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If someone were asked to explain the purpose of the music, the answer would be "to please.

Music is a part of life that can awaken feelings and emotions of a spiritual nature in us. Listening
to music can be an emotional experience or an intellectual exercise. If you can mix them
together, you can be on your way to getting the most out of your music. Music, like language, is
a living, moving thing. In the early days, music belonged to the church, later to the elect. At that
time, amateur musicians found a means of self-expression in music and this form of expression
expanded to encompass forms and styles. It is known that at first operas were performed
privately, and only in the 17th century did the first opera houses open to the general public. By
the mid-19th century, composers were increasingly drawing inspiration from their heritage. One
of the first countries was Russia, which possessed the material for creating an independent
musical repertoire. The composer who defended this case was Glinka. It was he who overcame
Western European influences and founded a new national school. Tchaikovsky worked
independently of The Mighty Heap and was the first Russian composer to receive wide
international recognition. In the early days, instrumental music made its way into the secular
mainstream. Modest groups of musicians turned into small, and then into symphony orchestras.
For generations, bands have gained popularity with the public, especially in the UK. At the turn
of the last century, American music still followed European forms and traditions. Then there was
an incentive in the face of African Americans, who brought African chants and rhythms to
musical creativity. One of the earliest African American influences was ragtime, which peaked
around the beginning of the 20th century. Ragtime served as an impetus for the development of
jazz, which by the 1920s began to dominate pop music. This period is also known as the era of
jazz. At that time, many condemned jazz as vulgar and predicted an early death for it. In the
sixties, the rock music revolution destroyed the situation. It was based on the discontent of the
younger generation, who rebelled against the values of their elders. An unusual musical
explosion soon followed, which was based on the percussion sound of an electric guitar, rock
and roll rhythm and blues harmony. The Beatles, Rolling Stones and many other bands were
prominent representatives of this period. Music has never been so popular. We find the highest
satisfaction in music, be it "classical" or "popular".

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