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How to bake a Cake

Everyone at some point in their life has eaten a slice of cake no

matter the size, shape or flavour. Cakes are bought for different
events such as birthdays, weddings etc, but do you know how to
bake a cake on your own? This essay will outline the steps in
baking a simple white cake.

The First step is to get all the ingredients needed for baking the
cake. The ingredients needed are as follows;
(1) 3 cups all purpose
(2) 4 large eggs
(3) 2 cup white sugar
(4) 1 cup butter
(5) 1 cup milk
(6) 3 ¼ teaspoon vanilla

Next, preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204 degrees

Celsius). Grease a baking pan by rubber butter inside to avoid
the cake from sticking.

Then, in a medium bowl cream together the sugar and the butter.
Beat the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the
flour and the baking powder, and add to sugar, butter and egg
mixture and mix well. Finally and the milk and stir in the batter.
Then pour batter into the baking pan.

Bake for 1hr and 30 minutes in preheated oven.

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