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Quarter 1 - Week 4:
Solves Problems Involving Quadratic
Equations and Rational Algebraic

DO_Q1_Mathematics 9_Week 4

This Self-Learning Kit (SLK) is mainly intended for

Grade 9 learners like you and is primarily designed to
address your learning needs during this new normal
situation caused by the pandemic – COVID-19. Here, you
can find enjoyable activities in which you can work on
together with Mr. Hash. This SLK is divided into three
parts which are the following:
Part I: What Happened? – This contains the review
and/or pretest activities. These are called
Quick Check Activities.

Part II: What To Know? – This contains the

presentation of the lesson, discussion
and practice exercises. The exercises under
this part are called Fill the Pail.

Part III: What Have I Learned? – This contains the

assessment part that measures your
learnings under this learning competency.
The activities found here are called
Bucket List.

With the help of this Self-Learning Kit, you will be able to

solve problems involving quadratic equations and
rational algebraic equations.

Have fun while learning; Math is fun!


In this lesson, you are expected to:
•Identify the 5R’s steps in solving problems involving
quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations
transformable to quadratic equations.
•Solve problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations transformable to quadratic equations.
•Show appreciation in the application of key concepts of
quadratic equations in solving real-life problems.

Solves problems involving quadratic equations and rational
algebraic equations.


W hat H appened?
Hi, I’m Mr. Hash! I’m glad

to be with you again!

Do you want to learn something new?

First, you need to answer these two

activities to assess if you’re ready.

Check it out!

Activity 1:
Solve Me!

Direction: Solve for the root/s or solution/s of the following

algebraic expressions then identify whether each has
extraneous root/s or solution/s.

1. 𝑥 𝑥 + 3 = 28

2. 3𝑚 𝑚 − 2 = 12𝑚

3. 𝑡+1 2
+ 𝑡−8 2
= 45

4 𝑥
4. 𝑥−3
+ 2
= −2

8 4𝑥
5. 𝑥 + 𝑥−2 = 1 + 𝑥−2

Were you able to find the

root/s or solution/s of each algebraic
Great! You are halfway ready to learn
our new topic.
In the next activity, see if you can be
a good translator.

Activity 2:
Translate Me!

Direction: Translate the following situations into mathematical

expressions. Use a variable to represent the unknown quantity,
then write an equation from the given information.

1. The area of a concrete rectangular pathway is 350 m2 and its

perimeter pathway is 90 m. What is the length of the

2. A rectangular lot has an area of 240 m2. What is the width of

the lot if it requires 64 m of fencing materials to enclose it?

3. The area of a garden is 160 m2. Suppose the length of the

garden is 3 m more than twice its width. What is the length
of the garden?

4. The length of a tarpaulin is 3 ft more than thrice its width

and its area is 126 ft2. What is the length of the tarpaulin?

5. Mario and Kenneth work in a car wash station. The time that
Mario takes in washing a car alone is 20 minutes less than
the time that Kenneth takes in washing the same car. If both
of them work together in washing the car, it will take them
90 minutes. How long will it take each of them to wash the

W hat T o L earn?
Were you able to translate
each situation with an equation
correctly? If YES, then you are ready
to learn the new topic!
Come and find out how to solve
problems involving quadratic equations
and rational algebraic expressions!

Activity 1:
Prove It Now!

Directions: Read the telephone conversation of Mr. Hash and

Ms. Tag below. Then, answer the questions that follow.


Hello, Ms. Tag! I’m planning

Sure Mr. Hash! Do you
to buy a carpet for my
know the dimensions
newly extended room.
of the floor?
Can you help me find one?
Ooops, I don’t…
All I know are that the length Well, I guess the dimensions of
of the floor is 2 ft longer your floor are 12 ft x 10 ft.
than its width and its area
is 120 sq. ft.
Yes! I will send you the
solution as a proof if I’ll
Are you sure?
have time since, I’m kind
of busy right now…
I gotta go. Bye!

1. Do you agree with Ms. Tag that the dimensions of the carpet
Mr. Hash is looking for are 12 ft x 10 ft? Can you send the
solution instead, in behalf of Ms. Tag?
2. What expression represents the width of the floor? How about
the expression that represents its length?
3. What equation can you formulate relating the width, length
and area of the floor? Explain how you arrive at the
mathematical sentence.
4. How would you describe the equation that you formulated?
5. How will you determine the length and the width of the floor
using the equation that you have formulated?
6. How did you find the length and the width of the floor?

Let’s Talk

The concept of quadratic equations is illustrated in

many real-life situations that involves area, work, profits and
many others.

The previous activity is just one of the applications

of the key concepts of quadratic equations and rational algebraic
equations transformable to quadratic equations in solving real-
life problems. Were you able to figure it out? What are the steps
in doing so?

Here are the 5R’s steps:

1. Read and understand the problem.
2. Represent the unknown quantity by a variable.
3. Recall mathematical concepts applicable in establishing
unknown quantities as conditioned in the problem.
4. Ready one quadratic equation in one unknown (variable)
using the established equations earlier.
5. Resolve the problem.

It’s Showtime!

Now, let’s have some illustrative examples.

Example 1: A rectangular table has an area of 27 sq. ft and a

perimeter of 24 ft. What are the dimensions of the table?

Step 1: 1st R (Read) – Take note of the important details in the problem.
Problem: A rectangular table has an area of 27 sq. ft and a perimeter
of 24 ft. What are the dimensions of the table?

Step 2: 2nd R (Represent) – Take note of the unknown quantities.

Let, l = length
w = width

Step 3: 3rd R (Recall) – Take note of the mathematical concepts

applicable to the problem.

The product of the length and width of the rectangular table

represents its area. Hence, length (l ) times width (w) = 27 or lw = 27.
Also, twice the sum of the length and the width of the table gives the
perimeter. Hence, 2l + 2w = 24.

If we divide both sides of the equation 2l + 2w = 24 by 2, then

l + w = 12.
Thus, established equations are: lw = 27 and l + w = 12

Step 4: 4th R (Ready) – Utilized the established equations above to

come up with one quadratic equation in one variable.

Combine the established equations.

l + w = 12 l = 12 – w
lw = 27 (12 – w )w = 27 (by substitution)
12𝑤 − 𝑤 2 = 27
𝒘𝟐 − 𝟏𝟐𝒘 + 𝟐𝟕 = 𝟎 (written in standard form)

We can also come up with the same equation utilizing the concept of
the product and the sum of the roots of a quadratic equation since,
the established equations l + w = 12 and lw = 27 represent the sum
and product of the roots, respectively, of a quadratic equation.
Applying the concept, we have:
𝒙𝟐 + negative sum of the roots 𝒙 + (product of the roots) = 𝟎
𝒙𝟐 −𝟏𝟐𝒙 + 𝟐𝟕 = 𝟎 (by substitution)

Step 5: 5th R (Resolve) – Solve the resulting equation to find the value
of unknown (variable). Don’t forget to affix the unit of measurement in
the final answer.
𝑤 2 − 12𝑤 + 27 = 0 (w – 3)(w – 9) = 0
w – 3 = 0 or w – 9 = 0
w = 3 or w = 9
With the obtained roots of the quadratic equation, the dimensions of
the table are 3 ft x 9 ft with 3 ft as the width since it is shorter.

Example 2: An amusement park wants to place a new rectangular

billboard to inform visitors of their new attractions. Suppose the
length of the billboard to be placed is 4 m longer than its width and
the area is 96 sq. m. What will be the length and width of the

Step 1: 1st R (Read) – Take note of the important details in the problem.
Problem: An amusement park wants to place a new rectangular
billboard to inform visitors of their new attractions. Suppose the
length of the billboard to be placed is 4 m longer than its width and
the area is 96 sq. m. What will be the length and width of the

Step 2: 2nd R (Represent) – Take note of the unknown quantities.

Let, x = width
x + 4 = length

Step 3: 3rd R (Recall) – Take note of the mathematical concepts

applicable to the problem.
The product of the length and width of the rectangular billboard
represents its area. Hence, length (x) times width (x+4) = 96 or
x(x+4) = 96.

Step 4: 4th R (Ready) – Utilized the established equations above to

come up with one quadratic equation in one variable.
The equation x(x+4) = 96 can be written in a form 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0.
x(x+4) = 96 𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 = 96 𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 96 = 0

Step 5: 5th R (Resolve) – Solve the resulting equation to find the value
of unknown (variable). Don’t forget to affix the unit of measurement in
the final answer.
𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 96 = 0 (x – 8)(x + 12) = 0
x – 8 = 0 or x + 12 = 0
x = 8 or x = -12
The equation has two solutions but we will only consider the positive
value of x since the situation involves measure of length. Hence, the
width of the billboard (x) is 8 m and its length (x+4) is 12 m.

Now, it’s your turn!

Show me what you got!

Activity 2:
Try Me!
Direction: Solve the following problems. Show the solution.

1. A rectangular garden has an area of 84 sq. m and a perimeter

of 38 m. Find its length and width.


2. A car travels 20kph faster than a truck. The car covers

350 km in two hours less than the time it takes the truck to
travel the same distance. What is the speed of the car? How
about the truck?


W hat H ave I L earned?
Nice try!
What new insights you have gained
about real-life applications of quadratic
equations? How would you connect
this to your daily life? Let’s have
a role playing!

Activity 1:
Play The Role!
Direction: Put yourself in the following situations then answer the
following questions. Show the solution. Avoid ERASURE.

1. Your mother told you that you can utilize a 40 sq. meter lot
beside your house for your garden. You plan to fence it and
luckily, you have an available barb wire that measures 26
meters. In order to save, you want to enclose the lot by this
available material (single fencing). What will be the dimensions
of the lot that you’re planning to fence?

2. Your brother has a project in Science. He is to make a

terrarium with a base area of 96 sq. inches. He wants the
length to be 4 inches longer than its width that is why your
brother asked for your help. What dimensions will you give to
your brother?

3. Your sister can clean the house for 12 hours. If both of you
clean the house, it will only take 5 hours and 48 minutes. How
about you? How many hours will it take you to clean the
house? Who is faster in cleaning the house?

Writer and Illustrator

Education Program Supervisor in Mathematics



Regional Director


CLMD Chief


Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS


Regional ADM Coordinator


CID Chief


Division EPS In Charge of LRMS


DR. FELIPA C. MANTOS (alternate)
Division ADM Coordinator


Mathematics learner’s Material 9, page 88–95

K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC), page 235


This Self-Learning Kit in Mathematics is

about learning how to solve problems involving
quadratic equations and rational algebraic equations
transformable to quadratic equations.

Here, you will meet Mr. Hash and Ms. Tag.

Mr. Hash will accompany you throughout the
learning process. Let’s see how good are you at
role playing!


She is a Public Secondary School Teacher, T-III, of Don
Potenciano Catarata Memorial National High School from
Division of City of Bogo with Mathematics as her area of
specialization. At present, she is a Grade 7 adviser and
handling Math subjects in grades 7, 9 and 10. She is also a
coordinator of different clubs/organizations in school namely:
Mathematics Club, LRMDS, LIS/EBEIS, SUKOD and SBM.

Date Parent/Guardian’s Teacher’s

Date Module Answered Signature Remarks

Department of Education
Region VII
Division of City of Bogo 11
Buac, Cayang, Bogo City ,Cebu

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