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Group 3

Jose David Villalobos

Iveth Martinez
Ivanna Morón
Jose Angel Gnecco

3. Sex Education in schools is another area where sexism should be discussed.

You may also use your textbook and other class material.

A. Should comprehensive sex ed be taught in schools (including consent,

healthy vs toxic relationships, female pleasure)? Why or why not?
Guys todays class was very interesting, I really like talking about sex ed,
but guys, what do you think of schools teaching about that topic
From school people learn the essential for our lives, but the subject of sex
education is always a taboo. Misinformation about a person’s sexual activity can
generate myths that we heard at one time or another. Learning sex education
without any taboos in school will allow us to have much more clarity and have
honest conversations. The example that the lecturer Peggy Orenstein presented
on the survey of 300 girls from a Dutch university and one from the United States
where they were asked about their early sexual experiences, the Dutch girls
responded openly and honestly where they highlighted the importance of
communication with the person. Oh wow, very interesing that study about
ducth girls, The importance of talking seriously about sex education at an early
age from home to health centers where they learn to balance responsibility with
pleasure. This can guide them to have healthy relationships with their partner,
and not have one where communication fails and is toxic.

B. Why do women often have to take more responsibility for birth control?
How can we change this?
Ok, but speaking of young ages and responsibility, why do you think
women are given more responsibility for birth control?
Throughout history women have been given control of this aspect because men
are very irresponsible in this regard, i.e., as mentioned in the text, for them it is
much more important the sexual act itself than the side effects such as
pregnancy that this can generate. This is how the woman, being the one who
becomes pregnant, has been attributed the responsibility of seeking planning
methods even when she does not agree and this greatly affects her organism. I
agree with what you say, I think that another aspect is that for the male sex there
is no other planning mechanism apart from the condom and for most of them this
method decreases sexual pleasure, therefore, they decide not to use condoms in
their sexual relations and resort to pressure the woman to be the one to use
contraceptive methods leaving her all the responsibility of a possible pregnancy.
Men do all this thinking only about personal pleasure and don’t take into account
that contraceptive methods in a woman can cause many side effects such as
aneurysms, mood swings, cramps, among others and in many cases can be
brutal, and these methods must be prescribed by a doctor. Unlike condoms,
which is available all the time, they don’t require a prescription, are effective and
most importantly have no side effects. I think that to change this we must first
change the macho attitude of society and understand that a woman is the owner
of her body and can do with it what she chooses.

C. The show Sex Education in Netflix and other popular shows have
characters go through situations where they struggle with these issues.
How similar are these shows to real life? Do the shows accurately portray
the choices people face?
Talking about that topic, the other day I saw a new show on netflix called
“sex education” do you think this kind of shows could be relatable to real
life ?
The main purpose of these kind of series, is to inform and start a conversation
about sex and not make it strange or a taboo, because in the world that we live
we need to talk about these topics, so we could have a better sexuality. On the
other hand, these programs often depict situations to which young people are
exposed in various environments and in this case sexuality. It could be said that
they resemble real life because they recreate dilemmatic moments in which
young people do not have a clear way to solve or act on a problem because they
have many doubts or lack of knowledge about a subject and that does not allow
them to make a proper decision. To say that it accurately represents real life is a
little difficult since these programs tend to exaggerate some situations or
minimize it. To represent as such all the things that happen in life is a difficult
task since this will depend on how the parties involved act.

D. How does this topic relate to how male and female roles are portrayed in
our entertainment?
I also saw that program, something that I found very interesting is the way
it shows the roles of men and women,
I think that these programs show well the roles imposed on men and women,
since society judges the things that each person does according to their gender.
In the Netflix series Sex Education we can see Dr. Milburn, a single mother and
sex therapist who only likes one-night stands. This character breaks all the roles
imposed on women in society and shows us young people that it is necessary to
end all gender taboos and start believing that each person can choose what they
want to be. Ending these types of barriers could provide a clearer picture for
young people to stimulate and mature to the fullest their sexuality and thus have
a life in this area safe and full where they have the freedom to do what each
person deems appropriate without being a burden or imposition.
E. How does sex education, or lack of it, affect aspirations and life goals? Are
both genders affected equally?
Ok, but at the end, what are the consequences of have or not have sex
It affects how people see their achievements and how much they appreciate
some situations. The lack of sex education affects more the women than men,
beacuse there are a lot of taboos in the women sexuality. Most of the time,
women do not really agree and are not totally satisfied with sexual encounters,
sometimes overlapping the other instead of themselves, just to avoid discomfort
or humiliation.

Additionally, having a sex education will allow you to know how to plan and be
clear about when you want to have children, if you have a good sex education
you will know to be careful about having an unwanted pregnancy that may
interfere with your short and long term goals, this applies to both women and
men as both must be consistent with their actions. On the other hand, to have a
good sexual education is to know when a woman wants to have sex with you or
not, is to know how to respect if one of them says NO, since you do not have the
right to abuse anyone. A sexual assault is an experience that will mark a
woman's life forever, she will never be the same person she was before and
consequently this can affect her dreams.

Text Source: Men Cause 100% of Unwanted Pregnancies - Human Parts

Video Source: What young women believe about their own sexual pleasure
What struck me most about Hidden Figures is the way it shows the importance of women in
society, seeing how they managed to better themselves even while being judged for being
women and being black. Also, I find the women in this movie inspiring because, despite all the
circumstances, they went through and proved to everyone that they were capable of great
things. I also liked the role given to women and more so at that time when they were only seen
as housewives or as an object that could not perform important actions. I also think that women
should be given the same importance as men in society since we are all equal and women are
capable of doing the same things as men.

Regarding gender stereotypes, I think it is very important to stop assigning roles to women and
men depending on gender. I think that each person is free to do what they want with their life
and choose how they want to live it without affecting others. This is very important because if we
begin to apply it, the discrimination to which many people are subjected would be reduced. On
the other hand, I found very interesting the role that advertising plays in stereotypes, this has a
great power to influence people is why it should start by this means to try to change people's
thoughts about gender roles.

Talking about sex education, it is very important to have a sex education because it will allow us
to know how to plan and be clear about when it is optimal to have a baby. I think that if we have
a good sex education we will know how to be careful about having an unwanted pregnancy that
may interfere with our short and medium term goals. On the other hand, I thought it was very
important to emphasize the respect that should be shown to women when they decide not to
have sex with men, since no one has the right to abuse anyone. A sexual assault is an
experience that will mark a woman's life forever, she will never be the same person she was
and consequently this can affect her dreams, this is why sex education and respect must prevail
in young people.

Now, when talking about economics of happiness, what struck me the most is that people are
not rich just because they have a lot of money. I think happiness requires love and money often
does not provide that. There comes a point when a person has everything they need to live a
comfortable life and at that precise moment they stop thinking about money to think about their
happiness and realize that they are not happy. On the other hand, it is very interesting that
developed countries have better quality of life indexes, but this does not mean that people are

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