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Reaction Paper

As I read the article “MORALITY AS FREEDOM”, the first thing that comes on my
mind is that we have freedom because we exist in a world that even we have rules but
still we can choose the way and the things we want. As Kant said that “we are morally
responsible for all of our action because we exist in a noumenal world in which we are
uninfluenced by the temptation of desire and inclination”. So, in sort we humans can
commit mistakes even we know that by doing that thing we can hurt someone or destroy
even a person’s morality.
Our morality is the extent on which action is right or wrong, or the characteristic of
behaving in a manner, as it says that we are not robots were humans we have feelings we
have our own desires and needs but there are some people who forgotten their morality
just to leave in a specific, for short being slave.
What are the possible things that humans throw their morality away, its because if the
person is born to become a slave it become slave but if you set your mind to think that I
am a human, I have my moral to choose either to leave or die it is our choice to become
who we want to be, it depends on how we manage our life because morality is dependent
on conscious, deliberating processes like reflection, learning, and aspiring and any model
of moral development of a person.

The article has a good side and a bad side just like morality, Morality is a good and also
bad but person should do good things and never do bad things but the consciousness of a
person come to cross the line or beyond their limits because morality focuses on the
consequences of an action. Instead, this approaches the rightness or the wrongness of the
action itself. The good effects about it because morality is our power to choose and to
have a freedom as we exist in this world were humans, we are not animals that are trained
to do a task and we are not robot who assign or programmed on a specific work.
But remember everything you choose has its own consequences because not all the time
our choice has a good outcome or it is good for you but has a bad effect on others, even
morality is important component of a human being because it shape the ethical foundatio

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