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Title : The queer circulation of objects in the films of Céline Sciamma.

Author : Johnston, Cristina

Source : French Screen Studies

Citation: Johnston, Cristina. “The Queer Circulation of Objects in the Films of Céline Sciamma.” French
Screen Studies, Sept. 2021, pp. 1–17. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/26438941.2021.1956717. (MLA)

Summary of the article:
The writer analyzes the different objects used in numerous of Celine Sciamma’s films to depict exactly what the
objects represent related to the queer media.

What lenses or angles (scope) are being used?

The lenses this was seen through were the political and the psychological lens to form an interpretation of the
objects and the political role they play in films.

Is it a comparison to another article/idea, research or contrast to it?

This article is a comparison to the research I’ve been doing on Queer media and how different objects can give
you the impression it is queer without it really being queer.

What is the argument, main idea, or thesis?

The main idea of this article is the use of objects to help depict sexuality throughout Celine Sciamma’s work in

Explain the method being used.
The method that is being used in this article this the analyzing of other people’s perspectives on Celine
Sciamma’s work in her films.

What were the main findings of the research?
Some of the main findings I found within my research are that a lot of Celine Sciamma’s films to void openly
queer representation she insteads uses objects to help her really bring out this “queer prespective”.

What assumptions does the author make? Stated/unstated/implied

The author states “characters to determine the value that can be attached to the things of their lives.” meaning
the objects that Celine Sciamma’s films have deeper meaning for the characters and their lives as a whole.

Evaluate Implications and/or Limitations

Evaluate the implications and/or limitations of the conclusions, arguments, or reasoning found in the
article. Explain your evaluation.
“examples of gift-giving and the sharing of food and drink analysed in the opening sections of this article, the
circulating objects discussed here construct a complexly queer network of exchange and transmission” meaning
that gift-giving also plays a role in the objects being used.
Evaluate and Refute
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the argument(s) or reasoning.
How valid are they? Are there any flaws? Explain your evaluation.
This argument is very supported with numerous work from other students who wrote analysis on articles. She
also uses numerous examples form her films to support it as well.

For you
How would you use this in your research? Where does it fit- intro, context, lit review, etc?
This article fits into the context piece when we are fullt developing the the claims of queer baiting and using
objects to fully help understand the quuer culture in films.

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