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Introduction to Power Query


Link Topic Comprehension

Import Import Text File with Power Query Select One…
MasterData Merge Master Data & Imported Data Select One…
Transform Messy Data to Tabular Select One…
MessyData Data
Challenge: Data Cleanup with Power Select One…
Challenge Query
Your Notes
Import Text File with Power Query
Save the text file
on your computer and then import it to
this tab.
then import it to
Master data for Article

Article code Description

101 Men type T simple white Use Power Query to merge this table
102 Men type T simple black with the imported data from the text
file in the previous tab. Create a new
103 Women type T simple white merged query that includes the
104 Women type T simple black description of the article.
105 Women crop top black
106 Men basics
107 Women basics
108 Laptop bag black
109 Laptop bag red
110 Smartphone case diamond
111 Smartphone case simple
112 Men dress shirt white
113 Men dress shirt black
114 Men dress shirt grey
115 Unisex tank top black
116 Unisex tank top white
117 Men shorts grey
118 Men shorts black
119 Women evening dress long black
120 Women evening dress Cocktail red
to merge this table
d data from the text
s tab. Create a new
t includes the
Get this data in tabular
format in a new table on
a new tab. Jan-20 Jan-20 Jan-20 Jan-20 Jan-20 Jan-20
Actual Actual Actual Outlook1 Outlook1 Outlook1
Revenue Profit Cash Revenue Profit Cash
Productivity Apps WenCaL 14432 240 11099 13699 210 12058
Blend 17990 1166 7137 16395 1003 7423
Voltage 15117 1613 5828 14138 1200 6212
Inkly 11154 731 8008 11502 499 8953
Sleops 11022 550 9000 14644 780 8670
Kind Ape 8905 469 6026 8796 316 6251
Pet Feed 16735 800 10149 17503 1083 10507
Right App 3635 96 2050 2337 90 1585
Mirrrr 15627 1996 9397 15357 1908 9702
Halotot 7270 150 8948 7119 349 8520
Flowrrr 5955 260 5931 5612 233 5128
Silvrr 7666 274 6624 5060 369 5174
Dasring 10857 281 4396 10547 281 4979
Rehire 9873 370 7076 11069 652 6853
Didactic 6405 363 1389 5995 268 1708
Games Apps Fightrr 11649 802 5956 10414 536 6713
Kryptis 7718 876 8432 7282 775 8242
Perino 15033 469 3512 15064 392 3488
Five Labs 21579 920 7461 20686 653 8589
Twistrr 27210.6 2903.4 10490.4 25448.4 2160 11181.6
Hackrr 18700.5 984.9 12654.6 18471.6 663.6 13127.1
Pes 45315.9 1932 15668.1 43440.6 1371.3 18036.9
Baden 35980 2332 14274 32790 2006 14846
Jellyfish 7657 276 5353 5307 170 4710
Aviatrr 8126 321 6153 9111 567 5959
deRamblr 5272 316 1207 4934 233 1485
Arcade 6375 192 4741 6945 309 5006
Utility Apps Commuta 6353 762 7332 5993 674 7167
Infic 12373 408 3054 12398 341 3033
Accord 17760 800 6488 17025 568 7469
Misty Wash 30399.6 786.8 12308.8 29531.6 786.8 13941.2
Twenty20 20400 614.4 15171.2 22224 988.8 16019.2
Tanox 21088 1264 4828 19736 932 5940
Minor Liar 23736.9 1012 8207.1 22754.6 718.3 9447.9
Mosquit 6302 240 4655 5400 190 4096
Atmos 10675 128 8210 10133 89 8179
Scrap 13307 862 5279 12127 742 5491
Motocyco 11182 1193 4311 10457 890 4595
Amplefio 8250 541 5923 8507 369 6622
Strex 8152 258 5700 10832 577 5100
Jan-20 Jan-20 Jan-20 Feb-20 Feb-20 Feb-20 Feb-20 Feb-20 Feb-20
Budget Budget Budget Actual Actual Actual Outlook1 Outlook1 Outlook1
Revenue Profit Cash Revenue Profit Cash Revenue Profit Cash
15113 363 11468 14432 240 11099 13699 210 12058
18181 1223 8196 17990 1166 7137 16395 1003 7423
13455 1400 5810 15117 1613 5828 14138 1200 6212
12031 641 8424 11154 731 8008 11502 499 8953
13112 474 8193 11022 550 9000 14644 780 8670
9096 620 5804 8905 469 6026 8796 316 6251
18207 1176 10508 16735 800 10149 17503 1083 10507
3579 184 1396 3635 96 2050 2337 90 1585
14634 1584 9527 15627 1996 9397 15357 1908 9702
7158 120 8630 7270 150 8948 7119 349 8520
5977 210 4722 5955 260 5931 5612 233 5128
7099 230 6253 7666 274 6624 5060 369 5174
10799 333 4779 10857 281 4396 10547 281 4979
10500 637 8490 9873 370 7076 11069 652 6853
5819 248 2226 6405 363 1389 5995 268 1708
10593 554 6803 11649 802 5956 10414 536 6713
6409 654 8312 7718 876 8432 7282 775 8242
12724 530 3347 15033 469 3512 15064 392 3488
20478 658 7602 21579 920 7461 20686 653 8589
24219 2520 10458 27210.6 2903.4 10490.4 25448.4 2160 11181.6
19101.6 1302 12188.4 18700.5 984.9 12654.6 18471.6 663.6 13127.1
43003.8 1381.8 15964.2 45315.9 1932 15668.1 43440.6 1371.3 18036.9
36362 2446 16392 35980 2332 14274 32790 2006 14846
6431 179 5191 7657 276 5353 5307 170 4710
8642 554 7382 8126 321 6153 9111 567 5959
4789 215 1936 5272 316 1207 4934 233 1485
5774 350 4447 6375 192 4741 6945 309 5006
5275 568 7227 6353 762 7332 5993 674 7167
10472 461 2910 12373 408 3054 12398 341 3033
16854 572 6611 17760 800 6488 17025 568 7469
30237.2 932.4 13381.2 30399.6 786.8 12308.8 29531.6 786.8 13941.2
18476.8 1120 14230.4 20400 614.4 15171.2 22224 988.8 16019.2
19156 860 7744 21088 1264 4828 19736 932 5940
22525.8 723.8 8362.2 23736.9 1012 8207.1 22754.6 718.3 9447.9
5293 156 4514 6302 240 4655 5400 190 4096
11178 190 8010 10675 128 8210 10133 89 8179
13448 905 6062 13307 862 5279 12127 742 5491
9952 810 4298 11182 1193 4311 10457 890 4595
8899 474 6231 8250 541 5923 8507 369 6622
9698 350 5200 8152 258 5700 10832 577 5100
Feb-20 Feb-20 Feb-20
Budget Budget Budget
Revenue Profit Cash
15113 363 11468
18181 1223 8196
13455 1400 5810
12031 641 8424
13112 474 8193
9096 620 5804
18207 1176 10508
3579 184 1396
14634 1584 9527
7158 120 8630
5977 210 4722
7099 230 6253
10799 333 4779
10500 637 8490
5819 248 2226
10593 554 6803
6409 654 8312
12724 530 3347
20478 658 7602
24219 2520 10458
19101.6 1302 12188.4
43003.8 1381.8 15964.2
36362 2446 16392
6431 179 5191
8642 554 7382
4789 215 1936
5774 350 4447
5275 568 7227
10472 461 2910
16854 572 6611
30237.2 932.4 13381.2
18476.8 1120 14230.4
19156 860 7744
22525.8 723.8 8362.2
5293 156 4514
11178 190 8010
13448 905 6062
9952 810 4298
8899 474 6231
9698 350 5200
Challenge: Data Cleanup with Power Query

1 Convert the data below to a table. Call it RawDiv.

1. Done
2 Load to Power Query and clean up the data by:
2. Done
- Remove the Total fields. 3. Done
- Split the first column into two - one for Division, the other into Region
3 Load the data into a Pivot Table in cell F10 and create a report for Division by Profit. Test to ensure

Division by Region App Profit

Game - Asia Arcade 3196
Game - Asia Aviatrr 3573
Game - Asia Baden 4904
Game - Asia deRamblr 4689
Game - Asia Fightrr 10377
Game - Asia Twistrr 5657
Total: Game - Asia 32396
Game - Australia Arcade 11918
Game - Australia Aviatrr 8461
Game - Australia Baden 939
Game - Australia deRamblr 353
Game - Australia Fightrr 794
Game - Australia Five Labs 1813
Game - Australia Hackrr 2056
Game - Australia Jellyfish 2661
Game - Australia Kryptis 2726
Game - Australia Perino 685
Game - Australia Pes -383
Game - Australia Twistrr 2607
Total: Game - Australia 34630
Game - Europe Arcade 6858
Game - Europe Aviatrr 6422
Game - Europe Baden 11500
Game - Europe deRamblr 612
Game - Europe Fightrr 959
Game - Europe Five Labs 1482
Game - Europe Hackrr 1390
Game - Europe Jellyfish 695
Game - Europe Kryptis 603
Game - Europe Perino 361
Game - Europe Pes 370
Game - Europe Twistrr 1807
Total: Game - Europe 33059
Game - North America Arcade 3270
Game - North America Aviatrr 3717
Game - North America Baden 4892
Game - North America deRamblr 4360
Game - North America Fightrr 5227
Game - North America Five Labs 317
Game - North America Hackrr 563
Game - North America Jellyfish 938
Game - North America Kryptis 1376
Game - North America Perino 1018
Game - North America Pes 2860
Game - North America Twistrr 1005
Total: Game - North America 29543
Game - South America Arcade 3576
Game - South America Aviatrr 0
Game - South America Baden 0
Game - South America deRamblr 0
Game - South America Fightrr 672
Game - South America Five Labs 1737
Game - South America Hackrr 6726
Game - South America Jellyfish 0
Game - South America Kryptis 0
Game - South America Perino 0
Game - South America Pes 8429
Game - South America Twistrr 7790
Total: Game - South America 28930
Productivity - Asia Blend 0
Productivity - Asia Dasring 0
Productivity - Asia Didactic 0
Productivity - Asia Flowrrr 0
Productivity - Asia Halotot 2810
Productivity - Asia Inkly 2196
Productivity - Asia Kind Ape 1318
Productivity - Asia Mirrrr 2178
Productivity - Asia Pet Feed 0
Productivity - Asia Rehire 0
Productivity - Asia Right App 0
Productivity - Asia Silvrr 0
Productivity - Asia Sleops -571
Productivity - Asia Voltage 2670
Productivity - Asia WenCaL 10012
Total: Productivity - Asia 20613
Productivity - Australia Kind Ape 1663
Productivity - Australia Mirrrr 3683
Productivity - Australia Pet Feed 5405
Productivity - Australia Rehire 4242
Productivity - Australia Right App 726
Productivity - Australia Silvrr 0
Productivity - Australia Sleops 0
Productivity - Australia Voltage 0
Productivity - Australia WenCaL 3865
Total: Productivity - Australia 19584
Productivity - Europe Blend 574
Productivity - Europe Dasring 1685
Productivity - Europe Didactic 1913
Productivity - Europe Flowrrr 2696
Productivity - Europe Halotot 3552
Productivity - Europe Inkly 0
Productivity - Europe Kind Ape 0
Productivity - Europe Mirrrr 1275
Productivity - Europe Pet Feed 1912
Productivity - Europe Rehire 2040
Productivity - Europe Right App 3388
Productivity - Europe Silvrr 3142
Productivity - Europe Sleops 273
Productivity - Europe Voltage 574
Productivity - Europe WenCaL 7870
Total: Productivity - Europe 30894
Productivity - North AmeBlend 1042
Productivity - North AmeDasring 485
Productivity - North AmeDidactic 505
Productivity - North AmeFlowrrr 533
Productivity - North AmeHalotot 4365
Productivity - North AmeInkly 718
Productivity - North AmeKind Ape 417
Productivity - North AmeMirrrr 1093
Productivity - North AmePet Feed 1230
Productivity - North AmeRehire 4365
Productivity - North AmeRight App 6011
Productivity - North AmeSilvrr 417
Productivity - North AmeSleops 253
Productivity - North AmeVoltage 2050
Productivity - North AmeWenCaL 984
Total: Productivity - North America 24468
Productivity - South AmeBlend 878
Productivity - South AmeDasring 1721
Productivity - South AmeDidactic 7172
Productivity - South AmeRight App 646
Productivity - South AmeSilvrr 0
Productivity - South AmeSleops 512
Productivity - South AmeVoltage 8047
Productivity - South AmeWenCaL 3716
Total: Productivity - South America 22692
Utility - Australia Accord 527
Utility - Australia Amplefio 3242
Utility - Australia Atmos 0
Utility - Australia Commuta 1300
Utility - Australia Infic 431
Utility - Australia Minor Liar 479
Utility - Australia Misty Wash 0
Utility - Australia Mosquit 7489
Utility - Australia Motocyco 687
Utility - Australia Scrap 260
Utility - Australia Strex 410
Utility - Australia Tanox 4719
Utility - Australia Twenty20 5386
Total: Utility - Australia 24930
Utility - Europe Accord 1888
Utility - Europe Amplefio 1726
Utility - Europe Atmos 1346
Utility - Europe Commuta 3618
Utility - Europe Infic 787
Utility - Europe Minor Liar 8521
Utility - Europe Misty Wash 8197
Utility - Europe Mosquit 586
Utility - Europe Motocyco 341
Utility - Europe Scrap 350
Utility - Europe Strex 0
Utility - Europe Tanox 918
Utility - Europe Twenty20 1726
Total: Utility - Europe 30004
Utility - North America Accord 0
Utility - North America Amplefio 0
Utility - North America Atmos 1348
Utility - North America Commuta 1414
Utility - North America Infic 902
Utility - North America Minor Liar 6612
Utility - North America Misty Wash 0
Utility - North America Mosquit 566
Utility - North America Motocyco 8729
Utility - North America Scrap 566
Utility - North America Strex 9812
Utility - North America Tanox 681
Utility - North America Twenty20 1702
Total: Utility - North America 32332
Utility - South America Accord 0
Utility - South America Amplefio 0
Utility - South America Atmos 100000
Utility - South America Commuta 2759
Utility - South America Infic 5082
Utility - South America Minor Liar 0
Utility - South America Misty Wash 1530
Utility - South America Twenty20 4476
Total: Utility - South America 13847

1. Done
2. Done
3. Done WELL DONE!

vision by Profit. Test to ensure Pivot updates once raw data is updated.

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