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Links to Resources - Vaccine & Contemporary Eugenics Related FAQ-Memes

Links to Resources - Vaccine & Contemporary Eugenics

Related FAQ-Memes
Occupy Prohibition
Exercising the right to informed consent through protecting your child(ren) from
dangerous medical procedures does not make someone a bad parent or put others at

Vaccines are a racket - toxic concoctions composed of neurotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic,

endocrine disrupting substances including heavy metals, industrial chemicals, sterilizing
agents, biological waste, foreign proteins from many different species as well as aborted
fetuses, and infectious pathogens being passed off as prophylactic medicines.

Injecting those substances has a laundry list of horrific effects including lifelong debilitating
injuries, chronic conditions, & death.

Forcing vaccination violates informed consent & is a breach of human rights in violation of the
Nuremberg Codes.

The belief that injecting carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic, endocrine disrupting substances,
industrial chemicals, sterilizing agents, heavy metals, infectious pathogens, contaminated
foreign proteins from diseased animals, aborted babies, insects, & GMOs promotes and
maintains good health is utterly misguided.

#Vaxxed #HearThisWell
*5 Reasons to rethink Vaccination


 - History shows brazen conflicts of interests including revolving door employment between
corporations & governmental regulatory agencies, regulatory capture, questionable motives,
cronyism, corruption, corporate science, suppression of information regarding risks, steady
attempts to erode our rights to informed consent, oppressive/deceptive/divisive/dismissive fear
mongering tactics, disregard for the well-being of others, coupled with a general lack of ethics
among those who create, promote, & try to force vaccines, particularly on minorities &/or poor
people in violation of informed consent & the Nuremberg Codes. Vaccine manufacturers have
had NO accountability since 1986 & not only do they lobby the state to push increasingly
heavy-handed legislation to force their dangerous products on people in violation of informed
consent, they have the taxpayers subsidize their vaccines as well as cover the costs when
vaccines injure &/or kill people. 


 - The inserts will flat out tell you they have not been evaluated for carcinogenicity (cancer
causing potential), mutagenicity (potential to damage genes/DNA), impairment of fertility in
general (harms could do to ability to have kids), or for use in pregnant women (what harm
could cause pregnant women &/or their growing babies), yet they contain carcinogenic,
mutagenic, neurotoxic, endocrine disrupting substances, industrial chemicals, sterilizing
agents, heavy metals, infectious pathogens, foreign proteins from diseased animals, aborted
babies, insects, & GMOs.
 - Vaccines introduce the potential for lifelong debilitating &/or lethal vaccine injuries & they
supplant natural, lifelong immunity with what is at best limited, waning artificial immunity with
questionable efficacy at protecting against diseases that generally present as asymptomatic or
mild in the majority of people who get them.


- Our bodies were meant to be a closed system, with foreign substances & proteins being
processed through our digestive tract - not bypassing all of our natural defenses via injection.
You'd be hard pressed to find an ingredient in vaccines that isn't toxic or otherwise harmful
when injected & they can actually exponentially enhance each other's toxicity - yet no testing is
done prior to vaccination to protect those with allergies, kidney impairment, &/or mitochondrial
disorders which are known to predispose an individual to severe, even lethal reactions.


- Because you love your family & would never want to deliberately expose them to dangerous,
possibly lethal, controversial procedures involving toxic substances pushed by those with
conflicting interests, questionable integrity, & no accountability in the event of injury or death
*Why Do Parents Refuse to Vaccinate Their Children? Dr. Sam Eggertsen, MD 

*Dr. Boyd Haley, PhD Vs Dr. Paul Offit, MD

*Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective. Version 2.0.



*One Nurse's Story - I have seen the cover up

"The people who want to vaccinate are often very aggressive, and they don’t want you
to hear the other side. And that should make a light bulb in your head go off." ~Dr.
Suzanne Humphries 

Dr. Suzanne Humphries - Complete Vaccine Deception Video Collection + Q&A


*Vaccine Related Videos, Documentaries, & Audio Clips


I would suggest, that one of the single most important things anyone in our society can
do, is to start learning the history of the group of globalists known as the "Robber
Barons", more specifically the Rockefellers, and the impact they've had on the molding
of our present society, and their roles in:

*Our banking & the federal reserve

*Our Oil, Pharmaceutical, and Agricultural Industries, etc

*Monopolies within our industries

*Our Transportation

*Alcohol & Cannabis Prohibitions

*Our Educational Institutions 

*Our Medical Establishment 

*Our Scientific Communities

*Our Mainstream Media
*Our Regulatory Agencies 

*Our Military


*Eugenics Agendas

*The "League of Nations" & creation of the UN

*The "gifting" of Palestine as Israel in a decree presented to a Rothschild

*Etc, etc, etc

The next FAQ has a bit on them.

*Money Talks - Conflicting Interests Between Healthcare Establishment, Pharmaceutical

Corporations, & the Push to Vaccinate

*Expert Medical Advice & Quackery - Best Education Money Can Buy - Version

* ICD-9 & ICD-10 Code Look-ups 


*Vaccine Links - Silence, Censorship, & Maintaining Public Confidence in

*Vaccines - A Piece of the Puzzle

*SIDS, Idiopathic Afflictions, & Iatrogenic Infanticide 

*Nikie DesRoches' was told that her daughter's near death was a DTP reaction, BUT, had
she checked on her any later, her daughter "WOULD HAVE BEEN A SIDS BABY"...

The frequently cited 1% rate of serious reactions is based off of a passive reporting system
which admittedly only accounts for a tiny fraction of actual incidences, & is a GROSSLY
CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE which can be applied to EACH of around 70 vaccines currently
recommended. There are hundreds of vaccines currently in the development pipeline, &
vaccine mandates will remove people's right to decline them once they are approved &
"recommended" by regulatory agencies such as the FDA & the CDC which are irrevocably
conflicted & enmeshed with the very industries they are ostensibly protecting us from.
*Over the Cliff - Following the Herd & Herd Mentality 



*Informed Consent, The Right to Choose or REFUSE, & Silencing the debate 

*Toxins, Informed Consent, & Vaccines_Ragged Ann, Marcella, & Forced
Vaccines_Prefaced with Vaccine Injury & Collateral Damage

*Measles: History, Hype, &
Hysteria (
*CDC, Vaccine Injury, & Mitochondrial Disorders - Pay No Attention to the Men Behind
the Curtains

*Redefining Polio - Poisons, Pesticides, & Paralytic Polio

*Aluminum & Vaccines 


*Historical context behind Iatrogenically induced Allergies 


*Vaccines & Shedding 

*Sudden Revisions to Guidelines


*Study Both Sides

*Then They Ridicule You... 


*Sign of the TIMES - Grab Your Torch & Pitchforks 


*Going to kill us all - A Reminder of Media Hype & Notable Quotes on Vaccination 

*Dirty Trolls, Vaccines, & Wargames 


*For those who assert that vaccines are safe...    

*Hotheaded Headbangers - Some of my personal experiences with Vaccines 


*What is "Regulatory Capture" & Why Does it
Matter? (
*Circ vs Vax - There Are Parallels               


*Who Owns You - Vaccination, Circumcision, Cannabis, & the Rights to Choose or
*Hijacking Society: Modern Philanthropy, Old
Agendas (

*What Do Wild Horses Have to do with Genocide?


*Time to Break Out the Foil Hats -­How Far Would Our Ruling Class Go In Pursuit of
Their Agendas?
*Rights of Every Man


*Toxins, Informed Consent, & Vaccines_WHAT YOU'RE REALLY SAYING_Version 

*Toxins, Informed Consent, & Vaccines_RICO_Version


*Toxins, Informed Consent, & Vaccines_Cause for Concern_Version 

*Toxins, Vaccines, Informed Consent, & The Right to Choose or Refuse_Correlation

*Expert Medical Advice & Quackery - Have Icepick, will travel version


Tags listed here for editing purposes: (First do no harm, Informed Consent, Vaxxed,
HearThisWell, Nuremberg Codes,vaccine, vaccines, vaccination, carcinogenicity, oncogenic,
infectious, bovine fetal serum, prions, allergenic, allergic, allergy, allergies, pathogen, cancer,
Polio, SV40, Memory Hole, mutagenicity, genetic disorders, impairment of fertility, sterilization,
sterilizing agents, spontaneous abortions, miscarriage, stillbirths, congenital, clinical toxicology,
not evaluated for safety or efficacy in pregnant women, artificial immunity, maternal immunity,
natural immunity, shed, shedding, legal indemnity, no accountability, FDA, CDC, Nagalase,
GcMAF, regulatory capture, immunization, mandatory, draconian, fascist, herd, protect,
children, child, baby, babies, pharmaceutical, medical mafia, Robber Barons, Rockefeller, Oil,
Petrochemical, scandal, bought, fair use, educational, censorship, Kathleen Sebelius, greater
good, epidemic, revisionist, history, origins, racket, blackout, criminal, conflict of interests,
conspiracy, media, yellow journalism, fear mongering, hysterics, corruption, cronyism, coverup,
thimerosal, mercury, Polysorbate 80, MSG, adjuvant, aluminum, HearThisWell,
#CDCWhistleblower, Julie Gerberding, William Thompson, Poul Thorsen, Maurice Hilleman,
Frank DeStefano, Fraud, exposed, media blackout, fascism, measly, measles, autism, tics,
SIDS, SUDS, autoimmune, disorder, disabilities, death, eugenics, genocide, democide, liability,
accountability, MALPRACTICE, Battery, Medical Gaslighting, nutrition, health, botanical,
Gerson, therapy, Stephanie Seneff, Boyd Haley, Yehuda Shoenfeld, Tetyana Obukhanych,
Viera Scheibner, Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Kumiko
Koyama, Sherri Tenpenny, Mary Tocco, David Ayoub, Louise Habakus,Paul Thomas, Chris
Shaw, Russell Blaylock, Toni Bark, Leonard Horowitz, Guylaine Lanctot, Robert Mendelsohn,
Alan Cantwell, Kelly Brogan, Jack Wolfson, Joseph Mercola, Gary Null, Andrew Wakefield,
Occupy Prohibition)

Jordan NK
wait wait wait... you mean to tell me Eugenics is not dead?

Phillips E Davette
Wish I could share ..

Phillips E Davette
Oh I can ! :)

Jeanne Carrara Price

I will never vote for any doctor into a public office....because they are not helping we the people by their allegiance to
the FDA and W.H.O. and Vaccine departments that create disease for profit.

They do not care how much harm is brought to us only how much money and power they can appease.....Vaccine
adverse reactions are widely under-reported

in fact in the US the National Vaccine Information Center estimates that perhaps 10% (and maybe even only 1%) of
cases are reported. If you visit the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) website and look at the data
for 2011, you will find that, as highlighted Craig Stellpflug in this Natural News article, there were 51 deaths that were
caused by the flu vaccines, along with 232 life threatening events, 116 permanent disabilities, 739 hospitalizations,
109 prolonged hospitalizations, 4,039 ER visits, and 6,221 “not serious” reports. Yes, all of these were reported as a
result of a vaccine injected or introduced into someone’s body.

Vaccine Adverse Reactions: The Real Truth

Jeanne Carrara Price

Ben Carson says No one has right to refuse mandatory vaccinations....and this is why he'd NEVER get my
vote....He's very ignorant of the dangers of vaccines which amazes me because he is a brain surgeon..vaccines
cause demyelination, which eats the myelin sheath, paving the way of neurological damage to occur and that causes
autism...but there are many other injuries up to and including death that happen each day in this country from

Forced vaccination is against the Nuremberg Code...and is settled law...see Jacobson VS Massachusetts which
went to the Supreme Court...Vaccines cannot be forced on anyone...Investigate before you Vaccinate!!!

Jeanne Carrara Price

You can copy and paste if you'd like.

Jeanne Carrara Price

Not hardly...

Tracy Vella
Beverly Burks Giterman
Absolutely have to share 💉👎🏽

Arona Marie

Louise de France
Ha ha great pun 😉 x

Di Di Schwartz
@[1153028716:2048:Alex Schwartz]

Di Di Schwartz

Basia Bithiah
Please read with an open mind.

Deanna Munson
look this over ,this is about vitamin c used to survive mandatory/forced vaccinations and their life destioying effects

Sherrie Wedge
He didn't say that he wanted to enforce mandatory vaccination. He was saying that if others want to enforce it then
there's nothing we can do about it. There may be laws against it now, but such things are changing very quickly. If
Obama, Clinton & the Democratic Party have their way... It's only a matter of time before that & many other things
are forced upon us!

Kristen Sutherlin
@[22400757:2048:Emmalee Ann]

Gabi Galadrael Constantinescu

Gabi Galadrael Constantinescu

Gabi Galadrael Constantinescu

Dr. Speaks Out: Babies Being Prepared for AI & Transhumanism Through Vaccines & Medicine >>

Gabi Galadrael Constantinescu

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