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Mariana: Hello doctor, I want to know why I don't feel my right leg

Sara: well, you suffered a serious accident in which there was no other remedy

and we had to amputate your leg, you lost a lot of blood before arriving at the

hospital. I am so sorry.

Mariana: Doctor How do you tell me that? What am I going to do with my life,

nothing is going to be the same, and everything is going to be a torment without

a leg.

Sara: if you had lost an arm it would have been worse. Rest assured your family

will be there at all times to support you.

Mariana: If I had been more careful I would not have lost my leg.

Sara: if you had good luck you would not have lost your leg. But better be

thankful that you are alive, if you had lost more blood you would not have


Mariana: It's true, Doctor, but this news is very difficult to assimilate.

Sara: I know. But I think if you had a head fracture maybe you would be dead.

2 years later

Sara: Hi Mariana, how have you been with your new bionic leg?

Mariana: Hello doctor, I felt very well as if I had a real leg.

Sara: I'm so glad

Mariana: the truth has gone very well for me with my bionic leg but, if it had

been more careful when driving at high speed, you would not have lost your leg

in an accident.

Sara: Do you think having the opportunity to have a new leg was the best thing?
Mariana: I think if I didn't have a bionic leg, I would be very sad.

Sara: Yes, it's true, if you didn't have a bionic leg you couldn't walk.

Mariana: if you hadn't told me about that opportunity, I wouldn't do things

what I do everyday

Sara: I'm glad that my innovation has helped me overcome the accident.

Mariana: yes! Thank you. If you were bad at your job, I wouldn't have sought

your help to put on a bionic leg.

Mariana: I have to say that at first it was difficult because I didn't know how

handle my new leg, I tripped and couldn't get over the accident, but

now I feel good with my new leg because despite everything that happened, my

family was always there for me, they told me that I could get ahead and that I

could achieve all my dreams and that's how the loss of my leg did not stop me

And now I'm about to graduate and achieve one of my biggest dreams, to be a


Sara: I am proud of you and me knowing that I helped you realize that losing a

leg was not losing a full life that you had yet to live.

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