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Publisher: Mr.V. Jayaprakash, Sr. ED • Designed and Executed by: IAMSRINI Consulting • Phone: 96000 77111

1. Message from Chairman ----------------------------------------- 4

2. Editorial By Dr.S. Prakash – MD--------------------------------- 5

3. COVID-19 and Diabetes – What is the connection?----------- 6

4. Mucor in COVID - Prevention & Management ---------------- 8

5. COVID-19 - In Children----------------------------------------- 10

6. Nutrition for Post COVID Patients---------------------------- 12

7. COVID-19 and Heart-------------------------------------------- 13

8. COVID-19 and Mental Health---------------------------------- 14

10. Post COVID Rehabilitation------------------------------------- 16

10. Physiotherapy--------------------------------------------------- 17

11. Role of Telemedicine------------------------------------------ 19

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the company or Publisher or the Editor or Members of the Editorial Board. The
Company or the Editor or Member is not in any way responsible for the result of any action taken by the reader
on the basis of articles published in the Magazine.
No part of this publication may be produced without the prior permission of the Publisher. All care has been taken
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Dear Valued Customer,

It gives me immense happiness to communicate with all of you through our

Star Health Magazine which caters specially to the needs of our policy holders.

As we come to the end of the second wave of COVID-19 , we need to be aware of the
complications post COVID and ways and means to tackle the challenges faced.

Hence, to provide the right information, we have come out with interesting articles
from learned experts in this field talking about how to deal with the sequelae post
COVID in this edition, which is aptly titled as: Tackling the Challenges - Post COVID.

Our customers form our topmost priority and we stand with all of you during these
testing times of the Pandemic.
Always at your service,
With kind regards,

Chairman & CEO 4
Tackling the Challenges
Beloved Policy holder,
During the current testing times of COVID -19 Pandemic, there is an infodemic-information
overflow through various sources hence one must have the right information in hand at the
right time. This will help in facing the pandemic with adequate preparedness.
To this effect, for our most valued customers we have come out with interesting articles from
learned experts in this edition titled: Tackling the Challenges-Post COVID.
Post - COVID recovery requires a multidisciplinary approach involving breathing exercises,
nutritional support, physiotherapy and rehabilitation which are the areas of prime focus in the
current issue.
In addition, please note that vaccination can be taken 90 days after COVID infection in those
who have not been vaccinated earlier.
I would like to highlight that during this pandemic our Telemedicine service Talk to STAR has
been a boon to our customers. Hence this issue also focuses on the role of Telemedicine.
I’m confident that the information provided will dispel all the myths and equip our customers
with all the latest updates in the road to recovery Post COVID-19.


Managing Director
At your service, always. 5
M.D., FRCP (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Ireland),
Ph.D., D.Sc. D.Sc (Hon. Causa), FNASc, FASc, FNA,
Awarded Padma Shri by Govt. of India
Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre & Madras
Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai, India.

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic was first 1. Through stress, anxiety and depression.
reported from Wuhan in China, it is quite It is very well known that any severe form of
clear that it is people with comorbidities stress can lead to hyperglycemia and even
such as uncontrolled diabetes who fare badly. to overt diabetes. This form of diabetes is
Now we know that there is a bidirectional called as ‘stress induced diabetes’. This
link between COVID–19 and diabetes. Thus, is due to the excess counter regulatory
uncontrolled diabetes can aggravate the hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine,
COVID–19 and increase the risk of cortisol which antagonize the action of
hospitalizations, complications and the insulin and thereby produce diabetes.
mortality. Conversely, a link between COVID–19
and new onset diabetes has also been reported.

How does COVID-19 lead to Diabetes?

This can be through 4 mechanisms :
1. Due to stress, anxiety and depression
2. Due to changes in lifestyle, consequent to
the lockdown
2. Changes in lifestyle, consequent to the
3. Use of steroids to treat COVID
4. Direct viral injury to the pancreatic beta
During lockdown, people stay at home and
their usual physical activity is drastically
reduced. Some of them also tend to overeat, 6
as they are bored sitting at home or due Increased testing of blood sugar (self-monitoring
to the anxiety or depression. It has been of blood glucose – SMBG) or using Continuous
reported that there is a marked increase Glucose Monitoring (CGM) would help to ensure
in the obesity levels, both in adults and in that all the parameters of glycemic control
children. This can lead to diabetes. are kept within limits. The fasting blood sugar
should be <110 mg/dl, the postprandial blood
sugar <160mg/dl, the HbA1c less than 7% and
the ‘Time in Range’ measured by continuous
glucose monitoring should be over 70%. This
will ensure that even if one gets the COVID
infection, it may not take a serious turn.

3. Steroids
It is known that steroids used for COVID
treatment cause an acute increase in blood
sugar levels. It can induce new onset of
diabetes and also worsen pre-existing diabetes.
4. Direct viral injury to the pancreatic beta
cells Mucormycosis: the new link between
The third and the most intriguing connection diabetes and COVID-19
between COVID-19 and diabetes is direct injury The new fear after the treatment of COVID-19
to the pancreatic betacells but more studies is contracting a severe disease known as
are needed on this. mucormycosis, a serious, but rare, fungal
infection. Mucormycosis usually affects people
who have poor immunity and those with
uncontrolled diabetes have the highest risk
of developing it. If diabetes is well controlled
Mucormycosis can be prevented.

What lifestyle changes should those with

diabetes make?
To those with diabetes, my advice would
be to have a healthy diet which has a lot of
vegetables and less cereals (rice or chapati)
and include more protein in the form of bengal
gram, etc. They must also follow a regular
exercise programme. It is very important for
What should one do if one already has them to take their medicines regularly and
diabetes to try to prevent getting COVID-19 if the sugars are not under control, to switch
infection? over to insulin if needed, at least for a short
The most important thing is to follow all period. All these measures will help to effect
the usual precautions like social (physical) good control of diabetes which can reduce the
distancing, wearing a mask, avoiding crowded risk of serious COVID-19 infection.
places and following proper respiratory
Finally, vaccination will ensure that the risk
etiquette. In addition to these, however those
of developing severe COVID-19, requiring
with established diabetes should ensure that
hospitalisation can be drastically reduced.
their sugars are kept under good control. 7
Prof. Dr. R. Muthu Kumar, Mucor in COVID
Director & Professor of ENT,
Upgraded Institute of Otorhinolaryngology,
- Prevention &
Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital,
Madras Medical College, Chennai – 3 Management
What is a fungus?
Fungus is an organism which exist in forms such transplant, patients on cancer treatment and
as yeasts and molds, mushrooms etc. to a lesser extent in patients with HIV/AIDS .
Black fungus - Mucormycosis, also known Why is there a sudden increase?
as black fungus is an opportunistic, serious During the COVID-19 pandemic, unusually high
fungal infection, usually affecting people with number of mucormycosis infection has been
reported and this is thought to be related
reduced immunity (ability to fight infections).
to prolonged & high dose Steroid therapy for
It is called “black fungus” because fungus COVID-19.
causes black discoloration of the affected
How does it spread?
The fungal spores are present in the environment
and are common in soils, decomposing organic
matter (such as rotting fruit and vegetables)
and animal manure, but usually do not affect
people. It is not transmitted between people.
It can spread by inhalation during breathing,
contaminated food, or contamination of open

Is black fungus common infection?

It is usually rare, affecting fewer than 2 people
per million people each year.
Usually occurs in diabetic patients with
uncontrolled and persistently high blood sugar.
It is also seen in patients with chronic kidney
problems, patients on long term steroids
or immunosuppressant drugs like in organ 8
Common organs involved: How it is Diagnosed? : There is no blood test
Most commonly it involves nose, sinuses, eye that can confirm the diagnosis
& brain. It gets deposited in the nose and from Clinical examination by nasal endoscopy, eye
there it can spread to eyes and brain. examination, imaging like MRI
It can infect the lungs, stomach and intestines, Biopsy of affected tissue with a fungal studies
and skin. and culture.
It causes blockage of blood vessels, tissue Treatment
death and spreads on the dead tissue, in our
Surgical removal of fungus and dead tissue
and treatment with antifungal drugs like
Common symptoms: Depend on the location in amphotericin B.
the body.
Preventive measures
Wearing a face mask in dusty areas, washing
hands, avoiding direct contact with stagnant
water and protection of skin, feet and hands
where there is exposure to soil or manure
during activities like gardening or certain
outdoor work.

When sinuses are involved :

• Headache, facial swelling and pain, fever,
loss of smell, with nasal obstruction and
blood stained or blackish nasal discharge
• Toothache, loosening of teeth, loss of
sensation over the cheek, black discoloration
Public needs to be aware of the early symptoms
of palate
and signs of mucormycosis specially after
• Common eye symptoms are – Redness & eye COVID treatment so that the affected people
pain, blurred vision, swollen and bulging of can get early treatment.
• Adequate diabetic (sugar) control
• Avoid prolonged usage of high dose of

Why Preventive measures are important?:

The treatment may be required for a prolonged
period involving frequent surgeries to remove
the fungus and costly antifungal drugs resulting
in financial burden.
The fungus can cause damage to important
organs - loss of sight, damage to the brain and
When lungs are involved: Chest pain, cough lungs and may also result in the death of the
with hemoptysis (coughing up blood) patients. 9
- In Children

Dr. Arvind Kumar

Director and HOD, Paediatrics,
Fortis Hospital,
Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi.

The pandemic has affected 120 million people What are the symptoms of COVID-19 in
worldwide. About 12% of those affected are Children?
children and adolescents. After a downward Some Children may not have any symptoms.
trend, cases are on the increase once again. However, others may display fever, cough,
In view of this upward trend in fresh cases, sore throat, headache, diarrhea and vomiting.
here are answers to some frequently asked Older Children may complain of loss of taste
questions about COVID-19 in Children. and smell. Babies may have trouble feeding.
Can children get COVID-19? Do children have serious symptoms?
Yes, Children of any age group can get infected. Serious symptoms are seen in Children with
However compared to adults, they are less genetic health problems or in those with
likely to get seriously ill. neurological disorders, congenital disorders,
heart disease, obesity, diabetes, kidney and
Can children spread the virus to other
lung disease.
Once infected they can spread the virus. This How are children with COVID-19 treated?
can be dangerous for elderly people in the The majority of Children can be cared for at
house. home and treatment is mainly symptomatic.
Children with the following symptoms need
• Trouble breathing
• Pain in the chest
• Blue lips or nails
• Confusion
• Poor feeding in infants 10
How can I prevent my child from getting Can COVID-19 lead to other problems?
Yes. Very rarely, children may develop
• Practice social distancing, Children above post-COVID-19 complications, also called
two years of age should wear a mask in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome.
• Hands should be washed with soap and
water often.
• Hands should not touch the face.
Can a mother with COVID-19 feed her

Yes, She can. The mother should wear a mask

while feeding and wash her hands with soap
and water before touching the baby.

How about the COVID-19 vaccine for my

None of the present vaccines are recommended • Prolonged fever
for children. However, trials for efficacy and • Pain in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea
safety are going on.
• Rash on the body
What about other routine vaccines? • Red eyes
Routine vaccines should not be deferred. • Breathing trouble
Vaccinations should be done as per schedule – • Confusion and irritability
in consultation with your doctor.
Early recognition and treatment can prevent
Can I send my Child to School? long-term complications and mortality.
The decision to send your child to School is
complicated because children do not maintain
social distancing or wear masks. Till such that
the COVID-19 pandemic is under control, it is
better to avoid school. 11
Nutrition for Post
COVID Patients

Dr. Asiya
Joint VP and
Ms Raji
Health Coach (Wellness Team)

Nutrition for Post Covid patient: seeds, meat, chicken fish and eggs will get
Although most people fully recover from you enough vitamins and minerals to help in
COVID-19, there are some who continue recovery process
to suffer symptoms for months. There are, • Include whole-grain cereals like millet,
however, some things that these COVID ‘long- brown rice, peanut, nuts and starchy
haulers’ can do to help improve their health. vegetables like potato, sweet potato. This
Having recovered from corona virus infection, helps to increase calorie intake and energies
some people continue to experience symptoms
• Citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C
in what has become known as ‘long COVID’.
which helps in the production of antibodies
According to some estimates, there are and fights infection. Green Vegetables help
millions of people worldwide affected by what to strengthen the immune system
can be debilitating symptoms such as fatigue, • In addition to those already stated Indian
headache, brain fog, muscle aches, persistent
spices have significant immune-boosting
shortness of breath and, in some cases,
qualities because they are packed with
diarrhea or loss of smell and taste.
photochemical and bioactive compounds,
Your body has been fighting an invader for adding these to our diet and drinking herbal
the last 15-20 days. It fought back with all drinks like green tea, herbal tea, turmeric
of its might and ammunition, so though the milk may help to boost your immunity
virus is gone, the damage must be repaired.
• Zinc is another Nutrient that supports
While dealing with the after effects of
immune health. Good Sources of Zinc
strong medication, decreased energy, and
include rajma, channa almonds, pumpkin
loss of muscular mass: appetite must be re-
seeds, chicken and cow milk
• Infections cause dehydration. It is important
The best way to recover from Post-COVID
to rehydrate when you are recovering. Drink
malnutrition and weakness is to eat a well-
8-10 Glasses of water every day and keep
balanced diet. Here are some recommendations
Juices, Soups and other healthy drinks like
for what to eat & other GENERAL TIPS.
(tender coconut water, buttermilk) a part
What to eat after Covid of your daily diet
• It is Important to eat and drink lots of
Note: Nutritional recommendations will depend
fluids when you are recovering from a Viral
on individual physical activity and disease
related symptoms, including comorbidities
• Eating more protein-rich foods like lentils, such as Diabetes Mellitus and Kidney disease.
legumes, milk and Milk products, soy, nuts, 12

Dr. Refai Showkath Ali

MRCP(UK), FRCP(London) CCT in cardio (UK)
Senior Interventional Cardiologist
Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

The Pandemic of Novel corona-virus disease heart chambers and blood vessels of the
2019 (COVID-19) caused by corona-virus 2 heart and lungs. (Coronary artery thrombus
(SARS-CoV-2) has been rapidly spreading leading to heart attack and also Pulmonary
worldwide, exhausting the health care system. thromboembolism).
Though it commonly manifests with respiratory
So what would be the signs suggesting severe
symptoms, multiple organ involvement has been
involvement or when to seek medical care?
reported. Cardiac Patients are at an increased
risk of infection and sequelae. So those with If you have shortness of breath, chest
underlying Cardiac disease, Hypertension, discomfort, extreme fatigue or swelling of
Cardiac transplant patients should take extra the legs or abdominal bloating, you should
caution to avoid getting infected. see a doctor. Like any other viral infection,
these changes can be transient and improve
In this article we focus on the effects of this eventually with treatment.
virus and Post-vaccination effects on people
with normal heart. Very few cases of clots in the blood vessels
of heart have been reported which may need
COVID-19 infection causes our body to produce emergency treatment.
an overactive immune response which can
lead to increased inflammation throughout the So is there any way to prevent these events
body. Inflammation can affect the heart muscle from occurring with more population getting
leading to a condition known as Myocarditis. vaccinated eventually?
This can impair the heart’s ability to pump There are no specific guidelines addressing this
blood and send electric signals. It can be mild problem as of now. It is recommended to have
such as fluctuations in heart rate (tachycardia- adequate hydration and being slightly physically
increased heart rate or Bradycardia- active (than just lying in the bed) both Post-
reduced heart rate) which is seen during the infection and also Post-vaccination. Use of
symptomatic phase and also post recovery in blood thinners (antiplatelet or anticoagulants)
some. Myocarditis with heart rate variations for a week post-vaccination and atleast for 3
has been seen in some of the patients who had weeks in those recovering from COVID-19 will
COVID-19. Severe forms of Myocarditis can lead also help to prevent this clot formation. [Please
to heart failure (hearts ability to pump blood seek your doctors Guidance regarding this]
throughout the body declines). There is no need for doing multiple blood
Also COVID-19 infection results in thrombotic tests before going for COVID-19 vaccination.
state (increased risk of forming blood clots), COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for
and these clots have been noted inside the everyone now in India above the age of 18. 13
Mental Health

Dr. Bhargav M.D

Consultant Psychiatrist

Research says around 20% of COVID-19 patients What might be the reason behind this?
have developed mental health issues. But the • During the pandemic and long lockdown
fact is everyone of us who witnessed and have period we all experienced, disturbed
been through this pandemic are psychologically routines, restrictive measures like
impacted and it ranges from a mild degree quarantine which made us socially deprived,
symptoms like mood-swings to severe forms of experienced stress mild to severe degrees
Anxiety (Corona phobia) and depression. of for long time almost 6-8 months
What are the common symptoms of
psychological issues?
● Fear and intense worry about your own
health and the health of your loved ones and
associated sadness, anger or frustration.
● Changes in sleep or eating patterns
● Difficulty in concentrating
● Worsening of chronic health problems
● Increased use of alcohol, tobacco or other
● Stress from the experience of intense self-
Now as a result of such long duration of
monitoring or being monitored by others
disturbed life process we should agree the
● After hearing the news about vaccines fact that naturally we become vulnerable to
most of us think we are at the end of psychological issues especially in the post
pandemic but understand that it’s not yet pandemic period and need to take necessary
over. Because the negative impact on the measures to maintain our emotional wellbeing.
psychological as well as physical health this
COVID pandemic has caused will have long- How to survive this psychological health
term consequences on individuals, families crisis during the pandemic and post
and community as a whole especially pandemic?
research predicts that there will be a A. Still the pandemic is on and if you are
tsunami of psychiatric illness in the after worried and anxious about COVID,
COVID pandemic 14
following these 4 guidelines will help • Adopt a positive mindset and hopeful
promoting mental health and resilience. outlook: positive emotions trigger emotional
• Firstly take steps to reduce your exposure well-being, feeling good, reduce stress and
to the negative news or false information on a better mood, every cloud has a silver
social media. You become more distressed lining.
if you witness repeated images of a disaster • Be active physically focus on physical
in the media, so take break and rely on health: it helps to maintain an excellent
trusted sources of information like CDC, mind body connection and bring about a
WHO etc., will insulate you from rumours positive effect on your brain.
and will help to get a clear picture and see
how things are changing.
• Second is, recognise the negative/anxiety
provoking thoughts and figure out what
are the few things that you can do most
effectively to reduce this unnecessary
thoughts and to avoid getting trapped in

• De-condition your fear: instead of trying

to cover up or ignore the fear, eliminate it
by addressing the fear by recognizing your
feelings or thoughts and question if those
thoughts are necessary or just irrational.
(this helps your mind to organize and filter
unnecessary thoughts)
• Develop healthy coping styles like meditation
/yoga/simple breathing exercises / thought
journaling etc to destress your mind.
• Staying connected and sharing the feelings • Finally make sure you follow the healthy
with the supportive family member or friend routines like frequent hand wash and other
helps you to release stress (Essentially measures as usual.
social distancing does not have to mean
social isolation, especially with modern
technologies available you can still be
• Seek professional help if you feel
overwhelmed or concerned that COVID-19
is affecting your ability to care for your
family, or to carry out your responsibilities
at the work place as you did before the
B. The major challenge we are going to face
is to survive the new normal, How to • Seek professional help from psychologist
survive with confidence? or psychiatrist in case you face difficulty
Socrates had once stated the secret of to restart your new normal with a healthy
change is to focus all of your energy not mind.
on finding the old but on building the new Hope this information will enable you
perhaps there is nothing more apt than this to get on top of all of this and play a
statement in todays world. responsible role in the society. 15
Rehabilitation for COVID -19 Patients

Dr.G. Balamurali
Consultant Spine and Neurosurgeon
Kauvery Hospital

Why rehabilitation? 1. Respiratory training

Rehabilitation has a positive effect on health 2. Strength training
outcomes of patients with severe COVID-19. 3. Gait training
It achieves this through optimizing health and 4. Balance training
functioning outcomes.The aim of rehabilitation 5. ADL training (Activity of Daily Living –
is to improve recovery, reduce disability and Dressing, self-hygiene, eating etc)
several consequences of various compilations 6. Cognitive training
related post hospitalization or post ICU stay
7. Functional training
such as:
8. Speech and swallowing therapy
1. Physical impairments
9. Psychological counselling - stress
2. Cognitive impairments management
3. Swallow impairments 10.Diet counselling
4. Psychosocial support
Who will provide therapy?
Who needs Rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary approach
It is evident that older people and people by a team of therapist who are:
with pre-existing comorbidities (Diabetes,
Hypertension, Cardiac problems) are at higher 1. Rehabilitation physician
risk for more severe illness. Rehabilitation 2. Physiotherapist
can be beneficial in these populations to 3. Occupational Therapist
maintain their prior levels of functionality and 4. Speech and Language Therapist
independence. 5. Psychologist
What are the benefits of Rehabilitation? 6. Dietician
1. Improve recovery 7. Nurses
2. Reduce disability How long will a patient need therapy?
3. Early discharge
Therapy should be started from the time of
4. Reduce risk of admission admission until discharge. Following discharge
What therapies will be provided? patients must follow the instructions given by
COVID-19 disease affects many systems in the the therapist and specialist and continue them.
body and after a period of hospitalisation either Some patients will need follow up and therapy
on the ward or Intensive care unit patient will for up to 6 -12 weeks after discharge or longer
need the following therapies: in rare cases. 16

Asst. Prof. G. Sakthivelan

Senior Consultant

Certain People who have had COVID-19 you take long, slow, deep breaths, like
experience some difficulty in carrying out their natural sighing or yawning.
day to day activities. Aim of physiotherapy is to • Patient can use the incentive spirometer for
improve their mobility and functioning. 15 minutes throughout the day, this can be
Benefits of Rehabilitation in COVID-19 broken down into three different sessions.
Patients: Rehabilitation can reduce Intensive How to use the incentive spirometer.
Care Unit - admission related complications,
Sit upright in a chair or at the edge of your bed.
such as Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS),
Hold the incentive spirometer in an upright
Intensive care unit acquired weakness (ICUAW).
position. Breathe out normally.
Specific Physiotherapy Interventions: Standing
Balance and walking Exercises. Place the mouth piece in your mouth and seal
your lips tightly around it.
Regular Exercise: (Depending on Patients
Capacity as guided by the treating doctor) Breathe in slowly and as deeply as possible.
Cardio exercise: Marching in place, Single leg
standing, Jogging in place, Dancing to music,
Arm circles, Jumping with arm swing, squat
and jumps, Stair climbing.


Breathing Exercises
• The muscles that help you breathe need to
be strengthened as you recover from your
lung infection. These muscles include the
diaphragm as well as the muscles in the
chest wall.
• Patient should receive an incentive Notice the ball or piston rising to ward the
spirometer when you were discharged from top of the column. Hold your breath as long as
the hospital. This device helps to strengthen possible (atleast for 5 seconds).
the breathing muscles and open up the air Take the mouth-piece out of your mouth and
spaces in your lungs. It is designed to help exhale slowly and allow the piston to fall to the
bottom of the column. 17
Rest for a few seconds and repeat steps one Breathe in through both nostrils, close the right
to five at least 10 times. Position the indicator nostril and breathe out completely through the
on the side of the spirometer to show your left nostril.
best effort. Use the indicator as a goal to work
Breathe in through the left nostril and then
toward during each slow deep breath.
close with the ring finger. Release the thumb
After each set of 10 deep breaths, cough to be on the right nostril and breathe out through
sure your lungs are clear. the right nostril. Inhale through the right
Diaphragmatic Breathing nostril, close with the thumb, release the ring
finger from the left side and exhale through
Lie on your back with your head on a pillow
and a pillow under the knees, or your knees the left nostril. These four steps constitute one
may be bent. round of Alternate Nostril Breathing. Keep your
breath even, slow and gentle.
Put one hand on your chest and one hand on
your belly. Perform 5 to 9 rounds of this alternating breath
between the nostrils.

Breathe deeply through your nose, allowing

your chest and belly to expand, and out through
your mouth. Perform for 1 minute.
Then, rest for 30 seconds.
• Alternate nostril breathing- On an CONCLUSION: Exercise daily, follow safety
exhalation, close the right nostril with your
thumb and breathe out through the left measures & stay healthy.
nostril. 18
Dr. S Dheeraj Krishnaa
Head - Telemedicine
Role of Telemedicine
As the COVID-19 Epidemic Scaled Exponentially Based on the AIIMS/ICMR Guidelines asymptomatic
across the world the need of the hour is for and mild cases are advised home quarantine.
expanded use of Telemedicine. These individuals were regularly followed up
Telemedicine has demonstrated its advantages in (Temperature / Oxygen Saturation / Pulse/
distance-based treatment during this pandemic. Presence or absence of respiratory distress) on
Telemedicine is therefore the most feasible and a daily basis via teleconsultation every day for a
acceptable mode for delivering care to individuals period of fourteen days. This will also ensure early
of diverse age group, social, economic and preventive interventions for these group of patients
geographical backgrounds. and their relatives. Patients with Moderate-severe
illness are advised hospitalization. In this way
telemedicine acts as an effective 2nd opinion for
our customers.

The Department of Telemedicine in Star Health

Insurance was inaugurated on the 15th of February
2020 as an Exclusive free value added service for Patients who are discharged from the hospitals
our policy holders. Ever since its inception policy are followed up via teleconsultations and given
holders and our employees have been provided free wellness advise.
medical consultation through our multi-linguistic
doctors of Star Telehealth. However, from the During the Pandemic - Telemedicine consultation
onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 the saved time and cost, prevented unnecessary
department of Telemedicine witnessed significant admission by early diagnosis and Home isolation of
increase in the volume of teleconsultations. COVID-19 patients. As of date we have successfully
Policy Holders, employees and General public completed 50000 plus COVID consultations, and
with symptoms could consult through online Monitored 18000 plus home quarantines.
consultation services by calling the number Hence in this pandemic do not Panic if you are
76 76 905 905 asymptomatic or if symptoms are mild, please
The team of doctors conduct preliminary utilize our Covid helpline - 76 76 905 905 and be
assessment of patients online and give suggestions reassured.
to continue to stay at home or get admitted. 19

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