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Export and/or

Evidence 8
Learning activity 10

Export and/or import

Evidence 8



Jonny Barco
Instructor de inglés


Technologist in International Negotiation

Colombia, 2021

The “export-import” effect and economic growth - ScienceDirect

Singular improvements in productivity and growth are a result of increased exports and imports,
especially in the manufacturing sector, but that sustainable increases in growth can only emerge
through industrial diversification. Trade liberalizations between Canada and the United States
have caused a narrowing of manufacturing productivity differentials, a predominance of
intraindustry trade, and a positive Canadian trade balance for manufactured end products and
fabricated materials. Sustained growth, however, relies more on the diversification of the
industrial structure. Toward this end, Canadian trade policies should: (1) concentrate productivity
in the exportable, rather than importable, sectors, (2) rationalize and specialize between rather
than within industries, (3) encourage two-way trade in each industry, (4) liberalize trade gradually
to avoid interindustry disruptions, and (5) redirect job real- location funds toward worker
retraining and firm-specific.

Vocabulary key
Uniqueimprovements in productivity Mejoras singulares en la productividad
Industrial diversification diversification industrial
Trade liberalizations liberalizaciones comerciales
Manufacturing productivity productividad manufacturera
encourage two-way trade in each industry Fomentar el comercio bidireccional en cada
productivity and growth productividad y crecimiento

increased exports and imports aumento de exportaciones e importaciones

Sustained growth Crecimiento sostenido

retraining and firm-specific reentrenamiento y específico de la empresa
increased exports and imports aumento de exportaciones e importaciones

Main idea of the article:

El estrechamiento de los diferenciales de la productividad manufacturera causado por Las

liberalizaciones comerciales entre Canadá y los Estados Unidos.

The narrowing of manufacturing productivity differentials caused by trade liberalizations

between Canada and the United States.
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