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Classification Description

Age - Eligible based on

Person eligible based on their age.

Aboriginal and Torres

People identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Strait Islander

Anyone who works at Melbourne Airport including domestic aircrew, ground crew,
retail, hospitality, administrative, security and cleaning staff working at Melbourne
Border worker, inc
Pilots and air crew whose primary role is international travel (furloughed staff) but
airport and marine
who are not currently working on international flights.

This category captures all airport and marine port staff not categorised as quarantine

Carers (paid and unpaid) of:

● a resident of an aged care facility or residential disability accommodation who
is eligible under phase 1a
● a person 70 years and over who is eligible under phase 1b
● a person with a specified underlying medical condition who is eligible under
Carer of an eligible phase 1b
person ● a child with a specified underlying medical condition.

● Family members of people with disability who are not carers
● Carers of people not eligible under Phases 1a or 1b.

Children aged 12 – 15 in special risk groups, which include but are not limited to:
● Severe asthma
● Diabetes
● Obesity
Children in special risk ● Cardiac and circulatory congenital anomalies
groups ● Neurodevelopmental disorders
● Epilepsy
● Immuno-compromised
● Trisomy 21 (known as Down Syndrome).

Corrections/detention -
Prisoners and detainees in custody.
Corrections/detention -
All staff in correctional (including Community Corrections) and detention facilities.

All remaining ambulance staff, patient transport and paramedics not covered in
Critical worker - Phase 1a including:
Ambulance/Paramedic ● Ambulance Victoria, paramedics
● Non-Emergency Patient Transport.

Critical worker - COVID Workers involved in the manufacturing of the AstraZeneca vaccine and distribution
vaccine and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines.

Critical worker -
This refers to active Australian Defence Force personnel.

Members of Fire Brigades and rescue personnel including:

Critical worker - Fire ● Fire Rescue Victoria staff and volunteers
● Country Fire Authority staff and volunteers.

This refers to Australian Government officials about to be deployed or currently

deployed overseas on official government business including:
● Australian government officials currently, or about to be, deployed overseas
on official business.
● Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
● Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
Critical worker - Other
● Marine Search and Rescue
eligible worker
● State Control Centre
● Life Saving Victoria
● Forest Fire Management Vic
● Emergency Management Victoria
● Worksafe inspectors
● Other workers deemed critical.

Frontline state and federal police forces and rescue personnel including:
Critical worker - Police ● Victoria Police
● Australian Federal Police.

Critical worker - SES This refers to Victorian State Emergency Services staff.

Disability and aged care support volunteers who provide support to people in their
Disability and aged
homes, respite care, educational, employment, leisure and/or residential settings,
care volunteer
including those providing transport and advocacy services.

Disability residential -
This refers to residential disability clients.

Disability residential -
This refers to workers providing residential disability support.
Essential/Authorised This category includes:
workers  Individuals who are authorised to work in specific settings during periods of

heightened restrictions refer to the list of authorised workers
 Individuals that are a Specified Worker (Multiple Entry) Permit holder who
has obtained the permit because they are required to enter and exit the state
as a freight driver or to enable the provision of healthcare services
This category includes:
● Frontline staff in facilities or services such as hospital emergency
departments, COVID-19 and respiratory wards, Intensive Care Units and
High-dependency Units
Frontline healthcare
● Laboratory and research staff handling potentially infectious material
● Ambulance and patient transport services
● GP Respiratory Clinics and General Practice clinics involved in COVID
● COVID-19 testing facilities.

This refers to all healthcare workers (public/private and acute/community-based

services) including:
● Doctors, nurses and midwives, allied health professionals and dental
● All public and private hospital staff
● Healthcare workers in private practice
● Community pharmacy staff
Healthcare worker ● Workers providing in-home and community care, disability and aged care,
including centre-based care
● Workers who regularly engage in person with people receiving aged or
disability care in Phases 1a or 1b, including aged care assessment teams,
workers conducting regulatory activities or advocacy services
● All health care workers in clinical settings, including students on placement
● Online administrative staff in healthcare settings
● Cleaners, kitchen staff and other ancillary staff in healthcare settings.

Residents and staff of high-rise and low-rise public housing supported residential
High-risk accomm services, community housing, other sensitive accommodation settings with shared
resident or staff facilities (including privately provided) (e.g. rooming houses, high risk-community
housing, crisis accommodation).

Household contact of
Household contacts refer to people living in the same primary residence or identify
as an intimate partner as quarantine or border workers.

Household contact of Household contacts refer to people living in the same primary residence or identify
frontline workers as an intimate partner as frontline workers.

This refers to workers at licensed meat processing businesses including:
● Abattoir workers (including attending veterinarians)
● Boning-room workers
● Smallgoods manufacturers
● Cold-chain transportation workers
Meat, seafood, cold
● Seafood processing workers.
chain worker
Please note this does not include:
● Retail workers, including in butcher shops and fishmongers
● Primary production workers, including fishing
● Clerical workers.

People deemed to be vulnerable and at high risk of contracting or developing serious

Person deemed at high illness from COVID-19 includes those experiencing homelessness, sleeping rough,
risk from COVID-19 or in emergency accommodation; those receiving drug and alcohol support services;
and residents of residential mental health facilities.

Person that is
Person that is pregnant.

As at 10 May 2021, the approved categories include people travelling for the
following reasons:
● Response to a COVID-19 outbreak
● Critical industries and business
● Urgent medical treatment
Person who has a ● Compassionate and compelling grounds
travel exemption ● Urgent and unavoidable personal business
● National interest.

People who have received a travel exemption under the category of ‘travelling
overseas for a compelling reason for at least 3 months’ will not be prioritised for

Person with a disability including:

● All National Disability Insurance Scheme participants
Person with a disability ● Clients as advised by Transport Accident Commission and WorkSafe
Victoria. These clients will hold letters of eligibility issued by Transport
Accident Commission.

Pre-existing medical Details can be found at:

condition vaccines/phase-1b

Private aged care -
Any resident of a residential aged care facility.

Private aged care -

Any worker, full time, part time, casual or volunteer of a residential aged care facility.

Public aged care -

Any resident of a residential aged care facility.

Public aged care -

Any worker, full time, part time, casual or volunteer of a residential aged care facility.

Public facing public transport staff, who are required to enter the enclosed
Public facing transport
bus/tram/train/boat/vehicle with members of the public to conduct their work,
rideshare vehicles, taxis.

This category includes:

● Workers employed in the Hotel Quarantine program, including those directly
employed by COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria, medical and support staff who
work in quarantine and Health Hotels
● Workers involved in transporting people to and within the hotel quarantine
Quarantine worker program, security and
● Other staff supporting the hotel quarantine program including Australian
Defence Force and Victoria Police.

This category also includes COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria staff stationed at

Melbourne Airport.


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