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Getting Started:

Study Guide
 A Road Map To Understanding The Present Legal Status of Americans Today
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How to Order

Study Guide:
Study Outline
Study 1: Introduction
Study 2: Illuminati Part 1
Study 3: Illuminati Part 2
Study 4: Rothschilds
Cracking the Code
Wizard of Oz

Read More:

Why the UCC Filing

Meet Your Strawman
Secured Party Creditor
Prisoners in America


Outline of the Study Guide
Important! Read This! 

We recommend that you begin this study by rst reading Study 01 (Introduction). We have
organized this entire study guide based upon a number system, with our Introduction serving
as a starting point of that number system. By following a point-by-point ow of study outlined
in chronological order of their numbers, enables the reader to follow this chronological order of
study based upon the timeline of "real life" events as they occured throughout America's

Most or all of these speci c events referred to are either unavailable within our public schools
or are areas of study completely neglected by our public school system. It is important that the
reader understand the historical events that took place and the order in which they occured, as
well as the historical gures that were involved, so that the reader can fully grasp the impact
that each particular event had upon shaping America's TRUE history - even right up to the
present day events that we are now experiencing.

By graduating from one study to the next, based upon the numerical order that we have
assigned each individual study, the reader will thus ow through this entire study more
comprehensively, and in the end will de nitely understand all of the who, what, when, where,
how and why elements that played into the shaping of America's TRUE history - as well as
shaped the reader's very OWN LIFE and STATUS as exists today! 

Our goal in establishing this study guide is to educate rst time readers new to this subject
Read the Study Guide matter - as well as those “already familiar” with the content of these pages. It is to bring the
reader, new or not, up-to-speed in the quickest, shortest route possible, with all that these
Overview pages are about and all that “The Redemption Service” represents! After examining the pages of
Illuminati this study guide the reader will have gained a complete thorough understanding, enough so,
Rothschilds whereby the reader can then make a fully informed decision whether or not to engage upon
further study, or even a ling process itself! Which ever the case may be, readers are sure to
experience from these pages an ultimate "shift in their paridigm" as the reader advances
Join Our Membership through the study.

Join our exclusive We have organized this study guide so that it branches up from out of the early days of
membership to gain access American history, thus unfolding in a chronological “time line” of events until eventually
to the most powerful reaching the present.
redemption tools on the
Following the time line of events in numerical order from “Study 01” to Study 02, 03, 04, 05, and
planet. The Redemption
so forth - will keep the reader historically and chronologically uniform, will prove to be more
Service is THE #1
comprehensive, will avoid confusion, will save time, and better enable the reader to retain
Redemption, UCC, Secured
everything in an organized outlined story form. Therefore, after nishing this outline page, next
Party Creditor, and
go to and click on “Study 01: Introduction” [Directly below]. From there we recommend that you
Sovereignty SOURCE!
continue to follow the outlined numerical order of the study guide to gain the greatest
Read More perspective and quickest, most organized route for obtaining a full fund of knowledge and
understanding from it all. With that in mind, go now to Study 01: Introduction. Click the Study
01 hyper-link above this page, or you can simply click that same identical hyper-link below. Both
will take you to the next level, which is that of the Study Guide "Introduction" (Study 01).

Click the below hyper-link and go there now.

Study 01: Introduction (CLICK HERE)

Your Road to Redemption



The Redemption Service, a private membership organization, Outline Wizard of Oz THE REDEMPTION SERVICE
is America's original and leading Redemption, UCC, Secured Study 1: Introduction Why the UCC Filing? The original creators of The Matrix toolkit
Party Creditor, and Sovereignty SOURCE since 2006! Join our Study 2: Illuminati Your Strawman
  P.O. Box 3875, Carbondale Illinois 62902
membership today! Study 3 Rothschilds Secured Party Creditor
Cracking the Code
Learn More
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Copyright 2006-2019 The Redemption Service. All rights reserved.

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