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An Important Person – My Mother

"Good Morning, everyone! Thank you so much for attending today's event. It's an honor to be
here with you today. You must be thinking, "Oh! another boring speech." But, I'm actually
here to share about a valuable person in my life, and I want you to know that you should merit
your time with them.

Everyone has that special someone in their life: whom they look up to and wish to be just like.
It can be someone from your family, a celebrity, or even a fictional character. We have
different relationships with the people around us. For me, the relationship I have, that is
valuable, cherish able, and divine is that of a mother and a daughter.

My mother spent nine distressful months carrying me in her womb. She faced different types
of health issues; morning sickness, eating disorder, and back pain. When delivering, she had to
undergo a terribly painful procedure. But why did she endure the pain and sufferings? She did
that because SHE wanted ME to be in her life. She wanted someone of her own blood and
flesh. After giving birth to me, her suffering doesn't stop there. I, an arrogant and mischievous
daughter, would always be the source of trouble.

MY mother is a teacher, a best friend, a personal doctor, a personal chef, and MY biggest
supporter. No matter how many or what mishaps I commit, she would never punish me, but
instead, she would teach me to learn from them. This allowed me to become the person I am
today. My mother and I, have an open relationship. We would always share our thoughts and
our secrets. She would suggest me what's wrong and what's right. Ignoring all her troubles, she
would consistently look after me when I'm under the weather. She would always cook the
heartiest of the heartiest meals, and she has never failed to surprise me with her amazingly
unique talents. No matter what I do or what dreams I have, she would support me if it is

I have never seen a person with so much inspiration and talent. When I say she has many
skills, I mean it. She is a very unique person. Unlike others, instead of starting a business after
college, she started her own business at the age of 16! This has inspired me to get my guts to
work. When we have a little talk, she would sometimes talk about her teenage life; how
stressful it was, and how memorable it was.

My mom is a very influential person. She had made us - my siblings and I - independent since
birth: from learning to sit to learning to succeed.

At the age of 12, I was craving to be just like my mother. I started working as a part-time
designer, with her permission, of course. It was hard at first, and I was just beginning to get
used to it. I had fights with my mom. I would shout and scream! I would lock myself and
throw tantrums. But now that I think of it, all that screaming and wailing were a waste - more
like regretful. It's very heartbreaking to think about it now and ask myself how my mother
felt. I found it very shameful since I was the one who asked her if I could work!
I wish I could turn back the time and be grateful for what she has done for me. You should
always be appreciative of what the people around you have done, especially when it is your
mother. No child would know the thorns a mother had walked through her life. Our mother
has always put us before herself. If I was a plant, my mother would be the water, air, and
sunlight. Without her, I wouldn't exist. *sobs* To my mother, I want to thank you for
everything you have done for me. Your love and support cannot be repaid, and I will forever
be grateful for making the greater person I am today. I love you.

It was invigorating to share the relationship I have with my mom. Thank you for coming along
with me throughout my speech. I really appreciate it. Enjoy your day, and I hope we can meet
more often in the future. Oh, and before you leave, please add your opinions and ideas in the
suggestion box. It would really help me brainstorm ideas for my speech in the future. Thank

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