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Global North Showing Dominance in all Aspects to the World

For the longest time now, the Global North and Global South have become

acquaintances. The Global North has supremacy over technological advances,

economic globalization, population-ageing political stability, and world trade and political

dominance. From this, it is quite obvious that the Global North has no problem

sustaining itself for being the longest-running influence and high standard amongst


The question of Global North and Global South being dependent on each other is an

understatement. Yes, the Global North and the Global South are dependent on each

other. But when it comes to who is more dependent on each other, it will have to go to

the Global South. This is because the Global South is in the process of raising a country
from all the hardships and poverty it is facing. The Global North is usually the ones

lending help to Global South countries since they are economically inclined as a country

and they are for sure the ones with bountiful resources to help and gather with.

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