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Level 1: Preconventional Morality

Stage 1: I cut classes when I was in elementary school because I do not feel attending
classes at that time. My mother lectured me by her own ways.

Stage 2: My mother has throw words she actually did not meant, but I take It as an
insult. That is why I took an action by studying well.

Level 2: Conventional Morality

Stage 3: one time my teacher has praised me for being a reliable student. A moral issue
that I’ve encounter was when my fellow classmates, who were at the same time my
competitors need some help from me. Because I was glad to receive praise, it has
helped me to help them even if they are my opponent in the said competition.

Stage 4: school policy, students are told not to cheat during exam, I have to do it so that
I can still graduate and avoid getting kicked out from school that may leave a bad
records on conduct.

Level 3: post conventional morality

Stage 5 & 6: a famous individual like Vice Ganda has fought for Vhong Navaroo when
the latter was wrongfully abducted which has affected greatly on the psychological
aspect of the person. It was the time when Navarro does not have enough money to
pay for his lawyer, while the opponent is rich to have a lawyer. The victim has almost
lost the fight because there was not enough evidence, but because the opponent has
records of drug and was recorded in CCTV, the victim took the justice.

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