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Material Balance

Production of 650 Tons/day (27083 kg/hr) of Soda ash

Material balance around Lime Kiln (Calcium Oxide)

80% conversion

C+O2 CO2

90% conversion
Excess air is not used

Calcium carbonate = 30851.4125 kg/hr
Carbon = 2212.5 kg/hr
Oxygen = 5500 kg/hr
Nitrogen =20687.5 kg/hr

Total input =59251.4125 kg/hr

Out puts:
Carbon di oxide = 18552.9472 kg/hr
Calcium oxide = 13595.4328 kg/hr
Nitrogen gas = 20687.5 kg/hr
Carbon (unreacted) = 945.25 kg/hr
Calcium carbonate (unreacted) =5470.282 kg/hr

Total output =59251.412 kg/hr

Material balance around Slaker

CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2

200% Excess water used

Calcium oxide = 16509.4328 kg/hr
Water = 10613.2068 kg/hr

= 27122.6396 kg/hr
Total input

Out puts:
Calcium hydroxide = 21816.0362 kg/hr
Water = 5306.6034 kg/hr

= 27122.6396 kg/hr
Total out put

Material balance around ammonia absorber

Assuming 99% absorption of input ammonia

Sodium chloride = 45990.5625
Water = 136693.1508
Ammonia = 18376.95 kg/hr
Inerts = 18345.59 kg/hr

Total input = 219406.25 kg/hr

Sodium chloride = 45990.5625 kg/hr
Water = 117429.7832 kg/hr

Inerts = 18345.59 kg/hr

Ammonia(with inerts) = 183.7695 kg/hr
Ammonium hydroxide = 37456.548 kg/hr

Total output = 219406.22 kg/hr

Material balance around Carbonating Tower

NaCl + NH4OH +CO2 NH4Cl + NaHCO3

Conversion 75% Inputs:

Sodium chloride = 45990.5628 kg/hr Carbon di oxide =
34591.1896 kg/hr
Ammonium hydroxide = 37456.548 kg/h
Water = 117429.7832 kg/hr

Total input = 235468.0836 kg/hr

Ammonium chloride = 31544.8091 kg/hr
Sodium bi carbonate = 49528.3019 kg/hr
Sodium chloride (unreacted) = 11497.6397 kg/hr
Ammonia hydroxide (unreacted) = 16819.754 kg/hr
Carbon di oxide (unreacted) = 8647.7974 kg/hr
Water = 117429.7832 kg/hr
Total output = 235468.0853 kg/hr

Material balance around Ammonia distiller

2NH4Cl + Ca (OH)2 2NH3 + CaCl2 + 2H2O


Calcium hydroxide = 21816.0362 kg/hr
Ammonium chloride = 31544.8091 kg/hr
Ammonia hydroxide = 16819.754 kg/hr
Water = 122736.3866 kg/hr
Sodium chloride (unreacted) = 11497.6397 kg/hr
= 204414.6251
Total input
Ammonia = 18193.179 kg/hr
Calcium chloride = 32724.0543 kg/hr
Water = 141999.7521
Sodium chloride (unreacted) = 11497.6397 kg/hr

= 204414.6251
Total output kg/hr

Material balance around calciner (steel Cylinder)

2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O

Complete decomposition

Sodium bi carbonate = 49528.3019 kg/hr

Sodium carbonate = 31250 kg/hr
Carbon di oxide = 12971.6972 kg/hr
Water = 5306.6034 kg/hr

Total output = 49528.3019 kg/hr

Energy balance

The datum temperature for calculation is taken as 30 °C. (303K)

Energy balance around the Lime kiln (Calcium Oxide)

CaCO3 CaO+CO2 ∆H25= 43.4 Kcal/mole

C+O2 CO2 ∆H25= -96.4 Kcal/mole

Temperature of reaction is 11000 C Inputs:
Temperature of input reactants = 300 C
Therefore heat of reactants =0

Heat of reaction at 11000C(∆H1100) = -3.8*1009 calories

Out put temperature of products = T Kelvin

Heat output = (mcp∆t)Cao + (mcp∆t)Co2 + (mcp∆t)C(unreated)+(mcp∆t)CaCO3(unreacted)+


= (4798.5T – 1.347*1011/T2 + 15.58*1006)(T-303)

From heat balance

3.8*1009 = (4798.5T – 1.347*1011/T2 + 15.58*1006)(T-303)

T= 520 K
Or T= 2470 C

Energy balance around Slaker (Equipment Used to

Convert Calcium Oxide)

CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2 ∆H25= -15.6 Kcal/mole

Reaction temperature = 1000C

Temperature of input water stream = 300C
Temperature of input calcium oxide stream = 2470C
Heat input by reactants = 0.775*1009 calories Heat

of reaction (∆H100) = -4.824*1009 calories

Out puts:
Temperature of output stream = T Kelvin

Heat output = (mcp∆t)Ca(OH)2+ (mcp∆t)H2O

= (10.698*1006 + 3862.02T – 0.1054T2)(T-303)

From heat balance

4.824*1006 = (10.698*1006 + 3862.02T – 0.1054T2)(T-303)
T= 720 K
Or T=4470 C

Energy balance around ammonia absorption tower

Temperature of input brine = 300C
Temperature of input gases = 600C

Heat input = (mcp∆t)gases

= (1666.9*7440*30)
= 0.372*1009 outputs:
Temperature of output liquid stream = 400C
Temperature of output gas stream = 300C

heat output = (mcp∆t)NaCl+(mcp∆t)NH3+(mcp∆t)H2O

= (786.16*12200+1070.18*8671.9+6523.87*18026)(40-30)
= 1.363*1009 calories
From heat balance
0.372*1009 = 1.363*1009 + heat removed
Heat removed = 0.99*1009 calories
Water required for cooling the tower = 0.99*1009/(1000*(45-30))

= 66000 kg/hr

Energy balance around carbonating tower

NaCl + NH4OH +CO2 NH4Cl + NaHCO3
Reaction temperature = 600C
Temperature of reactants = 300C
Heat input =0
Heat of reaction (∆H60) = -5.8229*109 calorie

Heat output = 25.29*106

From heat balance

5.8229*109 =- 25.29*106 + heat removed
Heat removed = 5.848*109

Cooling water required = 5.848*109/(1000*(45-25))

= 292400 kg/hr

Heat balance around ammonia distiller

2NH4Cl + Ca (OH)2 2NH3 + CaCl2 + 2H2O
Reaction temperature = 750C Inputs:
Heat input =(mcp∆t)Ca(OH)2 + (mcp∆t)H2O +(mcp∆t)NH4Cl+(mcp∆t)Nacl(unreacted)+
= 0.5411*1009 calories

Heat of reaction (∆H75)= 4.506*1009 calories

Temperature of output stream = 600C

Heat output = (mcp∆t)NH3 + (mcp∆t)H2O +(mcp∆t)CaCl2+(mcp∆t)Nacl(unreacted)

= 0.2824*1009+1.78*1010+0.1608*1009 +2.413*1006

= 1.824*1010
From heat balance
0.5411*1009- 4.506*1009 + 2.25*1009 = 1.824*1010 + heat removed

Heat removed = 0.2951*1009 calories

Heat balance around calciner

2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
Reaction temperature =200oC Inputs:
Reactant temperature=300C
Heat input=0
Heat of reaction = 2.02*1010 calories Outputs:
Output stream temperature= 1800C

Heat output=(mcp∆t)Na2CO3 + (mcp∆t)H2O +(mcp∆t)CO2

= 294.811*28900*150+294.812*8311.8*150+294.8113*10610.4*150
= 2.114*1009 calories
From heat balance
-2.02*1010 + heat supplied = 2.114*1009 heat

supplied = 2.23*1010 calories

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