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118 Congenital Anomalies 2008; 48, 118–125 doi:10.1111/j.1741-4520.2008.00191.


Congenital deformities and developmental abnormalities of the

mandibular condyle in the temporomandibular joint
Keiseki Kaneyama1, Natsuki Segami1, and Toshihisa Hatta2
Departments of 1Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and 2Molecular and Cell Structural Science, School of Medicine, Kanazawa Medical
University, Ishikawa, Japan

ABSTRACT The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) consists first trimester. This may result in aplasia or hypoplasia of the
of the mandibular condyle and the articular eminence of the mandibular condyle and its associated soft tissues (Thoma 1969;
temporal bone. The morphological development of the TMJ Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991). Meanwhile, a disturbance of the
during prenatal life lags behind other joints in terms of both the mandibular condyle during the normal growth period may result
timing of its appearance and its progress. At birth, the joint is still in condylar hyperplasia, which is caused by abnormal local
largely underdeveloped. There are many causes of the various growth stimulation (Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991; Tank et al.
growth disturbances and abnormalities of the mandibular 1998). These complexities, noted in the etiology and characteris-
condyle and related structures. Growth disturbances in the tics of abnormalities such as hypo- and/or hyperplasia of the
development of the mandibular condyle may occur in utero late mandibular condyle, have resulted in a variety of classifications
in the first trimester and may result in disorders such as aplasia (Bruce & Hayward 1968; Lauritzen et al. 1985; Obwegeser &
or hypoplasia of the mandibular condyle. Meanwhile, hyperpla- Makek 1986; Monahan et al. 2001; Poon et al. 2003; Singh &
sia of the mandibular condyle is not visible at birth and seems Bartlett 2005; Nitzan et al. 2008). Obwegeser and Makek (1986)
to be gradually acquired during growth. In the present review classified the asymmetry associated with mandibular condylar
article, the congenital abnormalities of the mandibular condyle hyperplasia into three categories according to mandibular asym-
are classified morphologically into three major groups and two metry. Mandibular hypoplasia is also a frequently encountered
subgroups from a clinical standpoint: (1) hypoplasia or aplasia of craniofacial difference and, according to developmental circum-
the mandibular condyle, including (i) primary condylar aplasia stances, can be classified into three groups: congenital; develop-
and hypoplasia, (ii) secondary condylar hypoplasia; (2) hyper- mental; and acquired (Singh & Bartlett 2005). Some reports have
plasia; and (3) bifidity. In addition, the molecular-based etiology been published regarding patients with syndromic congenital
of anomalies of the mandibular condyle is also discussed. mandibular hypoplasia (Lauritzen et al. 1985; Monahan et al.
2001; Poon et al. 2003; Singh & Bartlett 2005). However, there
Key Words: first and second branchial arch syndrome, Goldenhar have been no investigations of ‘non-syndromic’ patients. Further,
syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, Hurler’s syndromes, no reports have discussed hypoplasia, aplasia, and hyperplasia of
Treacher Collins syndrome the mandibular condyle together. It might be difficult to discuss
them together on the basis of certain criteria. Therefore, in the
INTRODUCTION present article, we attempted to classify congenital deformities
and developmental abnormalities of the mandibular condyle into
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is unique in the body and
three major groups and two subgroups from a morphological and
consists of the mandibular condyle and the articular eminence of the
clinical standpoint: (1) hypoplasia or aplasia, including (i) primary
temporal bone (Cleall 1980; Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991). A fibrous
condylar aplasia and hypoplasia; (ii) secondary condylar hypopla-
disc is situated between the mandibular condyle and the articular
sia; (2) hyperplasia; and (3) bifidity (Table 1). The morphology
eminence, dividing the joint into two compartments. TMJ is con-
of the mandibular condyle was examined by radiography and
sidered a ginglymus diarthrodial joint with both rotational and
computed tomography (CT) (Bishara et al. 1994; Monahan et al.
translatory movement. The rigid mandibular connection between
2001). That is, panoramic and postero-anterior radiographs are
the two compartments prevents unilateral motion (Cleall 1980).
useful for surveying the shapes of the mandibular rami and
Unlike other synovial joints, TMJ is also bilaterally diarthrodial (i.e.
condyles on both sides because the midlines of the face and den-
the left and right sides must function together).
tition can be recorded and evaluated. The lateral radiograph pro-
There are many causes of the various unilateral and bilateral
vides useful information, such as ramal height and mandibular
growth disturbances of the mandibular condyle and its related
condyle length. CT can also provide a three-dimensional rendition
structures (Sarnat 1969; Thoma 1969). Any alteration in the
of both the soft tissue of the face and the underlying bone. This
condyle’s size or shape affects the TMJ. A more general distur-
classification involves not only ‘syndromic’ but also ‘non-
bance, deriving from changes in the mandibular condyle, results
syndromic’ patients. Hypoplasia and hyperplasia of the mandibu-
in facial abnormalities. Such a disturbance in the development of
lar condyle are also discussed together in this article. To the best
the mandibular condyle and fossa may occur in utero late in the
of our knowledge, there no such reports have been published pre-
viously, although our proposed classification appears in some text-
Correspondence: Keiseki Kaneyama, DDS, PhD, 1-1 Daigaku, Uchinada- books. In addition, the outline, epidemiology, clinical features,
machi, Kahoku-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture, 920-0293 Japan. Email: and etiology of congenital abnormalities of the mandibular condyle in the three groups were also reviewed, following the
Received January 28, 2008; revised and accepted May 20, 2008. overview of the normal development of the TMJ.

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Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Teratology Society
Congenital abnormalities of the TMJ 119

Table 1 Classification of the congenital deformities and develop- in harmony with the growth of the condyle and temporal fossa.
mental abnormalities of the mandibular condyle in the Neuromuscular changes and occlusal status are also reflected in
temporomandibular joint discrete bony and functional changes in the joint region.

Hypoplasia or aplasia of the mandibular condyle

Primary condylar aplasia and hypoplasia CLASSIFICATION OF CONGENITAL
Mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome) DEFORMITIES AND DEVELOPMENTAL
Hemifacial microsomia (first and second branchial arch ABNORMALITIES OF THE
Oculoauriculovertebral syndrome (Goldenhar syndrome) Hypoplasia or aplasia
Oculomandibulodyscephaly (Hallermann-Streiff syndrome) Hypoplasia or aplasia of the mandibular condyle indicates under-
development or nondevelopment associated mainly with various
Hurler’s syndrome
craniofacial abnormalities. These may be either congenital or
Secondary condylar hypoplasia acquired (Berraquero et al. 1995; Tank et al. 1998; Lee et al. 2001).
Hyperplasia Congenital condylar hypoplasia is characterized by unilateral or
Bifidity (double mandibular condyle, double-headed condyle) bilateral underdevelopment of the mandibular condyle, and usually
occurs as part of some systemic condition originating in the first
and second branchial arches, such as mandibulofacial dysostosis
(Table 1). Acquired (secondary) condylar hypoplasia may be
DEVELOPMENT OF THE caused by local factors (trauma, infection of the mandibular bone
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT or middle ear, irradiation) or by systemic factors (toxic agents,
rheumatoid arthritis, mucopolysaccharoidosis) (Tank et al. 1998).
Embryology of the temporomandibular joint Recent reports have shown that various extracellular matrix pro-
In contrast to other diarthrodial joints, during prenatal life the TMJ teins, such as transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b), play impor-
lags morphologically behind other synovial joints in both the timing tant roles affecting Meckel’s cartilage as a template for normal
of its appearance and its progress, so that at birth the joint is still mandibular development (Ito et al. 2002; Shibata et al. 2004; Tang
largely underdeveloped (Cleall 1980; Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991). & Rabie 2005). Prenatal jaw movement is also an important
TMJ is the last joint to start development, beginning at about the 7th mechanical factor in all processes of mandibular condyle formation
week in utero. The TMJ first appears in the 8th week of gestation, (i.e. proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of chondrocytes in
when two separate areas of mesenchymal blastemas appear near the the condylar cartilage [Matsuda et al. 1997; Habib et al. 2005]). In
eventual location of the mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa. The this section, hypoplasia or aplasia of the mandibular condyle is
mandibular condyle develops lateral and superior to Meckel’s car- classified into two major groups and five subgroups (Table 1).
tilage (Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991; Choi et al. 2007). Bone and
cartilage are first seen in the mandibular condyle at approximately
the 10th gestational week. First to appear is the condylar blastema, Primary condylar aplasia and hypoplasia
from which are derived the mandibular condyle cartilage, the apo- Aplasia of the mandibular condyle is a rare anomaly, and there are
neurosis of the lateral pterygoid muscle, and the disc and capsule not many reported cases of it. Any disturbance of the condylar
component composing the lower portion of the joint. Next is the cartilage that decreases its growth activity will result in underde-
temporal blastema, which eventually forms the articular surface of velopment of the mandible (Walker 1968; Sarnat 1969; Ferri et al.
the temporal component and the structures of the upper portion of 2006). Aplasia and hypoplasia of the mandibular condyle may
the joint (Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991). The mandibular condyle and result from some type of systemic or nonsystemic disturbance
temporal blastemas begin their growth at relatively distant sites, (Thoma 1969; Cohen 1995c,d). Aplasia and hypoplasia of the man-
they then move toward each other as the joint develops by the 12th dibular condyle may be associated with the microtia, part of the
week (Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991). The disc develops as a mesen- temporal bone, and the absence of the entire ramus (Fig. 1a–c).
chymal structure, with cells migrating from the condylar head, Bilateral aplasia and hypoplasia of the mandibular condyle lead to
temporal bone, and lateral pterygoid tendon (Ogütcen-Toller & the underdevelopment of the mandible, resulting in a lack of sym-
Juniper 1993; Carranza et al. 2006). The disc is a highly cellular metrical growth of the mandible, micrognathia characterized by
mesenchymal tissue that becomes progressively fibrous during fetal bird face, and a markedly short mandible (Fig. 1a,b,d–f). Aplasia
development. By 14th week of gestation, the morphogenesis of the and hypoplasia should be differentiated from hemifacial atrophy,
disc has progressed to reveal a thin intermediate zone and a general which involves both bone and soft tissue. Neurotrophic and trau-
thickening of the periphery. matic factors have been cited as possible causes of hemifacial
atrophy. This congenital defect belongs with those deficiencies
Postnatal development of the temporomandibular joint associated with the first branchial arch syndrome (Walker 1968;
At birth, the articular surfaces of both the mandibular condyle and Krogstad 1997; Santos et al. 2007). In this case of faulty specialized
temporal bones are covered with fibrous connective tissue. Later, cellular differentiation, the mandibular condyle may be absent
this tissue is slowly converted to fibrocartilage as the fossa deepens either as an isolated entity or in association with variable degrees of
and the mandibular condyle develops under functional influences the absence of the mandibular ramus and condyle (Walker 1968;
(Pruzansky 1968; Cleall 1980). Extensive remodeling occurs during Krogstad 1997; Santos et al. 2007). Additional abnormal conditions
postnatal life. Changes involving increases in the posterior slope of may involve the external or internal ear, temporal bone, zygoma,
the articular tubercle and in the depth of the mandibular fossa are angle of the mouth, and the overall covering soft tissue environ-
reported up to the fourth decade of life (Pruzansky 1968; Cleall ment. When an infant is born with neither a mandibular condyle nor
1980). Postnatal remodeling occurs in the bone adjacent to the joint a propensity to form one, the jaw is asymmetrical and deviating to

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Journal compilation © 2008 Japanese Teratology Society
120 K. Kaneyama et al.

Fig. 1 (a,d) frontal facial photograph and frontal views of a three-dimensional reconstructed image of the head and craniofacial skeletal structures of a
24-year-old patient with bilateral hypoplasia of the mandibular condyle. Note the facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation. (c) Panoramic
radiograph showing bilateral hypoplasia of mandibular condyles (circles) and shortened vertical ramus height (arrow). (b,e,f) Lateral facial photo-
graph, lateral views of three-dimensional reconstructed images of the head and craniofacial skeletal structures: (e) right side (f) left side. Note the
severe mandibular retrusion with microgenia and the decreased vertical ramus height (arrow) characterized by bird face.

the involved side. Developmental condylar aplasia and hypoplasia reflecting hypoplasia of zygoma, maxilla, and mandible with
with congenital syndrome were subdivided into the five types of variable effects on the temporomandibular joints and muscles of
lesions described below. mastication (Madhan & Nayar 2006). (ii) The mandible is under-
developed, resulting in a retruded chin. These facial features have
Mandibulofacial dysostosis (Treacher Collins syndrome) been described as birdlike or fishlike in morphology. (iii) The eyes
Mandibulofacial dysostosis (MFD) is a rare syndrome character- have a lateral downward sloping of the palpebral fissure. (iv) Exter-
ized by bilaterally symmetrical abnormalities derived from the first nal ears are often absent, malformed, or malposed. (v) Hearing is
and second branchial arches (Madhan & Nayar 2006; Magalhães impaired as a result of the variable degrees of hypoplasia of the
et al. 2007). It is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder that external auditory canals and ossicles of the middle ears.
arises from aberrations in the development of the facial structures
during histodifferentiation morphogenesis between approximately Hemifacial microsomia (first and second branchial
the 20th day and 12th week of intrauterine life. These aberrations arch syndrome)
result from the destruction of neural crest cells before they migrate Hemifacial microsomia (HM) is characterized by aplasia or hypo-
to form the facial processes (Magalhães et al. 2007). Patients with plasia of the mandibular ramus and/or condyle (Gorlin 1970;
MFD have also been found to be heterozygous for mutations in Shapiro & Gorlin 1970) (Fig. 2a). HM is a congenital condition in
the TCOF1 gene, which encodes the nucleolar phosphoprotein which the lower half of the face is unilaterally underdeveloped and
Treacle (Teber et al. 2004; Gonzales et al. 2005). Treacle is highly does not catch up with normal growth during childhood (Moulin-
expressed in the first and second branchial arches during early Romsée et al. 2004). HM is a common congenital lesion occurring
embryogenesis; these are branchial arches that give rise to struc- at a rate of 1 in every 3500 to 5600 births (Cohen 1995a,b; Moulin-
tures affected during early development in MFD patients (Gonzales Romsée et al. 2004). A synonym for HM is otomandibular dysos-
et al. 2005). MFD occurs in the range of 1 in 25 000 to 1 in 50 000 tosis. Although ‘hemifacial’ refers to half of the face, the condition
live births. In approximately 40% of cases, the transmission is of is bilateral in 31% of cases, with one side being more affected
autosomal-dominant character, with penetrance close to 100% and than the other (Cousley & Wilson 1992; Kane et al. 1997; Moulin-
variable expressivity (Magalhães et al. 2007). When the syndrome Romsée et al. 2004). In 48% of cases, the condition is part of a
is fully expressed, the diagnosis is easily made based on clinical larger syndrome, such as Goldenhar syndrome (Moulin-Romsée
characteristics alone, as follows. (i) The facial profile is convex, et al. 2004). The clinical picture of HM varies from a slight asym-

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Congenital abnormalities of the TMJ 121

mouse also supports the hypothesis that at least a proportion of

microtia and hemifacial microsomia occurrences have a genetic
influence mediated through mesenchymal disruptions and possibly
embryonic hemorrhages (Cousley et al. 2002; Hartsfield 2007).
This transgene insertion results in hemifacial microsomia, in-
cluding microtia and/or abnormal occlusion, transmitted as an
autosomal-dominant trait (Otani et al. 1991).
Oculoauriculovertebral syndrome (Goldenhar syndrome)
Oculoauriculovertebral syndrome (OAVS) is often considered a
variant of hemifacial microsomia. OAVS includes the characteristic
hypoplastic mandible (often asymmetric), along with epibulbar der-
moids and vertebral anomalies (Caccamese et al. 2006). OAVS is
now known to be extremely heterogeneous and complex. The
mildest form of this spectrum is expressed as microtia or as a
pre-auricular or auricular abnormality (Hirschfelder et al. 2004;
Caccamese et al. 2006). Involvement is not limited to facial struc-
tures, as renal, genitourinary, cardiac, and skeletal anomalies have
been reported to occur with variable frequency (Caccamese et al.
2006; Lima Mde et al. 2007). The incidence of OAVS in the general
population is approximately 1 in 5600. The oculo-auriculo-
vertebral spectrum has clear etiologic heterogeneity. Multiple chro-
mosomal abnormalities have been linked to this complex, the most
significant of which are deletion 5q, trisomy 18, and duplication 7q.
The constellation of anomalies seen in human hemifacial microso-
mia and associated conditions suggests an origin at about 30 to
45 days of gestation (Caccamese et al. 2006). Hematoma has many
causes, including maternal–fetal hypoxia, hypertension, and anti-
coagulants. It should be noted that although hematoma formation
Fig. 2 (a) 17-year-old patient with hemifacial microsomia on the right may explain the hemifacial microsomia phenotype in some spo-
mandibular condyle. Note the slight displacement of the chin radic cases, it does not explain familial inheritance or the multiple
midline to the affected right side. (b,c) Panoramic and frontal view malformations associated with OAVS.
radiographs suggestive of hypoplasia of the mandibular condyle on
the right side (circle) and shortened vertical ramus height (arrow). Oculomandibulodyscephaly (Hallermann-Streiff syndrome)
Facial asymmetry resulting from the reduced size of the right side The essential clinical manifestations of oculomandibulodyscephaly
can be seen.
(OMD), also called Hallermann-Streiff syndrome (HSS), are cran-
iofacial disproportion (birdlike face), bilateral congenital cataracts,
and bilateral microphthalmia. OMD is a congenital disease of
unknown etiology and is associated with proportionate nanism,
metry in the face to severe underdevelopment of half of the face hypotrichosis, atrophy of the skin, and dental abnormalities (Shiomi
with orbital implications and a partially or totally formed ear. The et al. 1999). OMD probably results from a developmental disorder,
chin and facial midline are off-center and deviate toward the which arises in the 5th to 6th gestational weeks (Nicholson &
affected side (Fig. 2b,c). The masticatory muscles that influence Menon 1995). The most likely hypothesis is that it is caused by a
facial expression are hypoplastic on the affected side. The degree of single mutant gene, with most cases representing fresh mutations
bone underdevelopment might be directly related to hypoplasia of (Nicholson & Menon 1995). Defect in elastin and abnormal glyco-
the muscle attached to it (Seow et al. 1998; Moulin-Romsée et al. protein metabolism have been reported as well (Nicholson &
2004). Until present, the cause of HM has been uncertain, although Menon 1995). Cardinal features of OMD are dyscephaly with bird
it has been mainly considered a developmental abnormality. facies; frontal or parietal bossing; dehiscence of sutures with open
Embryologically, the first and second branchial arches, which fontanelles; hypotrichosis of the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes;
contribute to ear formation, are affected (Wiens et al. 2003). It is cutaneous atrophy of the scalp and nose; mandibular hypoplasia;
hypothesized that a hematoma, caused by damage to the area of the forward displacement of the mandibular condyle; high-arched
stapedial artery, interferes with these branchial arches in utero palate; small mouth; multiple dental anomalies; and proportionate
(Wiens et al. 2003), thus causing hemifacial microsomia with hypo- small stature (Malde et al. 1994). Ophthalmic features are micro-
plasia. Some reports regarding transgenic or genetic mouse models phthalmia, congenital cataracts, blue sclera, and nystagmus. There-
of HM basically support the hematoma hypothesis (Otani et al. fore, it is easy to differentiate OMD from other diseases by noting
1991; Silbergleit et al. 2000; Cousley et al. 2002; Hartsfield 2007). the presence of congenital cataracts associated with mandibular
The transgenic mouse model for craniofacial anomalies demon- hypoplasia producing a birdlike face at birth. OMD rarely occurs;
strated an effect on a developmental field at a critical time. That is, one survey of the birth prevalence of congenital anomalies in Japan
it depends on the time of administration during development- found only a single case of HSS among 27 472 consecutively born
dependent hemorrhage of the stapedial artery (Silbergleit et al. infants (Nicholson & Menon 1995; Shiomi et al. 1999).
2000; Hartsfield 2007). As a result, underdevelopment of one or
both sides of the craniofacies, which is first and second branchial Hurler’s syndrome
arch syndrome, was recognized. Investigation of the transgene Hurler’s syndrome belongs to the category of mucopolysacchari-
insertion mutation Hfm (hemifacial microsomia-associated locus) dosis (MPS); a spectrum of rare inborn errors of a mucopolysac-

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122 K. Kaneyama et al.

charide metabolism. These errors are caused by defects in bone scans may assist in the differential diagnosis by assessing
lysosomal enzymes that degrade mucopolysaccharides (Keith et al. the degree of bone turnover in the affected areas (Fig. 3d). Active
1990; MacLeod & Macintyre 1993). Hurler’s syndrome was origi- condylar hyperplasia exhibits increased uptake of radionuclide on
nally classified as MPS-I, because the two share essentially the the hyperplastic side (Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991; Saridin et al.
same enzyme defect, a deficiency of a-L-iduronidase (Keith et al. 2007). For reasons yet unknown, one condylar growth center
1990). Patients with Hurler’s syndrome have severe disease with becomes more active than the other. Enlargement of the mandibu-
growth retardation, mental handicap, corneal clouding etc. Among lar condyle has been related to abnormally rapid chondrogenesis
the clinical features that involve the head and neck regions are with subsequent ossification (Sarnat 1969; Cohen 1995c,d; Eslami
gargoyle-like facies with hypertelorism, a prominent forehead and et al. 2003). Since the histologic picture is relatively normal and
supraorbital ridges, scaphocephaly, flattening of the nasal bridge the condition is self-limiting, it is not truly neoplastic. A histo-
with a snub nose and large nostrils, and a short neck (MacLeod & logic diagnosis of chondroma is made while growth is still active,
Macintyre 1993). The short neck is accompanied by other skeletal and that of osteoma is made after growth has ceased. It has been
deformities, of which the most notable is the cat-back shape to the reported that the bony trabeculae were often thickened and irregu-
spine with kyphosis, thoracic gibbus, and short stature. Further lar, resulting in a consistently large volume of trabecular bone
review of the literature revealed that a lack of development of the and a higher-than-normal percentage of surfaces covered in
mandibular condyles has been noted unilaterally or bilaterally, and osteoids (Lippold et al. 2006). Typical histological findings have
the fact that the TMJ may allow only limited rotation has been also included the presence of an uninterrupted layer of undiffer-
mentioned (MacLeod & Macintyre 1993). entiated germinating mesenchymal cells, hypertrophic cartilage,
and islands of chondrocytes in the subchondral trabecular bone
Secondary condylar hypoplasia (Eslami et al. 2003; Lippold et al. 2006). An increase in the size
If the condyle is injured during active growth, development may of the bilateral mandibular condyle is not frequently proportional
be arrested (Gorlin 1970; Shapiro & Gorlin 1970). The most to a generalized increase in the size of the entire skeleton and
common causes are mechanical injury, such as trauma, infection leads to macrognathia and protrusion, which refer to the condition
of the joint itself or the middle ear, and childhood rheumatoid of abnormally large jaws (Shafer 1963). It may be reasoned,
arthritis (Gorlin 1970; Shapiro & Gorlin 1970; Svensson et al. therefore, that excessive condylar growth predisposes an indi-
2001; Schendel et al. 2007; He et al. 2008). Hypoplasia may vidual to mandibular prognathism.
affect one or both of the mandibular condyles. The facial defor-
mity may not become evident until many months after the injury.
Because the normal growth of the mandible depends considerably
Bifidity (double mandibular condyle, double-headed condyle)
on the normal development of mandibular condyles as well as on
Bifid mandibular condyle (BMC) is a rather uncommon condition
muscle function, it is not difficult to understand how condylar
and is characterized by duplicity of the mandibular condyle head
ankylosis may result in a deficient mandible (Shafer 1963;
(Antoniades et al. 2004; Ramos et al. 2006; Sales et al. 2007).
Schendel et al. 2007; He et al. 2008). In unilateral condylar hypo-
Because BMC usually engenders no significant complaints or
plasia, the continued growth of the contralateral side causes
clinical features, such as pain or restricted movements, its diag-
deviation toward the affected side and results in a cross-bite rela-
nosis usually relies on radiological rather than clinical evidence
tionship of the teeth (Gorlin 1970; Shapiro & Gorlin 1970). On
(Sales et al. 2007). The etiology and pathogenesis of BMC are
the affected side, the ramus and body of the mandible remain
unknown. There is speculation that it may be a developmental
underdeveloped. In bilateral condylar hypoplasia, the alterations
abnormality, due to trauma or endocrinological, pharmacological,
described above are present on both sides. There is an associated
or nutritional disorders. Minor trauma to the condylar ‘growth
micrognathia. In severe micrognathia, the teeth may be markedly
center’ may result in condylar bifidism, which then represents a
crowded and anterior open bite may develop.
developmental anomaly (Antoniades et al. 2004). The previously
mentioned and other authors have suggested that a retained
fibrous septum or a vascular structure impedes ossification of
Disturbances in the growth pattern of the mandibular condyle
the mandible, splitting the mandibular condyle into two heads
during the normal growth period may result in condylar hyper-
(Antoniades et al. 2004; Shriki et al. 2005; Sales et al. 2007).
plasia (Sarnat 1969; Buchbinder & Kaplan 1991; Eslami et al.
Infection, irradiation, and genetic inherence may also play roles,
2003). Condylar hyperplasia is characterized by the gradual
although this speculation has not been confirmed. Others support
enlargement of the mandibular condyle, progressive unilateral
the opinion that BMC develops in cases with insufficient capacity
enlargement of the mandible, facial asymmetry, and shifting of the
to remodel the mandibular condyle (Gorlin 1970; Shapiro &
midline of the chin to the unaffected side, with resulting cross-bite
Gorlin 1970). It has been also suggested that apoptosis may play
malocclusion (Fig. 3a,b). This growth abnormality is usually uni-
an important role in eliminating the septum of the mandibular
lateral and generally observed in patients between 10 and 30 years
condyle during development (Matsuda et al. 1997). The bifidity of
of age, with no reported sex or race predilection (Saridin et al.
the condylar head is mainly unilateral. Interestingly, a patient with
2007). The etiology of condylar hyperplasia is controversial and
trifid mandibular condyle has also been reported (Artvinli &
not well understood. Theories include neoplasia, trauma, infec-
Kansu 2003; Antoniades et al. 2004).
tion, abnormal loading, hormonal influences, hypervascularity,
and heredity (Tank et al. 1998; Ishii-Suzuki et al. 1999; Lippold
et al. 2006; Saridin et al. 2007). These proposals are based on the
fact that resected condyle of hemimandibular hyperplasia leads to
the arrest of abnormal growth (Tank et al. 1998; Ishii-Suzuki et al.
1999; Eslami et al. 2003). The ramus and the body on the affected This study was partially supported by a Grant-Aid for Scientific
side of the mandible are longer and larger than those on the oppo- Research (19592323, 19592324) from the Ministry of Education,
site side (Fig. 3b,c). The use of technetium 99m diphosphonate Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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Congenital abnormalities of the TMJ 123

Fig. 3 (a) 23-year-old patient with hyperplasia of the right mandibular condyle. Clinical appearance showing facial asymmetry resulting from the increased
length of the right mandibular condyle. (b,c) Panoramic and frontal view radiographs showing the increased length of the mandibular condyle on the
right side (circle). (d) Bone scintigraphic features of hyperplasia of the mandibular condyle on the right side showed a high uptake of bone scintigram
with 99mTc-MDP, resulting in increased levels of growth activity (circle).

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