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1. Sexual Attitudes:
- Definition: Sexual attitudes refer to an individual's beliefs, opinions, and feelings about sexuality,
including their views on sexual norms, values, and morality.
- Characteristics:
- Highly influenced by cultural, social, and religious factors.
- Can be positive (supportive of sexual freedom and diversity) or negative (restrictive or
- Can impact an individual's approach to sexual relationships and choices.
- Can change over time due to experiences, education, and personal growth.

2. Sexual Knowledge:
- Definition: Sexual knowledge pertains to the information and awareness a person possesses about
sexual anatomy, physiology, reproductive health, and sexual functioning.
- Characteristics:
- Includes knowledge about safe sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and
- Gained through formal education, conversations, personal experiences, and reliable sources.
- Essential for informed decision-making, sexual health, and well-being.
- Can vary widely among individuals based on access to education and resources.

3. Sexual Identity:
- Definition: Sexual identity encompasses an individual's understanding and acceptance of their own
sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic attractions.
- Characteristics:
- Includes categories such as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender,
cisgender, and more.
- May be fluid and evolve over time for some individuals.
- Influenced by biological, social, and psychological factors.
- Plays a crucial role in shaping self-concept, relationships, and social interactions.

4. Sexual Behavior:
- Definition: Sexual behavior refers to the actions and practices individuals engage in to express their
sexuality, including sexual acts, behaviors, and preferences.
- Characteristics:
- Can encompass a wide range of activities, from sexual intercourse to intimate gestures and
- Varies greatly among individuals in terms of frequency, preferences, and partners.
- May be influenced by cultural norms, personal values, and relationship dynamics.
- Important to consider consent, safety, and communication in sexual behaviors.

Understanding these concepts and their interplay is essential for promoting healthy and
consensual sexual experiences, as well as for addressing the diverse range of human sexual expression
and identity. It's important to recognize that these concepts are multifaceted and can vary significantly
among individuals and cultures.


Desire Attraction Orientation

Consent Intimacy Gender
Expression Identity Reproduction

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1. How do these words affect your sexuality?
Each of these words plays a significant role in shaping and influencing an individual's sexuality.

1. Desire: Desire refers to one's sexual wants and needs. It influences the types of experiences
and connections a person seeks in their sexual life.

2. Attraction: Attraction involves being drawn to others based on various factors, such as
physical, emotional, or intellectual attraction. The nature of one's attractions contributes to
their sexual orientation.

3. Orientation: Sexual orientation defines who an individual is attracted to, whether it's
people of the opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex (homosexual), both sexes (bisexual),
or not experiencing sexual attraction (asexual).

4. Consent: Consent is a fundamental aspect of any sexual interaction. It ensures that all
parties involved willingly and enthusiastically participate in sexual activities, fostering healthy
and respectful sexual experiences.

5. Intimacy: Intimacy encompasses emotional and physical closeness between individuals. It is

a core component of many sexual relationships, influencing the depth and quality of

6. Gender: Gender identity, whether one identifies as male, female, non-binary, or another
gender, plays a pivotal role in shaping one's sexual experiences and relationships.

7. Expression: Sexual expression involves how an individual outwardly conveys their sexuality,
which can include clothing choices, behavior, and communication. It's a way of communicating
desires and preferences.

8. Identity: Sexual identity encompasses one's self-concept related to their sexuality. This
includes their sexual orientation, gender identity, and how they perceive themselves within the
broader context of society.

9. Reproduction: While not the sole purpose of sexuality, reproduction is a biological aspect of
sexual behavior that can impact decisions regarding sexual activity and contraception.

10. Liberation: Sexual liberation refers to the idea that individuals have the freedom to
explore and express their sexuality without societal restrictions or stigmatization. It influences
the extent to which people feel comfortable and empowered in their sexual lives.

These words collectively shape the multifaceted nature of human sexuality, reflecting the
interplay of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors in determining an individual's
sexual attitudes, behaviors, and identity.

2. What makes these different words connected?

These different words are connected because they are all integral components of human
sexuality and are interrelated in various ways. Here's how they are connected:

1. Desire and Attraction: Desire and attraction are closely linked, as desire often arises from
the attractions we feel towards others. What we are attracted to can fuel our sexual desires.

2. Attraction and Orientation: Attraction forms the basis of one's sexual orientation. The
gender(s) to which a person is attracted helps determine their sexual orientation (e.g.,
heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual).

3. Orientation and Identity: A person's sexual orientation is a key part of their sexual identity.
It represents how they perceive themselves in terms of who they are attracted to romantically
and sexually.

4. Consent and Intimacy: Consent is a crucial element of sexual intimacy. It ensures that both
or all parties involved in a sexual encounter are willing participants, creating a foundation of
trust and respect.

5. Gender and Expression: Gender identity and expression are closely tied to sexuality
because they influence how a person expresses their sexuality. For instance, gender expression
may include choices in clothing and behavior that signal one's sexual preferences or identity.

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6. Expression and Identity: How a person expresses their sexuality is an essential aspect of
their sexual identity. Expression can reflect how someone aligns their outward presentation
with their internal sense of self.

7. Identity and Liberation: Sexual identity is central to the concept of sexual liberation.
Embracing and affirming one's sexual identity is often a key part of the journey toward sexual
liberation, which involves breaking free from societal norms and restrictions.

8. Reproduction and Identity: Reproductive choices can influence a person's sexual identity.
Decisions about whether to have children, when, and with whom can be deeply tied to one's
identity and values.

9. Liberation and Consent: Sexual liberation often emphasizes the importance of consensual
and empowered sexual experiences. It encourages individuals to assert their desires and
boundaries while respecting the autonomy of others.

These connections highlight the complexity of human sexuality and how it is influenced by a
combination of biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. Understanding these
connections helps individuals navigate their own sexual experiences and relationships while
promoting healthy, consensual, and fulfilling interactions.


For each factor enumerated below, give instances on how you think this factor influences
your sexual attitudes and behaviors. Write your answer on the boxes provided below. (5pts

1. Family. Family values often determine your values. Describe how your family affects your
values regarding human sexuality.

Family plays a significant role in shaping an individual's values and attitudes, including those
related to human sexuality. Here's how family can influence one's values regarding human sexuality:

1. Cultural and Religious Influence: Families often transmit cultural and religious beliefs and
traditions. These can include specific teachings about sexuality, such as views on premarital sex,
contraception, and sexual orientation. Children raised in religious households may adopt the values and
norms related to sexuality within that faith.

2. Communication Patterns: The way a family communicates about sexuality can impact an
individual's values. Open and honest discussions about sex can promote a healthy and informed
approach to sexuality, while silence or stigmatization can lead to misinformation and shame.

3. Gender Roles: Families can reinforce traditional gender roles, which can affect how
individuals perceive their own roles and expectations in sexual relationships. For example, a family
that enforces rigid gender stereotypes may influence a person to conform to these roles in their sexual

4. Parental Modeling: Children often learn about relationships and sexuality by observing their
parents' interactions. How parents express love, affection, and intimacy can shape a child's
understanding of healthy relationships and sexual behavior.

5. Acceptance and Support: Family acceptance or rejection of an individual's sexual

orientation or gender identity can have a profound impact. A supportive family can foster self-
acceptance and a positive sense of identity, while rejection can lead to feelings of shame and isolation.

6. Values Transmission: Families transmit their values, including those related to sexual
behavior, through direct discussions, implicit messages, and moral guidance. These values can influence
decisions about when and with whom to engage in sexual activity and the importance of consent and
safe sex.

7. Cultural Background: Families from different cultural backgrounds may have distinct
attitudes and norms related to sexuality. Immigrant families, for example, may hold values that differ
from the dominant culture, leading to unique perspectives on sexuality.

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8. Emotional Environment: A family's emotional environment, including the presence or
absence of emotional support and nurturing, can impact an individual's self-esteem and emotional well-
being. This, in turn, can influence their choices and attitudes related to sexual relationships.

9. Education and Awareness: Families can play a role in educating their children about sexual
health and safety. Open and accurate information can lead to informed choices, while a lack of
information can lead to risky behaviors.

It's important to note that the influence of family on one's values regarding human
sexuality can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may adopt their family's values
without question, while others may actively seek to develop their own values and beliefs through
exposure to diverse perspectives, education, and personal experiences. Ultimately, while family is
a significant influence, individuals have the capacity to evolve and shape their own values over

2. Culture. Filipinos living in different regions have diverse cultures and beliefs. Your cultural
background can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards set
by society. Describe how your culture affects your human sexuality.

Culture plays a significant role in shaping an individual's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors
related to sexuality. Remember that within any culture, there can be a wide range of perspectives and
attitudes towards sexuality, and not everyone within a culture will adhere to the same beliefs and
norms. Additionally, cultures evolve and change over time, so attitudes towards sexuality may shift as
societies progress and become more inclusive and accepting.
Here are some ways in which culture can affect human sexuality.

1. Norms and Values: Different cultures have varying norms and values when it comes to
sexuality. Some cultures may have more conservative views, emphasizing abstinence before
marriage and monogamy, while others may be more permissive, accepting a wider range of sexual
orientations and behaviors.

2. Religion: Religion often plays a crucial role in shaping cultural attitudes towards
sexuality. Religious beliefs can lead to strict codes of sexual conduct or encourage more liberal
perspectives, depending on the specific faith and its interpretation.

3. Gender Roles: Cultural norms around gender roles can influence how sexuality is expressed
and understood. In some cultures, traditional gender roles may prescribe specific behaviors or
expectations related to sexual activity and relationships.

4. Family and Community Influence: Family and community values can strongly impact an
individual's sexuality. Pressure from family members or the desire to conform to community
expectations may shape an individual's choices and behaviors.

5. Education and Media: The way sexuality is portrayed in educational systems and media can
also reflect cultural values. Some cultures may have more comprehensive sex education programs,
while others may provide limited information or promote abstinence-only education.

6. Legal and Political Factors: Laws and government policies related to sexuality, such as those
concerning same-sex marriage, access to contraception, and sex work, are influenced by cultural norms
and values.

7. Traditions and Rituals: Cultural traditions and rituals often have sexual components,
whether through coming-of-age ceremonies, wedding customs, or fertility rites. These traditions can
reinforce specific beliefs about sexuality.

8. Stigma and Discrimination: Cultural norms can contribute to the stigma and discrimination
faced by individuals with non-normative sexual orientations or gender identities, impacting their
mental and emotional well-being.

3. Peers. Like your family, your friends can also have a significant impact on your views on
human sexuality. Describe how your friends affect your human sexuality.

Friends can indeed have a significant impact on an individual's views on human sexuality. Here
are some ways in which friends can influence one's perspective. It's important to remember that while
friends can influence one's views on human sexuality, individuals still retain agency and autonomy over
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their own choices and beliefs. People may be influenced by their friends but ultimately make their own
decisions about their sexual lives. Additionally, it's essential for individuals to engage in open and
respectful communication with their friends and seek out accurate information from reliable sources to
make informed decisions about their sexuality.

1. Peer Pressure: Friends can exert peer pressure, which can lead individuals to conform to
certain sexual norms or behaviors. This pressure may encourage someone to engage in sexual activities
or discourage them from doing so, depending on the group's values and beliefs.

2. Information and Advice: Friends often share information and advice about relationships,
sexual health, and experiences. These conversations can help individuals gain insights and make
informed decisions about their own sexuality.

3. Attitudes and Values: Spending time with friends who hold particular attitudes and values
regarding sexuality can influence one's own beliefs. Friends who are more open and accepting of
diverse sexual orientations and identities may foster a more inclusive perspective in their peers.

4. Acceptance and Support: Having friends who are accepting and supportive of one's own
sexual orientation or gender identity can be crucial for a person's well-being. Such friendships can
provide a safe space for individuals to explore and express their sexuality without fear of judgment.

5. Exploration and Experimentation: Friends can play a role in an individual's sexual

exploration and experimentation. Conversations with friends about their own experiences or
preferences may lead someone to explore their own desires and boundaries.

6. Social Norms: Friends may reinforce or challenge prevailing social norms regarding sexuality.
For example, if a group of friends openly discusses and supports safer sex practices, it can encourage
others to prioritize sexual health.

7. Relationship Models: Observing the relationships and dynamics within a friend group can
provide models for healthy, respectful, and consensual sexual relationships. This can shape one's
expectations and behaviors in their own relationships.

8. Diverse Experiences: Friends often come from various backgrounds and have different life
experiences. Interacting with a diverse group of friends can expose individuals to a wide range of
perspectives on sexuality, promoting a more inclusive and empathetic viewpoint.

4. Media. The media plays a significant role in our lives as we regularly watch televisions,
listen to the radio, search the internet, read newspapers, and a lot more. Describe how the
media affects your human sexuality.

The media indeed plays a substantial role in shaping our perceptions and attitudes, including
those related to human sexuality. We recognize that media is a diverse and complex entity, and its
impact on human sexuality varies widely depending on the type of media, the individual's age, personal
beliefs, and cultural background. Critical media literacy and open discussions about the media's
influence on human sexuality are essential to help individuals navigate these influences and make
informed decisions about their own sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Here are some ways in which the media can influence human sexuality:

1. Portrayal of Body Image: Media often presents idealized and unrealistic standards of beauty,
which can contribute to body image issues and low self-esteem. This can impact how individuals
perceive their own bodies and their level of confidence in their sexuality.

2. Sexualization: The media, including advertising, movies, and television shows, often
sexualizes individuals, particularly women. This can create unrealistic expectations about sex and
relationships, leading to pressure to conform to these ideals.

3. Sexual Education: Some media sources can provide valuable sexual education and
information, helping to promote healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships. However, there's also
a risk of misinformation and skewed perspectives, depending on the source.

4. Portrayal of Relationships: Media can influence how people perceive relationships, often
emphasizing romantic and sexual aspects. Unrealistic depictions of love and sex can lead to
misconceptions and potentially unhealthy relationship dynamics.

5. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: The media can play a role in both the acceptance
and stigmatization of different sexual orientations and gender identities. Positive and inclusive

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representations can foster acceptance and understanding, while negative portrayals can perpetuate
stereotypes and discrimination.

6. Desensitization to Sexual Content: Exposure to explicit sexual content through media can
desensitize individuals to certain sexual acts or behaviors. This may influence sexual preferences and
expectations in real-life relationships.

7. Peer Pressure: Media can indirectly create peer pressure by showcasing certain sexual
behaviors as desirable or "cool." This can influence individuals, especially adolescents, to engage in
sexual activities prematurely or without proper consideration.

8. Sexual Violence and Consent: Media can play a role in either normalizing or condemning
sexual violence and non-consensual acts. Accurate and responsible portrayal of these issues can help
educate the public about the importance of consent and healthy boundaries.

9. Online Dating and Hookup Culture: Dating apps and online platforms have become
prominent in modern dating culture, and the media often portrays the pros and cons of these
platforms. These portrayals can influence how people approach dating and relationships in the digital


ACTIVITY 3: Analyze Media Message

Think of a commercial and write how men and women are being portrayed.

The commercial for Axe Body Spray, as described, appears to be using a common advertising
tactic that has been associated with the brand for many years. Here's an analysis based on the provided

What is the commercial all about?

The commercial for Axe Body Spray seems to be primarily focused on promoting the product by
suggesting that using this body spray makes men highly attractive to women. In this case, it uses an
exaggerated and unrealistic scenario of a stampede of bikini-clad women running towards a man who
has just applied the product. The implication is that using Axe Body Spray can lead to an overwhelming
level of attention and attraction from the opposite sex.

What messages were presented about being a man or a woman?

1. Men: The commercial suggests that using Axe Body Spray can make a man more attractive
and appealing to women. It perpetuates the idea that masculinity is associated with being pursued by
many women and that a man's worth is tied to his desirability to the opposite sex.

2. Women: The portrayal of women in bikinis running towards a man in a stampede suggests
that women are solely interested in men who use this product and that their primary goal is to pursue
and be attracted to such men. This can reinforce the stereotype that women are primarily driven by
physical attraction and that their behavior is dictated by men's choices in grooming products.

Is the information real and accurate? Why or why not?

The information presented in the commercial is not real or accurate in several ways:

1. Exaggeration: The scenario depicted in the commercial is highly exaggerated and

unrealistic. In reality, the use of a body spray, regardless of the brand, does not lead to
such extreme and immediate reactions from others.

2. Stereotyping: The commercial relies on gender stereotypes and reinforces traditional notions
of masculinity and femininity. It simplifies complex human interactions and reduces them to shallow
and superficial attractions.

3. Objectification: The portrayal of women in bikinis running towards a man can be seen as
objectifying women, reducing them to objects of desire solely for the purpose of selling a product.

In conclusion, while the commercial may be attempting to use humor and exaggeration for
advertising purposes, it perpetuates unrealistic and harmful stereotypes about gender roles and
relationships. It is important for viewers to critically analyze such advertisements and recognize that

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real-life interactions and attraction are far more complex and nuanced than what is depicted in this

ACTIVITY 4: Your Thoughts?

1. What is your stand on double standards of morality?
My Stand on Double Standards of Morality: Double standards of morality, where
different sets of rules or expectations are applied to different individuals or groups based on
their characteristics such as gender, race, or social status, are generally unfair and
detrimental to a just and equitable society. These double standards can perpetuate
discrimination, inequality, and injustice. It's important to recognize that moral principles
should ideally be applied consistently to all individuals, regardless of their background or
identity. Double standards can undermine trust in institutions, erode social cohesion, and
hinder progress toward a more equitable world.

2. How can we possibly eliminate the double standards of morality?

Eliminating double standards of morality is a complex and ongoing process that
requires collective effort that requires a collective commitment to fairness, justice, and
equality. It involves not only changing policies and laws but also shifting cultural and societal
norms. While it may be a challenging process, progress can be made through sustained efforts
and a shared commitment to a more equitable world.
Here are some steps that can contribute to this goal:

a. Awareness and Education: Increasing awareness about the existence of double

standards and educating people about their negative consequences is essential. This can be
done through schools, media, and community initiatives.

b. Promote Equal Treatment: Encourage individuals and institutions to treat everyone

fairly and consistently based on the same moral principles and rules. This includes examining
and revising policies, laws, and practices that perpetuate double standards.

c. Foster Empathy and Understanding: Encourage empathy and understanding among

different groups and communities. This can help break down stereotypes and biases that
contribute to double standards.

d. Challenge Biases: Encourage individuals to challenge their own biases and

prejudices. Self-reflection and critical thinking can help people recognize when they may be
applying double standards in their judgments and actions.

e. Advocate for Change: Support and engage in advocacy efforts aimed at eliminating
double standards in various spheres of life, including politics, the workplace, and social

f. Legal Frameworks: Strengthen and enforce legal frameworks that protect against
discrimination and promote equality. This includes laws against discrimination based on
gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other factors.

g. Promote Inclusive Leadership: Encourage diverse and inclusive leadership in all

sectors of society, including government, business, and non-profit organizations. Diverse
leadership can help challenge and change existing double standards.

h. Media and Entertainment: Advocate for responsible media portrayals and

representations that avoid reinforcing double standards and stereotypes.

i. Engage in Dialogue: Promote open and constructive dialogue among diverse groups
to address issues related to double standards and morality. Engaging in respectful
conversations can help bridge gaps and build understanding.

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1. Do you believe that virginity is essential for both boys and girls? Why?

The concept of virginity has varied greatly across different cultures and time
periods. Some societies have placed a significant emphasis on virginity for both boys
and girls, often associating it with purity, chastity, and moral values. In other
societies, the importance of virginity has diminished, and there is a more progressive
view that emphasizes personal choices and autonomy regarding one's body and sexual
experiences. Whether virginity is considered essential or not can depend on cultural,
religious, and individual perspectives.

2. What are your attitudes and standards of virginity? Compare it with the norms and
standards set by society. Does it confirm?

Attitudes and standards regarding virginity can vary widely from person to
person. Some individuals may place a high value on virginity and view it as a symbol of
purity or moral virtue. Others may prioritize individual autonomy and personal
choices, believing that virginity should not be a measure of a person's worth. Society's
norms and standards regarding virginity can also differ significantly, reflecting cultural
and historical influences. It's important to recognize that societal norms can change
over time and may not align with everyone's personal beliefs and values.

3. How do you value virginity?

The value placed on virginity is a highly individualized and subjective matter.

Some people may view virginity as significant and choose to abstain from sexual
activity until marriage or for personal reasons. Others may not place the same level of
importance on virginity and may engage in sexual activity at different points in their
lives. Ultimately, how one values virginity is a personal choice influenced by their
cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. It's essential to respect individual choices and
decisions in this regard and promote open and informed discussions about sexuality
and relationships.

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● After completing this survey, what observations can you make about your values?
That my values are geared towards my family.

● What were your top three or four values?

To be respected by my parents.
To have a positive image of myself.
To give and receive love.
To do well in school.
● How would the way you arranged the values compare to the way your family would rank
them for you? Why? Since my family taught me a lot of things about how to prioritize, more
likely that they would have done the same ranking as mine.

● What would you be willing to do to stand up for your top three values? Standing up for your
values may involve assertive communication, setting boundaries, seeking support, and making
choices that align with your core principles. It's essential to remember that values are deeply
personal, and how you stand up for them can vary depending on your specific circumstances
and the people involved.

1. To be respected by my parents:
- Communicate openly and honestly with your parents about your feelings, needs, and
- Set clear expectations for how you want to be treated and respected.
- Address any conflicts or misunderstandings calmly and assertively.
- Seek the support of a trusted friend, family member, or counselor if necessary.

2. To have a positive image of myself:

- Practice self-compassion and self-care to boost your self-esteem.
- Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations.
- Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you.
- Seek professional help if struggling with self-esteem issues.

3. To give and receive love:

- Cultivate healthy relationships built on trust, empathy, and communication.
- Express love and appreciation to those important to you.
- Set boundaries to protect your emotional well-being in relationships.
- Continuously work on improving your emotional intelligence to enhance your ability to
give and receive love effectively.

What I Have Learned

Activity 6: Complete Me
Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks.


✓There are four (4) factors that affects my sexuality. These are (1) FAMILY (2)CULTURE
✓ SEXUALITY is any information about sexuality. This knowledge affects the person’s
sexual behavior.
✓ There are ways how to keep virgin. Just remember KNOW, VALUE and ACT.
✓ Your FAMILY are the ones who first define your sexuality. The family’s sexuality views,
beliefs, culture and religion also affect your sexual being.
✓ The double standard morality is THE IMPRESSION THAT MEN ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN.
An example of this are:

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1. If a philandering or unethical man is caught, they just considered it as exhibiting
their masculinity or “pagkalalaki”. In contrast, a philandering or immoral woman,
they are considered as awful, cheap or "masamang babae".

2. Ladies are required to stay virgin until their wedding, while it is commonly
allowable for men to engage in sexual activities before their marriage.

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