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Mr Bob Jamoson — dehydration Mc Jameson is sulfering fron: severe dehydration. This is his Patient Care Plan: Goel Patient: Mr Robert Jame: eson Next of kin: Mr Leroy Jameson (son) Needs/problems | Dehydration, inadequate fluid intake, dry, dehydrated skin, Diy lip, coated tongue. | Decreased urinary output. | Objectives/goals: ! Adequate hydration. Moist lips & tongue. | Urinary output of at least 2000 | ml:per day. Urine concentration (Spesific gravity) 1.010-1.025 Daily bowel action Nursing intervoniien: At least 3000 ml daily 0890-1600 : 1500 ml 1600-2200 : 1000 ml 2200-0806 : 500 ml Sit patient well up before giving er drinks hourly (prefers tea/ lemon — dees not like coffee). Mouth care 4-hourly. Observe & record output. Report inadequate output. Test urine for specific gravity, report abnormal findings. Record bowel actions. Add bran to cereal. Plenty fruit. Setelah membaca Rencana Perawatan Pasien Mr Jameson, tentukan manakah di antara pernyataan berikut ini yang benar: . Leroy Jameson is Robert Jameson's sibling. a b. Mr Jameson is a drinker. ao . Mr Jameson needs to drink. e. Anything out of the ordinary should be recorded. € Mr Jameson should avoid too much fruit. . The specific gravity of Mr Jameson's urine is between 1.019 and 1.025. (3 Manakah gramatikal? antara dan ¢ yang tepat secara mat a, a. Mr Jameson has a dehydration. b. Mr Jameson is dehydrated. c. Mr Jameson is a dehydrate. vt produce enough urine b. He isn’t produces enough urine. c. He doesn't produce not enongh urine a. The goal is an increase urine production b. The goal is to incre:se urine production. c. The goal is increase urine production. a. His urine needs to test specific gravity. b. His urine need to be tested “for specific graviry c. The specific gravity of his urine needs to be tested. 2. The patient should sit weil up before drinking. b. The patient should well sit up before dr c. The patient should sig up before drinks v a. His ovtpuz of urine needs to be recor b. His output of urine must co be recorded. c. His ourput of urine should to be recorded adalah informasi lengkap yang terdapat dalam Rencana Perawatan Pasien. Isilah titiketitik yang tersedia dengan menggunakan salah satu kata di dalam kurung: Mr Jameson is taking in a(n) .. (not sufficient, non-sufficient, insufficient) quantity of fluid which is causing his skin (is becoming, became, to be- come) dry. It is necessary to ......... (ensure, sure, assure) the patient takes in (least, minimum, at least) 3000 ml of fluid every day and nurses must ......... (sat, seat, sit) the patient upright before giving him an ......... (hourly, eve- ty hour, each hour) drink. ~ The aim is to get Mr Jameson to produce more than 2000 mi of {all, every, most) day. Ir is ...... necessary, necessity, necessarily) to Mnzasure the specific - (by, in, ve, should) gravity of his urine. Any abnormalities out of) che range of 1.010-1.025 . be reported. » {ne Keep the patient’s mouth, weth and dentures -- (cican, cleaned, to clean). ste oral hygiene is done (cach, all, every) four hours in order. (en couraging, encouragement, to encourage) a flow of saliva to keep the at's oreph muscles healthy. . ". At hingga kata-kata di imat. Kalimat pertama 1, eobati sek dalam kurung berada di awal kx sebagai concoh: Once the urine sample has been obtained it should be tested immediately. (You should ...). Answer: You should test the urme sample immediately you have obtained it/it has been obtained. a. Inaccurate results are often ob:ained if the urine is left exposed to the air. (You may yet ...... ) b. Fresh urine from a healthy person should not have an unpleasant smell. (A healthy person's ...... ) c. Decomposing urine smells like ammonia. (A smell like ammonia ...... ) d. Diabetes mellitus may be indicated by sweet-smelling urine. (Sweet smelling urine .. ) e. Urine that smells of fish may indicate infection of the urinary system. (A urinary infection ...... ) f Dehydration is indicated by dark-coloured urine. (Dark-coloured ...... ) g- The concentration of substances dissolved in the urine is measured by specific gravity. (Specific gra 2) h. The normal range for the specific gravity of urine is between 1.005 and 1.025. (A range of 1.005 to 1.025 aa ; Little information is got from a single measurement. (A single measurement . . j. A low specific gravity indicates renal damage or dia- betes insipidus. (Diabetes insipidus ...... ) aS _ about him: _ "Teks di bawah ini adalah saran untuk perawat dalam me- agambil sampel urin. Isilah ritik-titik dalain ceks dengan menggunakan salah satv kata di dalam kurung: How to get urine for testing You should aim fora ‘clean catch’ urine sample which is .. (free from, free to, fteed by} contaminants. In the case of men, the head of the penis : sould, must to) be wiped clean, Women il, mighe. should) first wash the area between » (using, with ......... (soap, soaped, soapy) water used, use) a clean container and catch . (into, dur- ing, berveen) 30-60 ml of urine after . . fallow, al- lowed, allowing) the firse small amount co fall into the (bowl, basin, pot} .so that you get your « (middle of, central, mid) stream. toilet sample from « does not improve and a few days after the above entries were made in his Patient Care Plan, a Staff Nurse writes the following comments Patient refuses drinks - increasingly uncoo- perative. Urine output now < 1000 ml (16/9) - dark colour. Specific gravity test = 1.035 (cause for concern), No bowel action recorded (16/9) Ubahiah penggalan kata di bawah ini dengan menyusun- nya menjadi kalimat lengkap yang memiliki makna: the patienv/is/Mr Robert Jameson/unco-operative/becoming red to him/ his dehydration is getting worse/that are « drinks/he is vefusing/and as a consequence/ EA dark-colonred urineshave dropped to a worrying, 1.0557 on 16 Seprember/than 1000 ml of/he produced lew/and the results of the test of specific gravity KE had no/on 16 September/also he has/bowel movement sesuaikan kata tersebut meraberi informasi lebih lanjut tentang dehidrasi: A healthy adult will lose something like 2.4 litres of fluid every day in the form of sweat, urine ......... air and bowel movements. The feeling of thirst will normally cesses the need to drink because it may take some time for“ your body ......... £6 the sensation of thirst & Uf it is left without fluid for too long, che body will q scart to show signs of dehydration such as feclings of ig The body will become ......... and stait sweating - x There is danger when the body actually stops sweating. ip The best solution to dehydration is simply . é plenty of water. Soft drinks manufa x oe quantities of money on persuading us to buy their soft drink products but in fact the b % ¥ drinks as well as alcohol will in fact increase dehy: because they increase urine output. HERE COMES THE AEROPLANE... Seperti yang telah kita ketahui, pasien seperti Mr James yang me- nolak bantuan dari staf kepe- rawatan sudah biasa ierjadi, Me- reka digambarkan dalam kalima di bawah ini. Tulis Kembali setiap kalimat dimulai dengan kata yang ada ¢ dalam kurung, kalimat pertama sebagai contoh. (Sumber! J.E. Groves. ‘Taking care of the haceful patient. N. Engl. J. Med, 1978; 278:883-887). Some patients may reject help because the control over medical staff. (A patient who wants .....+++-) want to have Anson, A patient who wants to control medical staff may reject heip. a. These patients du not beheve & help them. (These patients believe } of b. They gee satisfaction from reporting the foi treatments to medical staff. (felling medical staff char c. Iris said that these patients do not want relief from any iDness bue rather a long-term relationship with a me- cs are looking move dical practitioner. (These pa d. Practitioners are often made to fee! guilty and inade- (Patienis quate when dealing with patients like these. ike these will often ...... ) ‘ e. These patients defeat anyone who tries ro heip. (Any- one who ......) £ Only their own self-destruction will satisfy them, (They get satisfaction ...... ) g. The advice is not to abandon these patients but to work with them like patients with terminal cancer, (These patients should not ..-... ) Kalimat di bawah ini tukan apakah a, b, atau c sebagai pengganti kat dalam kurung. (An abnormal fluidity of) faeces is a characteristic of diar- rhoea. a. Easy passing of b. A lor of water in the c. Extremely runny EAA patient with diarrhoea (has an abnormal amount of faecal evacuations.) a. produces a lor of abnormal faeces. b. goes to the toilet a lot. c. passes large quantities of stools each time. = Spe nyeene a i (Watery) stools are passed at lease three times a day. a. Runny b. Soft c. Wer Passing large quantities of (formed) stools is not diart- hoea. a. hard b. normai c. small Icis not the quantity but the (consistency) that is impor- tant. a. quality b. thickness c. degree of firmness Diarrhoea is dangerous because it causes a rapid (deple- tion) of water and sodium which are both necessary for life. a. reduction b. absence c. emptying Dehydration is often caused by (persistent) diarrhoea that lasts fourteen days or more. a. continual b. regular c. frequent Early features of dehydration include dry mouth, thirst, weak pulse and (loss of skin elasticity). a. dull, unhealthy looking skin. b. flaky, dry skin, c. when you pinch the skin it goes back slowly. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) does not stop the diar- thoea but it does (replace) lost fluids and essential salts. a. put back b. pur in c. put by (Glucose added to) ORS solution, enables. the intestine to absorb fluid and salts more efficiently. a. Extra glucose in b. Adding glucose to d. The adding of more glucose to « in ORT is normally (an effective) treatment for pasients sul- fering from acute watery diarrhoea. a. a useiui b. an adequate c. a coinplete itik dalam teks di bawah ini tentang ” Rehidrasi Orai (ORT, Oral Rehydrarion therapy) dengan menggunakan kata yang tepat di dalam kurung. You can use ......... (the, some, a) simple salt/sugar solution for ORT. Mis ..... spoon of salt with 8 ..... of sugar in .... (che, some, a) level tea- " (flat, smooth, level) teaspoons .. (the, some, a) litre of drinking water. (the, a, some) other form of unrefined sugar because unrefined sugar conrains .. Ir is a good idea to use molasses OF .... .. (more, most, very) porassium than white sugar. Do not use ......... (too, to, two) much salt because .. (in, at, on} some cases, salt can cause convulsions. Too .. « (less, smali, little) salt does no vecseeee (harm, danger, risle) but it is ......... (less, under, small) effective ......... (to, in, at) preventing dehydra- don. As a rule of ......... (finger, thumb, hand) for che amount of salt to use in the solution, ......... (they, it, them) should taste .......... (no, tess, un-) saltier than tears.

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