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UNIT N° 06


Class: 4th A – B – C - D Time: a week Date: September 6th - 10th
Purpose: To identify ideas to be presented in the presentation part of the Individual Oral Assessment (IOA).
Learning evidence: A 5 - 8 bullet point PREPARATION about a chosen extract.

Activity 1: Let´s watch the following video then, answer the questions below.

Finding Main Ideas and Supporting Details Example. (January 27th, 2013). Retrieved on August 23rd, 2021 from

a. How meaningful could be for a student to identify the main ideas in a text?

b. In what way can main ideas help to prepare a presentation?


Activity 2: Let’s take some time to read about how to write the bullet points in the PREPARATION TIME:

Practising Note Taking and Making Bullet Points

You must be able make effective bullet points as efficiently as possible during the 20-minute preparation
time of the individual oral assessment.
The following concepts (conflict, plot, character and theme) will help you to interpret a literary extract as
well as to have accurate information to be presented in the presentation part.

a. Conflict:
By identifying the nature of the conflict or conflict within a literary work, you will able to identify the
events, the themes and ideas in the story. Think about the different conflicts in the literary works you
are studying in English B higher level.

Here you have the specific conflicts in the extracts you are examining in “Charles”:

b. Plot:
Understanding the plot can be useful when you want to relate the extract you are working on to the
literary work as a whole. Use Freytag´s Pyramid to identify the specific stage in the plot in each of the
extract you have chosen. According to Freytag´s Pyramid, the plot can be divided into five different
However, you must concentrate most of your presentation on the content of the extract, rather than the
context. Therefore, learn to summarize the place of the extract in the work in one or two sentences. You
can use phrases such as:

 This extract comes from the introduction/ rising action / falling action of…
 The extract depicts the climax of…
 The action in the extract takes place during the resolution of…

c. Character:

In order to prepare your presentation, you can use one or more techniques from the list below. Think
about the characters in the extracts you have chosen. What techniques does the writer use in each

Ab o u t t h e c a r a c t e r :

 Ap p e a r a n c e
 P e r so n a l sp a c e a n d p o sse ssi o n s
 B e h a vi o u r
 Th o u g h t s a n d fe e l i n g
 Sp e e c h a n d id ea s
 R e a c t i o n s o f o t h e r s t o t h e c h a r a ct e r

Moreover, in the extracts you have chosen, you can also examine the descriptive language used by the
writer to portray some aspect of each character´s personality. What do the specific words and phrases
used in the extract tell you about the character?

As a practice, you can draw up a list of 5-10 adjectives to describe the personalities of the most
important characters in each book and justify your vocabulary to yourself.

d. Theme:

In the literary works you are studying in English B higher level, what themes do the writers explore? It
might be very helpful here to consider how the books link to the themes in the English B syllabus.

Look at this list above and identify the themes found in the books you are reading.

Adapted from Morley, K. (2020). Oxford IB Prepared: English B: IB Diploma Programme. Oxford University Press.

Activity 3: The following information was taken from the text “Practising Note Taking and Making Bullet Points”.
Analyze it and share ideas with your partners.

 … to interpret a literary extract as well as to have accurate information to…

 However, you must concentrate most of your presentation on the content of the extract …
 Moreover, in the extracts you have chosen, you can also examine the descriptive language used by…

Do you recognize the grammar behind those expressions? Please explain:


Activity 4: Now, let´s analyze the language presented here LINKING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:


In brief
Moreover Nevertheless In my opinion For instance In fact To sum up Like
Furthermor Whereas I think In other words So that As a result Similar to
e Apart from In conclusion

Activity 5: Now, it is time to check what you have learned. Use the information from the text “Practising
Note Taking and Making Bullet Points” to classify the LINKING WORDS:


Activity 6: Now let´s read two extracts from the book: The Giver by Lois Lowry


THE GIVER By Lois Lowry

“What’s that?”
“Well, it’s the last of the Ceremonies, as you know. After Twelve, age isn’t important. Most of us even
lose track of how old we are as time passes, though the information is in the Hall of Open Records, and
we could go and look it up if we wanted to. What’s important is the preparation for adult life, and the
training you’ll receive in your Assignment.”
“I know that,” Jonas said. “Everyone knows that.”
“But it means,” his mother went on, “that you’ll move into a new group. And each of your friends will.
You’ll no longer be spending your time with your group of Elevens. After the Ceremony of Twelve, you’ll
be with your Assignment group, with those in training. No more volunteer hours. No more recreation
hours. So your friends will no be as close.”
Jonas shook his head. “Asher and I will always be friends,” he said firmly. “And there will still be school.”
“That’s true,” his father agreed. “But what your mother said is true as well. There will be changes.”
“Good changes, though,” his mother pointed out. “After my Ceremony of Twelve, I missed my childhood
recreation. But when I entered my training for Law and Justice, I found myself with people who shared
my interests. I made friends on a new level, friends of all ages.”
“Did you still play at all, after Twelve?” Jonas asked.
“Occasionally,” his mother replied. “But it didn’t seem as important to me.”
“I did,” his father said, laughing. “I still do. Every day, at the Nurturing Center, I play bounce-on-the-knee,
and peek-a-boo, and hug-the-teddy.” He reached over and stroked Jonas’s neatly trimmed hair. “Fun
doesn’t end when you become Twelve.”
Lowry, L. (1993). The Giver


THE GIVER By Lois Lowry

“This morning we celebrated the release of Roberto,” she told him. “It was wonderful.”
“I knew Roberto!” Jonas said. “I helped with his feeding the last time I was here, just a few weeks ago. He was a
very interesting man.”
Larissa opened her eyes happily. “They told his whole life before they released him,” she said. “They always do.
But to be honest,” she whispered with a mischievous look, “some of the tellings are a little boring. I’ve even
seen some of the Old fall asleep during tellings — when they released Edna recently.
Did you know Edna?” Jonas shook his head. He couldn’t recall anyone named Edna.
“Well, they tried to make her life sound meaningful. And of course,” she added primly, “all lives are meaningful,
I don’t mean that they aren’t. But Edna. My goodness.
She was a Birthmother, and then she worked in Food Production for years, until she came here. She never even
had a family unit.”
Larissa lifted her head and looked around to make sure no one else was listening. Then she confided, “I don’t
think Edna was very smart.” Jonas laughed. He rinsed her left arm, laid it back into the water, and began to
wash her feet. She Murmured with pleasure as he massaged her feet with the sponge.
“But Roberto’s life was wonderful,” Larissa went on, after a moment. “He had been an Instructor of Elevens —
you know how important that is — and he’d been on the Planning Committee. And — goodness, I don’t know
how he found the time — he also raised two very successful children, and he was also the one who did the
landscaping design for the Central Plaza. He didn’t do the actual labor, of course.”

Lowry, L. (1993). The Giver

Activity 07: Now, read again and analyze the content of each extract.
Extract A
1. Which alternative summarizes what occurs in the extract?

a. The event this extract shows is when Jonas is talking with his parents
and he doesn´t accept the Twelve ceremony. D
b. This episode happens when Jonas realizes that he has to choose a
Job for living and without a possibility to change it in the future.
c. The event comes in a moment where the family members are
concerned about Twelve ceremony and suggest Lily not to worry about it.
d. This scene portrays us an event where Jonas is next to his family and
he shares his feelings with them. Although, he didn´t want to do it at the beginning.

2. How do people get their jobs in Jonas’ community?


3. Jonas´s life will be different after the ceremony of 12. How will it change? (Cite phrases,
quotes, examples from the extract, etc.)

4. What do you think of individual choices? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Do you feel that
it happens in Jonas’s life? Yes/No.

Activity 08: Let´s analyze another extract and their main ideas.
Extract B.

1. What does “released” mean in the story? In what situations is someone released?
2. Where is Jonas? What does he do in his free time?


3. Mention another scene where released is discussed in the story (Chapters1-4). Provide examples.

4. Where do you think that Roberto goes at the end of the extract?

VOCABULARY: MATCH the words with the correct option.
a. Agree E A. Neat, tidy, and attractive

b. Look up B B. search for and find a piece of information in a book or database.

c. Assignment D C. to direct attention toward something.

d. point out C D. Job or occupation given to someone.

e. trim(med) A E. If two or more people have the same opinion


a. Feeding C A. Significant

b. meaningful A B. To achieve something.

c. successful B C. the act of giving food to a person or an animal


Activity 9: You will perform the SUPERVISED PREPARATION TIME. To do that, you need to
choose an extract in order to write your bullet points. Now that you have chosen 1
extract, you will have 20 minutes to prepare the information you will present in your
presentation. Write 5 - 8 bullet points based mainly on the events, characters, ideas
and themes within the extract.
Activity 10: It is to reflect about your writing task from Activity 9. Complete this self-evaluation checklist.

Writing Task

1. I Include 5-8 bullet points, at least, in my preparation.

2. I include ideas using the four concepts to identify the

main ideas.
3. I focus on content of the extract, rather than
the context.

4. The vocabulary I use is appropriated to the

task, varied, including the use of linking words
and expressions.
5. I use a variety of basic and more complex
grammatical structures effectively.


 What was the most difficult part from this lesson?

 What can I do to improve my weaknesses?


- Finding Main Ideas and Supporting Details Example. (January 27th, 2013). Retrieved on August 23rd, 2021 from
- International Baccalaureate Organization. (2020). Language B Guide First Assessment 2020. Geneva: Author
- Morley, K. (2020). Oxford IB Prepared: English B: IB Diploma Programme. Oxford University Press.
- Murphy, R. (1990). Basic Grammar in Use. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.
- Orwell, G (1944). Animal Farm.
- Saa’d AlDin, K. & Morley, K. (2018). English B Course companion, (2nd ed.). United Kingdom: Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

Conca, B., Manchego, U., Vega, K., and Tineo, H. (2021) COAR Teachers: Peru

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