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Before reoding � An eBook version of this

ll,:il title is olso ovoiloblc in the
Talk about the book Projecl X Alien Adventures
• Talk about the title of the book and the informotion on the bock cover. eBook collection ot
• Flick through the book. What do the charocters use to moke their
• Whot does your child think might happen in the story?

Practise phonics
Your child should be o ble to reod most of the words in this book by soying thc
letter sounds then blending them together. Remind your child thot sometimcs
one sound con be made by two or thrcc lctters. e.g. b-t-ew becomes 'blew'.
Ask your child to proctise their phonic skills by reoding these words:

whoosh clase flew save smile phew

Common words
Common words (somctimes colled 'high-frequency words') ore words thot
children will use in everydoy speech or will come ocross regulorly while reoding.
Sorne words ('tricky' or 'cornrnon exception' words) hove letters which do not
sound os your child might expect. e.9. the letters 'oul' in 'could' moke the too/
sound. Encouroge your child to reod these words by soyin9 ond blending the
letter sounds os much as they con. then help them with the tricky port if needecJ.

here asked colled could mode carne

Challenge words
These words moy be tricky for your child to reod using their phonic skills but
they are importont for the meaning of the story. Encourage your child to reod
these words by saying ond blending the sounds os much os they con. thcn help
them with the tricky port. or simply reod the word to them.

parochute Tiger photo told

During reading OWL

For school
OlS('Over esooks. mspirotional
Encourage your child to reod ot their own pace. pointing under
resources. cdvíce und s.uppo,1
eoch word if it helps. For home · •.•
• If your child gets stuck on o word. prompt them to soy the Helpin.g your c.hltd·s tcamíng
wtth frcl! csooks. esscouci .
letter sounds then blend them together to moke the word, rips ond tun octtvihe!>
e.g. p-ow-er becomes 'power',
• If your child is still struggling with the word. reod the word
to them. This is perfectly OK ond ollows them to move on
quickly with the story.


The Parachute
Mike Brownlow • Jonotronix

In this story ... X

e Ant

f Tiger

L Nok
__) (
parachute �

Ant, Tiger and Nok were looking at
the clouds.
"Tell us about the day you carne here, Nok,"
said Tiger.

"My ship was about to crash. I had to jump
out," said Nok. He hit a button on his chest.
A parachute carne out of his back.
"Wow!" said Ant. l
"Let's make a parachute!" said Tiger.
The boys found sorne string and a plastic
bag. They shrank.

5 1
Nok told Ant and Tiger what to do. They
tied the string to the plastic bag.

"Can I go first?" asked Tiger.
Nok put the parachute on to Tiqer's back.
Ant took a photo. "Smile!" he said.

Just then, a strong gust of wind blew
the parachute up!
Tiger flew higher and higher into the orr.
The wind took him too clase to the tree.
• The parachute got stuck on a twig .
Tiger could not get free.
"Help me!" Tiger called out. "I think my
parachute is torn."

Just then, the twig made a cracking sound.
"I am going to foll!" shouted Tiger.
"Quick! Save him, Nok!" said Ant.

Nok held up his hands. His power lifted up
Tiger's parachute. Tiger floated down.

"Phewl" said Tiger. "Thanks, Nok. That could
hove been a hard landing!"
Ant's photos

Retell the story X

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After reading
• Using the story map on page 16. ask your child to retell the story in their
own words. What hoppened ot the beginning? Whot hoppened next? etc.
• Which port of the story did they like the rnost?
Tolk with your child about the book. Here ore sorne questions you could osk:
• Why did the boys decide to moke o porochute?
• How do you think Tiger felt when he londed in the tree?
• How did Nok use his powers to sove Tiger?
Encourage your child to reod the story ogain. This will build their reading
' confidence and reoding fluency.

Other things to do
Provide your child with a plastic bog. o handkerchief or scrop of fobric. ond
sorne string ond help them to moke o porochute. They could ottoch it to on
attion figure. doll or soft toy to test it out.

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Printed in Hong Kong. by Paramount
lllusuations by jonarmnix Ud
Cover ti.tle orb �U<nixc/Shutterstcxi<
Proj«t X ooncepr b¡- Rod Tbt'()(lorou and Emma Lyncb
'l'eachrng nores by linda Ta.lknt
Blast off
on the BIGGEST
micro-adventure yet ...
it's out of this world!

The Parachute
Tiger's parachute gets stuck in
a tree. Can Nok save him?

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