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The Deconstructing of the Fake Universe and its Controllers


Quote: C Jung

"I was driven to ask myself in all seriousness: "what is the myth you are living?" I found no answer to
this question, and had to admit that I was not living with a myth, or even in a myth, but rather in an
uncertain cloud of theoretical possibilities which I was beginning to regard with increasing distrust ...
So in the most natural way, I took it upon myself to get to know "my" myth, and I regarded this as
the task of tasks-for-so I told myself-how could 1, when treating my patients, malice due allowance
for the personal factor, for my personal equation, which is yet so necessary for a knowledge of the
other person, if I was unconscious of it?"

Every human carries the signature of the celestial bodies within them, an imprint of the solar system
at the time of entry into this world or plane.

We see this in our birth charts...

The "inner cosmic imprint or blue print" corresponds with the current time of entry with the same
frequency that the Celestial bodies imprint on us. We experience a constant feedback of effects on
creation daily.

We are Creation

We address the Myths have we create inherently as part of the Scripting of the Uni verse, or in Latin
word-forming element meaning "having one only,"< Latin ūni- combining form of ūnus one; see


When I become still and I allow myself to feel the first Movement, the movement that allows me to
feel that i allow my perceptions to steer me, when i take a deep breath and relax every
sense in my body, relaxing every movement of my perception, I feel the Movement of Free flow.

Now...when I feel the free flowing movement of all the stimulations around me, I feel the walls
becoming transparent....and I observe the simulacrum of the Universal great Mind.

Simulacrum: an image or representation of someone or something or an unsatisfactory imitation or


Deconstructing the Sacred Mythos

We are the mind of god learning to experience itself through the many views....But all gods and their
myths were constructed for us to believe in, or be in the lie that we live in.

If we can grasp this, everything else that comes here after will make sense.

There is one Creator myth and that is the one from the gnostic, more so, it is the most profound and
talked over of our time...the Nag hamadi scripture.

It is important to know that the natural evolution of the human soul and mind is subjective and not
We need to know that the soul is subjective, because the soul is an interface connected through the
neurological impulses of the mind and the extended awareness and the worldly impulses and
connects indirectly to the Higher Spirit Self, this then Is the extended version of the Greater Supreme
Energy outside of this reality. From the Inside out and from the outside inward.

Looking at the Soul more closely, we see that there is a subjective need to always seek and to be
satisfied. To be subjective in the sense of what is around us , what we are impulsively drawn to.

The soul is also universally described as an anima mundi meaning a “world-soul” or in the world
experiencer”, but must not be seen as fixed but rather as universal in its need to seek and to focus,
but individual when there is an identification with certain stories or myths.

We see an example of this in social and cultural environments and the need to always become better
or to evolve but an inherited patterned psychology. We humans love storytelling, our ancestors, our
old gods, our lives, civilizations have stories about beliefs, fears, rituals, tribes and families.

Philosophers such as Descartes, Spinoza, for example have all indicated God as this nexus of every
story ever told.

They meant that the finitude of a soul in matter were only ideal with unreal distinctions; and, so ,
these philosophers took God as another word for the incomprehensible, unattainable, and as the
sole true identity of finite mind and matter.

Story building or scripting the myths personifies the unattainable, incomprehensible shapes and
leads to social relationships, family and tribal expansion and promotes many ideologies about how
the world came into being by answering it with an anthropomorphic references, beliefs and faiths.

Quote from the Anthropomorphic Cosmogony myths: "Creation myths tell us how things began. All
cultures have creation myths; they are our primary myths, the first stage in what might be called the
psychic life of the species. As cultures, we identify ourselves through the collective dreams we call
creation myths, or cosmogonies. … Creation myths explain in metaphorical terms our sense of who
we are in the context of the world, and in so doing they reveal our real priorities, as well as our real
prejudices. Our images of creation say a great deal about who we are.”

The gods and their myths are Anthropomorphosized, Meaning gods and myths are attributed with
human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. It is considered to be an innate
tendency of human psychology to be subjected to something Higher or unattainable but almost
equal and not. This also leads to a philosophical and theological elaboration of the myth of the
primary or creation within a religious community.


The term myth is an imaginative expression in a narrative form or story telling of what is experienced
or apprehended as basic reality …

The term creation refers to the beginning of things, either by the will and act of a transcendent
being, by emanation from some ultimate source, or in any other way.

Please Keep an objective view on this….

We look at the patriarchal reference with regards to the Nag Hamadi Scriptures as reference:

We know there has literally been so many stories about Creation, but out of one source , most of the
material has been recoded and refined to keep going with the interest of Sophia the rules of the
Gnostic academy or place of scholarly wisdom.

From the Gnostics there is a first of everything, and this first is called Barbelo the first stage of
emergence, Barbelo is the goddess in Gnosticism.

Note that this is already personified and anthrompomorphiseized as the Goddess of Gnosticm.

Barbelo is also called Thought, Providence, Forethought, or Foreknowledge.

Also: She is believed to be the first emanation of Bythos –meaning “Depth or Profundity, Proarchē
(Before the Beginning),

Hē Archē (The Beginning) the Ineffable Parent, and/or the primal Father.

The Supreme Being is also the Monad - the One, the Absolute, Aiōn Teleos (the Perfect Aeon) or
Monad, (from Greek monas “unit”), an elementary individual substance that reflects the order of the
world and from which material properties are derived. The term was first used by the Pythagoreans
as the name of the beginning number of a series, from which all following numbers derived.

Out of the Scripture, Nag Hamadi

Quote: "Sophia shares her femaleness with Barbelo “

A misunderstanding comes when there is referring to Barbelo as the male virgin but later becomes
the Aeon of Barbelo and aeon is masculine term. –

But if we look with internal awareness we can decipher this as noting that our Thoughts are also
referenced as masculine and corresponds to the sacred masculine and sacred feminine principals of
our consciousness. In other words to think is to exhibit or emit The masculine power of thoughts,
and to bring it light is metaphorically referred to as feminine, and in this way , we project outwards
our creation, meaning our action to fulfil what we were thinking of.)

“These Aeons are also known as noumenal, intelligible, or super sensible world; they are immaterial,
they are hypostatic or relating to the persons or persona of the Trinity.

Hypostasis also means

A settling of solid particles in a fluid.

b. Something that settles to the bottom of a fluid; sediment.

5. Medicine the settling of blood in the lower part of an organ or the body as a result of decreased
blood flow.

6. Genetics A condition in which the action of one gene is concealed or suppressed by the action of
an allele of a different gene that affects the same part or biochemical process in an organism.

The source of all beings, is an Aeon, in which an inner being dwells, known as Ennoea ("thought,
intent", or the Power of the Internal Eye or Third Eye),
Personified for the internal machinations of the Internal thought and where one sees oneself in the
as given reference to Christianity or Gnosis.

In Thought, there is also a distinct reference to Duality, or light and dark, as seen further along…

The Aeons form the Pleroma, or region of light

The Second Aeon called Sige ("silence") or metaphorically referenced to having inner silence when
one goes within.

The Third Aeon called Nous ("mind",), means to go within itself.

Together with the source from which they emanate, they form Pleroma ("region of light").

The lowest regions of Pleroma are closest to darkness—that is, the physical world.”

It is important to take note that the detailed description that was just given

‘The sin of the Great Archon, or Aeon-Creator, of the Universe; according to some material is from
the female Aeon Sophia, who emanates without her partner Aeon, resulting in the Demiurge a
creature that should never have been.

I suspect that it was suggestive to being sinful if you thought without giving it consideration…
perhaps too overtly, creative or too good for your own shoes…but this is my opinion…


Gnosticism was dualism. This idea purports that a cosmological conflict of antithetic forces exists and
will always be polar opposites. In plain English, this means that throughout time and space certain
contrary forces have and will struggle against each other. These forces are matter and spirit, evil and
good, darkness and light, much like the Oriental yin and yang. In such a dualistic system, no
overlapping or gray area is allowed.

This belief was imprinted onto everyone who sought to know, coupled with the Gnostic ideas that
believers had been initiated into the "knowledge" (gnosis) of salvation, led Gnostics to think

A) The only way to attain true spirituality is to deny their flesh (matter) of anything that might
tempt them to sin. Those who thought this way became ascetics.
B) Or opposite extreme, that the things done in the body are inconsequential because only the
spirit counts. These Gnostics often fell into licentiousness. Meaning: The definition of
licentious is being lacking in willpower or moral discipline, or being promiscuous (prone to
random sex) or unwilling to conform to accepted rules. A woman or man who has
indiscriminate sex without regard to the consequences is an example of someone who might
be described as licentious.

You can see , how so many mystery schools over the ages since have used the foundations from
Gnosticism, creating and personifying their beliefs by initiating rituals, or that even abuse in the
physical way was

According to Gnostics the Demiurge was the product of Sophia's sin. The sin was to bring forward
thoughts that contributed to creating a "child" or an expression or an artificial, but was aborted
because there was shame and guilt. When we talk about things of the Spiritual nature, we are in a
communion, when i speak or you speak to me, one is the receiver and the seed of what you speak to
me becomes planted in my thoughts...
Thus from what i can see, the Gnostics did not want people to discuss the spiritual knowledge and
wrote around this as the sinful act, don’t teach , but learn it from within yourself.

Another group the Sethian Gnostics, referred to the sinful act as the rape of Sophia or Eve.

The twist and the Division of Philosophy

The ultimate end of all Gnosis is metanoia, or repentance—undoing the sin of material existence and
returning to Pleroma.

But this sin in actuality means to become more fixed in the lower world and its material existence,
moving away from your higher consciousness.

The Kabbalists states that Sin as everything that is related to man…But uses the energy or ecstasy is
as part of a magical ritual.

The maximum triumph of the Supreme Adoration is the birth of the Son of Man in the Manger of the

It is important to note that these are ideas being used to propagate personal philosophy,
personifying the ability to think for oneself, that if you deviate away from a specific idea, that it is
considered a sin…

The personification and scare tactics being used in most religions and are also documented in the
oldest scriptures of the time…

Be mindful of the mythological stories that we are often compelled to believe, because at any given
time, we are always seeking to know…

It is also stated that the Gnostics claimed a secret knowledge to which only a small segment of
humanity could attain. Those who did were looked on as pneumatic, or "spiritual" people. These
people alone were led back to the light of the Supreme God. While the pneumatic enjoyed
knowledge, a second, inferior class, including the OT prophets, were called psychic, people who
could not proceed beyond faith. The remaining majority of humanity were called hylic, those subject
to matter. While the psychic were consigned eternally to an inferior destiny than that of the
pneumatic, the hylic were considered hopeless and due to be utterly destroyed.

Historical figures such as Basilides AD 130, held that every development of God and the world was a
development upwards from beneath.

Whilst Valentinus AD 150, held that the development was (as described above) downward from the
Supreme through middle beings.


Man descents as a fallen angel to the Ninth Sphere, in the Ancient Mysteries, but quick reference
were made to test the supreme dignity of the holy teachers, the unattainable such as Jesus, Hermes,
Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, etc., who had to descent in the Ninth Sphere in order to work with.

The Fire and Water, origin of worlds, animals, men and Gods. Any authentic and legitimate
Initiations begins with this.

The white and the black lodges also from the Freemasonry reference.
In my opinion the Concept of Sexual union and Sin is often abused because it is again
misunderstood, so look at this metaphorically, They played a semantic game with the words
hamartia (sin) and anomia (lawlessness). They considered hamartia to identify the transgressions of
moral law, particularly sins of the flesh, such as sexual immorality, gluttony, drunkenness and
stealing. Anomia, however, categorized sins of the spirit, like rebellion, pride, vanity and greed—the
sins that Satan committed. They believed God, the eternal Spirit, would look the other way if one
committed hamartia, but committing anomia put one under judgment.

When there are two people talking about something spiritual , it is often referred symbolically as
intercourse, because one who speaks , has the seed of knowledge , while the other is listening , the
womb to bring forth that idea at a later stage…

Dwelling too long on the material or physical also spectrum keeps you in that frequency...without
the inner the outer does not exist...

Sexual energy is also energetic and holds certain patterns in place especially if there is ritual and
trauma involved.


Gnosticism term given to a philosophical movement that flourished between the second century BCE
and the fourth century CE. Gnosticism placed the emphasis of life and salvation upon the obtaining
of knowledge (Greek gnosis), which was deemed Truth, and removing ignorance or error. The
movement itself was very splintered and had multiple schools: Gnostic groups incorporated Platonic
and Zoroastrian philosophies, and in the late first century CE, many of these groups incorporated
Christian and Jewish thought and practice into their philosophies.

Do you see that each group or scholar of the philosophy gives his and her own interpretation...thus
committing the same "sinful act of Sophia, creating their very own Demiurge or elevation of a close
to godlike process.

Every person has his and her own interpretation of their truth, and it can become like chaos and we
can become immersed in it so much that we may not know better.

Quote: “In ancient times, the problem of insight seldom caused difficulties. The religion itself was
presented on several levels of interpretation and the earnest follower could advance as his
understanding enlarged and matured. In more modern times, each of these levels becomes a distinct
sect and there is little or no continuity in the search for understanding.” Manly P Hall


It must be understood that Darkness is based on another frequency of light, the opposite of the
spectrum, equal in property. Chaos is the forging of the light to form or to rebirth new thoughts…To
adjust what you know, compared and weighing it up with your past, your shadows. The shadow that
we often have to work on , as we progress in our lives.

See the personification and reference with regards to Chaos and Darkness.

It is not literal darkness, it is an evaluation of thoughts….weighing up what works and what does not.
Quote: ‘From Him the Aeons extended through Chaos, testing all its darkness against their
perfection. And the Aeons extended into the darkness. Enfolded in Chaos they enfolded it; they
articulated; they embraced. And the darkness did retreat before them, for in perfection they
reached forth, for they are perfect like the One. And the Aeons reached forth in pairs of male and
female: each male with its female consort, each female with its male consort. “And the Chaos
retreated before them.

Don’t forget, this is meant to be metaphorically, with regards to the outcome of what you were
thinking. Not literally Males and Females…

And it happened once that Sophia met with a disjunction in the darkness of Chaos.


“The disjunction was small, and the darkness retreated before her. But it was a disjunction in the
fabric Sophia embraced a flaw embracing her as she embraced it. Through the smallness of the
flaw Sophia at first felt no difference. She occupied it as if it were like all of Chaos: only darkness in
retreat from her perfection. But before Sophia knew, she had thought a new thought. She had
conceived a desire to emanate a being from herself, an emanation of her own, and the rule of her
own perfection against Chaos.”

Disjunction means a lack of correspondence or consistency….

To admit your thoughts may not have been exactly what you thought or wanted to think, is more
like the example here…(Sophia) did not know the newness of her thought: that it was a thought
entirely unknown. Sophia's desire and power were such that once the thought came forth it was
embodied. Having thought the thought,

“She felt a being already there beside her, a being that had never been known. Sophia looked
upon the new being and saw its form. She retreated in horror. And before the being could turn to
her, she separated it from herself with a vast curtain of darkness. But the being had already taken
some of her power into it. And it turned in its darkness, hovering about in the space of its
conception. And in its darkness it saw itself. Though descended from its mother's perfection, it had
been conceived obliviously: a conception that had never been known. "I am," it said. And in the
darkness about it the being's knowledge was flawed, and it saw only the darkness and felt only its
own power therein. And he had no knowledge of his origin and conceived that he must always
have been, for there seemed to be none other in the eternal darkness where he found himself.

And he is Yaldabaoth.”

According to Plato, Neo Pythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Neo platonic schools of philosophy, the
demiurge is an artisan-like figure responsible for fashioning and maintaining the physical universe.

In some texts the Demiurge is also a referenced as a daughter of Sophia...The personification of

having thought up something that could change a life, speaking too fast…Sophia exceeds the mythos
of Lucifer- because when you think and you bring your first creative thought to action, it becomes
the light bringer or falls from your head. Prometheus is also a good example of steeling fire from the
gods to give to humanity.

Remember it is metaphorical and that thoughts are personified.

Sophia was part of the aeons and aeons are the characteristics of the Supreme Consciousness or
levels of thought.

I think that Sophia may have even been a referenced metaphor for people who are always asking
questions and because of their curiosity may be seen as arrogance by those who cannot answer


The Pleroma means Light Defines the Supreme Consciousness, she gives birth after she rebelled in
her own creative ability to the Demiurge as the expression of her sorrow and her anguish. The
spiritual universe as the abode of God and of the totality of the divine powers and emanations.

The amniotic Fluid is electromagnetic energy inside of you, or birthing of light, electrified water. In
other words, inside the human body.

We also observe the following fields that ad to the light frequency inside of you.

Physical field: Lowest in frequency. Regulates the human body.

Etheric field: Blueprint for the physical structure that it surrounds. There is also an etheric human
energy field for the soul.

Emotional field: Regulates the emotional state of the organism.

Mental field: Processes ideas, thoughts, and beliefs.

Astral field: A nexus between the physical and spiritual realms. Free of time and space.

Etheric template: Exists only on the spiritual plane and holds the highest ideals for existence.

Celestial field: Accesses universal energies and serves as a template for the etheric fields.

Causal field: Directs lower levels of existence.

The Aura

The Demiurge is the inherited creation of a thought and this leads to the revealing of the Soul. When
there has been considerable thought given to the outcome of new light to fit Mankind, Demiurge is
also a referenced as a daughter of Sophia.

If the Demiurge is the Daughter of Sophia, and Sophia is thought, what is the product of or Daughter
or child of Thought?

The Demiurge rules over the archons.

Gnostics believe that this world is an imperfect world.

Plato writes about the Demiurge, venerates the personified, the same god as a positive effect on the
Plato's Cosmology. ... According to Plato, the Demiurge is not omnipotent, like the Judeo-Christian
god, or active in the day-to-day lives of humans, like the Greek gods, becoming is the demiurge or

Becoming whole is to organise the chaos...

Instead, the Demiurge is a divine artisan who created this universe out of existing raw materials
according to the design of an ideal universe

Does this not sound like order out of chaos?

Ordo ab Cao…The Hermetics explain that the demiurge is a positive figure but Gnostics seemed to
hold on to the idea that if you know more or want to reach a higher state through their order or
through gnosis, that you would have to go through the disastrous mythology …be subjective to their
observations and their laws….

Satan is also a reference for Demiurge and in the Gospel of Mark...god of this world….

It is clear to see that there has been a clear transition from the same Demiurge to Satan, based on
the philosophical and scholarly adjustment to what is their Truth and what is not…

The scriptural reading is from the Gnostic Gospel of Saint Philip, and the passage concludes this way:
“God created man and man created god. So it is in the world. Men make gods and they worship their
creations. It would be more fitting for the gods to worship men.”

The Demiurge

The Gnostics adopted the term "demiurge" -above said was a blind, ignorant, and at times insecure
and the light of creation was not too bright, thus was referenced to being dim, but also the creator
of the imperfect world or as a prison planet because he ruled it in such a way. The Demiurge is thus
also the reference point for the Soul. The Demi Urge, or the elevation of reaching a higher godlike
status or close to god like in essence…Building up the Soul to becoming more godlike…

*The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of
a living being.

The Soul is also referred to the psyche and holds the mental abilities of a living being: reasoning,
character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, ego in place, but is not static.

Most notably Hinduism and Jainism) hold that all living things from the smallest bacterium to the
largest of mammals are the souls themselves (Atman, jiva) and have their physical representative
(the body) in the world. The actual self is the soul, while the body is only a mechanism to experience
the karma of that life. Thus if we see a tiger then there is a self-conscious identity residing in it (the
soul), and a physical representative (the whole body of the tiger, which is observable) in the world.
Some teach that even non-biological entities (such as rivers and mountains) possess souls. This belief
is called animism.

Egyptians and the Chinese conceived of a dual soul. The Egyptian ka (breath) survived death but
remained near the body, while the spiritual ba proceeded to the region of the dead. The Chinese
distinguished between a lower, sensitive soul, which disappears with death, and a rational principle,
the hun, which survives the grave and is the object of ancestor worship.

Remember that when you leave your body, the soul eventually dissolves into your Spirit or infinite
energy as you progress towards the Supreme One. However, the soul is not the highest, but a middle
dimension of human beings. Higher than the soul is the spirit, which is considered to be the real self;
the source of everything we call "good"—happiness, wisdom, love, compassion, harmony, peace,
etc. While the spirit is eternal and incorruptible, the soul is not.


The Demiurge or Yaldabaoth is depiction with the head of a lion, the soul has animal characteristics.
The mind takes part in the general planetary life, experiences the difference of climates, the changes
of the seasons, and the periods of the day, etc.

This is the reflection of the nature of the mind's response to external and internal responses.

The head of a lion also referenced as the First Age in Leo on the Summer Solstice.

The Sun plays a very important part in this age

See the Leo astrological symbol...

Approximately at the end of the Ice Age, planet begins to warm up. Many Cultures on the planet
worship the Sun, the ruler of the fire sign Leo. Rising Sun-Gods.

Almost six and a half thousand years later, on September 21st 4468 BCE,

The Fourth Age of Taurus dawned on the Autumn Equinox

Every character in mythology represents a version of who we are, what our culture is about and
where we are as human a particular story line. Our reactions to these aspects and what
we do to improve our lives.

Culture has a need to drive heroism, mythic heroes, and deeper expressions of our transcendental


The body of the Demiurge is depicted as a double knotted serpent,

The snake body is the second part of the same age and also a reference to

This Lower Wisdom desired to return and be united with her own Higher Self.

"And it is said, that in the Garden of Eden, created by the lower Father God, that Eve was the
manifestation of the Lower Wisdom and that the serpent or snake of the tree, was actually the
Christos who urged Eve to eat the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge that she might attain the true
Gnosis or knowledge of her origins and realize the Higher Sophia in perfect illumination and bliss.

The serpent references to the lower world,

Where the individual subject to an antithesis, seek to find another individual, leading to the sexual
unification as previously mentioned – on a physical basis one side, subjective to instinct, emotional
harmony of moral life and love. But the individual does not push these tendencies to a universal
phase of spiritual development, political, scientific, or artistic but acquires moral and spiritual
significance and function in the family.

Nietzsche states that the self-centralized being, distinguishes itself from its mere being, this
immediate judgment is the waking of the soul, which confronts its self-absorbed natural life, in the
first instance, as one natural quality and state confronts another state, such as the sleep.–

The waking is not merely for the observer, or externally distinct from the sleep: it is itself the
judgment (primary partition) of the individual soul – which is self-existing only as it relates its self-
existence to its mere existence, distinguishing itself from its still undifferentiated universality.

The waking state includes generally all self-conscious and rational activity in which the mind realizes
its own distinct self.– Sleep is an invigoration of this activity – not as a merely negative rest from it,
but as a return back from the world of specialization, from dispersion into phases where it has grown
hard and stiff – a return into the general nature of subjectivity, which is the substance of those
specialized energies and their absolute master.


“They created through their respective powers, according to the features that were given to them.
Each of the authorities contributed a psychical feature corresponding to the figure of the image they
had seen. They created a being like the perfect first human and said, Let us call it Adam, that its
name may give us power of light.”

“The throng of angels stood by and received these seven psychical substances from the authorities
in order to create a network of limbs and trunk, with all the parts properly arranged.”

“The source of the demons that are in the entire body is divided into four: heat, cold, wetness,

The mother of them all is matter.”

It must be clearly noted that the archons are not the parasitical manifestations that every human
struggles with, they were also called "principalities", or "rulers “of the air.

What is air in reference, is also Mercury - air is both hot and wet and occupies a place between fire
and water among the elemental spheres. ... The alchemical symbol for air is an upward-pointing
triangle, bisected by a horizontal line.

We also can establish that the days of the week were created “A continuous seven-day cycle that
runs throughout history paying no attention whatsoever to the phases of the moon was first
practised in Judaism, dated to the 6th century BC at the latest.”

There are several hypotheses concerning the origin of the biblical seven-day cycle.
Schematic comparison of the ordering of the classical planets (arranged in a circle) and the sequence
of days in the week (forming a {7/3} heptagram within the circle

7-Seven Heavens of Chaos

Quote: “Seven appeared in chaos as androgynous beings. They have their masculine name and their
feminine name. The feminine name of Yaldabaoth is forethought Sambathas, which is the week.
His son is called Yao, and his feminine name is lordship. Sabaoth’s feminine name is divinity.
Adonaios’s feminine name is kingship. Eloaios’s feminine name is envy. Oraios’s feminine name is
wealth. Astaphaios’s feminine name is Sophia. These are the seven powers of the seven heavens of
chaos. And they came into being as androgynous beings according to the immortal pattern that
existed before them and in accord with the will of Pistis, so that the likeness of what existed from the
first might rule until the end.

You will find the function of these names and the power of the males in the Archangelic Book of
Moses the Prophet. But the feminine names are in the First Book of Noraia.

Now since the chief creator Yaldabaoth had great authority, he created for each of his sons, by
means of the word, beautiful heavens as dwelling places, and for each heaven great glories, seven
times exquisite. Each one has within his heaven thrones, dwelling places, and temples, as well as
chariots and spiritual virgins and their glories, looking up to an invisible realm, and also armies of
divine, lordly, angelic, and archangelic powers, myriads without number, in order to serve.

Now, they were completed in this way up to the sixth heaven, the one belonging to Sophia. And the
heaven and its earth were disrupted by the troublemaker, who was beneath all of them. The six
heavens trembled, for the powers of chaos knew who it was who disturbed the heaven beneath
them. And when Pistis knew of the harm caused by the troublemaker, she blew her breath, and she
bound him and cast him down to Tartaros.”

Pistis was the personification of good faith, trust and reliability. In Christianity and in the New
Testament, pistis is the word for "faith"

If Yaldabaoth is the soul, and the chief over 7 major heavens, for each heaven there is a correlation
to the 7 spheres of the Causal body, I Am as the Soul and the reference to the back story as the Sun
as the then Godhead.

Thus may also control the appetites of the mind, given that it may be tied into the 7 chakras as well.
There is another reference that also brings the archons to a metaphorical reference in the Psyche of
the human, and these are referenced as the 7 sins here: "While the seven deadly sins as we know
them did not originate with the Greeks or Romans, there were ancient precedents for them.

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics lists several positive, healthy human qualities, excellences, or virtues.
Aristotle also argues that for each positive quality there are two negative vices that are found on
each extreme of the virtue.

The godhead is also related to the centralized Focus of Intelligence...

Cited Manly P Hall The Secret Teachings of all Ages

In the Mysteries the seven Logi, or Creative Lords, are shown as streams of force issuing from the
mouth of the Eternal One. This signifies the spectrum being extracted from the white light of the
Supreme Deity. The seven Creators, or Fabricators, of the inferior spheres were called by the Jewish
people the Elohim.

By the Egyptians they were referred to as the Builders (sometimes as the Governors) and are
depicted with great knives in their hands with which they carved the universe from its primordial

Worship of the planets is based upon their acceptation as the cosmic embodiments of the seven
creative attributes of God.

The Lords of the planets were described as dwelling within the body of the sun, for the true nature
of the sun, being analogous to the white light, contains the seeds of all the tone and color potencies
which it manifests.

SEVEN is Also Associated with A Heptagon

In geometry, a heptagon is a seven-sided polygon or 7-gon. The heptagon is sometimes referred to

as the septagon, using "sept-" (an elision of septua-, a Latin-derived numehellorical prefix, rather
than hepta-, a Greek-derived numerical prefix) together with the Greek suffix "-agon" meaning

In Planets and Time

“Basilides taught the existence of a "great archon" called Abraxas who presided over 365 archons
(Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, i. 24). The ancient astronomy taught that above the seven planetary
spheres was an eighth, the sphere of the fixed stars.”

Abraxas is a mystic word made up of Greek letters. It is referred to as Abrasax in some sources,
which may have been the earlier spelling. The word was believed to have magical properties and was
inscribed on ancient charms and amulets

365 archons are 365 days of the year, 12 months of the year .There are 7 days in a week, for each
day, and there are mechanics that navigate your day. . Thus may also control the appetites of the
mind, given that it may be tied into the 7 chakras as well.

There is another reference that also brings the archons to a metaphorical reference in the Psyche of
the human, and these are referenced as the 7 sins here:

"While the seven deadly sins as we know them did not originate with the Greeks or Romans, there
were ancient precedents for them.

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics lists several positive, healthy human qualities, excellences, or virtues.

Aristotle also argues that for each positive quality there are two negative vices that are found on
each extreme of the virtue.

The archons were associated with the seven visible planets, and perceived as agents of the
Demiurge, predatory beings who inhibit spiritual awakening by convincing humanity of a false
reality, forces of sin and temptation. The 7 visible planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Sun,
Mercury and the Moon. We also know now, that the archons are connected to the Astrological clock
or mechanics of this solar system.

Archons are described as androgynous with animal faces, they are crude, lustful and they try to rape
spiritual Eve, she turns into a tree, in reaction they defile the shadow she leaves behind, physical


Archons as in reference to also the shadow aspects of the original 7 being formless and pure of

Archon being the shadow side or reflection of the original just as the Lion or solar being or Soul
can be depicted as Yaldabaoth is depicted in reflection as the dragon or feminine principles...

Through it all, the female spiritual presence (pneumatike) who calls to Epinoia or Insight to see her
Reflection. Reflection can be taken in two frames of thought, one is connected to the self-reflection
that we often experience such as in the following line sited from

-“ The Lord of the Universe is not rightly called 'Father' but 'Forefather'. For the Father is the
beginning (or principle) of what is visible. For he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. He sees
himself within himself, like a mirror, having appeared in his likeness as Self-Father, that is, Self-
Begetter, and as Confronter, since he confronted Unbegotten First Existent. He is indeed of equal
age with the one who is before him, but he is not equal to him in power.”

Quote-“From the consenting of those I have just mentioned, thoughts appeared in the aeons that
exist. From thoughts, reflecting; from reflecting, considering; from considering, rationalities, from
rationalities, wills, from wills, words.”

12 Twelve

Then the twelve powers, whom I have just discussed, consented with each other. <Six> males (and)
females (each) were revealed, so that there are seventy-two powers. Each one of the seventy-two
revealed five spiritual (powers), which (together) are the three hundred and sixty powers. The union
of them all is the will.

There are 12 Cranial Nerves found in the Head, these are the following,

CRANIAL NERVE: Major Functions:

I olfactory smell

II Optic vision

III Oculomotor eyelid and eyeball movement

IV Trochlear innervates superior oblique turns eye downward and laterally

V Trigeminal chewing, face & mouth touch & pain

VI Abducens turns eye laterally

VII Facial controls most facial expressions, secretion of tears & saliva taste

VIII Vestibulocochlear (auditory) hearing, equilibrium, sensation

IX Glossopharyngeal taste, senses, carotid blood pressure

X Vagus senses, aortic blood pressure, slows heart rate, stimulates digestive organs taste

XI Spinal Accessory controls trapezius & sternocleidomastoid

Controls swallowing movements

XII Hypoglossal controls tongue movements

Therefore our aeon came to be as the type of Immortal Man. Time came to be as the type of First
Begetter, his son. The year came to be as the type of Savior. The twelve months came to be as the
type of the twelve powers.

The three hundred and sixty days of the year came to be as the three hundred and sixty powers who
appeared from Savior. Their hours and moments came to be as the type of the angels who came
from them (the powers), who are without number.”
Apocrypha of John must also be taken in context that after the historical reference of John's
existence was made as a contributor to the scriptures of the Nag Hamadi.

We know that John was also an apostle or one of the 12 Apostles

Archons as in reference to also the shadow aspects of the original 7 being formless and pure of light
and are also responsible for each part of your body and limb.

A matter of the Mind and Emotions

Remember the mirror and the Courage, for example, is the human excellence or virtue in facing fear
and risk.

Aristotle states the following:

“Excessive courage makes one rash, while a deficiency of courage makes one cowardly. This principle
of virtue found in the middle or "mean" between excess and deficiency is Aristotle's notion of the
golden mean. Aristotle lists virtues like courage, temperance or self-control, generosity, "greatness
of soul," proper response to anger, friendliness, and wit or charm.

Roman writers like Horace extolled the value of virtue while listing and warning against vices. His
first epistles says that "to flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the
beginning of wisdom

The Soul as it is also experiencing the world and its daily elements are then also torn from learning to
become more internal, whilst all things are externalized can distract one with not much effort, if you
let it.

Nietzsche explain functions of the brain rather than parts of the soul or the self. All that is achieved
by the division of the mind into faculties is a compartmentalising of certain activities of the mind, but
the essence of the self or of personhood is not examined further, but brought in context with
Simmel (1991:15)"The soul's disposition to reflect its own multiplicity in the richness of meanings
transcending greatly the simple meaning of things has been brought by philosophy from a sheer
occurrence to a principle and an inner necessity."

The subject's experience of life, and the experiences one is conscious of, are many-sided and
multiple; therefore perhaps a need

Remember the reference to the chief archon Yaldabaoth, the soul has full control over all the
faculties in the mind, the intelligence, except if one gives over to impulses.


Among the Jewish People (Phoenicians and Greek Hellenes) they relate that Moses called the God
Iao, Iah and Jah of the Hebrews. Yaldabaoth is the fiery serpent (worm) of Moses who becomes the
idol brass serpent spoken about in the Scriptures under Numbers 21:8

In the original Apocryphon of John. ... Phanes is represented with the mask of a lion's head on his
breast, while from his sides the heads of a ram and a buck are budding forth: his body is encircled by
a snake. This type was accepted by the Mithras mysteries, to indicate Aion, the New Year, and
Mithras, whose numerical value is 365. Sometimes he is also identified with Jao Adonai, the creator
of the Hebrews. His hieratic attitude indicates Egyptian origin. The same is true with the figure of the
head of a lion, which symbolises Time, Chronos, in Mithraism; Alexandrian origin of this type is

The birth of a gnostic theology and the arguments over what it represented caused a temporary split
and broke away to form also Sethians or Sethian Gnostics...

In Reference to the mythological creature that was created, the head as a lion, or tribe of Judah

false god or the aborted birthed rejected to become a our gnosis...our story , the villain
that depicts a myriad of enemies or villains...Vs the Hero often depicted as Hercules, with his 12
stories or journeys he had to overcome...

Quote: Being ignorant of the divine realm and desiring to create his own world, Yaldabaoth sets out
to produce his own aeons, powers, angels, and finally human beings. In creating the first human
being Yaldabaoth accidentally blows the light power, which he had received from Sophia, into Adam.

Realizing that Adam, by gaining the light-power of Sophia or Wisdom, has become superior to
yaldabaoth and his powers, Yaldabaoth throws him to the lowest place of the cosmos, i.e., to the
earth. Tetragramaton

see pic of child with snake...

see pic of Yaldabaoth

see picture of Mithras

Interestingly though, it must be observed that the gnostic version depicts a fallen character or
rejected by his Mother, we have to draw a mythological reference to Mithras or Ades , son of


Mythology of Mithras suggests that he is born from a rock. He is depicted in his temples hunting
down and slaying a bull in the tauroctony (see section below). He then meets with the sun, who
kneels to him.

The two then shake hands, and dine on bull parts. Little is known about the beliefs associated with
this.3 The ancient histories of the cult by Euboulos and Pallas have perished.4 The name of the god
was certainly given as Mithras (with an 's') in Latin monuments, although Mithra may have been
used in Greek.5

He is entwined by a serpent, with the snake's head often resting on the lion's head. The lion's mouth
is often open. He is usually represented having four wings, two keys (sometimes a single key) and a
sceptre in his hand.

Sometimes the figure is standing on a globe inscribed with a diagonal cross. A more scarcely
represented variant of the figure with a human head is also found. Although animal-headed figures
are prevalent in contemporary Egyptian and Gnostic mythological representations, the
Leontocephaline is entirely restricted to Mithraic art.35
I attempted to explain that a myriad type of beliefs and religions, principals and philosophies can be
referred to as Sophia or Wisdom birthed or created in a dichotomy a type of deity or god or being.
Remember it is a personification of the soul of man, Mithras is another aspect or deification that
leads to the new man or the More Artificially enmeshment.

See Michael Bloomberg’s smart building built on top of the temple of Mithras.

We Believe in it so much give it life as the fractalized version of us...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Quote from Frankenstein: “Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.”


To see the role we play in this great story, we need to see how we fit in to it, Time is elastic spatial
and variable to you

For every one time is fluctuating in a variable manner...that means that upon the entry into this
plane or frequency, you are bound by that celestial time that you have synced to, but not controlled
by...every time someone enters the plane of existence, they are birthed as similar to a god , through
the insemination of ideas, thoughts, fire, water and becomes amniotic fluid because it is charged
with the electricity of energy and of light.....

"In Greek myths about the early world, themes of parental treachery alternate with tales of filial
betrayal. You'll also find love and loyalty. There are all the essentials of good plot lines. Birth and
cosmic creation are linked. Mountains and other physical parts of the world are born through
procreation. Granted, it is procreation between things that we don't think of as procreating, but this
is an ancient version and part of the ancient mythological worldview."

What is the PAY OFF

We learn through these mythologies and what we observe that all which exists is and was and will
always operate from us, within us and around us...because we are eternal light.

Electrifying frequencies that bond to matter or clay to project into this world life or existence and

We have already the key elements if we can see them, earth, air fire and water, with the divine spark
as the light or ether.

i call ether light because light is eternal.

Thus embodies the myth of out of darkness comes light, metaphorically…

We are the sun and the many gaseous anomalies in our skies, our patterns of existence our
expressions...We are all things, all that you can set your eyes upon internally and externally, from
the grass, to the very tiniest organic and atomic particle...everything...

When we refer to the concept that there is a war in heavens...we represent this war or confusion
within our earth, as in our minds, our thoughts and also in our reasoning, our airy,
mercurial heavenly states of consciousness...our fire as in our solar frequencies, our energy
responses, neurons and our endocrine sentinels carrying the fire ,like Prometheus to
ignite fire in our creative thoughts.

We can also state that if there is a heavenly up rise or a revolt or a saviour, that the hero or the
villain are archetypal aspects of how we see or perceive or believe ourselves to be in what part of
the story we are narrating...

it is us who will awaken within ourselves the ability and the reasoning to know we can save
ourselves, thus becoming our own saviour... All is scripted in accordance to the response to what
humanity faces.

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their
entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. " Shakespeare

Think of Earth as a giant book or an atlas that gives pictographic evidence as to where certain parts
on this plane is. Land masses are also like chapters.

THE Philosophy and the Gods : our roles given to us

A "Historical overview. In one general sense, philosophy is associated with wisdom, intellectual
culture and a search for knowledge. In that sense, all cultures and literate societies ask philosophical
questions such as "how are we to live" and "what is the nature of reality"."

Humanity needs to thrive, seeking the origin of who we are and what we are scripted, spelled or
influenced into the fabric of the stories, the Greatest one ever told...*

The theological and mythological stories became mankind's reality.

We are the Universe, the spells or verse that is the I or the a verse or inversed.


We have become merged with ancient stories of Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Jewish and Egyptian
and gnostic myths to name but a few...Slowly every civilization melts into a new story, and
throughout the aeges we become more emerged and less connected with our original principals, our
roots...our originality to know that we have always been whole...

With each new cycle or Aeon or god we see the same ideals that seem to fit in with our search, we
become part of each new cyclical story, and it becomes our interpersonal and environmental becomes our story, our life, our beliefs and our pantheon of gods...characterized similar to
the 1000 faces of the hero's journey...

it is very important to realize that it is only when one gives over oneself to play in that story, any
person's story...that we fall...or descend, maybe we are fallen angels?

Review the functions of a Myth on the psychology of man

The Metaphysical Function

According to Jospeph Campbell, the absolute mystery of life, what he called transcendent reality,
cannot be captured directly in words or images. Symbols and mythic metaphors on the other hand
point outside themselves and into that reality. They are what Campbell called "being
statements"[39] and their enactment through ritual can give to the participant a sense of that
ultimate mystery as an experience.

Every Story has to affect us on a very deep emotional level, our Cosmology , our sociology and how
we see our life and where we fit in it.

Validate and support the existing social order

Ancient societies had to conform to an existing social order if they were to survive at all. This is
because they evolved under "pressure" from necessities much more intense than the ones
encountered in our modern world. Mythology confirmed that order and enforced it by reflecting it
into the stories themselves, often describing how the order arrived from divine intervention.
Campbell often referred to these "conformity" myths as the "Right Hand Path" to reflect the brain's
left hemisphere's abilities for logic, order and linearity. Together with these myths however, he
observed the existence of the "Left Hand Path", mythic patterns like the "Hero's Journey" which are
revolutionary in character in that they demand from the individual a surpassing of social norms and
sometimes even of morality.[41]

As a person goes through life, many psychological challenges will be encountered. Myth may serve
as a guide for successful passage through the stages of one's life.

With each myth there is a new god, the cosmos and the universe using the recording consciousness
of humanity, because the conscious mind repeats what it is being taught, and processes the
subconscious mind to accept it..

Remember freewill? its like taking part in a video game where you agree to play the role...except we
forgot that we are only characters in a story.

We have two worlds residing inside of us, two part of our brain The conscious and the sub
conscious...the visible and the invisible...or when we lean towards beliefs, light and dark....

We are experiencing everything in a frequently manner, because light displays in this manner.

the mind is habitual but not creative, it can only learn by operating from a see and learn and play it
back process, The sub conscious part of your mind is the seat of the Original thought or Thoth
governed by Mercury , wings or air wrapped around a solar light or sun disk...symbolizes how great
and powerful consciousness is.

as seen disk with wings...

All philosophies have consumed the invisible parts of us, in a way we have allowed ourselves to be
consumed...the ouroboros.

We were unable to understand this at the time of our quantum learning and adjustment of the way
we exist...
Everything is governed as a particle of light, there is not one single object that is not a proton or a
light particle...

Light also formulates in the neural path ways in the brain, this is where the light is visible through
the body...not only from the higher Self or Spirit but also the Soul...

we are light and to light we will always return...but earth is the platform for the story or the light
show to take place...using Crystal technology, tech or science of the logy, or logos...

Your Higher Self or your Spirit is the Source of your light, filtering through your soul and into your are able to even manipulate your body and its natural motor functions through
meditation as an example...igniting your Soul and switching on your Brain as a remote controlled
device, the soul is a metaphor for the symbolic reference of Prometheus.


"Your brain contains about 100 billion microscopic cells called neurons—so many it would take you
over 3,000 years to count them all. And while a single neuron generates only a tiny amount of
electricity, all your neurons together can generate enough electricity to power a lightbulb" science

We know that all creations come from a Supreme Creative force, beyond the stars of this heaven
and this earth, this galaxy or this solar system...

but we also know that when we discuss the fact that we are the blueprint of our Holy Origin, than
we know that we are the expression of the First Thought governed by the Original True One...

We come out of the First Thought when we are connected with our Supreme Creator's Thoughts.
The thought is always Feminine in principal and when it is we have literally released all that has
consumed us...we go within our inner world, our invisible world of Metaphysical reasoning and the
Logos or sacred wisdom that we are...we become used to that and we live it once more...

How do we do it?

Our energy is not subjective to birth, decay or death. Our cosmic energy consists out of
electromagnetic energy, electrons, electricity, atoms...

all of these particles are light in motion when know it , when we are observing ourselves...

We observe that this energy is all around us all the time...we see it even when we close our
eyes...and we feel it with our senses.

Every Story needs a Hero and a Villain or the hero’s journey, these metaphors are statements that
point beyond themselves into the transcendent. The Hero's Journey was the story of the man or
woman who, through great suffering, reached an experience of the eternal source and returned with
gifts powerful enough to set their society free.

Quote: "this emphasizes or strengthens duality, the glue to hold you transfixed, the hero with the
1000 faces in the novel James Campbell.

psychic unity of mankind and its poetic and phonetic expression through mythology, Campbell made
use of the concept to express the idea that the whole of the human race can be seen as engaged in
the effort of making the world "transparent to transcendence" by showing that underneath the
world of phenomena lies an eternal source which is constantly pouring its energies into this world of
time, suffering, and ultimately death.

To achieve this task one needs to speak about things that existed before and beyond words, a
seemingly impossible task, the solution to which lies in the metaphors found in myths. These
metaphors are statements that point beyond themselves into the transcendent.

As this story spread through space and evolved through time, it was broken down into various local
forms (masks), depending on the social structures and environmental pressures that existed for the
culture that interpreted it.

The basic structure, however, has remained relatively unchanged and can be classified using the
various stages of a hero's adventure through the story, stages such as the Call to Adventure,
Receiving Supernatural Aid, Meeting with the Goddess/Atonement with the Father and Return.

These stages, as well as the symbols one encounters throughout the story, provide the necessary
metaphors to express the spiritual truths the story is trying to convey.

Our entire existence is based on the word, the letter and the phonetic frequency of how we create
with our inherited powers that we have received.

You are so transfixed to the story that when you go to sleep, you are dreaming about it...and we
know that we create in our Dreams. We connect to our all spark Crystal that is giving us the energy
to bring things to life, literally...

Think of the history of man as the longest series with seasons you have watched, so much so , you
have grown comfortable to the script, no questions asked, you forgive the villain, he murders bad
people, and what he did with his wife there, its ok…


We create telepathically what we are given to observe

The knowledge of God in this solar system is metaphorical for a mystery... this mystery transcends all
human thought but is dependent on the capacity of thought, that you give to it. Just as it is also
important to realize that when we observe as, we create, we influence...remember we are light,

"When a quantum "observer" is watching Quantum mechanics states that particles can also behave
as waves. ... When behaving as waves, they can simultaneously pass through several openings in a
barrier and then meet again at the other side of the barrier. This "meeting" is known as
interference" "the act of observing will influence the phenomenon being observed. For example, for
us to "see" an electron, a photon must first interact with it, and this interaction will change the path
of that electron."

The human race has been enveloped in the bonds of the material world, not meaning materialism,
but the confines of having our inner wisdom held captivated in scripted beliefs, faiths, and
ideologies...programs to keep the mind activated...

The Great Architect, with the technological power but remains trapped through eternal hunger for
power through greed and expression, using your power of light, your frequency to create with your
hands, your eyes, your perceptions and beliefs.

What is Darkness other than the subconscious or the invisible frequency that you cannot always
see...can you see wind?
This darkness is not the same as the darkness or ignorance of too much artificial light...

What is in the invisible spectrum or frequency...?

We can break down the invisible world by also observing the

principalities of the air...of the unseen realm...or dimensions...greater to see beings , such as certain
abilities of advanced connectivity...before we enter our human forms, we undergo a fall, or simply
explained, that we fall from our Higher frequencies...because the material world , the human carbon
creation is of a lower density and frequency...

Yet all of us have the ability to tap into that higher frequency because that is where we come from...

Remember the Subconsiousness and the consciousness...

Higher frequency beings can travel through our shifting their frequency to
accommodate the desired frequency perspective...our environmental frequency level...

Light when observed becomes focussed particles of electromagnetic energy...observe who you bring in the Great God or observer....

What causes electron and wave function to collapse inside the material plain or body is when there
is observation..."

John wheeler : it is only the presence of conscious observers in the form of ourselves that have
collapsed the wave fnction and made the universe exist without an obserrver, there can be nothing"

so in a way , they may be right in matrix, that we are batteries, but its not our bodies, its our brains,
our minds, this is my theory.

“For he had been afraid that they might know that another existed before him and condemn him.
But he, like a fool, despised the condemnation and acted recklessly, and said, “If something exists
before me, let it appear so that we might see its light.” And immediately, look, light came out of
the eighth heaven above and passed through all the heavens of the earth.”

“When the light appeared, a human likeness, which was very wonderful, was revealed within it;
and no one saw it except the chief creator alone and the forethought who was with him. But its
light appeared to all the powers of the heavens. Therefore they were all disturbed by it.”


Archons are not the parasites that we think they are, but the parasite using the Archons, we are
dealing with Mind Parasites.

Etheric actual parasitic entities that exist around us, like the common cold. Amplified with electrical
stimulation and impulses,

See the following in reference, upon closer inspection...after must be noted that the
parasite has overcome all sense of emotional does not only go for the lower frame of
emotional lows, but for the highs too...

It must be starved by first state of revocation and to cleanse all thoughts that have within common
emotional states...such as the awareness of its existence firstly...and to thoroughly clear it from
within your awareness...

The second thing that must be noted that the parasite is made of a dual spectrum light source...thus
comes as a thought...followed by way of tentacle extensions that prod and taste as it seeks to touch
parts of the skull, brain neck and shoulders...

Furthermore it seeks to tap into streams of data, emotional and primal...

Locks into and drains energy from the cerebral cortex, and burrows into the pituitary
gland...hypothalamus, and medulla and lately the spinal cord...

As this is the feeding ground.....

It learns by way of introducing emotional aspects that hold your emotional attention, particularly if it
is heart or feelings centred...

It can lodge into the pineal gland, but cannot withstand its energy for long durations....

Using your creative ability and your brain capacity, it maps your mind inside and outside,...using
ultimately your creative ability to also create through you....



The human species is essentially constructed out of light and placed inside matter, which Is a denser
part of the construct of the basic human form…in the surroundings of the human light or electron as
I would like to call it, are bio fields.

These are: Physical field: Lowest in frequency. Regulates the human body.

Etheric field: Blueprint for the physical structure that it surrounds. There is also an etheric human
energy field for the soul.

Emotional field: Regulates the emotional state of the organism.

Mental field: Processes ideas, thoughts, and beliefs.

Astral field: A nexus between the physical and spiritual realms. Free of time and space.

Etheric template: Exists only on the spiritual plane and holds the highest ideals for existence.

Celestial field: Accesses universal energies and serves as a template for the etheric fields.

Causal field: Directs lower levels of existence.

The Aura

All the above said are variants of light frequencies that key into each other , and the binding material
that holds it all together is inside the physical or material body, called water as the carrier.

Water as said before, holds the ability to program or can be programmed by the 6 senses…

Consider for a moment that water is like a computer chip or a crystal that can write programs.

Wat is LCD, liquid Crystal Display…think about it…what we see , we absorb, we produce and project

We make our myths a projected reality, or hell, depending on what we feel are our perceptions on
what we see…

This also means that the Spirit, soul and the corresponding personalities, along with the brain and all
the other organs are tied into this frequency of light, this gives you the picture to add to the story.

In Quantum mechanics the states that particles move in can also behave as waves. ...

In other words, when under observation, electrons are being "forced" to behave like particles and
not like waves. And without observation, behaves like waves as the default.

"We are not only bystanders on a cosmic stage; we are influencers and creators living in a
participatory universe. What we create requires our participation.


The universe is built on a timetable or a record player, the old fashioned kind…not literally, but there
are enough fields based on the human

There is in quantum time energy field that is like a kind of feedback loop, the Mobius coil… this coil
or loop contributes to eternal creation from the past, present and the future.


The double slit theory of Light interacting with something else can become matter...

Remember we are light...and all around us is light, we have a common energy band….
In other words we as light are also Photonic collides with proton as: a particle representing a
quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the
radiation frequency but has zero rest mass..


Every single element of this world, every atom and every animal, insect, stone, tree, water, see and
bacteria is interacts with us, when we give it light or when we observe it.

Remember we observe as light connecting with light.

And if we focus is on the story of the Hero or the Creation myths that I have mentioned before in the
first video, then we give it life, we bring the story into a reality that interacts with us….

Thus :” Fields began to take on an existence of their own with the development of electromagnetism
in the 19th century. Michael Faraday coined the English term "field" in 1845. He introduced fields as
properties of space (even when it is devoid of matter) having physical effects. He argued against
"action at a distance", and proposed that interactions between objects occur via space-filling "lines
of force". This description of fields remains to this day.


The theory of classical electromagnetism functions at the speed of light… The Quantum fields are
matter. In a quantum field theory, what we perceive as particles are excitations of the quantum field

This solar system is referenced to the Monad, as I have mentioned, the Circle with the dot, and also
alchemically referenced as the sun.

Thus this solar System is based on Light, therefore the focus will always be on the sensory input and
output of frequencies affecting the continuation of the Quantum fields. Your Participation is

Because the more you focus internally, the less you feed the expectation of your participation…The
less you are part of the Scripting of the latest Story or Myth.

Because After all, when we look at the story, we contribute to its creation.

Be mindful, that this is not meant to say you must be blind…but the observation is the conscious
focus of one particular outcome, in the past, present and the future…

To participate and create some form of energy that you bring into presence...Everything is a created
reality...our images...all of us is everything...


Based on the previous material, we can establish that if this universe is the solar system and
inherent to its structure and mechanics and reference to the Soul. That this is only a temporary
dwelling in its construct, but exists as long as we give it life.

What is outside of this solar system is the True Supreme realm of Oneness, when all go towards and
become one, the bridge between this realm and the realm beyond this is the Pleroma, or the inter
related special energy where Dreams are revealed, plugged into the One’s Great Mind , and we the
experiencers of this Mind in our activities.
When we go within, we connect through our third eye, into The Space where the Great One mind or
Supreme realm exists.

We connect in a certain way where we hear without ears and see without eyes the living thoughts
but when we descend from that interspatial connection we experience...i the name for the

And We create all the time...sometimes out of Fear, Out of judgment and sometimes out of Love.
And we have always had control over what we experience.

It is important to know that Good and bad is only a perception...there is only the judgment of the
character that we play.

Through constant communication telepathically and frequentally.

And while we are alive in this world, we also come across many who have been Energetic
disincarnated entities beyond physical universe and they travel up and down to see and correlate
between where they need to go.


The Most important thing to consider once more is to take note how we are used to carry the myth

We know every story needs an audience...

You have to allow certain codes or frequency to shift you into another thought field....A field that
cannot be keyed into...

The interfering or entities are interdimensional...this means that the human frequency has to be
altered or adjusted...inter dimensional beings are essence operating from a frequency that is thus
connected to your base root frequency...because of traumas...

Changing the frequency is thus suggested to change the energetic transference from the
interdimensional attackers....

It must also be understood that the base chakra is connected to basic survival, and fears, basic or
primary functions....which denotes that the frequency being used by the energy attackers are in the
lower base chakra frequency...

All traumas and wounds that are stuck in our core of our existence requires healing. This healing is a
process of internal work and it takes time....remember that all energy anomalies that you have been
experiencing from time to time have all manifested itself in the conscious and sub conscious levels of
your Soul....this is where the pattern is held in place.

Thus it is an energetic not physiological that has tapped into your Thoughts...and in the subconscious

We have to fight energy with energy...and amp up our frequency, the higher your frequency the less
you can be affected by these interdimensional parasites.

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