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/ Mònica Rodríguez domestika.



© 2019 Mónica Rodríguez Limia - All rights reserved

/ Mònica Rodríguez

Potential Reasons
/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ We're so passionate about our work that we can't

stop doing it.

☐ We tend to be multitalented or multidisciplinary


☐ We confuse perfectionism with excellence, and we

get lost in the details.

☐ When we discover our passion as adults and work

up the courage to pursue it, we get the feeling that
we've lost a lot of time in our lives.

☐ We tend to be very pensive people who get caught

up in their thoughts, and it’s difficult for us to take
action. Sometimes, we also feel that we’ve lost a lot of
valuable time.
/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ We don’t know how to say “no” for different

reasons, both conscious and unconscious.

☐ We want to show the world that people are wrong,

that our ideas can evolve although they might seem
crazy at first.

☐ We feel the need to show that our work is as valid

and as serious as the others’.

☐ Our inner critic is very harsh because it’s full of false

beliefs and past wounds, in many cases, because of
things our parents or those close to us told us.
/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ They’ve told us ever since we were little that we

have to be productive and that we’ll only achieve good
results by putting forth lot of effort. If we stop working,
that always means we're lazy and wasting time.

☐ The feeling you get while working is so incredible

that you think you can live your whole life doing what
you love so much and don't need people or
relationships in your life.

☐ We feel that our job is vital for certain people or for

a particular group, and we can’t let them down.

☐ We feel so thankful for being able to do what we

love that we think we have no right to complain if
something goes wrong.
/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ We suffer from impostor syndrome, and we need to

prove time and time again that our work is valuable.

☐ We have a hard time asking for help or delegating

because we believe that, if we do, we prove ourselves
to be weak or because we think the results won't have
the same quality.

☐ We think creativity can’t be associated with order

and routine.

☐ Sometimes, we have a highly developed sense of

responsibility and commitment.
/ Mònica Rodríguez

☐ We feel a lack of recognition or financial payoff, and

we think we’ll obtain it if we work even harder.

☐ We don’t have the emotional tools to deal with


☐ We don't have the self-awareness tools to respect

our nature in our approach to work.
/ Mònica Rodríguez

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