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Roma, Joanne P.

Elec 1 – Human Behavior in Organization

Quiz 1 – Midterm
1) The Johari Window is a psychological model for interpersonal relationships,
particularly in groups. In the same way, it promotes mutual understanding among
group members. The model's theory is straightforward. It allows people to expose
everything about themselves, allowing them to learn more about one another.
People build trust by sharing personal information with one another. The only
thing that has come out of the whole thing is a deepening of ties.

'Open' or 'arena' refers to the initial pane of the window. The acts, behaviors, and
knowledge that the individual and those around them are aware of are
represented in this quadrant. This information is public and is shared with others
through conversation and exchanges. This encompasses anything that is public
knowledge, such as facts, abilities, and attitudes. For example, a carpenter and
the people around him know that he is a specialist in making window frames.
Besides that, they know that he loves beautifully finished products, respects
others and always makes time to help others.

The Hidden Area is the area where you know everything there is to know about
yourself. However, others are unaware of your abilities, skills, capacities, and
opinions in this sector, or you just do not wish to share anything with them.
For example, there could be a seed of an idea or a notion germinating in your
mind. Alternatively, you may be aware of something but choose to keep it hidden
from others. Similarly, no one else has any idea what you're thinking or going
through. To put it another way, you know everything about the concealed
quadrant while others don't.

Blind area is the area that's completely obvious to others but that you're
completely unaware of. For example, you may be unaware that certain of your
actions and behaviors are having an impact on other people. Only your friends or
family members are able to recognize you when you communicate in a certain
way or exhibit certain habits. Similarly, you may be unable to recognize certain of
your strengths and capabilities, but those around you are well aware of them as a
result of previous experiences. They know what you're going through and how
you feel, but you don't.

The unknown area refers to your skills, abilities, and behaviors that are hidden
from both you and others. For example, there are certain aspects of your
personality about which you, as well as those around you, are completely
unaware. In this situation, you are completely unconscious of some of your ideas,
feelings, abilities, and skills, to say nothing of others.
2) How does the knowledge on Johari Window Model important in self-awareness
and towards effective organization?

Knowing Johari Window Model helps us comprehend self-awareness and the

human interactions that come from it. We often have no idea how others see us,
how we show ourselves to others, or even how well we know ourselves. The
theory behind the window is that there are certain things about ourselves that we
are aware of and others that we are unaware of. Similarly, there are certain
things that others are aware of and are unaware of. Thus, via the four-paned
Johari window, we can see our entire existence as we understand it and as
others see it at any given time in our lives.

The Johari window represents interpersonal awareness. It's an effective tool for
increasing self-awareness and, as a result, our ability to collaborate effectively. It
works by assisting us in comprehending the disparities between our own
perceptions of ourselves and those of others.

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