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Full name: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên

Student’s ID: 19DH711573

Advantages of using Facebook on teenagers
Body 1
Facebook is one of the most popular and favorite choice for teenagers to
associate with their family or friends. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark
Zuckerberg because of the urge wanting to connect everybody. Zuckerberg
(2004) cited in Kirkpatrick (2010) stated that “Thefacebook is an online
directory that connects people through social networks at colleges. You can use
Thefacebook to: Search for people at your school; Find out who are in your
classes; Look up your friends’ friends; See a visualization of your social
network.” (2010:30). The more modern the world becomes, the busier people
become. Teenagers are busy with their study while their parents are busy with
their work so they do not have much time to interact with anyone else. They do
not have the time to sit down and gather around with family. But with
Facebook, youngsters can easily chat with their family at recess so they will not
feel distance when they are too busy with life. Youngsters can connect with
family, friends and even get a chance to find new people in different locations
around the world without difficulty. Shih (2011) stated that Facebook provides
chances for people all around the world to interact, communicate and befriend
with one another. In fact, on Facebook we will be able to meet various people
sharing the same interests like us and this is a great thing. Expanding more
relationship might be helpful for teenagers in the future. Facebook is also
known for helping people find their dates according to Kirkpatrick (2010) that
is from the start, the hormones of young adults drove a lot of activity on
Facebook . Because this social-network is powered by over one billion active
users and this actually makes it easier for someone to find a date that shares
common interests or hobbies with him/her. And they might meet their destined
person, the one will go with them for the rest of their life. When people want to
communicate with their friends or family abroad. They are no longer need to
post mails which need a lot of time and money. Facebook provides several
features such as chatting, personal messaging, and photo sharing which enable
us to share information with other Facebook users easily. Facebook also
features a video-chatting tool that helps people to communicate using live
video-chats. This comforts a lot for adolescent who are studying abroad being
faraway from their beloved one. They will feel less lonely when they can video
call with their family and friends when they are at a foreign country without
any familiar people beside them. While face-to-face social contacts are
generally better for mental health than online talks, people with poor health can
not go outside to make relationship with others. Conlin (2020) stated that
Facebook provides a platform for building meaningful relationships online,
especially if the person is housebound. To conclude, Facebook has become
very popular today because it helps connect people all around the world
without problems.

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