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A patient with type 2

diabetes is helped by
Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 diabetes occurs when

the body doesn’t produce
enough insulin to function
properly or the body’s cells
don’t react to insulin. This is
known as insulin resistance.
It is associated with obesity,
lack of exercise and calorie
A rigorous analysis of medical literature shows that
there are numerous aspects in which stress is linked to
Type 2 diabetes implies that the abnormalities in
glucose levels as a result of stress are associated on one
side, with hormones that are involved in the metabolism
of glucose, and on the other side, with stress-induced
changes in eating habits.
The psychosomatic perspective on diabetes
creates a new approach to the needs and
burdens of a diabetic patient, and offers the
chance to find the most efficient treatment. It
improves the doctor-patient relationship based
exactly on the understanding of the complex
implications of this disease.
Case Analysis:
On Nov 20, 2012, a man aged 66, was seen because of diabetes type 2,
which he’d had for 25 years. He had experienced a stressful life.
His brother had passed away and he had to help his family out of their
disastrous situation. HE was never able to do a regular job as he always
wanted to be a boss. His wife said he never listen to anyone neither her
father nor her view.
His only son suffered from cerebral palsy.
And he was dealing with economic problems as he kept on chaning
his business. His wife said he always point nort if I’m in south.
His last FBS was 145 mg/dl, HgbA1c of about 8.3, GTT of 300. He
took 10 tablets; 2 Metformin tds and 2 Glibenclamide.

After taking his case and repertorizing the main rubrics on Nov.
20th 2012, a single dose of Lycopodium 30 CH was prescribed.

GENERALS – SIDE – right – then left side



GENERALS – MORNING – waking, on

VERTIGO – MORNING – waking, on



SLEEP – POSITION – back, on


BLADDER – URINATION – frequent – night




2ND VISIT-After 50 days he was visited again on Jan.1st
2013. His FBS had lowered to 115 and had even been 90
mg/dl. He felt much better mentally and his sexual
power had improved by 80-90%. He did not suffer
plantar numbness anymore, however, he was a little
The second dose of Lycopodium 30 CH was prescribed
He visited for the 3rd time on Feb.21st 2013. He
complained of retinal hemorrhage and numbness of his
feet. His FBS was 132, G2hrs pp 271 mg/dl . His blood
pressure was 120. I prescribed Phosphorus 6x for him.
4th - visit
He visited on April 22nd 2013 for the fourth
time. He had undergone laser therapy for retinopathy by
Opthalmologist and was pleased because of having
10/10 vision in his both eyes. His numbers had lowered to
75%.He had no problems with his feet. His HgbA1c
lowered to 7.7. His other blood tests were as follows;
Urea=44, Creat=1.3, Uric Acid=8.0, Chol=161, T.G.= 146,
AST=25, ALT=16, U/A=Normal .
He could go walking 30-60 minutes a day. He loved
keeping old objects. A single dose of Sulphur 200 was

His FBS has lowered to 90 mg/dl as if Aug. 30, 2013. He is

taking One tablet of Glibenclamide and one Metformin
tds. (i.e. meds decreased by 50%.)
Perfect Homeopathic Cure of a Patient with
March 12, 2013 by Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi

A married man, A.G., aged 46 was visited by
the author with chief complaint of moderate to severe
headache, on the 12th of September 2010. The problem
had started 20 months before, in March 2009, following
an emotional and psychological trauma which the
patient never dared to discuss.
Regarding the prevalence of cardiac disorder in his
family and experiencing chest pain, he was visited by a
cardiologist who found no organic cause and thus
psychological origin was diagnosed. Mr. A.G. was visited
by a psychiatrist, afterwards. Brain CT scanning was
reported normal
He began to experience the headache afterwards. The
pain was first felt in his occipital region and ameliorated
only by hitting the head by his fist and pulling his hair!
He also complained of severe revenge feelings against
his co-worker and fear of killing him. Traveling made him
feel better.
Course of Treatment: The patient’s rubrics were
repertorized by Radar. The main rubrics are as follows:


MIND – FEAR – happen, something will.

MIND – ANGER – easily

MIND – HATRED – revengeful; hatred and

MIND – FEAR – sleep – go to sleep; fear to

MIND – ANXIETY – future, about

MIND-PULLING-hair-desire to pull her own hair

MIND – ANXIETY – health; about – own health; her/his

MIND – STRIKING – himself – knocking his head against

wall and things

MIND – TRAVELLING – desire for

MIND – ANXIETY – health; about – relatives; of


HEAD – PAIN – Occiput – extending to -Vertex

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – cold drink, cold water

– desire

Phosphorus 30 c was ordered as his first prescription. A globule of the
remedy was put on his tongue. The patient said he felt better before
leaving the clinic.

He was visited after a month on Oct. 12, 2010. He said that he felt much
better but still suffered a less severe headache that made him knock
his head and pull his hair. Thus Belladonna 30 c in liquid was
prescribed to be taken every three days. He was visited for the 3rd time
on Nov. 14, 2010. His headache had subsided by about 50%. After three
months he had no headache and no sense of revenge and hatred.
After a year his case was followed and no symptoms bothered him. He
had re-started his normal life and referred his wife and daughter to be
treated as, well.


● MIND – JOY – headache – from joy

● HEAD – PAIN – anger; after
● HEAD – PAIN – suppressed anger, from
● HEAD – PAIN – excitement, after
● HEAD – PAIN – excitement, depressing or sad news after
● HEAD – PAIN- emotional; after
● HEAD – PAIN- grief; from
● HEAD – PAIN- hysterical headache
● HEAD – PAIN – joy, from excessive
● HEAD – PAIN – mental exertion, after
● HEAD – PAIN – relaxing from mental exertion; on
Secondary Infertility in a Man of 35

Infertility is defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy

after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
There are two kinds of infertility – primary and secondary. Primary
infertility is where the couple has never experienced a pregnancy,
whereas secondary infertility means that the couple has
experienced a pregnancy before and failed to conceive later.
Case details:

In this case of secondary infertility the patient walked into clinic with

her reports done. She had a fibroid in her uterus which was

removed. Her menses were regular and the couple had been

planning for a second child for three years. Lab work on her

husband found oligospermia

ame: Mr. XYZ

Age: 35yrs

Sex: male

Religion: Hindu

Educational level: BA

Occupation : clerk

Marital status: married (since 6yrs)

DOC: 2/09/2016
her husband presented with the complaint of eructation,
bloating of abdomen, aggravation with empty stomach in the

Aggravation by: fried foods

oligospermia ( as per reports )

Premature ejaculation (as reported by his wife )

Past history –

MEDICAL HISTORY: nothing significant

SURGICAL HISTORY: He had undergone tonsillectomy at the age of

8 years.

Diet: vegetarian

Appetite and hunger: good

Thirst: thirsty

Aversion: Fruits

Thermals: chilly

Sleep: Good

● He always wanted to leave studies and help his mother in

running the family, but his mother forced him to complete a
degree and start working.
● Milestones: delayed walking, delayed speech. He did not speak till
4 age four. Now he chants all mantras so easily. (as stated by his
● He always wanted his mother to accompany him while going to
school (till 7th standard), and wanted her to come with him to
drop off him to school. He had been very shy child. He never
participated in extra cultural activities or sports. He never even
played with kids near home as they were bullying him.
● As a child he was introverted. Never used to mingled
and his friends made make fun of him.
● His mother said he has respect for elders and never
makes any sudden decisions. He can’t make simple
decisions without asking for help. Now most of the
household decisions are made by his wife. (ie. indecisive
● His wife proposed to him twice and he said “Go and talk
to my mother.”
● While taking the case he was silent; all the information
was given either by his wife or mother.
His academic scores:

● He failed twice in 3rd Standard

● 10th standard(SSLC)– 49 %
● PUC (pre university course ) – 50 %
● BA (Bachelor of Arts) – it’s a 2 year course. He
completed it in 5 yeaRS
Blood Pressure– Lying Position-120/80 mm of hg

Pulse Rate – 78bpm/ min

Weight – 88 KGS

Final diagnosis:

● Oligospermia

● Indecisive, irresolute
● cowardice
● introverted
● Shy bashful
● Delusion: imagines he is laughed at
● Mind, talk, slow learni

Thermally – chilly

Aversion – fruits since childhood


Stomach eructation morning


1. Baryta carbonica 200 2doses

2. Placebo 200 TID/15 days


24/9/16- irritation in the eyes, feels cold easily, bloating has increased

Baryta carbonica 200 1 dose

9/10/16- I explained to the couple about ovulation and the best times

for conception.

Placebo 200

27/11/16- placebo was given

At the end of 3 months of constitutional treatment, the husband was

sent for retesting. The report was normal as shown above (that is from

oligospermia to normospermia). At about the same time, the couple

conceived and it was a high risk pregnancy due to the wife’s age of 37.

She was referred to a nearby obstetrician for further follow ups. She

eventually delivered a healthy female baby by caesarian section.

Psychosomatic disorder is an illness that connects the mind and
body. This occurs in such a way that the physiological functioning
of the body is affected by the psychological tensions that either
causes disease or worsen the pre-existing disease in a person.

It is also known as Psycho-physiologic disorder. An improper

stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the
functions of the internal organs, is responsible for the evolution
of this disorder and leads to impairment of the functional organs.

This doctrine, which has been extensively developed in America in the past

few years, is not a new discovery, for ever since the time of Hippocrates and

Galen the influence of the psychic over the physical has been admitted. But this has
come about as a consequence of certain physiological discoveries such as those of
Pavlov at the beginning of the twentieth century on conditional reflexes and of the
American, Cannon, on the role of the emotions and their repercussions on salivary
secretions, the endocrine glands and on the metabolism
It owes much also to the development of deep and extensive psychological studies to
which so many psychiatrists and psycho-analysts have devoted themselves.

In fact the physicians of the orthodox school are only now discovering the

psychosomatic. After cutting a man in two and having isolated his psyche and mind from
his soma, they have stuck the two pieces together again to consider him at last as a
biological whole.

This biological whole has already been evoked by Hahnemann in 1813, in his famous essay
entitled: “Spirit of the Homoeopathic Doctrine’ of Medicine” where he speaks of the living
individual unity of the organism. Similarly, in his sixth edition of the Organon, he repeats in
more than five paragraphs that there exists a biological whole in our organisms.
KENT -In a phrase of Kent, the philosopher, cited by Hufeland, we read: “We do not
for a moment deny the influence of the physical on the spiritual, but the
psychological power of the spirit on the body is just as astonishing and even
greater. It can give birth to ailments, it can kill and it can revive.”
In his “Aphorisms of Hippocrates” Boenninghausen asks what the supposed
relationship can be between the brain and haemorrhoids or varicose veins. Here we meet another
proof of the truth that the body and the spirit-whether in a state of disease or a state of health-are
closely linked together and that the sufferings of the one can calm those of the other.
Boenninghausen remarked, with regard to one of the “Aphorisms of Hippo-
crates” that there are numerous cases of icterus which manifest themselves on the day following an
emotional upset and are cured equally quickly by the
remedy corresponding to the symptoms, such as Aconite, Chamomilla, Nux
vomica, etc.
Hahnemann is thus the true creator of psychosomatic medicine. Although he

may not be the first to speak of the relationship between the spirit and the body -for
Hippocrates and Galen did so before him-he is nevertheless the first to have outlined the
practical rudiments of possible therapeutic measures to be taken in the ailments which

In his Sixth Edition of the Organon, Hahnemann shows us the influence andthe
repercussions of the psychic on the physical in his note to paragraph 17 where he

“Merely by the use of imagination, it is possible to produce a derangement of

the vital principle which, if it is sufficiently marked, can give rise to the severest illness;
nevertheless, this also can be cured by a similar contra-suggestion.
Farokh J Master
When psychological blockages occur, for whatever reasons,
emotional energy is not only repressed and pushed under,
but it also attacks itself to certain key organs, for example
colon, heart, and these are used as new pathways for the
expression of feelings. When under emotional pressure,
certain patients react with an attack of asthma, colitis,
angina, depending upon which particular organ is sensitized
and used as an outlet.
Homoeopathy aims at a reintegration of the total self, with a
reduction of unhealthy psychological regression, blockages
and isolation. The homoeopathic prescription and general
approach towards the person helps to lessen the denial of
painful hurts and memories, which can then be easily
brought to the surface, recalled, understood and discussed.
This quite naturally leads to a strong personality, confidence
and to greater insights. In the correct remedy there is a slow
emergence of the bruised aspect of the personality into the light of more adult maturity and understanding so that a
softening of earlier resentments and scar can occur
To some extent, most diseases are indeed
psychosomatic; they involve a person's body and
mind. There is a mental aspect to every physical
disease. The way a person reacts to and copes with
disease varies widely from person to person. A rash of
psoriasis; for example, might not bother some people
too much. Yet the rash covering the same portions of
the body in another person may make them feel
depressed and more sick.
MENTAL HEALTH(WHO)- it is a state of well being in which
every individual realizes his or her own potential , can cope
with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to her or his
MENTAL ILLNESS(WHO) – mental disorders comprise a
broad range of problems, with different symptoms. however,
they are generally characterized by some combination of
abnormal thoughts, emotions, behaviour and relationship
with others.

APHORISM 210– Of psoric origin are almost all those diseases that I have
above termed one-sided, which appear to be more difficult to cure in
consequence of this one-sidedness, all their other morbid symptoms
disappearing, as it were, before the single, great, prominent symptom. Of this
character are what are termed mental diseases. They do not, however,
constitute a class of disease sharply separated from all others, since in all
other so called corporeal diseases the condition of the disposition and mind is
always altered;1 and in all cases of disease we are called on to cure the state of
the patient’s disposition is to be particularly noted, along with the totality of the
symptoms, if we would trace an accurate picture of the disease, in order to be
able there from to treat it homoeopathically with success.
As explained in APHORISM 225:

There are, however, as has just been stated, certainly a few

emotional diseases which have not merely been developed into
that form out of corporeal diseases, but which, in an inverse
manner, the body being but slightly indisposed, originate and
are kept up by emotional causes, such as continued anxiety,
worry, vexation, wrongs and the frequent occurrence of great
fear and fright. This kind of emotional diseases in time destroys
the corporeal health, often to a great degree.



These were previously called psychosomatic disorders.

Classified as: .eating disorders, sleep disorders, sexual disorders

and postpartum psychiatric disorders,psychosomatic disorders.
Mental diseases of emotional origin (Aphorism 226-227)

Aph -226 When they are still recent and have not made great
inroads into corporeal state then can be treated by Psychical
remedy along with appropriate diet and regimen.

Aph -227 These are also psoric disease, so for there radical
cure anti-psoric treatment should be given for security.

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