith wal d d ied after nearly

. . to our Blanche and its allied forms .

forty years of Episcopate , A D 7 3 1 , and was . . BRUNO (St ) .

(Oct 6 )
buried at Recul ver at the edge of the Isle of

(1 1 t h cent ) The founder of the C ar thusian .

Thanet where at that time there existed a Order born at Cologne about A D 1 03 0 After
small mon as tery His name is frequently
. .
, .

being Chancellor and C anon Theologian of


spelled B ercthwald . Rheims Cathedral he retired with others to ,

BR I THWO LD (St ) Bp (Jan 22) . . the solitude known as the Grande Chartreuse ,

where they were welcomed by St Hugh


(1 1 t h cent ) A monk of Glaston bur y who .


became B ishop of Wil ton or Ramsbury on the Bishop of Grenoble thus laying the foundatio ns

Translation of Alfric to the Sec of C anterbury of their O rder which is flourishi ng even in the

(A D He was di stingu ished for his gift present century Pope Urban II a former .

of prophecy and is described as vir sanctis disciple of St Brun o summoned him to Rome
. .


si mus in the Liturgical Lections of the F east to be his C ouncill or He obeyed but shortly .

of St Edward the C onfessor He was buried . after refusing the Episcopal See of Reggio
, ,

retired into the mountains of C alabria where


at Glastonbury A D 1 043 ,

he assembled a community of monks and

. . .

BRITTA a nd M AUR A (SS ) VV (Jul y 1 3 )
resumed t he life of the Grande Chartreuse
. .

(5th or 6 t h cent ) Two Saints mentioned by .

He died there A D 1 1 01 and five hundred years


St Gregory of Tours They are chiefly v ener

later was canonised by Pope Gregory XV

. .

ated in the D iocese of B eauvais in F rance


He wrote Commentaries on the Ps alter and on


and are traditionally reputed to have been

Princesses of Northumbria or of Scotland the Epistles of St Paul The emblems artists . .

associate with hi m are a crucifix with leaves


Some assert that they were put to death for

and flowers a star on hi s breast a globe under

their F aith Britta is a name var ious ly spelled , ,

his feet a chalice with the Sacred Host &c &c


and is it wo u ld seem a form of Brigid or


. .
, , ,

B rid get ; but all is very uncertain BRUN O (Si ) Bp M (J une 1 9 )


(See SS . . . .
, .

B reaca and M a ura ) . O therwi se St B O NI F A C E whi ch see .

, .

BR I TW IN (BE R CTHUN Ab bot (May 1 5) (St ) BRUN O (St ) B (May 1 7 )
(1 1 th cent }; M atil da mother of this Saint
. . .

(8th cent The holy Abbot friend of

) , , ,

was a niece of St Bruno or B oniface the


St J ohn of everley who assisted that Saint

B .
martyred Apostle of Prussia and Russia He r

in his last moments and enshrined his remai ns


son became Bishop of Wurzburg (H erbipolis )

. .

He lived in the eighth centur y and is com , ,

memorated by Venerable B ede and registered and one of the most erudite scholars of his
as a Saint in old English Calendars . time He wrote informi ng Commentaries on

memory was held in' veneration In his old * GE LLAI NN (St .
) V .
(F eb
age he taught C hrist s religion to St C yprian
. .

, (6 thcent An Irish Saint of the race of
) .

who reverenced him as the F ather of his own C i arr The c hurch of Tearmon Cael aine in

new life He had had a wife and chil dr en.

, Roscommon recalls her memory .

of whom St C yprian is said to have tak en . lE R E ALIS PO PULU S CAIU S and SERAPI ON

charge St J erome says that it was from him


. .
(SS:) MM (F eb 28 )
. .

that St C yprian took the name Caecilius .

(D ate unknown ) M artyrs of uncertain date .

St Caecil i us flo ur ished in the fi rst half of the

. at Alexandria in Egypt Some ancient M SS .

third century

. read Cerulus for C aerealis .

CIE SAR E A (St ) V (May 1 5) . . E R E ALI S (St ) M (June 1 0) . .

( D ate unknown ) An Italian who in defence . See SS GE TULI U S CE R E ALI S &c

, , .

of her virtue took r efuge in neave near Otranto ( Sept 1 4)

, , _

l CE R E ALI S and SALLUSTI A (SS ) MM . . .

in the South of Italy and appears thenceforth , (3 rd cent ) A Roman soldier and his w i fe
. ,

to have rived therein as a Recluse The converted to C hristianity by Pope St C orneli us . .

cave is now a place of popular pilgrimage They suffered martyrdom with him under the


persecuting Em sror Decius A D 250


CIE SAR I A (St ) V (J an 1 2) . . . .

(April 20)

(6 th cent ) Th e sister of St C aes ari us of


. IE SAR I US (Si ) .

8 86 SS VI CTOR Z O TI C U S & c

Arles She was Superior of a convent of nuns

. .
, , .

for whom her brother wrote a somewhat strict IE SAB I US o f N AZ I AN Z UM (Si ) . (F eb 25) .

i r nast i c Rule She pass ed away about A D (4t h cent The brother of St Gregory oi
. . .

and hysician at the Imperi al

. .

N az i anz um

CIE SAR I US of ARLE S (Si ) Bp ( Aug 27 ) . ourt of onstantinople where for a time he
C C ,

enjoyed the favour of even J ulian the Apostate


(6t h cent ) The first E cclesiastic in the


. .

Gaul of his time (Smith and Wace ) B orn ‘ ”

But in t he end driven into ex ile on account of
his F aith he h ad to suffer in common Wi th

at Chalon sur Safine in the year 47 0 he retired


- -

at the ag e of twenty to the famous mon astery other Christians until recalled to Court by

of the Isle of Leri ns in the Mediterranean Valens by whom he was promoted to the

Ten years later he became Archbishop of Arles questorship of Bithynia It is said that he


and presided over several Council s among them was p rep aring to retire into a mon astery when

that of Orange (A D against the Semi de ath overt ook him in A D 3 6 8 or 3 6 9 His

. . .

funeral oration preached by his holy brother

. .

Pelagians He is best known for his Liturgical


, ,

reforms and for his efforts to propagate and may be read in the works of the latter .

perfect monachism The Rules he wrote for IE SI DI US and OTHER S (SS ) M M (Aug 3 1 ) . . .

(3 rd cent ) C sesi di us said to have been


monks and nuns are still extant He also took .


the son of St R ufi nus B ishop and Martyr


a so mewhat prominent part in the politics of

was a prie st who with other C hristi ans lai d

the period and more than once was banished


by hi when in power He died down his lif e in defence of his religion on the
A D 5s 1 2opponents shores of Lake F ucina sixty miles to t he East

. .

CE SAR I US and JULIAN (SS ) MM ( Nov 1 ) of Rome in one of the persecutions of the thi rd
centur y But there is much uncertainty both
. . . ,

(1 st cent ) C aesari us a deacon from Africa . .

as to the exact date a nd as to the parti culars of

, ,

while witnessing at Terracina a barbarous

human sacrifice bol dly proclaimed himself their su fferings
( Sept 6 )

a Christian and denounced the proceedings , CAGN O ALD ( Si ) Bp . ;

(7 t h cent ) A brother of SS Pharo and

. .

He was thereupon seized by the heathen mob .

Burg ondop hora tr ained by the famous Abbot


and thrown into the sea J ul ian a priest

He became Bishop of Laon

shared his fate They are probably Martyrs

, ,
. St C olumbanus
. .

of the very beginni ngs of C hr istianity in Italy (F rance ) and died abo ut A D 6 3 5
. . .

though some contend that they are among those CAI DO C and F R I CO R (A DRIAN )

who d ied in the great persecution under Di o (7 th cent ) Two holy men of Ir i sh or i g i n
. ,

cl eti an after the ye ar 3 00 A church outside who out of a desire to spread th e knowledge
of t he Gospel journeyed to the country of

Rome on the Appian Way gives his title of


the Morini early i n the seventh century They


St C aes ari us t o one of the C ardinal D eacons

. .

CIE SAR I US DA CI US and OT HERS (Ss ) (N ov 1 ) made many converts to Chr i sti anity among

who m was St R icarius founder of t he Abbey

, z
(D ate unknown ) A group of seven C hr i s

Their relics enshrined at Ponthi eu

. .

tians registered in the Martyrologies as ha ving

, of C ent ula . , ,

s uff ered at D amascus in Syria But dates and were held in great veneration .

all particulars have been lost


CAI LLI N (Si ) Bp . (N ov 1 3 ) .

cent Associated th

( Nov 3 )

CIE SAR I US (Si ) M ( 7 th ) W i S t M aed hoc


Edan of erns and notable for acle by

. . .




( ) F a 1r ,

which he turned certain unbelievmg Drui ds

, ,

. .
(Dec 28 )
into stone

(4th ) cent A Christian who suffered at

AIMIN (CAMMIN ) (St ) Abbot (M arch 24)
. .

Arabissa i n Armenia under Galeri us Maximus . .

(A D 3 09 ) about He was the father of Eu (7 th cent ) An Ir ish Saint who embraced a

life of great austerity on an is land i n Lough
. . . .

d oxi us , the notorious Arian nor had his own

past life been irreproachable Bu t by his D erg to which his reputation for sanct i ty

attracted many d isciples Later in l i fe he


cour age at t he stake to which he was nailed


founded a monastery and church on the Islan d


by the feet he atoned for his past misconduct

of the Seven Churches He was a fellow

in the eyes of his fellow Christians who rever

- .

ently interred his half charred remains -

worker with St Sennen The Psalter of .

St C aimin copied with his own hand sti ll



(Si ) ( F eb 1 0)
. .
, ,


(7 th cent ) A farm s ervant at Whitby Abbey -

. .

under the great Abbess St H ilda and later CAI R LO N (CA O R LAN ) (St ) Bp ( M 24)
. .

cent An Irish Abbo sa d

, ,

one of the Lay Brethren attached to the house

( 6 t h ) t i t o ,

died and to have been restored to l i fe by

. .

The little we know of him we owe to Venerable

Bede He was a man of singular simplicity St D ag eus Afterwards when St C ai rlon ,

had been made Arcli bishO p of C as h el St Dag eus

. . .
and of a piety such as to have merited to him , .

a place among those popularly venerated as placed himself and his monks under his r ul e .

Sai nts His memory is otherwise preserved CAI R NE CH (Si ) (May 1 6 )


O therwi se St CA B ANTOG whi ch see:


as ha ving probably been the first or almost the . ,

first among the Anglo Saxons to write in verse CAIU S (St ) M

. (Jan 4) .


, .

He confined himself exclusivel y to sacred sub .


je ct s and in particul ar put into verse the

M . (F eb 28 ) .

Books of Genes is and Exodus Th e remains


See SS C ZE R E ALI S, PU PU LU S, & c

arch 4)



at ribu ted to him undoubtedly reveal poetic CAI US and O H S (SS ) MM


aius an of c r of the

genius He died about A D 6 8 0 cent


. . . . ( 3 rd ) S t C ,.
fi e . .


Imperial Palace t ogether with twenty seven ,

of Vicenza Later with Peter C araffa (after

(some MSS have thirty seven ) other C hristians

, war ds Pope Paul I V) he founded the Congrega
is registered as having been thrown i nto the tion of R egular Cl erks called Theatines from , ,

sea or into a river for refusing to renounce Theat e (Chieti ) in the Abruzzi where C araffa ,

was Bishop This Institute was one of the


their religion either unde r Valerian (A D 254 , . . .

259 ) or in the g reat persecution under Di o most prominent among the fruits of th e revival
clet ian at the end of the century but at wha t of Christian piety in the sixteenth century ,

and dis ting uished by the absolute trust in

place is not recor d ed . 0‘
CAIU S and ALEXANDER (SS ) MM (March 1 6 ) . . Divine Providence which was its characteris tic .

(2nd cent ) Two C hristians put to d eath .

It spr ead through Italy during the l ifetime of
for the F aith at Apamea in P hrygia (ASi a th e F ounder and ex i sts to our own day St , . .

Minor ) under the Emperor M arcus Aureli us C ajetan died at Naples A D 1 547 . . .

(about A D

They had previously di s

. . CA LAIS (St ) Abbot . (Jul y 1 ) .

t i ng uished themselves by their persistent O therwi se St C AR I LE PHUS, whi ch see . .

refusal to have communion with the C ata CALANICUS (St M (Dec 1 7 ) . . .

Phrygian heretics otherwise kno wn as Mon , See SS F . LORIAN U

S, C ALAN I C U S, &c .

tanists one of the most widel y spread sects

of their time . F ELIX
, B A DA and O TH L N
S (SS ) MM ER . .

CAIU S and CR E ME NTI US (SS ) MM (April 1 6 ) . . (M ay 1 0)

(4th cent ) M artyrs at Saragos sa in Spain .
(3 rd c ent A umber of oman hristia s
) n R C . n
i n the persecution under D iocletian about ,
who per shed during the reign of the Empe or
i r
AD. . A lexander everus
S The Pope of the time , .

CAIU S of M E LITENE (Si ) M (April 1 9 ) . . St C allistus,

. was the most d stingu hed victim
i is
. . but St C al ep odius ,
. a prie t was the rst to
s , fi suff er .

CAIU S (St ) P ope M ( April 22)

, ,
, . St Pal mati us,
. who was of consular rank died

(3 rd cent ) The successor (AD 28 3 ) of Pope. with his wife and children and forty two of his -

St Eutychian
. He is sai d to have been by . retainers as did St Simplici us a Senator with , ,

s i x ty eight

b irth a D almatian and related to the E mperor ,

of his fam ily and dependents , .

Diocleti an Though he was not put to death

. SS F elix and Bl anda husband and wife shared
, ,

for the F ai th his many su ff erings in the cause , the lot of their fellow believers These Martyrs -

of religion have earned for hi m the title of were not arraigned before judges and condemned
Martyr He di ed A D 29 6 The formal
. after a regular trial but seem to have been
recog nition of the six Orders Ostiarius Lector
. . .

, victi ms of an outburst of fury on th e part of

the heathen mob In the ninth century six
, ,
Exorcist Acolyt e Subdeacon and D eacon
s i i reliminar y to the Priesthood is attribute d
, ,

centuries after their death (A D 222 their


) 1li m
. relics were removed from the C atacombs and
CAIU S and LEO (SS ) MM (June 3 0) . . enshrined in the Church of Sta Maria in Trase .

(D ate unknown ) M artyrs ei ther in Africa . vere .

or in Rome Caius (or Cursi nus ) a priest and ALI ME BI US (Si ) Bp M (J ul y 3 1 )

A Greek e ducated in Rome by
. .
, .
Leo a Subdeacon are commemorated with (2nd cent
Pop e St Te)cep horus who having joined the
, , .

Timotheus Zoti cus and others in ancient , , ,

Martyrologies but dates and partic ul ars are clergy of Milan governed that C hur ch as

now unattainable

. Bishop for more than fi fty y ears and s uff ered ,

CAIU S of SALERNO (Si ) M (Aug 28 ) . . . i mp risonment tort ur es and exi le under th e , ,

See ss F ORTU NATU S CAI US &c Em eror Marcus Aurelius St C alimeri us ‘

. .

CAIU S or M ILAN (Si ) Bp (Sept 27 )

. .
, ,
. . . ma e in numerable converts to C hristianity
( 1 st cent ) A disciple of St B arna bas the

. . devoting himself wholly to the service of his

Apostle who governed the C hurch of Milan
, flock Towards the close of the reign of Com

for twenty four years and was distinguished -

, modus (A D 1 9 1 ) he was called upon to die
. .

for his zeal and piety He baptised the Martyr . for C hrist and was cast headl ong int o a deep
Vitalis with his sons SS Gervas e and
St . . well He is buried under the High Altar of

Protase He p as sed away probably A D 8 5

, . . . his church at M ilan .

St C harles Borromeo enshrined his reli cs in the

. ALLI NI CA and BA SILISSA (SS ) MM (March 22) . .

C hurch of St F rancis at Mi lan (A D .

(3 rd ce nt ) B asil issa a rich lady of Galatia
CAIU S (Si ) M ( Oct
. . .

. . . in A sia Minor was d isting uished for he r chari

See SS D ION Y SIU S F AU STU S &c table z eal ln succour ing the Christians imp ri
. .

( 0012 4) . . soned on account of their religion C allini ca

See SS C RI SPU S and C AIU S.
(often written C all ini cus ) was her helper in her

good works In the end they were both

m oms and om e ns (ss ) MM

(O ct 4)
, , .

. . . apprehended and executed as Christians some ,

(3 rd cent ) Victi ms at Alexandria in Egypt . time in the thi rd century most probably in the
of the persecution under Val erian (A D

. . persecution under Decius (A D

Caius and F austus are probably the Saints of
. .

CA LLI STHE NE (St ) V ( Oct 4) .

those names commemorated with St D ionysius

. .



of Alexandr ia their Bishop on Oct 3 E use


, , . . ALLISTUS (St ) Bp M (Aug 1 4) . .

bi us a deacon s urvived to become B ishop of

, .

, , (6t h cent ) A Bishop of Todi in C entral

Laod icea and di ed A D 26 9 Chaeremon

, . , Italy distinguished for his z eal in repressing

who had already suffered under D ecius was
. .

, Ariani sm In the fif th year of his Episcopat e

sent into exile Of Lyci us nothing certain is

having reproved the excesses of some noblemen


of evil li fe he was p ut to death by their servants
CAIU S (Si ) M (Oct 21 )
. .
(A D and on that account honoured as a
. . .

. M artyr
CAIU S (Si ) M
. .

(N ov 20) . ALLI STUS (CALIXTU S) (St Pop e M ( O ct 1 4)
. . .
(st d cent ) A Roman by birth the successor
CA JAN (Si ) (Sept 25)

of Pope St Z ephyrinus whose Archdeacon or

. .

(sth cent ) A son or g randson of K ing

. representative he had been Hi s fi ve years of
Bry ch an of Brecknock His church of Tre

. vigorous Ponti fi cate were marked by many ‘

g ai di an in Anglesea perpetuates his memory s alutary measu res : the moderating of the
(Aug 7 )

CAJETAN (Si ) . rigour of the penitential discipline ; the rep res

(1 6 t h cent ) Of the noble fam ily of the

sion of the Patripassians Sabellians and other
Lords of Thienn e near Vicenza in Lombardy

, heretics ; the fi x ing of the Ember D ay F asts

B orn A D 1 48 0 and from his youth upwards
, .
. .
, & c &c He seems to have met with much
known as The Saint he renounced the
. .


opposi tion and at length probably in a riot
d i g nit ies o fi ered him in Rome in order to devote
, ,

or outb urst of the heathen aga inst the C hri tians

himself to the service of the sick and of the poor


was flung headl ong from the window of a high

buil ding in the Trastevere quarter (A D . . E mili anus a man of Consular rank and
, ,

He was buried in the C atacombs of St C ale . charged by him with the duty of distributing
po di na his contemporary and h is relics now , after his death his superfluous wealth among
the poor They appear to have passed into

repose together with those of that Saint in the .

C hurch of Santa Maria in Trastevere close to , the se rvice of the Emperor D ecius who under ,

t he scene of his martyrdom . pretext of safeguarding the interests of Anatolia ,

The document called the Phi losop houmena , daughter of E mil ian imprisoned them and put ,

an anonymous production of the heretics of them to the torture In the end they were .

his time written to besmirch the memory of

, b eheaded as C hri stians in the persecution of
the holy Pope notwithstanding the cre di t , AD
. 250
. Their remains were reverently

given to it by Bunsen and by Protestant writers i ntel ed by Anatolia in the Roman C ata
in general has been amply refuted by Dollinger
, comgs .

and others ALO GE R US THE AN CHORET (Si ) (J une 1 8 ) .



, (Dec 29 ) .
(5th cent ) A Greek who with the blessing .

(SS ) MM . . of the then Pope retired to a hermitage near ,

(D ate unknown ) Roman M artyrs concern .

, Girgenti in Sicily and there for thirty fi ve ,

ing whom dates and particulars are lost but , years led a li fe of prayer and penance He was .

whose names are registered in all the best renowned for the power of casting out devils
Western Martyr ologies . bestowed upon him by Almighty God He die d .

CALO CE R US (St ) Bp (F eb 1 1 ) . . . a bout the year 48 6 and his he rmitage be came a ,

(2nd cent ) A disciple as some assert of .

, , frequented place of pilgrimage .

St J ames the Greater the Apostle and probably

, , CAME R I NUS (St ) M (Aug 21 ) . . .

a Greek by birth He attached hims elf to .


. , , .

St. Apollinaris first Bishop of Ravenna , . CA MILLU S DE LE LLI S (St ) (J uly 1 4) .

Having effi ciently aided the latter for many (1 7th cent ) A native of the Abruzzi in .

years in the a dministration of his Diocese he , Southern Italy born A D 1 550 who after some , . .

became hi s successor He died at an advanced . years of a worldly life strove to enter the ,
age about A D 1 3 0 under the E mperor Hadr ian . F ranciscan Order but ultimately found his
vocation in the service of the sick With this
, . .
, ,

C ALLI N I CUS (St ) M (July 29 ) . . .

(3rd cent ) A Chr istian who at Gangrae .

, , in view he formed a pious association of which ,

the chief town of Paphl agonia in Asia Minor , the members worked in the Hospital of the
a fter having been scourged and put to the Incurables in Rome This later developed into .

torture was burned to death for the F aith

, . a Religious Order and was approved as such
The precise date is unknown but Metaphrastes

, in 1 59 1 St C amillus who had been ordained


gives full detail s of hi s martyrdo m and he is


priest by Thomas Goldwell of St Asaph the


, .

in great h onour in the Eastern Church . last of the old English B ishops despite his own ,

CALLI N I CUS (St ) M (Jan 28 ) . . . sufferings from a painf ul malady persevered in ,

See SS TH YR SU S LE UCI U S &c the service of the sick and dying till his death

. , ,

CALIXTU S (St ) P0p e M ( Oct 1 4)

, . . in 1 6 1 4 at the age of sixty four ; He was -

O therwi se St CALLI STU S whi ch see .

, . canonised A D 1 7 46 and by Leo XIII declared
(J une 8 )
. .

CALLI O PA (St ) M . . a Patron Saint of the infirm .

(3 rd cent ) An Eastern Martyr who was .

( ) ( Oct 1 2) . .

subjected to unheard of tortures and afterwards -

( 1 7 t h cent ) Blessed C amillus C ostanzi was

beheaded The Greek M enaea while giving

, an Italian J esuit a missionary in J apan where ,

many details are silent as to th e place where


, he was burned to death for th e F aith of C hrist

she s uffered The probable date is th e short .
(A D together with others native —

reign of t he Emperor D ecius about A D 250 converts among them being two little children
. .

. . . .

(A ril 7 ) CAM IN of I NNI SK E LTR A (St ) Abbot (March 25)


CALLI O PI US (St ) M . . . .

(4th cent ) A M artyr who un der Dioc eti an

. , , (7t h cent ) An Irish Saint who founded a
was crucified head downwards at Pomp eiopolis

monastery on an island in Lough D erg He .

in C ilicia (Asia M inor ) about A D 3 03 . . . was a learned man and wrote a Commentary
CALLISTA (Si ) M (Sept 2)
. . . on e text of the Psalms He died .


, , . AD 3H brew
R ATUS an d OTHER S (SS ) (Sept 26 ) AM PANI A (M ARTYR S O F ) (March 2)
. .

fi n
CALl l . . .

(6 th cent ) Catholics put to death as such

(3 rd cent ) A body of fif ty African soldiers

, by the Arian Lombards whi le ravaging Italy .

put to death at C onstantinople un der the The numbers are variously estimated but ,

Emperor D iocletian at the close of the third amount to several hundreds Concerning their .

century for the crime of being C hristians It is claims to the honours proper to Martyrs we

related of them that they Were sewn up in have the favourable witness of Pope St Gregor y .

sacks and cast into the sea . the Great their contemporary .

CHAR I Sl US and OTHERS ( Apr il 1 6 ) CAM PI AN (EDM UN D ) (BL) M

CAL I (Dec 1 )
L T fiM
. .


(3 rd cent ) Nine Christians of C orinth .

, CAN DIDA (St ) M (June 6 )
. .

thrown into the sea during one of the p ersecu See SS AR TE MI U S and C AN DI DA .

CAN DID A (St ) V M (Aug 9 )


tions of their time (probably in that of Decius , . .

(D ate unknown ) One of a group of M artyrs

. .

about A D
who suff ered on the O sti an Way outside the
. . .

CALLI STUS (St ) M (April 25) . . ,

Sca ss E V O D I U S and CALLI STU S

. gates of Rome in the ages of persecution and '

whose relics were collected and enshrined in


CALO CE R US (St ) M (April 1 8 )

the Church of St Praxedes by Pope St Paschal
. .

(2nd c ent ) An offi cial under the Emperor

. .

I in the ninth century In inscriptions St


Hadrian at Brescia in Lombardy who having . , .

C andida is sometimes styled Virgin M artyr

, ,
witnessed the cour age with which SS F austinus ,

sometimes simply M artyr Nothing is known


and Jovit a went to their death for Christ and .

of her individually

the miracles whi ch ensued was converted to .

C hristianity and baptised together with a

ANDIDA THE ELDER (St ) (Sept 4) . .

(l st cent ) An aged woman who hospitably


g reat number oi other Pagans Arrested at ’

welcomed St Peter the Apostle when passing


Brescia in his turn as a C hristian he was there . ,

throug h Naples on hi s way to Rome By him


put to the torture but was afterwards taken .

she was miraculously cur ed of a malady from


to Al benga in Liguria and beheaded near that

town His relics are now at Chi avaz not far
which she was suff ering She herself was .

instrumental in the conversion of St ASp renus

. ,

from Turin .

who afterwar ds became first Bishop of Naples


CALO CE R US an d PARTHENIU S (May 1 9 ) ,

(SS ) MM and who gave her honourable burial at her

death which happened about A D 7 8
. .

( 3 rd cent ) Two Christians in the service of

. ,
. . .


CANDIDA THE YOUNGER (St ) (Sept 4) . . C hristians and arrested at Aquileia whither ,

(6th cent ) A holy woman of Naples who they had repaired to visit in his prison the
holy priest St Chrysogonus They like him

sacrificed herself persistingly in labourmg to . .

, ,

ensure the corporal and spiritual well being of -

sealed the confession of their F aith with their
her husband and son and whose sanctity blood (A D A panegyric of these M artyrs
. .

preached by St M aximus of Turin is printed


Almighty God bore witness to by the many .

miracles wrought at her tomb from wh ich oil ,

among the works of St Ambrose . .

flows that imparts heal th to the sick A D 58 6 . . . CAN TI D I US CAN TI DI AN US and SO BEL (Aug 5)
, .

appears to have been the date of her death (SS ) M . .

(D ate unknown ) Egyptian M artyrs of u n


CANDIDA (St ) V M . (Sept 20) . .

certain date C ant edi us and C ant idi anus

. .

(3rd cent ) Stated in the Roman M artyrology .

(whose names however are variously spelled )


to have s uffered at C arthage un der the Emperor , ,

Maximini an Hercul eus D iocletian s colleague ; ,

are believed to have been stoned to death .

that is towards the close of the third century . B ut nothi ng is really known concerning them
or St Sobel

But there is well fo unded doubt as to the -

. .

authenticity of the record on which the entry , CANUTE K ING O F DEN M AR K (St ) M (J an 1 9 )
, . . .

as regards the date is based F or the con , . ( 1 1 t h cent ) The son of Sweyn K ing of .

t roversy the Acta Sanctoru may be consul t ed D enmark and great nephew of C anute K ing of
, ,

England Succeeding to the D an ish throne


CANDIDA (St ) M . (Dec 1 ) . . .


, , . as C anute IV he showed hims elf an able and ,

CAN DIDU S of RO M E (St ) M (F eb 2) . warlike monarch He thoroughly established .

the Christian religion in D enmark and pro

. .


, , .

CAN DIDU S (St ) M (March 9 )

. . p ag at ed it thr ough the B altic Provinces of
O ne of the HOLY MARTY R S O F SE BA STE ,
C ourland and Livonia He married Alice of .

whi ch see . F landers and h ad by her a son St C harles the , .

and OT HER S (March 1 1 ) Good C o unt of F landers One of his enter


prises which however failed was the fi tting

, , , ,

(3rd cent ) Twenty two African Chr istians

out of a fleet to free the Anglo Saxons from -

who suffered either at C arthage or at Alexandr ia the Norman yoke Though beloved by his .

in Egypt most probably in the persecution

, people he was cruelly mur dered in a chur ch by

under the Emperors Valerian and Gallienus a p arty of malcontents headed by h is own ,

(A D 254
. . Particulars are lost . brother Olaus (A D , K ing Eric III . .

CAN DIDU S (Si ) M (Sept 22)

. . . one of his successors obtained from Rome the ,


. decree for hi s canonisation .

CANUTE LAVAR D (St ) K ing M (J an 7 ) .
, . .

CAN DIDU S (Si ) M . (Oct 3 ) . . (1 2th cent ) A nephew of St C anute K ing . .


(Date unknown ) O ne of the many Roman . of Denm ark with whom he is sometimes ,

Martyrs registered as having suffered or as confus ed F rom being D uke of Schl eswig he

having been interred at the place on the became K ing of the Sclavi He ruled j ustly .

Esquil ine Hill called the Ursu s Pi lea tus No and wis ely winning the love of his subjects ,
particul ars have survived
. .

. He was done to death by a kinsman of his


(Dec 1 5)
. . . a pretender to his throne (A D and in
. .

, , . Scandi navia is honoured as a M artyr
(March 4) .
, .

K ENNY ) (St ) Abbot ( Oct 1 1 ) . . . See SS BA SIL EU GE NIU S &c .


(6 t h cent ) The Patron Saint of the city of

. CAPITO (St ) M .
(July 24) .

K il kenn y which i s named after him He was See SS M E NEU S and C APITO

born in the North of Ireland and with many

. .

CAP I LI N A and E R O THE I DE S (SS ) (Oct 27 )

iI fi


other holy men was trained to the monastic

. .

life by St F innish of Cluain or Clonard pass ing

, (4t h cent ) A C appadocian lady with her
afterwards under the discipline of St Cadoc of
handmaid who suffered death as C hristians
Wales He preached throughout Ireland and
, un der D iocletian A D 3 04
also in Scotland where he was the first to build
. . .

, CA PPAD O CIA (M ARTYR S O F ) (Ma y 23 )

a church in the place now known as St Andrews

(4t h cent ) A number of Asiatic C hristians

In Ireland he founded several monasteries
. . .

put to death for their religion by Gal eri us

among them that of Aghad oe where he passed

colleague of the Emperor D iocletian (A D


away towar ds the end of the sixth century at As in other cases the E cclesiastical C hronicles
. .

the age of eig hty four

. put much stress on the frightf ul tortur es to
CANION (St (Sept 1 ) which they were subjected to try their F aith
. .

previous to their execution

. .
GANO O (CYNOG ) (St ) M ( Oct 7 )
. .

. . CAPR A SI US (St ) Abbot (J une 1 )

(5th cent ) The eldest son of K ing Bry ch an
. . .

(5t h cent ) Styled by E ucherius a man of
of Brecknock He met his death in an inroad

. venerable gravity the equal of the ancient

of Barbar ians at Merthyr Cynog about A D 49 2
F athers He with his brothers SS Honora
Several churches in Wales were dedicated to
. . . . .

tus and Venant ius went fr om Gaul to Greece

hi m . In Brittany he is known as St Cenneur . . to study and to practise the monastic l ife After

CA the death of Venant ius C ap rasi us and Honora

A (CAI NDE R , K I NNER A ) (J an 28 ) .
S I tus returned to Gaul and founded the celebrated
6 th c nt rom her earliest years St monastery of the Isle of Leri ns On the

( e .
) F
C annera dedicated her vir ginity to God and
, .

promotion of Honorat us to the See of Arles

lived in solitude near B antry Receiving a
, ,

C ap r i us succeeded hi m as Abbot He di ed
A D igo

supernatural revelation of St Sen an s sanctity


she sought him out and having received Holy

. . .
CAPR A SI US (St ) M ( Oct 29 )
Communion at his hands placidly passed to a
. . .

, (4t h cent ) A Chr istian of Agen in the South

bette r life about A D 53 0 She was buried on

of F rance who to escape the fury of the

St Senan s island of I nni scart hy
. . .
, ,

persecution set on foot by Diocletian or rather


by Maximi ni an Herculeus had concealed him ,

self in the neighbouring hills ; but on hearing

of the co urage of St F aith at the stake came ’

forth and bol dly confessed that he also was a


C hristian : With others he was beheaded

A D 3 03 and h is relics were later enshrined i n
. .

a church dedicated in his honour .

CARAD O C (Si ) (A ril 1 3 ) .

( 1 2t h cent ) A Welshman of noble i neag e .

who after practising the Religious life in St
, . U
Teil s monastery at Llandaff retired i nto

, THO DO R US (SS ) MM April 1 3 )

Pem rokeshire where he and his fellow monks
. .


(3 rd ) cent A group of artyrs of erg amus

su ff ered much in the Engl ish invasion under

in Asia Minor Probably they suffere d in the

H enry I He entered into his rest on Low

. pers ecution under D ecius (A D though

Sunday A D 1 1 24 M any m iracles were worked
. .

. . . . some ante date th em by a century to the time


at his tomb in the C athedral of St D avid s .

. of the Emperor M arcus Aurelius C arpus was
(April 28 )

CAR A LI PPUS (St ) M . . the Bi shop of Thyatira Pap ylus his dea con

, , ,

See SS A PH R O D I SI U S, CAR ALI PPU S, &c A g ath oni ca the latter s sister and Ag athod orus

. .
, ,

their servant

NA ) (St ) (M ay 1 6 ) . CAR PU S (St ) (Oct 1 3 )

cent A elsh Prince who labo ed
. .

( 5t h ) ur .
(1 st cent ) The C arpus of Troas ca the
und r Patrick in the Evangelis tion of

e St .a Hellespont with whom St Paul Tim i v 1 3 )

Ireland in the fifth century two aints
. .

says he had left his cloak ot hing about


Th e S , .

and are by some h 1 n1 is known with any certainty though various


C airnach (Car nat h ) C arant og ,

identified by others looked upon as two distinct

, Greek authors make him a B ishop some of

personages One of them has left h is name to

. Berea some of B eryt us some of Crete

Ll angrannog (C ardigan ) Bu t it is diffi cult to

CARTHAGE THE ELDE R (St ) B p (March 5 )


disentangl e the various traditions

. .

(6 t h cent ) The successor of St K ieran in
CARAN O S (Si ) Bp
. .

(Dec 24) . . . the See of O ssory He is said t o have been son


(7 th cent ) A Saint commemorated in the

. .

. or g rands on of K ing JE ngus but we have no

Aberdeen Breviary He belonged to th e East

reliable account of his life A D 5 40 is given


of Scotland and has been thought to be n o

. . .

, by some as the year of his death

other than the Corindus who died among the

CARTHAGE THE YOUNGER (St ) Bp (M ay 1 4) .

Picts A D 6 6 9

, . . .
(7th cent ) This Saint whose real name

(M ay 28 ) . . appears to have been Mochu d a was born in

(1 st cent ) A Roman by birth who em

. K erry in the first half of the sixth century ,

braced the Christian F aith in the Apostolic Age . and attached himself to St Carthage of Ossory “

The tradition is that he was ordained deacon


, After this teacher he had as his Abbot St .

and having gone to Gaul as a mission ary


, C omg all of Bench or and was so on himself

suffered martyrdom near Chartres un der

placed at the head of a monastery in which he

Domitian (A D . ruled over a th ousand m onks His Abbe y
. .

developed into th e famous Bishopric and school

(St ) Abbot
. . o f Lismore He passed a way at the age of

(6t h cent ) A F rench mo nk friend and ninety about A D 6 38


Anr nn nrus sr vnmcus TOBIAS E UDO XI US

. , . .

companion of St Avit us and founder of a , , , ,



monastery of very strict observance in Maine .

(N ov 2) . . .

He died A D 5 40 or 542 His cult is chiefly (4th cent ) Ten C hris tians sol di ers in t he

. . .

at B lois army of the Emperor Licinius burned to death



CARINA (St at the stake at Seb aste in Armenia (A D 3 1 5

See SS n
(N ov 7 ) . . .

about ) for refusing to sacrifice With their pagan




CARITAS (St ) V M (Aug 1 ) . . comrades to the Roman gods .


. .

O therwi se St C HARIT Y (See SS F AITH . .

, (May 4) .

( 1 6 th cent ) They are eighteen in number


HOP E and CHARIT Y ) , . . ,

CA R N E CH (St ) Abbot (M ay 1 6 ) . namely in the fir st place J ohn Houghton
, , ,

(6 t h cent ) B y some thought to be identi cal Prior of the London C harterhous e Robert

Laurence Prior of Beauvale in Nottingham


with St C arantog or Cairnech ; by others ‘

s hire Augus tine Webster Prior of Axholm e in


dis tinguished from him I n the latter case he .

, ,

woul d be the Irish Saint whom tradition alleges Lincolns hire who were executed at Tyburn , ,

to have bee Abbot or Bishop of some E cclesi M ay 4 1 53 8 Shortly afterw ards at York
, . , ,

ast i os l esta lish ment in the neighbourhood of . eleven others of the brethren were done to

Lough F oyl ex death They are John Rochester J ames

. ,
CAR N ATH (CAI R N AC) (May 1 6 ) Walworth John or Richard Bere Thomas ,

J ohnson Thomas Greenway or Green all


O therwi se St C AR AN TAC , whi ch see .


priests John D avies deacon Wil liam Green


AR N arch

C O (St ) (M 5)
woo d Thomas Scriven Robert Salt Walter
. ,

(D eat unknown The Title ai t of Treg ron

) S n a , ,

Pierson Thomas R ed yng lay brothers Blessed

in ardigan Noth ng is known about him

C i .

William E xmew Humphrey Mi d dl emore and





MM ( Oct 1 4) . Sebastian N ewdi g at e of the London C harter

house had been put to death long before (J une

(4th cent ) Three brothers who with their

Blessed William Horne shar ed the
. ,

sister St F ort unat e were among the Christians 18

captivity of the rest but was spared to be
, , ,

seized and put to death at Caesarea in Palestine ,

under D iocletian (A D 3 03 or Their relics brought to execution at a later period (Aug 4 .


were afterwards translate d to Naples These holy men of one accord laid down
. .

CAR POPH O RU S E XAN THUS CA SSIU S SEVER , their lives rather than swerve at the behest
of Henry VIII from the F aith of th



. .

(Aug 7 ) (Sept 29 )

. ASDO E (St ) M . . .

(3 rd cent ) Christian soldiers who were put See SS DA DA S CA SD O E &c . , , .

to death for t h e F aith at C omo in North Italy ASI M I R of POLAN D (St ) (March 4)


u nder M axi mi ni an H erculeus D iocletian s (1 5th cent ) The second son of C asimi r IV

, . ,

colleague at the close of the third century . K ing of Poland dis ting uished from his boyhood ,

for piety and charity to the poor On coming


CAR PO PHORU S (St ) M (Aug 27 ) . . .

to man s estate he refused the crown of Hungary



. ,

CAR PO PH O RU S (Si ) M pr essed upon him by his own father and by a


(N ov 8 )
. .

p owerful party among the Hungarians dis



CAR PO PH O RU S and A BUN DANTI US (Dec 1 0) . satis fied with their reigning monar ch He died ,

(A D 1 48 2) before reaching his twenty fi fth year


(SS ) MM -

O n his deathbed he asked that a copy of his

. .

(3 rd cent ) A prie st and h is deacon two

. .

well known Hymn to Our Blessed Lady shoul d


among the many thousands who suffered death


as C hristians in t he persecution organise d by be buried with him at Cracow M any miracles

were wrought at his tomb and in 1 5 52 his body

the Emperor D iocletian The date of their . ,

martyrdom is placed by modern authorities at was found to be still incorrupt He was .

some year between A D 29 0 and A D 3 00 The canonised by P0p e Leo X

(J uly 20)
. . . . . .

place whether in Rome itself or at Spoleto ASSIA (St ) M


. .
, ,



or even in Spain is much disputed , .

I .&c , , .


(March 26 ) ilicia in one of the early persecutions A
C .

third Menel am p us is added by some authors


See se PETER , M AR C IAN , &c . .

CAST O R an d STE PHEN (SS M M (April 27 )


CA SSIAN of AUTUN (St ) Bp .

(Aug 5) . . .

(D ate unknown ) Two Christians registered


(4th cent ) Probably an Egyptian b y birth .

in the M artyrologies as having su ff ered martyr

. .

C oming to Autun in F rance b e attached hims elf

, ,

dom at Tarsus in Cil icia D ate s and particul ars


to St R eticius the then Bishop whom he

, ,

eventually succeeded in the See He go verned are lost But it does not appear that there are

any substantial grounds for the identificatio n


the D iocese of Autun for about twenty years ,

a nd died A D 3 50 M any miracles of which of these Saints with the SS C astor and D oro .

theus of M arch 28 as is suggeste d by some

. . .

some have been put upon record by St Gre gory ,

modern authorities At Tarsus there were


of Tours preserved to hi m the a ffection of his

, .

people who in his lifetime had been devoted \

many M artyrs and C astor is quite a common ,

name among Asiatic Greeks


to hi m . .

CASSIAN (Si ) M ( Aug 1 3 )

SS ) M
CAS O R , R O GATI AN US (Dec 28 )
. . . I TO R and .

(3 rd cent ) A Martyr of Imola in C entral

Date unknownAfrican Martyrs of whom

Italy especially famous on account of the

, ( .
repulsive features of his Passion He was a t he names only have been handed down to our

schoolmaster and on being denounced as a , .

C hristian was condemned to perish at the hands CASTO R I US (St ) M (J ul y 7 N ov 8 )

. . .


of his hundred pupils These boys pierced him

T Y I fS

to death with their styli (steel pencils used for

writing on wax ) St C assian su ffered in one of . . CASTR E NSI S (Si ) Bp . .
(F eb 1 1 ) .

the persecutions of the third centur y but in ,

cent ) One of the C'atholic Bis hops
(5t h .

which cannot be assigned with any certainty . banished from Africa in the fi fth century by
CASSI AN (Si ) Bp M .
(Aug 1 3 ) .
, . . the Arian Vandals Landing in Italy he .

(4th cent ) A Bishop of Todi in C entral. became BishopI) of C apua or at least worked ,

Ital y successor in that See of St Pontianus

, . as a B ishop in that Diocese Part of his relics .

who had converted him to Christianity He . are at C apua and part at Monreale in Sicil y .

won the crown of martyrdom under M axi mian There is much dispute as to preci se dates

Hercul eus at the beginning of the four th Some wo ul d have him to be identical with
“ ‘

century ; but the traditions concerning him Pris cus E p i scop us Ca strensi s who died A D 459

. .
, , ,

have been confused with tho se relating to the and is venerated on Sept 1 Others put his
ex ile under Thrasi mund between the years 49 6
. .

more famous St C assian of Imola so that .

particulars cannot be now given with any and 522 There was a C andi di anus Bishop


confidence He is still i n great veneration at

. of C astr a banished from Africa in the year 48 4
, .

Todi where his relics are enshrined with those

, He would have been style d E p i scopu s C astrensi s ,

of other local Martyrs . and it is not impossible that he may be the “

CA SSIAN (Si ) M .
(Dec 3 ) . St C astrensi s
. of the Martyrologies .

(Sept 1 )

(3 rd cent ) A celebrated African M artyr of

. CASTR E N SI S (St ) . .

Tangiers who su ff ered in the great pers ecution s ee se PR I SCUS CA STR E NSI S &c
casr mr mu (St ) Bp
. .
’ ,

under Diocletian or rather in the years i m


, (D ec 1 )
. . .

mediately preceding (A D His Acts . .

, (2na cent ) The predecessor of St C al im er us
. .

edited by R ui nart have escaped interpolation , in the See of Milan He was famous for h is .

and he is mentioned in one of the Hymns of care of the poor and of travellers He restored .

the C hristian poet Prud entius He was the . the M ilanese Church ravaged by the persecutions
exceptor (clerk or recorder ) of the court under the Emperors D omitian and Traj an .

of the Praetorian Prefect and during the trial He passed away illustrious for his piety and for ,

of St Marcellus the Martyr threw down h is pen


. his miracles A D 1 3 7 in the forty second year

, . .

and declared himself a C hristian with the ,

of his E p is cO p ate .

result that he was privileged to share the CASTULUS (St M .(J an 1 2) .

glorious fate of that Saint


. See SS Z O TI CU S, R O GATUS, &c

. .

CASSI A N US (Si ) M . .
(Dec 1 ) . CASTULUS (St M . (M arch 26 )
C S, R O GATU S &c (3 rd cent ) An offi cer or Chamberlain of the
0Ass1 us, vrcr on us, ma xnv m
. .

ui s and o

e ns palace in Rome of the Emperor D iocletian .

(SS ) M M (May 1 5) F or having sheltered some of his fellow

. .

(3 rd cent In the year

) 26 0, Chrocas, . the C hristians he was seized put to the torture , ,

Pagan chief of the Alemann a tribe of Teutonic


i, and in the end buried alive (A D . .

barbarians overran Roman Gau and put to CASTULUS and E UPR E PI S (SS ) MM (N o v 3 )
, l . . .

the sword its inhabitants already in no small (D ate unknown ) Roman martyrs reg istered , .

part Chris t ians At Clermont in Auvergne in the M artyrologies but concerning whom

no fewer than 6 26 6 of thes e are said to have


either dates nor particulars have come down

peris hed and have ever since been honour ed
, n 0 us
as M artyrs Among them were Cassius a CASTU S and IE MI LI US (SS MM
(May 22) , .

pr i est and Victorinus one of his converts (3 rd cent ) Two celebrated African M artyr s

CASSIU S of NARNI (June 29 )

, . .

of the persecution of D ecius (A D 250) who

(6 th cent ) A holy prelate Bishop of N arni having first given way when put to the torture

, ,

near Spoleto In his lifetime he gave 'all he


. repented and on being seized a second time

possessed to the poor He let no d ay pass
, ,

bravely won their crown They were burned .

W thout celebrati ng M ass with compunction



to death their love of C hrist as their 00ntem
and man tears On J une 29 558 (the day
, ,

p orar y St C yprian tells us

. proving itself
he had h msel i foretold ) he yielded up his soul
, .

stronger than fire One of St Augustine s ‘ ”

to God at the moment when having com

, .

i s a panegyric of these holy men
m uni cat ed the ass istants at the Holy Sacrifice
, .

(J uly 1 )
he was dismissing them with the K iss of Peace
His shr ine is in Narni C athedral

. M . .

(D ate unknown ) Two Saints much vener

CASSIU S (Si ) M (Aug 7 )
. .

. ated in various churches of Southern Italy



and celebrated by several Mediaeval authors , , .

and OTHER S ( Oct 1 0)


The M artyrologies register them as of Si nuessa .

(Mondragone ) near C aserta St C astus is often

(4th cent ) Christians put to death as such
. .

written St C assius A Bishop Secund inus
by the Emperor Maxi mian Herculeus at Bonn
, , . .

assisted at the Council of Si nuessa A D 3 04

in Germany A D 3 03
, . . .

, D etail ed acc ount s of them were written some

. . .

CA STOR and DO R O THE US (SS ) MM (March 28 ) fifteen hundred years ago but the Boll andi s ts .

(Date unknown ) Two C hr istians put to


and other modern authorities put little faith


death on account of their religion at Tarsus in in the ir acc uracy .

A TU S (Si ) M (Sept 4) her devotedness to him won Adorno back to a

C S . . .


, , . good life closed by a holy death C atharine
CASTU S (St M (Oct 6 )

. . then gave herself up to the service of the sick

, , . and of the poor p as sing away at the age of ,
CATALDUS (St Bp (May 1 0) . . Si xty thr ee-
Sept 1 5 1 51 0 Her virtues and
(7 th cent ) The most illustrious of the
, ,

the supernatur al heights of prayer to which it


several Irish Saints of that name Born in . pleased Almighty God to raise her together
M unster he became the disciple and successor

with the miracles wrought in favour of those

of St C arthage i n the famous School of Lismore
. . who sought her intercession led to her canonisa
H e i s believed to have been consecrated a B ishop

tion by Clement XII (A D


i n Ireland But on his return from a pilgr i mage

. .

. CATHARIN E of SIE NA (St ) V (April 3 0) .

to the Holy Land the people of Taranto i n


, (1 4th cent ) Born at Siena in Tusc any

Southern Italy constrained him to accept the

(A D 1 3 47 ) of a family of good repute the ,

government of their Church M any miracles

. .

. B enincasa C atharine was favoured with super

are attributed to his intercession He flourished

. natural graces by Almighty God from her very

early in the seventh centuryy . childhood At t he age of eighteen she received

(May 1 0) . . the habit of the Third Order of St Dominic .


O ther wi se St C A TALD U S whi ch see .

, . and thenceforth lived a wonderful life of prayer
CATHAN (CAT AN CA D AN ) (St ) B p (M ay 1 7 ) , . . and penance crowned by God with the gift
(6 th cent ) This Saint who flourished i n the

. of the Stigmata ; as was that of St F rancis of .

sixth or possibly in the seventh century appears Assisi She was indef atigable in her service of
to have been a Bishop in the Isle of Bute the poor especially of the plague stricken

, ,

often called after himp K il cathan He was


, but her zeal was chiefly directed to obtaining
it is said Iris h by birth and the uncle of St
, , . the conversion of sinners and to securing the
Blane C olgan says that he died after A D 5 6 0
. .
, peace of the Church in Italy her fatherland .

and his tomb is shown at Tamlacht near London


By her visit to Avignon she was instrumental ,

derry The Scots contend that he rests in the

. in bringing about the return of the Popes to
Isle of Bute It is possible that there may . Rome and later on laboured though in vain , ,

have been two Saints of the name


to avert the Great Schism between the F aithful


CATHARINE DE I RI CCI (St ) V (F eb 2) . . . and the adherents of the rival Pope of Avignon .

(1 6 th cent ) A F lorentine maiden of the . Sh e di ed in Rome April 3 0 A D 1 38 0 and was . . ,

canonised in 1 46 1 Her body rests in the

, ,

ancient family of the R icci born A D 1 51 9 , . .

. .

and who at the age of fourteen ent ered a

, , Minerva Church in Rome of which city she is ,

convent of the Third Order of St Domi nic at . reckoned one of the Patron Saints Her .

Prato near F lorence of which she after some

, , D ialogue and other writings will always be
years became Prioress Humble and meek of . a treasure hous e of mystic lore to the prayerful

heart she was wonderful for her Spirit of

, C ountless miracles have been wrought by her
penance and emulated in her life the austerities
, intercession and personal devotion to her is
of the ancient solitaries A marvellous meeting

. widespread throughout the C hurch .

in vision of St P hilip Neri and St C atharine is . . CATHARINE (St ) V M (N ov 25 ) . . .

n arrated of them Three Cardinals afterwards (4t h cent ) A rich and noble as well as


Popes were among the thous ands who flocked cul tured and intellectually gifted maiden of

to Prato to ask the prayers of the poor nun '

. Alexandria in Egypt who contemning the , ,

Her Heavenly Spous e called her to Himself , overtures of the tyrant M axi minus D aza was ,

F eb 2 1 58 9
. She was canonised by Benedict
, . after much persecution sent into exile O n .

XIV A D 1 7 46
, . . . her return the tradition is that she was put to
CATHARINE of B OLOGNA (St ) V (M arch 9 ) . . death (A D 3 1 0) after vain attempts to torture
( 1 5th cent ) Of a noble family of B ologna her into submission to heathenism by means
. .

, ,

this Saint after living some years as a F ranciscan

, of an engine fitted with a Spiked wheel Her .

Tertiary at F errara became Abbess of a newly body was discovered by t he Christians in Egypt
and reverently interred among them But the

founded and very aus tere monastery of Poor .

C lares at Bologna Her life may be s aid to tradition goes on to recount how in the eighth
centu ry angels conveyed it to the top of Mount

have been passed in making intercession for

the conversion of sinners and for the s al vation Sinai where it i s stil l the obj ect of great venera
of men Endued with the gifts of prophecy tion On account of her skill and success in

and mir acles she bore her many trials with overthrowing in a public dis cus sion the argu

ments of the Pagan Sages of Alexa ndria St


heroic patience and cheerfulness She passed . , .

from this world M arch 9 1 46 3 at the age of C atharine is recognised as th e Patron Saint of
C hristian philosophers But very little is in
, ,

fifty and her holy body remains incorrupt .

re al ity known about her life A few lines in


to this day She has left various ascetical


Eus ebius seem to be a chief basis of tradition


wr itings of great value C anonised in the

concerning her or at least a witness to its

eighteenth centur y she is regarded as one of , , , ,

the Patron Saints of painters in whose art genuineness

she was skil led (J uly 1 5)

. CATHO LI N US (St ) M . .

C ATHARINE of SWE DEN (St ) V (March 22) . O therwi se St CATU LI N U S whi ch see ,

. .

(1 4t h cent ) The daughter of Ulp ho Pr i nce CATULI N US (CATHO LI N US) , ,



of N eri ci a and of his wife St Bridget of . .

(J ul y 1 5)
, , .

Sweden C atharine betro t hed to E g ard a young

(D ate unknown ) C arthaginian Martyrs Of
, , ,

nobleman persuaded him to join with her in 1 .

St C at ul inus (a deacon ) we have a Paneg yric i n


maki ng a vow of chastity She accompanied .

her mother on many p ilgrimages and like her one of the Sermons of St Augustine but

beyond the fact that their bodies were ens hrined

, ,

everywhere showed herself zealous for God s ’

glory and for the salvation of souls After her in the famous Basil ica of F austa at C arthage ,

we have no particulars concerning him or hi s


mother s death in Rome she retur ned to Sweden

and di ed in fame of great sanctity Abbess of fellow sufferers


Wadst ena A D 1 3 8 1 Thirty years after her

, . . . CATU S (Si ) M . .(J an 1 9 ) .

death Ulp ho a Bri dgett ine F riar wrote her life , See SS PAUL GE R O N TI U S &c , , .

Some ascetical works of her own are extant

. .
, ,
* AWR DAF D 5 )
( )t ( e c

cent The son and successor of

. .

CATHARIN E of GEN O A (St ) Widow (M arch 22) ( 6 th ) C a ra d og ,

chieftain of Brecknock and Hereford He

. .

( 1 6 th cent ) C atharine F i esch i of a noble


ended his life as a monk under St I llt yd He


Genoese family was married to J ul ian Adorno ,

. .

of rank equal to her own Mis understood and ied about A D 56 0


. . . .

disliked by her husband she p as sed years of a , cl

wr etched life upheld only by her piety and by , I n ma ny names thi s syllable i s o f ten written
her trust in God At length her prayers and . C A E , or O H , or K E , & c

soldiers Totila the Barbarian chieftain con
, , , CHAR I SI US (St ) M (April 1 6 ) . .

d emned him to be torn in pieces by a bear !

, See SS CALLI STU S, CHAR I SI U S, &cu .

which however miracul ously restrained only

, , , CHAR I TINA (St ) V M (Oct 5) . . . .

li cked his feet Driven by heretics from Piom . (4th cent ) A C hristian who , under D io .

bino he died in the Isle of Elba before the

clet i an (A D probably at Amasa on the . .

year 58 0 . Black Sea , after enduring incredible tortures ,

CE R B O NI US (St ) Bp (Oct 1 0) . . . breathed forth her soul in the torture chamber ,
(D ate unknown ) A B ishop of Verona .
, while absorbed in prayer The simil arity of .

praised by his successors for hi s zeal and piety , name and of many of the details of martyrdom
and Who probably lived before A D 400 We . . . have led some modem s to confuse St Charitina .

have no definite particulars about him with St C atharine of Alexandria but all

tradition is against the ir view

CE SLAS (St ) .
(July 20) .

(1 3 th cent ) A Polish Saint who received .

CHARITON (St ) M (Sept 3 ) . . .

together with St Hyacinth the habit of the . See SS ZE N O and C HARITO N . .


Order of St D ominic from the hands of the .

(Aug 1 )
. . . .

holy founder hims elf He acted as Spiritual

. O therwi se St C HARITA S or A GAPE .


D irector to the D uchess St Hedwige besides See SS F AITH H O PE and C HARIT Y

, , .



rendering in other ways important services

, p

(Jan 28 ) . .

to the C hurch The successful resistance of the (9 th c ent ) The famous C harles the Great

. .

citizens of Breslau in Silesia where he resided son of Pepin the Short born in 7 42 a successful , ,

warrior Who conquering the Lombards and

, ,

to the Mongols in their great invasion of 1 240 , ,

Saxons and securing to the Popes their temporal


is attributed to his prayers and miracles He ,

kingdom was God s instrument for the advance


went to his reward in J ul y 1 242 ,

ment of C hristianity He was zealous for

, .

GETTIN (CE THACH) (Si ) Bp (June 1 6 ) .

Chur ch d iscipline and for the Spread of learning

. .

(5th cent ) A disciple of St Patrick con

. .

He cared for the poor and was eminently pious


secrat ed B ishop to as sist him in his Apostolic ,

work His shrine at Oran seems to have

. meditating much on the Holy Scriptur es .

subsisted until the end of the eighteenth century Pope St Leo III crown ed him Emperor of

Rome and the West on Chris tmas Day A D


C WYDD (St )

* E
(Jul y 1 )
(6th cent ) A Welsh Saint who flourished in
. , , . .

. 8 00 He died at Aix la Chapelle Jan 28

- -
, .

Anglesey . A D 8 1 4 and in some churches has been honoured

. .

CH as a Saint .

Sai nt s names begi nni ng wi th CH should also CHAR A LAM PI AS and OTHER S

(F eb 1 8 ) .

be looked f or a s commenci ng CA , CO , or K , the (SS ) MM . .

sp elli n g bei ng f req uently very uncertai n and (3 rd cent ) Martyrs at Magnesia in Asia .

varyi ng Minor in the persecution un der Septi mius

Severus (A D St Ch aral amp i as was a


D (CE ADDA) (St ) Bp (M arch
2) . . . .

priest With him suffered two Christian


(7 t h cent An Anglo axon brother of

) S -

soldiers and three women


shop of London He was educated


St C e dd , Bi .

(March 2)
. .

at Lindisfarne and in Ireland He governed ( ) M . .

(1 2th cent ) An Earl of F landers son of


for some years the mon as tery of Lesting ay in .


Yorkshire acquiring thereby a great rep utation St Canute K ing of D enmark and a perfect

, ,

mode l of a Chr istian rul er His government


for ability and for holiness of life Through a .

mistake occasioned by the prolonged absence was wise and kindly and he was adored by his

of St Wilfrid in F rance St C had was con subjects His boundless charity to the poor

earned him the title of The He was

, .

se crat ed Archbishop of York in his place ; but

on the Saint s retur n passed to the Bishopric ’
mur dered by certain Governors of towns whose
of the Mercians of which he fi xed the See at O ppression of their people he had refused to

tolerate His martyrdom came to p ass in the


Li ch fi el d H é died two years later in the great

church of St Donati an at Bruges A D 1 1 24
. .

pestilence of A D 6 7 3 leaving an imperis hable .

, . . .


. .

memory for zeal and devotedness A portion .

* .

of his Sacred Relics are venerated in Birming (BL) MM .

h am C athedr al which i s dedicated to him (1 7 th cent ) Twelve holy M artyrs (A D 1 6 22) . .

of the Society of Jesus at N ang az aki in J apan


( Oct 4)

CHIE R E M O N (St ) M ,

in which co untry Bl Charles had laboured for

. .



twenty years as a missionary With them

, , .

C HIE R E M O N and OTHER S (SS ) MM (D ec 22) .

suffered many native Chr istians among whom

. . .

(3 rd cent ) C heeremon Bis hop of Nilopolis ,

were even children

, ,

had reached a very advanced age when in the .

D ecian persecuti on (A D he was forced CHARLES B ORRO MEO (St ) Bp


(N ov 4) . . .

( 1 6t h cent ) Of an anci ent Lomb ard family

. .

from Egypt and compelled to take refuge in the


born near Milan (A D When only a


mountains about Sinai where he was done to . .

youth rich Ecclesiastical preferi nent was


death b y the savage heathens of the deser t ‘

bestowed upon him and at the age of twenty


St D ionysius of Alexandria states that he was

t hree h e was made Archbis hop of M ilan and

the leader in their flight of a number of Chris '

tians of his flock of whom the gr eater part were C ardinal by hi s uncle Po p e Pius IV In an


age of lax discipline he was a model of austere

, ,

immolated with him

virtue living a life of penance and prayer

C HA LC E DO N (M AR TYR S O F ) (Se pt 24)


ze alously visiting his D iocese and scrupulously

. ,

(4t h cent ) F orty nine Christians put to


employing his revenues for the good of the


death on account of their religio n in the great

persec ution under D iocletian (A D They C hurch and of the poor Muc h of the succe ss .

are style d the M artyrs of C halcedon They of the Council of Trent is due to his indefatigable
. .

appear to have been the choir of singers of the labours in the cause of reform Evildoers on

great church of C halcedon and suffered in one occasion all but ass as sinated him His .

company with or a few days after the celebrated

devotedness to his flock during the Great
Virgin M artyr Euph emia
Plague of 1 57 6 made him almost worshipped
by the Milanese He went to his reward
CHA M O N D (AN N E M O N D) (St ) Bp M (Sept 28 ) ,

Nov 4 1 58 4 ; and his body was enshrined

. .

(7th cent ) An Archbishop of Lyons of

. .

under the High Altar of his C athedral He was

. .

noble family brought up at the Court of K ing


canonised A 1 6 1 0

C lovis II He governed his D iocese with zeal .

CHE F (St ) Ab ot (Oct 29 )

. .

and success but in the end fell a victim to the . . .

O therwi se St THEO D ORE (THE U D E R I U S)


machinations of E broi n M ayor of the Palace , ,


who caused him to be assassinated (A D whi ch see

CHELI D ONIA (St ) V (Oct 1 3 )

Among those who took p art in the ceremony

. .

. . .

of the enshrining of the Relics of this holy ( 1 2t h cent ) Born at Ci cul um in the Abruzzi . ,

Martyr was St Wilfrid of York . . she early fled into the mountains above Tivoli ,


near Subiaco where she found shelter in a cave . not Tyre in the Eas t as has been conjectured ; ,

b ut its date is unknown Husenbeth gives no


F rom C uno C ardinal of Praeneste She received ,


the Benedict ine habit in the Abbey Church oi less than eleven emblems d i stinguishing St

St Scholastica but continued her solitary l i fe C hr istina s pictur es and statues from those of

other Saints Arrows carried in her hand are

. ,

of prayer and penance to her de ath (A D . . .

when her soul was seen ascendi ng to Heaven ‘

the most usual .

by several persons including Pope Eugeni us CHRI STINU S (St ) M


(N ov 1 2) . . .


III then at Segni Her body now reposes in &c .

, , .

CHRISTINA (St ) V (J uly 24)


the church of St Scholastica at Subiaco .

. .

( 1 3 t h cent ) A Belgian Saint who lived i n


CHE LI DO N I US (Si ) M (M arch 3 ) . . .

See SS H E M E TE R I U S and C H E LI DO N I U S . the neighbourhood of the town of St Trond . .

M any strange legends are in circulation about


CHELY (Si ) Bp ( Oct 25 ) .

her ; but she appears to have been favoured


O therwi se St HILAR Y of ME N DE whi ch see



with many supernatural visions and to have


C E (St ) M (May 28 )
worked many miracles both in life and after
. .

O t erwi se St C ARAU N US whi ch see , .

her death (A D which took place in a


CHILI N (St ) Bp M

. . .

convent in the vicinity Her shrine is in a

. .

O therwi se St K ILIA N whi ch see . .

chur ch outside St Trond

CHI LLI E N (CH I LLEN ) (St ) (N ov 1 3 ) . . . .

(7 t h cent ) A native of Ireland and k i nsman CHR ISTO PHER (CHRISTO BAL K ESTER K ITT )

, ,

(Jul y 25)

of St F iaker who became a missionary i n

. (St ) M . .

Artois where he ended his days in the seventh (3 rd cent ) A convert to C hristian i ty


baptised by St Babyl as of Antioch and put to

century His body was enshrined at Aubi gny , .

death for the F aith in the persecution ordered


near Arr as His name is often written K illian. .

CHI O NI A (St ) M (April 3 )

. . by the Emperor D ecius (A D St C hr i s . . .

S“ SS AGAPE and C HI O N I A . top her su fi ered somewhere in the Provin ce of

Lycia in Asia Minor He was a pop ular Sai nt


N ames so begi nni ng are of ten sp elled CL or K L during the Middl e Ages and around his memory

C R have grown up many legends the most beauti ful ,

N ames so begi nni ng are of ten sp elled C R . of which is that of hi s carrying an unknown child
CHR I STE TA (O ct 27 ) . a cross a ford and being borne down by its ,
t See SS VIN C E NT , SA BI NA , &c. . weight despite hi s own gigantic statur e and
CHRI STIANA (St ) v (J uly 24) . . great strength ; for the child was Christ carry ,

(7th cent ) Said to hav e been the daughter ing in His Hands the weight of the whole world .


of an Anglo Sa on king She crossed over to A belief that whos o looked upon the face of


F landers and there lived so holy a life that St Chr istopher should not that day be struck

after her death she was at once venerated as down by sudden death led to the fr equent ,

a Saint She is the Patron Saint of the town

. picturing of St Chr istopher (the C hris t B earer ) .

of Termonde in Belgium . in church es over city gates &c The Greeks,

, .

CHRISTIAN A (St ) V 1 (D ec 1 5) . . . keep his F east on May 9 .

(4th cent ) A C hris tian maiden Who taken .

CHRISTO PHER (St ) M (Aug 20) . . .

captive by the Pagan Iberi dwellers betwe en ,

. .

th e C aspian and the B lack Sea and reduced to ,

CHRISTOVAL (CHRISTO BAL ) (St ) M (J uly 25) . .

Slavery kept with sin ular fidelity the precepts O therwi se St C HRI STOPHER whi ch see
g .
, .

of her rel igion H avmg by her miracl es con . CHR O DE GAN G (St ) Bp (March 6 ) .


verted the Royal F ami ly the king sent ambas , (8 th cent ) A noble F rank C ouncillor and .
s adors to C onstantine the fi rst Christian C hancel lor of C harles M artel the famous
champion of Christendo m and victor of Poitiers
, ,

Emp eror asking for priests to complete her

, .

work ; and they on their arrival had little After the death of Charles St Chrodeg ang , .

diffi cul ty in bringing the whole nation under became Bishop of Metz He met and escorte d .

the yoke of Christ As is plain this Saint Pope Stephen III when the latter visited
flourished in the fourth century but her very

F rance and un dertook for him a miss io n to the


na me is unknown C hri sti ana (the Christian ) , ki ng of the Lembards His zeal for Church .

be ing m erely that gi ven her by the Iberi d iscipli ne was remarkable and bore much fruit

. .

HRISTIANU S (St ) Abbot (M arch 1 8 ) . . The wise Rule he drew up for the government
( 1 2th cent ) Such reliable information as . of the C anons Regul ar wo uld of itself serve to
we have regarding this Saint says that he was p erp e ti ate his memory He died M arch 6
. ,

the first Abbot of the Cistercian Order in A D

. zes .

Ireland and that he was a collateral descendant

, CHR O M ATI US (St . ) Bp .
(Dec 2) .

of St Malachy He is alleged to ha ve acted

. . (5t h cent The successor of St Valerian
.) .

s 1 i p al Leg ato at the C ouncil of K ells (A D

(A D in the Sec of Aquileia near Venice
a] I 2;
. . . . .

) He was a zealous Pastor of s oul s and is styled ,

HR ISTI AN US (Si ) Bp (June 1 2) by St J erome who dedi cated to him several

. . .

(1 2th cent ) Crois t an O Morg air brother to of his works, a most learned and most holy


St M alachy of Armagh He was made Bi shop man He is eul ogised likewise by St John

. . .

of C logher (A D 1 1 26 ) and obtained several


. . C hrysostom hi s friend and contemporary ,

favours fr om the Holy See for his Diocese He who m he defended and supported He passed

died A D 1 1 3 8
. .

away A D 406 Of his numerous wor ks only


. . . . . .

C (St ) Bp (M arch 3 ) . . a part of his C ommentary on St Matthew has
O therwi se St C ELE CHRI STI w i ch s ee

co me down to us

. .
, .

CHRISTINA (St ) V M (March 1 3 ) . . . CHR O NI DAS (St ) M (March 27 ) . .

(Date unknown ) A Persian Martyr who . See SS PH I LE TA S LY D IA &c .

from the Greek Menology appears to have been
, ,

(Aug 1 1 )
. ,

CHR O M ATI US (St ) .

sco ur ged to death Nothing further is known


(3 rd cent ) The father of St Ti bur ti us the
of her nor can even an appro ximate date be
. .

, Martyr (Aug He was converted to

gi ven

. C hristianity by St Tranq uilli nus who was ,

CHR ISTINA (Si ) V M (J uly 24)

. . . brought before C hromatins at a time when the
(D ate unknown ) A Ro man maiden who . latter was discharging the functions of Prefect
b el i eving in C hrist is said to have broken u p

, of Rome Tho ug h St Chrom at i us did not

her father s idols of gold and silver and given
. .

himself win the cro wn of mar tyrdom he was

the proceeds of their sale to the poor to have

looked upon by the ancients as a Saint The

been on that account scourged by him and bein g
, .

reluctance of the primitive Roman C hur ch to


brought before the magistrate to have bravely


, canonise any save those who had actually shed

endured unheard oi tortures before being put -
their bloo d for C hrist very possibly accounts
to de ath The pl ace of her Passion is certai nly
for the omission of his name in the Roman
the Lacus Vuisinus (Lago di Bolsena ) in Tuscany Martyrology

CHR O N AN (Si ) Abbot ( April 28 ) . . of Rheims and Apostle of the F ranks She
, .

O therwi se St C , whi ch see . . di ed at Laon some time af ter A D 458 in fame

ARI Oct 25)
. .
CHR YSANTHUS and D AS (SS ) MM ( . . . of great holiness and is registered as a Saint in
cent an Egyptian with the Western Martyrologies

(3 rd ) Chrysant hus , .

his wife arias a Greek were distinguished in


, D , ,
CI LLE N E (St ) Abbot (Jul y 3 )

Rome for their zealous profession and practice


(8th cent ) An Irish Saint who migrated to

of the Chr istian Religion This led to their

. Iona and was there elected Abbot (A D 7 26 )

being arrested and put to a cruel death under
. .

, on account of his singular holiness

the Emperors N umerian and C arinus (A D

. .
C (St ) V .
(F eb 1 ) .

( Nov 24)

CHR YSO GO N US (St ) M . . .

(sth cent ) A princess of the K ingdom of
(4th c ent ) A zealous Roman pries t the

, Ulster who becoming a Christian received the

spiritual g uide and helper of St An as tasia in . vei l from St Patrick and was placed in a
her work of comforting the Christian prisoners

monas tery under the care of the Abbess C athu

awaiting sentence in accordance with the ber i s She converted many of her Pagan

persecuting e di cts of the Emperor D iocletian . fellow countrymen and was renowned for

The Emperor ordered Chrysogonus to be mi racles She p as sed away towards the close

brought before his own tribunal either at , of the fifth centur y .

Nicomedia or as others say at Aqu ileia and , , , , CI N DE US (St ) M .(Jul y 1 1 ) .

sentenced him to be put to the tortur e and (4th cent ) A priest in Pamphylia (Asia .

beheaded (A D His name inserted with . .

, Minor ) who confessed Christ in the persecution

that of St Anastasia in the Canon of the Mass .

, under Diocletian (A D 3 00 about) After .

is a convincing proof of the special honour in

. .

endur ing torture he was burned at the stake , ,

which his memory was held in the early Chur ch . and passed away with words of prayer and
CHR YSO LI US (St ) Bp M (F eb 7 ) . .
, . . praise on hi s lips .

(4th cent ) An Armenian C hristian who . CI SE LLUS (St ) M (Aug 21 )

. . .

devoted himself to mis sionary work in the See SS LUX O R I US CI SE LLU S &c
. .

CIWA (St ) v
, ,
north east of Gaul where it is said he was
. (F eb 8 ). .

O therwi se St K IG WE whi ch see

, ,
consecrated Bis hop He had left Armenia in . . .

safety notwithstanding the persecution under CLAIR (St ) M

, . (N ov 4) . .

D iocletian then raging but won th e crown of ,

O therwi se St C LA R U S whi ch see .
Martyr dom in F landers His relics are vener . CLARA of RIM INI (St ) Widow (F eb 10) . . .

ated at Bruges . (1 4th cent ) A noble lady of Rimini d is .


CHR YSO PHO R US (St ) M (April 20) t i ng uished by the hol iness of her lif e which was

. .


, , . one of great penance In her widowhood she .

CHRY SO STO M (St ) Bp D octor of (J an 27 ) . .

, . retired to a convent she had founded where ,

the Chur ch . she p assed thirty seven years till her holy -

See St J OH N C HR Y SO STO M . . death (A D . .

(April 1 2) CLARE (CLARA ) (St ) V (Aug 1 2)


CHR YSO LE TUS (St ) M . . . . .


, , .
(1 3th cent ) A maiden of Assi si daug hter .

CHUN I GUNDI S (St ) V (M arch 3 ) . . of a knight who was the first woman to embrace

( 1 1 th cent ) The virgin wife of St Henr y .

, the lif e of utter poverty and unremitti ng aus
Emperor of Germany whom Sh e espo us ed with ,
t eri t y t aught by St F rancis the founder of .
the pact that their union should only be that the Order of F riars Mi nor Consecrated to .

of brother and sister Her life from childhood God by the Seraphi c Patriarch she governed


was one of prayer p enance and alms deeds -

. for forty two years in the F ear of God the
, ,

first convent of F ranciscan Sis ters insisting to


Among other wonders relate d of her is that of ,

her having p as sed unscathed throu gh the ordeal the end on the full observance of the R ul e .

of walking barefoot over a red hot iron plough -

The one favour she ever asked of the Holy See
share Sur viving her husband she gave all
was that the convent might always remai n
she had to the poor and retired into a Bene ,
without worldly goods of any ki nd She .

di cti ne monastery Sh e had founded where she , survived St F rancis whose faithful Couns ellor .

died (A D Her relics are enshrined with

. . she had been dying in the year 1 253 and was , ,

those of St Henry in the C athedr al of Bamberg . canoni sed two years afterwards St Clare . .

( Sept 24)

CHUNI ALD (St ) . . is represented with a monstrance in her hand

(7 th cent ) One of the Scottish or Ir ish . in memory of her having in thi s attitude
missionaries companions of St Rupert of , . miraculously saved her convent from as sault
Salzburg who evangel ised South Germany in
, and pillage .

the seventh centur y CLARE of M ONTE F AL CO (St ) V (Aug 1 8 ) . . .

(1 4t h cent ) Clare of the Cross a nun of the


* I AN
C (Si ) . (D ec 1 1 ) . .

(6th cent ) A Welsh Saint a soldier who . Order of the Hermits of St Augustine con .

secrat ed herself to God fr om her youth i n a

ended his li fe as a hermit in C arnarvonshire . .

He is sometimes described as the servant of convent of her native city of whi ch later she

St Peris whi ch if true would aid in fix ing the

, was chosen Abbess Her life was one of ecstati c ' .

prayer and rigorous penance F illed with an


centur y in which that Saint flour ished


ardent longing for perfection She had for her


CI AN AN (K ENAN ) (St ) Bp (N ov 24) . .
distinctive devotion that to the Passion of

(5t h cent ) One of the fi fty hostages given

Christ To a Sister marvelling at her patience

to the Irish K ing Leoghaire and releas ed at , ,

she is reported to have said : If thou seekest


the instance of St K yr an After passing some

the Cross of Chr ist take my”heart ; in i t thou

time in the monastery of St M artin at Tours


, ,

wilt find my Suff ering Lord In eff e ct when


he returned to Ireland and devoted himself to .


missionary work He is said to have been she had departed from this world (Aug 1 8 .

a Crucifi x was found depi cted on


consecrated a Bishop He died Nov 24 . .

, AD . .

A D 48 9
. . . the flesh oi her he art Her name was i nserted
. .

CIARAN (St ) Bp (March 5) . . in the R oman M artyrology by Clement XII

O therwis e St K IERAN whi ch see i n the eighteenth century

( pm
. . .

CIARIN (St ) Abbot (Sept 9 )

The successor of St . 33thorins
. . CLAR E NTI USx(St ) Bp . .

( 7 th cent )

(6 t h cent ) An I rish Saint Abbot of Clon . .

in the See of Vienne (F rance ) descr i b ed in the


m acnoise renowned for his charity and for the


M artyrology of that Church as a Sai nt He


working of mir acles He passed away Sept 9 . .


A D 5 48
. . died about A D 6 20 .

CLARU S (St ) Bp (Oct 1 0)

. . .

CI CELY (St ) V M .(N O V 22) . . .

(D ate uncertain ) The first Bi sho p of Nantes

. . .

O therwi se St CE C ILIA whi ch see .

, . . ,

CI LI NI A (St ) ( Oct 21 )
. . sent as mission ary into Ar morica (Brittany)
(5th cent ) The mother of St Princip i us either by St Peter the A ostl e hi mself as was
the old bel ief or certai np y not l ater than by
. . .

Bishop of Soisso ns and of St Remig ius Bishop , . , ,


one of the Popes of the third century Certain howed himself a model of Evangelical per i ce
dedications of churches in C ornwall and in Wales t ion He died about A D 58 2 His body was

. . . .

to St Clair al most certainly refer to this Saint . discovered in the year 1 243 to be still incorrupt .

There is some controversy as to the year of his


CL ARU S (CLAIR ) (St ) M (N ov 4) .

birth but there is no doubt that he survived to

. .

(D ate uncertain ) Traditionally described as ,

an extreme O ld age

an Englishman of noble birth born at Rochester , .



who after having been ordained priest passed , , , ,

into N orm andy where in a hermitage not far ‘

TO R I N US and SYM PHO R I AN (SS ) M M . .

(J uly 9 )

from Rouen he lived a saintly life crowned by

a martyr s death he having been ass as sinated (3rd cent ) F ive C hr istians of whom C lau


di us is styled a Notary and Nicostratus an


at the instigation of a high born lad y whose -

advances he had repulsed It is impossible to Assistant Prefect described in the very u n ,


trustworthy Acts of St Seb as tian as having


assign to him any date The limits given by .

suffered mart yrdom at the same time as that


the Engl ish Menology A D 6 6 6 A D 8 9 4 must -


Saint (A D 28 8 about ) They were seized whil e

. . .

suffice The insertion of his name in the . . .

engaged in bur ying the bodies of Martyrs


Roman M artyrology is due to U suardus (9 th ,

century ) St Clair was much venerated in p ut to the torture and finally drowned B ut i t , .

is very doubtful whether they are not identical

. .

the Middle Ages Towns in F rance bear his


with the five Saints O f the same names styled


name which gave ris e to such English patrony

, ,

m ice as Sinclair and the like It see ms that Statuaries and honoured on N ov 8 with the , .

F our C rowned M artyrs


there was another St Clarus who also flourished .



in Normandy in the M iddle Ages and may ‘

, ,

(J uly 21 )

perhaps be the Saint regis tered in the Ro man (SS ) M M . .

Martyrology ; but the history of the one and (3 rd cent ) A group of eight or (as others .

the other is now so confus ed that we forbear say ) of twenty three Martyrs who suff ered -

to note him separately with St J ulia at Troyes in Gaul under Aurelian


Their bodies are enshrined in the


CLARU S (St ) . (N ov 8 ) . (A D . .

(4th cent ) A wealthy citizen of Tours in monastery of J ouarre near M eaux C laudius , .

an ofli cer in the Imperial army is said to have


F rance who renounced his prospe cts in the


world to place hi mself under the gui dance of been a former suitor for the hand of St J ulia . .

the famous Bishop St M artin Admitted by LAUDI US A STERIU S N E ON DO NVI N A an d

, , ,

(Aug 23 )
. .

him into the monastery of Marmoutier and raised THE O NI LLA (SS ) MM . . .

to the priesthood he built himself a small cell (3 rd cent ) M artyrs O f the persecution under .

D iocletian (A D 28 5) at E gea in Cilicia


in the vicinity and in a short time reached a , . . .

high degree of C hristian and Religious per tee Claudius Asterius and Neon brothers were
, , ,

tion He passed away in the odour of sanctity

. crucified ; D omvina (D omnina ) was scourged
about A D 3 9 7 St Paul inus of Nola to whom
. . . .
, to death ; Theonill a in fi ne an aged widow , ,

he seems to have been personally known \

, expired on the rack .

composed two poetical epitaphs for his tomb . LAUD I US LUPER CU S and VI CTO R I US (SS )
, .

CLA SSICU S (St ) M (F eb 1 8 ). . . MM .

( Oct 3 0) .


, , . (3 rd cent ) The sons of the C enturion St .
, .

CLATE US (St ) Bp M (June 4)

. .
, . Marcellus In the persecution under D iocletian

( l st cent ) The fir st (or possibly the second )

. at Leon in Spain (about A D 29 8 ) they were put . .

Bishop of Brescia in Lombardy He won the . to death as Chr istians Some writers make .

crown of martyrdom under Nero A D 6 4 , . . . them to have been not only brothers but ,

Nothing more is known of him nor do his , twelve in number .

elics appear to be anywhere in public venera LAUDI US NICO STRATU S and OTHER S (SS )
i on
. MM .
( Nov 8 ) .

CLAU DIA (St ) M (March 2)

. . These are a mong the H oly Crown ed M artyrs ,


. &c , , . whi ch see a s a lso the M artyrs of the same names
CLAU DI A (St ) V M (May 1 8 )
. . . commemora ted on J u ly 9 .


CLAU DIA (St ) Widow
(Au g 7 ). . . W ITH OTHER (D ec 3 ) S (SS ) MM . .

(1 st cent ) A British tradition is to the


(3 rd cent ) Roman M artyrs under the .

effect that one of the daughters of K ing C arac Emperor N umeri an A D 28 3 Clau di us a , . . .

t acus taken with him prisoner to Rome in the


, tribune in the army was cast into the Tiber ,

ti me of the Emperor C laudius became a , with a heavy stone round his neck Seventy .

C hr i stian and took the name Claudia in B ap

, C hristian soldiers were then beheaded with
t is m ; further that She married the Senator , J as on and M aurus his two Sons Hilaria his , .

Pudens and is the Claudia mentioned with him

, wife apprehended whil e bu rying the bodies

by St Paul (2 Tim i v
. that she was the .
, . of her children shared their fate
mother of St Praxedes and St Pud enti ana ;
, .


and that She died at an advanced age in the

STE PHEN (SS ) MM (D ec 3 )

second century
. . .

(D ate unknown ) African Martyrs con

(F eb 26 ) . . . cerning whom nothing save their names has

. &c , , . come down to us

(F eb 26 ) *
CLEAR (CLEER ) (St ) Bp ( Oct 1 0)
. . . . . .

, , . O therwi se St C LARU S or i t may be St
CLAU DIANU S (Si ) M (M arch 6 )
, , .

. C LETHER whi ch see

. .
CLE DO G (CLYDO G CLE O DI CUS) (St ) ( Oct 23 )
, , . .

(F eb 1 8 ). . O therwi se St C LETHER whi ch see

. .

, (N ov 1 )
CLAU DIU S (St ) M (April 26
, . . .

. .
(5th cent ) The Patron Saint of Ll andle

See St MAR .
d wy n (C aermarthen ) ; alleged to have been the
CLA UDIU S (St ) (J une 3
, ,
. eldest son of the famous K ing Brychan and to
, . have succeeded hi m as r uler of a part of his
CLA JID U (CLAU DE ) of BE SAN CON (June 6 )

E St I g p . LE M E NT (St ) Bp M

(J an 23 )
(6 t h cent ) Born at Salins A D 48 4 and at
. . . .

(4t h cent ) A Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia
the age of twenty made a C anon of B esan con
. .
, , .

(Asia M inor ) who was put to death under

In A D 51 6 he was chosen to fil l that See
. .
D iocletian and M axi mi ni an (A D He is
which be governed with zeal and success for
, . .

described in his Acts as having su ff ered p ersecu


some seven years He then retired to the . tion for t w nt y eight years His relics taken -

monastery of St E ug endus (St O yend ) or

. . to Constan inopie in the Sixth century were
Condat in the J ur a M ountains and there he

brought to Western E urO pe by the Crus aders


, , .

CLE M ENT M ARY HOF BAUER (St ) (March 1 5) . commemorated on Aug 1 9 He is alleged
cent ) Born A D 1 7 7 0 in Moravia and
. .

(l gt h h ave died a M artyr in Herefordshire ” A D

. . .

reli gious ly brought up by his pious moth er he

. .

n hi s e arly manhood embra ced the religious LETUS (St ) Pope M (April 26 )
l i fe in the C ongregation of the Most Holy
. .

(l st cent ) A Roman of Patrician bir th who

Redee mer and was the instrument chosen by

, succeeded St Linus in St Peter s Chair (A D ’

Almighty God for propagating that Institute

. . . .

and died A D 8 3 un der D omitian To him is

Poland and neighbour ing countries He
. . .
in . attributed the dividing of the city of Rome
Spared himself in nothi ng so that thereby he , i nto parishes It may be taken as proved that
co ul d be of service to those in spiritual or

St C letus is not (as in modern times has been


temporal need He died at Vienna A D 1 8 20 .

, . . . asserted ) one and the same with St Anacletus
Pope Pius VII then reigning styled him
. .

, , The latter succeeded to the former preced ed

An Apostolic man the glory of the clergy of
St C leme nt in the Ponti fi cat e

, .

Vi enna and a pillar of the Church (Sept 20)


, . LI CE R I US (St ) Bp
CLE M ENT (St ) M (Sept 1 0)
. . .

. . .
(5th cent ) Probably a native of Milan .


. &c , , He was B ishop of that See for a few years in


(N ov 21 ) . . . the first half of the fifth century and died about

See SS C EL SU S and C LE M E NT

. . A D 43 8
. . B eyond the fact of his having been

CLE M ENT (St ) Pope M (N ov 23 ) .

, . . venerated as a Saint from his own age to the
(1 st cent ) A Roman by birth converted .
, present day nothing is known of him ,
to C hristianity either by St Peter or by St (March 3 0)

. . CLI NI US (St ) .

Paul He accompanied the latter who styles

, (D ate unknown ) A Greek a B enedictine
him his fellow labourer (Phil iv on some
. . monk of Monte C assino who was made Superi or
of his missionary journeys He followed (or

. of the dependent monastery of St Peter near .

perhaps prece d ed ) St C letus in St Peter s . .

Pontecorvo where hi s relics are venerated ,

C hair and governed the C hurch for about ten

, In what century he flourished is uncertain .

years His noble Epistle to the Corinthians is

. LO DO A LDUS (CL O U D ) (St ) ( Sept 7 ) . .

one of the most precious monuments of the ( 6 th cent ) The third son of C l od omi r .

Sub Apostolic Age

He p as sed away under . n of Orleans and grandson of Clovis and of
Trajan (A D and as constant tradition
St C lotilde by the latter of whom he was

. . .
, ,
holds died an exile and M artyr in the Crimea
, . brought up Having lived for some time as a .

The graceful story of hi s having been cast into di sciple of the hermit St Severinus he was .

the Black Sea with an anchor round his neck , ordained priest and gathered many followers ,

and of the Shrine buil t for him beneath the who took up their abo de with him at a spot
waves by Angels is well known His relics , . in the neighbourhood of Paris which has ,
are now in Rome in the famous B asilica dedi retained the name of Saint Cloud He died .

cat e d in hi s honour and whi ch gives hi s title A D 56 0 at the age of forty

. .

to a C ardinal

. LO DULPHUS (CLOU ) (St ) Bp (June 8 ) . .

CLE M E N TI N US THEODOTU S an d PHI LO M E N US , (7th cent ) He was the son of St Arnul p h . .

(SS ) MM .
( Nov 1 4). . (minister of K i ng Clot aire II and later B ishop ,

(D ate unknown ) Martyrs of Heraclea in . of M etz ) and born A D 6 05 Brought up at . .

Thrace of u ncertain date and concerning whom C ourt he had a brilliant futur e before him but

, , , ,

no more than their names have come down to preferring the service of the C hurch he was

. elected Bishop of Metz (A D 6 56 ) and discharged .

with wonderful zeal and charity his pastoral


CLE O M E N E S (St ) M (D ec 23 ) . . .


. . duties He was distin g uished above all for his


SC S (SS ) . care of the poor He died A D 6 9 6 at the a e . . .

MM .
(M arch
3) of ninety one years and was buried in his churc

(3 rd cent These aints belong to a roup

) S g . at Metz In the tenth century a great part of

of forty or fifty Martyrs victims of the p ersecu hi s relics were translated to the Abbey of
Lay near Nancy

tion under Diocletian They were put to death . , .

on account O f their religion in the Province of LO TI LDE (St ) Queen Widow (June 3 ) . , .

Pontus on the Black Sea towar ds the close of (6 th cent ) The daughter of Chil p eri c K ing

, ,

the third century The greater number seem of Bur gundy and the wife of Clovis first , ,

C hr istian K ing of the F ranks thus becoming


to have been soldiers in the Imperial army ;

the ancestress of the M erovingian monarchs of

but several were crucified the punishment ,

reserved to Slaves . F rance Sh e espous ed C lovis whilst he was


CLEOPHA S (St ) M ( Sept 28 ) . . . still a Pagan and was the means of leading ,

(1 st cent ) One of the two disciples of the hi m to the knowledge of the true F aith which
Way to Emmaus (Luke

who is said to he embraced after hi s miraculous victory at

Soissons over the Alamanni (A D After

have been murdered by the J ews in the very . .

same house where he gave hospitality to O ur the death of her husband St Clotilde retired , .

Lord on that fi rst Easter Sunday It has been to Tours to the tomb of St M artin devoting
, .

maintained but without g reat probability that , herself to works of charity and piety until her
holy death A D 545 She was buried by the

this Cleophas is one and the same with Cleophas , , . . .


the father of the Apostle St J ames the Less . side of Clovis in the church of St Genevieve at .

Paris Her name is found written Crotildes


(M att x . According to Heg esip p us he

, .

woul d thus have been a brother of St J oseph . . C ro ct il d Cloti ch ild a Hlot il d

, &c , , .

CLERU S (St ) M . (J an 7 ) . CLO TSE NDI S (St ) V (J une 3 0) . .

(8 t h cent ) The daughter of St R i ctrudis


(4th cent ) A Syrian deacon said to have

. . .

been seven times put to the tortur e before being and her successor as Abbess of M archiennes in
beheaded as a C hris tian He was martyred Belgium She died about A D 7 00
. . . .

CLOU (St ) Bp (June 8 )


at Antioch at the beginning of the fourth . .

century but whether under D iocletian or under O therwi se St C LO DULPH US whi ch see .
, .

the Emperor Licinius his successor is uncertain CLOU D (St ) (Sept 7 )


. . .
, ,
* CL I I R (SCLE D O G CLYDO G CLEER ) (Oct 23 ) O therwi se St C LO D O ALD U S whi ch see
Eé6 tthFcent Latinised Cli tanus One of the
’ ‘ -

US (St ) Abbot
. .
, ,
C (J an 1 ) . . .

( ) (6 th cent ) An Irish Abbot otherwise called ,

M ochua or Moncan who foun ded many churches

. .

Saints descended from K ing Bry ch an of Breck


nock or at least of his clan He is said to have and mon as teries and survived to close upon ,
his hundredth year

been a disciple of St Brynach and to have


. .

died about A D 520 Several dedications of . .

C O G (St ) ( Oct 23 )
. .

O therwi se St C LETHER whi ch see


churches (for instance St C leer near L iskeard) .

, , .

perpetuate his memory


. CLYTANUS (CLI TAN US) (St ) (N ov 5) . .

Another Cledog or Clydog (Cleodi us) is O therwi se St CLETHER whi ch see .

, .


CO CCA (CU CCA , CO X) (Si ) V (June 6 ) man of austere and zealo us life and ever held . .

(D ate unknown ) The ancient church of in high repute of sanctity His reluctance to ’

yield to the Roman tradition fixing the date of


K il cox (County M eath ) is dedicated in her

honour No other information is obtainable
. Easter led to the famous Synod of Whitby .

COCHA (C( E CHA ) (St ) V (June 29 ) held in presence of K ing O swy He afterwards . . .

(6 th cent ) Said to have cared for St resigned his See and returned to Iona whence he ‘


proceeded to the West of Ireland where he


K ieran of Saig hir in his infancy Sh e was .


afterwards Abbess of Ros Benchuir founded two great monasteries He died -

. .


PRIAN AN E CTUS PA UL and CRE SCEN S COLM AN (St ) (M arch 5 ) .

(5th cent ) A disciple of St Patrick famous

, ,

(SS ) MM . (M arch 1 0) . ,

for the rigour of his abstinence of all kinds

. .

(3 rd cent ) Greek Martyrs beheaded at , .

He died i n the lifetime of his holy master and


C orinth under the Emperor Valerian (A D

, . .

Previously to thi s Codrat us then a child was by him bur ied at Armagh , , , .

appears to have been driven into the woods * COLM AN (St ) Bp (M ay 1 5) . .

o esca1 6 from the persecution under D ecius (6 th cent ) Also known as St C olumban
. .

A D z 56 ;
. . Mac Va Larghise a disciple of St C olumba , .

CO DR ATUS (St ) M (M arch 26 ) and of St F intan of Clonenagh He founded

. . . .

O therwi se St QUA D RATU S whi ch see a monastery at O ughaval To St C olumba

, . . .

C(ELESTINE (St ) Pope (May 1 9 ) in Scotland a heavenly vision revealed the

. .

See St PETER C ELE STINE 1 m of the entering of St C olman into eternal

. . .

C(E LI AN (CIE LI AN US) (St ) M (Dec 1 5) is s . . . .


COLM AN of DRO M ORE (St ) Bp (June 7 ) , , . . .

CCE M GE N (St ) Abbot (J une 3 ) . (7 th cent ) The first B ishop of Dromore in . .

O therwi se St K EVIN whi ch see Ulster a disciple of St Albens of Emly and

, .
, . ,
CO GI TO SUS (St ) (April 1 8 ) friend of St Ma canisius of C onnor This St
. . . .

(8 th cent ) Little is known about him . He C olman is said to have been the teacher of .

appears to have been a monk at K il dare and St F i nni an of C lonard He closed a long and , . .

to have flourished at latest in the eighth century frui t f ul Episcopate by a holy death about .

If the trad ition representing him as the author A D fil 0 . .

of the well known Life of St Brigid be trust - *

COLM AN (St ) Abbot (J une 1 6 ) . . .

worthy we are indebted to him for much

, (6 th cent ) A holy deacon to whom St . .

i nteresting information regarding that Saint C ol u mbk ill confided the church and mon astery
and her times built by him on Lamb ay Island
. .

CO I NTHA (QUINTA ) (Si ) (F eb 8 ) COLM AN (CO LO M AN N US) (Si ) M (July 8 ) . . . .

(3 rd cent ) An Egyptian lady (some say a . See SS K ILIAN and OTHER S . .

young mai en ) seized as a Christian at the out

d *
COL M AN (St ) Abbot
, (Sept 26 ) . . .

set of the Decian p ersecutioh (A D fastened (7 th cent ) An Ir ish Saint who founded in . . .

to the tail of a horse and dragged through the M eath the monastery of Land E 10 (Lin Alli ) - -

streets of Alexandria till her holy soul forsook and was closely associate d with St C olumba . .

her mangled body AD 6 1 0 is given as the .year of his . .

COLAN (St ) .
(May 21 ) death 0

The C orni sh f orm 0f the name of the Welsh


COLM AN (Si ) M (Oct 23 )


. . .

Sai n t C OLLE N or GOLLE N whi ch see

, (1 1 th cent ) Either a Scot or an Irishman , . . ,
COLE TTE (St ) V (M arch 6 )
. who going on a p il grimage to the Holy Land

(1 5t h cent ) C olette Boil et a carpenter s


was seized by evil d oers in the neighbourhood


daughter born in Picardy (F rance ) (A D

, of Vienna i n Aus tria tortured and hanged .

served God from her chil dhood in solitude


(A D Venerated as a M artyr many

Her ti me was wholly taken up in prayer and
. . . ,

mir acles were wro u ght through his intercession .

i n her m i ni strations to the sick and poor After He is honoured as one of the Tutelary Saints

p assm g some years among the B eguines she of Austria

found her vocation in reviving among the Poor * COLM AN (St ) Abbot

(Oct 27 ) .

Clares the primitive and austere Sp irit of

. .

( 7 t h cent ) An Irish Saint Abbot of Senboth

Like hi m her chief devotion Was
St F ranCi s
. . F ola i n the D iocese of F erns and associated , ,
t o Our Lord s Passion and her supreme attrac with St M aidoc B ishop of that See He died


ti on to the practice O f holy poverty Her

about A D 6 3 2 .

reform qui ckly spread through the West of

. . .

O LM AN (St ) B (Oct 1 7 )
E urope and is still flourishing St Colette
. . .

, (6 th cent ) Like St C olman of Dromore . .

Wi th St V i ncent F errer had a Share in putting
. .
. a dis ciple of St Ailbhe of E mly He became ,
an end to the great Schism of the West Among
. .

B ishoppor Abbot of K ilroot near C arrickfergus .

the mi racles she wrought was the raising of a


H is festival is among those included in the

dead man to li fe She died at Ghent A D 1 447 K alendar of the old Aber d een Breviary
. .

and was formally canonised by Pope Pius VII COLMAN of K I LM ACDUA GH (St ) Bp (Oct 29 )
. .

i n the ye ar 1 8 07
. . .

(7 th cent ) The son of the chieftain D uacus


COLGAN (St ) Abbot

. ,

(F eb 20)
. whence the name of the Episcopal See founded .

(8 th cent ) A famous Abbot of Clo nma c


. by the holy man Towards the close of his life

noise surnamed The Wise and The chief

, St C olman retired into a hermitage where he .

Scr i be of the Scots He was t he friend of


passed away about A D 6 3 0 .

Alcuin and universally venerated even during COLM AN of CLOYN E (St Bp

. . .

, (N ov 24)
hi s l i feti me Some
. . .

he composed are .
(7 t h cent ) B orn in C ork (A D he was
sti ll extant He die dprayers about A D 7 9 6
. . .

educated by St J arl at h and acquired fame at
COLM AN (Si ) Bp
. . . .

(Jan 23 )
. the Court of Cas hel as a bard that is as a poet

(8 th cent ) A monk in the celebrated mona

, ,
and minstrel Later counselled thereto by
story of L i smore in the government of which

St Brendan and St Ita he embraced the


he succeeded St Hiering (Z ailug ) A D 6 9 8

. .

monastic lif e and foun ded the C hurch of C loyne


Under St C olman s rul e a vast number of

, . . .
whence after many years of successful Apostol ’

di sci ples flocked to Lismore and he became the ate he passed to his eternal reward at the
p i r i tual father of numerous holy men and
, , ,

il l ustr i ous prelates
beginning of the seventh
ce ntury
He died A D 7 02

O LM A N .
(D ec 1 2)
. . .

( ) p (F eb 1 8 ) ( 7t h cent ) A holy Irish Abbot of Glenda

( 7 th cent )
. .

Th rd Bishop of Lindi s
. .

The i .
loogh who d ied A D 6 59 and is mentioned in
farne (the orig i nal seat of the Bishopric of
. .
, ,

the Ir ish K alendars


D urham ) L i ke h is predecessors St Aidan CO LM O C (MACHO LM O C) (St ) Bp


(J une 6 )
and St F in an St C olman was a monk of
, . .

O therwi se St C OL M AN of D RO M ORE which
, .

St Columba s mon as tery of I ona

3 He was a
’ ,
see . .



CO MGALL (St ) Abbot (May 1 0) .

Abbot (J une 9 )

(St ) . ; (6 th cent ) After being trained by St

cent ) Of the blood of Irish chieftains

F intan this Iri sh Saint became Founder and


(6 t h .
, ,

born in D onegal (Dec 7 A D C olumba .

, . . first Abbot of the famous monastery of Ben
was destined to be the founder of a h undred C hor at the end of the sixth century He wrote
monas teries and the Apostle of C aledonia
, .

. a celebra ted but very severe R ul e for monks

F rom boyhood devoted to the stu dy of Holy

He is said to have lived some time in Wales or

Scripture and d ay b y day advancing in sanctity - -
C ornwall He died A D . SS C ol u mb anus . . .

of life he was ordained pri est at the age of

, and Gallus were amo ng his d isciples
twenty fi ve After founding Derry Durrow

. ,
GOM G AN (St ) Abbot (Oct 1 3 ) . . .

and other religious houses he with twelve , (8th cent ) An Irish prince who with his .

disciples crossed in the year 56 3 to Scotland


, nephew St F ll lan crossed over into Scotland

a nd landed in the Island of I or Hy (now called
, , ,

where he embraced the mo nastic life and lived

Iona) where he built the world famed monastery
most holily for many years Several churches
whi ch was for two centur ies the nursery of

dedicated in his honour attest the venerat iom


Bishops and Saints F or th irty four years .

in which he has always been held His relics .

C olumba travelled about evangelising the were enshrined at Iona .

Highlands of Scotland At last weighe d down .

* O M I N US St
C ( ) Abbot (June 1 2) . .

by age and i nfi rmit ies he died kneeling before , (5th cent probably ) There may have been .

the Altar (June 9 and was buried at Iona


. more Saints than one o f this name confus ion '

B ut in the ninth century his relics were trans


between whom has occasioned the contradictory

lated to D own in U lster and laid by the side , particulars we h ave in the scattered tra ditions .

of those of St Patrick St Ad amnan one of . . .

, O ne S C omi nus is Patron of Ard cavan By
his successors at Iona has left us an important
. .

, some he is represente d as brother of St Attract a .

and interesting Life of St Columba . .

(5th by others to have lived hundreds
COLU MBA (St ) V M (Sept 1 7 )
. . . . of y ears later .

(9 t h cent ) A Span i sh nun whose mon as tery

, , CON CE SSA ( St ) M (April 8 ) . .

near C ordova having been destroyed by the , (D ate unknown ) A Martyr anciently vener .

M oorish invaders to ok refuge with h er sisters , ated at C arthage of whom however no account
in the city But afterwards bur ning with the has come down to our times

. , .

desire to di e for Christ she of her own accord , CO NCE SSUS (St ) M . .

resent ed herself before the C adi and reproached See SS D E M ETRIU S and OTHER
gim publicly with his adherence to the F alse

CON CO R D IA (St ) M (Aug 1 3 ) .

Prophet Mohammed She paid for her boldness

. .

. See SS HIPPOL YTU S C O N C OR D IA &c , .

with her l ife She was beheaded (giving a gold


. CO N CO R DI US (St ) M (J an 1 ) . .

piece to her excutioner) and her body thr own


(2nd cent ) A Martyr at Spoleto (Central

into the Guadalquivir (A D It was

. . Italy ) under the Emperor M arcus Aurelius .

rescued and honour ably interred by St E ulog ius He was a priest was put upon the rack and

himself afterwards crowned with martyr d om

i nd rwent other tortures before being beheaded


s A De

C (St ) V M (N ov ; 1 3 ) . . . 1 z 5)
(D ate uncertain ) The Patron Saint of two . CO N ALD (CHUN I ALD) (St (Sept 24) .

parishes in Cornwall She is said to have been


(7 t h cent ) One of the zealo us band of
a C hristian Virgin put to death by a heathen

missionari es led by St Rupert to the Apostolate .

K ing of C ornwall
. of Southern Germany .

C MB A (St ) Abbot (De c 1 2) . . .
C ( ) (St Abbot (May 22) . .

(6 t h cent ) A native of Leinster and disciple


(7 t h cent ) Abbot of the monastery of Innis
of St F inni an who became a great master of C oel (D onegal ) wh ere the re is a holy well call ed

the spiritual life and governed the monastery


after him .

of T tl aglas in Munster till his holy death *

CO N GAN (St (Oct 1 3 )
AD g is
, .

. . O therwi se St C O M GAN , u ki ch . see .

COLU MBA (St ) V M (De c 3 1 )

. . . .
C (St Bp (J an 26 ) .

(3 rd ce nt ) A Christi an Virgin put to death

. .

. cent Traditionally held to have b een

(7 t h )
at Sens in Bur gundy under the Emperor Bishop of the Isle of M an of which he completed

Aurelian (A D Terrible tortures as in . .

, the conversion to Christianity He died about .

the case of so many Martyrs were inflicted upon , A D 6 48

her before her head was struck off Her relics (Sept 2)
. . .

, CO NCO R D I US (T ) M . O .

venerated at Sens were scattered by the Hu g ue , See SS ZEN O C O N CO R DI US &c , , .

nots in the sixteenth century


. CO N CO R DI US (St M (Dec 1 6 ) . . .

CO LUM BAN US (St ) Abbot (N ov 21 ) . . . 8 6 6 SS VALE NTINE CO N C O R D I U S &c , , .

(7 th cent ) B orn in Leinster about A D CO N DE DUS (CON DE) (St )


. . .
(O ct 20) . .

5 45 he learned the mon astic life under St

, .
(7 th cent ) An English Hermit who lived
C omg all in the latter s famous monastery of in F rance in great reputation of sanctity and

B enchor Thence with several companions

, , died in his cell in an island in the Seine about
he proceeded to Britain and Gaul His first . AD 685
g reat foundation was that of the Abbey of
. .

CO NI N DR US (St ) B (D ec 28 )
RO U L U and C O N I N DR U S
. .

Luxeuil over which he presided for twenty fi ve

See SS M S .

years writing there hi s R ul e for Monks of


O (St ) B p (Ma y 3 )
) The
, .
, ,

which the characteristic is i ts extreme severity .

(6 t h cent Patron Saint (with St .

In disfavour with Queen Brunechild e he ridget of ildare of which See he was first

B ) K ,

ishop He is celebrated as having mini s tered


departed from h er do minions and leaving his B

in the things of the spirit to the M ary of

disciple St Gall in Switzerland where he had



Ireland and h er nuns He was also renowned


built some mona teries crossed the Alps and s

, .

settled at Bobbio in the North of Italy He for his skill in the copying and illuminating of
died there A D 6 1 5 He was a man of great . . . manuscripts A D 529 is given as the date of . . .

ability as his writings show and rendered his death

, ,

many services to the C hurch but his mistaken


(Jan 1 ) . . .

(6 t h cent ) Abbess of St Bridget s convent


zeal for the C eltic d ate of Easter and the il l ’

in K ildare Sh e died A D 5 9 0 Her name

. .

advised letter he wrote to Pope St Boniface IV . . .

appears in the Martyrologi es of D onegal and of


against PO p e Vigilius and u phol ding the so called



Three C hapters reject ed by the C hurch Tallaght

CO N O GA N (GWEN ) (St B p

has unfortunately served as a weapon against


(O ct 1 6 ) . . .

her in the han ds of Protestants (5th cent ) The successor of St C orentin in .

the See of Q uimper (Brittany ) His memory

. .

COM BS (St ) Ab bot . (J une 9 ) .

is still held i n great veneration His Celtic


A corru p t f orm of the name of St C OLU M BA .


or CO LUMBK I LL, whi ch see . name has been Latinised into Albinus .

CO R BI CAN (St ) (J une Peter s Chair of St F abian dur in g the Decian

. 26 )
cent ) A Sai nt said to have been of

(8 t h . persecution A D in which his predecessor

Irish birth who lived a holy life as a solitary
. .

, perished t Corneliu s upheld the “Roman

in the Low Cou ntries instructing and helping the
. .

, tradition of benignity in dealing with fallen

pe asants No accurate dates are forthcoming
. . Christians and this even against the great
COR BINIAN (St ) Bp (Sept 8 ) . . authority of St C yprian of C arthage p art of
(8 t h cent ) A F rench Saint who after p assing
. .

, h is correspondence with whom is st i u extant

four teen years in a hermit s cell gathered dis
. .

, He overcame the Rigorist Anti Pope Novatian -

around him and built a mon as tery


c i p l es . but was banished by the Imperial authorities

C oming to Rome as a pilgrim St Gregory II , . to Civita Vecchia (C en tumcellw) where he
the then Pope consecrated him B ishop and
, ,

, , eventually su ffered martyrdom His b ody ,

sent him to evangelise Bavaria He fixed his

brought back to Rome was interred in the


See at F reissi ng en where after a long and


, , C atacombs in the fa mily crypt of the Corneli i

fruitful Episcopate he died A D 7 3 0 A , . . .
(A D
detailed account of his life and of the miracles
. .

CORNELI U S (Si ) M (Dec 3 1 ) . . .

which illustrated his sanctity has come down to See SS STEPHE N PONTIANU S &c , .

us from the pen of Alibert his third successor


, COR O NA (St ) M .
(May 1 4) .

at F reissingen . See SS VI C TOR and C ORO NA .

CO R BM A C (St ) Abbot (J une 21 )


* . . CO SM A S and DAM IAN (SS ) M M (Sept 27 ) . .

(6 t h cent ) A d i sci ple of St Colu mbkill


. .
(4th cent ) Two brothers by profession
pl aced by him over the monastery he had
, ,

physicians who on principle refused to accept


founded at D urrow . any remuneration for their services Arabs .

COR DULA (St ) V M ( Oct 22)

. . . . by birth they lived at n ea in Cilicia (Asia
(5t h cent ) One of the numerous companions

. M inor ) where arrested as C hristians they were , ,

at C ologne of St Ursul a who witnessing t he .

, , put to the torture and in the end beheaded in
sufferings and massacre of the rest lost heart , the persecution under Diocletian (A D 3 03 .

and lay hid till all was over But on t h e next


about ) With them suffered their other three


day ashamed and repentant of her cowar dice


brothers Anthimus Leonti us and E up rep i us

, , .

she showed herself openl y and received the


Their relics were brought to Rome where an


crown of martyrdom last of them all The , . important chur ch was dedicated in their honour .

date A D 453 may be given . Their memory has always been in great venera
tion in the E ast and in the West Two other
. .

(April 1 8 )

CO R E BUS (St ) M . . .

(2nd cent ) A Prefect of Mess ina in Sicily. pairs of brothers of the same name have place
who converted to C hristianity by St Eleu . in the M enologies of the Greeks .

t h eri us was put to death on account of h is COTTA M (TH O M A S) (Bl ) M

(May 3 0) . .

religion under the Emperor Hadrian (A D See B lessed THO M A S C O TTAM


(Sept 6 )



117 , .

CO R E N TI N (Si ) Bp . .
(Dec 1 2) (SS ) M .

cent ) The
son of a Briti sh chieftain

(D ate unknown ) C appadocian Martyrs


(5t h . .

who crossing over to Armorica or Bretagne whose Acts are unfortunately lost St Cottidus

. .

became the first B i shop of Quimper and after is described as a deacon


, .

a long and distinguished Episcopate passed *

CO WA I R (CYWAI R ) (St ) V (J ul y 1 1 ) . .

away late in the fif th century He signed the .

(D ate unknown ) The Patron Saint of Llan
gower (Merioneth ) We have no account of her

D ecrees of the C ouncil of Angers (A D . . . .

but the exact date of his death is uncertain . CRATO N an d OTHER S (SS ) MM (F eb 1 5) . . .

COR F U (M A RTYR S O F ) (April 29 ) .

(3 rd cent ) Craton a philosopher and .

(1 st cent ) Seven cr i mi nals converted to. Professor of Rhetoric converted to Christiani ty ,

C hristianity and to a good life by St J as on . by St Valentine Bishop of Teramo suffered

. , ,

(or Mnason ) a disciple of Our Lord (Acts xxi m ar tyrdom in Rome shortly after that hol y
Their names are given as Sat urni nus man (A D His wife and chi ldren with


many of his household were executed at the


I nisch ol us F aus t i anus J anuari us M ass ali us , , ,

E up hr asi us and Mannoni u s They are said same time likewise on account of their religion
, ,

. .

(St ) Abbot (Aug 1 9 )


to have been put to death as Chr istians in the * R E D AN

C . . .

Island of C orfu about A D 1 00 and are known ,

. .
, (8 th cent ) The Abbot of Evesham in the .

as The Seven Robber Saints -


time of K ing Offa of Mercia He died in fame .

CO R M A C (St ) Bp . (Sept 1 4) . of sanctity about A D 7 8 1 August 1 9 is . . .

(l ot h cent ) Probably the first Bis hop of assigned as his F estival in various Church

C ashel The Psalter of C ashel compiled , C alendars but we know little or nothing con

by him is still extant He is likewis e known as cerning hi m


. .

K ing of M unster and was slain in battle (April 1 6 )


, CR E ME N TI US (Si ) M . .

(A D See SS C AIU S and C R E M E N TI US .

CRE SCEN S (St ) M (March 1 0)


CO R M A C (St ) Abbot
. .

* . (Dec 1 2) . . .

(6 th cent ) An Ir is h Abbot of great sanctity


See SS C O D R ATUS D ION Y SIU S &c , , .

CRE SCENS (St ) M (April 1 5)

. .

friend of St Columbkill Nothi ng more is . . . .

known with certainty about him .

(D ate unknown ) A M artyr of Myra in .

CORNELIA (St ) M (March 3 1 )

. . Lycia (Asia Minor ) who peris hed at the stake ,

See SS TH E O DU LU S AN N E SI U S &c , but in what year is not known } The Greeks

keep his F east on Apri l 1 3

. .

(F eb 2) . .

(F irst cent ) The centurion of the Italic CRE SCEN S DIO SCORIDES PAUL an d HE L

, ,

cohort baptised at Caesarea in Palestine by the LA D I US (SS ) M M (May 28 ) . .

(3 rd cent ) Zealous Roman Chr istians who


Apostle St Peter about whom see the Acts of


, ,

for preaching the Gospel were scourged and

. .

the Apostles (ch Tradition makes of him .


the first Bishop of C aesarea ; and as such he is afterwards burned to death (A D 244 about ) . . .

described in the Roman Martyrology Meta . The St Hellad ius Bishop and Martyr com , ,

memorated on the same or preceding day


p hr ast es gives the legendary details of his ,

Apostolate The year of the first century in appears to be other than the St Helladius here .

which he passed away is not recorded


. mentioned .

CO RNELIU S (St ) Bp (Jun e 4) . . CRE SCEN S (St ) M (J uly 1 8 )
. .

(1 2t h cent ) An Ir i sh Sai nt of the Augus O ne of the martyred children of St SY M


tinian Order and Archbishop of Armagh He


PH O R O SA whi ch see .

(Oct 1 )

died at Chambery in Savoy on his retur n from CRE SCENS (St ) M . . .

a pilgrimage to Rome (A D and is stil l . . See SS PR I SC US C RE SCEN S &c

, , .

there held in great veneration . CRE SCENS (St ) Bp M (J une 27 )

. .
, .

C ORNELIU S (St ) Pope M (Sept 1 4) . , . . ( l st cent ) The disciple of St Paul mentioned

. .

(3 rd cent ) A Roman the successor in St. , . by him (2 Tim i v 1 0) as having gone into . .


Galatia He is stated to have been appointed * RISPIN of VITER BO (BL)

C (May 23 )
(1 8 t h cent ) An Italian F ranciscan lay

Bishop either of the Galatians or of C halcedon

brother in the Capuchin convent of Viter b o
. .

Tradition goes on to tell us of his Apostolate of ‘


D auphin e in Gaul and aga in of his h avmg


favoured with many supernatural g i fts by

Almighty God He died aged eighty two

founded the See of Mentz in Germany How .


May 1 9 1 7 50 and his body remains incorrupt


ever he appe ars to have returned in the end to , ,

to this d ay

the East The Roman M artyrology adds that .



he suffered martyrdom under Traj an (A D 1 00 . . .

(3 rd cent ) Shoemakers by trade victims of

. .

about ) The F east of the Translation of his .


the great persecution under D iocletian They


relics would appear to have been kept on .

D ec 29 were beheaded becaus e of their religion at

Soissons in F rance A D 28 7 They were in
. .

CRE SCENS (St ) B (N ov 28 ) , . . .

great popular veneration throughout the

. .


Middle Ages (see in this connection Sh akspeare s

, ,

CRE SCENTIA (St ) V M (J une 1 5)

Henry V Act IV Scene II ) ; but the adop

. . .

See SS VITU S M O D E STU S &c ,

tion of the Roman Calendar in which Oct 25
. .
, , . ,

CR E SCE NTI AN A (St ) M (May 5 ) .

(their day ) is occupied by the F east of the

. .

(5th cent ) Beyond the fact that as early

M artyrs SS C hrysant h us and D arias h as caus ed

as the time of Pope Symmachus (A D 49 8 5 1 4) -


the liturgical keepin g of their festival to fall into

. .

a church in Rome was dedicated to her nothing


desuetude They are the recognised Patron

is now known of this Saint .

Saints of Shoemakers and are often represented



(May 3 1 ) ,

with the tools of their trade or with strips of


(2nd cent A hristian who su ff ered death

) C .

for hri t at
C s
Sas sari in the Island of Sardinia leather in their hands Some of their relics .

at the same time as SS Gabi nus and Crisp ul us are in Rome and a noble church was erected,

at Soissons in their honour


in the reign of the Emperor Hadrian (A D 1 3 0 . . .

about ) ' He is still in great veneration there

. CRISPIN (St ) B p M . (N ov 1 9 ) . . .

(4th cent ) A Bis hop of E cna (A sti ag e) in


(J une 1 )
st bX

Andalusia (Spain ) beheaded as a Chr istian ,

(3 rd cent ) A Roman soldier a veteran

under the persecuting Emperor M aximi an
Hercul eus at the beginning of the fo ur th

who retired to lead a hermit s life in a solitary ’

place near Citta di Castello ( Ti p hernum) in the centur y St Crispin is honoured with a special
. .

Apennine Mountains but who delated as a , ,

o fli ce in the old Span ish or M ozarabic B reviary
C hristian was put to the tortur e and beheaded
, and M issal .

(A D
. . He is often represented by artists CRISPIN (St ) M . (D ec 3 ). .

as clad in a deacon s dalmatic though in al l ’


, ,

probabil ity he remained all his life a layman . CRISPIN (St ) M . (D ec 5) . .

CR E SCE N TI AN US (St ) M (J ul y 2) . . See SS J U LIU S POTA M IA &c

, , .


, , . CRISPIN A (St ) V M . (D ec 5) . . .

CR E SCE N TI AN US (St ) M (Aug 1 2) . (4th cent ) One of the most famous of the
African M artyrs of the Early Church We have
. .



. .

still her Panegyric preached by the great

E R A LI S (SS ) M M (Sept 1 4)
. . . St Aug ustine
. She was a wealthy matron of .

(3 rd cent ) African M artyrs alleged to have

. high birth who preferring her F aith to all
, ,

worldly go ods cheerful ly laid down her life for


suffered at the same time and place as the great

St C yprian (A D
. . . C hrist . Having been put to the torture and
CR E SCE NTI AN US (St ) M . .
(N O V 24) forced to un dergo the most shameful in d ig nities ,

( 4thcent A hristian who suffered in

) C . beheaded at Theb este in Numidia (A D . .

company with SS Larg us and

C yri acus , . )was
Smar gdus exp r ng on the rack in their sight
a , i i CRISPIN of PAVIA (St ) Bp (J an 7 ) . . .

at Rome under the tyrant Maxent ius (A D (5t h cent ) M ore than one holy Prelate of
We learn this much from the Acts of Pope

this name in ancient times illustrated the See

. .

St M arcellus
. A Translation of the Relics 0. of Pavia in Lombardy One of them in the .

St Crescenti anus in the ninth century i s


first half of the third century governed it for
recorded . thirty fi ve years ever solicitous not only for
CR E SCE N TI AN US (St ) Bp (N O V 28 ) . the spiritual advancement of his flock but also
. .
See SS .
, B &c . for the temporal well being of the city It was -

CR E SCEN TI O (St ) M (S 1 7). . probably in hi s honour that the F east of J an 7
N and
. .

. C R E SC E N TI O was first instituted though the entry in the
CR E SCE NTI US (St ) ( 1 9) . Roman Martyrology is commonly understood
(5t hcent A ubdeacon of lorence
) S F
. dis to commemorate another B ishop St Crispin
of ishop of that city

who subscribed (A D 451 ) the Acts of the

C i p le St Z enob i us , B . . .

He flour i shed in fame of great holiness at the


C ouncil of Mil an in support of Pope St Leo


end of the fourth and beginning of the fif th


the Great and who was the immediate pre

centur i es
. decessor of St E p iphanius
(Sept 1 4)
. .

cnnscnnr i us (St ) M . . CR ISPULUS (St ) M (May 3 0)


(4t h cent ) A boy onl y eleven years of age

. .

. See SS GA BI N U S and C R I SPULU S

the son of St E uthymi us who brought from
, .

, CR I SPULUS and R E STI TUTUS (SS ) (June 1 0) .

Perug i a to Rome bravely confessed Chr ist


dur i ng the great persecution under Diocletian (F irst cent ) Martyrs believed to have suf
and was spared neither torture nor death
fered under Nero in the Apostolic Age and
He was beheaded and probably with him his

probably in Rome Baroni us however fol


mother also (A D
, .
, ,

. . lowing R ab anus Maurus assigns them to Spain ,

No account of them is extant


CR E SCE NTI US (St ) M (Dec 1 2) . .

. .


S ,
&c . CRISPU S (St ) M .
(Aug 1 8 ) .

See SS J OH N and C RI SPU S


CR E SCE NTI US (St ) M (Dec 29 ) . .

. . .

See SS D MI C, .
C ,
&c . CRISPU S and CAIU S (SS ) MM ( Oct 4) . . .

CR E SCE N TI US (St ) B p (Dec 29 ) . . . (l st cent ) Sa ints of the Apostolic Age the

RE EN une

two whom alone St Paul baptised at C orinth

O therwi se St C SC S (J 27 ) whi ch see

. .

CR E SCO N I US (St ) Bp M ( 28 )
. . .
( 1 Cor i Crispus was ruler of the syna
. . .

See SS B &c gog ue in that city (Acts xviii C aius in all

CR E WE NN A (St )
, , . .
(F eb 1 ) . likel ihood is the same as the person whom the
cent A companion of from

(5th ) . St Breaca Apostle styles my host (Rom xvi

Ireland to ornwa l eyond the plac name
. .

and also (whi ch is the O pinion of O rigen and of


C l B e .

Crowan near
, Erth no record remains of
St Venerable Bede ) the dearly beloved Gai ns
thi s Saint

(Cai ns ) to whom St J ohn addressed his .

Third Epistle A well supported tradition has .
Docuinus or Dogui nus This seems to be the
it that C rispus became the first Bishop of the

name which was later corrupted into Oue and

Island of 1E gina and C aius similarly first K ew St C u m g ar was buried at C ongresbury

B ishop of Thessalonica
, . .

to whi ch town he has given hi s name The


compilers of the English Menology hold that


CR I STI O LUS (St ) .
(N ov 3 )
cent A Welsh Saint brother of St

( 7th ) .
, St C u m g ar flour i shed in the eighth century

u ian and founder of churches in Pembroke


S l in the time of K ing I na of Wessex

shire and in Anglesey CU MINE THE WHITE (St ) Abbot ( Oct 6 )

. .

CHO I DAN M E DAN a nd DAGAN (SS ) (Jun e 4) (7 th cent ) An Abbot of Iona of Irish
. .

, . .

(6 th cent ) Three di sciples of St PETRO C descent who wrote a Life of St Columba

, .


He died A D 6 6 9
, . .

whi ch see . . .

CRONAN (St ) Abbot (April 28 )


( ) Abbot
. . C (N O V 1 2) . .

(7th cent ) B orn in Munster St Cronan

, (7 t h cent ) A C olumbian monk Abbot of .

founded several Religious Houses in various


the monastery of K ilcummin (K ing s C o unty ) ’

parts of Ireland chief among them that of


, In the disputes about the date (i f Easter he

Roscrea He had many disciples and worked
. . was a stre nuous upholder of the Roman system
many miracles He died about of calculation He died A D 6 6 2 Some thi nk

A D 6 40 .


. . . . .

that he is identical with St Cummian Bishop

. .

(F eb 9 ) .

of Clonfert

(8 th cent ) The striking characteristic of

. .

. .

this St Cronan was his zeal ability and success

. CUMM I A NUS (GU MIAN ) (St ) Bp (Aug 1 9 ) . . .

in the regulating of Ecclesiastical discipline


(7 th cent ) An Irish Bishop who resigned his .

He drew up many sets of disciplinar y laws See in order to retire to the monastery founded

from which he came to be st yled Cronan of by St Columbanus at Bobbio in the North of


the Nones He was probably a Bishop of .

Italy where he lived and died in great fame of

Lismore and identical with the holy Pre late

, sanctity He was an energetic advocate of the

known there as St Roman He must have . . Roman date of Easter He died according to .

flouri s hed early in the eighth century some A D 6 6 1 to others A D 6 8 2

, . .
, . . .

CRONAN BE G (St ) Bp CUNE GUN DA (St ) V (J uly 24)


(Jan 7 ) . . . .

(7t h cent ) A Bishop of ancient zEndrum O therwi se St K I N GA whi ch see


. . .

(Down ) mentioned in connection with the

, CUNE GUNDE S (St ) V (M arch 3 ) .

Paschal C ontroversy in A D 6 40 . . Otherwi se St CHUN E GUN DI S whi ch see .

, .

CUN E R A (St ) V (J une 1 2)


N US (St ) (J une 3 )
* CR O N A ‘
. . .

(7 th cent ) A disciple of St K evin renowned .

(D ate uncertain ) A Saint venerated more
for his austere life and singul ar virtue

particularly in Germany but said to have been


of British birth The traditions relating to


CR O N I DE S (CHR O N I DE S) (St ) M (March 27 ) . .

her are unreliable


See SS PHILETU S LY D IA . &c , ,


(April 21 )

CR O TA TE S (St ) M . . CUN I BE RT (St ) Bp (N ov 1 2) . . .


, (7 th cent ) A nobly born F rank brought up .

CB O TI LDE S (St ) Queen Widow at the C ourt of K ing Dagobert I who from

3) .
, ,

being Archdeacon of Treves was (A D 6 3 3 )

. .

The nam e of St C LOTIL D E of F rance i s thus .

, . .

a elled i n the old edi ti ons o f the R oman M artyr elected Archbishop of Cologne Not only did

o ogy . his virtues render him the idol of his flock but ,
CR UM M I NE (St ) Bp (Ju 28 ) . . ne his statesmanlike ability and prudence led to
(5t h cent A disciple of
) St . Patrick placed his enj oying the favour and confidence of K ing
by him over the hurch D agobert and of the two monarchs who suc
C of Leccui ne

TE I HON ceeded him all of whom he served as chief


C SP (St ) B p (M ay 1 5) . ,

minister He died A D 6 6 4 A stately church



. . . . .

at Cologne is dedicated in his honour


OUARAN (CUR VIN US) (St ) Bp (F eb 9 ) . .

cent An Irish aint surnamed like (C ONRAD) (St ) Bp M (June 1 )
. .

(7 t h ) S . C . , .

(1 1 t h cent ) An Archbishop of Treves in


some others The Wi , who

se concealed his


Epis opal dignity in order to embrace the

c the time of the Empe ror Henry IV He met his .

Religious Life as a simple monk at Iona where death whil e defendi ng the rights of his Church
(A D 1 06 6 ) and was at once acclai med as a

however he was eventually recognised by St


, . .

M artyr by his devoted people


He died probably some years after .

AD . . CUR CO DO MUS (St ) (May 4) .

CU BY (CYBY) (St ) Bp (N ov 8 ) (3 rd ce nt ) A deacon who by command of

the Pope of the time (possibly St X ystus II )
. . .

(6 th cent ) A C ornish Saint a cousin of

attended St Peregrinus first Bishop of Aux erre
. .

D avid of Wales

St . C onsecrated B ishop .
, ,

on his Apostolic Mission into Gaul in the third


he with ten disciples settled near Tregony


but later passed some time in Ireland In century or earlier His tomb was the scene

the end he came to Wales and founded a of many miracles and his memory has ever been

monastery near Holyhead He is the Patron locally in Burgundy in great honour


CU B E D AR S (BL) (Sept 3 )

Saint of Llangybi (M onmouth ) and of Ll ang ibi


(C arn ar von ) The exact date of his death is . See Bl J OHN BAPTI ST VI AN N E Y
. .

not known .
CUI‘lI G (St ) Bp

r . (June 1 6 ) .

CUCUPHAT (Si ) M (J uly 25) (6 t h cent ) Stated to have been Bishop of

Llanbadarn in Wales in whi ch country several
. . .

(4th cent ) An African C hristian who .


having crossed into Spai n was put to death on chur ches are dedicated in his honour There is
. ,

account of his reli gion near Barcelona in the however great di fficulty in tracing hi s hi story

time of D iocletian at the close of the third or and even in distinguishing him from other

beginning of the fourth century The Christian Saints bearing names resembling his .

(March 1 4)

oet Prudentius mentions St Cucup hat in his *

CURI TAN (St ) Bp . .

O therwi se St B ONI F A C E whi ch see


y mns and he is in great veneration in C atalon i a . , .

(Sept 1 2)
, .

Part of his relics have been translated to Paris CUR O N TI US (St ) Bp M . .

, . .

His name is variously written Cucuphas Coug at (3rd cent ) A Bishop of Iconium in Lycao n ia

(Asia Min or ) put to death for the F aith dur i ng

, ,

Q u i q uefat Gui nefort &c , ,

the persecution under Val erian (A D 258 about)

CULM ATI US (Si ) M (June 1 9 ) . . . ,

* URY St

See SS GA U D E N TI U S and C ULMATI U S C ( ) . (D ec 1 2) .

(5th cent ) Also called Corentin A native

. .


igfio} (N ov 2) . .

of Brittany who settled in Cornwall where he

, .

, ,

(6 th cent ) A son of Geraint Prince of became a zealous missionary He di ed A D 401 . . . .

CUTHBE RT (St ) Bp (Mar ch 20)

D evon and founder of monasteries at Badg . .

(7 th cent ) Born at Melrose on the ri ver


worth C ongresbur y (Somerset) and at Llan


Tweed St C uthbert in his youth tended his


genys (Glamorgan ) He lived in the sixth

father s sheep until having in a ViSi on at the

century and is one and the same with St


, .


moment of “the death of St Aidan seen that *

CYN F AR CH (St ) (S 8) . ept .


Sai nt mounting in glory to Heaven he embraced O therwi se St K SM K , whi ch see . .


the monas tic life As guestmaster of Melrose * YN LI O

C (St ) (J ul 1 7 )

cent A elsh aint as it would ap ear


Abbeyy whil e co urteous and affable to all he (5th ) S , .

of the fth cent ry everal chu ches are

was specially solicitous for poor wayfarers and

fi u S r .

dedicat d honour but we have no reliable


on one occasion entertained an Angel in the e i n his ,

g uise of a beggar He governed for some time account of hi m .

Y RIAN arch

the Monastery of Lindisfarne or Holy Island C P (St ) M . (M 1 0) .


off the coast of Northumberland whi ch he ,

See SS C O D R ATUS, D . Y SI US, &c .

reluctantly qui tted to become Bishop of that CYPRI NA (Si ) M . uy(J l 1 1 ) .

See later transfe rred Dur ham Though See SS S AVIN US and YPRIA N
. C .


always a lover of rayer and solitude he C (Si ) Bp , M . (S 1 4) . . .

cent yprian
distinguished hi mself y his b enefi cent influence (3rd ) Th ascms Caecil i us C ,. a
on public affairs andyenjoyed the confidence cultured and wealthy arthag nian after teach
C i ,

ing with distinction Philosophy Rhetoric


of the pri nces of his time The miracles he a nd ,

was converted to hristianity it is believed


wrought earned him the title of the Thau C (

mat urg us (Wonder worker ) of Britain To -
comparatively late in life ) He was soon .

raised to the priesthood and a year after was


wards the close of the second year of his Epis

copate he retired to the little Isle of F am e cons ecrated Bishop of C arthage (A D . .

(nine mil es from Lindisfarne ) and there passed C heerful and courteous to every one his charity ,

and piety spee dily won all hearts But it was


away March 20 A D 6 8 7 His shrine at . . . .

by his writings of whi ch even the literary merit


D urham was one of the most frequented in ,

C atholic England and more than four centuries is very great that he has chi efly served the ,

C hur ch He was linked in bonds of cordial


after his death his body was found to be still .

incorrupt It was hidden at the time of the

. sympathy and friendship with the M artyr Pope -

St C ornelius and in hi s own books bears explicit


so called Reformation and is believed to be yet


and striking witness to the necessary Oneness


resting in some obscure recess of D urham

C athedral . of the Church founded on the Rock of Peter .

CUTHBE R T M AYNE (Bl ) M (Nov 29 ) . . . His convi ction appears the more fro m h is bold
( 1 6 th cent ) Blessed C uthbert Mayne was
. ness and ins istency in maintaining his own
the first of the Seminary priests ordained erroneous views on the validity of Baptis m
abroad to give his life ln England for C hrist . conferred by heretics to which he so ught in ,

B orn in D evonshire he had been educated as vain to dr aw Pope St Stephen His treatise
. .

a Protestant but was converted to the True

, on Lapsed or F allen C hristians is a noble sum
F aith while studying at Oxford He was . mary of the merci ful doctrine of Rome in reg ard
ordained priest at D ouai and then began to , to sinners St C ypri an by a prudent retreat
. .

labour as a missionary priest in Cornwall ; but escaped the persecution of Chr istians under
before a year had elapsed was arrested tried ,

D ecius (A D He won his crown under
. .

and condemned to death for the crime of having ,

Valerian (A D when he was behe aded in
. .

said M ass He suffered near Launceston

presence of his sorrowing flock F or a vivid .

A D 1 57 7
. . . description of the M artyrdom of St C yprian .

(Aug 3 1 ) see his L ife by his dis ciple Pontius With hi m



(8 th cent ) A sister of K ing Ina of Wesse x

. in his triumph were associated SS Crescenti anus .

betrothed to O swy of N orthumbri a but with his Victor Generalis B osni a and other Christians
, ,

, , ,

cons ent releas ed from her obl ig ation and admit of C arthage .

ted to the Religious Life She was trained . CYPRI AN an d JU STINA (SS ) MM (Sept 26 ) . . .

thereto by St Hil deli d at Barki ng Abbey She

. . (4th cent ) C yprian from leading a life of .

afterwards founded the great Abbey of Wi m si n and making his livelihood as a necro mancer
borne in D orsetshi re where her sister St ,

and astrologer was converted to C hris tianity ,

Q uenburg a was associated with her Wimborne


. by the virgin St J ustina whom he had thought .


was the school in wh ich SS Lioba Thecla and .

, to lead astray In the persecution under .

other great and saintly women prepared for their Dio cletian they were both arrested and taken
lives of C hristian devotedness and usefulness . to the Imperial residence at N i comedi a (Asia

St C uthb urg a passed away A D 7 24 or there

. . . M inor ) and there condemned and beheaded
abouts and her festival is marked in several
, on account of their religion (A D 3 00 about )
Litur gical C alendars
. . .

. Their relics are now enshrined in Rome in the

CUTHM AN (St ) .
(F eb 8 ) . B aptistery of the C hur ch of St J ohn Lateran .

cent A South of England Saint who CY PRIAN (St ) M ( Oct 1 2)


(8th ) . . .

lived a holy life as a shepherd near Stey n ing in See SS F ELI X and C YPRIA N

Sussex of which place the old church i s dedicated


, CY PRIAN (St ) Abbot (Dec 9 )

i n his honour
. .

(6 th cent ) A monk of P érigueux (F rance )


. .

CUTIAS (St ) M .
(F eb 1 8 )
. who ended a holy life as a hermit on the banks
See 8 8 MA X I M U S C LAU D IU S &c

, , . of the Dordogne (A D St Gregory of . .

CYBAR (St ) Abbot (J uly 1 )


. . Tours Speaks of the many mi racles wrought by

O therwi se St E PAR CHI US whi ch see .
, h i m both in l i fe and after death
GY DY (St ) Bp
. .

(N ov 5)
. . CYR (Si ) M . .
(J une 1 6 )
Otherwi se St C U B Y whi ch see .
, . O therwi se St Q UI R I CUS which see .
CYNDE YR N (St ) Bp (Jan 1 3 )
. . . CYR A (Si ) .
(Au g 3 )
O therwi se St K E N TI GE R N whi ch see See SS MARA NA and C Y RA

. . .
, .

CYN FR AN (St ) (N ov 1 1 )
. CYR EN I A an d JULIANA (SS ) MM (N o v 1 )
(5th cent ) A Welsh Sai nt one of the sons
. . .

(4th cent ) Two C hristian women burned to


of the chieftain Bry chan of Brecknock and


death for their religion at Tars us in Asia Minor

founder of a church in C arnarvonshire There

in the last great persecution under the Roman


is also a St Cynfran s Well



. Emp erors (A D . .
CYN ID R (KE N E DR US) (St Abbot (April 27 ) . . CYR I A (St ) M .
(J une 5) .

O therwi se St EN O D ER whi ch see . . See SS ZE N AI D E S CY R I A, &c

CYNO G (St ) M (Oct 7 )
. .

. . . CYR I A CUS, CYR I ACA , 0 .

O therwi se St CAN O G whi ch see These n ames, common to many Sai n ts, ar e
. .

(April 3 0)
. of ten f ou nd wri tten Q U I R I AC U S, Q UI R I A CA ,
(6 th cent ) The brother of St B einiol & c , or agai n f or them are substi tut ed the

. .

first Bisho of Bangor He lived an austere

, .

ca len t Lati n arms, D M C S, D M O I NI U O INI A

li fe in Nort Wales and af ter his death chur ches

, &c Less f r tly, the f orms K Y R I A O US,

were dedicated in his honour

K I R I AC U S c , d re met wi th
CY BAR D (St ) Abbot (J uly 1 )

. .

. . cr nu ca (sc M (M 20) . arch

O therwi se St E PAR CHI US, whi ch .
see. See ss , J .S ,PHOTINA
&c O EPH .

CYR I A CA OTHER S (SS ) VV MM (May 1 9 )
an d . . . On their coming to Rome to render an account
(4t h cent ) Six Christian maidens who
. of their mission Pope Hadrian II consecrated
perished at the stake at Nicomedia the Imperial

, them B ishops C yril however died there

residence under M axim ini an Galerius (A D
, .
, , ,

, . leaving M ethodius to continue alone their

CYR I A CA (D OM INI CA ) (St ) M (Aug 21 )

. . Apostolate which he did with marvellous success

(3 rd cent ) A wealthy Roman widow who

. in M oravia B ohemia Poland and the neigh

sheltered the persecuted C hristians and to whose
, ,

b our ing countries To him is attributed the

house St Laurence the deacon and Martyr was

, Slav alphabet into which tong ue he translated
accustomed to repair to distribute his alms
, ,

the Holy Scriptures He di ed in M oravia at an

Her courageous charity cost her her life Sh e
. .

advanced age at the close of the ninth century

was scour ged to death as a C hristian (A D
. .

. . The relics of the two brothers are venerated

The Roman C hurch of St M ary in Domni ca . in the church of San C lemente in R omef and
perpetuates her name . Pope Leo XIII ordered their festival to be
CYR I A CUS (St ) M .
(J an 3 1 )
. . solemnl y kept throughout the Christian world
. . on July 7 .

CYR I A CUS (St ) M .

(F eb 8 ) . CYRIL of JERU SALE M (St ) Bp (March 1 8 ) .


See SS . S, C S, &c D octor of the C hurch

. .

CYR I A CUS, LAR GUS, SM D S an d H S (4th cent ) Born near J erus alem A D 3 1 5 . . .


(SS ) MM
. .
( 8) He was ordained priest A D 3 45 and became
cent A group of more than twenty
. . .

(4th ) . Patriarch in 3 50 Driven by the Arians from

hristians among the victims in Rome of the

C , his See he returned to J er us ale m under J ulian ,

great persecution under the Emperors D io and was an eye witness of the futile attempt -

cleti an and M axi mi an Hercul eus (A D . . of the Apostate Emperor to rebui ld the Temple .

They were beheaded after having been put to After enduring a second banishment l asting
the tortur e St C yriacus who was a deacon
. .
, eleven years he passed away in peace at J eru
gave his name to a famous church seat or title
, ,

salem (A D His C atecheses or Simple

of a C ardi nal deacon On its falling in the
. .

. expositions of Catholic doctrine are most

fifteenth century into ruin its privileges with , valuable Especially luminous is his clear

the relics ens hrined in it were transferred to the teaching of the F aith on the subj ect of the

church called Santa M aria in Via Lata . Holy Eucharist He was numbered by Pope .

CYR I ACUS an d OTHER S (SS ) MM (April 7 ) . . Leo XIII among the D octors of the C hurch .

(D ate unknown ) Eleven C hristians regis . CYRIL (St ) M . (M arch 20)


t ered in the M artyrologies as having su ff ered See SS PAU L C Y RIL &c .

, , .

at Nicomedia in As ia Minor But the date and . CYRIL (St ) M . (March 29 ) .

all particulars have been long since lost (4th cent ) A Palestinian deacon martyred .

un der J ulian the Apostate (A D Accord


CYR I A CUS (St ) M .

(May 2) . . .

See SS E X U P E R I U S ZOE &c

, , . i ng to Th eodoret his body was frightfully
(June 1 6 ) mutilated before the executioner put an end to

CYR I A CUS an d JULI TTA (SS ) MM . .

O therwi se SS Q UI R I ACU S and J ULITTA. his su ff erings .

CYRIL (St ) Bp M (Jul y 9 )


whi ch see . . .
, .

CYR I ACUS (Q UIR I ACUS) (St ) Bp . .

, M . (May 4) (3 rd cent ) An aged prelate Bishop of .

(4t h cent ) M ost probably a Bishop of

. Gort yna in the Island of Crete tortured and ,

Ancona (Italy ) who while making his pilgrimage , beheaded in the D ecian persecution (A D . .

to the Holy Land perished in the persecution , CYRIL of A LEXAN DRIA (St ) Bp (J an 28 ) . .
, .

of J ulian the Apostate (A D B ut many . . D octor of the C hur ch .

assert that he was a Bishop of J erusale m put (5th cent ) By birth an Egyptian and nep .

to death under Hadrian (A D 1 1 7 In hew of St Theophilus whom he succeeded

. . . ,

reality nothing certain is now known about him (A D 41 2) in the Patriarchate of Alexandria
. . .

F rom the outset he Showed himself a zealous


His relics are venerated at Ancona

champion of the C atholic F aith He was

CYR I ACUS an d PAULA (SS ) MM (June 1 8 ) .

' .

unsparing in his effort s to eradicate the last


(4th cent ) Two C hristians stoned to death


at M alaga in Spain during the persecution under vestiges of Paganism but that he was an abettor ,

D iocletian (A D 3 05 about ) St . Paula is

. . . of the murder of Hypatia the girl philosopher ,

registered as a Virgin M artyr but no details are is in the words of a Protestant writer an ,

uns upported calumny He wrote Com

, ,
extant of either of these Martyrs . .

CYR I ACUS (St ) M .

(J une 5)
. mentarles on the Holy Scriptur es and other
. notable works but his chief glory is his success
f ul overthrowing of the subtle heresy of Nestorius
, , ,

CYR I ACUS (Si ) M .

(J une 20)

See SS PAU L and C Y R I ACU S

(who taught that Christ was not trul y God ,

but a mere man th e instrument of the Godhead


US a nd A PO LLINARIS (SS ) (J une 21 )

idA g
CYR . ,

that is that in Him there are two Persons )


n ,

(D ate un known ) African M artyrs regis tered condemned in the great Council of Ephesus

which was presided over by St Cyr il


n he M artyrologies but whose Acts have been (A D

. . .

as Legate of Pope St Celestine In this


. .

CYR I ACUS (St ) M (J une 24) C oun cil Our Lady s title of Theotokos (Mother

. .

See SS O R E N TI U S HEROE S & c of God ) was formally recogni sed Intrigues .

at Constantinople led to St C yril s imprison

. .

CYR I A CUS (St ) M (J ul y 1 5)

. .

ment but liberated in conse q uence of the strong


See SS ANTIO C HU S and CY R I ACU S , ,

action of the Pep e he returned to Alexandr ia

. .


and there passed away in peace J an 28 444

, , , ,

SI US SI N DI M I US an d OTHER S (SS ) MM , .
, .

Leo XIII proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church

. .

(D ec 1 9 )
(4th cent ) Some of the numberless Chris and assigned F eb 9 as his F estival D ay

. .

CYRI L (St ) M (March 4)


tians who su ffered at Nicomedia the residence . .



of the Emperor D iocletian (A D No .


. .

particulars are extant


, , ,


, ,

CYRIL an d M ETH O DIU S (SS ) Bp s (M arch 9 ) ,

(M arch 8)
. .

(9 t h cent ) Two brothers the Ap ostles of M AM I LLUS (SS ) M M . .

(D ate unknown ) African Martyrs (C yr i l


the Sclavonians or Slavs born in Greece and .

is described as a Bishop ) registered in all the


educated at C onstantinople They were sent ,

ancient lists but of whom nothing is now


by the Patriarch St Ignatius as missionaries .

to the Bulgarians which people following the known
CYRIL (Si ) Bp (J ul y 22)
, ,

example of their king Speedily embraced

(3 rd cent ) The successor of Ti m aeus (A D
, . .

Chr istianity (A D 8 6 1 C yril had previ . .

28 0) in the Patriarchate of Antioch He was

. . .

o us l y reached in Southern Russia They .

conspicuous both for piety and for learni ng


pursue their work in Moravia and D almatia .



Like other prelates of his age he had much to


endure from the enemi es of Christianity but ,

appears to have passed away in pea ce about

DAR IU S (B AVIU S) (St ) (Jul y 22)
A D 3 00 .

(D ate uncertain ) B utler

describes him as an
. .



Irish priest who worked in Scotland where his

, , , ,

a n d M ENAN D ER (SS ) MM (Aug 1 ) ,

name appears as title of churches He may be

. . .

(D ate unknown ) M artyrs of one of the early .

identical with St Movean or E itens disciple of


centuries re gis tered in the Martyrologies as of .

According to Smith and Wace


St Patrick

Philadelphia i n Arabia . .

more to him than to St D avid of Wales are the


CYRI L (St ) M ( Oct 2) .

C eltic dedications under that name to be as

. . .


, ,

CYRIL (St ) M (Oct 28 ) .

(J une 4)
. . .

See SS ANA STA SIA and C Y RIL DA CI AN US (St ) M . .


. .

CYRILLA (St ) M (Jul y 5) . .


(4th cent ) An aged C hristian widow of .

ACI US (St ) M . .

C yrene (Africa) who with others was put to See SS CZE SAR I U S, DACI U S, &c
. .


, ,

death in that place for refus ing to sacrifice to

DELA S (SS ) MM (Sept 29 )

idols She appears to have expired in the . . .

(4th cent ) St D ad as , a noble Persian ,


torture chamber and so not to have been . .

Casdo e, his wife , and G abdel as , probably their


beheaded as was usual in the o fficial p ersecu

son , together with Sapor , a near relative of the

tions of the early centuries (A D 3 00 about )

K ing , were of the number of the many C hristians
. . .

CYRILLA (St ) V M ( Oct 28 )

who suffered martyrdom under Sapor II
. . . .

(3 rd cent ) The daughter of St Tryp honi a

They underwent terrible tor
. .

and a Sharer in the good works of that holy (A D 3 1 0

. .

Roman widow Sh e was put to death as a tures before fin ally being put to the sword .

ADAS (St ) M (April 1 3 )


C hristian under the Emperor Claudius II . .

(A D 26 8 See SS M AXI M U S Q UI N CTI LLI AN U S &c

, , .

APRO SA (AF F R O SA ) (St ) M

. .

GYRINU S PRIMU S an d THEOGENE S (J an 3 ) (Jan 4) . . .

(4th cent ) The wife of F abian (F lavian )

, .

(SS ) MM .

also a Martyr and the mother of SS Bibiana

. .

(4t h cent ) Martyrs at Cy z icus on the , .

and D emetria VV MM After the death of


Hellespont under the Emperor Licinius (A D , . .

her husband some writers say that She herself

, .

They were soldiers in the Imperial army

and preferred to die rather than to share in the was decapitated (A D Others with better . .

idolatrous sacrifices at which the troops were reason that she was exiled and succeeded in
compelled to as sist St Theogenes in parti converting to Christianity and animating to
martyrdom a certain F austus who pretended
. .

cul ar has from early times been in great venera

tion both in the East and in the West to her hand and who may be the Saint of that ,

name venerated with others on J une 24 But


CYR IN US (St ) M (April 26 ) .

it is admitted that the Acts of St Bibiana are

. .

(3 rd cent ) A Roman M artyr under Di o .

untrustworthy and that She and the other


clet i an of whom mention is made in the Acts ,

of St Marcellinus Pope and Martyr Saints referred to therein may have flourished
a century ear lier than the date given The
, .

CYR I NUS (St ) M (May 1 0) . .

name D afrosa is often written and more



correctly D ap hrosa
. .

GYRINU S (St ) M (J 1 2) . une .

DA GAN (St ) M (Aug 27 )


S, & c . . .

O therwi se St D E C U MAN whi ch see

. .


H and M S S (SS ) .
, .

(Aug 1 8 )

MM (F eb 1 4) DAGIE US (St ) Bp . . .

(6th cent ) An Ir ish Bishop at In iskin near

. .

(D ate u certain
n ) Bede and all the artyr
M .

Dundalk He ministered at the deathbed of


ologies commemorate these Sa ints as h ving

a .

su ered at exandria in Egypt

ff Al St C yr io St M o cht eus
. He died about A D 5 6 0 . . . .


. .

was a priest , St sian a Lector

B as , St Agatho . .

an Exorcist and oses a lay an It would

St M m (St ) M . .
(J an 29 ) .

(6 th cent ) A kinsman of St Edan of F erns

, . .

appe that on
ar the hurch of Alexand ia
F eb 1 4 C r . . ,

born in Connaught and a great schol ar who


celebrated besides the Martyrdom of a great ,

through his application to study became blind

, ,

number of Christians probably done to death , .

He wr ote a poem in honour of St C olumba


in a single massacre distinguishi ng them into .


called A mbra Cholui m K i lle which was only


various grou ps according to the nature of the

suff er ings they endured St Gyric and his . published after St Columba s death The .


legend averring that on its publication D al lan s


companions as above perished at the stake ’

sight was restored to hi m is found in several


St B assus (whi ch see) with many others were


drowned SS Dionysius and Ammonias (whi ch, . authors St D allan was mur dered at Tris coel
. .

see) were beheaded . by pirates (A D and his head thrown into . .

CYR I O N and CAN D IDA (SS ) MM (March 9 ) . . the sea It was re covered and miraculously

The two most conspicuous among the famous reunited to his body .

F ORT Y MARTY R S O F SE BA STE whi ch see , . ALM ATI US (St ) Bp M (Dec 5) . .

, . .

CYRU S and J OHN (SS ) MM (J an 3 1 ) . . (4th cent ) A former Missionary in Gaul who

was for one year Bishop of Pavia in Lombardy


(4th cent ) M artyrs of the last stages of the .


great persecution under Diocletian and his where he laid down his life for the F aith dur ing
colleagues (A D C yrus an Egypti an . .
, the persecution under Maxi mi an Hercul eus
physician and J ohn a Syrian were devoting , , , (A D . .

themselves to good works (some say in the AM ASUS (St ) Pope (Dec 1 1 ). . .

monas tic state of life ) when they were seized , (4t h cent ) An incomparable man (so .

condemned as Christians and beheaded at , St J erome styles him )

. the Virgin Doctor of ,

Al exandria Their remains were subsequently . the Virgin C hurch Of Spanish extraction .


translated to Rome Met ap hras te s has a prolix . but born i n Rome he attended Pope Liberius
description of their trial and P as sion

. in exile and was in constant communion with


C YRU S of CARTHAGE (St ) Bp (Jul y 1 4) St Athanas ius He succeeded Liberius (A D a

(Date unknown ) Who this Saint may have

. . . . . .

. but had to struggle ag ains t an Anti Pope -


been is quite uncertain St Possi dius in his . . Ursinus whose rebellion was finally cr ushed ,

Life of St Augustine Speaks of the holy D octor s



not without bloodshed by the Emperor Valen
Sermon on the F e as t of St C yrus B ishop of

, tinian St Damasus held Councils in Rome
C arthage but it is not unlikely that the name
. .

against the Arians and Apollinarians A

may be a mistake for that of St Cyprian

. cultur ed man (as is seen from his verses ) he was

(Jul y 1 7 )

C YTHIN US (Si ) M . . the great patron of St J erome who under his

One of the SC ILLITAN MARTY R S whi ch see

, . di rection t e translated into Latin or revised -

the current versions of Holy Scriptur e St . . Roman M artyrology indicates Babylon as the
D amasus is famous for having restored and place of his death but his tomb is still shown
beauti fi ed in Rome the tombs of the holy

at Sus a His relics translated to Alexandr ia

M artyrs His Share in the development of e

are now venerated at Venice The Greeks keep


Roman Liturgy mainly by the introd u cti n


, his F east on D ec 1 7 together with that of the

of certain elements borrowed from the Eastern

Three C hi ldren c as t into the fiery furnace

Rites was considerable He died nearly eighty
, .
( D an
years old A D 3 6 4 and was buried in one of

DAN I E L (St ) Bp (Sept 1 1 )

. . .
, ,

the two important churches he had built in

. .

(6 th cent ) C onsecrated first Bishop of .

honour of St Laurence the Martyr . . B angor by St D ubriti us he governed h is See .


(F eb 1 2)
. . . with zeal and success After his death (A D
(D ate unknown ) According to the B01
. .

545 ) the C athedral at B angor and other churches


laudi sts there are two Saints Dami an whose , , were dedicated in his honour He was buried
F easts are kept on F eb 1 2 one a soldier

in the I sle of Bar ds ey His F estival is variously

who gave his life for his religion in Africa
, .

, kept on N ov 23 and D ec 1 .

probably at Alexandria the other a Roman

. .


Martyr whose body was found in the cemetery
, , , , ,


of St Callist us and afterwards taken to Sala
. .

, ( Oct 1 3 )
manca in Spain But dates and particul ars

(1 3t h cent ) St D aniel Provincial in


are altogether wanting

. .

. C alabria of the newly founded F ranciscan -

DAMHNA DE (Si ) V (June 1 3 ) . . Order was sent by St F rancis of Assi si with
(D ate uncertain ) An Irish Virgin famed

six of his brethren to preach C hristianity to the


for miracles and greatly venerated in C avan ‘

, African Mohammedans They landed at Ceuta .

F ermanagh & c C olgan identifies her with

, . in Morocco and at once applied themselves to
St D ymp na the Martyr of Gael in B elgium their holy work ; but arrested after a few days ‘

, ,

but he can scarcely be rig ht as neither can be , and at fir st treated as madmen they were
E ugus who makes her out to have been

, finally sentenced to be beheaded (A D

sister to St F ursey Nothing is really known
. .

. . Their bodies torn to pieces by the pop ulace ,

of her life or date


. were colle cted by Christians and later carried

DAMI AN (St ) Bp (April 1 2)
. . over to Spain .

(8 t h cent ) Of noble birth and early di s . AN I E L THE STYLITE (St ) (Dec 1 1 ) . .

t ing uished for learni ng and piety he was , (5th cent ) One of the most famo us of the .

(A D 6 8 0) consecrated B ishop of Pavia in Pillar Saints of the fi fth century He entered “

. . .

Lombardy He strenuous ly opposed the Mono . a mon astery near Samosat a on the Upper
thel ites heretics of the time who taught that
, Euphr ates but travelling with his Abbot
in Christ there was no human will He acted

. came to know the celebrated St Simon Stylites .

successful ly as peacemaker between the Byz an who did penance on the top of a pillar near

tine Emperor and the Lombar ds his fellow , Antioch St D aniel resolved on imitating .

countrymen But he is chiefly in honour for


. him and encour aged by him embraced the

, ,

his devotedness to the sick and to the poor , same strange form of austere life at a spot
to whom he ministered personal ly in a year of a few miles outside the walls of C onstantinople .

plague By his ki ss he is Said to have healed

. He lived thirty years on his pillar whereon he ,

a leper He went to his reward (A D

. . . was ordained priest and used to say Mas s .

and was buried in his Cathedral . Thereon also honoured by the Greek Emperor
DAMIAN (St ) M (Sept 27 ) and the idol of the people whose sick he mira

. . .


. . culousl y heal ed he passed away A D 49 2 , . .

DAMIAN ( St ) M (F eb 1 6 )
. . . four s core years old .

See St ELIAS and MARTY R S O F EGYPT DAR E R CA (St ) Wido w (March 22)

. . . .

DANIEL (St ) M (J an 3 ) (5th cent ) St Patrick s sister ; Her name

. . . . .

(2nd cent ) St Daniel a deacon said to . .

, , derived from the Irish D i ar sheare Sig nif yi ng -

have been of J ewish extraction aided St ,

. constant or firm love denotes her characteristic ,

Prosd oci mus fi rst Bis hop of Padua in his , , in God s service At what date in the fif th


Aposto late of the North East of Italy An -

. century she died i s not known She is reputed .

eloquent preacher he was seized and tortur ed ,

to have left many sons some of whom became ,

to death in the F ourth General Persecution Bishops .

(A D
. . His body was mir acul ously dis ARIAS (St ) M . (Oct 25) . .

covered many centuries later and found ln Se SS C HR YSAN THU S and DARIA S
e .



co rrupt His F estival is kept on J an 3 that

. .
, , ,

being the anni versary of the Translation of his (SS ) MM . (Dec 1 9 )

. .

Relics in the year 1 06 4 . ( Date unknown ) Of these M artyrs the old .


DANIEL and VERDA (SS ) MM (F eb 21 ) . . . Martyrologies make mention as having suffered

(4t h cent ) Persian M artyrs greatly hono ur ed N i caea but nothi ng is extant concerning
, i ,
in the East who suffered under K ing Sapor I I
, .

(A D
. .
(F eb 1 ) . . .

DANIE L (St ) M . (July 1 0) . (6 t h cent ) The successor of St Brigid and . .


. second Abbess of K ildare She died A D 524 . . . .

ARM ENIA . The legend of her jour neying in Scotland seems

DAN IEL (St ) (March 3 1 )
. devoid of evidence .

(1 5t h cent ) A Camaldolese monk at Venice .

, ,
a German by birth He was mur dered by (SS ) MM (Oct 21 )
He was a man of al most
. . .

(4th cent ) F ifteen C hristian soldi ers who


robbers (A D . . .

conti nuous prayer ; and whi le still in the world suffered under D iocletian (A D 3 03 about) at . .

remarkable for the sacrifice he made of all his N icomedia the Imperial residence on the ,

property in order to alleviate the misery of the B lack Sea After undergoing appall ing tortures
, .

poor . they were taken out in boats and cast into t he

DAN IEL (St ) Prophet . (J uly 21 ) . sea .

(5t h cent B 0 ) One of the F our Great DASI US (St ) Bp M . (N ov 20) , . .

(4th cent ) At D orostorum in Mysia (As i a

. . . .

Prophets and the inspired writer of the book

Minor ) this holy Bishop as in duty bo und set

under his name in Holy Scriptur e of which the

. .

, ,

his face and authority against the Sha meles s

C hurc h re cognises some sections whose D ivine
origin was unknown to the J ews Besides immorality practised in the Saturnalia and other
heathen festivals His zeal cost him his life

what is therein narrated tradi tion holds that . ,

and he won the crown of martyrdom under

the holy Prophet did not return int o J udaea
with his fellow countrymen but remained in -
, D iocletian in the first years of the fourth
Persia where he died a centenar i an The
, , . century .


other sixth century Prelates of his ti me illus


, garlans through his intercession On account

trate d the C hurch of Ireland by his ability and of the many miracles that have taken place at

sanctity of life . his shrine St D emetrius h as always been in


DE CU M AN (DAGAN ) (St ) M (Aug 27 ) . . . great honour in the E as t and his name is
(8 th cent ) A Welsh Saint who lived a holy

frequently given in B aptism to children His

life as a hermit in Somersetshire where he was

F east is there kept on Oct 26 The Acts


murdered (A D No reliable particulars

. .

. . of St D emetrius as published by Surins are


concerning him have come down to us . manifestly interpolated and cannot be relied
DEEL (B EILLE ) (St ) (Jan 1 8 ) . . upon for details .

O therwi se St . D E I CO LA (DI CHU L) , whi ch DE METRIU S AN I AN US EUSTASIU S and

, ,
866 . O THER S (SS MM (N ov 1 0) . . ,

BE I CO LA (DE I CO LUS, DI CHUL) (St ) . (Jan 1 8 ) .

(D ate unknown ) A band of twenty two .

Abbot . M artyrs reg istered as having suffered at Antioch

(7 th cent ) Ir ish by birth he with St .
, , . in Syria St D emetrius is described as a
. .

Gallus followed St Columbanus into Gaul and

, . t op and St Ani anus as his deacon Nothi ng

took part in the foundation of the Abbey of


whatever is now known of their date or lives

Luxeuil But when his m aster was driven into

. DE M ETRIU S an d HONORIU S (SS M M (N ov 21 ) . .

Switzerland and Italy D ei col a remaining , , (D ate unknown ) Old Roman manuscripts .

behind founded another monastery at Lure

, describe these Saints as Christians who were
in the Vosges mountains where he died in great

, put to death at Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber .

fame of sanctity at an advanced age (A D . . Nothi ng more has come down to us about them .

DEIF ER (St ) Abbot . . DE M ETRIU S (St ) M (N ov 29 ). . .

(6 th cent ) A Welsh Saint founder of Bod .

. .

fari in F lintshire . DE M ETRIU S HO NO R ATUS and F LORU S

(St ) (Sept 1 1 )
. .
(SS ) MM
. .
(Dec 22) .

Welsh f orm of the name St D ANIEL whi ch (D ate unknown ) They are stated to have
, .

see . suffered at Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber ;

DELPHINU S (Si ) Bp (Dec 24) . . . but all dates and particulars have been long
(5th cent ) A Bishop of Bordeaux in F rance , since lost It is possible that these SS D eme
. .

trins and Honorat us (though the names are


held in high esteem by St Ambrose and other .

holy men of his time He ba ptised St Paul inus . . very common ) may be identical with the Saints
of Nola whose Epistles addressed to St D el . of the same names venerated on N ov 21 . .

phin a s are touching in their expressi ons of DENIS


gratitude and veneration St Delphmus as .

The F rench abbrevi ati on of the name DI O N Y
sisted at the Spanish Council of Saragossa SI U S, whi ch see .

(A D
. . agai nst the Pr iscillianist heretics , E O RITU E UN U
D M C S, S C D S an d D IONY IU
whom later he again condemned in a Synod of (SS MM . . uy
(J l 3 1 )
his own (A D The year 403 is given as . (D ate unknown
) Baronius describes these .

ar y s hav ng su ered at in

that of his death . M t r as i ff Sy nnad a

DEM ETRI A (St ) V M (Jun e 21 ) . . . Phrygia but the ollandists think it more
; B
(4t h cent ) Sister of St Bibiana and daughter
. . likely that they were African Martyrs which ,

of SS F lavian and D afrosa Sh e was martyred

. . was also the judgment of Venerable Bede .

in Rome under Jul ian the Apostate (A D othi ng beyond their names has come down
. .

or rather after having bravely confessed her

o us .

F aith in C hrist fell d ead at the feet of the DE O DATUS (DIEU DONNE ) (St ) Bp (June 1 9 ) . .

j udge However as elsewhere noted there is (7 th cent ) A Bis hop of Nevers in F rance

. .

who resig ned his See and embraced the life of


much uncertainty as to dates and details in

regard to all the facts regarding St Bibiana . a hermit He passed away A D 6 7 9 leaving
. . . ,

and the Saints connected with her The relics . his name to the to wn of St Die . .


of SS Bibiana and D emetria are enshrine d in
( ) (St (March 1 6 ) .

the chur ch in Rome de di cated in honour of the (7 t h cent ) The little son of St Vincent of
former fro m ancient times It was restored by Waltrude brother of SS
. .

. Soignies and St .

PO p e Urban VIII in the seventeenth century . Landrie Aldetrud e and Madelbert a Though
, .


only seven years old when he died he is in ,

O THER S (SS ) MM (April 9 ) . . Belgium with them venerated as a Saint A .

(D ate unknown ) Baroni us notes these . church in the Duchy of Cleves is dedicated in
M artyrs as h aving suffered in Rome ; but he hi s honour .

cannot support his statement by any good proof . DE R F E L GADAR N (St )


The older manuscripts register them using the (6 th cent ) A Welsh Saint a soldier and
, ,

afterwards a hermit at Llanderfel in M erioneth


phr ase : Rome and elsewhere No parti .

e ul er s concerning any of them have come down He was greatly venerated by the Catholic
i ir e

to our time .

DEM ETRIU S (St ) M (Aug 1 4) . . . DE O GR ATI AS (St Bp (M arch 1 2)

. .

(D ate unknown ) The Roman and other (5th cent ) Cons ecrated to the See of C ar

M artyrologies describe h im as an African t hag e A D 456 after it had remained vacant


. .
, ,

M artyr and in support of this Baroni us appeals

, for fourteen years on account of the devastating
persecution of the Vandal Arians who had driven

to ancient manuscripts but nothing is known

with any certainty about him . his predecessor St Q uodvul t deus into exile . .

DEM ETRIU S (DIM ITRI) (St ) M (Oct 8 ) . . Genseric the Vandal K ing from the plunder
, ,

of Rome and Italy having brought many


(4th cent ) Born and educated at Thes ,

Romans of every co ndition of lif e prisoners


salonica where he exercised the profession of

Rhetor or Public Speaker he made many to C arthage St Deograti as sold all that he or
, .

hi s C hurch possessed even the Sacred Vessels


converts to C hristianity Some say that he ,

of the Altar to buy them back to liberty He


became a high Officer of State and even a , .

Procons ul ; but this is hardly probable Ar moreover fed themyand housed them day and ,

night visiting the sick among them But being


rested as a C hristian and brought before Dio .

cleti an s colleague Gal eri us M aximi anus he

already very old he did not resist long the many
calls on his endur ance and after only one year
, ,

appears to have been stabbed to death without

of such strenuous p as toral labo ur s di ed A D 457

the formality attending a legal execution This , . . .

Victor Vit ensis the historian writing a century


was in one of the first years of the fourth , ,

centur y H is relics are in great veneration in later enlarges on his merits and holi ness .

(M arch 20)

the E as t and a magnificent B asil ica was soon DE B PHUTA (St M . .



after his martyrdom erected over his tomb .

, ,

at Thessal onica The Greek Emperor Michael .

(St ) M . . (May 1 4)
IV obtained a notable victory over the B ul O therwi se St DY F AN , whi ch . see .


DE SIDERIU S (St ) Bp , M (F eb 1 1 ) him to his people and ensured the veneration

of his memory He is said to have been the
. . . .

(7 t h cent ) A F rench Sai nt , born at Autun .

fi rst Pope to append to his D ecr ees the leaden


and educated at Vienne who became succes

seals or Bullw from which the word B ul l

si vel y Archdeacon and B ishop of the latter ,

city The powerful Queen Brunehaut mother describing the m has been derived , .



of the weak Thierry III had him exi led and (Dec 1 0) . . .

(7th cent ) The last of the canonised Bis hops


deposed by a Synod but four years afterwards .

of Brescia in Lombardy He was a strenuous

, ,

fearing his sanctity and popularity al lowed .

opposer of the Monothelite heretics (those who


him to return On his continuing to urge the


denied to Christ a Human Wi ll ) and took part


reform of the moral s of the depraved Court ,

in the C ouncils summoned in his time in Italy


Brunehaut h ired three as s as sins who put the

to deal with them He died some time between

holy Bishop to death whil e he was visiting his .

A D 6 7 9 and A D 7 00

D iocese in the twelfth year of his Ep iscopate . . . . .

(May 23 A D 6 08 or according to some his

, . .
, ,
EVEREUX (St ) Bp (N ov 1 4) . . .

tori ans A D , at a place Since called St

. . . O therwise St D U B R I TI U S, whi ch . see .

D i di er (the F rench form of the name D esiderius ) * DE

g cent (N ov 1 3 ) .

de Chalarone His relics were enshrined at . t ) . .

Vienne (A D St D esiderius was for his (6 t h ) A native of the North of Scotland .

who in his old age associated himself with the

. . .

age a distinguished cl as sical scholar He is .

one of the B ishops to whose protection St missionary work of SS Columba and Machar .

and evangelised C aithness He certainl y fl our


Gregory the Great recommended St Augus tine . .

and his companions journeying on their mission ish ed in the sixth centur y and is reputed to ,

to preach Christianity to the Anglo Saxons -

have been consecrate d a Bishop .
of Britain .
DEVOTA (St ) V M (Jan 27 ) . . . .

DESIDERIU S (St ) M (M arch 25) . . (4th cent ) A Chris tian maiden in C orsica .


. who expired on the rack during the persecution
DER WA (St ) M under the Emperor D iocletian (A D Her

. . . .

(D ate uncertain ) The Patron Saint of remains were brought by a priest who knew
her to Monaco on the Riviera of which town

Menad arva (M erthyr D ava The M artyr D erwa ) - —


in Cornwall near C amborne Nothi ng is now she is venerated as the Patron Saint .

*D W
, .

known about thi s Saint Possibly he is no E I (St ) Bp . (M arch 1 )

O therwi se St D AVI D of WALE S whi ch see
. .

other than St Dyf an (D amian or D eruvi anus ) .

, .

one of the Missionaries sent to Britain in the DIA CONU S (St ) M (M arch 1 4) . .

second century by Pope St Eleutherius . . (6 th cent ) SO described on account of the .

E SI DE R I US (D IDIER DIZIER ) of LANGRES offi ce (that of deacon ) he held in the C hurch of

the M arsi in Central Italy St Gregory relat es

(St ) Bp M
. .
, (M ay 23 ) . . .

(D ate uncertain ) The traditions concerning . of him that together with two monks he was
this Saint who was B ishop of Langres in F rance
, put to death by the Lombards what time they
were ravaging Italy in the Sixth centur y

are so conflicting th at it is now believed that .

there were two or more of the same name *

DI A l l (DI E R MI T DERM OT ) (St ) (J an 1 8 )
, .

connected with Langres Suri us assigns to .

St D esiderius a date in the third centur y ;

(6 th cent ) Remarkable from his earliest .

and the compilers of the Gallia Christiana one years for sanctity Di armaid became Spiritual ,
i n the fourth ; while the common O pinion fi xes directo r and teacher to St K iernan of Clon .

his Martyrdom on May 23 A D 41 1 All agree . m acnoi s and later founded a monastery on

Innis Clotran Island

. .

that being Bishop of Langres in North E as tern

- -

Gaul during a raid of Teutonic barbarians he

DE YNI O LE N (St ) .
(N ov 22) .

boldly sought out their chieftain to beg mercy cent ) He is also known as St Deyniol

(7 t h .

for his flock but was forthwith himself struck


, the Younger and was Abbot of Bangor at the ,

down his blood staining the Book of the Gospels

, time of the slaughter of his monks and destru o
he held in hi s hand With him perished very . tion of their mon as tery by K ing E thelfrid of
many of his faithful people Numerous . Northumbria after the Battle of C hester (A D
churches are dedicated in his honour and from
. .

, The Saint appears to have escaped the

h i m the town of St Dizier takes its name i ii assacre and to have l i ved on till about A D
éz l
. .

DESIDERIU S (Si ) M (Sept 1 9 )

. .

. .



B ICHU (St ) .
(April 29 )
DEU SDE DIT (St ) Bp (Jul y 1 4)

(5th cent ) The fir st convert made by St

. . .

(7 th cent ) The successor of St Honorius


. Patrick in Ulster He was originally a swine .

in the See of Canterbur y over which he presided


, herd Afte r his conversion it is written that


Wi th zeal and charity for over te n years p as sing he continued faithful to the end to Christ and

a victim of the great Pest ilence of A D


St Patrick The year of his death is unknown

22 n
: . . .

DI CHUL (St ) Abbot .


(J an 1 8 )

DEU SDEDIT (St ) (Aug 1 0)

. .

. O therwi se St D E I C O LA, whi ch see

(6 th cent ) A poor shoemaker in Rome
. . .

(F eb 22)
con temporary of St Gregory the Great (in the
. .

. cent A esu t artyr in Japan who

( 1 7 th ) J i M .

latter half of the sixth centur y ) of whom the was exposed naked on a frozen lake by order of

holy Pope relates that he worked hard all the the heathen magistrates and thus laid down his
week at his trade and on each Saturday gave

life for C hrist A D 1 6 24

to the poor all his earnings beyond what was
. . .
DIGAIN (St ) (N ov 21 )

necessary for b are sustenance for himself (5th cent ) A son of C onstantine king or

DEU SDE DIT (St ) Abbot M ( Oct 9 )


chieftain of C ornwall Llangernw (Denbighshi re )

. .

(9t h cent ) The fifteenth Abbot of the great

. .

perpetuates his memory


mon astery of Monte C as sino conspicuous for


DI DA CUS (DIEGO ) (St ) (N ov 1 2)

l earni ng and holiness of l ife He was es eci all y
, . .

(1 5th cent ) A native of Sevil le in Spain
li beral as an almsgiver While on a ourney

a F ranciscan lay brother who attended mis


he was seized and held to rans om by a robber

sionari es of hi s Order to the C anary Islands
baron but so maltreated that he died in his
, and aided them e ff ectually in their Apostolate
pris on (A D M any m iracles were wrought Later he was recalled to Spain where he di ed

at h is tomb
. .

in the C onvent of Alcala in C as tile A D 1 46 3


DEU SDE DIT (A DE O D ATU S) (St ) Pope (N ov 8 ) He was a miracle of penance and contemplative
. .
, .

(7 t h cent ) The successor of St B oniface IV

. .

. . prayer ; his chief devotion being to Our Lord

(A D
. .
He ruled the Church for three in the Blessed Sacrament and to the Holy
years Though little is known of the detail s
Mother of God The many mi racles worked at
of his Pont i fi cate his self sacri fi cing devotednes s

his tomb led to hi s canonisation by Pope
to hi s flock duri ng a year of pestilen ce endeared Sixtus V in the year 1 58 8 .


DIDIER (St Bp , M . (May 23 ) . . there left to die A F east is also kept on J an 1 7

O therwi s e St D E SI D ERIU S, whi ch see
. .

. . in memory of the finding of the ir remains

B I BI US (St M .
(N ov 26 ) . .
(A D
. These M artyrs are descri bed as
See SS F AU STU S, D I DI U S, &c

. . being very numerous In fact it appears to

DIDY M U S (St M (Apr il 28 )

. . have been a case of a Christian Con gregation

. . sur prised while assem bled for prayer and
DIDY M U S (St M (Sept

. . . disposed of by having the entrance to t heir

See SS D I O DO R U S, D IO M E D E S, &c subterrane an Oratory blocked up

. .

(J une 1 9 )

DI E (DE O DATUS) (St Bp . . DIOGENE S (Si ) M (April 6 ) .

(7th cent ) A B ishop p of Nevers (F rance ) ,


. See SS TI M O TH Y and D IOGE N E S


who resigned his See to embrace the life of a


DIOM E D E S (St ) M (Aug 1 6 ) . .

hermit He is the founder of the Abbeyy of


. (4th cent ) A native of Tarsus the birthplace


J O i nt ures around which Sprang up a town th e , of St Paul by pro fession a physician and a

seat of a Bishop ric called that of St Die The


. . zealous propagator of C hristianity who was ,

Saint di ed A D 6 7 9 . . arrested at Nic aea in Bithyni a and put to death

(N ov 1 2) . by D ioclet ian about A D 3 00 . .



O therwi se St D I DACU S whi ch see .

, . ,


, , ,


The F rench name f or St D EU SD E D IT or . M E N ALI PPUS an d PAN A GAPI DE S (SS ) .

A D EO DATU S whi ch see , . MM . (Sept 2) .

DI GNA (St V M . (J une 1 4) .

(D ate unknown ) Some of these M artyrs are
. .

. . believed to have been burned at the stake ,

(N ov 1 )
. . others dr owned others cruci fi ed and the rest ,

(5t h cent ) A son of the chieftain Bry ch an of

. beheaded but in what persecution and at what

Brecknock who led a monastic or eremitical, place h as p as sed from memory .

l i fe at Llandingad in Monmouthshire . I O ME DE S (St ) M (Sept 1 1 ) . . .

DIGN A (St V .
(Aug 1 1 )
. . See SS D I O D O R US DIO M E D E S &c , .


(4th cent ) A Chr istian maiden of Todi in . A (St ) (May 1 2)


Umbria (C entral Italy ) who during the p ersecu (5t h cent ) An Irish Saint Patron of K il di m

(Limerick ) and commemorated in the M artyr

tion under Diocletian in the beginning of the
ologies of Tallaght and Donegal He is sai d

four th century lived a life of penance and .

prayer in the surrounding mountains and , to have been the master or t eacher of St Declan .

acqui red a great reputation for holiness . of Ardmore and of other Saints But parti .

DIGNA (St M . (Aug 1 2) cul ars oi his life are lacking

(J uly 6 )
. . .



. . . .
, ,

DIGNA an d E M ERITA (SS VV MM (Sept 22) . . . . See SS LU C Y ANTONINU S &c.

, ,

(3 rd cent ) Roman maidens seized and put I O NYSI A (St ) M (May 1 5)



. .

to the tortur e as Chr istians in the persecution , .


of Valerian (A D 254 A D who whilst -

I O N YSI A LE O N TI A , , ,


. . . .

standing before their judges and prayin g , ,


expired Their sacred remains thrown uh

. MM . (Dec 6 ) .

(6 t h cent ) African Martyrs (A D 505) under


buried into the O pen countr were rescued by . .

the Arian Vandal K ing Hunneri c Vi ctor of


the Chr istians and honoura ly interred in the .

catacombs with those of SS F elix and Ad auct us . Utica in his History of the Persecuti on gives a
, ,

graph ic account of the fe arful ordeal these holy


They are now venerated in the Chur ch of

St M arcell u s in Rome men and women went through Dionys i a a
. ,

Widow perished at the stake Wi th her l i ttle

. .

D I MAUS DIM A DUBH ) (J an 6 )
g7t?h) §3cent child and her sis ter D ativa zE mil ian (or
, ,

p .

) A monk under St Colman E mili us ) a physician and Terti us a monk


( , , , ,

were flayed alive The fanatics seem to have

. .

Apostol ic D elegate to Ireland in the sixth .

century Diman was made Abbot and later

. amused themselves in devising strange forms
of death for the rest of the heroic band

Bishop of C onnor He died J an 6 A D 6 58 . . . .


. .

He is one of the prelates to whom (A D 6 40) . . . .

the Ro man Church after the death of Pope ,

Honorius addressed the well known Epistle on


the Paschal controversy and on the err ors of

Pelagian ism .

DIM ITRI (St ) M (Oct 8 )

. . .

O therwi se St D E M ETRIU S whi ch see .

, .

DIO CLES (St M (May 24)

. .

See SS Z (E LLU S, SE R VI LI U S, &c

. .

DI O CLE TI US (St ) M (May 1 1 ) . .

S, DI O CLE TI U S, & c .

DI O DO R US (St M (F eb . . .

See SS S, DI O D O R U S, &c PAPIA

Dl o f ws and R HO DO PI AN US (SS )
. , .


(4t h cent Two deacons put to death as
) .

C i hr stians under the persecuting Emperor

D iocletian at the beginning of the fourth century
in the Province of C arla (Asia inor
M ) DIONY SIU S (St . M . (March

DI O D O R US (St ) M See SS C O D R ATUS, D &c

(J l 6 ) , .

. .



C , U S &c
. . S S
S DI O M E DE S an d D D M S (S ept
DI O 11) See SS
. .

(D ate unkno n
w ) M art s of unknown date
yr . Two of
in yria lat Hu n or Ladhi

See SS
od i cea S (K u el
s - -

, .

(SS ) MM . .

(3 rd cent ) Roman M art yrs un d er N umerian


(A D . . They are mentioned in the Acts of

SS C hrysant h us and D ari as
. but these cannot
be trus ted for accuracy of detail The tradition .

is that they were walled up in the Catacom bs and


very noteworthy St Dionysius was in regul ar . . death and others died in prison In o ne of his
, .

communication with St Soter and other Popes . genui ne Epistles still extant St D ionysius , , .

of his age He zealously repressed the M arcion mentions all the above by name as fellow
su fferers with himself Venerable B ede by

ites and other philosophising heretics of his .

time The Greeks honour him as a Mar tyr mistake confus es this St Dionysius or D en is .

of Alexandria with D en is the Areopagite (Acts


( N ov 20) the Latins as a Confessor He

. .

died before A D 1 9 8 when we fi nd his successor ,

xvfi .


. .

at Corinth attending a Council

ni our sms (Si ) M

(Apr il 1 8) ( Oct 9 )

. .
(SS MM . . .

See se soa r ns and D IO N Y SIU S . (1 st or 3 rd cent ) It has been the fas hion .

in modern times to date the martyrdom of



(2md cent ) The Sixth of the B ishops of St D enis fi rst B ishop of Par is of St Eleu
, , .

theri us his prie st or deacon and of St Rus ticus


Vienne in D auphin e (F rance ) He like his fi ve .

, , , .

predecessors has been commemorated in all the ,

a cleric his companions as havi ng come to pass
, .

Western Martyrologies Ado himself a M ar .

, in the course of the third century in the p ersecu
t yrolog ist and Bishop of Vienne in the ninth tion of the E mperor D ecius Thi s view is .

century tells us that St Dionysius successor

, .
, based on the authority of the sixth century
of St J us tus lived till the reign of Pertinax historian St Gregory of Tours F or the
arguments in its favour Smith and Wace
. .
, ,

(A D . He is said to have been one of the


ten missioners sent into Gaul by Pope St Sixtus .

(besides the Bollandist Act a Sanctorum ) may
I early in the century with St Peregrinus
, . . be consul ted The traditional belief that .

Some have erroneous ly described him as a St D enis was sent into Gaul to evangelis e the

Martyr . country by Pope St Clement : I in the first .

DIONY SIU S of AUGSBURG (St ) Bp M (F eb 26 ) . .
, . . centur y and suff ered martyrdom under D omi

(4t h cent ) V enerated as the first Bishop of . tian or Trajan especially if one takes into ,

Augsburg in Germany He is said to have been account the frequent i naccuracies of St Gregory

. .

converted to C hristianity baptised and later ,

of Tours seems ne vertheless to be fairly well

consecrated Bishop by St Narcis sus He . . authenticated Of the arguments supporting .

suffei martyrdom under Diocletian about

it Abp D arboy S work and D arras 3 History ’ ’

, .

AD :
. 3 . of the Church have excellent summaries , .

DIONY SIUS (St ) M (May 1 2) . . As to the facts of the martyrdom of the

(4th cent ) An Asiatic by birth and uncl e of . Saint and his fellow sufferers we know little or -

the youthful Martyr S Pancras to whom he , .

, nothing save that theyy were put to the torture
acted as guardian C oming to Rome St .
, . and decapitated near Paris after having co n ,

Dionysius charitably g ave shelter to the Pope verted many pagans t o bel i ef in Christ and that ,

(either St Marcellus or St Melchi ades ) sought . .

, their bodies cast into the Seine were recovered
after by the agents of the persecuting Emperor by their disciples and buried on the Spot where
With his nephew he was rewar ded

D ioclet ian . several centuries later the M erovingian Ki ng ,

by the grace of conversion to C hristianity . D agobert at th e prayer of St Genevieve b ui lt

, .

Having publicly decl ar ed thems elves servants the famous Abbey of St D enis . .

of Chr ist they were cast into pris on where we

, , DIONY SIU S (St ) Bp M (O ct 9 ) . .
, . .

read that after some days St D ionysius rendered .

(1 st cent ) This is D enis the AerO p agite .

up his soul to God (A D . . converted by St Paul (Acts xvii and . .

DIONY SIU S of MILAN (St ) Bp (May 25) . . afterwards first Bishop of Athens A Greek .

(4th cent ) The successor of St Prot as i us in . . tradition maintains that he was burned alive
the See of Milan With St Eusebius of . . under D omitian (A D But an opinion . .

Vercelli and St Lucifer of C agli ar i he was . strongly held in the Middle Ages and still ably ,

banished into C appadocia (A D 3 55) by the . . defended identifies him with the St D enis
, .

Arian Emperor C onstantius Two years later .

, asserted to h ave been sent by Pep e St Clement .

when hi s f ellow exiles were returning to their -

to evangelise Gaul and martyred at Paris , .

C hurches under the Emperor J ulian St D i ony , . His authorship of the wonderful works pas sing
si us died in Asia where he h ad acqui red a high under his name which have laid the foundation
in the West of both Mystical a nd Scholastic
, ,

reputation for sanctity St Aurelius the local . .

B ishop and St B asil the Great enabled St

, .
, . Theology is equally or even more controverted
, .

Ambrose to effect (A D 3 7 5) the Translation . . It has become us ual i n modern times to at tri
to Milan of the remains of his holy prede bute them to an unknown genius of the fourth
cessor . or fi fth century And doubtless as we have .

the m they are seriously interpolated Who

DIO NY SIU S (Si ) M (J une 3 ) . .
, .

See SS LU CI LLI AN and D IO N Y SIU S . . ever be their author it is scar cely possible ,
DIO NY SIUS (St ) M (J uly 27 ) . .
(says Baring Gould ) to speak too hi ghly of their -

See the HOLY SEVE N SLEEPER S . value and importance A confus ion of this .

DIONYSIU S (St ) M (J uly 3 1 ) . . St D eni s with his homony m of Alexandria has


See SS D E M O C RITU S SE C U N D U S &c .

, , . led B utler foll owing certain ancient M art yrolo
DIONY SIU S and PRI VATUS (SS ) MM (Sept 20) . . gies to assign his festival to O ct 3
DIONY SIU S of ALEXAN DR I A (St ) Bp (N ov 1 7 )
. . .

( Date unknown ) B eyond the Martyrology . . .

note that they suff ered in Phr ygia (Asia Minor )


, (3rd cent ) A celebrated F ather of the .

nothi ng has reached our times regarding these C hurch and pup il of Origen who became
holy men

. Patriarch of Al exan dr ia A D 248 and two ye ars

. .

, , , , afterwards was arrested as a leader of C hristians

PAUL and OTHERS (SS ) MM ( Oct 3 ) . . . during the fi erce persecution under the Em
(3rd cent ) To the above should be added . et or Decius He escaped i nto hiding in the
the names of St Eusebius Bishop of Laodicea

. ibyan Desert and returned to Al exandria

and of St Maximus successor at Alexandria of
, , ,
, A D 251 Under Valerian he was again arrested

St Di onysius By some error these Saints are

. .

. . and again banished ; but was recalled and

twice commemorated in the Roman Martyrology , restored under Gallienus He died at Ale xan
or rather there is allotted to them taken

, dr ia A D 26 5 St Athanasius styles him

together this Special F east in addition to that
. . . .

the Doctor of the Catholic C hurch He was

of St D i onysius (one and the same with the

ever ze al ous for the Catholic F aith and easil y
famous Bishop of Alexandria) on N ov 1 7 and

. justifi ed himself when accused at Rome to hi s

to that of St F austus his deacon on N ov 1 9
, , . namesake Pope St Dionysius The fragments
B anished in the pe rsecution of Decius (A D 250)
. . .

of his letterspstill extant are doctrinally very

i nto Libya all these C hristians were again i n a
. .

, valuable and bear abundant evidence to his

body brought to trial at Alexandria under pas toral zeal

Valerian (A D on acco unt of their religion

, .

. . DIONY SIU S (St ) M (N ov 20)

Some of them were it would seem stoned to
. . . .

, , See SS BA SSU S D IO N Y SIU S & c

, , .

DIONYSIU S (St ) Pope (Dec 26 )
. . . some time before A D 500 perhaps even in the . .

(3 rd cent ) Perhaps a native of C alabria

. . lifetime of St Patrick who died A D 46 4 .
, . . .

In e arly l ife he embr aced the mon as tic state , DO M E TI US and OTHERS (SS ) MM (Aug 7 ) . . .

but later was enrolled in the Roman clergy , O therwi se St D O M ITIU S whi ch see .
, .

and by them elected Pope (A D 259 ) in the room . . D OMINATOR (Si ) B (N ov 5) . .

of the Martyr St Sixtus II St B asil greatly , . . .

(D ate un certain Noth ing with reference to .

extols his charity to the poor and St D enis of , . the history or writings of this Saint h as been
Alexandria (of whom he had h ad occasion to handed down to us nor is it known for certain
requi re an explanation of some writings ) praises

i n what cent ur y he lived Surins p uts the date .

his learning He denounced Sabellianism and

. , o hi s death A D 49 5
f He was the fourteenth . . .

when later called upon by the Emperor Aurelian Bi shop of Brescia in Lombardy and succee ded
to j udge the Rationalistic Paul of Samosat a

, St R usti ci an in that See


condemned and deposed the latter He is said


. DOM INIC of SORA (St ) Abbot (Jan 22) . . .

to have rearranged the boundaries of the Roman (1 1 th cent ) A Benedictine Abbot of Sora .

city parishes He died A D 26 9 . . . . i n the O l d K ingdom of Naples and the founder


DIOSCORIDE S (St ) M (May 1 0) . . of ni ne monasteries He was famous for his .

(D ate unknown ) A Martyr of uncertain . sanctity and for the many miracles worked by
date who after bravely enduring severe torture
, , his intercession both in life and after his death
gave his life for Christ at Smyrna in Asia M inor .
(A D . .

DIOSCORIDE S (St ) M (May 28 ) . . D OMIN IC DELLA CALZADA (Si ) (May 1 2) .


. .
(1 1 th cent ) A Spanish hermit who fi xed .

DIO SCO R US (St ) M (F eb 25) . . . his abode at a lonely Spot in Old C astile which , ,


. . from his having constructed there a hospice
DIO SCUR US (St ) M (May 1 8 ) . . and pilgrim s road to Comp ostell a acquired the

(Date unknown ) A Lector or Reader in one name of the Calzada He built there also ”

of the churches of Egypt who in one of the


, a chapel to Our Blessed Lady He became so .

ear ly persecutions was arrested and subjected famous for sanctity and miraculous powers that
as a Christian to exceptionally savage tortur es , after his death (A D 1 1 09 or perhaps as early .

such as the tearing out of his nails and the as A D 1 06 0) his own shrine became a noted

. .

burn ing O f his sides with torches A miracul ous . place of pilgrimage The Bishopric afterwards .

intervention a dazzling beam of light from a

founded at C alzada has since been transferred
quarter of the Heavens O pposite to that in to C alahorra .

which was the sun is said to have startled his —

DOMINIC GUZM AN (St ) (Aug 4) . .

executioners and to have procured hi m a, (1 3 th cent ) The mother of St Dominic . .


brief respite in his agony In the end he was . a scion of the il lustrious Guzman family dreamt , ,

burned to death by the pressing of his body before his birth (A D 1 1 7 0) at Calaruega (Old . .

between red hot metal plates This is all that

. C astile ) that she had given life to a dog bearing
a lighted torch which was setting the world on
has con e down to our time respecting St .

D ioscurus D eath by lami nae or sheets of

, fir e . Professed as 'a C anon Regul ar in the
hot metal was an accepted form of execution
Reformed Chapter of Osma he helped many ,

in Roman times . Spanish Bis hops to restore Ecclesiastical

DI O SCUR US (St) M (Dec 1 4)
. . . discipline among their clergy In attendance .

and DI O SCUR U S . on his own Bishop he stayed two years at ,

M ontpellier in the South of F rance where the


DI R AVI AN US (Si ) (J an 3 ) . .

O therwi se St D M , whi ch see A IAN immoral heresy of the Albigenses was then at
its height and caus ing tremendous havoc


DI SMAS (Si ) (M 25) .

They were indefatigable i n preachi ng ag ai nst i t


The n ame gi ven by tradi ti on to the GOO D ,

THIE F , whi ch see a mi ssion which St Dominic contin ued for .

eight more years after the return of the Bi shop


DI SI BO DE (B S ) (Si ) Bp ept (S 8) ,

to Osma M any were the mir acles he worked ;

. . .

(7 thcent aid to have been born in Ireland

) S
numberless the soul s he converted far reachi ng

and have worked as a missionary in the East


of rance and in Germany He founded the

F the fruit of the Rosary devotion he established .

In the end he began his great Order of Preachi ng


monastery of near ainz where

Diseub ourg , M
F riars which with that of the F riars Mi nor

he died A D 7 00 , ,

founded by his friend and contempor ar y St

. . .

DIZIER (St ) Bp , M (May 23 ) , .

F rancis of Assisi was the chief means employed

. . .

O therwi se St DI SI DE R I US, whi ch see

by Almighty God to renew the fervour of
. ,

O HO W (St )

B C (F eb 1 5)
C hristians dur ing the later Middle Ages Popes

(D ate u certa n The English en logy

n i ) M o .

W Innocent III (A D 1 21 5) and Honor i us III


mentions him on this day as a elsh aint S . .

approved and confirmed the new Insti tutes


But there uch uncertainty about

is m namet he .

To St Dominic was allotte d in Rome the anci ent


He may be adoe sometimes called

St C Dock oe,
church of St Sixtus for his fi rst convent He

or A church in the

St Dog mael Docmeel .

afterwar ds ceded it to his nuns the F riars

. . .

Diocese of Asaph is dedicated to a

St St Docwy ,

passing to St Sabina s on the Aventine The

. .

or o way
D g


Saint next established them at St J am es s in



DO CAN US (St ) (N ov 7 ) .

Paris returning to Ital y in A D 1 21 8 and

. . .

therwi se St C , whi ch see . . ,

fixing his residence in Bologna where he dl ed

. . ,
DO CUS (St ) Bp , M (Jan 24) ,

and where his relics are ens hr i ned

. . . .


O therwise St G D G, whi ch see (A D .

In his lifetime he sent mi ssionary F r i ars to

. . .

D D (St ) V April ( 24)
Morocco Portugal Sweden Norway Ireland
. .

See SS B O NA and O A D D , , , ,

England (where the convents O f C anterbury

. . ,
DO GF AN (DCE WAN ) (St ) M uly (J 1 3) ,

London and O xford date from then ) and other


W ,

(5th cent A aint in ales one of the sons

) S
countries Chief among the miracles beari ng

of the famous c eftai hi He is s id

n , Bry ch an a
witness to his sanctity are his hay ing rai sed
. .

to have been put to death by heathen invaders

of Pembrokeshire where a church was bui lt more than once the d ead to life
(Oct 1 4)


to his memory .

cent An Italian a nt born


(June 1 4) 9 9 5

DO GMIE L (DO CMIE L) (St ) ( 1 1 t h ) S i A D . ,

and from the outset destine d by hi s parents


(6t h cent ) A holy hermit in Pembrokeshire

for the clerical state To get hi m ordai ned they

who flourished early in the sixth century and to

wrongfully made a present to a Bi shop and the

whom several churches were dedicated

young priest on becoming aware of thi s cri me

DO M AN GAR D (D ONA RD ) (Si ) (March 24)


of Simony (at that time rife in Italy ) devoted


(5t h cent ) The Patron of Maghera (Co

himself in atonement to a life of penance F rom
. .

Down ) who in the time of St Patrick lived as .

t he circumstance of an iron c uirass worn con


a her mit on the mountain now called after him


Slieve Donard
He seems to have passed away .
st ant ly next his skin having been his chief


instrument of self torture he acquired the name - DO MITIAN (St ) M (Aug 1 ) . . .



of Lori catas He first retired to the soli tude of .

DO MITIAN of a ni ons (St ) Bp


Luceolo thence passing to Montefeltro in the (Aug 9 )


. . .

Apennines where a certain Abbot J ohn with (D ate uncertain ) The third B ishop of


eighteen disciples was leading a terribly austere C halons sur M arne in F rance , remarkable for
- -

his zeal and success in the conversion of the


life F inally he entered the monastery of

F onte Avellano then rul ed by the celebrated heathen He entered into his rest towards the

close of the fourth century and was buried in


St Peter D ami an where he died A D 1 06 0 . . .

the same grave as his predecessors St Memmius


DOM INIC (Si ) Bp (Dec 20) .

, .

(M enge ) and St D onat i an of the latter of whom

. .

(7 th cent ) The successor of St Anastasius . .


he was a di sciple in Rome But Baronius and


in the Sec of Bresci a in Lombardy where , , .

after a zealous Pas torate he passed away about ,

the old tradi tions antedate all three Saints by
A D 61 2 St C harles Borromeo translated and two centuries and probably with good reason .

. . . .

enshrined his relics (Dec 28 ) . . .



DOMINIC of SILOS (St ) Abbot (Dec 20) . . . . .

(1 1 th cent ) He was born of poor parents in DOMITILLA (St ) V M (May 7 ) . . .

C antabria (north west of Spain ) He was at M ore correctly wri tten St F LAVIA D O M I

. .

first a shepherd ; but having shown great piety TILLA whi ch see , .

and aptitude for learni ng he became a priest , ,

, , ,

and embrace d a hermit s life under the R ul e an d THEO DO SIA (SS ) MM (M arch 23 )

. .

of St Benedi ct Elected Prior of St Millan . . (4th cent ) St D omitius was a Phrygian . .


and died by the sword under J ul ian the Apostate


in Aragon he refused to surrender certain goods

probably at Cwsarea in P al estine St

of the monas tery to the K ing of Navarre and , (A D. . . .

banished from that country but welcomed by D omitius is said to have provoked his own arrest
the K ing of Castil e was appointed by him Abbot by publicly attacking the errors of heathenism
in the Circus where the people were gathered

of St Sebas tian s at Silos Thi s monas tery he ’


thoroughly reformed His fame Spread far and for the festival games held in honour of the gods

With him several other Christians suffered

. .

wide on account of the many mir acles he .

wro ught in his lifetime After hi s holy death DOMITIU S (St ) M (J uly 5)
. .

(A D 1 07 3 ) he mi raculously delivered more than (4th cent ) A Persian or as some say a



three hundred prisoners taken by the Moors


Phrygian converted at N isibi in M esopotamia


, ,

who embraced the mon as tic life and later


and his shrine is stil l decorated with many

chains brought as ex vote s . retired into a cave somewhere in As ia Minor ,

The Countess Guz man having recommended where he converted to Chri stianity many of

herself to his intercession in answer to his , the neighbouring country people Julian the .

prayers gave birth (A D 1 1 7 0) to t he great

, . . Apostate irritated it is alleged by the re
, , ,

St D ominic founder of the Order of F riars , p roaches D omitius ventured to addr ess to him
Preachers Even to our day the Abbot of Silo had him stoned to death (A D Two of his

. . .

brings to the Queens of Spain when in labour , , dis ciples suffered with him St Gregory of . .

the staff of St D omi ni c which remains by her . Tours mentions a St D omitius of Syria ; but .

bedside till the birth has taken place . it is not clear that he is identical with the St
DOMINIC VICTOR PR I M I AN US LYBO SUS D omitius of J ul y 5 The latter however may

, , , .



be very well one and the same with the St


, ,
D ometi us or D omitius commemorated in the

and HO NO R ATUS (SS ) MM . . (Dec 29 ) .

(Dateunknown ) African Martyrs whose . Roman M artyrology on Aug 7 . .

Acts have been lost . an d OTHERS (Aug 7 )

D OMINICA (St ) V M (Jul y 6 )

. . .

(4t h cent ) A C hristian maiden probably of . (4th cent The entry in the Roman M artyr
Grecian parentage who for having destroyed , ology is : At Nisibis in Mesopotamia St
idols was condemned to be devoured by wil d D omitius a Persian monk who wi th two of his

, .

beasts but being uni njured by the m was

, disciples was stoned to death under Julian the
behe ad ed There is much uncertainty about
. Apostate But modern criticism has great

her and about her name which is not found , diffi culty in accepting this St Do mitius or
in the older Martyrologies but it is generally

D omet i us as other than the Martyr of the same
a greed that She suffered under D iocletian at name commemorated on J uly 5 J ulian the
the beginni ng of the fourth centur y The Apostate was never at N isibi On the other

Roman Martyrology now locate s her martyrdom


hand it is fairly clear that this Saint D omitius


in Campania ; but her Breviary legend has it the Hermit is not the Phrygian soldier saint -

that it took place at Nicomedi a and that her , venerate d on March 23 .

body was carried by Angels to Tropea in DO M ITIU S (St ) ( Oct 23 )


C alabria where from time immemorial it has (8 t h cent ) A priest of the Diocese of Amiens


been venerated who retired into a solitude where he practised


DOMINICA (St ) M (Aug 21 ) . . . austere penance He flour ished either in the .

O rdi nari ly and more p rop erly wri tten St . seventh or in the eighth century of our Era
B ut the Lives we have of him are of late date

C YR I ACA Si mi la rly C Y R I AC U S i s
. not
u nfreq uen tly Lati ni sed D M C S . and little reliance is to be placed upon them
O ITIAN Abbot uly Surins maintai ns and it would seem with goo d

D M (St ) (J 1) . .

cent orn Rome about reason that St Domitius was not a priest but

(5th ) B in A D 3 47 ,
. . .
, .

and left an orphan at an early age he gave up , only a deacon and as such he is described in ,

h is possessions to the poor and retired to one the Proper Lections of his O ffi ce
of the monas teries in the city Thence he DO M NA (St ) V M

. .
(Dec 28 ) . .

pas sed into Gaul and received the priesthood See SS IN D E S and D O M NA

in the famous Abbey of Lerins Later we fi nd


DO MNE VA (EBBA ) (Si ) W (N ov 1 9 )
hi m in the neighbourhood of Lyo ns where he
. . .

O therwi se St E R M E N BUR GA, whi ch see .

b uilt a little O ratory dedicated to St C hristo


. DO M NI CA (St ) M Aug 21 )
(. .

pher and lived some time as a hermit F inal ly


, .
, O therwi se St C Y R I ACA , whi ch see .

he founded the monastery of Bebron now ,

D M O NINA and A NOTH ER (SS ) April 1 4)
St Rambert de J oux where he died in extreme

, VV MM . .

old age towards the middle of the fifth century . (D ate unce tain Virg n artyrs who suf
r ) i M
Extant sour ces of inform ation concerning

fered at Teramo or perhaps at Terni Umbria

St D omitian are very unsatisfac tory Such probably ab ut the midd e of the third century
. . o l
parti culars as we have come mainly thro ugh at the same time thei ishop
as r B StValentine

Tn t hemius a comparatively modern author All the Martyrologies commemorate the m but
. .

, ,

who avers that he had seen the Acts of the whether there were not in the same locality

Saint . two or more Virgin Martyrs by name Domni na -


is altogether uncertain J acobilli contends fer . DO MNI O (St ) M .

(J uly 1 6 )
a Domnina M artyr under Totila at Teramo in

cent ) St Domnio a zealo us C hris tian

(3 rd
the sixth century
. .

was b eheaded a t Bergamo in Lombardy under ,

Maxi mi an H ercul eus the colleague of D iocletian


DOM NINA (St ) M (Oct 1 2) . . .

( 4t h cent ) A C hristian woman who after


, towards the end of the third century Thus ,

cruel torments died in prison at Ana z arbus in the local historians ; but it must be confessed

Ci licia Lysias being Prefect A D 3 03

, The , . . . that no ancient Martyrology SO much as men
Roman Martyrologist mus t have used a corrup t tions his name Of his niece St Eusebia
manuscript in which Lycia was substituted for

Virgin M artyr the F e as t is similarly kept at


Lysias as he places St D omnina s m artyrdom

, .

Bergamo ( Oct .

in the Province of that name . DO M N I O (St ) .

(Dec 28 )
(March 21 ) cent ) A saintly priest member of the

DO M N IN US (St ) M (4th

. . .

See SS PHILE M O N and D O M N I N U S


. . Roman clergy in the latter half of the fourth

DO M N I N US VI CTOR and OTHERS (March 3 0)
, centur y St J erome who dedicated . to him .

(SS ) MM . . some of h is works styles him a most holy

( D ate uncertain ) St Domn inus su ffered


. . man the Lot of our times and St Augustine


various torments u nder Maximi an Hercul eus Speaks of him as tr uly a most holy F ather
, .


the colleague of Diocletian in A D 3 00 and


Popul ar veneration no doubt c anonised him


. .

gave his life for Christ at Thessalonic a together , immediately after his passing to a better life and
with Philocalus Achaicus and Palotinus The secur ed him a place in the Roman M artyrology

Greeks keep their F east on Oct 1 ; and the


DO M N O C (St ) . (F eb 1 3 )
St D omninus commemorated on that day in the

. O therwi se St MAD O MN O C . or M O D O MN O C ,
Roman Martyrology is probably one and the whi ch see .

same with the Mar tyr of M arch 3 0 inserted DO MN O LUS (Si ) Bp (May 1 6)
A holy Relig ious who fro mhaving
. .

there by mistake St Victor and his com . . (6 th cent ) .

panions (in all about ten in number ) suffered been Abbot of a monastery near Paris was
elsewhere but the place and the date are alike called (A D 543 ) to be Bishop of Le Mans
. .

unknown though the Greek manus cripts specify

. ( C enomanen si s) in t he West of F rance His
the names of several among them and give life of prayer and penance his zeal for the good

articulars about them of his people and hi s great love of the poor made

D M N INUS (St ) (April 20) . him conspicuous for sanctity amo ng the prelates
. . who with him assisted at the celebrated Co uncil
DO M NI N US (St ) M ( Oct 1 ) . . . of Tours (A D He died A D 58 1 having . .

(4t h cent ) A Chr isti an who suffered at

. .

founded many monasteries hospitals and



Thessalonica about A D 3 00 under Maximini an

. . .

or D iocletian He is in all probability the . DOM NU S (Si ) M ( Oct 1 3 ) . .

same as the St Domninus co mmemorated with e SS D ANIEL and F R AN CI SCAN M AR


gSsR S
. .

others on March 3 0 .

DO MN I N US (DONNINO ) (St ) M ( Oct 9 ) . . . DO M NU S of VIENN E (St ) Bp (N ov 3 ) . .

(4th cent ) A C hristian of Parma in Italy (6 th cent ) St Ado one of the s ccesSo rs . .

who while trying to escape a band O f soldiers


of St Domnus relates in his C hron cle that


sent to arrest him was overtaken and beheaded


Domn us succeeded St D esid erius the


, St . .

on the Via C laudia or E milia a few miles out , Martyr in the Bishopric of Vienne in F rance ;

of Parma at a place now called after him Borgo and that he was a p relate of sur p assingly holy ' °

San D onnino where his relics are venerated to , life distingui shed by his charity to the poor

this day His marty rdom is alleged to have and zealous in the redeeming of the captives

taken place A D 3 04 ; but the narration accepted . . taken in the incessant wars of the period He
in the Middle Ages as the Acts of St Domninus died A D 527 We know nothing more about

. . . .

is altogether untrustworthy . him His F east is not kept in the Liturgy


not even locally


VA N US an d OTHER S (SS ) M M DONALD (DO N IVALD) (Jul y 1 5)

(No v 5) . . .

(Date uncertain ) Thi s St Domninus was a . . (8th cent ) A holy man in Scotland who .

young man said to have been a physician at , with his nine daughters led the life of a Religious
first condemned to work in the m i nes but at Ogil vy in F or farshire Vari O us memorials


afterwards burned to death somewhere in of the nine maidens remain to this day in
Palestine SS Theoti us and Philotheus . Scotl and .

appear to have su ffere elsewhere and at DONAR D (St ) (March 24)


another time St Sylvanus a Syrian Bishop O therwi se St D O MA N GAR D whi ch see .

DONAS (Si ) E i
, ,

was condemned to the mi nes to gether with


( Oct 1 4)

O therwi se g
. .

St D omninus but was martyred much later t D O N ATI AN whi ch see



, ,
A St Sylvanus is commemorated as having
. .

su ff ered at Rome on May 5 and it may possibly


, The Patron Sai ii t of St Donat s or Llan .

be he All these holy men are said to have d u nwy d (Glamorgan ) This from the English

confessed Christ under the Emperor Maximian


. Menology Nothing more is dis coverable .

Most authors understand Maximin D aza and


DONATA (Si ) M (J uly 1 7 ) . .

date this martyrdom A D 3 1 0 Surins however One of th e SCILLITAN MART Y R S whi ch


. .
, ,

thinks M aximin the Thracian to be referred to


and dates it A D 23 7 or A D 23 8 . . . . .

D O M NI O an d OTHER S (SS ) M M (April 1 1 ) . .

( l st cent ) Tradition has it that St Domni o

. .

a Syr ian was one of the seventy two disciples

chosen by C hrist to go before His F ace (Luke x put to death for the F aith in Rome in one of

and that he came t o Rome with St Peter . the early persecutions , and whose relics were
that he was afterwards sent by the Apo stle enshrined with those of other Martyrs in the
into Dalmatia where he evangelised the country C atacombs of the Via Salaria B eyond the i r .

on the Eastern shores of the Adriatic and in the names dul y registered in the official Mart yrolo

end was beheaded by order of the Imperial g ies nothing i s known abou t them
Prefect Maurelius together with eight soldiers

, DO N ATI AN and R O GATI AN (SS ) MM (May 24) . .

converts made by him His relics are still


(3 rd cent ) Two brothers of Nantes in Brit


. .

honoured at Salona though the Church of St ,

. tany put to death by R ictius Varus Governor
, ,

J ohn Lateran i n Rome has claimed to possess Gaul for the crime of being C hr istians

of ,

a large ortion o f them since the time of P0 (A D 29 9 ) during the great persecution under
. .

J ohn I (A D It appears historical y Diocletian .

. .

c ertain that this Pontiff did c aus e to be brought DO N ATI AN (Si ) Bp 7 )

( . .

to Rome the bod y of a Martyr Domnio by name , .

(Date uncertai n ) The second Bi shop of .

Diocletian and o ffi cials of his Court of Nico Hainault (Belgium) where he subsisted for
medi a i n Asia Minor whom he sacrificed to his , forty fi ve years on barley bread and water

hatred for the Chr istian religion causing them He died A D 1 1 8 6 at the age of eighty four

, . .

to be put to the torture and eventually hanged


DR O STAN (St ) Abbot (Jul y 1 1 ) . .

(A D. . Eusebius of C aesarea a contem , (7 th cent ) An Irish Saint disciple of St ,

p orary has left us a detailed and trustworthy

. .

, C olumba and one of the Apostles of Scotland

account of their su ff erings The body of

. He was the first Abbot of Deer in Aberdeenshi re

St Gorg oni us was translated to Rome un der

. DRU SU S ZO SIM U S an d THEODORE (Dec 1 4) .

Pope St Gregory IV (8 27 Hence it has

(SS ) MM .

come about that he is not only registered in


(Date unknown ) Christians who suffered .

the Roman Martyrology but liturgically com , martyrdom in Syria probably at Antioch
memorat ed each year

. Some M SS have Drusina for Drus us . Their .

DO SITHE US (St (F eb 23 ) . . Acts are lost and dates unknown though St ,

(6 th cent ) An Egyptian solitary a simple


. J ohn C hrysosto m h as left a Homily preached

and unlearned man whose weak health hi ndered

, on their F estival day .

hi m from practising the austerities of his DR USU S (St ) M . (Dec 24) .

fellow monks but who nevertheless by prayer


, .

and self denial attai ned to great sanctity

DUBTA CH (St ) Bp . .

The Lives of the F athers of the D esert give (6 th cent ) An Archbis hop of Armagh who .

interesting particulars concernin g him g ovel z d that D iocese for sixteen years dying
AD g ie

OTTO (St ) Abbot (April 9 )

. . . g .

(6 th cent ) A Saint who has left his name to .

DUM HAI D (St ) Abbot (May 25) . .

one of the Orkney Islands where he is said to , O therwi se St D U N CHAI D whi ch see , .

have been head of a monastery Nothing



certain is known about him


Bp (N ov 1 4)
A famous Welsh Saint of the
. . .

DONNAN (D OUN AN ) and OTHERS (April 1 7 ) (6 th cent ) .

(SS MM . . race of Brychan and the founder of monachism

(7 th cent ) St D onnan an Irish Saint . .
, , in Wales He was Bishop of Llandaff and
following the example of St Columba settled Archbishop of C aerleon which latter See he

, ,

with his disciples on Egg Island off the Western , resigned to the yet more celebrated St D avid . .

co as t of Scotland He and fi fty two of h is .

St D ubriti us is said to have been consecrated
companions were done to d eath by the heathen B ishop of St Germanus of Auxerre He died

. .

Picts F rom the traditional connection between

. probably about the middle of the sixth century ,

St D onnan and St C olumba the date of the

. . and as it woul d appear in the Isle of Bards ey , ,

P as sion of these holy M artyrs may safely be to whi ch he had retired in his old age His

put at the end of the sixth or beginning of the relics were solemnly translated A D 1 1 20 . . .

seventh century . DULA (St ) V M . (March 25)

(D ate unkn own ) The Chris tian slave of a
. .

DREU X (St ) .
(April 1 6 ) .

O therwi se St D ROGO whi ch see .

, . Pagan soldier at N icomedia in Asia Minor .

DRILLO (St ) (J une 1 5
. Sh e su ff ered death at his hands in defence of
(6 th cent ) Patron Saint at Llandrillo . her chastity The date is unrecorded In art . .

(Denbigh) and at Llandrillo (Merioneth) He . St Dula is represented as lying dead with a dog
appears to have been a sixth century Saint

, watching by her .

son of an Armorican chief in Brittany; and to DULA S (TATIAN ) (St ) M (June 1 5) . .

have lived as a monk at Bardsey .

(4th cent ) A C hristian of Zeph yrinum in
(Aug 1 7 ) C ilicia (Asia M inor ) put to death in the great

DR I THE LM (St ) . .

(7 th cent ) A Northumbrian who after .

, persecution under Diocletian about A D 3 00 . . .

leading a reprehensibly worldly life was terri , His Acts and the relation of Met ap hras t es give
fi ed by a vision of the J udgment to come and a graphic description of the frightful tortures
of Hell In consequence of this he embraced
. to which St D ulas was put a sample of what . ,

a career of severe penance as a monk of M elrose , a lso many other C hristians endured in that
persevering therein to the day of his holy death , terrible age of trial He was savagely scourged .

about A D 7 00 . . . back and front then h alf roas ted on a gridiron -

and so dismissed to his dungeon Next day


(March 1 0)
. . ,

the proceedings began by the piling of burning

(6 th cent ) A dis ciple of St Germanns of . . charcoal On his head ; after which he was
Paris who be came Abbot of the monastery of
, hung up by his wrists and his body was torn
St Sy mp h ori an at Autun a Religious House
, with iron rakes so that his flesh hung down ,
in which a Rul e was followed modelled up on in ribbons and his bowels were exposed Then .

that of the Solitaries of Egypt When st . . the dying man was ordered to be dragged to
Germanns had become Bishop of Paris and Tarsus the chief city of C ilicia for the continuing
K ing C hild ebert had founded the Abbey of of his execution Happier in this than some of
' ,

St Vincent (since called St Germain d es Pr es )

. . his fellow Christians Dul as expired on the way

St Germanus set St Droctoveu s over it

. He . . O ver his body thrown into a ditch a sheep ,

r uled the monastery till his death at the age of dog is said to have stood guardian until eventu ,

forty fi ve (about A D
the embodiment . ally the C hristians found and reverently interred
his remains As we find stated in the report

(so the chroniclers describe him ) of Christian

of the Interrogatory through which he was put

and monastic perfection Venanti us F or .

t u natu s h as left us some lines of verse in praise by the judges D ul as was only a sort of nickname
of St Droctoveus given him his real name was Tatian

DUN CHADH (DUM HA I D) (St ) Abbot (May 25)

. .

DR AUSI N US (DR AUSI US) (St ) Bp (March 5) . .
* . .

(7th cent ) A native of So issons and a .

(8t h cent ) F rom a monastery over whic h
Bishop of that city He died A D 6 7 5 and is he had presided in his native Ireland St

. . . ,

D u nch adh was called to Scotland to become


locally venerated as a Saint .

DROGO (DREUX DB U O N ) (St ) (April 1 6 ) , . Abbot of Iona He was a man of singular .

(1 2th cent ) O ne of the Patron Saints of . piety and was highl y favoured with super
shepherds He lost both parents at birth . natur al gifts In his time the Roman tonsure
and when twenty years of age disposed of all and the Roman date of Easter were finally

his property to embrace a life of utter poverty . adopted by the C eltic monks in Scotland .

F or more than twenty years h e tended the A D 7 1 7 i s given as the year of hi s death .

cattle of a rich and pi ous lady bus ying himself DUNCHAI D (St ) Abbot
. .

(J an 1 6 ) . . .

at the same time with practices of prayer and ( l oth ce nt ) Th i s Saint surnamed O R aoi n ,

penance He is s aid to have made nine times was born in West Meath and having long Is


the pilgrimage to Rome F inally he bui lt .

, the life of an anchorite near the mon as tery of
himself a b ut against the church of Sebourg in C lonmacnoise was elected its Abbot in A D 9 6 9 ,
. . .


He is famous for many miracles amongst others

for having raised a dead chil d to l ife In 11 18

. E
old age he retired to Armagh where he died ,
Sai nts names begi nni ng wi th the letter E are
A D 08 8
of ten f oun d wri tten wi th (di p hthong)
. .

DUN STAN (St ) Bp ZE as

(May 1 9 )
. .

the i ni ti al
(l oth cent ) St D unstan one of the most
. .

famous Saints of Anglo Saxon England was -


E ADBE R T (E ADBE R HT) (St ) Bp . . (May 6 )
born about A D 9 25 and was educated at . .
, (7t h )cent A monk of Lin farne successor
dis .

Glas tonbury Abbey whither after sp end mg o

of St C. uthbe t t at
r in h See, which he governed
for eleven years Towards the close of hi s life
, ,

some time at the court of K ing Athelstan , .

he returned to become a monk In his mona . he ens hr ined afresh the incorrupt body of his
stery he lived in great fervour di vidi ng his time , ho] y redecessor di recting that his own remains ,

between prayer study and manual labour ,

. should be laid underneath it This was dul y .

Under K in g Edmund he was appointed Abbot ; ,

done when St E adbert p as sed away on May 6 .

but having rebuked the unworthy K ing Edwy

of that same y ear 6 9 8 St E adbert was , . .

for his shamel ess l ife was afterwards forced ,

remarkable for his profound knowledge of the
into a year s exile in F landers Of Edgar the ’
. Holy Scriptur es and for his excee di ng charity
Peaceful he was a favourite and a chief adviser , t o the poor .

and during his reign was made successively *

E ADBUR GA (EDBUR GA) (St ) V (Dec 1 2) . . .

Bishop of Worcester (A D 9 57 ) and Archbishop . .

(sth cent ) The successor of St Mildred as
. .

of C anterbur y (A D Moreover Pope . .

, Abbess of Minster in the Isle of Thanet She .

J ohn XII appointed D unstan his Legate in b uilt ther e a new church and was in corre ,

England The Saint never faltered in the

. sp ond ence with St Boniface of Germany She . .

execution of his duty and did not Spare even , died about A D 7 5 1 . . .

his Royal Patron g uilty at least on one occas1 on ,

E ADFR I D (St ) ( Oct 26 )
. .

of flagrant immorality By his C anons . (7 th cent ) Supposed to be E adf ri d the


St D unstan did much to restore Ecclesi as tical

. Northumbrian priest who visited Mercia eff ected ,

discipline in England where his influence , the conversion of K ing Merewald and preached
worked immense good He expired calmly .
, the Gospel to his subjects (E ngli sh M eno
A D 9 8 8 and was bur ied at C anter If so it is he who founded Le ominster
M ay 1 9
ury .
, . .
, logy) .

Priory and passed away about A D 6 7 5


. . .

DUTHAC (St ) Bp (March 8 )
. .
E ADN O THUS (E SNE U) (St Bp M (Oct 1 9 ) . .
, . .

(1 1 th cent ) A native of Scotland and first .

(1 1 th cent ) A Saint difficult to trace . .

Bishop of Ross Having acquired a great Migne 8 D ictionary (where the name is spelled


reputation for learning and piety he passed , E adnochas) says that he was a Bishop and
away A D 1 06 5 . . M artyr in England honoured at York Baring .

DWYNWE N (St ) Widow

(Jul y 1 8 ) . . Gould puts on Oct 1 9 : E adnoth Bishop .

O therwi se St THE N E U VA or THE N N E W .

, and Martyr at D orchester A D , , . .

whi ch see .
E ADSI N (St ) Bp . ( Oct 28 ) . .

DWYNWE N (St ) V (Jan 25) . . .

( 1 1 th cent ) An Archbishop of C anterbury .

(5th cent ) A We lsh Sai nt of the family of. and a great patriot He crowned St Edward . .

Brychan of Brecknock The maxim : Noth . the C onfessor on the restoration of the Anglo
ing wi ns hearts like cheerful ness is attributed ,

Saxon line in England He resigned his See .

to her After a troubled life she pas sed away

. some years before his holy death A D 1 050 , . . .

E AN F LE DA (St ) Queen Widow


about A D 46 0 C hurches dedicated to her are

. . .
(N ov 24) . . .

found both in Wales and in Cornwall


(7 th cent ) A daughter of K ing St Edwin
. .

BY RA N (Si ) M .
(May 1 4) . of Northumbria and of his wife St Ethelburga . .

(2nd cent ) Said to have been one of the . of K ent baptised as an infant by St Paulinus
, . .

missionaries sent to the Britons by Pope St . She m arried K ing O swy of Northumbria and
E leutherius at the prayer of the king St Lucius , . . showed herself a great protector of St Wilfrid . .

His name has been Latinised into D eruvi anus On the death of her hus band she retired to
or Damian ; or rather it is some such Latin Whitby Abbey where she closed her holy life ,

appella tion which has been rendered into the about A D 7 00 . . .

C eltic D y fan His church of Merthyr D yfan .

E AN SWI TH (E ANSWI DA) (St ) V (Aug 3 1 ) . . .

shows the popular tradition that he ended his (7t h cent ) A princess of K ent grand .

days by martyrdom

. daughter oi K ing St Ethelbert She founded . .

DYFNAN (St ) (Apr i l 24) and as Abbess presided over a monastery at

‘ 0

(5th cent ) A son of the Welsh chieftain .

, F olkestone where the P arish church is stil l
Brychan He founded a chur ch in Anglesey
. . called after her A D 6 40 is given as the da te . . .

DYF NO G (St ) (F eb 1 3 )
. of her holy death
(7 th cent ) A Welsh Saint of the family of
. .

EATA (St ) Bp . (Oct 26 ) . .

Caradog He was formerly in local veneration

(7 th cent ) A disciple of St Aidan and
i n D enbighs hire
. .
. himself m aster of St C uthbert at M elros e . .

DYF R I G (St ) Bp . (N ov 1 4) . . Afterwards he was by St Theodore consecrated

, .

O therwi se St D U BR I TI U S, whi ch see . . fir st Bishop of Hexham and for a time of


(May 1 5) . . . Lindis farne A most reverend man and of

(6 th cent ) Dymp na, the daughter of a
. all men the most meek and simple He died ”

Pagan Irish chieft ain but herself secretly a


, at Hexham A D 6 8 5
C hristi an was forced to fly her co untry in order
. . .

EBBA (St Widow

, (N ov 1 9 )
to escape the guil ty love of her unnat ural par
. . .

O therwi se St E R ME N BUR GA whi ch see

ent She settled at Gheel a village in the
, .

E BBA THE E LDER (St V (Aug 25)
present Province of Brabant and devoted
. . .

, (7t h cent ) The sister of the holy K ing

herself to works of charity Her father pursued

. St Oswald of Northumbria and fo undress of

her and murdered both the Saint and the old

th e great Abbey of C old ingham near B erwick

priest who had advised and accompanied her

ou Tweed
The friend of St C uthbert and of
At her shrine lunatics and thos e possessed by
. . .

St A damnan she was the mistress in the

devils were often miracul ously cured ; and in

spi ri tual life of St E theldred a She was

art she is frequently represented as dragging
. .

venerated in life and after her death (A D 6 8 3 )

away a devil Sh e is the Patron Saint of the
. .

as a most lovable Saint
and Gheel to day is famous for as ylums

1 ns ane - *
for lunatics which are among the best managed

, (Aug 23 )
establishments of the sort St D ymp a is a

. .
(9t h cent ) The noble Virgin M artyrs of -

s i xth centur y Saint ; but exact dates are not


C oldi n gham who ass aulted by the heathen

as certainable
. D anes ,
courageously protected their honour
by mutdating their faces enraged at whi ch the

barbarians burned them alive in their monas Polesworth some time towards the end of the ,

t ery (A D . . ninth century .


(J une 22) . . EDITH (Si ) V . .
(Sept 1 6 )
(1 2t h cent ) A German Benedictine made

( l oth cent ) The natur al daughter of K ing .

Archbishop of Salzburg by Pope Innocent II Edgar the Peaceful brought up by her mother
one of the most able and most holy of the Wulfri dis who had become a nun in the mona
, .

prelates of his age He died A D 1 1 6 4 at the . . st ery of Wilton ne ar Sali sbury and her father
age of seventy nine
, ,
. reluctantly consenting admitted while qui te a ,

EBERHARD (EVERARD ) (St ) Abbot (Aug 1 1 )

. . . chi ld to make her Religious Professi on O f .

(l 0th cent ) Th e holy founder of the great . her the Martyrology simply says : She did
Abbey of Einsiedeln in Switzerland notable not , not leave the world ; she never knew it .

only for his zeal and piety but also for his great , The Si ck and poor more especially lepers Were
ch arity to the poor He died A D 9 58
, ,

. . . her care through life and she persistently

E refused the position o ffered her of Abbess

. . . .

O therwi se St E R AR D whi ch see . . Her holy death foretold by St D uns tan too k .


E BR E GE SI LUS (St Bp , M ( 24) .

p lace at the early age of twenty three (A D 9 8 4) -

. . . .

O therwi se St E V E R GI TU S, whi ch see . . and numerous miracles have since borne witness

(D ec 29 ) . A bot . . to her sanctity .

O therwi s e St E VR O UL, whi ch see . . DMUN D of CANTER BURY (St ) Bp (N ov 1 6 ) . . .

C A ( ) (St ) (May 5) .
(1 3t h cent ) The eldest son of Reynold .

(7th cent A hermit in Yorks ire greatly

) h ,
. Rich a tradesman of Abingdon in Berkshire
, ,

venerated for holiness of life and graced with who having studied at Oxford and Paris ,

the power of working miracles and with other taught Philosophy in the former University
supernatural gifts He died A D 6 7 7 . from A D 1 21 9 to A D 1 226 He became suc
. . .

E DA N (St Bp
. . . . .

cessi vel y C anon of Salisbur y and Archb is ho p of

(J an 3 1 )

. . .

O therwi se St JE DAN whi ch see .

, . C anterbury governing the C hurch in England
EDANA (ETAOIN ) (Si ) V with gentleness but with all Apostolic vigour

(July 5 )
. . .

(D ate uncertain ) An Irish Saint Patron of He corrected many abus es and bravely upheld
Parishes in the West of Ireland A famous

the rights of the Church against the usurpatio n


holy well bears her name She appears to have . of Henry III and his advisers Driven into . .

li yed near the confluence of the r i vers B oyle exile to Pontigny in F rance (where his body '

and Shannon Some have thought her to be . yet rests ) he died at Soissy N o v 1 6 A D 1 242 , .
, . .

and four years later was canonised by Pep e


one and the same with St Modwenna who is .

also commemorate d on J uly 5 . Innocent IV .

EDBERT (St ) Bp (May 6 )
. . EDMUN D (St ) K ing M . (N ov 20) , . .

O therwi se St E AD BE R T whi ch see .

, (9 t h cent ) B orn of royal bl ood (A D
. . .

EDBE RT (St K ing (Aug 20) he was made K ing of the East Angles in A D 8 55


. . .

under the suzerainty of the monarchs of Wessex

. .

(8 th cent ) The successor of St Ceolwulp h . .

Dur ing his fif teen years of rei gn his one aim was

on the throne of Northumbria His reig n was

to secure the happiness of his people In the

prosperous and lasted twenty years at the '


end of which he abdicated in favour of his son D ani sh i nread of A D 8 7 0 one of the most

. .

and retired to York where h e p as sed other ten ‘

devas tating of that terrible age after the defeat ,


of his little army he was taken prisoner and


y e ars in the practices of prayer and pen ance

before entering into everlasting rest (A D savagely done to death at Hom e i n Suffolk '

He expired with the name of J esus on his lips

. .

EDBU RGA (I DE BE R GA) (St V (J une 20) . .

(7 t h cent ) The daughter of the Pagan and has always been venerated as a M artyr .

His shrine at Bury St Edmunds was one of the


Penda K ing of Mercia a nun at C aistor in

, .

most frequented in England


N ortham p tonshi re whence her relics were '




transferred to Peterborough and later to ’

(D ec 1 ) . . .

F land ers (1 6 th cent ) One of the most illus trious of

the Martyrs of England Born in London and
. .

EDBURGA (St V (D ec 21 ) . . .

educated at C hrist s Hospital he distinguishe d


(l oth cent ) The saintly daughter of K ing

hi mself at Oxford pass ing thence to D ouai and


Edward the Elder a nun and Abbess at Win

eventually entering the Society of J esus
, ,

chester where she passed to her heavenly .

Returning to England he preached with bold


reward (A D ,

ness and became known as the P e pe s

. .

E DBU R GA (E ADBUR GA ) (Si ) V (J uly 1 8 ) .

C hampion After a mock tr i al f o r treason and

. ,

(7 th c ent ) An Anglo Saxon prin cess who -


terrible torturing Q ueen E liz abeth, though not


became a nun at Aylesbury together with her ~

belie1 111 g him gui lty had him hanged at Tyburn

, ,

sister Edith and took charge of their third ,


sister St O sith the Martyr St Edburga died


A D 1 58 1
DWAR D (St ) K ing M (March 1 8 )
. . . .
, .

in great repute of sanctity about A D 6 20 .

, .

(l oth cent ) The son of Edgar the Peaceful

. . .

EDEYR N (St ) (Jan 6 )
. .

and K ing of England at the age of thirteen


(6 th cent ) The P atron Saint of Landeyrn

on his father s death (A D He reigned

(Brittany ) Various legends describe him as ’

. .

for o nly a little over three years and a half ;


a Briton and associate hi m with K ing Arthur

but guided by St D unstan the great prelate
, .

It is further recounted of him that in his old 1


of the time won for himself by his piety and


age he crossed the seas to become a hermit in

virtuous life the love and reverence of his

subjects He was murdered at Wareham in

E DI LBUR GA (St ) V (J uly 7 )

Dorsetshire by emissaries hir ed by h is jealous
. . .

O therwi se St ETHEL B U RGA whi ch see

and ambitious s tepmother March 1 8 A D 9 7 8
. ,

V une

E D I L T R U DI S (S t ( J 23 ) , , . .

and was forthwith popul arly a cclaimed as a

. .

O therwi se St E TH E LDR E DA (AU D REY )

M artyr His remains were translated to

, ,

whi ch see
Shaftesbury three years af t er his death
. .

E DI STI US (St ) M ( Oct 1 2) .

EDWARD PO WE L (Bl ) M (J uly 3 0)

. . .

(4t h cent ) A M artyr at Ravenna (Italy ) . .

(1 6 th cent ) A learned Professor of O xford


during the persecution under D iocletian

Uni versity author of various Treatises in
. .

r b abl y A D 3 03 ; but partic ulars have been


F 03q defence of t he F aith against Luther and one of

. .

' ,
E DITH (St ) V (J ul y 1 5 ) the three defenders of Queen C atharine i n the
divorce proceedings He was put to death
. .

(9 t h cent ) This Saint other certainly than ,

1 5 40 by Henry VIII for rejecting that


the better known St Edi th of Wilton d aughter


A D .

monarch s pretend ed Supremacy in Spirituals

, . .

of K ing Edgar was like her connected with ’


EDWAR D THE CO N F ESSO R (St ) K ing (Oct 1 3 )


the Royal House of Wessex She was a

, ,

. . .

cent The son of Ethelred the


daughter probably of K ing Egbert and seems ( 1 1 t h ) U m

ready born A D 1 004 and brought up in exile

to have succeeded St Mod wenna as Abbess of .

. .


Tertiaries of St F rancis tendi ng the poor and .

, were afterwards transported to Constantinople
especially the lepers He was engaged at .
where a church was built in their honour

Paris as Amb as sa dor from the K ing of Na les ELEUTHERIU S (Si ) Pope M

(May 26 )
to the F rench monar ch when death overtook
. .

(z ud cent ) The successor in St Peter s


him (A D 1 3 25) at the age of forty Together

. .

. . . C hair of Pope St Soter whose deacon he had

with St Delphina he was buried at Apt in
p been D uring his Ponti fi cat e the F ourth
Urban V canonised St E leaz ar in

General Persecution that under Marcus Aurelius

. . .

took place ragi ng chiefly in Gaul tho ug h there


were M artyrs also i n Rome St Eleutherius

E LE R I US (St ) .
(N ov 3 )
cent ) A Welsh Saint who lived in the
. .

had likewise to deal with the Montanist heretics


(6 th .

Si xth centur y and who is mentioned in the , whom h e exposed and condemned and with
traditions concerning St Winifred He is some for ms of Gnosticis m then rife e ven in

. .

supposed to have presided over a monastery Rome A remarkable event of the Pont ifi cat e
i n North Wales

of St Eleutherius (variously dated A D 1 7 0 1 8 5 -

E LE SBAAN (Si ) K ing ( Oct 27 )

. .

or 1 8 2 1 9 3 ) was hi s sending missionaries to the

. .
. . .

(6 th cent ) A C hristian K ing of Ethiopia . Pagans of Britain for the trustworthiness of the
(Abyssini a ) in the first half of the sixth century

, tra dition concerning which there is very satis

who dis tinguis hed himself by his warlike and fy ing evidence The circumstances of the
successful expeditions in Arabia where a

death of St Eleut herius are not known
J ewish usurper had almost exterminated the
, . .

ELEUTHERIU S (St ) (May 29 ) .

C hr istianity of the Southern part of the Penin (1 2th cent ) He is said to have been a
sula In these wars he was supported by the

. brother of SS Grimwald and F ulk and to have

B yzantine Emperors J us tin I and J ustinian

, . . been born in England He died whilst on a

At the close of a long and memorable reign St
. pilgrimage at Rocca d Arce near Aquin o in ’

E lesb aan abdicated and ended hi s life as a hermit

, ,

the K ingdom of Naples He is us ually set

i n the exercises of prayer and penance He

down as a Saint of the twelfth century but there
died about A D 555 His real name seems to
. . . is great uncertainty both as to his date and to
have been C aleb Hence the Abyssinians . the particul ars of his life
style hi m C alam Negus
, .

. ELEUTHERIU S (St ) M (Aug 4) .


. .

(4th cent ) A Senator and Chamberlain to

(J an 3 0) . . . .

O therwi se St AD E LE LM US, whi ch see . . the Emperor Maxi mi an Galeri us at C onstanti

E LE TH (St (N ov 1 0)
. . ne ple On becomi ng a C hristian he left the
cent The Patron aint of

(6 th ) S Ll aneleth . C ourt and retired to a country estate he ovirned

in Anglesea He was of the Cuned dafamily , . in Bithynia There he was arrested tortured
brother of and He was

SS Seriel Meiri on . . and beheaded (before A D His body was

surnamed the ing and lived
. .

F renl u ui n ( K ), buried near the place of his martyrdom and a

in the sixth centur y Two hymns of his com

. church afterwards erected there (See the

position are extant

>f E leutheri us of C onstanti nop le

% e1i 20§
. ot ce St .
E LE UCHADI US (St ) Bp (F eb 1 4) . . .

(2md cent ) A learned man of Greek origin . ELEUTHERIU S and LEONIDAS (SS ) MM (Aug 8 ) .

who was converted and ordained deacon by

. .

(D ate unknown ) Martyrs at Constantinople

St Apollinaris and who governed the Chur ch
, where the y were burned to death for the F aith
of Ravenna together with other deacons and

, but in which of the e arly persecutions is un

priests during that Saint s four years absence
’ ’
. certain
Elected A D 1 00 on account of the miracul ous

. .
, ELEUTHERIU S (St Bp (Aug 1 6 ) . .

apparition of a dove resting over his head to


, (6 th cent ) The successor of St Droctoald

succeed St Aderit us who had followed St
. .

. in the See of Auxerre (A D

His Episcopate .

Apollinaris he was for twelve years B ishop of


, lasted for twenty eight years during which he -


Ravenna He died F eb 1 4 A D 1 1 2 and was

. .
, . .
, assisted at the four C ouncils of Orleans Noth .

at once honoured as a Saint His relics were . ing fur ther is now known concerning him .

subsequently translated to Pavia in Lom ELEUTHERIU S (St ) Abbot (Sept 6 ) . . .

bardy .
(6th cent ) The head of a monastery near

LE USI PPUS (J an 1 7 ) . Spoleto (Central Italy ) in the time of Pope

. . St Gregory the Great who personally exp eri

LE UTHE R I US of TOURNAI(St ) Bp , M (F eb 20) . . . . enced the e fficacy of hi s prayers and super

(6 th cent A hristian of Tourn ai chosen
) C , .

natural gifts St Eleutherius died in the . .

B ishop of that city(A D 48 6 ) ten years before . . mon as tery of St Andrew (now San Greg ori o) .

the conversion of ing lovis and his ranks


K C F . Rome about A D 58 5 and his relics were later .

His great work was the evangelising those of

, ,

translated to Sp e lete .

that nation who had settled in and near Tournai ’

. ELEUTHERIU S and OTHERS (SS ) MM (Oct 2) . . .

In thi s he was successful as also in battling (4th cent ) A group of C hr istians to be

with Ar ianism at that time rife in the West of
, .

counted by hundreds who falsely accused of ,

Europe But his zeal led to his being persecute d
. having setyfire to Diocletian s palace at Nico ’

and in the end his enemies attacked and mur media were savagely tortured and put to death
dered him at his church door A D 53 2 Some

, . . . in that city (A D 3 03 as is commonly believed ) .

, .

of his writings are still extant


. B ut there were two great fir es i n the same pile

LE UTHE R I US of CONSTANTINOPLE (St ) . of buildings with an interval of two years ,

Bp M .
, .
(F eb 20) . between them which makes the precise date
(D ate uncertain ) A Saint concerning whose

, of the martyrdom uncertain Nor is it clear .

identity there I S much dispute The Bollandists '

. how far the company who su ff ered with the
believe him one and the same with the Byzantine B ishop St Anthi mus (April 27 ) are to be

Martyr Eleutherius commemorated with others , distingui shed from t he fellow sufferers with -

on Aug 4 Others will have him to have been

. . St Eleutherius Again this St Eleutherius .
, .

the fifth or perhaps the eighth Bishop of Byz an


is by some thought to be identical with the

tium and to have flourished and suff ered martyr M artyr of the same name who is honoured on
dom in the third century

. Aug 4 and may possibly be also the Bishop

LE UTHE R I US an d ANTHIA (SS MM (April 1 8 )
. . M artyr of F eb 20 The whole hi story is very
(2nd cent ) M artyrs at Rome under Hadrian
. .

. hard to unr vel

St Eleutherius son of E ugenius

(A D 1 1 7
. .
, ELEUTHERI S (St ) M (Oct 9 ) . .

the C onsul a cleric had been consecrated by

. .



the then Pope as B ishop of Ill yr icum ; but

E LE VA THA (St ) V M (Aug 1 ) . .

whi le prepar i ng to repair to his field of work he

. .

O therwi se St ALM E D HA , whi ch see . .

was arrested as a Christian together with ,

St Anthia his mother
. They were put to the
, .
(St ) (F eb 1 4) .

torture and beheaded Part of their relics .

(8th ) S cent
i . A axon pr ncess consecrated

to God from her infancy by her father O swy in a chariot of fire (4 K i ngs i i ) he has to , ,

of Northumbria She was by hi m committed reappear upon earth and to die for C hrist at ,

to the care of St Hilda at Whi tby whom she the end of time (A poc The Carmelite

. .

eventual ly succeeded as Abbess St E lfl eda Order tracing its origin to the sons of the . .

di ed A D 7 1 3 prophets (4 K ings i venerates St Elias ,

ELFLE DA (St ) Widow


as i ts founder His F estival is kept annually

. . .

(Oct 23 )
. . .

in many churches especially in the E as t


(l ot h cent ) An Anglo Saxon princess who -

, .

LIAS (St Bp (Sept 1 9 )


lived as a Recluse at Glastonbury held in great ,

. . .

veneration by St D uns tan to whom she foretold See SS PELEU S NILU S & c
. .
, , .

the year and day of her own death This took ELIER (St

(July 1 6 ) *
. .

place about the middl e of the tenth centur y O therwi se St HELIER whi ch see . .
, .

This holy widow must not be confus ed with her ELIC IUS (ELOY ) (Si ) Bp (Dec 1 ) . . .

contemporary and namesake the Abbess of (7 t h cent ) Born near Limoges (A D . . .

Romsey though their festivals were kept on he was a man of remarkab le piet y and ability
B y his s k ill in the art of working in prec i o us

the same day

metals he i s the Patron Saint of metal workers


( Oct 23 ) . . .
— -

(l ot h cent ) One o f the nuns of St Modwenna h e acquired a place and influence at the .

C ourts of Clot aire II and D agobert I K ings


at Romsey to the government of which Abbey .

of the F ranks His prospects of advancement


she eventually succeeded She lived in the . .

first half of the tenth century he relinq uished in A D 6 40 in order to become . .


(May 20)

ELF REDA (Si ) v

. a priest distributing the wealth which he had
. ,

O therwi se St AL F RE D A whi ch see acquired to the poor Consecrated Bishop of

. .

(IE LFRI C) (St ) Bp


(Nov 1 6 ) Noyon he evangelised a great part of F landers

. . .
, ,

O therwi se St AL F RI C whi ch see and more particul arly the districts round
. .

Antwerp Ghent and Courtray His death


. (J une 1 4) , .

(l 1 th cent ) B orn in D evonshir e after some probably took place A D 6 58 or 6 59 but by , . .

some authors it is post dated to A D 6 6 5


years of captivity in Ireland he settled in the , . . .

Isle of Bar ds ey off the co as t of C arnarvon E LI NE D (St ) V M (Aug 1 ) ,

. . . .

where he lived as a her mit until h is holy death O therwi se St ALME DHA whi ch see ‘

The name i s also wri tten E LLY W an d the

towards the year 1 1 00 .


E LGI VA (St ) Queen Widow

(May 1 8 ) Sai n t i s p robably the on e whose memory i s
p erp etua ted i n the Welsh p lace name Llanelly
. .

( l oth cent ) The mother of K ings Edwy and .


Edgar and wife of K ing Edmund the brother E LI PHI US (ELO F F ) (St ) M
, (Oct 1 6 ) , . . .

of Athelstan On the death of her husband . (4t h cent ) A Christian some say by birth .

she retired to K ing Alfred s mon astery at an Irishman or a Sco t who suffered at To ul in ’

Shaftesbury and there closed (A D 9 7 1 ) a life

F rance under J ul ian the Apostate (A D . . .

wholly spent in the discharge of her duties as His relics were translated in the tenth century
wife and mother and in wdrks of piety and to Cologne ,

charity . LISABETH of SCHO NAUGE (St V (June 1 8 ) . .

ELIAN (E I LAN ALLAN ) (St ) (Jan 1 2) , (1 2th cent ) A Benedictine nun of the Abbey . . .

(6 t h cent ) A Cornish or Breton Saint of. of Schonaug e near Bingen on the Rhine of ,

the princely family to which belonged SS


which mon as tery she was for many years Ab .

Ismael O udoceus Melorius Tugdual J udi ceel

, bess Her sufferings from ill h ealth were life
, , , , .

and other holy men He has given his name long but borne with marvellous cheerful ness

to Llanelian in Anglesea and was Titul ar of The friend of St Hildegarde she like that great

, , ,

St Al lan s C hurch in Powder He may have contemplative was favoured with heavenly

. .

followed his friend St C ybi into Cornwall vi s i ons and wrote valuable books on M ystical . .

Baring Gould calls attention to t he not i nfre

Theology She died A D 1 1 6 5 at the age of . . .

quent confus ing of his name with that of St thirty six Her name was inserted in the .

Hil ar y . Roman M artyrology though she does not ,

ELI AN AP ERBIN (St ) ( J an 1 2) appear ever to have been formally canonised
. . .

(5th cent ) The name of this holy man ELI SABETH QUEEN O F PORTU GAL (St ) ,

(j u1Y 8 )

appears in some Welsh Calendars and on that ,

account is given in the English Menology (1 4t h ce nt ) The daughter of Peter II . .

He is possibly identical with the St E lo an K ing of Aragon born i n 1 27 1 Educated with


, , .

son of St Erbin Prince of Devon a fifth centur y

. great care from her earliest years she gave
, ,

Saint whose F east is also kept on J an 1 2 cons tant proofs of her Spirit of self deni al and
. .

He would therefore be other than the St Elian prayer At the age of twelve she was married . .

or Allan styled the pilgrim who lived

, to Dionysius K ing of Portugal becoming for
perhaps a half century later
, , ,

the K ing and Court a striking pattern of every .


, virtue Her charity to the poor and her
, , .

DANIE L (SS ) MM (F eb 1 6 ) continuous endeavours to prevent hostilities

. . .

(4th cent ) F ive brothers who on their . breaking out between her relatives the K ings ,

return from visiting some of their fellow of Port ugal and Cas tile were characteristic
C hristians condemned to toil in the mines of

of her sanctity After the death of her husband .

C ilicia were arre te d at the gates of C aesarea

, (A D 1 3 25) she took the habit of the Thi rd

in Palestine and after being ut to the torture, Order of St F rancis and devote d herself to , .
beheaded (A D 3 09 ) under Ga crius Maximianus . .good works She died at E stremos (A D
and Maximin D aza
. . .

t c was canon ised (A D 1 6 25) by Pope Urban


ELIA S PAUL a nd ISIDO RE (SS ) MM (April 1 7 )

. .

, .

(9t h cent ) St Elias was a priest venerable ELI SABETH (St ) Widow
. .
(N o v 5)
for age and virtue who to gether with Paul and
. . .

The mother of St J ohn the Baptist There


Isidore two young C hristians his spiritual

. .

, are legends and traditions extant concernin g ,

childr en suffered for Chr ist (A D 8 56 ) at Cordova

, her ; but our knowledge is really limited to . .

in Spain in the persecution under the Caliph what we gather from the fi rst chapter of St
Mohammed St E ul og ius makes special men

. Luke 8 Gospel I) . In their commentaries upon ’

tion of them in hi s His tory of the Times


this Gospel h owever the Holy F athers often

LIAS of JERU SALEM (St ) Bp (J uly 4)
, ,

dwell at length upon the sanctity of her life . .



LISABETH of HUNGARY (St ) Widow (N ov 1 9 ) .

ELIAS (ELIJAH ) (St ) Prophet (J ul y 20)

. . .

(1 3 t h cent ) The daughter of Alexander II

. .

(8 th cent B 0 ) The g reat Prophet raised up


. .K ing of H u ngary born A D 1 207 and when only


i n the K ingdom of Israel to reprove the Ten

. .
, ,

four years of age omised in marriage to

F allen Tr ibes and whose works are set forth Louis son of the p r

, andgrave of Thuringia
in the Third and F ourth Book of K ings The
, .

Sh e was educated at the Thur ingian C o urt .

tradi ti on is that carried away from this world


where she suffered much from the je al ousy of her



futur e relatives Louis however to whom she the church of St J ustus in his Episcopal city
, ,
was married in 1 221 proved himself a hus band

and honoured as a Saint The particulars of


worthy of her With his permission and to his life are lost

his secret delight she multiplied her works of E LPI DI US (Si ) Abbot
, .

, (Septp 2)
mercy for her love of the poor was boundless
. .

(4th cent ) A hermit in Capp adoci a who


Even in her dress she sought to be like them

. .

i n the fourth century lived for twenty five

O n her husband s death at Otranto in 1 227

years ina cave on a mountain side and gathered

while on his way with the Emperor F rederick


round him numerous disciples His relics were


B arbarossa to take part in the defence of the


brought to a village in the Marches of Ancona

Holy Land she with her chil dr en was stripped , (C entral Italy ) now called Sant Elpidio where

of everything and reduced to the direst straits


they attract many p ilgrims A late tradi tion


by an opposing faction headed by her brother


avers that he preached and died i n that very ,

i n law
B efriended at length and having seen
place indicating it i s likely some confusion ,

her son Herman reinstated in h is inheritance

, , ,

between two Saints of the same name

she took the habit of th e Third Order of St



F rancis (of which she is the Patron Saint )
, ,
O THER S (SS MM (N ov 1 6 ) ,

and remaining in the world busied herself to

. . .

(4t h cent ) El p i d i us a dignitary at the ,

the day of her death (Nov 1 9 1 23 1 ) in works


C ourt of the Emperor Constantius degrad ed


p .

of charity and piety H er relics are enshrined by J ulian the Ap ostate having generously.

at M arp urg the place of her decease in Thur in


, confessed the F aith in the presence of the ,

gia She was canonised only four years after

latter is said to have been with his companions
her death by Pope Gregory IX
, ,

fastened to wild horses and in the end to have


ELISEUS (ELISHA ) (St ) Prophet (J une 1 4) perished at the stake A D 6 2 3U

. .

cent The holy on whom fell


m V (Aug 1 )

( 8 t h B 0 ) a n . L PI S
(St ) M . . . .

t h e mantle of Elias and who continued the work



, .

of that great Prophet as is described in the ELRIC (St )


(Jan 7 ), .

F our th B ook of K ings In the age of St


O therwi se St ALD R I C U S whi ch see . . .

J erome his grave in Samaria was shown as


ELSTAN (St ) Bp (April 6 )



containin g also the bodyy of St Abdias the (1 0th cent ) A monk of Abingdon trained . .

Prophet The F east of St Eliseus is kept under the Abbot St E thel wald and afterwards


. .

Bishop of Wilton near Salisbury where he


by the Carmelite Order and also generally in


the East died A D 9 8 1


. . .

E LLI DI US (I LLO D) (St ) (Aug 8 ) ELVAN and M YDWYN (SS ) *

(J an 1 )
* ‘

. . . .

(7 th cent ) Patron Saint as would appear .

(z u d cent ) The two Britons alleged by , , .

of Hirnant (Montgomery ) and of a church in tradition to have been s ent by K ing St Lucius ,
the Scil ly Islands The name St Helen s

to Pope St Eleutherius to beg f01 missionaries

. .

. \

Isle is a corrupt variant of St E lli dius s Isl e to Britain as a resul t of which petition SS .

, .

ELLYN (Si ) V M . (Aug 1 ) F u g at i us and D amian came to South Wales
. . . .

O therwi se St ALM E D HA whi ch see St Elvan is alleged to have become a B isho p ;

. . .

ELM O (Si ) (April 1 5)

. and Glastonb ur y is given as the place of burial
O therwi se Bl PETE R GO NZALE Z whi ch of both him and St M ydwyn
, . .

see . B u t the n ame EL M O u su ally stands f or a n ELVIS (St (F eb 22) . .

a bbre vi a ti on of tha t of St E R A SM U S (J u ne O therwi se St ELWY N or ALLEY N or . .


ALLAN or ELIAN whi ch last see


E LO A N (St ) (J an 1 2)
. .
, .

O therwi s e St E LIAN AP E R BY N whi ch see .

(F eb 22) , .
, . .

E LO F (E LO PHI US) (St ) M (Oct 1 6 ) (6 th cent ) Said to have been one of the
. . . .

O therwise St E LI PHI U S whi ch see holy men who accompanied St Breaca from
. .

ELOI (St ) Bp Irel and to C ornwall and perhaps the title Saint

(Dec 1 )
O therwi se St E LI GI U S whi ch see
. . .

of St Allen s Church in that co unty But . .


E LPHA GE (ALPHAGE ) (St B p (March 1 2)

the traditions are very perplexing See also . . .

(l oth cent ) C alled the Elder to dis t i nguish . St E LO A N . .

him from his more famous namesake the ELZEAR (St (Sept 27 ) , . .

M artyr of C anterbury and Greenwich St O therwi se St ELEAZAR whi ch see . . . .

E lp h eg e the Elder a monk of s i ngularly holy


ME R E NTI AN A (St ) V M (J an 23 )
life succeeded St Birst an in the See of Win
. . . .

(4th cent ) E merent i ana the foster sister

. .

chester where he died and his relics were of St Agnes the famo us Roman Virgin Martyr

, , ,

enshr ined (A D while as yet only a catechumen awaiting Bap


. .

LPHE GE (ALPH A GE ) (Si ) Bp M (April 1 9 ) tism was discovered by the Pagan Roman mob ,

praying at the tomb of her mistress and was

. . .

( 1 1 th cent ) Born A D 9 54 of a noble Saxon ,

stoned to death (A D
. . .

family he became a monk and afterwards . .

Abbot of the monastery he had founded near EMERIC (St ( Nov 4)

, ,

. .

B ath In the year 9 8 4 h e was chosen Bishop (1 1 th cent ) The son of St Stephen the . .

first Christian K ing of Hungary He was


of Winchester and in 1 006 Archbis hop of .

remarkable for his piety and for hi s austere


C ant erbur y The following year the D anes

virtue and was favour ed by Almighty God

sacked C anterbur y carrying o ff the holy

with many supernatur al gifts He died still

Archbishop for whom they expected a large


and the many miracles


a youth (A D

ransom ; but he refused to allow his C hurch


to put itself to such expense for hi m He was which took place at his tomb toget her with ,

the insistency of the Hungarian people led to


therefore kept in prison at Greenwich for seven ,

months and because he still refused to charge his canonisation (A D . .

his C hurch with his rans om was stone d and (March 3 )

, ,

ME R TE R I US (St M . .

fi nall y y done to death by a swordstroke (A D


O therwi se St H E M E TE R I U S whi ch see


He fell asleep in Christ truly a EMILIAN (Si ) Abbot

. .

l oo2) (N o v 1 2) , . . .

M arty r with his last breath praying for his O therwi se St jE M I LI AN whi ch see .
murderers (Sept 22)
EMERITA (St V M . . . .



E LPI DE PHO R US (Si ) M (N ov 4) . . . . .


. EM I DI US (St Bp M (Aug 5) , , . . .
, . .

E LPI DI US (Si ) Bp M (M arch 4) O therwi se St E M Y GD I U S whi ch see , .

E M I LA S a n d JERE M I AS (SS M M (Sept 1 5)

. . . .

See SS B A SIL E U G E NE & c . .

(9 th cent ) Two C hristia n youths (of whom

. .

(Sept 1 )
, ,


the former was a deacon ) imprisoned a nd

. . .

See SS PR I SC U S and E LP l D I U S
beheaded for the F aith at C ordova (A D 8 5 2)
. ,

( Sept 2)

E LPI D I US (St ) Bp . .

under the C aliph Abdurrahman

. .

(5t h cent ) The successor of St Antiochus


in the See of Lyons After a saintly Pontifi cat e E MM A (St Widow


(June 29 ) *
. .

O therwi sb St HEM MA , whi ch see


he passed away (A D and was buried in . . . .


in the See He died of Aleth in Brittany . and success in controversy The l as t years of .

A D 631
. . . his l ife he passed in solitude dying at an ,

E O BAN (St ) M (June 5) . advanced age A D 3 7 8 . . .

(8 th cent ) A fellow labourer in Germany (March 4)


PHR E M (St ) Bp M . .
, .

with St B oniface and a sharer in his martyrdom

. See SS BA SILIU S EU GENIU S & c , .

He is claimed as of Irish descent


(A D . .
, E PHYSI US (St ) M (Jan 1 5) . . .

and is also asserted to have been consecrated (4th cent ) A Palestinian who coming to .

Assistant Bishop of Utrecht where hi s remains , Rome gained the favour of the Emperor

were venerated until enshrined at E rfurth the ,

D iocletian and was by him made Governor of ,

scene of many miracles worked by his inter the Island of Sardi nia where he was converted

. to Christianity and in consequence degraded ,

E O CHO D (Si ) from s o ffice tortured and b eh eaded ab out
(Jan 25 )
A D sg é

. .

cent One of St Columbkil le s twelve


(7 th

) . . . .

compani ons and chosen by him to Christianise PI CHAR I S (S i ) M (Sept 27 ) . . .

(4th cent ) A holy C hristian woman mar


the people of North Britain He is called the . .


Apostle of the Picts of Galloway He appears . tyred at Rome or as some say at Constan , ,

ti n0p l e in the persecution under D iocletian at


to have survived St Columba who died A D . . .


the beginning of the fourth century

59 7 . .


O therwi se St EU GE NE whi ch see . . F ELIX and OTHER S (SS ) M (Jan 9 ) . . .

(3 rd cent ) Twelve African M artyrs p l O b

E PA GATHUS (St M (J une 2)

. . .
, 1

See SS PH O TI N U S SAN CTU S & c . . ably of the D ecian persecution (A D One . .

of the Epistles of St C yprian is addressed to a

, ,

E PAPHR A S (St ) Bp M (J U N 1 9 ) . .

Bishop Epictetus conj ectured to be the Epic


(l st cent ) The most beloved fellow



servant of St Paul (Col 1 He is tradi tion . . . tetus commemorated on this day .

ally said to have been Bishop of C olosse and to PI CTE TUS (Si ) M (Aug 22) . . .

have su ff ered there for Chr ist But beyond . See ss M ARTIAL SATUR N I N U S & c.
, , .

what we read of him in Scriptur e (Coloss i 7 ; . . E PI GM E N I US (St ) M (March 24) . .

1 2 ; Phil em 23 ) we know nothing of his (4th cent ) A priest mentioned as having

1 e baptised St Crescentius a child martyr of the
. .


E PAPHRODITU S (St B (March 22) persecution under Diocletian It is nowhere


. . .

(F irst cent ) The name occurs (Phil ii 25) . . stated that he himself perished by the sword .

Hence probably he is really to be numbered


as that of an Apostle sent to the Phi lippia s

n ,

by St Paul Hence St E p aphroditus i s

. .
, . onl y among Confessors .

reputed fi rst Bis hop of Philippp 1 (Macedonia) . PI M ACHUS (Si ) M (May 1 0) . .

Again we have E p ap hrodit us fi rst Bishop of

, (3 rd cent ) A Christian of Alexandria i n
Egypt burned there at the stake in the D ecian

Andri aci a (Ly ci a) and l as tly E paphroditus

persecution (A D and commemorated by
, , ,

sent as its first Bishop to Terracina in the south

the C hurch together with St Gordian on
. .

of Italy All are of the Apostolic Age and all

. .

M ay 1 0 and likewise with St Alexander h i s


are s ai d to have been of the seventy two -


disciples chosen by C hr ist (Luke x There fellow sufferer on D ec 1 2

. . .

(J uly 1 2)

are no data for elucidating the problems E PI PHAN A (St ) M

(D ate uncertain ) Mentioned i n the very
. .

untrustworthy Acts of St Alp hius and his
. .

PAR O HI US (St B (Aug 23 ) .

i .

fellow sufferers and consequently dated i n the





Roman M artyrology as a Martyr under Di o

, , ,
PAR CHI US (CYBAR ) (Si ) Abbot (Jul y 1 )
It is more likely that she suffered
. .

(6th cent ) Born in P erigord (F rance ) clet i an

under Licinius after A D 3 07 and more probable
. .

A D 504 and hei r to the D ukedom of that

. . . .

still that she was one of the Sicil ian Martyrs of

Province He preferred however to become .

a monk at Sessac Later desirous of a still t h e D ecian persecution (A D


. .
. ,

more retired and more austere life he came to PI PHAN I US (Si ) Bp (Jan 21 ) . .

(5th cent ) Born at Pavia in Lombardy


Angoul eme (A D and with the help of


and elected Bishop of that Ci ty i n

. . .

St Ap htoni us Bishop of the city was solemnly

(A D
His sanctity and his gift of m iracles won
, , .

enclosed in a cave rn close by He had already 46 7

him great credit with the rulers of his ti me a
. .

received the priesthood and his sanctity and —

credit which he us ed for the good of hi s flock


the numerous miracles he wrought drew great

crowds to listen to his Ipreaching
) F rom his a nd for securing peace to his Church He .

rebuilt Pavia after its destruction by Odoacer


retreat he al so directed cert ain monks who .

He died A D 49 7 and his relics were translated


eventually founded a monastery in the neigh .


(A D 9 6 3 ) to Hildesheim in Lower Saxony


b ourhood He died A D 58 1 and was chosen .

His Life (still extant ) was wri tten by St

. . .
, .

to be the Patron Saint of the D iocese of Angou .

leme His relics reverenced for a thousand E nnodi us his successor

. .
, ,

years were destroyed by the Huguenots in the

(Apr i l 7 )
, , ,

sixteenth century O THER S (SS ) MM

(D ate unknown ) St E p i ph ani us was an
. . .

E PHEBU S (St M (F eb 1 4) .

African Bishop of unknown date and See

. . . .


The M artyrologies commemorate h i m as havi ng

. .
, ,

E PHESU S (MARTYRS O F ) (J an 1 2)
u ffered for C hrist together with fifteen or hi s
. .

(8 th cent ) F orty two monks of blameless


lives zealous O pponents of the Iconoclasts on lock

, , .

which account their monastery at Ephesus was (May 1 2) . .

burned down and they themselves put to (5th cent ) A famous Eastern F ather , a
tortur e and death by the persecuting Emperor native of Palestine and a monk from hi s earl i est

C onstantine Cop rony mus about A D 7 6 2 youth He was an intimate fr i end of St .

Hilarion and later of St J erome He was

. . .
, .

EPHRE M THE SYRIAN (St ) (F eb 1 ) . .

called to Rome for his counsel by PO p e St

. .

(4th cent ) A F ather of the C hurch a great .

D am asus and was in so great reput e for h ol i ness


orator and a true poet who has left us a con

of life and for lear ning that the Ar i ans d i d not

si d erabl e body of writings of which his Expo el


tion of the Scriptures is the most notable dare to banish him from his See of Sale m
ostanza in ypru though they had d ven

B orn in M esopotamia of C hristian parents (C ) C s ri ,

he became a monk while still young and almost every other prominent C athol i c Bishop

appears to have been present at the C ouncil into exile He preached and wrote u nceasmgly

of Nicaea (A D 3 25) as deacon or attendant against the heresies of his own and precedi ng

centur ies (the confuting in detai l of each of

. .

upon one of the Bishops The chief scene of

which is the subject matter of his bes t known

hi s labours was Edessa ( Orfa ) where he taught -


work ) and was a pillar of the F ai th agai nst the


in the schools and became famous for his skil l ,


Arians as also against the errors of certain The Greek tradition is that he became Bishop
followers of Origen He died at an advan ced of Philippi Paneas in Pal estine That of the

Latins that his See was Philippi in Macedonia


age A D 403 ,

nd t h at he in the end was put to death for the


(April 22)
. .

. .

(2nd cent ) A young C hristian of Lyons ai fl l



who with his friend Alexander was dis covered *

(May 29 )

in the hiding place in which they had concealed -

(5th cent ) His name is sometimes wr i tten .

themselves put to the torture and beheaded E rb y n or Ervan A C orni sh Saint probably .

of the fifth century C hurches are dedicated


on account of their religion under the Emperor


M arcus A ur elius A D 1 7 8 to him and his name appears in several C alen

dars He see ms to have been related to one of
. . .

PI STE MI S (St ) M (N O V 5) . .

the C ornish or D evoni an chieftains of his age

. .


PI TACI US an d BASI LEU S (SS ) M M B y error his name has sometimes been spelled

(May 23 ) . .

(l st cent ) E p it aci us (variously written Hermes confusing him with the ancient Martyr

Epictetus E pi ctrit us & c ) and B asileus both of that name



looked upon as Bishops of the Apostolic Age


E R C (Si ) Bp . .
(N ov 2) .

have been in veneration in Spain from time (6 t h cent An Ir ish Saint Bishop of Slane
) .
, ,

immemori al but there has not come down to a disciple of St Patrick who died at the age .

of ninety A D 51 3

us any reliable account of their lives and


. . .

asserted martyrdom E R CO N GO THA (St ) V (July 7 ) . .

(7th cent ) The daughter of K ing E rcombert


E PO LO NI US (St ) M (Jan 24)

of K ent and of his Queen Sexburga Wi th
. .
. .

See SS BABY LAS U R BAN & c , . .

her aunt; St Ethelburga St E rcong oth a


EPVRE (EVRE ) (St ) Bp (Sept 1 5) . .

, .

embraced the Religious life at F aremoutier i n

. .

O therwi se St APR U S whi ch see .

F rance under St F ara or BurgondO p hora


EQUITI US (St ) Abbot (Aug 1 1 )


. .
. , ,

where she persevered in holiness until her


(6 t h cent ) The Superior of a Religious

death A D 6 6 0

House in the Province of Valeria (a district to , . . .

the East of Rome ) Though not a priest he R CO N WA LD (Si ) Bp (Apri l 3 0)


O therwi se St E R K E N WALD whi ch see

. , .

preached with assiduity and success bringing , .

, .

many sinners back to God from whom he had ,

E R E NTR UDE (AR N DR UDA) (St ) V (June 3 0) . .

reeei ved the gif t of the working of mi racles .

(7 th cent ) A n Irish Saint sister of St .

His life of prayer and penan ce ended M arch 7 , Rupert who accompanied him to his Apostolate

A D 540 ; but his F estival is kept on Augu st 1 1

. . , in South Germany and for whom he built the ,

anniversary of the Translation of his relics to monastery of N imberg near Salzburg In the .

Aquila St Gregory the Great devotes a eleventh century the Emperor St Henry re .

b uilt her church and shrine

. .

considerable portion of the F irst Book of hi s .

D ialogues to the givi ng an account of the (St ) V (J uly 5) .

Vi rtues and wonderful works of St E q ui tius


(D ate unknown ) A British maiden foun


. . .

E R AR ( BER HAR D EVERAR D) (J an 8 ) dress and title Saint of the church of Llanerfyl
(S?) E

(Montgomery )

p . .

(7 th cent ) One of the Irish Apostles of E R GN AD (E R CN ACTA) (Si ) V

(J an 8 ) . . .

Bavaria who is said to have been Bishop of

, (5th cent ) T his holy woman born in the .

Ardagh before setting out on his mission to present county Antrim is said to have received ,

Germany He flourished in the seventh century

. the veil from St Patrick She led a life of great . .

a d for some time shared the solitude of St penance and her closing years were marked by
n .

Hi dul phus in the Vosges mountains Ratisbon . many miracles .

was the chief centre of his Apostolic labours ’

R I G (St ) K ing M .
(May 1 8 ) , .

and i t was there that he di ed (probably A D . . (1 2t h cent ) Eric (a name identical with .

and that his relics were enshrined He . Henry ) son in law of Smercher K ing of Sweden
- -
, ,
is sai d to have been canonised by Pope St Leo . was elected to succeed him in 1 1 41 and is ,

IX Alban Butler states St Erard to have

. . described as both the father and the servant
been a Scotchman and dates him cons iderably of his p eo le Having in battle subdued the
F inns he e

later giving A D 7 53 as the year of his death


, . . . ab oured to convert them to C hris


RASMA (St ) V M (Sept 3 )

. . . t i anit y and is reckoned the Apostle of their



, , . country A man of prayer he built many

ERASM U S (ELMO ) (St ) Bp M (J une 2) . .

, . churches but always out of the proceeds of his

(4th cent ) A Bis hop of some town in Syria . own patrimony A Pagan faction headed by .

who after resigning his See and living seven


M agnus son of the K ing of D enmark com

years as a solitary came to Antioch during the passed his death A D 1 1 51 when he was struck

, , . .
persecution under D iocletian Put to the . down from his horse and beheaded as he was
torture and remanded to his prison he like , , leaving the church after he aring Mas s his l ast
St Peter was miraculous ly freed by an Angel thought being to save his followers His memory
. .
Later in Ill yr icum under Maximian the same is yet held in benediction among the Swedes

, ,

experiences befell him He died peaceful ly at (April 1 2)


E R K E M BO DO N (Si ) Bp . .

F ormiaa near G aeta (to whi ch latter town his (8 th cent ) Leaving Ireland in company .

relics were translated A D He was the . . with two missionaries who were murdered on the
object of great and widespread popular devotion way St E rkembodon entered the monastery
, .

throughout the Middle Ages and is still yearly , of St Omer where he was elected Ab bot beco m

commemorated in the Liturgy ing afterwards Bishop of St Omer and Terou


E RASM U S (Si ) M

. . anne He died A D 7 3 4 Many miracles were

. .

(Date unknown ) A Syrian Chr istian who


wrought at his shrine and the offerings of


suffered for the F aith at Antioch in one of the


pilgrims were soon so considerable that they

early persecutions He may possibly be one sufii ced to defray the c ost of the recons truction
of the C athedral

and the same with the fourth century M artyr


Erasmus of J une 2 ; but there is not lacki ng (April 3 0)

evidence that he was a distinct personage Ep .

. .

There can be no doubt that some details in the (7 t h cent ) A Prince of Eas t Anglia who .

traditional story of St E rasmus (J une 2) po int retiring among the East Saxons founded out

to a co nfusion between him and some other


M artyr of the same name


R A SI US (Si ) Bp M (J uly 26 )

. . .

(F irst cent ) The Treasurer of the city of .

C orinth (Rom xvi converted by St Paul . .

and one of his helpers i n the Apostolate (Acts


xix . especially at Corinth (2 Tim iv . .


Annivers ary of the Translation of his Relics church in Cornwall whose history has not been
to a noble shrine over the High Altar They

traced He m ay be identical with St Ernan . .

disappe ared at the change of religion in the

. .

It appears that there were several Celtic Saints

sixteenth c entur y of thi s or of a very similar name ;

E R LULPH (St ) Bp M E R O THE I DE S (St ) M ( Oct 27 )

( F eb 1 0)
, . . .

(9 th cent ) A Scottish missionary in Germany

. . .


who later became Bishop of Werden and in the E B O TI S (E R O TE I S) (St ) M
. .

( Oct 6 )

, .

end suffered death at the hands of the Pagans


(4t h cent ) A M artyr of the fourth century .

who peri shed at the stake (it would seem ) in

E R ME L (ER ME ) (St ) Abbot (Aug 1 6 ) Greece though by some she is identified with
. . .

O therwi se St AR MAGI LLU S (AR M EL ) St E rotei d es of C appadocia who suffer ed with

. .

St C apitolina
whi ch see . . .

ER M ELIN DA (St ) V (Oct 29 ) ER TH (HE R YGH URITH )
. .
(Oct 3 1 ) .
, . .

(6 t h cent ) A Belgian Saint who lived a life

(6th cent ) Brother to St Uny and St Ia . . .

of pen ance in a little cell in Breb ant Sh e died (Ives ) He crossed from Ireland into Cornwall . .

a bout A D 5 9 4 and her relics are enshr ined at and was h eld in such veneration that a church

M eldert

was dedicated in his honour ; He has given his

E BM E NBUR GA (Si ) Widow

( Nov 1 9 ) name to the village of St Erth

. . . .

(7t h cent ) She is otherwis e known as D o mna

. E RVA N (Si ) (M ay 29 )

Ebba (Lady Ebba ) abbreviated into D omneva O therwi s e St E R BY N (ER B IN ) whi ch see . . .

ERVAN (St ) Abbot (Aug 1 6 )


Sh e was a K entis h princess married to M erewal d ,

. . .

son of K ing Penda of Mercia and the mother of O therwi se St AR MAGI LLU S whi ch s ee .
, .

the three holy virgins SS Mil bur g a Mi ldr ed and ESDRAS (EZRA ) (St ) Prophet (July 1 3 )

. .

(6 th cent B 0 ) Two canonical Books of


Mil dgith In her old age she founded t he Abbey .

Holy Scripture bear his superscription and two

. . .

of Minster in Thanet where the p lace name -


others rejected by the Catholic Chur ch and


Ebb s F leet still perpetuates her memory The


Apocryphal were formerly attributed to him


date of her death so me time after A D 6 50 is .

He collected the inspired works of those who



E R M E N GYTHA (St ) V (July 3 0) had preceded hi m and is by many thought to
. .

(7th cent ) A s is ter of St E rmenb urg a have written the Books of Parallelip omenon
or C hronicles The tradition is that he lived
. .

(D omneva ) who lived in great fervour i n her .

sister s monastery at Minster i n Thanet

to a great age in J erus alem after the return
from the C aptivity of Babylon The ancient

A D 6 8 0 is given as the date of her death

. . .

hypothesis that he was one and the same with


E R ME N I LDA (St ) Queen (F eb 1 3 )
the Prophet Malachi must be rejected Esdras
. . .

(7 th cent ) The daughter of K ing E rconbert .

i s said to have introduced the practice of writing


of K ent and his wif e St Sexb urg a She

married Wulfhere of Merc ia and became the Hebrew uni formly from right to left ins tead of
. .

mother of St Wereb erg a On the death of . as was done before his time altern ately from ,

right to left and from left to right


her husband she joined her mother in the .

Abbey of M inster in Shep pey embracing like ESK ILL (St ) B p M (Jun e 1 3 ) *
, .

(1 1 th cent ) A fellow missionary to Sweden


her the Religious life and eventually succeeding -

with St Sigfrid who consecrated him as Bishop


her as Abbess Later mother and daughter


His zeal for justice led to his being cruelly

, ,

ar e found together again at St E t h eldreda s

done to death by unbelievers about the middle


mon as tery at E ly where both finis hed their

of the eleventh century

earthly p ilgrimage The death of St E rmenilda .

E STE R WI N E (Si ) Abbot (March 7 )

. .

may have taken place about A D 7 00 *

(7 th cent ) A monk of Wearmouth who

. . . .

E R M IN O LD (St ) M (J an 6 )
governed that monas tery with zeal and success
. . .

(1 2th cent ) A monk and Abbot in South


in place of St B enet Bis c0p and died A D 6 8 6


Germany A man of very holy life He was ,

. .

during that Saint s absence His humbleness

. . .

assassinated (A D and died forgiving his ’


enemi es and gentleness ensured by constant prayer

. .

earned him his place among the Saints His


E R M I NUS (St Bp (April 25)


remains were enshrined with those of St

. .

(8th cent ) A priest of Laon in F rance who ,


Benet Bis cop and of St Sigfrid his successor


at the invitation of St Ursmar Abbot Bishop -

. ,

before t he altar of St Peter at Wearmouth

, ,

of Lobbes (near Liege ) fixe d his abode in that . .

monastery and followed so carefully the example ETHA (Si )


(May 5 ) *

of his holy Abbot that he was chosen by him O therwi se St E CHA whi ch see .
, .

to be his successor (A D St E rm inus was ETHBIN (St ) Abbot (Oct 1 9 ) *

. . .

(7 th cent ) A Briton of noble birth educated

. . .

conspicuous for his gift of prophecy He died ,

in F rance by St Samson Bishop of D ole in

. .

at an advanced age A D 7 3 7 ,

Brittany When a deacon he retired to the

. . .

ERNAN (St (Aug 1 8 )


Abbey of Taurac (A D ; where he remained

. . .

(7 th cent ) A nephew of St Columba and .

till the dispersion of the community through a

. .

sometime missionary to the Picts He later

raid by the F ranks (A D He then crossed

returned to Ireland and founded a monastery

over to Ireland, and there led the life of a hermit
. .

in D onegal and possibly another in Wicklow

in a forest near K ildare til l his death at the

According to St Ad amnan at the moment of ,

a ge of eighty thr ee about A D 6 25


St C olumba s death St Ernan in a vis ion s aw


. . .

ETHELBERT (St ) 'K ing M

, . ,

the soul of the h oly Abbot raised to Heaven (M ay 20) * . , .

St Ernan died A D 6 3 4 (8 th cent ) A K ing of East Anglia who


, ,

invited by ng Offa to come to his ourt to

. . . . .

ERNEST (St ) M ( Nov 7 ) K i C
marry his daughter was by that monarch s
. . .

( 1 2t h cent ) An Abbot in the South of

orders treacherous ly and cruelly put to death

. ,

Germany who joined one o f the Crus ades and

after his arrival in Asia devoted himself to the ( A D Numerous miracles jus tified popul ar
devotion in regarding him as a M ar tyr and the
. .

work of preaching the Gospels to the I n fi dels ,

place where h is relics were entombed was a


He suffered martyrdom it is said at Mecca ‘

little later made a Bishop s See that of Here , , ,

A D 1 1 48 ,

. . .

ERNEST (Si ) M ( Nov 7 )
. . . .

( 1 2t h cent ) A B enedictine Abbot in the B ( )

S i K n ( F eb 24) .

(7 th cent ) The first Anglo Saxon monarch


South of Germany who j oined in one of the


embrace the hristian aith n able ruler


C rusades and strove to propagate C hristianity t o C F A .

in Palestine Thence he penetrated into Persia and a wis e legislator succeeding his father , ,

E rmenri c on the throne of K ent A D 56 0 b e


and finally made hi s way into Arabia where he ,

. .

practically ruled over all the Southern pri n , ,

was put to death by the I nfidels (A D

ci p alities of the Heptarchy In the year 59 7


* . ,

ate nk own The P tron aint of a encour ged by Queen ert ha of F rance he

h i B

( D u n ) a S a s. , ,


respons ibilities of the Episcopate In 7 3 7 for .

, about him is that he was at that period a strenu
having reproved Charles Martel because of his ous upholder of the C atholic F aith against the
encroachments on ecclesiastical rights he was , Ar i ans He ended his holy life by martyrdom
banished to C ologne and later to the vicinity

but whether at the hands of heretics or of

of Liege He died in t h e mona tery of St

. Pagans is unknown
Trudo (Saint Trond) A D 7 43

. . . EUGENIU S (E UGENE ) (St ) P (J an 4) . .



UCHE R I US (N o v 1 6 ) .

(5th cent ) Of very illustrious birth and

. .
, ,
. EUGENIU S (St ) M (J an 24)
remarkable for his learning and eloquence
. . .

, See SS MA R D O N I US MU SI AN U S & c
E u ch eri u s married a lady called Galla by whom
. .

EUGENIUS (St ) M (March 4)


he had two sons These he placed in the

. .


Abbey of Lerins then just founded and both

(March 20)
, ,

later became Bishops He himself in A D 422
, . .

. . . See SS PAU L EU GENIU S &c

retired to the same monastery whil st Galla
. .

, ,

(May 2)
took the veil In his solitu d e he wrot e several
, . .



works on C ontempt of the World con

. .

EUGENIU S I (St ) Pope (J une 2)



sp i cuous not only for piety but also for elo

. . .

(7 th cent ) While Pope St Martin I wa in s

q uence of diction and mastery of the Latin

. .

banishment in the Chersonesus whither he had “

tongue In A D 43 4 he was compelled to

. . . been exil ed by the Emperor Constans Eugenius
accept the Archbishopric of Lyons where he
, ,

, a Roman by birth acted as his Vicar in the

laboured with great fruit till his death A D 450 West And when it became known that St

. . . .

His name i s among those of the F athers who


Martin had died from the ill us ag e he had -

subscribed the Acts of the F irst C ouncil of received (A D St Eugenius was chosen
. . .

. to succeed him Affable to all his great

EUDOXIA (St ) M (March 1 )

. . characteristic was his care of the poor He

(1 st cent ) B orn at Heliopolis in C oele Syria

maintained that the revenues of the C hurch
of a Samaritan fam ily Eudoxia led at fi rst a , were their patrimony He bravely and skilfully
p rofli g ate life but was converted to C hr istian

, e combated the subtle Monothelite heresy (that

ity received Baptism and died a penitent
, , . which denied to Christ a human will ) and after
U nder a false accusation she was brought before

a short Pontifi cat e passed away A D 6 57 and

the ruler of the Province but having restored
. .

, , was bur ied in St Peter s ’

life to his dead son she was set free Ar rested UGE NI US SALUTARIS MUR ITTA an d
. .


a second time as a Christian she was beheaded

, ,

, O THER S (SS ) M M (July 1 3

under Traj an (A D 9 8
. .

. .
(6 t h The entry in the Roman M artyr
, ,
ology regarding these Saints is as follows :
(SS ) MM .
(Sept 5 )
. In Africa the holy confessors Eugenius , ,

(2nd cent ) A body of C hristian soldiers said Bishop of C arthage renowned for his F aith


to have been more than a thous and in number and his virtues and all the clergy of that Church ,

st ationed in Gaul in the time of Trajan early to the number of five hundred or more (among

in the second century and on their refusal to , the m being many young boys who ministered
sacrifice to the gods trans ferred to Armenia , as Le ctors or Readers ) In the persecution .

where encouraged by E udoxius their leader under the Arian Hunneri c K ing of the Vandals

, , ,

the y bravely gave their lives for Christ they were sco urged and starved and at last

(rejoicing always in the Lord ) driven i nto


E UDO XI US (Si ) M (N ov 2) . .

banishment Conspicuous among them was




. the Archdeacon Salutaris and the Dignitary

E UGE N DUS (Si ) Abbot (Jan 1 ) . . . next in rank to him Muritt a who had each ,

twice previously su ffere d for Christ


(6 t h cent ) The fourth Abbot of C ondat

. A D 505 . . .

(St Claude ) in the J ura Mountains

. He entered . is the probable date of the sentence passed on
the monastery at the age of seven years and St Eugene and his holy companions
. .

persevered there till his death (A D at the . . UGE N I US (T ) M (July 1 8 )




age of sixty one A model of religious excel

D Ig e
. i .

lence and of humility and especially zealous , aN

for the observance of mon as tic poverty he was ,
EUGENIU S (St ) M (J uly 23 )
. .

ever afi able to all and universally beloved . See ss APOLLONIU S and EUGENIU S
. .

EUGENE III (Bl ) PO p e .

(Jul y 8 ) . . EUGENIU S (Si ) M (Sept 6 )
. . .

(1 2th cent ) A F rench Cistercian Abbot . See ss C O TTI DU S EUGENIU S & c

, , .

di sciple of St Bernard who on account of his EUGENIU S (Si ) M (Sept 25)


. . .
, .

saintly character was elected Pope (A D 1 1 45) . . See ss PAULU S TATTA &c
, , .

in very troublous times He governed the . EUGENIUS of TOLED O (St ) Bp (N ov 1 3 ) . . .

Chur ch wisely promoted the Second Crusade , (7 th cent ) There appear to have been two
Saints Bishops of Toledo by name Eugene

and died A D 1 1 53 the same year as his holy


. .
, ,
The fi rst presided over that See from A D 6 3 6

master St Bernard , . . . .

UGENE (St ) M (July 29 )

. . to A D 6 47 and subscribed the Acts of the
. .


, , . fifth C ouncil of Toledo He was eminent not ‘

o nly for piety and sacred learning but also for


EUGENE (St ) Bp (Aug 23 )
. .

(7 th cent ) The Patron Saint of the D iocese proficiency in the science of his age His

. .

of D erry where he had his Episcopal See having

, s u ccessor also a monk by name Eugene was
, ,

previously accomplished much missionary work Bishop from A D 6 47 to A D 6 57 He too took

, ”

. . . . .

both i n Great Britain and on the C ontinent part in various Councils and to other accom

He died in A D 6 1 8 or perhaps earlier p lishm ents added that of being a poet Some

. . .
of his writings are still extant

UGE N I A (St ) V M (Dec 25)

. . . .

(3 rd cent ) A Roman maiden proficient in ( Nov 1 5)


UGE N I US (Si ) B p M . . .

(D ate uncertai n ) A fellow worker with

. .
, ,

the Philosophy and learning of the time who , .


converted to Christianity by her slaves SS St D enis of Paris whose date conse q uently

depends on that of the fi rst evangel isation of

Prot us and Hyacinth like them gave her lif e

C entral and Northern F rance whether it be

, ,

for C hrist at Rome under Valerian She was . ,

put to death in her prison on Christmas D ay placed in th e first or in the third century of the
Christian era St Eugene whi le engaged in
A D 257 In their poems St Avit us of Vienne
missionary work near Paris was seized and
. . . . . .

St .Aldhelm of Salisbury and Venantius ,

put to death by the Pagans Many centuries


F ortunatus celebrate St Eugenia .

afterwards his relics either wholly or in p art

. .

UGE N I AN (St ) Bp M (J an 8 ) . . . , ,

were t ranslated to Toledo in Spain

. ,

(4t h cent ) A Saint stated to have been .


Bishop of Autun in F rance in the middle of the (N ov 1 7 )

. .

four th century What is known for certain . (5t h cent ) A learned F lorentine disciple of


St Ambrose of Mil an who faithful ly served fruit for the reform of morals and the strength
eni ng of orthodox belief amo n g his compatriots
. ,

St Zenob ius of F lorence as his d eacon retiri ng ,

many of whom h ad been seduced by the E ut y


with him from time to time to solitude and l i ke


him favoured b y Almighty God with the grace chians or Monophysites E ulog ius was Patri .

of miracle working He passed away A D 422 -

. . . arch oi Alexandria from A D 57 9 to A D 6 07 . . . . .

Photius gives an account of his writings in terms


UGE NI US (St ) M (D ec 1 3 ) .

of high praise His correspondence with his

. .

See SS E U STR ATI U S, AU X E N TI U S, & c . .

friend St Gregory the Great (whose letters


E U GENIU S an d M ACAR I US (SS ) MM (Dec 20) . . . .

(4th cent ) Two priests victims of the to him are extant ) is interesting One of the .

Epistles contains St Gregory s account of his


persecution under J ulian the Apostate (A D . . .

They were scourged banis hed into the desert having sent St Augustine to England . .

ULO GI US and OTHER S (SS ) MM (J uly 3 )


of Arabia and on their return put to the sword . . .

EUGENIUS (Si ) Bp (4t h cent ) Martyrs at Constantinople in


(Dec 3 0) . .

the time of the Arian Emperor Valens (A D

. .

(Date unknown ) Beyond the fact that a . . .

Saint of this name has from the earliest times 36 4 3 76 )

but of whom particul ars are lacking .

been honoured in the Liturgy of the Church of E UM E N I US (Si ) Bp (Sept 1 8 )

(3 rd c om ) A saintly Bishop of Gort yna in
. . .

Milan on this day as Bishop of that See no , .

Crete conspicuous for his charity He died in


record of him remains , .

exile in the Thebaid in Upper Egypt or perhaps


UGR APHUS (Si ) M (Dec 1 0) .


at Thebes in Boeotia (Greece ) He flourished

. .

See SS M E N N A S HER M OGENE S & c , . .

in the latter half of the third century F or


ULALI A of BAR CELONA (St ) V M (Sep t 1 2) . . . . .

( 4th cent ) A Christian maiden of Barcelo na . the many miracles he wrought in life and
who suffered many tortures and in the end after death he has become known as the

, ,
Thaumaturgus or Wonder worker His relics

was crucified or (as others say ) burned to death -


at the stake in that city under D iocletian were trans lated to Crete in the seventh century .

She is the Patron Saint of B ar celona E UN AN (St ) Bp (Sept ; 23 )

A D 3 04
. . . , . .

and is also much venerated in the South of (8th cent ) A Saint whose zeal and good

F rance where her name i s various ly written

, , works were so eminent that he has come to be
Aul aus ie Aulaire O t ail le & c . venerated as the Patron Saint of his D iocese
of R aphoe in Ulster B y many he is supposed
, ,



(Dec 1 0) . . . .

to be the St Adamnan of Iona who wrote t h e


(4th cent ) The Patron Saint of M erida and . .

Oviedo in Spain in which latter city her relics Life of St Columba In that case he after
. .
, ,

establishing Raphoe must have retired as was


are venerated Like St Eulalia of Barcelona . .

, , ,

she was a Christi an maiden put to death for the not uncommon in his time to the Scottish ,

F aith in the persecution under Diocletian monastery to end his d ays in the cloister .

A D 3 04
. .After undergoing many tortur es she
. UNI CI AN US (St ) M (D ec 23 ) . . .

perished at the stake At the moment of her See SS THE O DULUS SATUR N I N U S & c . .
, , .

death a whit e dove was seEn issuing from her E UN O M O A (St ) M (Aug 1 2) . . .

mouth and over her ashes cast into a fie ld

See SS HILARIA D IGNA & c , , .
, , .

the Heavens forthwith spread a pall of snow E UN US (Si ) M (F eb 27 ) . . . .

The mo d ern theory that she is one and the See SS J ULIAN and E UN US . .

same with her namesake and contemporary of E UN US (Si ) M (Oct 3 0) . . .

Barcelona is unconvincing See SS J ULIAN E UN U S &c . .

, , .

E ULAMPI A (Si ) V M ( Oct 1 0) UPHE BI US (St ) Bp (May 23 ) ‘

. . . . . .

See SS E U LAM PI U S and E ULAM PI A . (D ate unknown ) A B ishop of Naples whose . .

E ULA M PI US an d E ULAMPI A wi th OTHER S date is variously given from the second to the
(SS ) MM . ( Oct 1 0) eighth century No particulars concerning him
. . .

(4t h cent ) Two young children brother and .have come down to us ,
sister who bravely conf essed Christ at Nico UPHEMIA (Si ) M (March 20)

, . .

me dia ln Asia Minor un der Maximinian Herculeus See SS ALEXAN D RA C LAU D IA & c .
, , .

(A D . and who mir aculously c ame forth EUPHEM IA D OROTHEA THECLA and
, ,

unhurt from a cauldr on of boil ing oil into which ERASMA (SS ) VV MM (Sept 3 ) . .

they had been cast They were thereupon

. .

(l st cent ) The two first were daughters of . .

beheaded ; but their courage led to the con Valentius a Pagan nobleman of Aq uileia and ,

version of two hundred so ldiers witnesses of


the two others daughters of his brother Valen , ,

their martyrdom and who themselves were tinianus a Chr istian The Pagan Valentius
, ,

likewise put to death as Christians


having heard of their B aptism had them all .

E ULO GI US of TARRAGO N A (St ) M (J une 21 ) arrested After having been put to the torture . . .


. they were beheaded (it is alleged by Valent ius s , , .

E ULO GI US of COR D OVA (Si ) M (M arch 1 1 ) own hand ) and their bodies cast i nto a river . .

(9t h cent ) A priest of C ordova in Spain near Aquileia Their martyrdom took place

who in the ninth century persecution of Chris


in the first century of the C hristian era They

ti ans by the Mahometans distinguished himself

are venerated at Venice and also at Ravenn a

by his zeal in encouragin g the faithful to EU PHEMIA (Si ) V M

(Sept 1 6 ) .

steadfastness in the C onfession of Christ He

. . .

(4th cent ) A youthf ul Christ i an maiden

was seized and bravely gave hi s life for the
. .

burned at the stake for the F aith of C hrist

F ai th (probably A D Some of his writings in the city of Chalcedon under the Emperor
. .

notably his M emori a le Sanct orum ar e still

, ,
Galeri us about A D 3 07 She had long before ,
extant He had been for h is great merits
, . . .

. taken a vow of virginity and by her sober

electe d Archbishop of Toledo but was taken

attire made known to all men that she had

from this world be fore being consecrated

forsaken the world Unheard of tortures . .


E ULO GI US (Si ) Bp (May 5) appear to have preceded her gaining of the crown
. .

(4th cent ) A priest of Edessa who when of martyrdom for which she had always

the Emperor Valens intruded an Arian t op

, ,

proclaimed that she longed A realistic pictur e

and exiled all thos e of the clergy who refused

in the great church of the C ouncil of Chalcedon

hi m C ommunion was banished to the Thebaid (celebrated a century and a half later under

(Egypt ) where he devoted himself successfully

, her patronage ) portrays her sufferings She
to the ce nversion of the still Pagan people of

is honoured as one of the chief M artyrs of the

the di stri ct At the death of Valens (A D 3 7 5) .
Greek Church and her festival is a holi day
he returned to Edessa became Bis hop of that
. .

over almost all the East Her relics rescued ,

city and as such attended the Ecumenical

, from the destructive fur y of the Iconoclasts
C ounc i l of Constantinople (A D

were translated (A D 7 50) to the church of .

E ULO GI US of ALEXAN D RIA (Si ) Bp (Sept 1 3 )

. .

St Sophia in C onstantinople and were in great .

(7 t h cent ) A Syrian by birth and a monk

. . .

veneration until their destruction (A D 1 452)


from early youth who labo ured with great


by the Turks

, .


EUPHRASIA (Si ) V (March 1 3 ) EU PRE PIA (St ) M

. .
(Aug 1 2)
(5t h cent ) A Virgin of Constantinople
. .




nearly allied in blood to the Emperors Theo E UPR E PI S (St ) M

, .
, , .

(N O V 3 0)
d osi u s the Gre at and Arca d ius A y ear a fter
, . .

See SS C A ST U LU S and E U PR E PI S

her birth (A D 3 8 0) her father died a nd her pious E UPR E PI US (St ) Bp

. .

. .
(Aug 21 )
mother withdrew with her daugh ter t o Egypt
, . .

( 1 st cent ) The first Bishop of Verona in


where she h ad large estates and fixed her abode

, .

the North of Italy Immemorial belief holds

near a great monaste ry of one hun dred and
, .

that he was sent thither as a missionary by the

thir t y nuns When of age to ju dge for herself
. A ostle St Peter himself
Euphrasia elected to j oin the community

U R E PI US (Si ) M

(Sept 27
The nuns received the novice but refused to
. .



accept the wealth offered with h er ; and E UPSYCHI US (Si ) M

. .

(April 9 )

Euphrasia thenceforth l i ved i n poverty a s

. .

(4t h cent ) A young patrician of C wsare a

required by their s evere r ule until her death
, .

i n C appadocia J ulian the A p ost at e y l earning ,

To the E mperor Theo dosius the


(AD. .
that the Temple of F ortune in that city had '

Younger who had h ad desi gns to give her in


, been de stroyed ordered a special persecution -

marri age to a Senator of distinction Euphrasia


of Chr i stians to app ease the gods E up sychius

had at the outset wr itten a touching letter
, .

accused of the crime was cruelly tortur ed and


beseeching him to distr i bute her rich p at rimony be headed (A D


to the poor which he faithfully did

. .

, UPSYCHI US (St ) M (Sept 7 )

EUPHRASIA (Si ) M (March 20)
. . .

(2nd cent ) A C hr istian of C aesarea i n



. C appadocia who arrested under the Emperor , , .

EUPHRASIA (Si ) V M Hadri an after having distributed all his goods


(May 1 8 )
' ’

. . .



to t he poor was savagel y tortured and beheaded


. .
, ,

(A D 1 3 0 about )
E UPHR ASI US (St ) B p M (J an 1 4) . . . . . .

(D ate unknown ) Pe rhaps identical with

, ,

E UR F YL (St ) V .
(Jul y 5 )
. .

E u crat hi us a correspondent of St C yprian

, (D ate u nknown ) The Patron Saint of .
a nd therefore a Saint of the third century

Llanerfyl (M ontgomery ) Nothing concerning .

O thers hold that h e was a Saint and M artyr


her has come down to our times

i n Africa of the time of the Vandal persecution

E UR GA I N (St ) V (June 3 0)

in the fifth century

. . .

(6th cent ) A daughter of the chieftain

. .

E UPHR A SI US (Si ) B p M (M ay 1 5) C aradog in Glamorgan

. .
, foundress of C or
See ss T O R Q UA TU S A CCI TI AN U S & c
. E urg ai n afterwards Llantwit Another St
, , .

Bur g ain wife of a princeling in North Wales

. .

E UPHR O M I US (Si ) Bp (Ans 3 ) ,

founded Llan E urg ain in [Flintshire

. . .

(5th cent ) A Bishop of Autun in F ra nce -


friend O f St Lupus of Troyes and zealous like EUSEBIA (Si ) V M ( Oct 2 9 )


. . . . .

h im for orthodoxy and discipline He assisted (3 rd cent ) A Christian m aiden of Bergamo

‘ ,

i n Lombardy niece of St D omnio who like him


at the Council of Arles in A D 47 5 but th e , .


was beheaded under Maxi mian Hercul eus


precise date of his death is unkn own


towards the close of the third centur y As


E UPH R O N I US (Si ) Bp (Aug 4) . .

about St D omnio the ancient M artyrologies


( 6th cent ) Born A D 53 0 of senatorial family


. .

are silent concerning St Eusebia Such details

. .

and dedicated to God from his youth he . .

as we have come from local traditions Their


ill ustrated by his virtues the See of St M ar tin .

be ing the eighteenth Bishop of To urs When bodies were found and enshrined A D 1 401

. .

this city was burned down during his Episcopate


(J an 3 0) . .

besi des co mfortin g and aiding his flock he (9 th cent ) A Saint who leaving Ireland


repaired to the monastery of St Gall (Switzer


re erected several churches He died A D 57 3


. . . .

having been seventeen years a Bishop and was land ) where he practised great morti ficat ion

, ,

was gifted with prophecy and miracles and by


succeeded by the famo us Saint Gregory th e

Historian his sanctity attracted the veneration even of

E UPHR O SYN A (Si ) V the princes and nobles of his time Another

(J an 1 ) . . .

( 5t h cent ) An Egyptian maiden born at

. St E usebi us of the same or earlier date is also .

Alexandri a of pious Christian parents When in hono ur as a monk of St Gall and is said to


she was to be married d espite h er resolve to have suffered martyrdom But particulars

are l acking and dates quite uncertain


consecrate her virginity to God she (it is s aid ) .

entered in male attire a monastery of m onks EU SEBIU S and OTHERS (SS ) MM (March 5)

. .

whose Abbot was her father s friend She took (D ate unknown ) Ten Martyrs supposed to

. .

this extraor dinary step because she knew that have suffered in A frica but at what period or
under what circ umst ances is unknown The

her father would se arch all convents of nuns c


and dr ag her out F or thirty eight years she word E usebius in the manuscript M artyrologies

lived unknown in a ret ired cell and utterly alone is followed by the word Palatin us but whether
the word Palatinus expresses the q ualification

and was looked u pon by all as a singularly holy

m an Even her father wanting Spir itual advice
. of St Eusebius as an o fficial or is the name of .

was intro duced to her and greatly appreciated one of his fellow martyrs is uncertain
, , ,

her wise counsels He assisted at her las t EU SEBIUS NE O N LE O NTI US L O NGINUS and
, ,

, , ,

moments and o nly then did she disclose her

, O THER S (SS ) MM (April 24) . .

identity After her deat h about A D 47 0 h er

(D ate uncertain ) According to the Greek
father himself took possession of her c ell where Menologies bystanders eight in number who
. . .
, ,

, , ,

converted to C hristianity on witnessing the


he passed the rest of hi days in penance and s

prayer .

martyrdom of St George were the mselves put , ,

E UPHR O SYN A (St ) V M (May 7 ) to death o n the morrow
. . . .


. USE BI US (St ) M (April 28 ) ,
. . .

E UPLI US (Si ) M .
(A11 8 1 2) . See SS A PH R O DI SI U S C AR ALI PP U S & c .

(4th cent ) A Martyr at C atania in Sicily EU SEBIU S (St ) Hermit

(F eb 1 5 ) . . .

(A D
. . He was i n de acon s orders and (5th cent ) A holy reclus e of Aschi a in Syria

. ,

O pe nly proclaimed himself a C hristian carrying venerat ed in the East .

about with him a Book of the Gospels a pro EUSE BIU S (Si ) M (Aug 1 4)
. . .

c eedi ng directly contrary to the Edicts of th e (3 rd cent ) A Martyr in P alestine under


Emperor Diocletian Put on the rack and Maxi mi an Hercul eus the colleague of D io

bid den to worship Apollo M ars and JEscul ap i us cl et i an towards the close of the t hird century .

he replied that he adored only the F ather the H e is commemorated in the ancient Mart yro
, , ,

Son and the Holy Ghost After his exec ution the

l ogi es

. .

C hristians carr i ed off his body and embalmed it EUSEBIUS of SAM O SATA (Si ) Bp (J une 21 ) . .

(4th cent ) Th e Light bearer to the world


E UPO R U S (Si ) M (De c 23 )

. . . .


. as he is styled by St Gregory N aZi anz en, ,
. .

1 00

USTACHI US (Si ) Bp M ( N ov 28 ) virgins was a daughter of the Emperor Maurice

They were
. .
, . .

, B , &c . . of C onstantinople (A D 58 2 . .

USTASI US (E USTATHI US, E USTO CHI US) from the beginning revered as Saints in the
(St Abbo
t . (M arch
29 ) . Eas t and at a very early date their names were

(7 t h cent The successor of his master

) . inserted in the Roman Martyrology .

St Colum banus
. as Abbot of Luxeu in
il A D 6 11 . . . E USTO R GI US (St ) (April 1 1 )

He sanctified h mself by continual prayer

i , (4th cent ) A priest of Nicomedia in Asia

watchings and fast ng He ru ed over about

i l . Minor who suffered for the F aith in one of the
Si x hundred monks and was the spiritual
, persecutions perhaps that of D iocletian about
, ,

father of ma y holy ishops and aints He

n B S . the year 3 00; but it is not proved that he was
died A D 6 26 , having been Abbot
. for
. fifteen actually put to death .

years . USTO R GI US (St ) Bp (J une 6 )

. .

E USTATHI US (Si ) Bp (July 1 6 ) .

(6 th cent ) The second Bis hop of M ilan of

that name who after living for a l ong time


(4th cent ) A native of Sida in Pamphylia .


who as St Athan as ius assures us had confessed

, .
, in Rome became Bishop o f Milan (A D
. .

the F aith of Christ before the Pagan persecutors , He converted the Hungarian Lauri anus after ,

a nd was a man of eloquence learning and virtue , . wards Bishop of Seville in Spain and Martyr .

He was made Bis h op of Berea in Syria and , He was conspicuous for his self sacri fi cing -

t hence reluctantly translated to the Patriarchal ch arity to the poor and ransomed many of his ,

See of Antioch He assisted at the General . flock taken prisoners in the savage wars of his
C ouncil of Nice where he opposed the practice , time He died A D 51 8
. . . .

of translating Bishops from one See to another . E USTO R GI US (St ) B p (Sept 1 8 )

. . .

He contended against the Arians being the , (4th cent ) A Greek traditionally held to

first according to St J erome to do so with

, . have been an o ffi cial in the service of the
Emperor Constantine the Great He was

the pen E us ebius of Nicomedia sought to

. .

have him removed from Antioch and by elected Bishop of Milan i n succession to St .

calumnies succeeded in deceiving the Emperor Mat ernus or possibly St Mirocles He appear s
, . .

C onstantine and in procur ing his banishment , from a letter of St Athanas ius to have suffered .

first to Treves then to Illyricum where his , for the F aith and to have written in defence

vir tues shone with the brightest lustre He . of orthodoxy against the Arians To him is .

died at Philippi in Macedonia about A D 3 3 7 , . . . attributed the acquis ition for Milan of the
USTATHI US (St M (July 28 ) . . relics of the Three Magi afterwards by F red eric ,

(Date unknown ) A Martyr in Galatia who . B arbarossa transported to Cologne He held .

after torture appears to have been cast into a the Sec of Mil an from A D 3 1 5 to A D 3 3 1 . . . . .

river The Greek Menology has much amplified

. USTO SI US (St ) M . (N ov 1 0) . .

the little genuine tradition records of him . See SS D E M ETRIU S and OTHER S
. .

E USTE R I US (St ) Bp (Oct 1 9 ) . . . E USTR ATI US A UXE N TI US EUGENE

M AR , ,

(5th cent ) The fourth B ishop of Salerno . DARIU S an d O RE STES (SS ) MM (Dec 1 3 ) . . .

near Naples who seems t o have flour ished , (4t h cent ) M artyr s under D iocletian (A D
. . .

about the middle of the fif th century but all , 3 02 about ) at Sebaste in Armenia E us trat i us .

particulars concerning him have been lost . was burned to death in a furnace ; O restes
EUSTO CHIA (St ) V (Sept 28 ) . . . roasted on a gridiron the others done to death
O therwi se St E U STO CHI UM whi ch see .
, . in various manners Their relics are venerated .

E USTO CHI UM (BL) V (F eb 1 3 ) . . in Rome in th e C hurch of St Apoll inaris . .

(1 5th cent ) A Benedictine nun of Padua i n . E UTHA LI A (St ) V M . (Aug 27 ). . .

Italy wonderful for her patience in the many

, (3 rd cent ) A Sicilian maiden who with her

fearful trials and sufferings with which Almighty mother was converted to Christianity by the
God was pleased to all ow the devil to afflict her holy martyr Alphe us and his fellow su ff erers

during the whole course of her short life She . She herself gave her life for C hris t; being as ,

died at the age of twenty four (A D -

. . tradition has it done to death by her own ,

E USTO CHI UM (St ) V ( Sept 28 ) . . . brother She was probably one of the victims

(5th cent ) The third and best loved daughter of the D ecian persecution in the middle of
‘ .


of St Paul a the Roman matron who followed

, the third century It is right to mention that .

St J erome to Palestine
. She joined her mother . the Bollandis ts consider her very existence
at Bethlehem and lived a saintly life with her in to be hardly proved .

the nunnery founded by the latter under the UTHYM I US (Si ) Abbot (J an 20)
. .

guidance of St J erome Eventually she suc . .

(5th cent ) An Armenian nobleman of

ceeded (A D 404) to the government of the . . Melitene who becoming a priest was on account
community and died A D 41 9 One of the , . . . of his conspicuous virtues and talents entrusted
finest treatises of St J erome is addressed to her . . with the supervision of all the mon as teries of
She spoke Greek and Latin with equal fluency , the dis trict F rom love of solitude he secretly

and learned Hebrew so as to be able to chant fled to Palestine lived for so me time as a hermit

the Psalms in the original tongue . in a cavern near the D ead Sea and fi nally ,

USTO CHI UM (St ) V M (N ov 2) gathering disciples founded a monaster y of his ,

own Though he consistently shunned the
. . . .

(4t h cent ) J ulian the Apostate having

crowds attracted by his repute for sanctity and
. .

ordered public sacrifices in honour of Venus

miracles he was ins trumental in securing

E ustochi um a fervent C hristian of Tarsus in

many conversions notably that of the Empress

refiis ed

C il icia to comply with the Edict ,

Eudoxia from Eutychianism and in procuring

, .

Sh e was in cons equence tried and barbarous ly ,

tortur ed but afterwards while engaged in submission in the E as t to the Decrees of the
C ouncil of Chalcedon (A D He died
, ,

prayer peacefully gave up her soul to God . .

A D 47 3 at the age of ninety seven and is


(A D -

among the most highly venerated Saints of the

. . . .

E USTO CHI US (Si ) Bp (Sept 1 9 ) . . .

(5th cent ) The successor of St Bri ctius in Eastern C hur ch .

(March 1 1 )
. .

the Sec of St Martin of Tours in the fif th E UTHYM I US (Si ) Bp M . .

, .

(9 th cent ) A fervent monk raised to the


ce ntury and according to St Gregory of .

Sec of Sar d is in Lydia who courageo usly

, ,

Tours a prelate of resplendent holiness ,

resisted the Iconocl as ts and was promi nent in


He died A D 46 1 having been seventeen years

the Second Council of Nice (A D Banished
. .

a Bishop He attended the C oun cil of Angers . .

by the Emperor N icep horus he remained in


AD 453 and some of his writings ar e still ,

exile till his death twenty ni ne years later

. .
extant ,

though recalled at intervals and off ered per


USTO CHI US (Si ) M (N O V 1 6 )

mission to retain his See on condi tion of his
. . .


tolerating the Iconocl as t heresy I n th e end
. .
, ,
EUSTO LIA and SO PATR A (SS ) VV ( Nov 9 ) . _

he was scourged to death A D 8 40 under t he

. . .

(7 th cent ) One or both of t hese holy . , . .


1 02

Emperor Theophil us a bigoted Iconoclas t who , , EUTYCHIANUS (T M ( Nov 1 3 ) . . .

however was happily reconciled to the Church See SS AR CA D IU S PASCHASI US &c

, , .

before his own death two years afterwards . EUTYCHIANU S (St ) Pope M (Dec 8 ) .
, . .

E UTHYM I US (St ) M (M ay 5) . . (3 rd cent ) A native of Etruria or Tuscany


(D ate unknown ) A deacon of the C hurch . who i n A D 27 5 succeeded St F elix I in the

. . .

of Alexandria who gave his life for C hrist but ,

C hair of St Peter He had great veneration . .

in which persecution is now unknown . for the remains of the Martyrs and is said to ,

E UTHYM I US (Si ) (Aug 29 ) . . have interred several hundr eds of them with
(4th cent ) A Roman Chr istian who Wi th h is . his own hands He appointed or revived the .

wife and child St Crescentius fled to Perugia , .

, now obsolete cus tom of blessing grapes and
during the persecution of D iocletian and there , other fruits at the end of the C anon of the
crowned a troubled life by a saintly death ,
M ass He p as sed away in the reign of Probus

early in the fourth century . or soon after (A D 28 3 perhaps ) ; but there .


E UTHYM I US (St ) M . .
(D ec 24) . is some dis pute as to precise dates The marble .

(4th ) cent
One of the su fferers at . N i comed ia ,
slab coveri ng his tomb in the C atacombs of
the residence in the great persecution
I m eri al St C allis tus has in modern times been brought
under g

i ocleti an (A D It is recorded o i . . to light The Church honours him as a


St E uthy mius
. that he had been foremost in :
M artyr .

en ouraging
c fellow believers bravely to lay
his -
E UTYCHI US (Si ) M . .
(F eb . 4)
down their lives for hrist
C . (4t h cent One of the victims in Rome
) .

it would appe ar of the persecution under

, ,

E UTR O PI A (Si ) V M (J une 1 5) . . .



B , . D iocletian at the O pening of the fourth century
(St ) W
. .

EUTRO IA F idow (Sept 1 5 ) . . . F rom the inscription c om p osed for h is tomb by

(5th cent Of this Saint mentioned by
) . Pope St D amasus we learn that after torture

idoni s Apollinaris there is no notice in the

S u he was left for twelve days in prison without
more ancient Martyrologies She is stated to . food and in the end thrown down into a well
, .

have lived in Auvergne (F rance ) some time in His relics are now venerated in the church of
the fifth century . San Lorenz o i n D amas o .

UTR O PI A (Si ) M (Oct 3 0) . . . E UTYCHI US and OTHER S (SS ) MM (March 1 4)

(3 rd cent ) An African M artyr probably of
. .

, (8 th cent
) C hristians very many in number
the persecution under Valerian (A D
. . put to death for the aith in esopotamia by
No trus tworthy account of her is extant . the Mohammedans after their conquest of the
EUTRO F IA (St ) V M (D ec 1 4) . . . . country The year us ually given is A D 7 41
. . . .

, , . The many miracles wrought by invoki ng the
E UTR O PI US (St ) M . .
(J an 1 2) . intercession of St E ut ychi us have made him
cent A L ctor or Reader of the

(5th ) e .
famous in the Eas t
hurch of onstantinople who was put to

C C , E UTYCHI US of ALEXAN DR IA and (March 26 )

death with St Ty gri us a nd many others on .
account of their loyalty to St J ohn Chrysostom
. .

(4th cent ) Orthodox Chris tians and staunch
after that great Saint had been driven into

supporters of St Athan as ius who under the

exile St E utrop i us died in prison from the
. .
leadership of St E ut y chius a sub deacon of -

cons equences of the torture to which he had


the C hurch of Alexandria were imprisoned

been subjected (A D . . and tortured for their F aith in the Trin ity

E UTR O PI US (St ) M (March 3 ) . .

by the Arian intruded Bishops F rom St . .

See SS C LE O N I C U S E UTR O PI U S & c

, Athan as ius we lear n that St E ut ychius after
(April 3 0)
, .
UTR O PI US (St ) B p M . .
, .
being scour ged was condemned to slavery in
(D ate uncertain ) One of the fellow workers
the mines but perished from exhaus tion on
with St D eni s of Paris in the Evangelisation of
the road thither (A D
Gaul and the first Bishop of Saintes The
. .

, . E UTYCHI US (Si ) M (April 1 5)

tradition is that he sealed his Apostolate with
. .

(D ate unknown ) A Martyr of unknown date

his blood The date will depend upon that in

of F erentino in the Roman Campagna A
the first or third century at which is fix ed the

vis ion in which he appeared to St R edemp tus

Apostolate of St D enis
. .
B is hop in the sixth centur y of that See is ,
UTR O PI US (Si ) Bp (May 27 ) . . recounted by St Gregory the Great Assemani
(5th cent ) A citizen of Marseilles ordained
. .

treats exhaustively of St E utychi us in his
deacon by St Eustachius He succeeded

. . work on the local Saints of F erentinum

St J ustin in the See of Oran g e and wrought

E UTYCHI US (St M (May 21 )
many miracles There is mention of him in
. .

A D 46 3 and in A D 47 5 ; but other dates are
, ,
. . . .
UTYCHI US an d F LO R E NTI US (SS (May 23 )
wanting He appears in hi s lifetime to have

(6 th cent ) Two Umbrian Saints of the
enj oyed a great reputation in F rance Sidonius

. sixth century who successively governed a

Apollinar is spe aks of him in the highest and monas tery near Norcia St Gregory the Great
most reverential te rms
. .

extols their sanctity and reco unts several


UTR O PI US ZOSIM A an d BO N O SA (J uly 1 5)

, miracles worked by their prayers .

(SS ) MM . .
E UTYCHI US (St ) (Aug 24)
(3 rd cent ) Martyrs at Porto near Rome
. .

(1 st cent ) A Phrygian disciple of St Paul
probably victims of the persecution under
, .
, .

and conjectur ed to have been the young man

Aurelian (A D 27 3 about ) though some ante . .
, raised from the dead by the Apostle at Troas
date them to the time of Sep timius Severus (Acts who on St Paul leaving the Eas t
The fifty soldiers commemor

(A D 1 9 3
. .
attached himself to St J ohn the Evangelist
ated as Martyrs in the Roman Martyrology

aiding him in his Apostolate and attending him

on Jul y 8 appear to have been converted to the to the Isle of Patmos He is said to have
F ai th while witnessin g the fortitude of SS

hims elf been imprisoned and put to the torture


E utrop i us Zos i ma and B onosa (a brother and


, for the F aith but to have lived to nearly the

h is two sisters ) F or some reason the name
end of the fi rst century and to have died a
of St Bonosa has remained the most prominent
natural death
of the three

UTYCHI US (St M (Sept 1 9 )
(Apr il 1 5)
. . .

UTYGHE S (Si ) M . .
, ,
EUTY CHIAN U S (Si ) M (J uly 2)
. .
(SS) M M ( Sept 29 )
. .

, ( D ate uncertain ) Martyrs of uncertai n date
EUTY CHIANU S (St ) M (Aug 1 7 )
, .

. .
and place though noted by the Martyrologies
as having s uffered in Thrace There are also
, , . .

(Sept 2) dis crepancies in the names attributed to

. .



, , . em .

1 03
E UTYCHI US (St ) M ( 5) . . Oct brought about by the great patience and
constancy of the Christians who su ffered under

See SS PLACI D U S . S and OTHER .

E UTY CHI US (St M (N ov 21 ) . . . his eyes and more particul arly by the example


. . of the Martyr St Torpes St E vellius was . . .

) (Si ) M (Dec 1 1 ) . beheaded at Pisa A D 6 6 or 6 7 . . .

(April 1 6 )
. .

(4t h cent A panish artyr of the fourth

) S M . E VE NTI US of SARAGO SSA (St ) M . .

centur y He su ffered either at Merida or

. See SARAGO SSA (M ARTY R S of) .

somewhere in the neigt urhood of Cadiz E VE NTI US (St ) M (M ay 3 )



. .

Nothing i s re ally now known about him . .

, , .

E UTYCHI US an d D OM ITIAN (SS ) MM (D ec 28 ) . . . EVERARD (St ) Bp (J an 8 ). . .

(D ate unknown ) A priest with his deacon . O therwi se St ERAR D whi ch see .
, .

registered in the Roman Martyrology as havin g The n ame E B ERHAR D i s also of ten wri tten
suffered m ar tyrdom at Ancyr a in Galatia (As ia EVERAR D
We have no other record of them

Minor ) . . EVERAR D HAN SE (BL) M (J uly 3 1 )

E UVE R T (St Bp (Sept 7 )

. . .
(i 6 th cent ) A Protestant m inister who . ,

O therwi se St E VO R TI US whi ch see , . becoming a convert resigne d his rich prefer

ments and received the priestho od at Rheims
EVAL (St ) Bp (N ov 20) . . .

(6t h cent ) A British Bishop in C ornwall .

, His Apostolate afterwards in England was
at the end of the s i xth century who has left , s hort ; and he was p u t to death at Tyburn ,

a place name in that county Nothi ng certain

. A D 1 58 2
. . Bystan d ers report that when t he

is known about him . executi oner had cut him down alive fr om the
E VAGR I US of CON STANTINOPLE (St (M arch 6 ) . gallows and according to the sentence was , ,

te aring out his heart he was heard to exclaim

3 ,

4t h cent )

When (A D 3 7 0) the Sec of 0 Ha D ay

. . . .

C onstantinople h ad been vacant for t wenty I S (St ) V (J uly 9 ) . .

years usurped by Arian intruders the Catholi cs

, (7 th cent ) A holy maiden born in the .

South of England who after the Apostolate of


seized a favour able moment and elected E vag

St Bir inus retired in company with SS Bega

rius a personage otherwise unknown to history

, . . .

a nd Wulfred a to the neighbo urhood of York


A few months later he was driven out by the


Emperor Valens and died in exile His merits where t hey gathered many other holy virgi n s

were such as to entitle him in the opinion of his round t hem at a place still called after her
conte mporaries to the honour of canonisation

E verillsh am or Everingham
. .

E VAGR I US an d BE N I GN US (SS MM (April 3 ) VE Gl l US (E BR E GE SI LUS) (Si ) ( Oct 24)

gp iI

. .
. .

(D ate unknown ) M artyrs at Tomi on the . .

B lack Sea Nothi ng hasy cOme down to us .

(5t h cent ) A Bishop of C ologne and suc

concerni ng them save the insertion of their ,

cessor of St Severinus in the fifth century . .

names i n the old M artyrologies . A Prelate of great zeal and sanctity and dis
VAGR I US (Si ) M (Oct 1 ) . . . ting ui shed by his as siduity and confidence in
, , . prayer Whil e visiting the town of Ton gres

E VAGR I US PRISCIAN and OTHER S , (Oct 1 2) . he was set upon and kil led by robbers Many .

(SS MM . . miracles have been worke d at his shrine .

(D ate unknown ) Martyrs of uncer tain date .

, Another saintly Bishop of C ologne of the same
said by some to have suffered in Rome ; by name is put on record by St Gregory of Tours .

others with more probability i n Syria

, . as having been renowned for the working of
EVAN (INAN ) (St (Aug 1 8 )
. . mira cles about a century later .

(9 th cent ) A Scottish her mit in Ayrshire .

E VE R M AR (St y M (May 1 ) . .

to whom churches are dedicated but the ( 7th cent ) A Belgian Saint who while on
. ,

a pilgrimage was set upon by evildoers and


particul ars of whose life have been lost

murdered in a forest about A D 7 00 He i s

EVARISTU S (St ) M (Oct 1 4) . . .

, . . .


. .
, . still in great veneration and is hono ur ed as a
EVARISTU S (Si ) Pope M (Oct 26 ) .
, . . M artyr .

(2nd cent ) The successor of St Anacletus . .

E VE R MUN D (Si ) Abbot (J une 1 6 ) . .

or possibly of St C lement in t he C hair of .

(6th cent ) A F rench Saint founder and .

St Peter There is much di spute as to the first Abbot of F ontenay i n Normandy

(Sept 20)
. .

precise date of his nine years Ponti fi cat e ’

. .

Some put it A D 9 6 to A D 1 08 others A D 1 03 . . . . . .

to A D 1 1 2 ; others again A D 1 1 2 to A D 1 21
. .
, . . . . .

He appears to have been a Greek of Antioch ,

and on the side of his father of J ewish descent , .

He divided the City of Rome int o par ishes and

app ointed seven deacons to attend the PO p e ,

thus originating the C ollege of C ardinals He .

is honoured liturgically as a Martyr

EVARISTUS (St M (D ec 23 ) . . .


. . brother or s ister to them These three Saints . ,

E VASI US (St Bp , M ( D ec 1 )
. . . . al so appear in the Martyr ologies on Sept 2 . .

cent A aint of hom at

w present
t he (May 6 )

(4th ) S . VO DI US (St ) Bp M . .
, .

day we have no rustwo t y account The

t r h .
(l st cent ) The first Bishop of Antioch . ,

tradition is that Pope ylvester consecrated

St S . consecrated it is said b y St Peter the Apostle ,

him rst ish p of Asti in Piedmont that he on his departure thence for Rome By some of

fi B o .

laboured ze ous y for the go d of flock the ancients the fact that at Antioch the

al l o h is ,

that he was riven from his

d by the Arian
See disciples were first named C hr istians (Acts xi .

Emperor onstantius and t at with many

C , h 26 ) is attributed to St E vodi us Tradition . .

others he was put to the sword under ulian J makes of him a Martyr (A D 6 7 about) He . . .

the Apostate, A D 3 6 2,at a place later called . . was fo llowed in the Sec of Antioch by the
afterhim C as l a e ant

now simply
E vasale, great St Ignatius . .

C asale . E VO DI US (St ) M .(Aug 2) . .

E VASI US (Si ) B p p (D ec 2). . . See SS THE O D O TA E VO DI US & c

, , .

(D ate u known
n ) B eyond the mention of . E VO D I US (St ) Bp .(Oct 8 ) . .

him in the Roman Martyrology no record , (5t h cent ) Born at Rouen and educated .

remains of this Saint who is described as a , among the clergy of the Cathedral his vir t ues ,

Bis hop of Brescia in Lombardy and talents caus ed him to be raised to the

E VE LLI US (St M (May 1 1 ) . . Episco pate He wrought many miracles in his


( 1 st cent ) A C ouncillor of the Emperor . lifetime and also after his death which happened ,

Nero whose conversi O n to Christ ianity was

, some time in the fi fth century F our hundred ‘

St .ophia with whom they were baptised
S , . latter seeing the constancy of the chil d believed
Their mother brought them up carefully as
, ,

and wasal so crowned for Christ They suffered .

C hristians and encouraged them during the 1 C yz 1 cu m in Pontus under Diocletian A D

36 5
. .

horrors of their martyrdom in Rome under


Hadrian early in the second century M any . F AU STA (St ) Widow . (Dec 1 9 ) . .

legends have grown up concerning them but (3 rd cent ) F amo us both for the nobility.

nothing more can be stated with any certainty


of her birth and for her piety St F aus ta .


about them and their holy mother St Sophia


. . mother of St Anastas ia died in Rome towar ds

a nd her children have always been in great

the end of the third centur y In the words of .

veneration both in the East and in the West . her daughter she was a pattern of goodness
SS F aith Hope and C harity are said to have
, and pi ety B aroni us maintains the authent i

been put to death at the ages respectively of city o f the Letter of St Anastas ia in which ,
twelve ten and nine years

, . these words occur but doubts have since been

F AITH (St ) V M (Oct 6 )
. . . . raised as to its genui neness .

(4th cent ) Born at Agen in the South of . F AUSTI N I AN (St ) Bp (F eb 26 ) . . .

F rance and arrested i n the same city by the (4th cent ) St F austini an is said to have .

notorious Prefect D acian under the Emperor


been the second Bishop of Bologna in Italy .

M axi mi an Hercul eus She was burned to He comforted the Christians dur ing Diocletian s ’

death A D 3 03 A number of bystanders . . . persecution and later was a zealous champion

(chief among whom was the M artyr St C apra

. of the Catholic F aith against the Arians There .

sins ) inspired by her example bravely declared , is some doubt as to the precise date of his
themselves to be also Chr i tians and were on s
, death which took place early in the fourth

that account beheaded The relics of St . . centur y .

F aith were enshrine d at the Abbey of Conque F AU STINU S an d JO VI TA (SS ) MM (F eb 1 5) . . .

but a portion of her ashes were taken to Gl as ton (2md cent ) Two brothers nobly born and

, ,

bury Hence probably her place i n the Sarum

. zealous professors of the Christian F aith which ,

C alendar and the D edication to her of certain they boldly preached to their fellow citizens -

English churches . of Brescia (Lombardy ) at a time of heathen

F A L (F ELE ) (St ) (May 1 6 ) . fury such that even their B ishop had sought
O therwi se St F I D O LU S, whi ch . see . conce alment They were at length arrested .

C A ( V
B ) (St ) (Jan 1 ) . . . by the authorities and it is sai d that the ,

(6 th cent) B orn in logher and s ister of

C . Emperor Hadr ian himself after arguing with ,

SS E nd eus , Lochi na, C arech a

. and D areima . them ordered them to be beheaded (A D . .

presided Abbess over a flour ishing The City of Brescia possesses their relics and

She as
community of holy women and was instrumental venerates them as its chief Patrons .

in converting her brother E ndeus the celebrated , , F AU STINUS (St ) B p (F eb 1 6 ) . . .

Abbot of Arran whom she led on to great (4th cent ) The successor of St Ursicinus .

, .

. in the See of Brescia (Lombardy) He is said .

F AN DILA (F AN DI LAS) (St ) M (J un e 1 3 ) . . to have compiled the Acts of his collateral

(9 t h cent ) Born in the South of Spain .
, ancestors SS F austinus and Jovit a He . .

he became a monk at Cordova where he was , died after about twenty years of Epis copate ,

ordained priest Arrested durin g the p ersecu . A D 3 8 1 and was succeeded by St Phil as tri us
. .
. .

tion of the C aliph Mahomed he was cast into F AU STINU S an d OTHER S (SS ) MM (F eb 1 7 ) . . .

prison and beheaded at Cordova A D 8 53 , . . .

(D ate unknown ) All particul ars of these .

F A NTI N US (St ) (Aug 3 0) . . Saints are lost though B aronius has insert ed
them in the M artyrology on the authority of

( 9 t h cent ) A monk in C alabria (South of .

Italy ) who when over sixty years of age went , ancient manuscripts he had before him They .

are alleged to have Suff ered in Rome and to


to Gree ce to visit the shrines of the Martyr s

have been forty fi ve in number ; but it is

and died at Thessalonica probably some time -

quaintly added : The very names of forty


in the ninth century F amous in life for his


austerities he was renowned also for t he of them are now known to none save
, iu
miracles he wrought both before and after ) D

death TI M O Tl I Y and VENU STU S (May 22)


F Au l l l
fs4th Mii

F ARA (St ) V .
(Dec 7 ) . .

O therwi se St PHARA or BUR GO N D O F AR A .

, ( cent ) These holy men suff ered in .

whi ch see. Rome perhaps as late as the reign of J ulian the

F AR AN N AN (St ) . (F eb 1 5) . Apostate (A D 3 60 but no parti culars
. .

(6 thcent ) B orn in Ireland St F arannan .

, . are forthcoming .

became one of olumba s disciples at Iona F AU STINU S (St ) M (June 5)

St C . . . .

Eventually he settled in the West of Ireland See SS F LO R E N TI US and OTHER S

. .

F AU STINU S (St ) M (J uly 29 )


living in a cave and performing most rigorous . .

penances He is the Patron Saint of Alterna . See SS SI M PLI CIU S F AU STINU S &c , , .

(July 29 )

(All F aranna) in Sligo the probable place of his


AUSTI N US (St ) .

(4t h cent ) A disciple of St F elix Bishop


. .
F ARINGD ON (HUGH ) (BL) M (N O V 1 4) . . of Martano or Spello near Spoleto and his , ,

See Bl HU GH F A R IN G D ON . . faithful attendant in the hour of his Pas sion .

F ARO (PHARO ) (St ) B p (Oct 28 ) . St F austinus himself suffered much for Christ
before p as sing away peacefully early in the
. . .

(7 th cent ) Of a noble Burgundian family .

his father Ag eneric was one of the principal fourth century at Todi in Umbria




lords at the C ourt of Theodebert II His ,

C(E LI AN , , ,



brother St Cagnoald a monk at Luxeuil and

, .
, ,

his sis ter St Phara attained like him to the


, .
(SS ) MM . (Dec 1 5)
. .

(D ate unknown ) African Martyrs com


honours of the Altar Separating by mutual . .


consent from his wi fe (Bli dechil d afterwards , memorated in all the old Martyrologies but ,

a nun ) St F aro received the religious tonsure . of whom nothing otherwise is known .

F AU STU S an d O THER S (SS ) MM (June 24)


and became Bishop of Meaux a See which he , . .

retained for forty six years until his holy -

(D ate unknown ) Twenty four Roman Mar .

tyrs whose Acts have been lost and whose date


death A D 6 7 2 His zeal and piety coupled

. . .

is quite uncertain Some conj ecture that thi s


with the gift of miracle worki ng drew many -


St F austus is the convert made at the end of


holy men and women to Meaux amon g others , .

St F i acra her lif e by St Dafrosa mother of St Bibiana ,

. .

Others identif y him and his fellow suff erers

. . .

F AU STA an d E VI LASI US (SS ) MM (Sept 20) . . .


(4t h cent ) St F aus ta a girl of about with the Saints Lucy and Twenty two others -

commemorated in the Roman Martyrology on

. .

thirteen was being cruelly tortured by order

J une 25 (probably A D

of E vil asius, a h eathen mag i strate when the ’

, . .

1 06

F AU STU S (St ) M . (Jul y 1 6 ) Vigean s near Arbroath in

, Scotland , also
perpetuate hi s memory

(3rd cent ) A Martyr of the Deci an p ersecu

. .

tion (A D who crucified and s hot at Wi th

. . F E DLE MI D (St ) Bp ( 9) . . Aug .


arrows is said to have lingered in h is agony for O therwi se St M, whi ch see . .


five days . F E I GHI N (St ) .

(Jan 20) . .

F AU STU S (St ) M (Aug 1 )

. . . O therwi se St F C , which see E HIN . .

See SS B ONU S and F AU STU S . .

*FELAN (St ) . Abbot
(Jan 9 ) . .

F AU STU S (St ) M (Aug 7 )

. . . O therwi se St F ( , whi ch see ELA N . .

(2nd cent ) It is a tradition that this . FELE (E AL) (St (May 1 6 ).

St F austus was a soldier who gave his life for

. O therwi se St F I D O LU S, whi ch see . .

C hrist after endur ing many to rtures at M ilan ELI CI AN (St B p M . (J an 24) . .

during the reign of Commodus (A D 1 8 0 A D .

(3 rd cent Ordained priest by
) Pe p e St
. .

Eleutherius consecra e ishop of oligno

. .

but neither at Milan nor elsewhere are and t d B F ,

there any particul ars extant . hi snative city by Pope

, St Victor phe governed
, .

F AUSTI S fi ACAR I US and OTHER S (Sept 6 ) that ti l

See l A D 250, when the cian
p ersecu . .

tion broke out Though then in ninetieth


. h is .

(3 rd cent ) St F austus was a priest and . . year , St F elici n was arrest d and sent to
a . e
Rome but died at Monte Rotondo on his way

with that of Macarius the Greek Menolog i es ,

give the names of his other ten fellow sufferers -

thither His remains brought back to F oligno , ,

were some centur ies later translated to Metz


They were victims of the D ecian persecuti on ,

(A D . and were beheaded at Alexandria where many miracles have been worked at his
shrine At Minden in Westphalia whither

in Egypt . .

F AU STU S (St ) M (Sept 8 )

. . some of his relics were carried in the te nth
century a F e as t in his honour is kept on


Oct 20 which has given occasion to a second

F AU STU S (St ) M (Oct 3 )

. . .

insertion of his name in the Roman Martyrology



. .


F AU STU S (Si ) M (Oct 4). . . E LI CI AN US PHI LI PPI AN US and ,


, (SS ) MM
. .
(Jan 3 0) .

(D ate unknown Of these African Martyr s,


F AU STU S (St ) M (Oct 5). . .

one hun dred and thirty six in number com




memorated in the ancient M artyrologies no




(SS ) MM .
( Oct 1 3 )
. record has come down to our time .


(4th cent ) Saints styled by the Poet .

(F eb 2)
. . .

Prudentius the three Crowns of Cordova See SS F ORTU NATU S and F ELI C IA N
. .

in which city they during the great persecution F ELICIAN (St ) M (J une 9 )

. .

under the Emperors D iocletian and M aximi an See SS PRI M U S and F ELI C IAN
. .

having bravely confessed t heir F aith in Chr ist F ELI CIAN (St M (J ul y 21 )

. .

were put to the torture and beheaded (A D See SS VI CTOR ALE X AN D ER & c

. .

F ELICIAN (St Bp M ( Oct 20)

. .

F AU STU S (St ) M ( Nov 1 9 )

. . .

See St F ELI C IA N (Jan

. . .

(4th cent ) The deacon of St D ionysius of . . .

F ELI CIAN (St M (Oct 29 )


Alexandria and his companion in exile He is . . .

reported to have survived hi s m as ter for many Sec SS H YA C I NTHU S Q UI N C TU S & c

, , .

years and in the end to have laid down his

, F ELICIAN (St M (N O V 1 1 )
. . .

life in extreme old age for Christ in the p ersecu See SS VALE NTINE F ELI C IAN & c
, , .

tion under Diocletian at the beginning of the F ELICIAN (St M (N O V 1 9 )

. .

fourth century


, .

, PHILEAS F E LI CI N US (St Bp (J ul y 1 9 ) .

O therwi se St F ELI X of VE RO NA whi ch see

, ,
, , .

F ELICISSIMA (St V M (Aug 1 2)


OTHERS (SS ) MM (N o v 26 ) . . . . . .

(4t h cent ) These M artyrs suffered in the See SS GR A CI LI AN and F ELI C I SSI M A

. .

persecution raised in Egypt by the Emperor FE LI CI SSI MUS HERA CLIU S an d PA ULINU S ,

M axi mi an Galerius in which St Peter Patriarch , . (SS MM

(May 26 )

of Alexandria perished (A D 3 1 1 about) St (3 rd cent ) These Martyrs probably suffered


towards the close of the thi rd century under

. .

F austus was a priest of Alexandria ; SS

. .

Phileas Hesy chius Pacomius and Theodore D iocletian at Todi in Umbria where their

, , , ,

were Egyptian country Bishops ; and with relics are stil l venerated ; but no particulars
them six hundred and sixty Christians are said are known concerning them .

to have given their lives for their F aith F E LI CI SSI M US (St M (Jul y
y 2) . .



F EATHER STON (RICHAR D ) (BL) M (J uly 3 0) .




(Aug 6 )
. E LI CI SSI M US (St M . . .

F E BRONIA (St ) V M (J une 25) See SS X Y STU S F E LI CI SSI MU S & c


. . . .

(Oct 26 )

(4th cent ) A yo ung nun in her twentieth . E LI CISSI MUS (St M . . .

year victim of the persecution under Diocletian

. .

(A D . who bravely se aled her Confession

E LI CI SSI M US (St ) M .
(N O V 24)
of Christ with her blood at Sybap olis in Syria
. .

, (4th cent A
) artyr who suffered at
M .

according to the Martyrologies ; but really at


Perugia entral Ital

(C perhaps u nder Dio
y) ,
N is ibi in Assyria (Mesopotamia ) as modern in the first years of the fourth century
clet i an ,
research has shown In their fear the fifty Nothing more is known of him

sis ters in her community had fled to various


F ELI CITAS (St M (March 7 ) .

hiding places F ebronia alone remaining wi th


her Abbess and one other aged nun when the
. .

F ELI CITA S (St M (March 8 )


Imperial officers came to seize them It

, .

appears that F ebronia only was put to death
. .
, , .

FE LI CI TTA S (St M (N ov 23 )
and it is from the pen of one of the other two
, . . .

(2nd cent This holy widow distingui shed

that we have the particulars of the ghastly

above the Roman M atrons of her time for

al l
to rtures to whi ch she was subjected before her piety and charity had seven sons together
bein g beheaded .
with whom she was arrested and tried as a
, ,

F E CHIN (St ) Abbot (J an 20)
. .
C hristian before the Emperor Antoninus Pius
(7th cent ) A disciple of St Y athy and

. . in R ome about A D 1 6 5 Having encouraged

f ounder of many monasteries in Ireland He , . . .

her children to sacrifice their lives cheerfull y

led a life of extraordin ary pe nance Spendi ng

for Christ she her spirit of F aith over coming

hi s nights afte r the manner of St Patrick
, , ,

the natural tenderness of her mother 8 heart ’

in reciting the whole Psalter He is honoured

, ,
witnessed the sufferings by which they merite d
at F obhare or F oure (We t Meath) where he s
, their crowns of martyrdom She y followed
g overned a monas tery Ecclefecha n and St

. them five months later being beheaded as a ,

1 07

Chr istian N ov 23 A D 1 6 5 She has since
, .
, . . . F ELIX of AF RICA (St ) M (F eb 1 1 )
been co mmemorated throughout the C atholic
. .



C hurch on that day The F east of her seven



(F eb 21 )
martyred sons is kept on July 1 0
. . .

. See SS V E R U LU S SE C U N D I N U S
F ELIX of M ETZ (St ) Bp
F E LI CULA (St ) M (F eb 1 4) . . .
(F eb 21 ) . .

VITALI (2nd cent ) D escribed as the third B ishop


See SS S, F E LI C ULA, & c.

. .

F E LI CULA (St ) V M un
(J e 1 3 ) . . . of Metz whi ch See he is alleged to have occupied

(l st cent A Roman ai t of the Aposto ic

) S n l
. for forty years in the Sub Apostolic Age -

Age and fel ow sufferer with Petronilla


l St ,
. F ELIX of BRESCI A (St ) Bp ( F eb 23 ) .

aft r whose martyrdom under omitian she

. .

e D (7 t h cent ) The twentieth Bis hop of Brescia

was left for a fortnight in her prison without

in Lombardy which D iocese he governed ,

food or drink The charge against her was . during over forty troublous years He strug
her refusal to marry a Pagan and to sacrifice

g led successful ly against the Arian B ishop

to idols Utterlyy wasted though she was she intruded into his See by R othari us K ing of


was t ortured on the rack and at last thrown the Lombards and energetically O pposed the

i nto a ditch to d i e Her body was recovered . inroads of the heresy then making i ts l ast great
by the priest St N i comedes and by him

, effort against the Catholic F aith He was a
secretly interred outside the walls of Rome

zealous pastor and buil t and endowed several

(A D 9 0 about )

. . . churches The date of his de ath about the.

F E LI N US an d GRATIANU S (SS ) MM (June 1 )


. . middle of the seventh century is variously !

(3 rd cent ) These holy men soldiers in the


, gi ven .

Imperial army were martyred at Perugia in , F ELIX III (St ) Pope (F eb 25) . .

the persecution under Decius (A D Their . .

( 5th cent ) An ancestor of St Gregory the . .

reli cs were translated to Arona near Milan , Great St F elix succeeded Pope St Simplicius
. . .

A D 9 79
. . . A D 48 3 and fought against M onoph yt is m or
. .

F ELIX and JANUARIU S (SS ) MM (Jan 7 ) . .

Eutychianism which heresy denied that C hrist ,

ate unknown ) Said to have su ffered . h ad the natur e of man besides that of God .

ma t yrdom at Heraclea a name common to , H e deposed Acaci us B ishop of C onstantinople , ,

several ancient cities W e have neither dates . for heresy and schism B efore his death .

nor particulars concerning them .

(A D 49 2) he held a Synod to deci de the measures
. .

(J an 9 ) . to be t aken with those who had apostatised

. . during the Vandal persecution H e is by many .


F ELIX of NOLA (St ) M ( Ja n 1 4) . . . reputed the author of the so called Sacramen -

(3 rd cent ) A Syrian by birth who after . t ari um Leoni anum .

F ELIX (Si ) M

serving in the Imperial army became a priest , . (F eb 26 ) . .

at N ola in Southern Italy and was chosen to , See SS F O RTU NATU S F ELIX & c .
, , .

be his chief adviser by the Bishop St Maximus . F ELIX LUCI O LUS F O R TUNATU S M AR CIA
When in A D 250 the persecution under D ecius
, , ,

a n d OTHER S (SS ) MM (March 3 )

. . . .

broke out F elix was seized sco urged and , , (D ate unknown ) O f these as of so many .

thr own into prison ; but having been mir a holy C onfessors of Christ in the early a ges of
c ul ous l y delivered therefrom he watched over , the Church no record has remained save the , ,

the deathbed of the B is hop and devoted himself , registering of their names in the various ancient
to the service of the rest of the persecuted M artyrologies SS F elix & c are by several . .
, .

group of C hristians D ecius having perished . authors conjectured to have su ff ered in Africa ;
and the Church being for a time at peace the , but no date can with any probability be assigned
B ishopric of Nola was o ff ered to F elix whi ch , to the m .

however he refused preferring to occupy

, , F ELIX (St ) M . (March 8 ) .

himself as before in ass isting the prelate chosen See SS C Y RIL R O GATUS & c .
, , .

in his place The ancients are loud in praise

. . F ELIX of DUN WI CH (St ) Bp (March 8 ) . .

of his holiness of life and of his charity to all (7 t h cent ) St F elix a native of Burgundy . .

when he was consecrated B ishop was d estin ed


He die d in peace at an advanced age A D 26 0

, . .

but on account of the many suff erings he had to the work of the Evangelisation of the Anglo

endured for Chr ist s sake has always been Saxons St Honorius of C anterbury on the

. .

honoured as a Martyr He is commemorated . arrival of St F elix in England advised him .


annually on J an 1 4 throughout the C atholic . to betake hims elf t o East Anglia ( N orfollc and
C hurch and his shrine at Nola where many Suffolk) where the pious K ing Sig ebert was
seeking the conversion of his still heathen
, , ,
miracles have been wrought i n answer to pr ayers
for help fr om him is a famous place of pilgrim subjects There he laboured with such success

that at his de ath (A D 6 46 ) practically the

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