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The formless
27. What stands in your way is the way
28. The unborn
29. Welcoming the moment
30. Satori

A Day Spent in Silence
31. Staying awake
32. Becoming self-aware
33. Beyond thought
34. The active side of Presence
35. Uncertainty

SESSION I 36. Facing death

What Is Your Relationship 37. The discontinuity of “me”

to the Present Moment? 38. Stillness

1. The pull of the world 39. “Is that so?”

2. The momentum of thought

3. The unconditioned
Q&A—Being Present Amidst the World
4. Why are we here?
40. Trusting in life
5. The importance of space
41. Varieties of meditation
6. Your relationship to this moment
42. Bringing stillness into daily life
7. Relaxed alertness
43. Mindfulness at work
8. The end of karma
44. The need for drama in life
9. Entering the present moment
45. The means of awakening
10. Another way to live
46. Managing our social responsibilities
11. The inner body as an anchor
47. Awareness and goal-setting

SESSION II 48. Teaching children

Get into Your Body: Practices 49. The use of prayer

for Inner-Body Awareness 50. Spirituality and the body
12. The anatomy of waiting
13. The arising of consciousness
Q&A—The Power of Detachment
14. The process of change
and Surrender
15. Waking up
51. The importance of humor
16. The dimension of stillness
52. Dealing with difficulty
17. The flowering consciousness
53. Saying yes vs. enabling
18. We are running out of time
54. Witnessing and feeling feelings
19. Another dimension of stillness
55. The witnessing Presence
20. Exercises to get into the body
56. Working with complainers
21. The realm of no thought
57. Rage and anger

SESSION III 58. Our pain-body

Using Sound as a Portal into Stillness 59. Not resisting resistance

22. The field of attention 60. Stepping out of your mental prison

23. The field of peace 61. How to work with partners

24. The realm of object consciousness 62. Every ending is a little death

25. Allowing


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