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Unit 4:

Product Promotion

A. Reading Comprehension

a. Word List

1. Ideas : what goes on in the mind

2. Opportunities : an item offered for sale
3. entrepreneur : a person who takes an idea and turns it into a successful new business
4. features : noticeable or important characteristics or part of a product
5. functions : how something works
6. good : a type of product that can be touched
7. tangible : can be touched
8. service : the intangible products of a business
9. Prototype : the first full-sized working version of a product
10. Hybrid : combination of a product and service

b. Read the passage

Ideas, Products, and Opportunities

Ideas, products, and opportunities are all important to businesses. In this lesson, we will
discuss these three concepts.

HOW DO PEOPLE CREATE NEW PRODUCT IDEAS? There are usually two ways that
people create new product ideas. The first is to create an idea to fill a need in a market. Many
times, an idea for a new product is an idea to solve a problem. Some people want to do or have
something, and this idea would help them. The smartphone was a new kind of product that did
not exist before. People are now able to carry small computers in their hands and they could not
do that before. The second source or beginning of new product ideas is to bring something that
already exists somewhere else. This is also filling a need but in this case the idea is not the
product. The idea is getting a product to a different place.
ARE IDEAS THE SAME AS PRODUCTS? Ideas are not the same as products. Sometimes
ideas do not become products. Sometimes they are only ideas and nothing more. This can happen
because the idea never becomes fully defined or clear. Maybe the entrepreneur has some
understanding but cannot clearly communicate it to others. Maybe the entrepreneur also could
not understand it specifically. Ideas also may not be possible to make into products because the
technology or materials needed do not exist or there are other challenges such as lack of social
acceptance. The idea is ahead of its time. Let me give you an example. When the US decided to
send Americans to the moon, it did not have the technology to do so. The idea was ahead of its
time. What made it happen was the support and money from the US government. Most
entrepreneurs cannot find this support when they have the same challenge.

WHEN CAN IDEAS BE PRESENTED AS PRODUCTS? Ideas can be presented as products

when they have a specific design or blueprint that people can see and understand. Ideas can also
be presented as products when they have specific features and functions that people can
understand. A feature is a noticeable or important part. A function is how something works. Let’s
take shoes as an example. The size of the shoe and the amount of foot or leg that the shoe covers
are examples of features. Functions would be to protect the bottom of the foot or keep it warm.
Additionally, ideas can be presented as products when they can be physically seen.

A DRAWING, OR A PROTOTYPE. A prototype is a model of what it would look like. When

an idea is presented as a product, it should be one of three types. The first is a good. A good is
something tangible, something that can be touched. Often, people will mistakenly say the word
“product” when they mean “good”. Examples of a good would be a book, a car, a shirt. The
second type is a service. This is intangible. It cannot be touched, examples would be a taxi
service, a medical procedure, a travel booking. The third is a hybrid product that combines a
good and a service. Examples would be a bed and breakfast hotel, a restaurant meal, a flight.
Both goods and services are provided in these types of products. Ludwick Marshane's Drybath
gel is also a hybrid because it's a tangible product but provides a service that impacts society. It
helps people stay clean without water. Now, let's talk briefly about opportunity. Opportunity is a
chance to do something. If a new product has a chance to succeed, if people are interested in
buying it, it is an opportunity. Whether an opportunity exists can be found by doing market
Read the sentences and write down True, False or Not Given
1. Every idea can be a product
2. A product can be a solution to a problem.
3. Ideas are the same as product
4. All products have opportunities.
5. A prototype is the first model or drawing of a product

B. Reading Exercises
a. Answer the questions:
1. In creating a new product, which statement is NOT true?
A. It has to fill a need in the market.
B. It is a solution to a problem.
C. It brings the product to a new place.
D. It will be sold with high profit margin.
2. All of these are reasons why ideas failed to become products except ...
A. the materials needed exist abundantly.
B. people do not fully accept the product.
C. the ideas of the product could not be communicated to others.
D. no investors want to invest in the product.
3. Choose which case reflects "an Idea ahead of time".
A. the idea of making a school desk adjustable for students' body size.
B. the idea of building hotels in other planets as a holiday resort for earthlings.
C. the idea of making personal air conditioning suits.
D. the idea of making new restaurants with exotic food.
4. What must a product have? Check the list where applicable
........ prototype ...... function
........ feature ...... hybrid
5. What are the three forms of products?
A. ......................
B. .......................
C. ......................
6. Choose a hybrid product
A. book
B. hair dresser
C. fancy French restaurant
D. stationaries
7. What does the word "opportunity" in the text mean?
A. chance C. future
B. change D. reason
8. A product has an opportunity means ....
A. It will be produced massively.
B. Future consumers are willing to buy the product
C. It did market research.
D. Future customers are not willing to use the service offered.

b. Vocabulary Practice
Match the terms with the meaning.

1. Ideas A. combination of a product and service.

2. Service B. the first full-sized working version of a product.
3. Opportunities C. can be touched
4. Entrepreneur D. a type of product that can be touched.
5. Tangible E. an item offered for sale
6. Prototype F. how something works
7. Hybrid G. noticeable or important characteristic or part of a
8. Features H. a person who takes an idea and turns it into a
9. Functions successful new business.
I. people interested in buying the product
10. good
J. what goes on in the mind

C. Grammar Practice
Creating a Simple sentence Product Description.

The puposes of creating a simple sentence product descriptions :

1. To put ideas in a short, simple, and specific sentence so that we can think clearly of our
2. To have a short compact description of the product to help us converse about it.

Product + Verb be + type of product + target market + general function
Product be-verb type of Target market General function
(noun) (Simple present) product (noun) information
A paperclip is a tool that will help hold paper
teachers and office together
A taxi is a travel that will help people move from place
service in cities to place
Dry bath is a personal that will help people get clean and
product in dry places save water at the
same time

Exercise 1
Make a simple sentence product description about the following:
Indomi (instant noodles)
Indomi is an instant food that will help busy housewives get delicious dinner on the table for
their family.

1. Trans Metro Deli (Bus)


2. Tolak Angin (traditional herb)


3. iPhone 12 (smartphone)


4. Sinovac (vaccine)


5. Gofood (service)


6. Ruang guru (online class)


7. halodoc (medical solution)


8. Tokopedia (online shop)


D. Group work
Think of one product your group want to promote and make a simple sentence product
description. Then make a poster (using Canva) to promote your product. Upload the poster
google classroom.

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