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Survival in the first hours of the Cenozoic

Douglas S. Robertson†
Department of Geological Sciences and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
Malcolm C. McKenna
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3006, USA, and University of
Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
Owen B. Toon
Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA
Sylvia Hope
Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California 94118, USA
Jason A. Lillegraven
Department of Geology and Geophysics and Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
Wyoming 82071-3006, USA

ABSTRACT Tertiary (K-T) boundary is one of the out- of the Chicxulub impact. We argue that the
standing problems in paleontology. As Alva- stage for later evolutionary events was set by
For several hours following the Chicxu- rez (1997, p. 14–15) stated, ‘‘Many smaller patterns of differential survival resulting from
lub impact, the entire Earth was bathed land animals survived, including mammals, as the short heat pulse caused by infrared (IR)
with intense infrared radiation from ballis- well as reptiles such as crocodiles and turtles. radiation from reentering ballistic impact ejec-
tically reentering ejecta. The global heat No one really understands why these animals ta suborbitally lofted above the atmosphere by
pulse would have killed unsheltered organ- escaped extinction.’’ Powell (1998, p. 174) the Chicxulub K-T impactor. The IR pulse has
isms directly and ignited fires at places
noted, ‘‘No one has yet been able to explain been described by Melosh (1990, 2001), Vick-
where adequate fuel was available. Shelter-
under any theory why the crocodiles and tur- ery and Melosh (1990), Melosh et al. (1990),
ing underground, within natural cavities,
tles survived and the dinosaurs did not.’’ As Toon et al. (1997), Kring (1995, 2000), and
or in water would have been a necessary
Fastovsky and Weishampel (1996, p. 411) put Kring and Durda (2002).
but not always sufficient condition for sur-
it, ‘‘The pattern of selectivity—that is, who After discussing the initial worldwide ther-
vival. Survival through sheltering from an
initial thermal pulse is not adequately con- survived the extinction and who did not— mal assault, we examine the full range of non-
sidered in literature about Cretaceous- becomes an important issue in understanding marine vertebrate survivors of the initial dev-
Tertiary nonmarine extinctions. We com- an extinction and determining its probable astating effects—and suggest the reason for
pare predicted intense, short-term, thermal cause.’’ Clemens (quoted by Morell, 1993, their survival. We argue that sheltering under-
effects with what is known about the fossil p. 1519) asked, ‘‘The real question is, how did ground, within natural cavities, or in water
record of nonmarine vertebrates and sug- the others—how did any animal—manage to was the fundamental means to survival during
gest that paleontological evidence of surviv- survive? [Impact theorists] have got to come the first few hours of the Cenozoic. Shelter by
al is compatible with theoretical results up with a hypothesis that puts equal weight itself was not sufficient to guarantee survival,
from bolide physics. on survival. So many of these catastrophists but lack of shelter would have been lethal. We
want to kill the dinosaurs [that] they forget the integrate information from physics and pale-
Keywords: bolide physics, Chicxulub, Cre- rest of the biota. Birds, mammals, and am- ontology to develop a hypothesis that can be
taceous, evolution, extinction, extraterres- phibians managed to survive, and that tells tested through improved global documenta-
trial impact, infrared radiation, nonmarine, you that there is something wrong with most tion of biotic change in the nonmarine realm
Paleocene, survival, Tertiary, vertebrates. of these hypothetical horrors.’’ across the K-T boundary. The discussion here
Many authors (e.g., Sheehan and Fastovsky, has a global scope even though, at present, it
1992; Archibald, 1996b; Dingus and Rowe, is only in a small part of western North Amer-
The pattern of differential survival among 1997) have tried to deal with the issue but ica that the paleontological record is adequate
nonmarine vertebrates across the Cretaceous- have not adequately appreciated the selective for detailed analysis of floral and faunal re-
qualities of an intense, short, worldwide bar- organization within nonmarine settings of the

E-mail: rage of heat that preceded longer-lived effects earliest Cenozoic.

GSA Bulletin; May/June 2004; v. 116; no. 5/6; p. 760–768; doi: 10.1130/B25402.1; 3 tables.

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760 q 2004 Geological Society of America


Agents of stress Mechanisms of damage Relevant durations of effects Means to survival

Intense overhead heat pulse Lethal body temperature, incineration Minutes to hours Sheltering
Fires Burns; pyrotoxins Minutes to hours Sheltering
Dust/soot/sulfate and NOx loading; abnormal Cooling; cessation of photosynthesis; Minutes or hours to many Sheltering; aestivation; ability to
metals in soil; disruption of primary vision impairment; poisonous months reduce metabolic rates; ability to
productivity environment locate food
Note: Data from Vickery and Melosh (1990); Melosh et al. (1990); Kring (1995, 2000); Kring and Durda (2002); Kieffer et al. (2002); Rampino (1999); Anders et al.
(1991); Toon et al. (1997).

TABLE 2. NONMARINE VERTEBRATES THAT BECAME EXTINCT AT THE dividuals that sheltered underground or in wa-
ter at the time of the Chicxulub impact? Do
Vertebrate groups Reasons for extinction patterns of differential survival among non-
A few turtles: one species of aquatic baenid (Theselus insiliens), one Unknown; most turtle groups marine vertebrates match these expectations?
aquatic species of subgenus Trionyx, one aquatic species of survived Table 1 relates to the first four questions.
indeterminate dermatemydine, and probably the tortoiselike
dermatemydid Basilemys sinuosa (known from one possibly reworked Table 2 lists the nonsurvivors and Table 3 the
individual at Bug Creek, Montana) (Hutchison and Archibald, 1986) survivors.
Azhdarchid pterosaurs Nonsheltering
Some lizards: e.g., most North American teiids; three of six other Unknown
Maastrichtian species in part of western North America BASIC PHYSICS RELATED TO
Crocodilians: one of six Maastrichtian species in Montana Unknown; most crocodilians
survived SURVIVAL
Nonavian dinosaurs Nonsheltering, except possibly the
smallest, for which there is no
evidence; loss of plant primary Assumptions
Archaic birds Unknown
Some therian mammals: e.g., some eutherians (Gypsonictops) and most Unknown We accept that the K-T impactor was an
North American marsupials asteroid 10–15 km in diameter (having a mass
of ;1–4 3 1015 kg), arriving at tens of kilo-
meters per second at an angle of perhaps 458
TABLE 3. NONMARINE VERTEBRATE GROUPS WITH MEMBERS THAT PERSISTED to Earth’s surface (Kring, 1995), that produced
a collapsed transient cavity ;80–100 km in
Vertebrate groups Means for survival diameter and a multi-ring basin 170–200 km
Fishes Shelter in water, burrows in diameter (Melosh et al., 1990; Pope et al.,
Amphibians, lizards, amphisbaenians, snakes Shelter in water, burrows in sediments, 1997; Rampino, 1999; Kieffer et al., 2002) on
soil, wood, or beneath rocks
Turtles (nearly all aquatic lineages) (Hutchison and Archibald, Shelter in water, burrows the Yucatán peninsula of Mexico. Significant
1986) doublet (Bottke and Melosh, 1996) compan-
Champsosaurs (Choristodera) Shelter in water
Crocodilians Shelter in water, burrow
ion impactors, if any, are currently unrecog-
Neornithine birds Dive, swim, shelter in water, marshlands, nized. Kamensk crater in Russia dated at 65
burrows, nest in tree holes, termite 6 2 Ma (Rampino, 1999) and Silverpit crater
Monotreme mammals (Gelfo and Pascual, 2001) Semiaquatic or burrowing in the North Sea dated at 65–60 Ma (Stewart
Gondwanatherian mammals (Sudamericidae, if separate from Small size, possibly sheltering behavior and Allen, 2002) are of negligible size. How-
multituberculates; extinct later in Cenozoic)
Multituberculate mammals (extinct later in Cenozoic) Probably sheltering behavior (little
ever, impact of a companion 2-km-diameter
known); known widespread distribution doublet asteroid somewhere in the Pacific
and rodent-like habits suggest ability to Ocean has been suggested on the basis of spi-
survive in polar darkness; probable
abilities for torpor and food storage nels and spherules cored at the K-T boundary
underground (Kielan-Jaworowska and at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 (Robin
Qi, 1990) et al., 1993). If such an impact occurred, its
Dryolestoid mammals (extinct in early Cenozoic) (Gelfo and Small size, probably sheltering behavior
Pascual, 2001) crater is either unrecognized or has been sub-
Marsupial mammals (some surviving, especially in some None more than 1 kg in body mass until ducted, and in any case its effects would have
southern landmasses; one group in North America spread to later in Puercan (early Paleocene) time
Europe, Africa, and Asia but became extinct there later in and most less than that; potential been ‘‘local.’’ A larger, potentially highly sig-
Cenozoic) burrowers or semiaquatic, based on nificant, possible doublet-asteroid companion
closest living relatives crater 300 km in diameter in the Colombian
Placental mammals (some or all early placental mammals [a Same
subset of eutherian mammals] present at close of Cretaceous; Basin southeast of Chicxulub has also been
e.g., Cimolestes, Protungulatum) (Fox, 1989) suggested (Hildebrand and Boynton, 1990a,
1990b, 1991) but is apparently now discount-
ed or not investigated further. A double-
We ask the obvious questions. What were stresses? What common factors led to survival impact event might help to explain some as-
the primary agents of stress? What were the through the various kinds and durations of pects of the K-T extinction problem raised by
mechanisms of the damage? What were the stress? Which nonmarine vertebrates were Keller et al. (1998) but is not necessary for
relevant durations of effects of the various likely to have had significant numbers of in- the arguments developed here.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004 761


Local and Regional Effects of an Impact only a relatively small uncertainty about the Atlantic. Smit (1999, p. 86–87) commented
thermal pulse itself. The existence, the mag- that ‘‘at sites more than 7000 km from the
Many authors (e.g., Anders et al., 1991; nitude, and the global extent of the thermal Chicxulub crater, the thickness of the ejecta
Boslough et al., 1996; Toon et al., 1997; Ram- pulse are all strongly constrained by the evi- layer, when properly reconstructed, is fairly
pino, 1999) have examined specific aspects of dence of the spherules in the boundary clay, constant at not more than 2–3 mm.’’ We see
environmental stresses following a large im- which has not been completely sampled on a from the soot evidence in New Zealand (see
pact. Some stresses have effects only local or global basis. Spherules are formed from ejecta below) that the quantity of spherules was suf-
regional in scale, such as impact blast, earth- particles as they melt and incandesce on re- ficient there to produce enough IR radiation to
quakes, a giant tsunami at coasts, chemical in- entry. (But see Schmitz [1988] for a different ignite fires. The global extent of the IR pulse
fluences such as acid rain caused by NOx and interpretation of the origin of spherules.) The therefore seems fairly well established. Ironi-
SO2 production at impact, poisoned waters total mass of these spherules can be estimated cally, in some cases the process of analyzing
and soils, mutagenic pyrotoxins, temporary from sample measurements, and their velocity the boundary clay for iridium and other im-
loss of primary photosynthetic productivity, must have been close to orbital velocity. The portant impact indicators has destroyed the
and impact-caused volcanism above the antip- total kinetic energy of the spherules is there- spherules.
odal asthenosphere heated by seismically fo- fore well established, and this kinetic energy
cused energy. Local or regional stresses could must have converted to thermal energy upon Intensity and Duration of Thermal Flux
not have produced global-scale nonmarine ex- reentry into the upper atmosphere. As Melosh
tinction, and general effects such as acid rain et al. (1990, p. 252) wrote, ‘‘The arrival of the The several-hour duration of excessive en-
would have been locally neutralized by alka- ejecta at any point on the Earth is accompa- ergy flux released by reentering ejecta is es-
line rocks and soils. A giant tsunami would nied by impressive amounts of energy: . . . a sential to our argument. The normal zenith so-
have devastated some coasts and lowlands, total energy of 1.3–5 3 108 J·m22 is deposited lar flux reaching Earth’s surface is ;1.4
but not all. Table 1 outlines some of the global in the atmosphere. If most of the ejecta is in kW·m22. This value can be compared to the
stresses that have been hypothesized, includ- the form of condensate particles, this energy estimate by Melosh et al. (1990, p. 253) of
ing the thermal pulse that we focus on here. will be emitted as thermal radiation from al- global flux of thermal radiation reaching
titudes in the neighborhood of 70 km. A stan- Earth’s surface ‘‘of the order of 10 kW·m22
A Short-Term Infrared Thermal Event dard tabulation of nuclear-weapons effects in- over periods ranging from one to several
dicates that thermal energies of 2–4 3 105 hours after the impact. These power levels are
Our hypothesis centers on the differential J·m22 are sufficient to ignite dry forest mate- comparable to those obtained in a domestic
probability of survival for terrestrial organ- rials, so thermal radiation from the reentering oven set at ‘broil.’ ’’ Thermal energy at the
isms through the hours-long, global pulse of ejecta should be more than sufficient to start Earth’s surface would have been concentrated
intense IR flux that followed the Chicxulub the global wildfires inferred from the soot in within 6000 km of the impact and concentrat-
impact. This intense IR flux was generated on the [K-T] boundary layer.’’ Melosh et al. ed again at its antipode (Melosh et al., 1990;
a global scale by particles that were lofted into (1990) estimated temperatures in the upper at- Boslough et al., 1996). The amount of over-
suborbital trajectories and became incandes- mosphere (at ;70 km) in the range of 800– head thermal radiation everywhere, however,
cent upon reentering the upper atmosphere 1100 K for several hours. would have been sufficient to ignite terrestrial
(Melosh et al., 1990; Kring, 1995, 2000; Toon We suggest that the spherules are, in effect, fuel except where Earth’s surface was shielded
et al., 1997; Kring and Durda, 2002). the ‘‘smoking gun’’ of K-T nonmarine extinc- by very dense cloud cover. Normal cloud cov-
The worldwide, overhead, intense IR ther- tions because they provide the critical evi- er would not have provided sufficient protec-
mal radiation was the first significant stress dence for the magnitude and the geographic tion for exposed organisms; such cloud cover
after the Chicxulub impact (Melosh et al., extent of the heat pulse. The estimated cu- ‘‘is readily evaporated and may not [have pro-
1990). It occurred during the first hours after mulative global mass of spherules gives a vided] much protection to the forests beneath’’
the impact, prior to the atmospheric opacity lower bound on the total mass of the reentrant (Melosh et al., 1990, p. 253). Power levels of
that presumably led to ‘‘nuclear winter.’’ This material (the process of converting reentering that order would have been lethal to unpro-
first event was stressful enough to kill all in- impact debris into spherules is not likely to tected organisms.
dividual nonmarine macroscopic organisms have been perfectly efficient). The observed
except those protected in soils, underground, spherule mass from individual stratigraphic Atmospheric Effects of Heat Pulse
under rocks, or in water, in dense aquatic veg- sections, extrapolated across the globe, allows
etation, or as sequestered eggs, pupae, spores, us to estimate a lower bound on total kinetic The intense IR radiation would have origi-
seeds, or roots. energy of the reentrant material and thus a nated from the entire sky. Darkness would
The only nonelectromagnetic phenomenon lower bound on intensity of the heat pulse, as have been eliminated worldwide for several
that travels as fast as lofted suborbital impact noted in the paragraph above. The global dis- hours and shadows curtailed. Shadowing ef-
ejecta (7–8 km/s) is seismic energy (8–14 tribution of spherules is therefore of central fects would have been restricted to a direct
km/s). Therefore, heat energy released from importance to the study of the impact. Spher- proportion of the fraction of the sky blocked
reentering ejecta would have affected large ar- ules have been found in numerous locations by a massive object. An organism at the foot
eas of the globe that had been perturbed by in North America and Europe, but their dis- of a lengthy vertical cliff, for example, would
passing seismic waves but not yet by other tribution in more distant areas of the globe is have been spared radiation from just under
agencies of mass destruction. not as well sampled. Nevertheless, Smit half the sky. It would not have been sufficient
Despite uncertainties surrounding the de- (1999) reported spherule layers in Tbilisi and to shelter in a gully, under an isolated tree, or
tails of the Chicxulub impact event (especially New Zealand, and Smit and Romein (1985) even under a sparsely forested canopy. Life
in mass and velocity of the impactor), there is showed spherules in drilling sites in the South confined to Earth’s surface would have per-

762 Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004


ished well before incineration. After ignition carbon density of 1.5 g/cm2 (Wolbach et al., Under Water
temperature was reached, fires would not have 1988, p. 668) and the present atmospheric ox- Shelter in water from intense, worldwide IR
spread from one area to another in the usual ygen mass of 1.1 3 1021 g). However, there radiation is a more complex problem, al-
way. Rather, fires would have ignited nearly might have been local oxygen deficiencies though water is also opaque to incident ther-
simultaneously at places having available fuel near or under the fire, as in firestorms over mal radiation. IR radiation at 1000–1200 K
(Melosh et al., 1990; Wolbach et al., 1988; burning cities in war. This possibility would would have a spectral peak at wavelengths of
Jones and Lim, 2000; Ivany and Salawitch, not have affected vertebrates that were able to 2500–3000 nm, and IR absorption coefficients
1993; Gilmour et al., 1989). The fires (on land spend extended periods of time underwater for water range as high as 13,000 cm21 at
with sufficient fuel) would have been espe- (fishes, amphibians, champsosaurs, crocodil- these wavelengths (Zolotarev et al., 1969).
cially intense because IR radiation coming ians, many turtles), but might have affected Most incident radiant energy, therefore, would
from the entire sky continued to add heat even certain tropical and temperate burrowing ani- have dissipated in the top few micrometers of
as the fires burned. But the focus in this paper mals. If oxygen deprivation was a problem, water as latent heat of vaporization of surface
is not on global fires but rather on their cause. then survivorship in burrows might have been water. Thin layers of heated surface water
concentrated in environments that had rela- would have been stable against convection,
Air Temperature at Earth’s Surface tively little fuel, such as desert, alpine, or po- but some heat might have been carried to mi-
lar ecosystems or near oceans where convec- nor depths by wind-driven currents or
The atmosphere itself would have been tive winds blowing from the sea toward the turbulence.
largely transparent to IR radiation from the re- fire would have helped to replenish oxygen.
entry of ejecta coming from Chicxulub. SOOT AND CHARCOAL
Therefore, the air temperature at ground level Physics Related to Prime Habitats for
at points distant from the impact (and lacking Globally distributed thermal radiation ac-
fuel for combustion-related, local temperature counts for the widespread occurrence of soot
rise) would have been elevated by only ;10 associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary
K (Melosh et al., 1990). The biological im- Under Soil boundary. Soot deposits amounting to 11 mg/
plications of these distinctions from common Soil is essentially opaque to IR radiation; cm2 are widespread at the boundary (Anders
experience are profound. Vertebrates at or near radiant thermal energy is dissipated in its top et al., 1991; Boslough et al., 1996; Toon et al.,
the surface of the ground or water would have millimeter or so. Absorbed thermal energy can 1997; Wolbach et al., 1988; Rampino, 1999;
been able to breathe without searing their re- be carried to greater depths only by conduc- Kring, 2000; Kring and Durda, 2002). Ac-
spiratory membranes. But unless they were tion. The measured thermal conductivity of cording to Wolbach et al. (1988, p. 665),
sheltered from direct surface (skin) exposure soil ranges from 0.0024 to 0.024 W/(m·K), the ‘‘Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary clays
to the IR pulse, they would have perished specific heat capacity of rock and soil minerals from five sites in Europe and New Zealand are
quickly from absorption by their surficial tis- is ;710 J/(kg·K) (Mitchell, 1993), and the 102–104-fold enriched in elemental C (mainly
sues of intense thermal radiation coming from density of soil is ;1500 kg/m3. If we take the soot), which is isotopically uniform and ap-
the entire visible sky. This absorbed heat extreme assumption that the surface of the soil parently comes from a single global fire.’’
would have been transported to the nervous during the K-T event was in thermal equilib- This soot layer is often discussed regarding
system with lethal results. The worldwide fire rium with the IR flux from the upper atmo- climatic effects (while the ash remained aloft)
or likely subsequent reignition of dead trees sphere at ;1000 K (the temperature would and as a source of pyrotoxins. The soot layer
by lightning would have been secondary ef- have been lower than this through limited coincides with the Ir layer, suggesting that the
fects that are irrelevant to our hypothesis. shadowing and cooling by evaporation of soil fire was triggered by meteoritic impact and be-
Similarly expected effects on plant tissues moisture), then between 2 and 20 h would gan before the ejecta had settled. But we note
lead to a potential test of our hypothesis. We have been needed to raise soil temperature by that the most fundamental cause of the fire
predict that at the base of the K-T fallout layer ;1 K at a depth of 10 cm below the surface. itself is rarely considered in discussions of the
on preimpact vegetated ground (above the wa- Therefore, a burrow deeper than 10 cm be- selectivity of the K-T extinctions.
ter table), there should be no remains or im- neath the surface would have provided ade- Wolbach et al. (1988, p. 668–669) further
pressions of leaves where the fallout settled. quate shelter from incident thermal radiation stated that ‘‘[t]he global amount of K-T car-
Most of the surface vegetation and dry litter during the critical hours. bon, (7 6 4) 3 1016 g, is very large: ;10%
should have burned off prior to the settling of As Pyne et al. (1996, p. 190) commented of the present (above-ground) biomass carbon.
most of the K-T fallout. In contrast, unburned on the shielding effect of soil in normal-scale, In present-day forest fires, soot yields range
leaves are often found at the base of volcanic modern fires, ‘‘There is general consensus that from 0.1 to 2%.’’ Such a massive amount of
ash beds deposited above the water table. In fires are responsible for small or insignificant soot is commensurate with burning virtually
strata deposited under quiet waters in coal levels of direct vertebrate mortality, although all of the above-ground biomass, even if that
swamps and lakes, preserved leaves would be faunal mobility, fire size, and seasonality in- biomass was significantly greater than that
expected at the base of fallout from both im- fluence animal survival. For rodents that nest which exists today. Kring and Durda (2002)
pact debris and volcanic ash. Thus, our hy- underground, sometimes several feet below suggested that the fires were less than global
pothesis satisfies criteria for testability sug- the surface, in-place survival is high because in extent. However, their calculations show
gested by Williams (1994). soil is an excellent insulator.’’ But, as we re- that global distribution of IR radiation causing
A complete burning of the Cretaceous ter- iterate, it was the initial thermal pulse coming such fires still would have been lethal to un-
restrial biomass would have reduced the total from the entire sky that is most important to sheltered organisms, even if it was slightly
oxygen content in the air by less than 1% (un- the present discussion—not the subsequent, less than what would be needed to ignite fires
der the assumption of a maximum biomass global firestorms. everywhere. Unprotected organisms would

Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004 763


have succumbed well before the point even of ing which lineages of nonmarine vertebrates semiaquatic mammals and birds could have
partial incineration. survived. Individuals small enough to shelter survived in lakes, marshes, or swamplands
Jones and Lim (2000) discounted the results in soils, underground, deep in rock piles, or having dense sheltering vegetation unlikely to
of Melosh et al. (1990) on the basis that ‘‘de- possibly in holes in very large trees would burn fully. Some of these endotherms may
cayed and charred’’ wood occurs stratigraph- have been favored. We are mindful that not all have been capable of remaining underwater,
ically above the K-T impact debris, but we sheltered organisms would have been guar- surfacing only occasionally to breathe.
consider their argument irrelevant. Charred (or anteed ultimate survival; further effects of the
merely oxidized) wood is common in sedi- impact were yet to transpire. But the first se- The Fossil Record
ments (personal observations based on field lective cut would have been entirely depen-
screening for bones and teeth) and can occur dent upon shelter from the enormous flux of With the exceptions of a few avian, croco-
at many stratigraphic levels. Moreover, any re- incoming thermal energy. dilian, and turtle lineages, the extinct groups
sulting charred wood from an initial global listed in Table 2 had no obvious large mem-
conflagration (as well as from other causes) Probability of Survival Linked to Body bers known to have been present up to the K-
would continue to accumulate (and be rede- Size and Specific Habitats T boundary that employed a burrowing or
posited) for some time after the initial hours swimming lifestyle. We do not address the
of the global heat pulse and the abnormally Several authors have commented on differ- question of how many lineages of nonavian
intensified fires. ential extinction of nonmarine vertebrates dinosaurs were still present to suffer the ef-
We emphasize that the central point of this without providing adequate explanation for it. fects of the Chicxulub impact (Sheehan and
paper is that initial mortality among terrestrial From Table 1 and our discussion it is clear Fastovsky, 1992). In any case, however, it is
organisms was caused largely by the thermal that certain body sizes and occupations of spe- difficult to imagine a burrowing Triceratops
pulse that ignited these fires. The fires them- cific habitats would have favored initial sur- or a swimming tyrannosaur. Moreover, even
selves also would cause some mortality but vival. Being too large to find a hole to hide in hadrosaurs are now thought to have been pri-
only among survivors of the thermal pulse. would have been a death sentence. Another marily terrestrial (Weishampel et al., 1990).
The principal importance of evidence from obvious factor is that small creatures, normal- No evidence has been offered that late
fossil soot is to provide significant circum- ly sheltering or hunting underground or deep Maastrichtian pterosaurs or nonavian dino-
stantial corroboration for the magnitude of the enough in rock piles, likely would have sur- saurs could burrow, swim, or dive (Padian,
thermal pulse, simply noting that it was suf- vived an overhead thermal pulse coming from 1983). That some of the smallest nonavian di-
ficiently intense to ignite widespread fires. the entire visible sky. But there also exist nosaurs may have survived is possible, but we
more broadly based, evolutionary advantages know of no valid occurrences of dinosaurs in
SELECTIVITY IN PATTERN OF of small body size that would apply to the Cenozoic rocks other than reworked nonavian
SURVIVAL catastrophe of the earliest Cenozoic. Discuss- remains and birds. Whether airborne or on
ing mammals specifically, Lillegraven et al. land, a Maastrichtian pterosaur would soon
Effects of Initial Heat Pulse vs. Longer- (1987, p. 287) stated, ‘‘Ecological evolution- have been ‘‘broiled.’’ Some dinosaurs are
Term Global Fire ary advantages and disadvantages of small known to have brooded eggs in nests (Norell
body size (,3 kg) in mammals were sum- et al., 1995) where the eggs might have been
Archibald (1994, p. 385) argued that marized by Bourlière (1975). Principal advan- sheltered from overhead IR radiation by a
‘‘[d]uring a global wildfire, terrestrial verte- tages according to Bourlière include: (1) ready dead parent’s body. We do not know if the
brates would be baked or fried and the aquatic concealment from predators and low energy young were precocial, but there are many rea-
environment choked with debris, killing most expenditure needed for escape; (2) wide vari- sons to expect that any nonavian dinosaur
life. Like the global bolide impact scenario, ety of potential foods; (3) wide variety of eggs or hatchlings still alive in the immediate
the global wildfire is so broad in its killing available microhabitats; (4) potentially high aftermath of the bolide impact would not have
effects that it explains everything and noth- rates of population increases in response to fa- survived long. Even large, precocial hatch-
ing.’’ Later he argued (1996a, p. 385) that vorable environmental conditions; and (5) lings in modern birds (a dinosaurian subset)
‘‘[t]he global wildfire scenario is so broad in high potential for rapid evolutionary change almost always require care after they leave the
its killing effects that it could not have been in adaptation to prevailing conditions through nest.
selective.’’ Then he tempered these claims splitting into small, localized populations.’’ In contrast to those species that went ex-
(1996b, 2000) but restricted his list of bolide Almost all of these features would apply to tinct, most of the terrestrial vertebrate groups
effects (mainly to months of atmospheric small vertebrates generally, and they might that survived into the early Cenozoic include
opacity), arguing that the bolide provided the also be considered as preadaptations in the members or have close relatives that were at
coup de grâce in a time near the close of the context of survival through the heat pulse in least semiaquatic then or are so today, or nest,
Maastrichtian in which long-term stresses held the earliest Cenozoic. den, or forage underground. Some hibernate
more important negative influences. Archibald Regardless of body size, living in a lake, or lie dormant for extended periods under-
did not mention a brief but intense, worldwide stream, or marsh would have been advanta- ground, underwater, or both (e.g., turtles and
thermal pulse associated with a large bolide geous also. Cold-blooded vertebrates that did most amphibians) or lay eggs underground or
impact. not need to come to the surface frequently in water. In western North America, amphib-
Contrary to Archibald’s viewpoint, we ar- (e.g., fishes, crocodiles, champsosaurs, most ians apparently lost no lineages (possibly be-
gue that the effects of intense overhead ther- turtles, amphibians) easily could have sur- cause of too few data), and turtles suffered
mal radiation delivered for several hours at 10 vived the intense but short period of world- relatively minor K-T extinction, with a loss of
or more times the power coming from the Sun wide overhead thermal radiation simply by re- perhaps 4 genera out of 19 known to have
would have been highly selective in determin- maining underwater. Many warm-blooded, existed during the Maastrichtian in Montana

764 Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004


(Hutchison and Archibald, 1986). All surviv- fully survived the K-T event and then rapidly (2001) suggested, these ghost lineages must
ing vertebrates not able to shelter in water diversified. include the most basal group, the paleognaths
were of relatively small body size (Hutchison (ratites, tinamous), although no fossil record
and Archibald, 1986), and certainly some in- Birds has been found of them in Cretaceous
dividuals or pairs were not prevented from oc- deposits.
cupying burrows for a few hours at the critical Phylogenetic Considerations Recent molecular studies also are compati-
time, in contrast to the larger, latest Creta- Paleontologists have yet to determine what ble with high diversity of neornithine birds
ceous, nonavian dinosaurs. birds were present at the time of the K-T late in the Cretaceous (Cooper and Penny,
event. Although giant terrestrial birds had 1997; Paton et al., 2002; Ericson et al., 2002).
Mammals evolved by the Late Cretaceous, there is no Nevertheless, all of the fossils that are ex-
paleontological evidence for their survival pected on the basis of either molecular or
across the K-T boundary (Buffetaut, 2002). ghost lineage data are extrapolations that have
Mammals surviving the K-T event were
Enantiornithines and most other archaic birds not been tested adequately.
generally rat-sized or smaller, and they did not
disappeared before the end of the Maastrich-
produce descendants with masses of more tian in the fossil record of the single complete Avian Semiaquatic and Sheltering Habits
than 10–100 kg until hundreds of thousands and well-studied terrestrial section (Stidham Today
to several million years later (Alroy, 1998). and Hutchison, 2001). Others, including Semiaquatic behavior and sheltering under-
Small insectivorous/carnivorous cimolestids Clarke and Chiappe (2001) and Dyke et al. ground are widespread today in bird groups
(related to later carnivores, ungulates, taenio- (2002), have described rare, late survivors that are known (Hope, 2002) or probable (Er-
donts, tillodonts, pantodonts, pantolestids, and elsewhere. Enantiornithines are not obviously icson et al., 2002; Cracraft, 2001; Edwards
apatemyids) did survive the K-T event with adapted for swimming, although they have and Boles, 2002) survivors from the Creta-
little more than species-level change. Al- been recovered from lacustrine, riverbank, and ceous. Dense marsh vegetation common in the
though extrapolation from Holocene to Maas- one marine site (Chiappe and Walker, 2002). Cretaceous probably did not burn completely
trichtian time is admittedly a source of pitfalls, Small, diving hesperornithiforms are found in and would have sheltered some individuals of
we note that there are semiaquatic mono- mixed, reworked uppermost Cretaceous– many of the anseriforms and shorebirds. Div-
tremes, didelphid marsupials, and tenrecoid, lowermost Paleocene river gravels in western ing seabirds (normally inhabiting deeper near-
soricoid, and talpoid placentals today, as well North America but are not known in later, shore waters) survived despite the need to sur-
as burrowers and ‘‘sand-swimmers’’ like Aus- clearly Paleocene sites (Stidham, 2002). These face frequently for breathing, as considered
tralian Notoryctes and African chrysochlorids. distributions are not yet studied in detail but above. Breathing would not have posed prob-
Armadillo-like early edentate ancestors, if are compatible with K-T extinctions. Archaic lems for birds emerging from dives into in-
present in the Cretaceous, could have survived birds remain unknown from younger, clearly tense IR radiation. Most diving birds today
through burrowing, as their descendants do Paleocene sites. stay down only 30 s to 1 min and then surface
today. Only neornithines (the phylogenetically dis- for about the same length of time between
We see no reason to think that these general tinct, extant birds) seem to have persisted into dives. Respiratory membranes would not have
lifestyles did not exist among various verte- the Cenozoic. Feduccia (1995) proposed that been threatened by such a brief stay in the
brate lineages in the pre-Cenozoic world. Not an evolutionary bottleneck in bird diversity range of air temperatures projected. The ex-
all of the extant members of groups that sur- developed at the K-T boundary, through posed feather coat, however, would have been
vived the K-T debacle still shelter under- which only a few lineages of neornithine vulnerable. The outer feathers of most sea-
ground, in soils, or in water, but we suggest shorebirds similar to charadriiforms passed. birds today do not become structurally wetted;
that all of the survivors of the immediate af- However, support for this view is weakening. water is repelled during a dive by the smooth
termath of the Chicxulub impact did. Most The idea that only shorebirds survived the hydrofoil surface. When such birds emerge,
living mammals, large and small, are capable end-Cretaceous event may well be due to not even a thin film of water remains. Thus,
of briefly entering water, especially when taphonomic bias. Very old, delicate bird bones under conditions of intense IR radiation,
stressed. It is not necessary to postulate that are rarely preserved. The settings that best feathers soon would have been singed, allow-
mammals sheltering in water in the first few preserve them are quiet estuaries and calm, ing water to penetrate to the downy under-
hours of the Cenozoic were ‘‘semiaquatic’’ in upwelling, shore margins rich with nutrients, feathers. The wet plumage itself would have
the sense of pinnipeds, platypuses, or even also preferred habitats for shorebirds—hence protected those birds sheltering under rocks or
water shrews. We simply mean that they could their abundance in early collections. More di- in agitated shallow water.
have alternated emersion with secretive be- verse latest Cretaceous sites now known re- Among birds, the most common form of
havior in partially sheltered habitats long cord not only shorebirds but also waterfowl sheltering now, and probably the most effec-
enough to maintain an adequate, heat- related to modern ducks; highly aquatic sea- tive way for birds to survive extreme thermal
protective film of water within their pelage. birds including stem-lineage cormorants, stress arriving from the entire visible sky,
That some lineages of small Cretaceous ver- loons, and possibly petrels; terrestrial birds re- would have been the same as that for small
tebrates did not survive does not test our hy- lated to modern galliforms; and possibly par- vertebrates in general—shelter in a rock pile,
pothesis because some would be expected to rots (reviewed by Hope [2002] and see Ap- a burrow, or an insulated cavity. Many of the
have succumbed to later effects of the impact. pendix). Collateral ‘‘ghost’’ lineages, smaller arboreal birds today, as varied as
Regarding the diversification of mammalian bracketed phylogenetically by this diverse rec- woodpeckers, kingfishers, and owls, roost or
clades, we favor the ‘‘long fuse’’ model of Ar- ord, indicate that many more lines of extant nest in natural cavities, burrows, or rocky
chibald and Deutschman (2001) and Springer birds existed during Cretaceous time than crevices or in nests sheltered under rocky
et al. (2003) whereby a few lineages success- have yet been found as fossils. As Cracraft overhangs. Nesting in cavities or termite

Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004 765


mounds is virtually universal in the large Table 1 that some of the same behaviors could Gondwana that were far from the impact site.
group of coraciiforms. Passeriform habits in- have been used to cope with other stresses that Claeys et al. (2002, p. 66) reported that their
clude most of the above, carried to an extreme followed. For example, burrowing protects database ‘‘demonstrates that a significant ef-
in the 2–3-m-long tunnels dug by some ov- from cold as well as from heat. Moreover, fort is needed to improve our knowledge of
enbirds. Even a deep nest cavity in a large tree small creatures that could burrow or aestivate K-T boundary sites in South America, Africa,
might have provided shelter for a brief inter- may have had special capacities for lowering Australia, and the high latitudes (.608).’’ It
val before the tree burned deeply. Subterra- metabolic rates, and probably they were adapt- will also be important to explore the terrestrial
nean sheltering is widespread even in seabirds. ed to finding stored or underground food in biotic evidence in more detail. Yet the hy-
Auks, petrels, and some penguins nesting on many environments that had been burned out pothesis presented here establishes a prima fa-
Antarctic coasts or barren oceanic islands find at the surface and had lost capacities for pri- cie case for significantly higher probability of
or dig burrows. It would seem that a critical mary productivity. survival through the initial global heat pulse
difference between birds that survived and Oceanic extinctions at the K-T boundary or and subsequent fires among terrestrial verte-
pterosaurs that did not is that, from what is in the months or years immediately thereafter brates that dwelt in soils, used burrows, or
known of their anatomy, pterosaurs did not would have had different impact-related caus- bathed or swam in water. Despite the various
swim, dive, or burrow (Colbert, 1980). es, such as food-chain collapse caused by re- inherent biases in documentation of the biotic
duced light levels or various chemical effects. record across the K-T boundary, the observed
Avian Exceptions to Expectations for Marine organisms and some nonmarine ones patterns of differential survival do match this
Survival may have been lost because of these kinds of increased survival probability. None of the
The sparse and controversial early record of secondary effects. Subsequent greenhouse previously advanced extinction hypotheses
birds (see Appendix) is mostly compatible warming in the first 2 m.y. after the Chicxulub (e.g., acid rain, global cooling or warming,
with the sheltering hypothesis—but it also impact (Liu and Schmitt, 1996) would have poisoning, and tsunamis) explains so well
raises a few questions. The advanced swim- favored dispersal through polar regions. We these patterns of survival in the nonmarine
ming and diving adaptations of hesperornithi- do not address those issues here but focus realm.
forms suggest that they would have survived, rather on terrestrial environments. Sheltering behavior among survivors of the
as did diving neornithine cormorants and intense thermal stress that began on a global
loons. Perhaps hesperornithiforms are a case EVOLUTIONARY IMPLICATIONS scale within minutes of the Chicxulub impact
of extinction from other impact-related causes shaped the composition of nonmarine ecosys-
after the primary event, but the cause is un- The thermal-sheltering hypothesis provides tems for millions of years into the Cenozoic.
known. Conversely, the terrestrial, nonbur- a simple explanation, within the context of bo- Other processes subsequent to the heat pulse
rowing habits and large body size of most pa- lide physics, that reasonably accounts for would have modified the initial survival pat-
leognaths (e.g., ostrich, rhea, emu) and many much of the pattern of nonmarine differential terns, and undoubtedly they too were selec-
galliforms today (e.g., pheasant, turkey) pre- survival observed at the K-T boundary. Pa- tive. Differential survivals documented from
dict that their ancestors would have suffered leontological observations combined with the fossil record are becoming increasingly
extinction. The phylogenetically earliest pa- knowledge of the behavior of modern adaptive consistent with the overall picture expected
leognaths were much smaller (Houde, 1988), counterparts are consistent with the hypothe- from the physics of the K-T impact. Physics
suggesting they might have burrowed, as the sis. Moreover, the observed rapid, early Pa- and paleontology are compatible because they
smallest of living ratites do today (kiwis). Liv- leocene burst of evolutionary diversification deal with a single history.
ing galliforms, however, muddy the prediction (Lillegraven and Eberle, 1999), opportunities
because even the smallest galliforms today for niche filling (Alroy, 1998), and dispersal APPENDIX. MAJOR TAXA OF
(some quail) are not known for burrowing or would have resulted from small, isolated pop- EXTANT NEORNITHINE BIRDS
swimming. ulations of sheltered survivors. Much early KNOWN IN THE CRETACEOUS
Paleocene dispersal, which would be recog-
EXTENSIONS OF THERMAL- nized within the fossil record as new immi- Listed here are major taxa (here used in the
SHELTERING HYPOTHESIS grations (Clemens, 2002), would have been stem sense) of extant neornithine birds that are
expected within the first few centuries follow- known in the Cretaceous from fossil records
Our thermal-sheltering hypothesis for non- ing the impact. (*) or are assumed to have been present on
marine vertebrates also can be extended to It will never be possible to know the full the basis of ghost lineage requirements, or of
many survivors among the invertebrates and effects of the Chicxulub (or any other) impact well corroborated basal phylogeny and bio-
plants. Many nonmarine plants have roots, or linked impacts (Wolfe, 1991). The exact in- geography (phylogeography) that together in-
seeds, and other energy-rich, vegetative parts tensity and extent of the IR heat pulse may dicate a Cretaceous evolutionary radiation.
capable of propagation underground. Nonmar- reasonably be disputed, particularly when the Within major taxa, Cretaceous and Cenozoic
ine invertebrates, such as insects having pop- sampling of the spherule evidence is far from families of birds are listed only if they are
ulations that lived in water or burrows or that being globally complete. It is not impossible known to wade, swim, or dive, or to shelter
had eggs and pupae underground, could have that, under some of the lower estimates of im- in a burrow or tree hole, or to nest in a termite
survived thermal stress within their normal pact effects, distant parts of the globe might mound. Cretaceous ghost lineages are as-
habitats. have been spared some of the worst of the sumed if the sister group is known in the Cre-
Although we have emphasized sheltering effects. This idea provides another way to test taceous fossil record. Sister groups are recon-
during the initial IR pulse as the key to sur- the hypothesis through field work that structed from a provisional phylogeny
vival of nonmarine vertebrates through the achieves a more complete sampling of the presented by Cracraft (2001); polytomous
first few hours of the Cenozoic, it is clear from spherule evidence, especially in fragments of ghost lineages are excluded unless they are

766 Geological Society of America Bulletin, May/June 2004


otherwise well supported. Additional major members and probably were separate before logical Society of America Special Paper 307,
p. 541–550.
groups of neornithine birds may have been the Cenozoic. Bottke, W.F., Jr., and Melosh, H.J., 1996, Formation of as-
present in the Cretaceous, but the fossil record teroid satellites and doublet craters by planetary tidal
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS forces: Nature, v. 381, p. 51–53.
and knowledge of basal phylogeny in Neor-
Bourlière, F., 1975, Mammals, small and large: The eco-
nithes are too limited to support further recon- We thank William Akersten, Walter Alvarez, J. logical implications of size, in Golley, F.B., Petruse-
structions. PALAEOGNATHAE— David Archibald, Brenae L. Bailey, Carl Bock, wicz, K., and Ryszkowski, L., eds., Small mammals:
Their productivity and population dynamics: Cam-
Apterygidae (kiwis), Cassowaridae (cassowar- Donald W. Boyd, William A. Clemens, Jr., Gareth bridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 1–8.
ies), Dromeidae (emus). GALLIFORMES*. Dyke, Jeffrey G. Eaton, Jaelyn J. Eberle, Don L. Buffetaut, E., 2002, Giant ground birds at the Cretaceous-
ANSERIFORMES*—Anhimidae (scream- Eicher, Michael Grant, Joseph H. Hartman, James Tertiary boundary: Extinction or survival?, in Koe-
G. Honey, Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, Zbigniew Ja- berl, C., and MacLeod, K.G., eds., Catastrophic events
ers), Anseranatidae (magpie geese), Presbyor- worowski, Linda Lillegraven, Donald L. Lofgren, and mass extinctions: Impacts and beyond: Geological
nithidae, Anatidae (ducks, geese, swans). Ross D.E. MacPhee, Harold L. Nations, Barry Roth, Society of America Special Paper 356, p. 303–306.
GRUIFORMES—Heliornithidae (sungrebe), Charles Trost, Tommy Tyrberg, and Michael O. Chiappe, L.M., and Walker, C.A., 2002, Skeletal morphol-
Woodburne for their counsel and information. Not ogy and systematics of the Cretaceous Euenantiorni-
Eurypygidae (sunbittern), Aramidae (limp- thes (Ornithothoraces: Enantiornithes), in Chiappe,
all agree, and none is responsible for errors that re-
kin), Gruidae (cranes), Rallidae (rails). main. This work has been partially supported by the
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