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Let’s say you are taking care of three dogs and one of them gets sick.

What would you

 I would immediately call the owner to inform him/her about it, if the owner does not
answer, I will take the dog to the registered/nearest Vet, always trying to inform the
owner or the emergency contact before that any decision will be taken.
If the dog owner (or the emergency contact) is unavailable, I will contact the dog’s Vet
in order to discuss and assess the severity of the situation. I would monitor the dog
and observe its condition and behaviour. I would always ask owners before taking
care of their dogs about pre-existing conditions and eventually about how to treat
them. If the dog condition of sickness is severe, e.g. the dog is showing respiratory
problem I would immediately take the dog to the nearest Vet/ animal hospital and in
the meanwhile, I would inform the owner or the emergency contact. Then, I would
inform the DogBuddy team as soon as it will be possible. Regarding the other two
dogs, I would keep them safe with me, and I would contact their owner/owners to
understand what is best to do.What would you do if 2 or more dogs get into a fight?

I would try to separate the dogs without putting myself in danger trying to distract them
from the fight and calm them down. In order to separate the dogs involved in the fight I
would pull the leash of the dog/dogs I am taking care of and ask the owner/owners of the
other dog/dogs to do the same. It is important to keep the hands far away from the
dogs' mouths, and if pulling the leash does not work, to try to interrupt the fight by
approaching the dog slowly from behind, asking the other owners to do the same
thing at the same time. Another method that could be used consists in placing
objects like umbrellas, chairs between or on top of the dogs to help separate them.
Another option is to throw a blanket, a fabric, or some liquid as water over the head
of the fighting dogs in order to possibly break their focus and be able to end the
fight. Once the fight is over, I would immediately check the dog/dogs I am taking care
of for injuries and calm them down. In the case in which the dog/dogs I am taking care of
would report some severe injuries I would immediately contact the owners/ emergency
contacts and in the meanwhile I would take the dog/dogs to the nearest Vet or animal
hospital. In any case the first thing to do is try to contact the owners/emergency contacts
and see if they can take the dog to the Vet, if not I would take the injured dog/dogs to the
Vet. I would always ask for the dog’s Vet contact details before the boarding commences
so I will be organized in case of emergency and I could contact the dog’s Vet if the
owners/emergency contacts have not answered to the phone. I would also take the
contact details of the other/ others owner/owners of the dog/dogs involved into the fight.

How will you ensure that dogs of different sizes and needs get along together?
I cannot ensure that dogs of different size and needs get along together, however
before taking different dogs outside for a walk I would ask to their owners
information about the dog behaviour and attitude to understand if it possible to go
on a walk with different dogs. I would not take dogs that are aggressive/dominant
together for a walk, because it would be dangerous for them and for me as well. I
would take dogs of different sizes and needs for a walk only if the owners ensure
me that their dog are friendly and used to spend time and to play with dogs of
different sizes. In any case, I would keep all the dogs on the leash in order to have
any situation under control.
What would you do if a dog escapes?
If a dog escapes during a walk I would try to approach it keeping the calm, calling the dog
with a relaxed and friendly voice and showing him a treat in order to lure the dog towards
me. Then I would wait twenty minutes in the area in which the dog went missing, calling
the dog to see if it returns to me. If the dog will not return after 20 minutes, I would call the
local Dog Warden, and I would immediately inform the dog’s owner. I would explain the
situation to the owner reassuring him/her that the situation is under control. I would also
call the vets, shelters, pet shops, kennels, and dog groomers to see if someone has
seen/found the missing dog. Moreover, I would use social media such as Facebook to look
for “Lost and found dog” groups in the area in which the dog went missing, and I would
make a post with a photograph of the missing dog so if someone sees it or find it they
could contact me immediately. I would also do door-to-door drops in the area in which the
dog went missing and all the areas where people walk their dogs. I would also put up
posters in post offices, newsagents and If possible make a radio announcement. In the
case in which I would not be able to find the missing dog I would contact

1. I would immediately call the owner to inform him/her about it, if the owner does not
answer, I will take the dog to the registered/nearest Vet, always trying to inform the
owner or the emergency contact before that any decision will be taken. If the dog
owner (or the emergency contact) were unavailable, I would contact the dog’s Vet in
order to discuss and better understand the situation. I would monitor the dog and
observe its condition and behaviour. I would always ask owners before taking care
of their dogs about pre-existing conditions and eventually about how to treat them If
the dog condition of sickness is severe e.g. the dog is showing respiratory problems
I would immediately take the dog to the nearest Vet/ animal hospital and in the
meanwhile, I would inform the owner or the emergency contact. Then, I would
inform the DogBuddy team as soon as it would be possible. Regarding the other
two dogs, I would keep them safe with me, and I would contact their owner/owners
to understand what is the best thing to do.

2. I would try to separate the dogs without putting myself in danger trying to distract
them from the fight and calm them down. In order to separate the dogs involved in
the fight I would pull the leash of the dog/dogs I am taking care of and ask the
owner/owners of the other dog/dogs to do the same. It is important to keep the
hands far away from the dogs' mouths, and if pulling the leash does not work, I
would to try to interrupt the fight by approaching the dog slowly from behind, and
would ask the other owners to do the same thing at the same time. Another method
that could be used consists in placing objects like umbrellas, chairs between or on
top of the dogs to help separate them. Another option is to throw a blanket, a fabric,
or some liquid as water over the head of the fighting dogs in order to possibly break
their focus and be able to end the fight. Once the fight is over, I would immediately
check the dog/dogs I am taking care of lokking for injuries and calm them down. In
the case in which one of the dogs I am taking care of would report some severe
injuries I would immediately contact the owner/ emergency contact and in the
meanwhile go to the nearest Vet or animal hospital. In any case, the first thing to do
is try to contact the owner/emergency contact and see if he/she can take the dog to
the Vet, if not I would take the injured dog to the Vet. I would always ask for the
dog’s Vet contact details before the boarding commences so I will be prepared in
case of emergency, and I could contact the dog’s Vet if the owners/emergency
contacts would not answer to the phone. I would also take the contact details of the
other/ others owner/owners of the dog/dogs involved in the fight.

3. I cannot ensure that dogs of different size and needs get along together, however
before taking different dogs outside for a walk I would ask to their owners
information about the dog behaviour and attitude to understand if it possible to go
on a walk with different dogs. I would not take dogs that are aggressive/dominant
together for a walk, because it would be dangerous for them and for me as well. I
would take outside dogs of different sizes and needs for a walk only if the owners
ensure me that their dogs are friendly and used to spend time and to play with dogs
of different sizes/genres. In any case, I would keep all the dogs on the leash in
order to have any situation under control.

4.If a dog escapes during a walk, I will try to approach it keeping the calm, calling
the dog with a relaxed and friendly voice and showing him a treat in order to lure the
dog towards me. Then I would wait twenty minutes in the area in which the dog
went missing, calling the dog to see if it returns to me. If the dog did not return after
20 minutes, I would call the local Dog Warden, and I would immediately inform the
dog’s owner. I would explain the situation to the owner reassuring him/her that the
situation is under control. I would also call the vets, shelters, pet shops, kennels,
and dog groomers to see if someone has seen/found the missing dog. Moreover, I
would use social media such as Facebook to look for “Lost and found dog” groups
in the area in which the dog went missing, and I would make a post with a
photograph of the lost dog, so if someone sees it or find it, they could contact me
immediately. I would also do door-to-door drops in the area in which the dog went
missing and all the areas where people walk their dogs. I would also put up posters
in post offices, newsagents and If possible make a radio announcement. In the case
in which I would not be able to find the missing dog, I would contact
My name is Brigida Lunetta and I am an Italian Photographer and Visual Artist currently
based in London where I have spent the last two years studying a full-time Master course in
Photography at the Royal College of Art. My educational path in the photographic field started
six years ago when I decided to move to Turin in order to develop my studies aiming to
become a professional in the field of Visual Art.

After having obtained a merit-based fellowship In 2012 I started a course in Photography at

IED (European Institute of Design) in Turin and in 2015, I have earned a Bachelor diploma in
Photography and Visual Communication. Having finished the first cycle of studies, I decided to
stay in Turin where I had the opportunity to exhibit the work I made during an artist
residence in Cote Azure. I decided to take one year off in order to gain experience in the
professional field. Therefore, I worked as a Photographer: fashion look-book and campaign
and Camera assistant production of video marketing of Gughi Fassino; as Teaching Assistant
in a photojournalism workshop held by the free-lance photojournalist Fabio Bucciarelli at IED,
as portrait and still-life photographer, as Event Photographer for the TFF(Turin Film Festival)
and The Others Art Fair, as Interior Photographer for a Start-Up and as Assistant Curator in a
small multifunctional centre for Photography and Visual Arts called Phos.

In September 2016 I moved to London to complete my education and after two years of
studies, in June 2018 I have earned a Master of Art in Photography. During this two years I
discovered how to manage multiple duties and projects effectively, I had the possibility to
grow as an artist and to successfully develop my writing and communicational skills.
I have excellent knowledge of the photographic medium and the related techniques and I had
the opportunity to further deepen and challenge my knowledge and
my technical skills.

Among the skills, I have acquired in these years of study and work experience in the field of
visual communication, the most inherent for this work I think they are the following:excellent
knowledge of postproduction and editing programs for photos and videos (Photoshop,
Premiere, Final Cut, Lightroom, Bridge, etc.), excellent knowledge and ability to use
photographic and video equipment, excellent knowledge of
lighting technique and photography genres (portrait, architecture, landscape, people, still-life)

Thank you for your attention and for the time dedicated to my proposal.

Yours sincerely,

Brigida Lunetta

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