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WorkOrderNo:26378938劇.25thMarch2020 MeetingPurpose:EndofF脆hQuarter
ProjectName:IOC」Ba「oda-ResidentialAMC Date十を8-06場ま0雑
PrqiectManager:AshokKh‖ari Location:IOCしBaroda

Prepa「edby:AnuragKuma「 MOMName:APCMOM-Q5

Distri bution :
Name/Company/Role N a me/Co m pa nyIRoIe

Ashok請う葛ariIHAIL/PrQject Manage「 Mr. Diraviyam D IIOCL/DGM

Atten ee§:

Name/HoneγWelI Name/iOCしGujaratRe備nery

Mr・AnumagKumarS沼 Mr,DirawiyamD



Agenda toptos: APC MOM- Q5


DOC NO: IOCL Baroda APC LCM」020-2022_W.O. 26378938二MOM- Q55

MOM. Qら(25th March 2021-25th June 2021)

Descri ption

重め批)W肋g “請鵬S o舵CO叩ね柁d du高書g納e相的qu〇億〇r

札FPUI Fumace Section PASS BaIancing

FPUI pass balancing APC controller was modifled and a new cont「oIIer was c「eated. Following are the detaiIs:

O FPUI Pass balancing APC contro=er (FPUl_PASS) performs pass balancing in FPUl fumace
O The existing APC controIler’s strategy was to manipuIate individuaI pass ,SP to achieve the cont「ol and optimization

O Since fumace pass cont「oI valve showed sticky behavior as we= as improper response, it was practic訓y impossible

for operations to operate the pas§ flows in AUTO mode, SO they had to ope融e訓the p∂SSeS in MAN mode
O Due to change in operating phiIosophy, FPUI PASS contro=er was unabIe to run and was mostiy kept switched OFF
O A new pass baIancing APC contro=er was deveioped bytaking pass flow openings as MVs. Step test and history data
WaS uSed to deve10P mOdeIs for APC controIler
O FPULPASS MAN APC cont「OIie「 WaS impIemented which is maintaining furnace pass balancing by manipulating pass

COntrOI vaIve openings

Below screenshots depict imp「ovement in FPUl feed flow ∂nd pass outIet temp. deviations. Reduction in standa「d deviation

and sh櫛ng of pass temp. deviation mean vaIue towa「ds O can be seen:

喜OC重J螺APC Prqjec章
Baroda APC LCM_2020-2022_W.0. 263 78938二MOM- Q

札Au5 Furnace Section PASS BaIancing

AU与PaSS balancing APC cont「oIier was created. Foilowing are the detaiis:

O AU5 furnace section pas§ balancing w紺be achieved by AU5 PASS APC controIler

O Steptest was performed in pass 2 and 3 in AUTO mode and pass l and 4OP data Was c胡ected f「om history
O Modei wasgenerated usingstep test and historγ data

O AU5 PASS controIIer w間manipulate pass 2 and 3 in AUTO (.SP) and pass l and 4 in MAN (.OP). This strategy is
adopted because pass l and 4 a「e sticky and inoperabIe in AUTO mode
O DCS side activities are completed. FoIIowing are the detaiIs:
Interface point creation
Graphics creation
Watchdog logic creation
O APCwiii be commissioned by lStweek of」uIy 2021

重OCL JR APC Prqiect

O: IOCL Baroda APC LCM 2020-2022 W.O. 26378938 MOM- Q35多も 3

Descript ion

斗Au5 APC Modification in GO RID MVs

AU5 GO RID MVs we「e added and remodeIed based on requirement. Fo=owing are the details:

O A new GO R/D to DHDT2 MV (999FC21O5.SP) was added, aS neW lineto DHDT 2 was commissioned. Step test and
model bu=ding activities we「e performed fo「 the same

O An existing MV GO R/D (5FC5009) was remodeled and controI changed from.SP to.OP. Since, this vaive is sticky and
flow indication becomes unreliabIe in low OP condition§. Step test and model bu脚ng activities were performed

O Both new MVswere added totheAU5APC controllerand impIemented
O These modifications heIped in imp「OVing APC MVs uptime and better GO recovery controI

葦 FCCu APC Modification

FCCU APC controller was modified and recγCle sIurry MV controI phiIo§OPhy was changed. Fo=owing are the details:

O RecγCle slu「ry MVwas p「evIously cont「olled in AUTO (.SP) in APC as peror圃naI APC design
O Current operating const由int and un「eliable flow indicatjons of slur「y flow forces operations to operate it in MAN

O Operations requi「ement was to change siurry MV controI philosophγ from AUTO to MAN
O ‘ModeI modification was done and APC cont「o=e「 was impIemented with modified controI ph=osophy for slur「y

「ecycIe MV
O This heIped in achieving lOO% uptime for slur「y recycIe MVwhich was p「eviously kept out ofAPC

甘VDU APC Modification

VDU APC controIler was modified and few MVs controI philosophy was changed. Fo=owing are the detalIs:
。 Few MVs in VDU APC were controIier in MAN, OPe記tions 「equirement wasto controI these MVs in AUTO asthe flow
indications are now healthy and reIiable in Iow opening condjtions as we=
O Step test and modeI identification was perfo「med in these MVs and model was implemented

o MVs which we「e changed from MAN to AUTO controI are: LVGO R/D, LVGO IR,しVGO CR and DsI CR
O Mode=mplementation and controller depIoyment was completed
O DCS side activities we「e also perfo「med in MasterAM point and APCgraphics

皐VDu PIDTuning
o PID tuning activlty was perfo「med in VDU unit during controI strategy modification. Foilowing are the detaIIs:
"  21TC127- COT

TuningPar Befo「eTuning AfterTuning

K 4 3

丁宣 4 10

丁2 l 0.宣

" 21戸C604-しVGOIR
TuniれgPar 瞭同「e丁uning AfterTuning

K 0.5 0.2

丁l 3 4

丁2 0 0

"  321戸C与30一」VGO CR
丁u∩ingpa「 BeforeTunin8 AfterTuning

K 0.2与 0.宣

丁l 4 0.4

丁之 0 0


DOC NO: IO Baroda APC LCM二2020-2022_W.O. 2637893 8二MOM- Q55

重OCL JR APC Project

DOC NO: IOCL B種roda APC LCML2020“2022_W.O. 26378938-MOM- Q55

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