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What is CRM? 2
Objective 2
Concept 2
Flow 3
LoginView 3
Dashboard 4
Reports 6
Batch Upload 7
Assign Students 8
What is CRM?

CRM stands for customer relationship management is an application/technology for managing

the interactions with students. A CRM system helps to keep the student’s contact details up to date,

track every interaction they have with the company, and improve the relationship between the company

and them.


- To be able to handle the student acquisition process and generate productivity and trends

report afterwards.


- A lead database is maintained. This is populated coming from excel or direct entry from the

interested students, batch uploader using a template.

- Facility for a person to assign leads to agents

- Facility to agents to record output of their communication

- Facility to generate activity trends and activity reports at the end of each day.

*Video presentations are located at CRM demo folder.


Logging in - to login, use the employee ID and password that are created. Once logged-in, will be able to

create, edit and modify some settings.


Access – Agent, Admin

Agent Performance

- To check the total progress of each day, monitor the agent’s performance.


- List of students that are assigned by agent (in default). Agent can search data by different


- Under action column, agent can edit leads information and check transaction history.
- After having a conversation, agent can update the status under RECORD ACTION. After filling

up the necessary inputs, click the Save Changes and it will reflect to the dashboard.

- Agent can edit blank student information as well.

- Agent can track every calls/transaction made by clicking View Call History or the button

from Dashboard table.

- Viewing of overall summary report based on student status

- All reports, status that are updated by agents are tallied here, below are the list of all agent

and their progress with leads.

Batch Upload

- Agents can upload multiple leads at once by submitting a batch of data in Excel (.xlsx) file.

The proper format is downloadable in upper right side.

Assign Students

- (Cannot be viewed by agents) Admin can manually assign students for agent.

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