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What have you planned to accomplish by the end of this week?

By the end of this week, my main goal is to finish the rough copy of the cookbook that I am
planning to make, in the rough draft I just have to take some photos of the things that I have
made and will type out the recipes and the ingredients and then put them in order and I’m done.
After doing that, I would pass it on to my friend to take a look at it and tell me if I should change
something, then I’ll give it to my mentor and he would tell me if I need to change up some things
like the recipes or the steps.

Your needs (Time, space, materials, mentor)

So basically the things that I would need are the following:

Time~ Because typing out and thinking about the foods I wanna add would take some planning
and thinking to do and also I would need to take some photos of the dishes that I have/will

Paper~ I would need some paper because I would have to print each paper out and would
have to add the photos and the ingredients on it, then I would number them in order so when
assembling the book I wouldn’t get confused which paper is which.

laptop/computer~ I would need a laptop or a computer because I would have to type the book
pages and the ingredients and also the steps as well and it would be kinda hard to do all that on
my phone

one of my friends~ I would need one friend with me while typing and adding the photos so he
could correct me on the spot rather than me finishing all the stuff and then looking over and
spotting a mistake then I would have to restart all of it.

Any obstacles you anticipate?

I think that the obstacles that I would have would be that my mentor which is my friend’s dad, is
leaving town for a week which I’m not sure why but he was my mentor so now that means I’m
going to have to put a hold on my capstone project for now or I could work with the manager.
But if I do stop then I would bring all of my attention to the Booklet.
A summary of your progress since your last post
To be honest, since the last post I didn’t really work on anything that much, I only worked on
planning out what I am going to make the booklet and what things I should add to it. Overall
since then, I have just been experimenting with Vegan Dishes, I chose to do vegan and
non-vegan because there are people who don’t like vegan food cause they think it’s boring, so
which is why I am learning how to make nonvegan food and I am also doing Vegan food
because I feel like now these days there are some people who have moved on to or are liking
vegan food more and what I predict is that in the future there will be more people who would
prefer vegan over nonvegan.

I have chosen my top three favorite dishes that I had made.

Thie pasta below is one of my favorite food to eat because first of all, it’s easy to make, second,
it doesn’t take that long, and third… WHO DOESN’T LOVE PASTA!!

This right here is the Vegan chickpeas spaghetti

And to finish it off this is the classic “Apple Pie”

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