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 Buying Habits

As the proponents’ target market are students, faculty teachers, and passerby near their location
who love sweets especially chocolates, they developed and innovate a product that is suitable for them
and can give satisfaction with just an affordable price. With that affordable price, the proponents make
sure that they give a quality and tasty made product to their market.

 Health consciousness

One of the characteristics of the proponents’ target market is being health conscious and it matches
to the proponents’ innovated product which is the truffles with malunggay. As the proponents cope
with this factor, their product will be known among the health conscious people.


 Access to Newest Technology

The proponents used this factor for them to easily gain attention from different customers. The use of
any editing application to make attractive flyers, posters, advertisement or any kind of promotion will
greatly help them to gain more attention and profit.

 Communication Infrastructure

By the used of internet, the proponents used this factor to widely spread the information about their
product for their customers to properly understand and know the benefits of their product. So with this
factor their product can be known from large distance through the technology/internet and
communication of each other.


 Inflation rate

Inflation rate has a major effect on the products, the higher the ingredients cost the higher the
products cost. The proponents will have a budget friendly price to the consumers.

 Trade flows and pattern

A strong relationship with other countries can also result a good trading contract and importing
products with an affordable price such as the cocoa which is the primary ingredient in making chocolate.


 Weather
The truffles are a desert in which can enjoyed better when it is cold. In this case too much heat can
melt the coating but then, the proponents are proactive and they will use an equipment to help
maintain the quality of the product.

 Waste Management

The usage of plastic is very rampant in the modern day world. This causes the pollution in land and
water to immerse. In solution, the proponents will use cupcake liner which is made from paper to hold
the truffles to lessen the usage of plastic.


 Laws that regulate environment pollution

The Pollution Prevention Act focused in industry, government, and public attention on reducing the
amount of pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials used.
The proponents comply with this law as they use only the ingredients that are approved by the
government and are assured that their product does not contribute to pollution.

 Tax Policy

As FAITH Colleges is one of the private schools in the City of Tanauan, the school is also required to
pay taxes because of the government policies and it is part of every business ventures' spending. For the
proponents' product, they are obligated to comply with tax policy of school.


 Health and Safety Law

For FAITH Colleges protect the customers' health such as students and teachers from any diseases or
illness, the school included with their administration the health and safety law. To cope with the school
regulation, the proponents' product as a home - made delicacy and the ingredients that will be use, will
ensure it's healthy and safety for any individual. The proponents are full responsible regarding to their
product that sells to customers.

 Consumer’s Protection

It provides them with the basic rights such as the right to be protected against hazardous goods, the
proponent will use natural ingredients such as malunggay that has pack of nutrients


 Accepted Accounting, Management and Marketing standards

The proponents will do face to face selling to promote their product. That is considered as a practice
of being friendly and to gain more attention of the people and to increase the number of the customers.
 Ethical Advertising and sales practices

In promoting the product, the proponents will use ethical advertisements that are in line with the
cultures, traditions and beliefs of their consumers. The entrepreneurs will ensure that they are not
infringing any rules, laws and regulations as they introduce the product to the public.


 Social classes

The product that gave by the proponents is seeing they consider any type of social classes as a
purchaser. For just an affordable price, any individual can buy their product and still get the best out of

 Family sizes and structure

The size of the family relies upon the criteria used for establishing membership. It depends through
the budget of the family. The family size and monthly household income can affect the purchasing
power of an individual. The larger the size and the lower monthly income, the less disposable income
they will have.

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