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Danna C.

Barredo B4E – ZGE 4301

Multiple Choice Questions

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Weather It is a set of physical conditions such as temperature,
precipitation, humidity, wind, speed, cloud cover, and other
factors in a given area for short periods of time.

Actual Question
Q: It is a set of physical conditions such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind,
speed, cloud cover, and other factors in a given area for short periods of time.

Possible Choices
A. None of the B. Climate C. Weather D. Biodiversity

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Climate An area’s general pattern of atmospheric conditions over
periods ranging from 30 to thousands of years.

Actual Question
Q: An area’s general pattern of atmospheric conditions over periods ranging from 30 to
thousands of years.

Possible Choices
A. None of the B. Biodiversity C. Climate D. Weather

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Methane (CH4). One of the gases that absorb and release heat, which
warms the atmosphere, influencing the earth’s average
temperatures and its climates.

Actual Question
Q: One of the gases that absorb and release heat, which warms the atmosphere,
influencing the earth’s average temperatures and its climates.
Possible Choices
A. All of the choices B. Methane C. Phosphorus(V) D. Propene

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Tropical deserts Deserts that are hot and dry most of the year, with few plants.

Q: Deserts that are hot and dry most of the year, with few plants.

Possible Choices
A. None of the B. Tropical C. Temperate D. Cold deserts
choices deserts deserts

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Temperate deserts Deserts that have high daytime temperatures in
summer and low in winter.

Actual Question
Q: Deserts that have high daytime temperatures in summer and low in winter.

Possible Choices
A. Temperate deserts B. None of the C. Tropical deserts D. Cold
choices deserts

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Mountains These are places where dramatic changes in altitude, slope,
climate, soil, and vegetation take place over a very short

Actual Question
Q: These are places where dramatic changes in altitude, slope, climate, soil, and
vegetation take place over a very short distance.

Possible Choices
A. All of the choices B. Oceans C. Mountains D. Sea
Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
1.2 billion About 1.2 billion people (18% of the world’s population) live in
mountain ranges or their foothills

Actual Question
Q: About ____ billion people (18% of the world’s population) live in mountain ranges or
their foothills.

Possible Choices
A. 4 billion B. 18 billion C. 59 billion D. 1.2 billion

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
Pacific Ocean The largest ocean, which contains more than half of the earth’s
water and covers one-third of the earth’s surface.

Actual Question
Q: The largest ocean, which contains more than half of the earth’s water and covers
one-third of the earth’s surface.

Possible Choices
A. Pacific Ocean B. Atlantic Ocean C. Arctic Ocean D. Indian Ocean

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
All of the choices: These are the aquatic life zones characterized by different
The source zone, environmental conditions
The transition zone,
The floodplain zone

Actual Question
Q: These are the aquatic life zones characterized by different environmental conditions

Possible Choices
A. All of the choices B. The source zone C. The transition D. The
zone floodplain zone

Item Definition/Discussion/Remarks
237 Dams and canals fragment about 40% of the world’s 237 large
Actual Question
Q: Dams and canals fragment about 40% of the world’s ___ large rivers

Possible Choices
A. 372 B. 327 C. 273 D. 237

True or False

Question: The earth has many different climates.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Climate helps to determine where organisms can live.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Humans have disturbed most of the earth’s land.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Human activities are disrupting and degrading marine ecosystems.

Answer: TRUE

Question: Freshwater inland wetlands are vital sponges.

Answer: TRUE

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