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Education continues to be a great weapon for change around the world. As rhe human society continues
to grow, the level of education also adapts to this improvement to suffice the required skills and
knowledge in this modern world. The implementation of the Kto12 Curriculum in the Philippines in an
effort to enhance our basic education system was done by the virtue of the Republic Act No. 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. This curriculum aims to produce learners who are functional
literate, holistically developed, and possesses the 21st Century skills. Now, more than five years after its
implementation, certain strengths and weaknesses have been identified in the curriculum
implementation. Though there are some opportunities that lies within this program, there are also threats
that can hinder in the attainment of the aims of the Department of Education. Below are some the
identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Higher education for the students. Lack of learning materials (books).

Holistically developed learners. Heavy workload for teachers.
New learning experience for teachers. Less time to prepare for the lessons.
Developed teaching strategies. Misalignment of subject areas to
Effective Assessment. teachers.
School administrators can monitor both Limited actions of community.
the teachers and learners improvement. Lack of the new knowledge of parents
Parents have an active participation in with the modern education.
class monitoring. Curriculum are somewhat inflexible.
Community involvement help learners There are multiple tasks to do with
possess performances in real-life. lesser manpower.

Students can acquire a complex Lack of learning materials and resources.

comprehension and fully developed Financial stability.
skills. Multiple tasks.
Students can build business and get Heavy workloads and less time for
employed. teachers.
Students are trained for real-life Lack of training.
situations. Parents imparting their own interests on
Teachers becomes an effective educator the students.
and develops one self. Lack of support.
Administrators can contribute to an Ineffective learning strategies.
effective curriculum.
Parents can have personal development.
Community can maintain their good
social role.

Upon analysing the implementation of the Kto12 Curriculum, I have come up with the following
Teachers cannot become effective educators when they are crammed with too much loads. It might be
better if the Department of Education can hire more teachers to suffice the lack in the teaching force. With
lesser workloads, teachers can have more time to prepare for their lessons which may result to effective
instruction of the lessons.
The production and delivery of learning materials must be swift so that the learning materiaps can
reach the schools because as observed thete are still schools that was not yet able to receive any learning
materials. Sometimes, when these materials arrives the information became obsolete because of the delay.
It is important that the books arrive at the respected schools so that the students have something to read
for their own learning.
For my final recommendation, teachers can breathe well in this educational system if non-teaching
related activities are removed from the teachers work. Teachers are bombarded with forms or activities
that does not actually have any bearing on students performance nor in the improvement of the quality of
education. Removing such can make teachers able to deliver well a quality teaching-learning process with
the students.
In every program, there will always be strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats but ignoring
the problems identified would lead to an ineffective program. It is important to note those things and
resolve the issues in it. A program cannot be effective unless the problems in its implementation are

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