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1: Horizontal and Vertical Translations

Review: General Graphs:

Quadratic: = Square Root Graphs: =√

Absolute Value Graphs: =| | Cubic Graphs: =

Reciprocal Graphs: =

A transformation of a function changes the equation and the location/shape/orientation of the


Points on the original graph correspond to new points on the transformed image; the
relationship is called mapping.

Example 1:

Consider and graph the following functions:

A.) = , = + 1 and = +1

B.) =√ , − 2 = √ and =√ −2

C.) = , = − 3 and =

What do you notice about each graph?


Horizontal translation: = −ℎ

h > 0 translates right h

h < 0 translates left h

Vertical translation: − = = +

> 0 translates up k

< 0 translates down k

Example 2:

Graph = √ and = √ +3−2

Example 3:

Given point (1, 2) is in = .

i. What is the new point after the following translations?

ii. How can you describe the mapping that has taken place?

a.) = +3

b.) −3=

c.) = −1

d.) +2= −4

e.) = +1 −2
Example 4:

Given the graph of = , graph −1= +2

Example 5:

Describe the translation that has been applied to the graph of to obtain
1.2 Reflections and Stretches


Consider and graph the following three functions:

=√ , = −√ and = √−

Describe the transformations in each situation. Consider which variable is affected in each situation.

Consider and graph the following three functions:

=√ , = 2√ and = √2

Describe the transformations in each situation. Consider which variable is affected in each situation.

What do you think will happen in the following transformations with respect to = ( )?

a.) = ( )

b.) = ( )


Vertical (affecting the y-values): = ( )

< 0 (reflection across x-axis)

| | > 1 is a vertical expansion

| | < 1 is a vertical compression

Horizontal (affecting the x-values: = ( )

< 0 (reflection across y-axis)

| | > 1 is a horizontal compression

| | < 1 is a horizontal expansion

Example 1:

Given point (3, 6) is in = ( ).

i.) What is the new point after the following:

ii.) Indicate the mapping that has occurred:

a.) =3 ( ) b.) =

c.) = d.) = (−2 )

e.) =− f.) = −5

Example 2:

Given the following graph = ( ).

Describe the transformation of the graph ( ) = 2 ( ). Sketch the graph of ( ) and the state the
domain and range.
1.3 Combining Transformations:

Multiple transformations can be applied to the function = that results in the general
transformation model of = − ℎ + or − = −ℎ

Compressions/expansions and reflections (a/b) occur before translations (h/k)

Use a mapping process to describe the change in the function.

Example 1:

Given that (3, 5) is a point on the function =

i.) State the mapping process after each transformation

ii.) Find the new point.

a.) =3 −2

b.) = − +2

c.) = −2 3 −5

d.) +3=− −6

e.) = 3 +6 +2

f.) = −2
Example 2:

Given the following function =

Sketch the graph

= −3 −1 +1
Example 3:

The graph of the function = represents a transformation of the graph = . Determine the
equation of in the form = −ℎ +

Example 4:

If = = √ + 3, write the new equation for = 0.5 2 −5 +2

1.4 Inverse of a Relation

The inverse of a relation is found by interchanging all -coordinates with -coordinates. The
graph is a reflection across the line =

The mapping of an inverse is given by:

, → ,


is the inverse function of

Graphing Inverse Functions

To graph the inverse of the function, find coordinates and interchange the x and y values.

The graph is also a reflection across the = line.

Example 1:

a.) Sketch the graph of the inverse relation.

b.) State the domain and range of the inverse relation.

c.) Determine whether the relation and its inverse are functions.
Vertical Line Test:

The graph is a function if at every coordinate; the vertical line that passes through the
coordinate only passes through the graph at most one time.

Horizontal Line Test:

If the graph satisfies the horizontal line test, the inverse will be a function (because it will satisfy
the vertical line test).

One to one function:

If the graph satisfies both the vertical and horizontal line test it is called a one-to-one function;
where every element in the range corresponds to exactly one element in the domain

Restriction of the Domain:

In some cases, by restricting the domain of the graph, we can force the inverse to be a function.

Example 2:

Consider and graph = −3

a.) Graph the inverse.

b.) What restrictions can we apply to the original graph that makes the inverse a function?
To find the inverse analytically:

1. Interchange all with

2. Solve for

3. =

4. Domain/Range of becomes Range/Domain of


Determine the inverse of the following:

a.) = 3 +2

b.) = √ +3−2

c.) =

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