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Name of Learner: __________________________ Score: __________

Grade Level/Section: ________________________ Date: __________


Various Elements, Techniques, and Literary Devices in Specific Forms and


Background Information for Learners

Poetry is a writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of
experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional
response through meaning, sound, and rhythm (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Sound devices are resources used by poets to convey and reinforce the
meaning or experience of poetry through the skillful use of sound.
A. Rhyme is the close similarity of sound as well as
an exact correspondence; it includes the agreement of vowel sounds (Hat,
cat and bat ; Cloud and allowed rhyme) and the repetition of consonant
sounds. Usually, but not always, rhymes occur at the end of lines. Rhyme
is the most common sound device in poetry.
The basic function of rhyme is to form units of sound and suggest units of
Rhyming Patterns
◼ AABB – lines 1 & 2 rhyme and lines 3 & 4 rhyme
Ex. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

◼ ABAB – lines 1 & 3 rhyme and lines 2 & 4 rhyme

Ex. Shakespearean Sonnets

◼ ABBA – lines 1 & 4 rhyme and lines 2 & 3 rhyme

Ex. Sonnet VII by John Milton

◼ ABCB – lines 2 & 4 rhyme and lines 1 & 3 do not rhyme

Ex. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

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B. Repetition is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases a few
times to make an idea clearer and more memorable. It creates pattern, it
increases rhythm and Strengthens feelings, ideas and mood in a poem.

1. Alliteration is the repetition of the first consonant sound in

Ex. Sheep should sleep in a shed

2. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sound, but start with different

consonant sounds
Ex. I made my way to the lake.

3. Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in the middle or at

the end of words, as distinguished from alliteration where the initial
sound is repeated.
Ex. Mike likes his new bike

4. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word that phonetically imitates,

resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes to create a dramatic,
or poetic effect such as, dogs “bark,” cats “purr,” thunder “booms,” rain
“drips,” and the clock “ticks.”.
Ex. I heard ding-dong so I knew someone is at the door.

II. Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed beats or the flow of the beat
that gives it a musical beat. The rhythm of a poem can be analyzed through the
number of lines in a verse, the number of syllables in the line, and the arrangement
of syllables based on whether they are long or short, accented or unaccented

III. Imagery is the use of sensory details to make the audience feel as if they are
present in the situation the author is sharing, allowing them to deeply feel the
emotion being describe.

IV. Form. Poetry comes in a variety of forms. Some poems are extremely structured,
following a certain rhyme scheme and syllable count, while others allow more
creative freedom.

A. Lines and stanzas— Most poems are written in lines. The lines usually
function as a natural pause to signal a break in the flow. Lines in poetry
are similar to a sentence, except that writers are not obliged to use
periods to end each line.
A group of lines or a series of lines in a poem is called a stanza. These
lines may vary depending on the type of poem being crafted. Stanzas
separate ideas in a poem. They act like paragraphs.

1. Couplet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in two lines

2. Tercet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in three lines
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3. Quatrain is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in four lines
4. Quintet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in four lines
5. Sestet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in four lines
6. Octave is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in four lines

B. ABC Poem. Each line of the poem begins with a letter of the alphabet,
starting with A and moving in order through Z. Subject may be chosen by the

C. Acrostic. This is a form of poetry where the first or last letters of each line
create a name, word, or phrase.

D. .
Bio Poem. This is used to reveal information to the reader about the poet.

E. Cinquain . This is a 5-line poem that follows a specific format. There are
various types of cinquains. Some are created with a number of words or
syllables in mind. Another form is created using various parts of speech.

F. Concrete poem is written in a way that the words create the shape of the
subject of the poem

G.. Diamante - is a 7-line poem that looks like a diamond. It does not have to
rhyme. It can be used to describe one topic or two opposite topics.

H. Emotion Poem - is used to describe various emotions, good or bad, using

descriptive language.
I. Free Verse poems do not follow any rules. Their creation is completely in the
hands of the author. There is no right or wrong way to create these poems.

J. Haiku - This is a form of Japanese poetry that follows a specific syllable

pattern. It's made up of 3 lines, consisting of 17 syllables in total. Haikus are usually
about a specific part of nature.

K. Limerick - is a short, humorous poem that follows a determined rhyme scheme

of AABBA. This five line poem also follows a syllable count.

L. Narrative - is a poem that tells the story of an event in the form of a poem.

M. Pantoum - is a poem that uses a lot of repetition. To create this poem, follow
these steps.

• Write a quatrain (4 line stanza). Writing emotional lines usually works best.
• Take lines 2 and 4 of the first stanza and make them lines 1 and 3 of the second
• Take lines 2 and 4 of the second stanza and make them lines 1 and 3 of the third
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• Continue your poem using this pattern.
• For your last stanza, go back to the first stanza of the poem. Make line 3 of the first
stanza line 2 of your last. Make line 1 of the first stanza line 4 in your last.

N. Sonnet - is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. Each type of

sonnet follows a different rhyming scheme.

N.1 English (Shakespearean) Sonnet

14 line poem
3 quatrains (4 line stanzas) followed by 1 couplet (2 line stanza)
Rhyming scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG

N.2 Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet

14 line poem
1 octave (8 line stanza) followed by 1 sestet (6 line stanza)
Rhyming scheme of ABBAABBA CDCCDC (or CDECDE)

N.3 Spenserian Sonnet

14 line poem
3 quatrains followed by 1 couplet
Rhyming scheme of ABAB BCBC CDCD EE

O. Villanelle
5 tercets (3 line stanzas) with ABA rhyme scheme
Followed by 1 quatrain (4 line stanza) with ABAA rhyme scheme
The first and third lines of the tercet are alternately repeated as the last lines
of the remaining stanzas.

P.. TANAGA- Haiku equivalent from the Philippines; consisting of four lines
with each line equally having between seven and nine syllables. Mostly
written in Tagalog
Q. Senryu (also called human haiku) is an unrhymed Japanese verse
consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or
17 syllables in all. Senryu is usually written in the present tense and only
references to some aspect of human nature or emotions.

Techniques and devices are specific, deliberate constructions of language which
an author uses to convey meaning. An author's use of a literary technique usually
occurs with a single word or phrase, or a particular group of words or phrases, at one
single point in a text

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Figures of speech are tools that writers use to create images, or “paint
pictures,” in the mind.

1. LITERAL LANGUAGE—The actual, dictionary meaning of a word. Writers

use literal language solely by their defined or primary meanings

2. FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE- Language that goes beyond the normal meaning

of the words used.


A. Simile— It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the

comparison is indicated by the word as or like:

B. Metaphor— the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to
another with a similar quality. The comparison is implied, not expressed with
the word as or like.

Personification-Personification gives human traits and feelings to things that

are not human-like animals or objects.

C. Apostrophe - It is a direct address either to an absent person or to a non-

human entity.

D. Hyperbole -Exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect.

E. Onomatopoeia - It is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with
the objects or actions they refer to.

F. Oxymoron- is the combination of two contradictory terms to produce a

special effect.

G. Alliteration- refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in

two or more words, such as:

Assonance- It is the repetition of identical/ similar vowel sounds

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H. Consonance: It is the repetition of consonant sounds in the middle or at the
end of words

I. Allusion - A figure of speech that makes a reference to a place, person, or

something that happened.. The reference can be direct or may be inferred,
and can broaden the reader’s understanding.

J. Irony-Words are used to convey a meaning contrary to their literal meaning

Anaphora-- The deliberate repetition of the first part of the sentence in order
to achieve an artistic effect.

K. Metonymy- Metonymy is a figure of speech that replaces the name of a thing

with the name of something else with which it is closely associated.

Symbolism occurs when one thing stands for or represents something else. It
is a reflection of our emotions written artistically to keep readers engaged as
they embark on a journey inside a poet’s complex mind.

III. THEME- It is the lesson about life or statement about human nature that
the poem expresses. This could be anything from a story to a thought that
is being portrayed in the poem.
IV.TONE - is the author's attitude towards the topic.
V.MOOD-- The mood is the atmosphere of the story, it is the feeling the reader gets
from a story. Mood is shown through the setting and the atmosphere.
VI.DENSITY.It is what sets poetry apart from prose (normal speech patterns/ the
way fiction and nonfiction books are written) Density is how much is said in how little
of space. The ability to use metaphors, not conform to traditional grammar styles,
and incorporate sounds and rhythms is unique to poetry. As you describe an
image, you’re meant to use figurative language while still following a certain
sound and rhythm to make a reader feel a certain way.

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Line breaks—Line break is the place at which a poet chooses to break a line which
is extremely important to the meaning and strength of a particular line and to the
poem’s overall integrity. A poet might choose, for example, to break lines in certain
places to preserve the correct meter or to create rhyme. Poets may even break lines
in the middle of a word to tease a reader into going to the next line. A thought can
go from one verse, or stanza, to another

White Spaces—White space appears to the right or left of the poem, or both if the
poem is in the center of the page. White space may depend on the choice of the
poet to create dramatic effect or to achieve the intended meaning.. There are no
rules for placing line breaks 5 and white space. The “right” way lies in the poet’s
heart— the intended meaning or effect

Enjabment-(in verse) the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the

end of a line, couplet, or stanza

Learning Competency:
MELC: Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry (S1Q1)
CG: HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6
Directions and Instructions
Hello, learner! You are about to check your learning/s on the different topics under
the Fundamentals of Communication in a five-stage exploration (1-Load, 2-Engage,
3-Advance, 4-Refine, 5-Nurture). Just follow the instructions given for every task.

AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to finish the activity
package and submit it to your teacher (____________________) on (____________________).

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FOCUS- Elements of Poem

Activity 1. Directions: Identify the elements of poem through the descriptions

presented in the following statements. Choose your answer from the word pool


_____________ 1.This is composed of a series of lines that are grouped

together to form the structure of a poem.
_____________2. This functions as a natural pause to signal a break in the
_____________3. This makes each line of your piece match as an excellent
way to make your poem memorable for your audience.
_____________4. This could be anything from a story to a thought that is being
portrayed in the poem.
_____________5. As you describe an image, you’re meant to use figurative
language while still following a certain sound and rhythm to
make a reader feel a certain way.
_____________6. It is a reflection of our emotions written artistically to keep
readers engaged as they embark on a journey inside a poet’s
complex mind.
_____________7. It is a figurative language used to represent a certain action,
object, and idea in a way that would appeal to the five
_____________8. These lines may vary depending on the type of poem being
_____________9. It’s similar to a sentence, except that writers aren’t obliged to
use periods to end each line.
____________10.This can help create a mental picture that readers form through
their imagination.

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Activity 2. Identifying Poetic Devices
Directions: Identify which technique is used in the line from the choices
below. There may be more than one correct answer. Then, explain your
No.1 is done as an example.

Choices: alliteration rhyme onomatopoeia idiom

simile metaphor hyperbole personification

1. This falling spray of snow-flakes is / a handful of dead Februaries

Answer: Personification and Alliteration
- Februaries can’t die like humans can; therefore it is an example of
personification. Also, many words begin with the letter “F” or “S”, so it
also has alliteration.

2. The moon is faithful, although blind

Answer: _______________________________________________________

3. children sleeping softly in their bedroom bunks


4. Time is a green orchard.

Answer: _______________________________________________________

5. At dusk there’s a thin haze like cigarette smoke / ribbons

Answer: _______________________________________________________

6. They chained themselves to subways for the endless ride from Battery Park to the
Answer: _____________________________________________________

7. A final word: before you start / The convulsions of your art,

Answer: _____________________________________________________

8. That tree said / I don't like that white car under me, / or its gasoline smell
Answer: ______________________________________________________

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9. Life is a bowl of cherries
Answer: ______________________________________________________

10. All that I hear / Is the slishity-slosh of the rain.

Answer: ______________________________________________________


Activity 3. Directions: Read and analyze the poem below. Copy the lines and
identify what poetic device has been used by the author. Use the table for your

by Imtiaz Dharker

I. The skin cracks like a pod.

There never is enough water.

II. Imagine the drip of it,

the small splash, echo
in a tin mug,
the voice of a kindly god.

III. Sometimes, the sudden rush

of fortune. The municipal pipe bursts,
silver crashes to the ground
and the flow has found
a roar of tongues
From the huts,
a congregation: every man woman
child for streets around
butts in, with pots,
brass, copper, aluminium,
plastic buckets,
frantic hands,

IV. and naked children

screaming in the liquid sun,
their highlights polished to perfection,
flashing light,
as the blessing sings
over their small bones.

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1. The skin cracks like a pod. Simile










Activity 4. Directions: Read the statements below then select the letter of the
correct answer. Write:
A. Statement 1 is correct; statement 2 is false
B. Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are false
A. Acrostic is a form of poetry where the first or last letters of each line create
a name, word, or phrase.
B. Emotion poem is used to reveal information to the reader about the poet.
A. A diamante poem is a 5-line poem that looks like a diamond.
B. A concrete poem is written in a way that the words create the shape of the
subject of the poem.

A. A cinquain is a 6 line poem that does not follow a specific format.
B. A narrative poem tells the story of an event in the form of a poem.

A. Free verse poems do not follow any rules. Their creation is completely in
the hands of the author.
B. Haiku is made up of 3 lines, consisting of 18 syllables in total.
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A. Diona is Haiku equivalent from the Philippines consisting of four lines with
each line equally having between seven and nine syllables.
B. A limerick is a short, humorous poem that follows a determined rhyme
scheme of ABBAA.
A. A sonnet is very distinct in structure. It has 15 lines, always
B. Enjambment is where the line of poetry ceases to end and a new line
begins. How the poem is divided.
A. Tercet is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in three lines
B. Quatrain is a poem, or stanza in a poem, written in four lines
A. A pantoum is a poem that uses a lot of repetition.
B. A villanelle consist of 5 tercets (3 line stanzas) with ABB rhyme scheme.
A. the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line,
couplet, or stanza. F white space Line break is
B. White space is the place at which a poet chooses to break a line.
A. There is no right or wrong way to create a sonnet.
B. There is no right or wrong way to create free verse.

Activity 5.1. Directions: The following lines are taken from different poems. Using
the techniques line breaks, white spaces and enjambments, split up the
sentences to create an interesting poem. Play with the words and phrases
freely and may add a few words.
1. A never ending stream. I wake up every day with your smile on my mind
Beauty isn't seen by eyes. It's felt by hearts. My love for you is like the raging

2. Blackbirds were the only music in the spruces, autumn wind chases in
From all directions. The sky is blue and mellow and a thousand chaste leaves
Give way. Lovers hand in hand

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Activity 5.2. Directions: Literary Element Identification. Find and label examples of
the following items in this poem:

Alliteration, repetition, imagery, rhyme pattern (label it), and stanza structure

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

by: Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village, though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

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Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by completing the
K-W-L chart below.

What I KNOW What I WANT to know What I have LEARNED

I thought that … I want to … I learned that …



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Line Breaks, white space by Julie Patterson, writer-in-residence, Indiana Partnership
for Young Writers

Answer Key
Exercise 1.
FOCUS- Elements of Poem

Exercise 2. Identifying Poetic Devices


Activity 3


1. The skin cracks like a pod. Simile

2. the small splash, echo Onomatopoeia/Alliteration

in a tin mug,
-Screaming in the liquid sun

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3. the voice of a kindly god. Metaphor

4. the sudden rush Personification

of fortune.
5. The municipal pipe bursts, Assonance
silver crashes to the ground
and the flow has found
a roar of tongues
blessing sings
frantic hands

6. silver crashes to the ground Metaphor

7. the flow has found Personification/ Onomatopoeia

a roar of tongues

8. every man woman Rhyme

9. in the liquid sun Oxymoron
10. echo Enjambment
in a tin mug,

Activity 4.

1. A T F-bio poem
2. C T T
3. B F-5 LINES T
7. C T T
8. A T. F-ABA
9. D F-WHITE SPACE F. Line break
10. B f t

Activity 5.1
Answers may vary



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