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Learning activity 5

Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Evidence 6




Financial Services Center

Technologist in International Negotiation

Colombia, 2021

Martha: Good morning, Mr. Mclaren.

Mclaren: Good morning Miss Martha, did you develop the route plan?

Martha: Of course yes.

Mclaren: Well, please pass Mr. Stilson to the meeting room, we need to know your
opinion about the route plan you have drawn up.

Martha: Immediately.

Stilson: Good morning, I hope you are well.

Mr. Mclaren, Martha told me that she has the route plan ready for the company and she
told me that she used software especially for that.

Martha: That's right, Stilson.

Mclaren: I would like to know about this software, and the route plan, of course.

Martha: Vera, Mr. Mclaren, I have resolved that the best land route for the distribution
and transportation of our product will be Medellín - Barranquilla.

Now, you will see the routing software, also called router, it is designed for the
planning, simulation and optimization of the distribution routes, reducing the logistics
cost of the distribution. In this order of ideas, the chosen route, as I said before, is
Medellín - Barranquilla, and we will use the router.

Stilson: This route to the naked eye seems a good choice, obviously the cities are close
to each other.

Mclaren: I agree, but to make a decision like this, it takes more than a simple point of
view. Tell me Martha, why have you chosen this route and not the others?

Martha: Because the costs are obviously lower compared to the route of the other cities,
taking into account that it is the same quantity and volume of goods to be transported.
On the other hand, being these two cities at a closer distance, as Stilson mentioned,
makes the spending on fuel to be used less, and likewise the expense in tolls; since, as
you well know, this is a minor route, therefore, there are fewer tolls to pay on the roads,
and this brings benefits to the company, since they are less expenses.

Mclaren: It's a good analysis Miss Martha.

Stilson: I agree with you, Mr. Mclaren.

Martha: Thanks to both. But apart from this, the means to use is also important, let's
not forget that we will transport a perishable product, and we need a specialized vehicle,
I understand that this is Stilson's work, right?

Stilson: Yes, Martha, that's right.

Mclaren: Well, tell us Stilson, did you make the report?

Stilson: You can be sure of that, boss.

Mclaren: Okay, then without further ado, give us a brief summary.

Stilson: We use for transporting refrigerated truck fillets S1 Furgón type, chilled or
isothermal which has a payload capacity of 2500 kg.

Martha: I think it has been a good choice, you need to keep the frozen filet at a fairly
low temperature.

Stilson: Exactly, that's why, Martha, in this truck another important characteristic is the
temperature in which the lowest inside the refrigerated truck can reach 10 degrees
below zero (The external temperature is 35ºC) the approximate cost of a truck
refrigerators of 1300 per km.

Mclaren: Excellent work, Stilson. Now we just need to review his works more
thoroughly; but, from what they have told me, I am almost sure that they are very good.

Martha: In terms of costs, gentlemen, I have made a very detailed comparison where I
include: value tolls, spending on gasoline, total fixed costs, total variable costs and the
total cost of transport. If you allow me, I can show you the comparison of the costs right

Stilson: I would like to know.

Mclaren: Proceeds.

Martha: In these tables here I have put the characteristics and costs included in each
land route plan, where we can see that the Cali - Barranquilla route (SPRB) has a total
cost of $ 2,762,840, this being the highest of the three , followed by Bogotá -
Barranquilla (SPRB), in which there is a total of expenses of $ 2,364,280, a little lower
than the previous one, but on the Medellin - Barranquilla route (SPRB) a quite large
decrease is observed, where gives us as a result of the transportation costs of $

Stilson: Obviously Martha, being less expensive is better for Colombia Tilapias.

Mclaren: Effectively.

Stilson: I must mention, that I investigate a little about this router that you mentioned,
Martha and I only found wonders and many benefits.
Mcleren: Tell us which, Stilson.

Stilson: Some of those I remember are: agility in the creation of routes, savings in
operational costs, automation of processes, change in organizational culture,
information security, decision making in the short term, improvements in vehicle
management, customers more satisfied, the possibility of visiting more customers, adds
value to the product.

Mclaren: This system seems to me too useful, it adds a little more to the added value,

Stilson: With a router, it is possible to offer on-site delivery of your products. Of course
the implementation of this service is more expensive and you should evaluate it before
offering it, but it could represent an important difference to your competition, which
adds value, which fulfills an extra characteristic that is given to a product or service, in
order to give it a greater commercial value; It is usually a rare feature or service, which
can give a business or company some differentiation from other competitors.

Mclaren: Okay, I have to attend another meeting, I am satisfied with their work, they
are always excellent employees, I am sure of their abilities and I know that every time
they can do better.

Martha: It's an honor for us to say that, boss.

Stilson: That's right, thank you for such pleasant words and we will continue giving the
best of us at every moment.

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